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Fandom Pokemon Cruise

@tinygrassisdreaming Your character, Lu, is accepted.

Nice, we've got a ranger on board. We can all rest easy.

@SpicyLickiTounge Your character, Eddie Simmons, is accepted.

And a poketuber here, as well. I like that concept. I've never seen it before.
Species: Sylveon

Nickname (optional): Sylph

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Owner (if wild, put "wild"): Wild (might change if anybody wants to be my trainer!)

Appearance (only needed if describing features that make it different from others of the same species, such as form, markings, scars, clothing, etc. Some species like Shellos need this since the species commonly comes in different forms):

Personality: Fabulous, Excitable, Bubbly, Kind, Conceited (just a bit),

Biography (optional): Sylph was abandoned by his trainer when they went to jail. Ever since, he has been looking for the trainer...unsuccessfully. He's very kind and excitable, even if a bit conceited. His best friend, Oni, and him were split apart after their owner went to jail and they haven't seen each other since.

Nickname:N/A (can be decided by trainer)




Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.321d64671257e9c5f419c430e7f90cb1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.321d64671257e9c5f419c430e7f90cb1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This gengars only basic difference from others is its eyes are yellow as opposed to red

Biography:To be revealed (when caught)

Other:a random gengar haunting the ship

Move list:


Dream eater

Shadow ball

Shadow claw



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Max Ludwith




Female (Yes.)





Short (5'2), Flat-chested and rather slim, but she carries so much stuff it's pretty much a workout itself, so she didn't skip leg day. Her hair flips up in areas which appear like ears and she dislikes it.


Max is a tomboyish, roguish, and short individual who appears to be very perceptive and aware of their environment, catching little details not only visually, but environmentally as well. An intelligently analytical individual, Max tends to be a bit oblivious and naive to real-life situations, as if it all were a video-game of some sort. While her speech can be a little animated at some times, she tries her best to be social, and is a friendly person overall. Max is the closest you can achieve to an undercover cop without truly being an undercover cop, carrying a camera, objects, and etcetera wherever she goes. While she can over complicate simple situations, she's very patient and enjoys having conversations with others, which sometimes goes off track with her analytical ramblings. A lot of times, she's seen talking to herself or daydreaming, and her mind wanders very easily.

She's an insanely good detective if the case ever comes, and has a habit of picking up things off the ground.

Biography (optional):

Max's father, Luis was a well known researcher throughout Jade Town, but he was always overlooked by the powerful Rock, Steel, and Ground trainers and researchers around him. He was always viewed as "the second best", overlooked by everyone around him, and never being capable of beating someone else. Regardless of how intelligent and analytical he was, he was never able to surpass those around him. Due to that, Luis developed and uncomfortable obsession with surpassing those around him, to the point of forcing a marriage with woman in order to conceive a child who could be useful to his own studies.

Luis first performed his research on his wife, Mai. While the genetics between Humans and Pokemon were different, he believed that he was able to develop antidotes and technology for Pokemon by using a human experiment. But through an accident, Mai lost her vision within a year of their research, and without her ability to see, she became useless to his research. They concieved a child named Max, and Luis believed that she would be the key for him to be able to surpass those around him.

When Enya was five years old, she started to recieved tutoring and training from her father. The training, however, was harsh and cruel, to the point of causing Max to pass out or throw up due to overwork, forced past the limits that a child of her age could take. Her father always insisted that she was incapable of ever winning against anyone no matter how hard she tried, and that she was so easily defeated that there was no hope of her ever becoming like the Trainers, Gym Leaders, and Champions that she loved so much on TV. Max was incapable of being anything other than weak. And she earnestly believed that. Max's mother, Mai, tried to defend her, but her father refused to listen, going as far as to harm her using her lack of vision (causing her to burn her own hand, leading her to be lost in the mountains, overall hurting her). Luis prevented Max from interacting with anyone else in Jade Village, who she often saw playing outside or playing with their own Pokemon. Max began to despise the training, and hating her father for abusing her mother.

During these dark times, Mai would always be there to support her. Even with all the abuse that she suffered, she told Max that she was not a slave to her father or to his research, and she can become whatever she wants to be.

Overtime, Mai started to gradually lose her own sanity to due mental torment and lacerations she had recieved from her husband, finding it painful to hear Max's cries or voice because it reminded her of him. One day, Mai was talking to her own mother over the phone about her trauma, and recognized that she no longer had the mental stability to raise her own daughter. Startled by Max's sudden appearance at the door, Max's sniffling and sobbing voice reminded her of her fathers's, and she snapped, using her husbands own Pokemon to launch her against a wall, which left a long scar along her stomach and back.

Sometime after this incident, Max asked her father where here mother was. Luis replied with because Mai was in an unhealthy mental state, she was sent to a rehabilitation location where she could slowly regain her sanity once again, much to Max's shock. Max blamed her father, saying that everything that had happened to her and her mother was his fault.

But never in her life has Max forgotten about her mother's supportive words.

