Pokemon Hybrid Safehouse


Senior Member

Age (13-19):


Hybrid of:


Appearance (picture):


History (optional):

Name: Devon Shade

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Mightyena

Ability: Quick Feet

Appearance (picture): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Mightyena.jpg.5700e33e981a4204534a0fc4560b1978.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Mightyena.jpg.5700e33e981a4204534a0fc4560b1978.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Quiet, somewhat aloof, but can become excited (and talkative) around something or someone he likes. Has some social anxiety that causes him to either ramble pointlessly and make a fool of himself or just make no response and end up seeming like an aloof jerk that doesn't care about what others have to say. Once he's comfortable, he's a happy, curious trouble-maker that will not stop asking why. Also very loyal to those that have earned it. Or even if he just decides he likes them. Easily flustered and 'secretly' hates that his ears and tail will give all of his feelings away (even though he's insanely easy to read just from his eyes and expression most of the time) because he is not a freakin' dog, thank you very much!

History (optional): Will reveal in RP (in other words, it's 1 in the morning, I'm tired and don't feel like trying to think up a backstory right now)

Other: ... *awkward silence*



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Just a question: Are legendary hybrids allowed, or do they have to be non-legendaries?
Okay, I was wondering. :3

I need to find a picture, though. >.<

I'll submit my CS later today, if that's fine with you.
macaron said:
Okay, I was wondering. :3
I need to find a picture, though. >.<

I'll submit my CS later today, if that's fine with you.
Awesome! (I'm just happy someone's actually interested in this RP... ^_^ ; )
Hehe, thanks. :3

(I find these kinds of things interesting, and if I see it, I join. :D Thanks for making this RP~)
(Sorry for being late! 3:)

Name: Glacia Winter

Age (13-19): 14

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Articuno

Ability: Ice Body

Appearance (picture):

Personality: Glacia is naturally quite and tends to think a lot, making her seem distant since she's always in her own world. She actually likes company, though she could make things awkward since she doesn't talk to people often. She has limited facial expressions and keeps her responses short and to the point, though there are times when she would talk more than she usually does. She is sometimes dense and doesn't realize what her actions might cause, which is another reason why she usually stays put and out of business.

History (optional): (may update; still thinking about it)

Other: "Nice to meet you."
macaron said:
(Sorry for being late! 3:)
Name: Glacia Winter

Age (13-19): 14

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Articuno

Ability: Ice Body

Appearance (picture):

Personality: Glacia is naturally quite and tends to think a lot, making her seem distant since she's always in her own world. She actually likes company, though she could make things awkward since she doesn't talk to people often. She has limited facial expressions and keeps her responses short and to the point, though there are times when she would talk more than she usually does. She is sometimes dense and doesn't realize what her actions might cause, which is another reason why she usually stays put and out of business.

History (optional): (may update; still thinking about it)

Other: "Nice to meet you."
Awesome! There's more than one character now! ^(^-^)^

I'm sorry for being late. >.<

I had so may alerts and messages...it was driving me crazy. xD
Yeah, me neither, and I visit an old RP and there's an extra 50 pages I've never read before. O.o

And new members, too. xD
Name: Cevelt Shepard

Age (13-19): 16

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Zubat

Ability: Inner Focus

Appearance (picture): Cevelt does have the wings, 'tails', fangs, ears as well as the hair and colour, but he wears more 'civilised' clothing, (AKA Jeans, a hoodie on cooler days, but generally just plain shirts. He doesn't wear shoes though, hates having a difficult time tying them up..)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.ccc9b5949f7e41e625628461ff74e194.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.ccc9b5949f7e41e625628461ff74e194.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cevelt is a kind and light-hearted guy, though one thing he hates is the feeling of other's pity and belief of his inability to do the basic things because he is blind. Cevelt is actually very intelligent, and had learnt through each and every one of his other senses as well as experience. Despite all of his efforts, Cevelt is socially awkward and can be considered slow in the average life others, but in reality he isn't, he is just completely making sure of what had happened.

History (optional): Will reveal in rp, then update (I do have a plan, but it needs much work and I don't have time...)

