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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

"Nope, not happening, Freya. Not leaving you to fight alone." Lizzie responded to her friend's irate comment. Returning her attention to the battle, Lizzie let out a small fist pump as Venus' attack landed on the dark green Pokémon she didn't recognize. Venus landed back on her feet, awaiting further commands from her trainer, but before any came the grunt commanded their Yanmega forward. Venus registered her opponent beginning to move, but she was unable to track it as it darted forward and struck her in the chest. It didn't hurt her all that much, but it still caused her to skid backwards, leaving a trail of disturbed snow. She instinctively grabbed at her foe with her horn fangs, but wasn't quite quick enough to catch it in a grapple.

Meanwhile, Lizzie began fishing out her phone from one of the pockets in her jacket, fumbling with the buttons through her winter gloves. "I really wish I'd figured out how to fully get Alpha connected by now, or at least caved and got a Rotom... but noooo, I had to make my own Poryphone..." She put one hand to her mouth, grabbing the tip of one of the gloves' fingers with her teeth and quickly pulling it off so she could press the buttons more easily. She navigated to her Pokedex app and tapped the scan feature, aiming her phone's camera towards the Pokémon Venus was fighting.

Unfortunately, the sandstorm was keeping her from getting a clear shot, and the app wasn't coming up with a clear ID. If she wanted to call the correct moves for Venus, she needed to know what she was facing. She frowned, looking back up at the battle in front of her. Venus had just been hit, but seemed to be holding up fairly well. "Venus, sweetie," Lizzie called, "could you try to draw it closer please? Give it a Taunt!" Venus nodded to her, baiting her opponent as she backed up towards Lizzie. It was at about the same time that Alucard finished charging Whirlwind, blowing a strong gust through the sandstorm and forcing both opponents back.

Lizzie yelped as her wrist was grabbed and she was jerked off balance. She recovered her footing, stumbling after Freya and speaking past the glove still held in her teeth. "W-wait, where are we going? I thought we were fighting those guys!" She attempted to twist her wrist free, but she gave up after a single attempt. It wasn't worth risking dropping her phone. Instead she used her other free hand to recall Venus, who had noticed the departing trainers but wasn't keeping up very easily. She was short enough that the layer of piled snow on the ground was rather inconveniencing to walk through. The beam of red light pulled Venus back to Lizzie, and the trainer stumbled on after her friend.

As she was pulled into the building through what was apparently a melted gash on the back side, Lizzie did her best to catch her bearings. She transferred her phone to the other hand and stuffed it back in her pocket, then began to put her glove back on whilst Freya gave her Gloom instructions. As Freya began to move again, it took Lizzie a second to realize they were running after what was effectively a knockout gas bomb with legs. She quickly followed Freya's example, tucking her mouth and nose into the inner elbow of her sleeve as she ran. She still wasn't quite sure what this was supposed to achieve. Her friend wanted to find Captain Rodriguez, she understood that much, but Lizzie felt there had to be a safer way to do so than jumping into an unknown building and leaving a pair of people they'd effectively just hit once and run away from in their rear. She was no tactician, but she couldn't help but feel their movements were unsafe. She wanted to ask Freya to slow down, but with her mouth covered to protect from the Sleep Powder she was pretty sure her friend wouldn't hear her, regardless of whether she would be inclined to actually listen to what Lizzie had to say.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

After the explosive exit of the opponent's Shiftry, Milo wasted no time making his next move. "What? No time for a little chat? Fine, I prefer it this way too." Ken mumbled to himself as he threw out his next Pokemon. "Mortar! You're up!" Appearing in a flash of light, a Magmortar landed on the battlefield.

Ken eyed the intensifying sunlight, a smirk growing on his face as he did. "Perfect, I was waiting for the Sun to come out. Mortar, ride the wind and block those ghastly flames! Steel, take advantage of that sunlight and use Growth!" Using the last bit of Fang's Tailwind, Mortar quickly dashed in between his partner pokemon and the incoming Will-O-Wisp, snuffing out the flames with a swipe of his arms. Meanwhile, a light green light enveloped the Dhelmise as it took advantage of the sun to boost its stats.

