Pokemon League Champions.(Between Jon_14,Zorro330,Deluded Lullaby,Ducktard)


Degenerate Animal Crossing™ Cheater

Each of the new regional champions are all gathered together for a celebration for each of their accomplishment of becoming the new champion of each region on the St. Anne. But something else is brewing about the ship. Team Rocket,Aqua,Magma,Galactic,and Plasma are all planning something bigger than they all done before. Each of the champions will go on a quest to take down this plan but first they'll have to get along.

My Character

Name:Vicky "Vick" Burn


Origin City and Region: Cerulean City,Kanto

Pokemon you won with: Dragonite,Venusaur,Pikachu,Espeon,Wartortle

Pokemon you currently have with you: Pikachu,Wartortle,Espeon,Venasuar



Personality:She's level headed but push her in the right place and she'll lose her temper real fast. Cares deeply for each of her Pokemon and she'll care for a helpless Pokemon.

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Origin City and Region: Kanto

Pokemon you won with:

liepard, mightyena, absol, luxray, serperior, zebstrika

Pokemon you currently have with you:

liepard, mightyena, absol, luxray, serperior, zebstrika




kyo is the calm and collected type. he loves to battle pokemon trainers and can be very mean if u anger him


he has had his liepard and mightyena ever since he was a kid
Name: Alexander

Age: 20

Origin City and Region: Goldenrod, Johto. Champion of Johto

Pokemon you won with: Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Corsola, Tauros, Alakazam, Scizor.

Pokemon you currently have with you: Typhlosion (Wakkow), Tyranitar (Tyrant), Lapras (Ayo) Scizor( Sy, read: sigh) Alakazam (Dini)

Short Bio: Alex had always looked up to his brother, Hyde who was professional Pokemon trainer on a journey with a starter Pokemon he'd gotten from Professor Elm. Hyde had traveled all over the region and Alex envied such a free life. So, when his brother came home carrying a Pokemon egg Alex could barely contain his excitement. Alexander cared for the egg for several days and nights until on afternoon it hatched into a baby Cyndaquil. From then on the two were inseparable. Alex trained his Cyndaquil for a year before heading out to start his own journey when he was 11. He realized that he not only wanted to be like his brother but he wanted to beat him as well. With that in mind he took off traveling around Johto collecting badges to defeat the Elite Four and become champion. It took him 3 years to find his perfect party, a Tyranitar he'd found abandoned as a Pupitar, an Alakazam he'd gotten through a trade similar to the fashion in which he got his Scizor,a Tauros he'd gotten in the wild and a Corsola (he caught it to give it to his mother as a present once he'd defeated the Pokemon league) and lastly his partner Wakkow. It took him four tries to defeat the Champion and while he did eventually win he was dishearten by this fact. Currently he is trying his hardest to train his Pokemon to become the best and one day beat his brother.

Personality: Alex is a dedicated, straight forward, one tracked mind type of man. Once he sets himself from a goal rarely does he deviate from this path. That being said this doesn't make him an all work and no play kind of man. He enjoys slacking off whenever he can as long as he feels no one will be effected by his laziness. He is introverted to a fault, meaning he tends to keep to himself and in a desperate situation is more likely to examine it rather than act immediately causing him to either fall behind from his friends or get into trouble which could prove annoying for anyone he's with. His straightforward nature comes off as rude to most but he rarely means anything he says in a rude way, even still such a thing could alienate someone from him.

Other: He hates the set up of the Elite Four feeling that it's way to strict and formal, but understands it's his duty to be the responsible leader so never questions it aloud. His greatest pet peeve is when people mispronounce the nicknames of his Pokemon.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Okita.Souji.full.193709.jpg.c1bfcf30b331d648fe8d4decf0cd6073.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Okita.Souji.full.193709.jpg.c1bfcf30b331d648fe8d4decf0cd6073.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(for larger picture feel free to PM me as the full image is much too large)



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Name:Carter Patterson


Origin City and Region:Nimbas City, Unova. Champion of Unova.

Pokemon you won with: Vulpix, Eevee, Kirlia, Lucario, Floatzel, Houndoom.

Pokemon you currently have with you:Ninetales, Lucario, Umbreon, Raichu, Samurott, Rosellia.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.9bcf1985ed673168a4efdf9496aa9e6a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.9bcf1985ed673168a4efdf9496aa9e6a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Although Carter is described as a quiet individual, he has no problems talking with other people and making friends. Known to be mellow and calm, he still has childish tendencies. While he tries, he isn't very patient. He also trusts others too easily, and takes what they say to heart at times. He is normally a responsible person, taking care of his business without much difficult or reliance on another. Difficult to anger, he cares for and loves each of his Pokemon dearly.