Other: Echolocation - Cevelt will almost alway be heard humming a low and near inadiuble hum to know where everything is, as he is blind due to his zubat nature, but he does have very sharp and precise hearing.



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Hi, welcome to RP nation~You can PM (private message) people if you don't want to ask on their forum.

I'll start one with you now. :3
Name: Luke Ario

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Lucario

Ability: Steadfast



Personality: Luke is usually quiet and really doesn't have many friends. Although he is a loner, he still looks forward to meeting new people and is friendly to anyone he meets. Luke is protective of people he cares about and will put his life on the line to protect them from danger. Although he isn't all that competitive, he will beat anyone who challenges him to a battle.

History: Luke was born in Lumiose City in a small apartment. His dad would always go out with his friends so Luke never really got to know his dad. His mom would always go looking for his dad when Luke's dad was out late, leaving Luke by himself. One night Luke's dad was out late again and his mom was looking for him. But that didn't bother Luke as it happened once in a while. Assuming they would return, Luke went to sleep. The next morning, Luke noticed his parents weren't back yet, so he went to look for them. After an hour of searching, he found out that they had mysteriously disappeared. Luke with no parents, had no where else to go but roam the streets of Lumiose City. After years went by, Luke had learned how to live by his own and ever since then he had been traveling all over the Kalos region.
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Name: Umbren Ondii

Age (13-19): 14

Gender: male

Hybrid of: Umbrion

Ability: Being able to sense lifeforms around him and also has limited mind reading skills. Recently practicing controlling the nervous system in others, he can create immense pain in them or calm them without even blinking.

Appearance (picture):

Personality: Quiet. Mysterious.

History (optional): When Umbren was only 11 he was in a car crash which sent him into a deep coma. He later woke with vast knowledge of the universe and how people think. As he recovered he started hearing voices which he realised where people's thoughts. They where screaming at him driving him slowly insane so he left his home. Just like that. Since then he has being traveling on his own.

Other: he hates when people talk down to him only because of his age.
Would like yo reserve a spot if possible. I'll post a form tomorrow , its late here. 
Name: Scintilla (Sin-Till-Ah) Cantabellum (Can-Tah-Bell-Uhm)

Age (13-19): 13

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Raichu

Ability: Static

Appearance (picture):

Bouncy and happy, always with a smile and it's very hard to damper her mood.

History (optional): You'll find out as the roleplay continues :3

Other: uhmn, nope. huehue.
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Sulfirious said:
Name: Cevelt Shepard
Age (13-19): 16

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Zubat

Ability: Echolocation - Cevelt will almost alway be heard humming a low and near inadiuble hum to know where everything is, as he is blind due to his zubat nature, but he does have very sharp and precise hearing.

Appearance (picture): Cevelt does have the wings, 'tails', fangs, ears as well as the hair and colour, but he wears more 'civilised' clothing, (AKA Jeans, a hoodie on cooler days, but generally just plain shirts. He doesn't wear shoes though, hates having a difficult time tying them up..)

View attachment 74157

Personality: Cevelt is a kind and light-hearted guy, though one thing he hates is the feeling of other's pity and belief of his inability to do the basic things because he is blind. Cevelt is actually very intelligent, and had learnt through each and every one of his other senses as well as experience. Despite all of his efforts, Cevelt is socially awkward and can be considered slow in the average life others, but in reality he isn't, he is just completely making sure of what had happened.

History (optional): Will reveal in rp, then update (I do have a plan, but it needs much work and I don't have time...)

Other: Nothing that I can think of...
Hello! Sorry for the late reply! Anyway, it's a pleasure to have you joining this RP and... Dear lord, that sounds really stupid and corny, doesn't it? Anyway, welcome, and have fun and what-have-you! Wait... Echolocation isn't a canon ability...? Zubat has Inner Focus or the Hidden Ability, Infiltrator...? *shot* 

Lucario said:
Name: Luke Ario
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Lucario

Ability: Luke has the ability to read auras of the people around him and he can manipulate aura. Not only that, but he can sense auras too, making it impossible to sneak up on Luke.



