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Fandom Pokémon Interest Check!! (Closed)


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)


Most of us know it. Many of us love it. And dammit, I wanna RP it!

Why? I dunno. I've been hankering to get a Pokémon RP up and running lately so here I am giving it a try once again!

Let's get to the nitty gritty!

RP Differences From The Games!

This RP is not one of the video games, so here's a list of changes from the games to make it a more realistic and human experience:

  • No region-locked Pokémon *
  • No Stats (HP, PP, Levels, etc)
  • No four-move limit (this has always been a stupid limitation, especially in the newer generation games where the console is more than powerful enough to get rid of that 'tradition' and give us more options)
  • Spinoff content is not a thing (mechanically at least, like the Pokémon Rangers swirly stylus capture method)
  • Team Rocket is the only 'Bad Guy' Team **
  • Legendary/Mythic Pokémon have attained their status due to rarity, not power ***
  • No capture-by-friendship abuse ****
  • Trade Evolutions are not a thing *****
  • Money is no issue ******
  • No Dynamax, Gigantamax, Totem, or Alpha Pokémon (these were video game gimmicks the dev's used to try drawing in new crowds, and I don't consider them a natural part of the Pokémon world)

* All Pokémon can be found anywhere in the world so long as the environment is appropriate. For example, fire types will be found in deserts, wastelands, volcanoes, etc. Grass Pokémon can be found in grasslands, forests, etc. Bug Pokémon are mostly found in forests but can also be in grasslands, especially if there are large flower fields or sporadic woodlands areas throughout. Etc, etc. If you are uncertain as to whether or not a specific Pokémon can or should be found in a given area then feel free to ask me and I'll let you know my thoughts.

** Team Rocket is the only evil team in this RP since having all of the other canon ones in each region would overcomplicate things long-term. Additionally, while some of them were fun in the games not a single one is actually required for the lore of their respective region to work, nor for the lore around the region-specific Legendary Pokémon to work. So, Team Rocket it is! Additionally, Team Rocket are actually dangerous and very competent and methodical in this RP. They're not the bumbling dunderheads from the anime/manga. They train their Pokémon with viciousness in mind, and if the Pokémon aren't enough to get them what they want they'll switch to weapons like guns. So, if you don't want to risk your Pokémon potentially getting shot then it's wise to avoid Team Rocket at all costs.

*** In the past I had RP's where the Legendary/Mythic Pokémon were uber powerful and would only be encountered and/or befriended, but not captured. My logic at the time was that it would be a nightmare to justify actually capturing them if they're that stupidly powerful that they can one-shot basically anything other than another Legendary. So, this time around, they're Legends/Mythics because of rarity. Obviously, they're still powerful. But if a Groudon faced off with a Dragonite who knew Ice Beam then Groudon would have a hard time pulling off a win. For this RP the story goes that Legendary/Mythic Pokémon are all effectively nearly extinct with an estimated 50 or fewer individuals each. Because of how rare they are most people think they all are extinct, and that any sightings are a case of mistaken identity.

**** Personally, I've always seen capture-by-friendship to be lazy and contrived and a bit too convenient of a way to circumvent the point of what it means to be a Pokémon Trainer. However, a lot of people love this mechanic. So, I will allow it. However, it's by request. And as GM I reserve the right to refuse any such request at any time without justification or explanation. If I say "no," that's the end of the request/discussion. You can still catch whatever Pokémon it was you were after, but you'll have to do so the old fashioned way.

Additional Note: Pokémon are wild animals. They're not going to magically start trusting you just because you did something nice for them. They're going to be scared and distrusting of you. Even after you capture them they're not going to magically love and respect you and follow your orders. You'll have to send them out of their Poké Ball and spend time with them to earn their trust, earn their respect, earn their loyalty, and earn their love. Otherwise what's the point, right? The journey to bond with your Pokémon should be at the heart of the franchise core by this point.

***** Trade Evolutions are a fun mechanic in the video games to encourage connection between players. But in a more realistic world this would it wouldn't be natural for a living creature to suddenly and spontaneously evolve just because ownership, which is nothing more than a human-made concept, changed hands. Know what I mean? All Trade Evolution Pokémon (which don't require them to hold a specific item) will evolve as normal Pokémon do with age and experience. If a Pokémon has a Trade evolution by holding an item then that item functions the same as an Evolution Stone would instead. For example, if you have an Onix you can allow it to make contact with a Metal Coat and it will evolve into Steelix.