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Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Sunny (4 turns rem)

Gym Leader:


Gym Pokémon Con:

Magmortar and Growth…? Now things were getting interesting! The supporting winds petered out as Tailwind came to an end. Milo had no intention of letting the challenger set up as he pleased. “Gourgeist, pull back and curse Magmortar! Trevenant fill the field with Haze! It’s time for a disappearing act!”

Trevenant stepped forward and a dense haze began to filter off its branches, only the shadow of Milo’s Pokémon was visible in the haze and soon, even that vanished!

A bundle of ghastly energy, however, began to condense above Magmortar as Gourgeist laid down a grudgeful curse!

Cole Forrest1719544319576.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

Cole noticed that Wilford just seemed to be absorbing information, but was relatively rather silent. Only to widen his eyes in surprise upon being told to go in first. Now, he knew that Wilford needed that Mimikyu badly, so if it was down there, Wilford would be close behind. He chuckled, bowing. "A funny place to show courtesy when it's your Pokemon you need to catch. But before I go, know this: These Pokemon are Dynamaxed, but it doesn't stop them from utilizing their normal moves. Bite always becomes Max Darkness in a gym, but here, they can either use a Bite-powered Max Darkness or simply just a Bite."

He chuckled as he jumped down, not hesitating in the slightest. No, he was no coward. He wasn't going to just stop and not help take out the Pokemon.

He slid down the decline that quickly flattened out the further one went, until they were walking on a nice horizontal plane.

Inside, a burst of light flashed before revealing an extremely large Mimikyu. It towered over them, and Cole looked down to see his Dynamax Band flashing with the alert that it was charging up Dynamax energy. He smirked, sending out two Pokemon at once. Knowing it was weak to Ghost and Steel, he sent out his Galarian Meowth and then Thwackey. Both Pokemon balked at the size of the Mimikyu, but readied themselves for combat.

All Cole needed to do was wait for Wilford to get ready.

"Thwackey, Taunt." The Thwackey began to anger the Mimikyu with insults, preventing it from using status moves. He knew it would at least have a few. "Meowth, Metal Claw." The Galarian Meowth hissed and its claws glowed with a steely glow before charging at the Mimikyu, aiming to slice it up.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

Ken wasn't going to let his opponent take away his momentum without a fight. "How about a disappearing act of our own? Steel, dive into the shadows with Phantom Force!" A dark portal opened uo behind the Sea Creeper pokemon who quickly bacled up into it, vanishing from the battlefield and away from the stat cleansing Haze.

The Gym Challenger then turned towards his Magmortar who was in the process of being cursed. "Alright Mortar, let's show them what we can do! Lava Plume!" So what if they couldn't see their opponents anymore? All they had to do was attack the entire battlefield. The Magmortar raised his two cannon arms into the air, releasing a massive blast of fire and smoke from them that soon spread accross the field.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Sunny (3 turns rem)

Gym Leader:


Gym Pokémon Con:

Milo almost barked out a laugh. Coincidence or intentional? The Gym Leader’s own disappearing act had been a hidden use of Phantom Force from both his Pokémon. He had intended to swiftly take out Dhelmise with the duplicate of super-effective attacks, but now that the ghost-anchor was gone that naturally wouldn’t work. Instead, as lava plume splashed over the battlefield and lightened the Haze, both ghost types converged on the only target they could—Magmortar!

Once the Lava Plume ended, both ghosts burst from the Shadows to crush Magmortar. Would it be enough the fell the Volcano pokemon? Well, if it wasn’t, then its curse surely would shortly thereafter.

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

It appeared Milo had the same idea when it came to his move choices for his Ghost and Grass type pokemon. Truly, a comical scenario to be sure. What was less funny was the imminent danger Mortar now found himself in. "Let's see if I can turn this around. Steel, intercept that Trevenant! Mortar, brace for impact!" The trainer shouted, giving his commands to his pokemon.

Reappearing from another dark portal, Steel crashed down towards the opposing Trevenant at a downward angle, aiming its anchor shaped body towards the big tree.

The Pumpkin pokemon's claw sunk into the Blast pokemon, sending the Fire type sliding back. On top of that, Mortar then took damage from the Curse, grunting in pain before falling to one knee. Ken considered his options. "I'm not ready to lose you yet, take a break Mortar." Using his first switch of the battle, Ken withdrew his damaged Magmortar. "Fang, you're up again!" Throwing another pokeball into the air, Ken's Crobat took the field once more.

