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Fandom Pokemon Cruise


Species: Pancham

Nickname: Pan

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Owner: Wild

Appearance: Always seen wearing a purple scarf

Personality: Flirty and Mischievous. Pan is always getting into trouble. He can be very flirty around most male Pokemon. He loves to eat and often steals food. His scarf was also stolen from a trainer. Pan has a thing for shiny objects. If given the chance, He will gladly take any coins, or anything else that catches the sunlight off your hands.
@Flannels Your character, Lissa, is accepted. Welcome to RPNation.

@BeetleShinobi Your character, Pan, is accepted.

Sorry, if I've been MIA today. I got sick, and have been getting a lot of sleep. But I'm feeling a bit better now. So hopefully, I will get a little more active, again.
Species: Vaporeon

Nickname: Viola

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Owner: Wild

Appearance: Skin tone a teeny tiny bit brighter than others, has a yellow gem shaped like a heart on a short necklace called "Kihato". Her "head fins" are short.

Personality: She is chill with most things, but she can have normal emotions when the time calls for it. She loves to have fun and really likes water. Also, don't touch her hard because you're hand can go through like water and she will try to bite you.

Biography: Let me think about that... Yeah, no.
Name: Neo "Faker" Seda

Age: 23

Gender: ?

Sexuality: I personally prefer this field to be uncertain.

City: Opal Hills

Type Specialty: Normal


Personality: Something of a mystery. He behaves inconsistently shy. For the most part he's so quiet as to be easily mistaken for mute. He isn't exactly quick to clarify either, which is why he tends to surprise people when suddenly speaking up, only to go back to silence once the spotlight is on him. He completely drops this facade seemingly without warning, but usually speaks openly with his friends and other gym leaders, as well as some gym challengers. Said to have a voice smooth as silk. Placid, witty, and quotes shakespeare far more than he should.

Carries a rapier on him at often as he carries pokemon on him, supposedly to be used as a conductor's baton. As good a fencer as he is a musician. If the costume wasn't a dead giveaway, he's a talented musician. His gym is a theater stage, on which he or his pokemon regularly perform. He's trained all of his pokemon to be talented musicians.

Has a reputation for physically assaulting pokemon.

Species: Ditto

Nickname: Neo

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Owner: Neo. If this seems confusing, this is exactly why the human Neo has the nickname "Faker"

Personality: An incredibly talented Ditto, its attention to detail is very thorough. While in a human form, it can speak English words, but doesn't understand the English language. As such, it can only really memorize words or phrases and say them back when cued. Great musician, maybe even as good as the original Neo. Being able to become any instrument certainly helps, but it can play most instruments in a human form as well. Naive and innocent.

Species: Chatot

Gender: ?

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Owner: Neo

Personality: A bit of an odd one, it is fully capable of speaking English, with a considerable vocabulary. It hides this fact from everyone besides other gym leaders and Neo's friends. Uses Neo's voice. Rarely seen in its pokeball, it is usually perched on Neo's shoulder. It's often hard to tell whether Neo or the Chatot is speaking. Can speak the sounds of just about any musical instrument. Devious.

Has 3 other pokemon, only one of which is another normal type.


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Ryik said:
Name: Neo "Faker" Seda
Age: 23

Gender: ?

Sexuality: I personally prefer this field to be uncertain.

City: Opal Hills

Type Specialty: Normal


Personality: Something of a mystery. He behaves inconsistently shy. For the most part he's so quiet as to be easily mistaken for mute. He isn't exactly quick to clarify either, which is why he tends to surprise people when suddenly speaking up, only to go back to silence once the spotlight is on him. He completely drops this facade seemingly without warning, but usually speaks openly with his friends and other gym leaders, as well as some gym challengers. Said to have a voice smooth as silk. Placid, witty, and quotes shakespeare far more than he should.

Carries a rapier on him at often as he carries pokemon on him, supposedly to be used as a conductor's baton. As good a fencer as he is a musician. If the costume wasn't a dead giveaway, he's a talented musician. His gym is a theater stage, on which he or his pokemon regularly perform. He's trained all of his pokemon to be talented musicians.

Has a reputation for physically assaulting pokemon.

Species: Ditto

Nickname: Neo

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Owner: Neo. If this seems confusing, this is exactly why the human Neo has the nickname "Faker"

Personality: An incredibly talented Ditto, its attention to detail is very thorough. While in a human form, it can speak English words, but doesn't understand the English language. As such, it can only really memorize words or phrases and say them back when cued. Great musician, maybe even as good as the original Neo. Being able to become any instrument certainly helps, but it can play most instruments in a human form as well. Naive and innocent.

Species: Chatot

Gender: ?

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Owner: Neo

Personality: A bit of an odd one, it is fully capable of speaking English, with a considerable vocabulary. It hides this fact from everyone besides other gym leaders and Neo's friends. Uses Neo's voice. Rarely seen in its pokeball, it is usually perched on Neo's shoulder. It's often hard to tell whether Neo or the Chatot is speaking. Devious.