****** For the sake of simplicity we're going to assume that there's some kind of governmental funding for Pokémon Trainers, and/or that your character does some sort of freelance work on the side during time skips to earn money to fund their adventure. I will be holding everyone to the honor system on this one, and I'll be casually monitoring your inventory management as we go. If I think your inventory's getting a bit too full or a bit too conveniently packed with rare/expensive items like Full Restores and whatnot, then I'll hit you up in DM's and ask you to tone it down a bit.

That's it for the changes!

The rest of the Pokémon world's lore and functions are essentially the same as you know from the games. Pokémon Centers, Poké Marts, Contests, the Pokémon League, the Elite Four of each region, the regions themselves, etc, etc.

Having said that, you can have your character be any kind of profession you want even if it's a non-Trainer profession such as a business person, realtor, restaurant owner, etc. This is a Pokémon centered RP, but it's going to be welcoming of non-Trainer types as well!

When it comes to Trainer Types, the "classes" from the games like "Ace," "Bug Catcher, "Lady/Gentleman," etc., are not a thing. Those only exist in the games to separate and give variety to the generic NPC enemies you face. When I say "Trainer Types," I mean actual professions and lifestyles like Pokémon Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Breeders, etc.

The one Pokémon Trainer Type I cannot allow is an active Pokémon Ranger, "active" meaning they're currently working in that profession. And the reason is simple: They literally can't be part of a nomadic group like ours because their whole purpose in life is to remain as close to or outright in the sanctuary they're assigned to and protect it from nefarious folks and illegal activities like trespassing, poaching, etc. I also cannot allow for your character to become an active Pokémon Ranger during the course of the RP because that would force them to leave the group permanently and go live in/near the sanctuary they're assigned to guard. So, unless you want to be written out of the RP becoming or being an active Ranger isn't an option.

I can only allow for a freshly resigned, dishonorably kicked out, or retired Pokémon Rangers to be part of the RP experience since they're not held to the same obligations as their active counterparts.

Characters, and RP Rules!!

Characters are my favorite part! But we'll get to them in a minute. First, rules!!

I have 3 very simple rules for participation in the roleplay, and they are as follows:

Rules for Participation:
  1. You MUST be social and communicative OOC
  2. No Metagaming, Power Playing, or God-Modding
  3. No Drama *
I require everyone to be social and communicative because as the GM I will be planning and directing A LOT of activity in the roleplay via DM's and/or OOC discussions to decide what everyone collectively wants to do. I have no time, patience, or tolerance for the separatist types who like to say "I don't need to talk to you OOC to roleplay with you." If this attitude describes you, kindly move on. This one's for the social people who like conversation and discussion.

* If any issues between you and another participant arise, please... Talk. To. Me. As the GM, I'm here to settle any disputes and keep the peace. I don't care how big or small the issue is. If you take issue with something someone else said or did either IC or OOC then please bring it to my attention immediately and I will handle it.

Additional Note: Unless it's something obviously intentional and malicious, in which case report it to me immediately, try not to take anything that happens IC personally. The characters are the characters. They're not us, nor do their words or actions represent who we are, what we think, or how we behave. They're characters in a roleplay. Let them be so, and keep whatever happens IC separate from what's OOC. Even if our characters aren't getting along there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to laugh and shoot the breeze OOC with no animosity or frustration about the tension on the page.

Rules for Character Creation
Finally! My favorite part!

There's only 2 rules for Character Creation!
  1. They must be at least 18 years old as no society in its right mind would allow minors to leave home with nothing but one young and inexperienced Pokémon as their partner
  2. Please keep pre-earned knowledge of Pokémon and how to be a Trainer to a minimum as one of the main points of this RP is that your character should be learning the ways of the Trainer from the ground up. The more pre-earned knowledge they have the fewer chances you'll have for character moments, growth opportunities, etc.
That's it! Here's the character skeleton!


Birth Region:

Starter Pokémon:

You may have noticed I didn't include either a Personality nor a Biography section as I'm keen to see those for myself in the RP.

All I ask if that if you give them some sort of tragic backstory that you do your best to make it something more original than "their parents were killed by Team Rocket," or "their older sibling who they admired more than anyone else was mauled to death by a rampaging wild Pokémon." Even though those kinds of backstories work, they're a bit contrived and I'd like to see more.

Also, I'm going to be updating this thread a bit later today with my own character once I've finished her details.

That's it!

I look forward to seeing if this gets any interest!

If you're interested then please reply to this thread letting me know, and if you already have a character idea feel free to fill out the little character sheet as well!

