Pokemon: Knights of Albion


Some random dude on the Internet

This is obviously the OOC chat, all things out of character go here, whether discussing stuff that have nothing to do with the Rp, or planning the parties next courses of action, we do it here.

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I'm at work but will be working on my CS off and on throughout the day. I promise to have it finished by this evening.
Are we restricted to first stage Pokemon since our characters are supposed to be newbies?
IG42 said:
Are we restricted to first stage Pokemon since our characters are supposed to be newbies?
Yes. If you want to look at the interest check, it has all the information about various things for this Rp though you'll have to look through six pages cause I forgot to put all the ideas on the first post. Look in the overview and it'll have a link that'll bring you to the interest check.

You said earlier that the archer could just plain out knock out a knight, but there is a rule against knock out, so how does that work?
Elikacheese said:
You said earlier that the archer could just plain out knock out a knight, but there is a rule against knock out, so how does that work?
That rule only applies to a Duel, not a group battle or as the locals call it a Battlefield.
Okay. Also one last question. I looked a character's sheet, and he is going to use Scyther. How does it evolution work with trading machine, and use of a certain item? Unless it's going to act like a stone for Scyther.

Elikacheese said:
Okay. Also one last question. I looked a character's sheet, and he is going to use Scyther. How does it evolution work with trading machine, and use of a certain item? Unless it's going to act like a stone for Scyther.
For those types of Pokemon that only evolve using trading I'll have a very special stone that'll allow them to evolve.

So all pokemon have the ability to mega evolve correct? And I guess that mega accessories aren't available, and we mega evolve, by our bonds.
Elikacheese said:
So all pokemon have the ability to mega evolve correct? And I guess that mega accessories aren't available, and we mega evolve, by our bonds.
Yep! And remember all Pokemon can mega evolve!
Hello! I actually read a few pages of the interest check and was wondering if it's not too muhh trouble to joiiiin? I'm very interested in this.
Coralbee said:
Hello! I actually read a few pages of the interest check and was wondering if it's not too muhh trouble to joiiiin? I'm very interested in this.
Oh course!
Elikacheese said:
Okay, now we wait for the roleplay to start?
Yeah I'm currently trying to figure out how to get the group into a group! We'll start it not too long now. In the mean time check out the other tabs and tell me what you guys think!
Archdemon said:
Oh course!
Quick question, I'm just making sure I got this right: Do all Pokémon Need to have an evolution family? (For example, Charmander...)
Because I was actually planning to use Skarmony, which has no evolutions

edit// Nevermind, all good! I got my things figured out. I'm going with a Pawnyard, I suppose.
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