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Fandom Pokemon Cruise


Mindless Thinker
Start chatting up a storm here guys. Maybe if we chat enough, a storm will actually develop in the ocean for our characters to enjoy.
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Is it ok if I RP as the captain of the ship and his 2 pokemon?
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@Disruptis Sorry for delayed response, I apparently wasn't watching this thread and never got a notification. Yes, you may be the captain. Sounds like a fun idea.
Can we get a description of each city? It's hard to make gym leaders that somewhat match with no knowledge of the city they belong to. As well, are there any particular order to them, and do gym leaders need to be weaker than the next and stronger than the last, or can gym leaders be of any difficulty their creator wants? Could you perhaps draw a map to describe how each town is connected to the next?

What are the restrictions to beginning pokemon? Asides from the no legendaries rule of course. Do all starting pokemon need their own app?

Are battles conducted with anime rules, or video game rules? Is there a restriction to the number of moves a pokemon can learn, and do moves used strangely in the anime have those strange properties? (e.g. Ditto can transform repeatedly)

I also recommend against 12 badges. The anime is full of erroneous badges.

Noivern said:
Twilight the Troublemaker

Species: Zoroark (Dark/ Fighting)
Zoroark is a mono-Dark type.
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I hope we can use Anime-battle style, there's a lot more creativity in it. (I'm almost about ready to submit my character)
I love and hate anime-styled battles.

It allows blatantly unfair things, like excessive dodging, or one-hit-ko moves being undodgeable at point-blank or not quite one-hit-ko. On the other hand, it allows for really neat things, like aforementioned Ditto properties.

Most pokemon RP I've been in allow anime-styled battles, but if either RPer has a problem with something the other does and it can't be resolved, it defaults to game-styled battles, maybe even right down to damage calculators.
@Ryik @Disruptis

Sorry for my laziness when it comes to details of the region. I do have some material on that to share, but it's not very comprehensive data. But I do have a map. I'll get those posted soon. I just figured that it wouldn't be too important in this particular RP. In fact, I wouldn't be opposed to making temporary modifications to specific details just for us. Concerning the difficulty of the gym leaders, I don't have any rules in mind for that. Be from whichever city you want; be as strong or weak as you want.

I haven't even begun to think about starter pokemon in this region. First of all, I am not going to invent new pokemon. And for the sake of flexibility and of character uniqueness, I will allow just about anything as your first pokemon. Just be reasonable. You're probably not going to begin with a Dragonite, unfortunately. I'd like to mention that there is no need for any trainers on board to indicate what their starter pokemon is. You may simply have pokemon without explaining their origin. And typically, I won't expect an app for any of your trainer's pokemon, unless you plan to use them regularly as a character in the plot. If the pokemon is simply a tool that the trainer uses from time to time, then I don't need an app.

And now for the hard part... battling. Originally, this RP was not intended to focus on battling, but it is imminent that such events will occur. And I won't try to stop you. In fact, I would like to see some of us get competitive like that. But I do get discouraged when I see players care so much about winning the battle that they argue over it. Just have fun and take a loss sometimes. I would like to see us have battles like what we see in the anime. But if there is a conflict during the battle, I will have to moderate it and treat it more game-like. I wonder if we could take advantage of Smogon's battle simulator for this.

Oh, and for the number of moves a pokemon can use. I think it's a bit strange to limit it to just 4 (like in the games), but it would also be strange if it knew every single move it could possibly know. I don't have a specific limit on this issue, but I will make one if I have to. In an RP, I don't think I've ever seen a pokemon that knows too many moves, so I won't set a limit unless and until it becomes an issue.

And look at the time! It took me so long to type this up, and now I have to go soon. I will have to post the region's details a bit later today. For now, just use this link as a reference. I hope that is good enough for now, but I will copy the info to the overview of this RP soon.
bluhbluh bluh bluh, (Chatin' up a storm lol) My real question is, may I be a gym leader with her 4 or 3 pokemon?
@Disruptis Good question. I think it would be fine to go ahead and start right now. I'll post a character sheet for myself pretty soon. And we can all get in on the action. The ship is docked and ready to let the passengers aboard. Feel free to play out events that occur BEFORE the ship departs at 4pm. You can even explore the ship between 1pm and 4pm, but don't let it set sail just yet. We'll keep things just a tad slow at the beginning to see if others will join.
@Disruptis Sorry for delayed response, again. Somehow I didn't see this question until a few minutes ago.

Well, I guess I could give those descriptions. But I really don't mind you guys making stuff up either. I like the idea of placing the pokecenter near the battle arena. I guess there are some details I could give like, the swimming pool is outdoor on the deck of the ship. And I also want to imagine that the battle arena is very sophisticated and can alter its terrain to whatever the battlers choose. I am still undecided about how many battles the ship can accommodate at one time. It's hard for me to imagine more than one or two battles going on at the same time. But then again, I have a hard time imagining how large this ship really is and how large a battle arena is supposed to be.
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Alright, should we set sail sometime this weekend? Or should we wait a little longer? I'm pretty eager to get things moving along. But at the same time, I'm having a good time where we are right now.

This is the second time I have woken up to a new page of posts.
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Man, I can't even keep up anymore. That sickness really got me, and I've lost all sense of what is happening. Now, I'm afraid to jump back in.

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