If you have any questions about other mechanics or worldbuilding modifications which are happening under the hood, so to speak, feel free to ask!


- GojiBean
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i always thought the inclusion of humans with psychic abilities in pokemon was neat, could i do that with my character? not sabrina level, more like "dramatically levitates pokeballs before battle". it wouldnt be at all useful or powerful beyond making carrying groceries easier.

i can go without it, i just think itd be funny.

and can i have my character bring their 5 year old little sister or daughter along? as her legal guardian.
I’m interested, here’s my character sheet.

Name: Kayla Mire
Age: 25
Height: 5’6”
Birth Region: Kalos
Starter Pokémon: Venipede
Considering. I always love me some Pokemon but want to make sure I have a good character idea in mind before I commit ^^
What kind of OOC are you planning to use for this? Discord, on-site thread, conversation PMs, etc.?
i always thought the inclusion of humans with psychic abilities in pokemon was neat, could i do that with my character? not sabrina level, more like "dramatically levitates pokeballs before battle". it wouldnt be at all useful or powerful beyond making carrying groceries easier.

i can go without it, i just think itd be funny.

and can i have my character bring their 5 year old little sister or daughter along? as her legal guardian.


Yes, I will allow for both the light psychic ability (limited to basic telekinesis) as well as the little sister/daughter so long as the adult is considered the true primary character.

I’m interested, here’s my character sheet.

Name: Kayla Mire
Age: 25
Height: 5’6”
Birth Region: Kalos
Starter Pokémon: Venipede

Hoyo! Thanks so much!

Considering. I always love me some Pokemon but want to make sure I have a good character idea in mind before I commit ^^


Not a problem! If you have any questions or concerns before creating the character feel free to ping me either here in the thread or via DM!

What kind of OOC are you planning to use for this? Discord, on-site thread, conversation PMs, etc.?


For this RP I'm keeping things onsite and, if the RP gets enough interest/characters to get off the ground I'll create an OOC thread for everyone.

Cheers everyone!
Name: Isaac S. Mile
Age: 24
Height: 6'1

Birth Region: Kanto

Starter Pokémon: Gastly

I like the idea of my character being able to cook like Brock did in the original series. How would food inventory/gathering ingredients work?
Name: Sage Loveless
Age: 24
Height: 6'

Birth Region: Unova

Starter Pokémon: Teddiursa, named Teddy. Sage's housepet.

Fun Extra Information: Can levitate objects, up to a total of 25 pounds.

Hana's legal guardian, can't leave her home alone so she's coming with.

Name: Hana Loveless
Age: 5
Height: 3'4"

Birth Region: Unova

Starter Pokémon: Determined to find a spinarak egg so she can have a pet spider, but otherwise it's also Teddy.
Name: Isaac S. Mile
Age: 24
Height: 6'1

Birth Region: Kanto

Starter Pokémon: Gastly

I like the idea of my character being able to cook like Brock did in the original series. How would food inventory/gathering ingredients work?


I'm glad you brought this up cause it gives me an opportunity to talk about something important: The food chain!

Pokémon in the wild have natural predator-prey relationships. A classic example is Pidgey/Spearow feeding on Caterpie/Weedle.

Similarly, morbid though it may sound, human beings both raise and hunt Pokémon for sustenance which is how we get our meat/fish products and other foods/liquids like eggs, milk, etc.

So, depending on what our characters have they may be forced to hunt wild Pokémon for food just like any other adventure RP would hunt deer, rabbits, boar, etc.

Otherwise, if the character is vegetarian they can always search for roots and herbs and berries and fruit trees and such along the way.

Orpheus Gascoigne

Name: Orpheus Gascoigne
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"

Birth Region: Galar

Starter Pokémon: Pawniard
I have a couple of questions.

1. How many rpers do you intend to have in this rp?
2. Is this intended to be an 'open world' type of rp where the cast starts out separated, or are they all intended to meet up and travel in a group?
3. How often do you intend for everyone to post?
4. What is the literacy requirement for the rp?
Name: Alessia Blake
Age: 19
Height: 5'9

Birth Region: Galar

Starter Pokémon: Caliburn the Honedge
I have a couple of questions.

1. How many rpers do you intend to have in this rp?
2. Is this intended to be an 'open world' type of rp where the cast starts out separated, or are they all intended to meet up and travel in a group?
3. How often do you intend for everyone to post?
4. What is the literacy requirement for the rp?


Good questions.

1) In my experience, RP's like this tend to work best with groups of 3-5 people. However, since I usually don't like closing people out for RP's like this which are open sandbox style RP's I'm not going to turn anyone away or close entry anytime soon.