Personality: Luke is usually quiet and really doesn't have many friends. Although he is a loner, he still looks forward to meeting new people and is friendly to anyone he meets. Luke is protective of people he cares about and will put his life on the line to protect them from danger. Although he isn't all that competitive, he will beat anyone who challenges him to a battle.

History: Luke was born in Lumiose City in a small apartment. His dad would always go out with his friends so Luke never really got to know his dad. His mom would always go looking for his dad when Luke's dad was out late, leaving Luke by himself. One night Luke's dad was out late again and his mom was looking for him. But that didn't bother Luke as it happened once in a while. Assuming they would return, Luke went to sleep. The next morning, Luke noticed his parents weren't back yet, so he went to look for them. After an hour of searching, he found out that they had mysteriously disappeared. Luke with no parents, had no where else to go but roam the streets of Lumiose City. After years went by, Luke had learned how to live by his own and ever since then he had been traveling all over the Kalos region.
Sorry for late reply, but welcome to my attempt at roleplaying after a much-too-long hiatus! Although I do wonder if that is an actual canon ability...? The abilities listed for Lucario are Steadfast or Inner Focus, and the Hidden Ability is Justified... 

macaron said:
(Sorry for being late! 3:)
Name: Glacia Winter

Age (13-19): 14

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Articuno

Ability: Ice Body

Appearance (picture):

Personality: Glacia is naturally quite and tends to think a lot, making her seem distant since she's always in her own world. She actually likes company, though she could make things awkward since she doesn't talk to people often. She has limited facial expressions and keeps her responses short and to the point, though there are times when she would talk more than she usually does. She is sometimes dense and doesn't realize what her actions might cause, which is another reason why she usually stays put and out of business.

History (optional): (may update; still thinking about it)

Other: "Nice to meet you."
... Why did I start checking the canon abilities for pokemon...? T-T *sigh* The abilities listed for Articuno are Pressure and the Hidden Ability, Snow Cloak... 

Welsh said:
Name: Umbren Ondii
Age (13-19): 14

Gender: male

Hybrid of: Umbrion

Ability: Being able to sense lifeforms around him and also has limited mind reading skills. Recently practicing controlling the nervous system in others, he can create immense pain in them or calm them without even blinking.

Appearance (picture):

Personality: Quiet. Mysterious.

History (optional): When Umbren was only 11 he was in a car crash which sent him into a deep coma. He later woke with vast knowledge of the universe and how people think. As he recovered he started hearing voices which he realised where people's thoughts. They where screaming at him driving him slowly insane so he left his home. Just like that. Since then he has being traveling on his own.

Other: he hates when people talk down to him only because of his age.
Okay, first off, Umbreon isn't a psychic-type so why the psychic ability...? Second, I was referring to canon Abilities that pokemon have in the games... ((Sorry, I think I'm sounding kinda harsh, but I don't mean to be, I'm still a little wound up from the flight home a few hours ago... -.-; ))

The abilities listed for Umbreon are Synchronize and the Hidden Ability, Inner Focus... 

cloudyblueday said:
Would like yo reserve a spot if possible. I'll post a form tomorrow , its late here. 
Name: Scintilla (Sin-Till-Ah)
Age (13-19): 13

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Raichu

Ability: Thunderbolt

Appearance (picture):

Bouncy and happy, always with a smile and it's very hard to damper her mood.

History (optional): You'll find out as the roleplay continues :3

Other: uhmn, nope. huehue.
One: Maybe a last name...? Two: Thunderbolt is a move, not an ability... The abilities listed for Raichu are Static and the Hidden Ability, Lightning Rod... ((Do I sound harsh? I'm really sorry if I do... It's been a long night...))
I was thinking because umbreons a dark type so he has possessive ability. And this may sound moody but I'm not :) but I don't think I'm gonna take part in this role play :) partly because of so many people. Thanks though :)
Welsh said:
I was thinking because umbreons a dark type so he has possessive ability. And this may sound moody but I'm not :) but I don't think I'm gonna take part in this role play :) partly because of so many people. Thanks though :)
Okay, thanks for being interested to begin with, anyway.

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