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Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Sunny (2 turns rem)

Gym Leader:


Gym Pokémon Con:

As Trevenant & Dhelmise collided, Milo’s eyes narrowed as Trevenant lost out. Had it avoided the Haze with Phantom Force? Clever. Trevenant reached up to pluck a Sitrus Berry from it’s branches and immediately chowed down. It’s harvest ability swiftly caused another berry to grow in its place as the sun filled it with energy. Meanwhile Gourgeist scored a direct hit on Magmortar, though it suffered a burn for its troubles. The challenger was quick to use the first of his free switches, but that was well and good to Milo. “Gourgeist, it’s time! Trevenant, Haze!”

As a stat-clearing Haze once-more filled the field, Gourgeist made like the earlier Shiftry, exploding right in front of the unprepared Crobat. Dhelmise & Trevenant were naturally unaffected by the move, but Ken’s switch might not have been as beneficial as he thought.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

"Another one?" Fang's return to the battlefield was soon met with another of Milo's pokemon using Explosion. Luckily, due to being affected by Mortar's Flame Body, the Gourgeist's attack stat had been greatly weakened because of the burn. "Mortar's parting gift will not go to waste. Fang, you can take the hit! Steel your nerves!" The Corbat crossed his four wings, shielding his face from the bright explosion that followed. Thankfully, the damage was rather minimal.

While Fang took the explosion head on, Steel was in a showdown of its own against Milo's Trevenant. While Phantom Force hit the opposing pokemon hard, a Sitrus Berry was quickly used to heal some of the damage dealt. What's worse is that the Trevenant once again sprew out a stat clearing Haze, much to Ken's annoyance. "Alright fine, we'll just attack then. Steel, Anchor Shot!" Floating back a few steps, the Dhelmise materialized a metal anchor in front of it before launching it towards the Trevenant, aiming to entangle it in its chains.

"Keep up the pressure! Fang, use Leech Life!" Immediately after the anchor had been cast, Ken commanded his other pokemon to go on the offensive as well. The Crobat flew up into the air before swiftly diving down towards his opponent, his fangs at the ready.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Sunny (1 turns rem)

Gym Leader:


Gym Pokémon Con: Flower Gift - +1 atk | + 1 sp. def

Milo held his hand as his opponent doubled into his Trevenant. Given the damage it had taken from that Phantom Force, even a Sitrus berry couldn’t recover enough for it to contribute to the fight. The combination of Anchor shot & Leech Life felled the Ghost tree, thankfully there wouldn’t have been much health for Crobat to leech.

Now that he had a clean switch, Milo capitalized—“Triple Axel, Weather Ball!”

His next two pokéballs were already in the air, popping open to reveal Cherrim and Hisuian Lilligant! With the last vestiges of the sunlight still going strong, both Pokémon’s abilities activated. Cherrim flushed and bloomed, its heat rock prominently displayed while its petals released a fragrant scent as flower gift took effect, bolstered its allies. Once its flower was fully bloomed a ball of energy was released towards Dhelmise, one that swiftly absorbed the heat of the sun and burst into fiery flames!

Meanwhile, Liiligant’s chlorophyll kept it swift and nimble, granting it immense speed as it closed in on Crobat, a chilling frost wafting off its legs as it prepared to deliver a triple strike to fell the bat Pokémon.

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Atticus Pumpernickel
Aug. 1 - Circhester Bay

"C'mon, Flare, why do you have to keep running off on your own?"

His feet felt heavier and his exhaustion grew with every step, but Atticus had no choice but to continue to follow after his adventure-seeking partner. As they approached the source of that explosion, he felt the ground tremor softly but deeply underneath him, and the winds blowing against him grew stronger, now kicking up dust and dirt along with the snow. Eventually, the two arrived at the battle site, and Atticus froze in his tracks, blinking in utter shock and confusion at the chaos unfolding before him.

It was nothing short of pandemonium: the situation was so unruly, even Flare had to pause his excitement for just a moment, uncharacteristically acting against his wishes and screeching to a halt before continuing to rush head-on. The raging sandstorm obstructed a good chunk of his field of vision, but Atticus could barely make out what seemed like a base of operations under siege, Pokemon battles erupting left and right. Panicked grunts frantically shouted orders at their Pokemon, though most were quite handily overtaken by some... interesting Trainers. The raid seemed far from coordinated, with everyone practically running rampant, but for the most part, the defending party was definitely losing.