2) This will be a group RP from the outset. And the logic is that because this is a more realistic world and Pokemon are all wild animals and not tame, friendly sprites, the Pokemon League requires trainers to form initial groups of at least 3 people when they begin their adventure for safety reasons. And until they've earned at least 2 Gym Badges they must stay in that group or they could face legal consequences ranging from a semi-hefty fine to up to a week in prison for reckless self-endangerment and reckless endangerment of one's Pokemon.

A bit heavy handed. But again, a real society of human beings wouldn't put Pokemon into the hands of minors and let them go off into a world of wild and dangerous creatures. And even an adult on their own with only one young Pokemon is still at great risk of being attacked. So, safety in numbers is the law of the land.

3) I would like for everyone to be able to get in one post per day if possible. If not, once every other day would be the ideal minimum. This RP is going to move fairly quickly so if one can only post once or twice per week it might be moving too fast for them to keep up.

4) I think "literacy" is the wrong word for this context since being literate simply means you can read/write. There's no measure or quality standard to reach to be considered literate. Rather, I think the better and more appropriate phrasing is "does this RP have a content volume requirement?"

The short answer is: No.

The longer version of the answer is: I don't care how much you can write. I care about whether or not your writing paints a living picture in my head about the scene and the environment around your character so I feel immersed and like I'm standing right next to them. I care about whether or not your writing is able to show me what your character is thinking through body language, facial feature changes, and lines of dialogue or physical interactions. And I care about whether or not, by the time I'm done reading your post, your writing made me feel something at a personal level.

Whether you can accomplish this with twenty paragraphs or twenty well-chosen words is irrelevant to me.

Immerse me, put me right there with your character mentally and physically, and make me feel something by the end of the post and I'm a happy guy.


An important feature of more recent title entries was brought to my attention via DM, and I have updated the Interest Check's bullet point list of changes to accommodate for it.

There will NOT be any Dynamax, Gigantamax, Alpha, Totem, or Terastallized Pokémon in this RP. Those are video game gimmicks which I don't feel would be a natural part of the Pokémon world or life cycle. So I'm doing away with them.

I will, however, allow for Mega Evolutions as those are much closer to a natural evolution than any other gimmick introduced before or since. They will be 60 second (max) temporary evolutions for those Pokémon which have them, and they will serve as a temporary power buff to give your Pokémon a bit of extra pep in their step. However, the power boost will be minimal. I'm talking like 10% minimal. The Pokémon will get a little bit stronger, but not enough to suddenly overpower an overwhelming enemy. If said enemy was owning your Pokémon before, a Mega Evolution likely won't change the outcome.

Additionally, the bracelet and Mega Evolution Stones will be made available by yours truly at a later point in the RP. You can't find them. You can't buy them. You won't have one to start off with. No family members will give you any as heirlooms. Etc. I'm in control of when they become available.

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I see, and it seems like this means I probably won't be in since from what I see you already have 5 characters submitted (and even if you would allow more I would rather not push your comfort boundaries). I wish you and the others luck/enjoyment.
I see, and it seems like this means I probably won't be in since from what I see you already have 5 characters submitted (and even if you would allow more I would rather not push your comfort boundaries). I wish you and the others luck/enjoyment.

No worries!

Thanks for your interest, and I wish you luck in all your current and future RP endeavors!

I guess it's safe to assume that you wish to stick with canon Pokemon for this?

Yes. Canon Pokemon from the mainline core games only.

Three/four posts a week is on the heavy side for me, so I'll drop out to avoid wasting anyone's time 👍🏻

No worries at all! I wish you luck with all your current and future RP endeavors as well!
Name: Riley Grant
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Birth Region: Johto
Starter Pokemon: Chikorita, a rather large, female specimen called Vera.
Riley Grant screenshot.png

Will this do?
If I have a chance I'll take it, if not no worries~

Name: Revel Verity
Age: 23
Height: 6'02"

Birth Region: Paldea

Starter Pokémon: Charcadet (Shiny if possible)
If I have a chance I'll take it, if not no worries~

Name: Revel Verity
Age: 23
Height: 6'02"

Birth Region: Paldea

Starter Pokémon: Charcadet (Shiny if possible)


All good! Please head over to the OOC Discussion page linked at the top of the thread whenever you're ready and say "hi" to everyone!

We'll probably be starting the RP either tomorrow or on the upcoming Monday since it's Father's Day weekend and I'll be away with family.


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