Pokemon League Champions.(Between Jon_14,Zorro330,Deluded Lullaby,Ducktard)

"Your Liepard attacked it without your permission? Do you think the Persian provoked your Liepard in any way?" Carter asked,looking around the Pokemon Center quietly as he studied the other trainers.
"possibly" kyo said as he took out his poke balls. "wanna meet some of my family" he looked at carter with a smile.
Carter felt the corners of his lips twitch upward into a smile as he nodded,pulling out his own Pokeballs. "Only if you're prepared to meet mine." He responded,waiting for the other to release his Pokemon before he did so too.
"alright" kyo said as he called out his team "come on out everybody." and out came kyo's liepard, mightyena, absol, luxray, zebstrika, and serperior.
Carter studied the Pokemon momentarily,before offering the other a soft smile. "Alright. Here is my team." He called out as he threw each individual Pokeball into the air,watching a red light come from the ball as the Pokemon were released. Ninetales,Samurott,Rosellia,and Raichu all came out calmly,looking around their new surroundings curiously,while Umbreon and Lucario looked at Carter confused,unsure why they were back out so soon.
"oh hes so cute" kyo said scooping up carters raichu. "u look just like the one i have back home" he said as he tickled the raichu playfully.
The Raichu squirmed in Kyo's arms as it attempted to avoid being further tickled,and Carter watched with a soft smile as Umbreon rejoined his spot on Carter's shoulder. Lucario,whom was standing beside Carter,attempted to step forward protectively,while Carter put up his hand at him. "Lucario,it's fine. Thank you for being concerned,though." Hearing this,Lucario stepped back,but he continued watching attentively.
the raichu jumped out of kyo's hands and returned to carter. "ah sorry about that" kyo laughed "he just looks so much like mine. sometimes i get carried away."
"It's fine." He replied as he kneeled down and allowed Raichu to hop onto his other shoulder,its tail swaying lazily as he nuzzled against Carter. "I do that sometimes when I see a Pokemon like the ones I have back home. How long have you had your Raichu?"
"well about 3 years i guess. i like him a lot but i must say he isnt my favorite. my favorite has to be my zorua" kyo said as he smiled "she usually goes everywhere with me but i had to leave her at home this time"
"I don't really have a favorite. I really enjoy all my Pokemon's company. Anyways,you said you were here for a meeting,what kind of meeting?" He asked,looking at the other as he reached up and pet Raichu and Umbreon.
"to some meeting with the champions or something." kyo said as he returned his pokemon. "what about u what u here for"
"Same." He replied,returning his Pokemon,pausing only at Raichu,whom hopped off his shoulder and ran around hin in an attempt to get out of going back into his Pokeball. Smiling softy,Carter kneeled down and pet Raichu as he spoke watching Raichu nuzzle his hand,"It's alright Raichu. You'll be back out soon." He said,before the Pokemon agreed to go inside his ball. "What region are you Champion of?" He asked,standing back up as he looked at the other.
"sinnoh" kyo said proudly. as he said this kyo's liepard came out of its pokeball. "ahh liepard" kyo said surprised
Carter looked at the Liepard,curious. "Does it do that often?" He asked,tilting his head slightly as he asked. "Sinnoh. Quite a nice place. Are you from there than?"
"So does she normally walk beside you than?" He asked,looking over the Pokemon quietly. "Oh. I see. Do you visit Kanto often than?" He asked as he looked around.
"yes i do and its a lovely place where my family lives and yes she is always walking beside me when we travel." kyo said as he laughed
After Vick told Suzie her name a Chansey with a tray of Pokeballs walks up to Vick and hold it towards Vick. Vick turned to the Chansey,"Are these my Pokemon," She asked and Chansey replied with a nod. "Thanks," Vicky takes her Pokeballs and puts all but one in her Pokeball holder. Chansey walked off as Vick released Pikachu from his Pokeball. Pkachu jumped on her lap and snuggled against her as Vick blushes a little embarrassed.
"I have a few Pokemon that prefer walking beside me as well." He replied, smiling as a Chansey came by and looked up at him expectantly. He held out his Pokeballs to the Pokemon while tilting his head, watching as Chansey took the Pokeballs and put them on it's cart before rolling away. "What city are you from in Kanto?" He asked, watching the Chansey walk away absently. "Oh, and where are they holding this meeting at again?"
"Im not really from a city in kanto. My parents prefered to live out in the woods away from everyone else" kyo said as he watched the chansey. "And i have no idea where they are holding this meeting"
"Oh I see." He replied to the other's words, looking around momentarily before spotting a girl with a Pikachu in her lap. "Hold on, I'll go ask her." He said as he turned and headed towards the girl, pausing a few feet from her. "Hey, sorry to bother, but have you heard about this meeting for the Champions of the regions? If so, do you know where they're holding the meeting?" He asked, figuring they'd allowed the public to know of the meeting. Deciding to try to make better conversation he added on,"Oh, by the way, the name is Carter."
"Well Carter," She said. "Its on the S.S. Anne which is at port right now." Vicky studied Carter a little more and her eyes brightened when's he realized who he was. "You're the new Unova champion aren't you?" Realizing she didn't say her name she then said,"Oh sorry,my names Vicky call me Vick though."

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