Regardless, Atticus didn't want to stay here long. Even if Flare wanted to keep going (which was an absolute certaninty), this terrain was too dangerous to even entertain. Atticus had to draw the line somewhere. However, as he tried to call out to his partner in hopes of politely asking first, a fierce cry rang from above, striking him with a feeling of both surprise and familiarity.


Memories flooded his mind in an instant, whispers of a past life ringing in his ears. On one current and more realistic hand, Atticus attempted reason: Flygon wasn't a rare species in this region. It could be any particular grunt's Pokemon defending the base. But on the other... it was too recognizable to ignore. Something about the inflection, the unique timbre... it brought back all the years he spent chasing a hopeless dream. Alongside a long-separated friend.

Flare turned back, waiting for Atticus's next move (to his trainer's surprise). Today seemed full of surprises, however, as Atticus blocked as much of his face with his arms as he could before stepping forward, forging through the sandstorm towards the base. His legs seemed to move on their own, but they took him towards what he hoped would simply be some closure, if not answers. Atticus finally addressed his partner as he walked, his voice shaky though his mind had already been made.

"Oh, Flare: whatever, whoever these grunts throw at you... just win, yeah? Be careful in this sandstorm, though."

Raboot was, thankfully, quite used to such broad direction; though the two hadn't found themselves in many battles, especially not of this scale, Flare could certainly appreciate the trust his trainer had in him. Atticus knew he was strong, and Flare believed it wholeheartedly.

Two grunts currently stood in their way, stationed outside an entrance that had seemingly been blasted in by force. Fortunately, they seemed preoccupied by other raiders, who had successfully infiltrated the base. A Golbat with distinct coloration and a unique marking let out a screech and blew gusts of wind at a Skorupi and Yanmega, who both suffered heavy damage. However, as soon as the wind subsided, the Golbat was nowhere to be seen, likely following its trainer inside. The grunts and their Pokemon began to regain their bearings, attempting to shake off the attack, but as soon as all four pairs of eyes found the approaching Raboot and his trainer, there was no mistaking the sunken look of defeat that overcame them. Atticus even felt a little sorry, offering a timid, apologetic wave before Flare promptly charged forward, kicking up flames from his hind legs that spread like wildfire across his body. Slamming headfirst into Skorupi with breakneck speed, the [Flame Charge] ricocheted from one Pokemon to the next, landing direct, super-effective hits that all but guaranteed their absence of consciousness, and as Atticus passed the two grunts by into the base with a quiet "sorry", he heard them mutter defeatedly under their breath.

"It just doesn't f#$&in' end today, man..."

Upon reaching the main floor, Atticus prepared to begin his search, but he was cut short by the clouds of bright green powder floating in the air. Its source? A Gloom running around with glee. What kind of move was this? Certainly something that inflicted a status effect; Atticus quickly covered his mouth and nose with his arm once again, taking quick short breaths as he continued forward, but he also made sure to recall Flare back into his Pokeball, not wanting to risk putting him out of commission in case of any future scuffles.

Suddenly, a brief motion of flowing hair caught his periphery, and Atticus glanced over to see two girls turning a corner deeper into the base, their faces similarly covered to protect them from the dubious gas. Atticus wanted to ask if Gloom belonged to one of them, but he couldn't exactly spare too many words. Following them around without their knowledge was also incredibly questionable, so with little time to think, Atticus simply let out a cough into his arm, hoping he made it loud enough to grab their attention. He also hoped they wouldn't see him as another grunt to fight, and that his normal clothes would be indication enough.

August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

"You mistake caution for courtesy," Wilford chuckled briefly, his chuckle stymied by Cole's unflinchingly plunge into the den's depths. The rich young man had hoped there was a technique to ensure the trainer's safety, but Cole's reckless descent did nothing to assuage Wilford's concerns. Safety protocols would have to wait lest Cole get too impatient. Against his better judgment, Wilford leaped into the Dynamax Den, holding his breath and suitcase on the way down.