Other:It isn't a rare occurance to see at least one of his Pokemon outside of their Pokeball, either walking beside him or resting on his shoulder.



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Ducktard said:
Name: Suzie Alber
Age: 16

Origin City and Region: Petalburg City, Hoenn

Pokemon you won with: Venosaur, Vaporeon, Darmanitan, Abomasnow, Pikachu, Unfezant

Pokemon you currently have with you: Tyrogue (Shawn), Charmeleon (Bobby), Fearow (Shuzu) and Vaporeon (Gina)

Appearance: View attachment 21770

Personality: Suzie is hard working, and very loyal to her pokemon. She is rather undiciplined in her training though, liking better to feed her pokemon and pamper them instead of training, making her pokemon's progress slow, but enjoyable for them at least. Suzie is a bit flaky, and will sometimes be in her own world, not really paying attention to her surroundings. She is also a little short tempered, and doesn't apprechiate people who are rude to her

Other: Her first pokemon was her Tyrogue, given to her by her brother, and she nicknamed it Shawn after their late father. Shawn is a very strong willed pokemon and doesn't want to evolve, so Suzie wasn't able to use him in her battle to become champion. She does however, take him everywhere as long as she is able to, and she prefers having him out of his ball, but whenever Shawn gets annoyed, he will hide in his pokeball
(Just to make sure no one forgot her bio we're good to go! Now who wants to start?)
(ill start!!!)

it was a warm sunny day and kyo was enjoying it by training his pokemon out near the woods. "go liepard!" he said happily. he was having quite the bit of fun. "alright now we only have about an hour till we have to go so lets make it count"
Suzie wiped sweat off her forehead after climbing a particularily steep hill and uttered a sigh. Shawn, her Tyrogue, ran past her and turned to look at her, seemingly wondering why she had stopped. He seemed to never get tired, of course he wasn't, his energy reserve seemed to be limitless at times. She smiled a little, shaking her head and continued walking. They were on their way to a meeting, she didn't yet know what it was about, but the message had said it was very important, and that the champions for every region would be there. She wondered what they were like, they were sure to be skilled trainers. She hoped it wasn't some kind of battle arrangement, she had already battled quite a few trainers on her way here, and not having her strongert team with her, she had struggled a bit with them. Gina, her Vaporeon, being the strongest she had was quite tired, and had to retire to her poke-ball. Most her pokemon enjoyed walking beside her when she travelled, but usually after a couple of battles they retired to their poke-balls. She looked up to see her Fearow soaring above her. Shuzu wasn't really that strong, but he was a very loyal pokemon.

She neared the place of their meeting, glad the journey was nearly over and looking forward to get her Pokemon attended to at the Pokemon center. The only one of the ones she had with her now who didn't need any attending to was Shawn, even though he had wanted to fight very badly, he bluntly wasn't strong enough to handle such high levelled oponents. Suzie was glad he had gotten over being angry over that now, in the beginning he would get quite insulted when she didn't use him in challenging battles.
kyo continued to have fun training with his pokemon "ok liepard, sand attack" kyo's liepard missed and accidentally his a girl near by. "ah im so sorry" kyo said as he ran over to the girl. "are u hurt?"
Alexander smiled brightly as he used his room key to open the door to the medium sized room he'd be crashing in for the duration of his time on the S.S Anne. He threw his small bag of belongings onto a chair next to a small table and stretched. Looking around he thought it might be a good time to let some of his Pokemon out for fresh air (well, as fresh as the air got on a cruise ship). Alex removed three Poke-balls from the clip along his hip and bought them out. In a red beam of light his Typhlosion, Scizor, and Alakazam all stood before him, stretching out their cramped limbs. He whispered to the remaining two Poke-balls containing his Tyranitar and Lapras, "I'm sorry, I don't think there's enough room, but once everything gets started I promise to bring you out."