Has 3 other pokemon, only one of which is another normal type.


top quality theme TOP QUALITY TOUHOU

Name: Adahy

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

City: Gazania

Type Specialty: Psychic

Appearance: 6'7", strong, long black hair usually braided or out, wears vacation ponchos while on the cruise

Personality: Adahy always comes off as mysterious. He is very quiet and peaceful which shows in his usual relaxed facial expression. He is very thorough and thoughtful, never acting out before thinkink about the consequences of his actions. Despite his young age, Adahy is quite wise, always very practical and objective. His feelings never cloud his judgment, some even doubt he experiences emotions due to his stoic demeanor. He enjoys creating things and putting care into anything he puts his mind to. Adahy likes to make himself think, and loves battles for the strategy aspects. Though, he does love to sit down for a peaceful game of pi-sho or cards. A lot of modern technology or customs are still foreign to him, so he may react strangely when finding himself in certain situations. Despite being a very well known and revered gym leader around the region for his strength and strategy in battle, Adahy is a very humble man. He appreciates the little things most of all, the tiny details that no one notices but are what is most important.

Biography: Adahy was born and raised in the wilds. His parents were a nomadic couple who decided to live their lives the natural, most primitive way. As he grew, Adahy learned how to naturally become close to a Pokemon and tame it without any pokeballs or technology. His first friend was a Natu whom he hatched himself after finding an abandoned egg. Naturally, it imprinted on Adahy and saw him as its father, so Adahy raised it with great love and care as if it were his own kin. It didn't take long for them to grow a telepathic connection. As they grew and gained wisdom throughout their travels, Adahy began to gain clairvoyant abilities, just like his companion. As he grew into an adolescent, he began to venture out of the wilds and into the nearby cities when his parents were busy gathering food. This is where he learned about Pokemon battles. The strategy of these exchanges between trainers and pokemon enticed him, though he didn't like the idea of owning Pokemon as possessions and encasing them into strange, small balls. He asked his Natu if it would be willing to battle other Pokemon before throwing it out onto the battlefield, but with its permission, he began to train his friend. To their horror, his parents found out about his battling when they witnessed their son's natu evolving into a xatu after defeating a Pokemon that attacked their camp. They didn't want him battling because through their eyes it was unethical, the xatu seemed to enjoy battling other Pokemon, and so did Adahy. They decided it was finally time to let Adahy travel out into the wilds by himself, him and his xatu were ready. Adahy finally parted from his parents to go journey the world with his best friend, but not before celebrating his coming of age with a goodbye feast.

On his travels, he met a sigilyph who challenged him for setting foot on its territory. It defeated his xatu in battle, but when it did, it witnessed and felt the love that was exchanged between the boy and his partner. So many trainers and Pokemon who had tresspassed on the sigilyph's territory before him did not share the fiery love that burned between the two, an identical glimmer that twinkled in the duo's eyes in unison as they battled revealed how truly in sync the traveler and his xatu were. This passion inspired the sigilyph who decided to help Adahy by carrying him and his xatu to the nearest healer. Adahy entered the healer's hut with one companion, but walked out with two. (I'll write more later its late and I have school tomorrowww ugh)

Species: Xatu

Nickname: Nayeli

Gender: female

Sexuality: ???

Owner: Adahy

Appearance: shiny

Species: Sigilyph

Nickname: Litnoya

Gender: female

Sexuality: ???

Owner: Adahy

Appearance: regular

Species: Solrock

Nickname: Otekah

Gender: none

Sexuality: lmao

Owner: Adahy

Appearance: regular

Species: Lunatone

Nickname: Magena

Gender: none

Sexuality: lmao

Owner: Adahy

Appearance: regular

Species: Claydol

Nickname: Cheveyo

Gender: male

Sexuality: um idk

Owner: Adahy

Appearance: regular

Species: Natu egg

Nickname: Antiman
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@tinygrassisdreaming Is Adahy supposed to be a gym leader? We already have a psychic-type gym leader among us.
@tinygrassisdreaming Oh, right. I totally forgot. Sorry. It is reserved for you. I just checked my list of reservations and saw that it was crossed off. You're character is totally accepted. Sorry for the confusion.







~The Ghost in the System~








Wears little pilot goggles she picked up from a doll that was lying around, and loves to put them on her face when she jumps onto something and goes for a ride.


Clingy and thrill-seeking, Glitch has an extremely energetic persona and rarely talks because of her almost always preoccupied nature. She would be the type of Pokemon to dart like a bullet to catch a glance at a bird Pokemon and then in her pursuit of said bird would trip another Pokemon because of her extreme narrow mindedness. She has the complete inability to multitask and has the tendency to become distracted by a plethora of things. She is however very caring, she just finds it hard to talk to others because of her 'condition'


The life she had was a rather ordinary life as a Joltik, she grew up rather isolated however. Sure, she had like 7 other siblings but she was always the sort to go off on her own and hitchhike upon other Pokemon just for the thrill of it. Her distraction often drew others from her, although she did make some friends wither intentionally or not. Secretly wishes to find someway to split her attention, maybe even find a trainer... That is one of the reasons why she got on this cruise, actually.​
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Nickname (optional): Meadow

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Owner (if wild, put "wild"): Wild

Personality: Is very timid and shy, like to hide but she has a passion for flowers, is easily lured out by them.

Biography (optional): Meadow had a trainer once and she was very much the opposite from shy and timid before she became Leafeon. She was energetic and happy until she was put into battle against a Charizard. She was no match and the trainer had no concern for how damage Meadow really was, she evolve for her master but he got angry cause it was the wrong evolution he was hoping for. Afterwards she was release into the wild for the first time and the trainer didn't even bother taking her to the Pokemon center. Other wild Pokemon though had gather to aid the newcomer into their tropical forest. Later she was heal by Nurse joy who spotted her on walk but never did she see her master again which made her feel broken. Now she travels, trying to figure out what her goal in life but the only thing holding her back is she too scare to battle other Pokemon.

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