Fortunately, Wilford found the descent to be unexpectedly tame. Without sustaining injuries, he could focus on the giant Pokémon before him. While it was a Mimikyu, something about it seemed off. The coloring of its cloak looked a bit paler than usual, though that could be due to the pink aura distorting its coloring. Regardless, it was time to get into the battle. Concerning which Pokémon to choose, he needed to balance strength and utility. One of his stronger Pokémon would enable meaningful progress to Mimikyu's defeat, while one of his lesser-used Pokémon could enable the battling Pokémon to perform better. While saving his best options for later might prove more secure in getting the job done, leading with them would create the best chances for a quick capture.

Grabbing a pair of Pokéballs, he sent out his Pokémon of choice: Monferno and Togepi. The former immediately locked eyes with his opponent while the latter got lost in the scenery until her trainer commanded, "Monferno, Helping Hand! Togepi, Sweet Kiss!"

Monferno clapped his hands, gathered a mass of golden energy until it formed an orb, and fired it at Cole's Meowth, amplifying the incoming Metal Claw. Shortly after, Togepi blew a kiss aimed at the massive Mimikyu, causing a cluster of pink hearts to float towards the Mimikyu. If one had a keen ear, they could pick up an angelic choir playing as the hearts drifted near their target.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:

Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

With Trevenant out of the picture, Ken turned his attention to the new pair that were sent out. The young man's eyes narrowed on one of the pokemon taking the field for a second. "Is that a Hisuian pokemon? They're still around?" He thought to himself. The thought didn't last long as the challenger quickly pulled his focus back to the battle. "Oh well, I can save that thought for later. Now, what to do."

After taking a moment to consider his options, the young man shouted his orders. "We'll focus on Lilligant! Steel, disrupt that attack with Anchor Shot! Fang, let's go on the offensive, use Wing Attack!"

The Sea Creeper Pokemon generated another anchor then shot it towards the Hisuian Lilligant with the aim to entangle the opposing pokemon with its chain. Though this meant leaving itself open for the incoming Weather Ball. Fang wasted no time before flying directly at the grass fighting type, his wings glowing brightly as he intended to face his opponent head on.

August 1st 2022
Slumbering Wield

It wasn’t supposed to go this badly. The opposing Nickit launched forward at the grassy turtle, a nasty assurance clearly doing significant damage. Charlie had underestimated the possible power of a small Nickit and the fact that these Pokémon often come in packs. While only 1 had attacked thus far, Charlie cold see the others, maybe 5 or 6, prowling around him and his Turtwig.

Focus, he told himself. “Glade! Use leafage!” The small Turtwig began focussing its power, preparing its move, but Charlie noticed the opposing Nickit rearing its head. “Wait!” Too late, the Nickit launched its Snarl at Glade stopping his attack and dealing more damage. This was not going well. Charlie hadn’t really battled anything before but he assumed a small Nickit couldn’t do this much damage. How stupid he was.

Glade couldn’t fight much longer and Charlie decided to cut his losses. He returned Glade to his pokéball and picked his bag off the ground, he barely realised he’d dropped it in the panic. The escape was easier than he thought it would be quickly running out of the line of trees and into the familiar fields of Postwick. He’d originally chosen the Slumbering Wield as his first adventure as he’s heard many stories about the ruins that lie within the dense forest. He’d didn’t expect to be run out of the forest after venturing only a few metres in. Picking himself up off the floor he decided that maybe the Slumbering Wield may have to wait. As he collected himself after the attack, he realised why the Nickit’s didn’t continue the chase for very long. In the scuffle they had stolen all of the berries from his bag, plus the herbs professor Magnolia asked him to grab while he was out. Great. But first things first.

Sending his Turtwig out now in the relative safety he examined its wounds, nothing permanent and nothing a few potions couldn’t fit, luckily the Nickit’s had left those. Glade stayed still as Charlie applied the medicine. The two hadn’t really… bonded since Charlie got him. Glade allowed Charlie to feed him and heal him and what not, but neither one really knew the other all that well. In battles Turtwig sometimes moved on its own ignoring what Charlie commanded. In all honesty though Charlie had little to no experience in battling and the young turtle probably knew what was best.


