Pokemon League Champions.(Between Jon_14,Zorro330,Deluded Lullaby,Ducktard)

In the meantime Alex and the three Pokemon he had out were very busy stuffing their faces. He wasn't sure when the event would start but he found himself not caring as that meant more time for him to keep eating. There was calming music playing on the boat but was overshadowed by the noise of people talking and general merriment. So far he and his Pokemon finished a few plates and decided it might be a good idea to walk it off by exploring the ship
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"Oh, what kind of business?" Suzie asked, as someone entered with a wounded pokemon. She watched as it was helped by nurse Joy, and listened to the conversation that transpired in front of her. She didn't say much, but as soon as Pokemon were released, Shawn jumped down from her lap and eeyed them suspiciously. Especially when Vick's pokemon was returned, and his Pikachu ran over to her, right next to Suzie and Shawn. He climbed back up on Suzie's lap, staring intently at it, as if trying to see on it's face if it was plotting evil against them.

"You're going to the S.S Anne too?" Suzie asked when she heard the name. "Oh I'm so sorry I'm such a ditz, my name is Suzie by the way. And this is Shawn, he's a little bit suspicious of strangers." Suzie laughed a bit as Shawn looked slightly embarrassed at this, sitting down and his look not half as intense as it had been beofore.
He blinked momentarily when the other asked him if he was the new Champion of the Unova region, nodding a bit. "Yes, I am. And you're the Champion of Kanto, right?" He asked, pausing when Kyo came up and asked how things were going and also when another voice that belonged to a girl named Suzie, asked if they were going to the S.S Anne as well. "I will be heading over to the S.S Anne, once I get my Pokemon back." He said, and upon saying this he watched a Chansey bring a cart over and stop a few feet away from him, bringing him over his Pokeballs. Upon receiving them he thanked the Chansey before watching her wheel away.

He put away four of his Pokeballs, while he pressed the button on the other two, releasing his Lucario and Umbreon again. "Oh, you're Champion of Hoenn, aren't you Suzie?" He asked as he looked towards her, before watching Umbreon hop onto his shoulder and nuzzled against him while Lucario stood beside him and watched the strangers quietly. "Hey, why don't we all walk to the S.S Anne together than?" He asked, grinning as he looked at the three before him.
Suzie nodded and smiled at the boy, standing up to take her own pokeballs when they were presented. She put them in her bag for now, she figured she would let them out on the boat. "That I am," She said, lifting Shawn up to her shoulders. He momentarily hugged her head, while looking at the other Pokemon. She knew he was probably trying to figure out how strong they were by looking at them.

"Yeah, let's tag along together!" She said happily, getting ready to go.
Kyo walked with them down the rode as the headed for the port. His liepard walked by his side. "So i hear this meetings on a cruise ship. How awesome is that" kyo said happily as they walked along
As Vick walks with them she asked,"So I guess I'm the only one who's been on the S.S. Anne before?" Vick has a nice flashback when she was still considered a rookie trainer and trained hard on the S.S. Anne. "Now in full circle I'm back here as a Champion and with fellow champs as well," She thought.
"I dont know but ive never been on it before" kyo said laughing "i heard its a pretty fancy ship tho" kyo said as he dreamed about how it would look like
"I've never seen it before either, I've never been on a big boat," Suzie said. "I can't wait to try it though." She tried to imagine what it was like. Shawn seemed to finaly be settling down, and she was sure he would feel better when the others were let out as well. Especially Gina, her Vaporeon. Sometimes it seemed to Suzie that whenever any of her strongest pokemon were with her, Shawn would always appoint them in charge of Suzie's safety. It was as if he was a tiny little general.
Carter nodded, turning around and heading towards the entrance of the Pokemon center with his Lucario by his side. Once they'd gotten out of the Pokemon Center his Umbreon hopped off his shoulder and walked ahead of them,glancing over his shoulder every so often to make sure Carter and Lucario were still close behind.

"No,I haven't been there before." He said,looking around as they continued to walk along. "What is it like?" He asked,looking at Vick curiously.
"The ship is grand,your average luxury crusie ship but with trainers who are pretty tough to beat," She replied,"Being filled with trainers its a nice place to train it sure helped me out." "Pika," Vick's Pikachu says in unison. "Its that ship," She points to it as they near the docks.

Kyo whistled "Whoa thats one fancy ship" he said as he looked at it. Kyo's liepard purred in reply. "This ship must have everything"
"Oh, so it's a good spot for trainers to come and improve their skills? I wonder if I'll have time to train while here." He said the last part thoughtfully, looking towards Lucario and Umbreon as he spoke, who nodded at his words in agreement as they approached the docks. He looked around curiously, smiling as he did so as they got closer and closer to the ship.
"Wow that looks amazing," Suzie said, gazing admiringly at the ship as they got closer to it. "Tyyy..." Shawn breathed when he saw it. Suzie lifted him down and held him in her arms in front of her. Shawn didn't like large objects like this, most likely because he was so small himself. "I can't wait," Suzie said. "It's gonna be great fun, don't you think Shawn?" She looked down at Shawn and smiled. He returned her smile, calmed by her not being frightened.
Vicky noticed that at the boarding area she saw that some Pokemon gym leaders was also there too. "Looks like the gym leaders were invited as well to this celebration." She said to everyone. "I recognize some but some I've never seen," She stated,"They must be from other regions."

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