The Johto Champion looked up to find the three companions had already made themselves at home in the medium sized room; Dini his Alakazam studied a small bookcase that rested against the wall, Sy his Scizor was sitting in the very chair Alex's belongs, not placed sloppily on the floor, used to be, and finally Wakkow his Typhlosion took residence on the bed, spread out and enjoying every moment of being out of confinement. With a sigh Alex took a spot on the floor of the room and playfully wondered when his Pokemon had all come to the conclusion that they were the boss and not him. Suddenly he heard a loud rumbling and thought the ship might be moving, but only realized he was wrong when Dini looked over to Wakkow with a much more disapproving face than normal. Alex just had to laugh, "Okay okay! How about we go to the nearest dinning area and eat something eh? I'm actually pretty hungry too." With that he slowly rose from his spot on the floor and beckoned his partners to follow him to where ever the food may be.
Vicky's Pikachu was in hot pursit of a wild Persian andd Vicky was running right behind them. "Pikachu! Use a Volt Tackle,"She shouted to Pikachu. Pikachu ran faster until he was surrounded by electricity and charged at the wild Persian. However Persian evaded the attack and Pikachu went straight into a tree. "Ahh," She shouted as she ran to her Pikachu. She put a hand on him,"Are you okay?" Vick's Pikachu stood up on two's woozily and nooded okay. "That great," She said,"But we lost Persian." She looked a little disapponted as she stood up and stretched her arms. "Well come on we need to get to Vermilion City already," Vick said to Pikachu. Pikachu jumped on Vick's right shoulder and they started going to Vermilion City. They're only in the outskirts of the city though so it won't be too long of a walk for them.
seeing that the girl was alright kyo returned to his pokemon. "how about we train farther into the woods" he said as he ran into the woods. his pokemon followed. liepard got distracted by a persian and attacked it. "ah leipard what are u doing" kyo said as he ran after liepard who started to chase the persian.
After suddenly being attacked with sand sprayed in her face, and having a rather brief encounter with the boy who owned the Pokemon who had hit her, she stood up, attempting to calm down Shawn who was yelling angrily in the direction the boy and his Liepard had left. Suzie picked him up and lifted him to her shoulders, brushing sand off herself. "It's okay buddy, it was an accident," she said to him, continuing to walk. She could see the city now, and she smiled as she spotted the red roof of the Pokemon center. Shuzu neared the ground as they arrived outside the door of the center.

"In you go Shuzu, good work today," She said happily, retrieving him into his Pokeball and going incide the pokemon center. She gave a friendly smile to the people sitting around in there and went up to the counter, giving her pokeballs to the nurse and taking Shawn over to the waiting chairs to sit while her Pokemon was being attended to. Shawn sat on her lap and leaned back, and she smiled and held her arms loosely around him. She couldn't wait to go to the S.S Anne. She hadn't been on a big boat before, and she really hoped she wouldn't get sea-sick. Or that any of her Pokemon would.
kyo continued to chase after his liepard who had run off after a persian. "liepard wait up." kyo called. his other pokemon he had been training, his mightyena, followed behind him as he ran.
Vick walks into the Pokemon Center tired and sweaty from walking and chasing after that wild Persain for 10 minutes. "Alright Pikachu return to your Pokeball for a bit," She said as she pulls out Pikachu's Pokeball. Pikachu jumps to the the floor and Vick pushes the button on the Pokeball sending Pikachu in. After giving all her Pokemon to Nurse Joy she took a seat in a chair next to Suzie.
Suzie looked on as a fellow trainer entered with her Pikachu, sending it back to it's pokeball and giving it to nurse Joy. Suzie gave her a smile and watched as Shawn leaned forward to look closer at her. He always studied new people curiously, especially if they got close to Suzie. She supposed he was a bit protective of her

"Do you live here in Vermillion?" Suzie asked, making conversation. "I'm just travelling trough," she added.
kyo finally catches up to liepard who had knocked out the wild persian. "liepard what have u done. come on we have to get it to a pokemon center immediately. liepard, mightyena return" kyo put his pokemon back in their pokeballs and goes over to the wild persian. "serperior i need ya" kyo brings out serperior. "can ya help me bring this persian to a pokemon center please" serperior nods and grabs the persian in its tail and follows kyo to the pokemon center. "nurse joy i need help now" kyo says as he bursts into the pokemon center.
"Actually I'm in Cerulean City,but I have buisness here today so that's why I'm here." She replied. "Since we're gonna convrse with each other we should know each others names,"Vicky stated,"I'm Vicky,but people call me Vick." "What's yours," She asked.
Carter approached the Pokemon Center quietly,reaching up to pet an Umbreon that rested on his shoulder as he entered the building. "We're finally here,guys." He said,glancing over his shoulder to look at a Lucario that had been walking alongside him,offering him a smile. Both Pokemon knew what followed,and without hesitation Umbreon hopped off his shoulder and stood in front of him while Lucario moved to stand alongside the smaller Pokemon. "Don't worry guys,I'll see you both soon." He said before pulling out two Pokeballs and pressing the button,watching as the Pokemon disappeared into the balls in his hands before he put them away. Both Pokemon had taken on several trainers along the way,and although Carter insisted they return to their Pokeballs earlier,they refused.

Seeing a few other trainers he approached the counter to give Nurse Joy his Pokeballs,eyeing them carefully before noticing a trainer with a wounded Persian. Putting away his Pokeballs for later,he watched as Nurse Joy moved to assist the Pokemon. Carter approached the boy who brought it in. "What happened?" He asked,referring to the Persian.

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