Later that night

Darkness was creeping over Wedgehurst as Charlie finally returned home. He had underestimated how long it would take to find the herbs he needed after loosing them to those pesky Nickit’s. Luckily Magnolia was still awake and the lab was unlocked as Charlie entered, ditching his coat on a rack and wandering over to give Magnolia the plans she wanted.

“I was wondering what time you would show up.” The professor didn’t look up from her notebook as she spoke. But Charlie knew there wasn’t worry in her tone.

“You didn’t have to stay, I could have given you this stuff in the morning.” Charlie picked up a pile of books off of the main table, carrying them to one of the bookshelves at the edge of the room. Magnolia had a bad habit of not clearing things up while she was working which often left a mess, a habit which Charlie had picked up.

“How did you go today? The Slumbering Wield isn’t known for being all that safe.” Magnolia had warned him before he left that the Slumbering Wield might not be the best place to start his journey.

“You know, I think if I just train up Glade a little bit we’ll able to make it further into the forest.” Charlie decided to lie.

“I highly doubt that, perhaps catching a few more Pokémon would be smart before you go off putting yourself in danger.” The professor had a point but Charlie was scared. He had never caught a wild Pokémon before and didn’t even know how to go about catching a Pokémon. “Route 2 could be a good place to start, or even the Wild Area although maybe that’s too risky.” Magnolia was right, Charlie was wildly under experienced and needed to train up if he was going to survive out in the wild. The professor got up from her seat and made her way to Charlie, she held out a few pokéballs and gestured for Charlie to take them. “There are plenty of easy catches around Wedgehurst, use these tomorrow and get yourself another Pokémon.” Charlie wasn’t so sure but thanked her anyway.

“Will you be okay on the walk down route 2? It’s already getting dark.”

“My! Is it? I’d better get going then, but don’t worry about me, I have my Lampent to scare away any pesky Pokémon.” As Charlie packed up the lab Magnolia left with her herbs. Charlie and many others were surprised that Magnolia was still working, after Sonia left on her travels, someone had to take over the lab but many expected her to stay retired. He was grateful to be able to work here even if he was just volunteering, he suspected that Magnolia had gotten used to reasearching with an assistant and had missed the company since Sonia left.


August 2nd 2022
Route 1

Charlie was feeling confident, Route 1 was much less intimidating than the Slumbering Wield, and he’d been here many times before so he new what kinds of Pokémon lived here. His first encounter didn’t end in a catch but his Turtwig had managed to damage the Rookidee enough, if only it hadn’t flown away. At least Charlie wasn’t the one running in fear this time. Now he stood battle ready in front of a Skwovet, it was backed into a corner and had no choice but to fight.

“Tackle!” Charlie called out and Glade ran forward trying to ram into the squirrel but it quickly jumped out of the way, missed but Charlie managed to call Glade back in time to dodge the Skwovet’s bite. “Absorb!” As the Skwovet tried to recover from its miss Glade hit it with an absorb draining its health. Charlie saw an opportunity as the Skwovet looked dazed and threw one of his pokéballs. One shake, two shakes, three shakes… success! Charlie pondered what to name his new friend as he went over and picked up the pokéball.

Once he returned back to Wedgehurst and had healed his Skwovet at the Pokémon centre he sat down on a park bench and sent out his new friend. At first the Skwovet reared its head, apparently it didn’t like being caught, but Charlie won it over with a few berries and soon he had a new friend. He sent out Glade and the two actually seemed to get along quite well. The turtle was slow and reserved but the Skwovet played anyway, jumping around trying to chase. Charlie mulled it over and eventually ended on the name Red, he thought the Skwovet’s energetic nature fit such a firey name.

Current Pokémon -
Level - ~10
Ability - Overgrow
Gender - Male
Held Item - None
Battle Ready Moves -
Level - ~7
Ability - Cheek Pouch
Gender - Male
Held Item - None
Battle Ready Moves -
Tail Whip
Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Sunny (1 turns rem)
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: Flower Gift - +1 atk | + 1 sp. def

There was no need to panic. The last turn of sunlight was key. It was far too easy for Lilligant to evade the lumbering Dhelmise whilst its speed was enhanced by Chlorophyll, the martial arts flower, danced around the chain, and met Crobat heat on with its Triple Axel. Three kicks struck out, each stronger than they would’ve been as Cherrim’s flower gift boosted Lilligant’s attack by one stage.

