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Fandom Pokemon Cruise


Mindless Thinker
Day 0

Regal Town, Darigea

1:00pm - 4:00pm

board the ship

The ocean lightly ebbed against the shores of Regal Island. A few scattered clouds drifted through the bright blue sky. A few Wingull and Pelipper could be found soaring high and low. Some Krabby wandered cautiously along the beaches. It was a warm day, but the occasional breeze from the ocean was cool. A large cruise ship floated on the waters, tied to a large dock. The crew could be seen preparing the ship for passengers. Several Machoke and Barbaracle were helping to load cargo and supplies onto the ship. There were ticket collectors ready to check passengers aboard the ship. The Splendor was set to depart today with a group of special passengers aboard. About 8 of its nearly 300 passengers are recently-established Gym Leaders of the Darigea region.
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Voyan took in the salty sea breeze with a huge sigh. It was great to be at sea again. The past couple of trips he had done had been on river boats, but the experience wasn't nearly the same. It was almost time for the ebbing, which would make the waters perfect for sailing. Mao was behind him, lifting the luggage with Psychic. Wow! This ship is huge! I wonder how many rooms they could possibly fill? Mao sent, This isn't nearly as big as the cruise ship we snuck on that one time. "Yes Mao, this is what a proper cruise ship should be like. I imagine it's quite difficult to drive though," Voyan replied. The two ascended the docking bridge and waited on the other side to welcome the passengers, something his mother taught him to always do.
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Luna threw snacks every five feet to keep Liepard from wondering off and not listen to her. Luna sighed, "

Liepard, when are you gonna listen to me outside of the battle?

" Lune mumbled. As they got on bored she threw the bag of snacks to the middle of the deck and looked at Oni, "

Why don't you and Moon moon go look around?

" Luna said happily.
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"Hello there! Welcome to the Splendor," Voyan said, welcoming the newcomer, "hope you enjoy the cruise! We'll be leaving in 3 hours, so you still have a bit of time to explore Regal Island if you wish." Mao had wandered off to explore the ship at this point, and was presently checking out the gorgeous dining hall. Down at the docks, a figure shrouded in a long overcoat and fedora bides his time in a nearby store.

"Thanks...." Luna said quietly. She turned around to see Liepard gone but the bag of snacks weren't, sighing she started wondering around the ship to look for her.

"Well, guys, we're finally here!"

Eddie's whole team gazed up at the ship in awe. They had never been on a ship before, especially one as large as this! With a grin, eddie tightened the cloth on his head and began to make his way up the docking bridge. "Well, come on, slowpokes! This is going to be so much fun!" Noticing their trainer was getting ahead, they quickly ran (Or in blockz case, float) back to his side. Jumping on board, eddie looked around with wonder. This was going to be so cool! He had never been on a ship...or any type of vehicle for that matter, but now here he was!

@Disruptis @Lunachan

"Oh Sanyi! Look at this ship! Its almost as big as you!"

Sanyi simply rolled her eyes before stepping up on the ship and walking away, leaving Lu in the dust. "Hey! Wait up Sanyi!" He called after her as he began to run after her. Quickly, Lu got distracted by the captain who was greeting boarders. "Oh hello there! That's so nice that you're greeting people before they get on, I feel so welcome~" with an adorable smile on his face, Lu hugged himself as he spoke to express the warm feeling he was experiencing. "I'm Lu, who are you?" He interrupted the captain before he could say anything when he saw the girl before him walking away to find her liepard. "Nice to meet you!" He smiled at the captain, giving him a quick and exaggerated handshake before running off to catch up with Luna. "Does your liepard not listen to you?" He asked her without a greeting. Lu wasn't walking too far behind her, so he witnessed how she had to lead the liepard with snacks to get her to follow. He wanted to help. Being a Pokemon ranger, (which was apparent due to the capture styler on his wrist) Lu naturally got along well with Pokemon. "Don't worry if you lost her, my partner Sanyi has probably already found her," he smiled, trying to reassure the girl.
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tinygrassisdreaming said:
@Disruptis @Lunachan
"Oh Sanyi! Look at this ship! Its almost as big as you!"

Sanyi simply rolled her eyes before stepping up on the ship and walking away, leaving Lu in the dust. "Hey! Wait up Sanyi!" He called after her as he began to run after her. Quickly, Lu got distracted by the captain who was greeting boarders. "Oh hello there! That's so nice that you're greeting people before they get on, I feel so welcome~" with an adorable smile on his face, Lu hugged himself as he spoke to express the warm feeling he was experiencing. "I'm Lu, who are you?" He interrupted the captain before he could say anything when he saw the girl before him walking away to find her liepard. "Nice to meet you!" He smiled at the captain, giving him a quick and exaggerated handshake before running off to catch up with Luna. "Does your liepard not listen to you?" He asked her without a greeting. Lu wasn't walking too far behind her, so he witnessed how she had to lead the liepard with snacks to get her to follow. He wanted to help. Being a Pokemon ranger,(which was apparent due to his capture styler) Lu naturally got along well with Pokemon. "Don't worry if you lost her, my partner Sanyi has probably already found her," he smiled, trying to reassure the girl.
Lune looked away, "why you asking?" She didn't make eye contact while still looking for Liepard. She saw her Absol and snaps her fingers kindly, Absol then walked to her side. She smile and petted him, "Moon moon, have you Liepard?" Absol shook his head no, "Sorry, Master. But I haven't seen her sin we got hear"


