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Fandom Pokemon | δ | Team Delta

Bright and early. That's how Randy liked his mornings.

How he didn't like them was bright, early, and demanding he get ready to risk his life to save some trainer he didn't even know. 'Course, word had gotten around fast, especially when the words "voluntary" and "dangerous" were thrown around. A lot of missions were voluntary. Even more were dangerous.

But the two together? That was a particularly new twist.

Randy made sure his person was stocked and ready-- two magazines, his silencer, his Pokemon, and a small, pocketable gas mask. He wasn't so much a soldier as he was an infiltrator. And as such, he figured his job here would me much, much more difficult than running in with some kind of automatic weapon and a Pokeball or two, just in case.

"Well, maybe not more difficult," he thought aloud, the familiar, soft click of his pistol sending a tingle down his spine, "just... different. No need to think like that, I don't think."

Ticka-tacka! Ticka-tacka-tick!

Randy glanced up, one of his Pokeballs rolling around excitedly. Supposedly, Gengar had heard the news through its ball. He'd been listening it, it seemed. Sure, ti was the Ghost Pokemon's job to do so, but regardless, it felt a little intrusive that the Pokemon was listening in on him, in particular. Still, it was hypocritical of him to be so critical of his Pokemon's antics. They'd probably serve them both very well in the coming hours.

- - - - -
The whirring of the helicopter blades at the Mistralton Airport blew unnatural wind across Randy's tired face, though his long hair didn't flow in the wind. He'd tied it back in a tight ponytail, and that flipped in the wind, sometimes tickling the face of the soldier behind him. Here, he was one of tens, maybe hundreds. A tight, trained unit, some with, and some without Pokemon.

Regardless, as Randy scanned the crowd with his bloodshot eyes, he wondered just how many of them would be coming back.
Gwendolyn Reiner


That was what Gwen needed to keep her eyes open after the stressful all-nighter Magician put her through. That was why she was why she was currently seated in the patio of a small, somewhat cute-looking, café, blowing into a cup of steaming black caffeine, even though she considered herself more a tea person. She would need the burst of energy to keep alert.

Goldenrod was bustling, city full of energy. That much hadn’t changed at least. People still did business, went to work, lived their lives as usual. Kids still played in the park. The only difference was there were no pokemon frolicking around. No trainers. The city had been distilled of wildlife. The precious few she saw were so docile, it was painfully obvious that Starburst technology had been used on them.

What was Sturburst? No one knew. If the resistance had that knowledge, they’d be doing a much better job in the war than they were currently doing.

Gwen glanced at her “twin”, who was merrily cutting into a muffin with a fork and knife. She was a pokemon trainer who did not desire to use Starburst technology. As such, her side should be obvious. She wondered if ought be fighting right now instead of leisurely eating—answering the call of Blue and the other members of the Pokemon League as they fought for their ideals. For the sake of pokemon. The truth was that Gwen was afraid of war. She didn’t want to stain her hands. Hearing it on the news was bad enough. Death. Massacres. In all the places where Delta and The League clashed, the numbers of casualties rose. One by one the list of her friends, or people she’s had the honor of meeting and battling during her trainer days, decreased.

Were any of them still alive?

Eyes returning to the contents of her cup, Gwen brought the hot beverage to her lips as she listened to the lovey-dovey flirting of the couple in the table next to her, blissfully unaware—or unconcerned—about the war going on outside their doors. If only Gwen could return to those days. Days when her mother was still alive. When her father hadn’t joined the resistance and she was still practicing with Gummy and Barney to be the best coordinator. Days when decision-making wasn’t nearly as tough.

Setting the coffee down, Gwen lifted her phone and re-read the text she’d received that morning, not long after finding Magician.

The Resistance is going to launch an attack on Goldenrod today to free Top Coordinator Brendan. Stay away from the city.

It was from her father. She was certain of it. Gwen had tried calling him, tried returning the text, but whatever line he used to contact her was dead. Did that message mean he had returned to Johto? Was he in Goldenrod City? Or was he elsewhere, simply leaving his daughter a warning of what was to come? Gwen had to know. She also needed to restock on supplies. That was why Gwen had chosen to disobey her father an entered the city that housed Delta’s HQ regardless of whatever chaos ensued.

Looking up at the looming Radio Tower, Gwen didn’t know whether she ought get involved or not. It would be dangerous. It would put her pokemon at risk. However, one thing’s for sure. Gwen wanted the Resistance to succeed. As a fellow former Coordinator from Johto, Brendan was someone she’d admired in her past. They’d never spoken. He probably didn’t even know she existed. But such feelings of respect didn’t fade easily. The question that currently occupied the seventeen year old girl’s mind at the moment was simple, yet convoluted…leaving her at a standstill.

“What do you think, Gummy?” Gwen watched a Delta Officer walk down the street, her composed, tranquil expression masking the turmoil that lay beneath. “Am I still a Coordinator?”

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