Theme Song (either in battle or in general):


Pokemon Team (slight WIP):


Pokemon: Skarmory

Nickname: Zoku

Gender: Male


Pokemon: Lanturn

Nickname: Rein

Gender: Female


Pokemon: Flygon

Nickname: Vix

Gender: Male


Pokemon: Pangoro

Nickname: Omi

Gender: Male


Pokemon: Abomasnow

Nickname: Grover

Gender: Male


Pokemon: Sentret

Nickname: Chihiro

Gender: Female
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@Entarriance I know it says "slight WIP", but I'm gonna just go ahead and accept your character, Max Ludwith, right now anyway. I can't imagine you would add anything that would change my mind about it. Feel free to finish whatever details you need here, and get on the boat.
Hello! I'd like to join. Let me start by saying that this is my first RP on this forum, so bear with me if I make some mistakes. ^^

I'd like to introduce my character, Lissa.

Name: Lissa

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: 4"11, slightly chubby. Long, curly blonde hair. Green eyes, fair skin.

Personality: Warm and friendly, yet brutally honest. Lacks tact, and often says things that offend people unintentionally. Also very stubborn and strong-willed, but very caring and earnest. Sees the beauty in every Pokemon, yet is somewhat cynical towards people.

Biography (optional): Lissa comes from Mossdeep City of the Hoenn Region. Growing up on an island, Lissa often felt trapped- living in the shadow of the city's gym leaders- Tate and Liza. This drove Lissa to seek out Pokemon as a means of escape- falling in love with them along the way. Lissa has a special affinity towards water types, and is travelling the world in hopes of one day becoming skilled enough to open up her own water type gym. Lissa is also very fond of swimming with her Pokemon.

My tablet is currently out of commission, but I do have some sketches of Lissa :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d77a513_whereisyourcharizardnow.jpg.e7f3dc5bf114e2f1d945f27267d16d9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d77a513_whereisyourcharizardnow.jpg.e7f3dc5bf114e2f1d945f27267d16d9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d77f465_gymleaderfuckyes.jpg.c9f11cb657c99ac966d9127844ef30f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d77f465_gymleaderfuckyes.jpg.c9f11cb657c99ac966d9127844ef30f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As for her pokemon, I will add that in just a little bit! Thankyou!

(Edit: 2:06 p.m.)



Masquerain (Female)



Mantine (Male)



Gastrodon (Female)



Lombre (Male)


Theme Song:


thankyou @Entarriance for the idea! :)



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Flannels said:
Hello! I'd like to join. Let me start by saying that this is my first RP on this forum, so bear with me if I make some mistakes. ^^
I'd like to introduce my character, Lissa.

Name: Lissa

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: 4"11, slightly chubby. Long, curly blonde hair. Green eyes, fair skin.

Personality: Warm and friendly, yet brutally honest. Lacks tact, and often says things that offend people unintentionally. Also very stubborn and strong-willed, but very caring and earnest. Sees the beauty in every Pokemon, yet is somewhat cynical towards people.

Biography (optional): Lissa comes from Mossdeep City of the Hoenn Region. Growing up on an island, Lissa often felt trapped- living in the shadow of the city's gym leaders- Tate and Liza. This drove Lissa to seek out Pokemon as a means of escape- falling in love with them along the way. Lissa has a special affinity towards water types, and is travelling the world in hopes of one day becoming skilled enough to open up her own water type gym. Lissa is also very fond of swimming with her Pokemon.

My tablet is currently out of commission, but I do have some sketches of Lissa :

View attachment 279713 View attachment 279714

As for her pokemon, I will add that in just a little bit! Thankyou!
I love your art!!!!!!
Flannels said:
Thanks so much! ^^
I take commissions :D
How much does it cost? A swear to god, there's this one character I would really love to use in future roleplays but of course, they need an actual appearance rather than just a worded description.
SpicyLickiTounge said:
How much does it cost? A swear to god, there's this one character I would really love to use in future roleplays but of course, they need an actual appearance rather than just a worded description.
I haven't really set up a payment system yet, but it would depend on what you want. Like I said earlier, my tablet is being derpy, so I can't promise any high-quality digital art. I'll do my best though! I'd be happy to draw any of your OC's :)
It's ok! As long as he looks like he looks, I'm game. But I..uh..*Looks at empty wallet*...might need to wait awhile before actually making the commission though.
SpicyLickiTounge said:
It's ok! As long as he looks like he looks, I'm game. But I..uh..*Looks at empty wallet*...might need to wait awhile before actually making the commission though.
Thats fine! You're always welcome to message me at any time. When you do get the money, you could send it to my paypal. ^^ For a sketch like the one I did of my character, I'd probably charge about $5- I'll keep it affordable.
Flannels said:
Thats fine! You're always welcome to message me at any time. When you do get the money, you could send it to my paypal. ^^ For a sketch like the one I did of my character, I'd probably charge about $5- I'll keep it affordable.
Ok, I'll be sure to come to you when I get enough for a commission!

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