Milo suspected neither of the challenger’s Pokémon would outlast this onslaught. After clashing with Trevenant, could Dhelmise take the fiery weather ball? The Turrfield Gym leader stroked his chin thoughtfully and bet on his Pokémon. Both his opponent’s Pokémon were already damaged and his Pokémon were fresh and empowered, they would fell the challenger’s Pokémon and provide him with a chance to—“Use Sunny Day and Victory Dance!”

If thing went his way, his Pokémon would be able to reset the sun and boost their stats while the challenger scrambled to switch out his fallen Pokémon.

Cole Forrest1719699804100.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

Dynamax Mimikyu: -2 Def; Confusion 1 turn; Taunt 3 turns
Thwackey: -1 Def
Galarian Meowth: -1 Def
Monferno: -1 Def
Togepi: -1 Def

Cole heard the unmistakable sound of two PokeBalls releasing their Pokemon. He looked over to see a Pokemon he wasn't aware of Wilford owning. A Togepi? Didn't he use that against Milo or was he just remembering wrong?

Either way, he was thankful that the Helping Hand and Sweet Kiss were used. The Sweet Kiss confused the Mimikyu and its Disguise was destroyed as the boosted Metal Claw hit, but it didn't seem to do more damage to it. Unfortunately, it didn't hit itself in confusion. As its head keeled over, the shadows manifested around the Dynamax Pokemon. Objects materialized in thin air and had a light purple glow before they targeted the Meowth, smashing the objects against the steely Meowth with Max Phantasm. A wave of energy hit all other Pokemon, aiming to lower their Defense.

The Max Phantasm did some damage, so it was likely using a physical Ghost-Type move but the power output was minimal, so it was likely a weak one. Then again, it wasn't something to just sit idly by and take. "That Max Phantasm lowered all our Pokemon's Defenses. Be careful." He didn't need to remind Wilford what Mimikyu was best at.

It seemed to have taken the Galarian Meowth as the greatest threat as its gaze was locked on him. Cole then commanded. "Thwackey, Screech! Meowth, Metal Claw!" They needed to beat it fast. Thwackey screeched at it, lowering its defenses while Meowth charged in with glowing metallic claws once again. He can hear his Dynamax Band was full of energy now, but it was only a matter of time before it would lose the charge. But, Wilford's Dynamax Band should be fully charged as soon as Cole's band loses its charge, so that was what he was going to do. This was Wilford's catch after all.

He spoke to Wilford, offering some advice. "Depending on when people enter the den, their bands will slowly charge up with energy, but wait too long and the band will discharge it. I will let you Dynamax your Pokemon." Hopefully, he understood the intricacies of a den battle now.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

The following exchange went poorly for Ken's side. The Hisuian Lilligant was easily able to avoid Steel Anchor Shot, leaving the Grass and Ghost type open as it was hit by the fiery Weather Ball. Fang's wings clashed against Lilligant's legs, but due to the power increase from Cherrim's ability and the increasing strength of each subsequent kick, the Crobat was unable to win his clash and was kicked back down to earth. As the smoke cleared, both of Ken's pokemon were no longer able to battle.

Milo was quick to capitalize on this momentum, setting the sun once more as well as boosting his Lilligant's stats with a Victory Dance. However, it would be too soon to be treating this as a victory. "Alright, come on out, Finn and Tappers!" Throwing a pair of pokeballs into the air, Ken's next set of pokemon landed on the field: a Golduck and Mr.Rime.

While it was strange to bring a water type to a Grass Gym, the Golduck's role was soon apparent. As soon as the Duck pokemon took the stage, the sun's once scorching rays felt as if they had become dimmer. The new duo stood back to back as Ken shouted his commands. "Alright! Lock that Cherrim's moves with Encore Tappers! Finn, Disable that Victory Danse with Disable!" The Mr. Rime pointed his cane at the Cherrim mid Sunny Day, a spotlight would soon appear above the Blossom Pokemon. Meanwhile, the Golduck's eyes would glow blue as he snapped his fingers, sending a wave of psychic energy through the Lilligant's body.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (7 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: +1 Atk +1 Def +1 Spd H. Lilligant | Victory Dance (Disabled 4 turns), Cherrim Encored (3 Turns)

A Golduck wasn’t something most people would bring against a Grass type gym leader, but today’s challenger was extremely prepared. Cloud Nine critically shut down the sun which deactivated both his pokémon’s abilities. Milo frowned but was quick to counter with moves of his own. “Encore that Rime and keep on the pressure Cherrim!”

Lilligant clapped its hands to encourage Mr. Rime and Cherrim fired another weather ball at Golduck. Milo was more than happy to trade disabled victory dance for completely removing the ice type from the fight. Three turns would be more than enough for them to take out Golduck.

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

Ken's plan was set in motion, but it seemed a wrench was already being thrown in it. Just as Tappers used Encore on the opposing Cherrim, the opposing Lilligant also proceeded to use Encore on him. Fortunately, the Gym Challenger had a way out. "Tappers, Protect!" As the cheers from the Lilligant approached the Ice Psychic type, a barrier suddenly appeared around him as he slammed his cane down, blocking the effects of Encore from affecting him.

"While they're preoccupied, hit them with an Ice Beam Finn!" As his trainer shouted his command, the Golduck took a deep breath before tensing his body; firing an icy blue beam from the gem on his forehead at the opposing Lilligant.

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Route 9
Cassius 'Kaz' Aspen

Titania watched the two rush toward the building leaving a Golbat to cover their back. Instead of letting the opponent have any chance at retaliation she took in air and a ball of black and purple energy gathered in front of her mouth. With a flash the powerful dark pulse was launched to strike down the Yanmega. She'd never hear the end of it from Cassius if she let people get hurt when she's in charge of this area. Striking down the faster one so they don't follow the two and focus on her instead.

After the solid hit, dunking the Fearow to the ground as ordered, the Flygon and Glory share a look. It seems that the Flygon understood why she was here. Glory's eyes glimmer as her dragonic blood has just started pumping a hunger for combat apparent. The target Fearow started flying up to hit her back but the Flygon blocked it with a move of its own. Using Aerial Ace again Glory blurs behind and to the left of the Fearow but instead of a going for a slam dunk motion like before, she angles for a wicked haymaker to the Pokémon's head with water energy coating her claw using the move, Liquidation.

Cassius moved toward Soveriegn quickly and spotted Zeke and Maddie. "Ready Soveriegn?" The Nidoking nodded with resolution and he pointed forward. "Go. Charge forth and give them more cover to save those Pokémon." The Nidoking roared and charged forward smashing through the wall near the hole made by the growlithe's fire. It's eyes landed on the cages holding Pokémon captive. It's gaze swept from Zeke to Maddie s few knocked out grunts, and seemingly more coming. It stepped forward its claws covered in icy cold energy blocking the way so Zeke and Maddie might have a easier time getting the Pokémon out.
Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (6 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: +1 Atk +1 Def +1 Spd H. Lilligant | Victory Dance (Disabled 3 turns), Cherrim Encored (2 Turns)

A swift protect foiled Milo’s plans, but what went around came around—“Lilligant, Protect!” and the super effective ice beam was deflected harmlessly off the barrier that snapped around Lilligant. Cherrim was still locked into sunny day, but Milo saw an opportunity. “Lilligant retreat and start charging!”
The petal dancer began to absorb sunlight, as it wordlessly retreated to Cherrim’s side, it’s power waiting to be unleashed on the next turn!
"Come Combee!" Saga called over Combee as it buzzed around her, "A new person to talk to!" Saga skipped her way to Timothy before grinning widely, "Hello there! The name's Saga and this is Combee!" She pointed to Combee as it buzzed cheerfully.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Timothy looked up and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. What did she want? "I'm Timothy. Do you.. Have a place to stay? There's nobody good out there at this time of night to talk to."

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

Ken gave little reaction to seeing his attack get blocked. He eyes the Lilligant circle around their partner Cherrim who was still stuck raising the sun, charging energy as they did so. "Ah, I see what you're doing. However, I won't let you." He threw his arm out in front of him. "Finn, charge an Ice Beam and hold it. Tappers, close in on them!" On command, The Golduck prepared another Ice Beam as the Mr.Rime ran up to the opposing pokemon. Once he was close enough, Ken gave his next command. "Now, Dazzling Gleam!" Tappers swung his cane at his opponents, releasing a bright rainbow-colored light towards both opposing pokemon.


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