Voyan felt like he had just been steamrolled from Lu's outburst of excitement. Recomposing himself, he answered, "I'm the captain's son, Voyan. Nice to meet you too." He turned to the Absol and continued, "Wow! You can talk? I have only heard of a few talking Pokemon, this is the first time I've met one in person. How did you learn to talk?"
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Arnold was walking up the docking bridge when he felt a chilly breeze. "Well, that was nice." He continued his way up to where a man had been standing to greet the passengers. But he had been pulled into a conversation with someone at the moment. Arnold walked passed them and stood near an energetic teenager with some rather interesting Pokemon surrounding him. The Porygon is what really caught his eye, who was floating by his trainer's side. Now that would be an interesting one to have a sky battle with, he thought to himself.

"Guys, look how high we are from the ocean!" Eddie oogled, aweing at the huge blue sea. "Doesn't it give you that awesome feeling inside! ...Huh, getting a little dizzy. Good thing I'm not seasick!" Eddie began to laugh. "Could you imagine how bad that would-BLAAAARG!"

Susan warbled as pinkie patted her trainer's back while yeller laughed loudly. Looks like they discovered a new thing about eddie even HE didn't know about. Lazily looking around, her eyes landed on her floating teammate looking at a man who delivered the same look to him. A bit worried, susan slowly wobbled to her trainer and tapped him on the leg. After the last (hopefully) of his contents were spilled, eddie turned looked down at susan, face a deep green. Susan pointed, causing eddie to direct his gaze to the man before he suddenly grinned, his normal colors returning to him once again. "Wow! The cruise hadn't even started yet and already blockz is making a friend!" He turned to susan. "And you said it wasn't gonna be a good idea to go!" Susan blinked, not really expecting, yet not really surprised either, eddie's response. The trainer in question ran up to the man and skidded to a stop. "Hello, sir!"

"Maybe I can help? I'm pretty good with pokemon," he smiled. "Ooh! An absol! How cool! Moon Moon? I like his name, its fitting," Lu got distracted yet again by the absol before remembering what he was doing. "Oh!! Right! Let's find Liepard," he smiled and continued walking along, looking out for a few Pokemon. After a bit of looking, he noticed one of Sanyi's legs while turning a corner. "Sanyi!" He called, jumping out toward her. "San...yi...?" His excitement immediately died down when he saw the whole situation. "What... Happened? ...Sanyi?" The ariados turned toward the voice of her partner, behind her back was a liepard on the floor, wrapped up in webbing. "Did you get into a fight?" Being partners with a ranger, Sanyi wasn't the type of Pokemon to get caught up in a battle when provoked, let alone initiate one. If and when she is provoked, the ariados quickly takes measures to subdue the attacking Pokemon. Or maybe Sanyi just wrapped the liepard up because she knew Luna would be searching for her, or to keep it out of trouble. Lu walked over to the immobile liepard and knelt before it, using his strength to rip apart the webbing to set it free. Once it was finally out, Lu began petting the liepard to calm it down. He turned his head to see Luna's reaction.
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Mao levitated a couple inches above the bow of the ship. 3 metal balls the size of tennis balls floated in an orbit around her. She had been so focused recently that she didn't have any time to relax and take in the ocean around her. It was good to have a moment of peace every once in a while. After a few more minutes, she tucked the balls away and headed back to Voyan. As she drew near, she noticed that there were already quite a lot of people and pokemon coming on board.

Having fun there? she sent him.

"It isn't even close to departure, but these people don't seem to mind. Did you see everything already?" Voyan replied.

No, but I want to save some of the fun for later. In the meantime, you should go see if that one passenger is alright, he looks to be shipping a bit of bilge.


Voyan sighed and headed towards Eddie. "If you're feeling sea-sick, we do have medication on board to help with that. Just go to the Pokemon Center and ask for some if you need it," he informed him.

If Mao doesn't directly send you thoughts, you can't hear her btw))
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Luna stared in horror and in anger, "Liepard!! Why did you get into a fight? I told you not to get in fights! We finally get to relax, after so many freaking trainers going in and out of the gym" She sighed and pulled out her pokeball, "I guess until you learn your lesson, I'll have to put you back in your pokeball. Sorry girl"

Absol smiles, "My master taught me how to! I still have trouble sin I'm still learing" Absol then looked at Luna who was busy yelling at Liepard

"I'm sorry..." Lu apologized, feeling bad for how angry Luna had gotten. "Hey, I'm sure they didn't duke it out, if it means anything. Sanyi is my partner pokemon, so she's trained to not battle a Pokemon when she gets attacked, she'll only subdue it. I'm sure no one got hurt." He put his hand on Luna's shoulder as he spoke.

"But hey, Liepard is in her pokeball now where she can't cause any trouble, let's go explore the ship!" He said, brightening up almost immediately. "I bet there's a lot of fun stuff to do here, let's go find em all!" Grabbing Luna's hand, Lu ran off, dragging the girl away with him with Sanyi following close behind.
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"H-Hey! What are you doing?" Luna asked in a panic, she didn't know this kid. Nor did she wanna know him, he seemed to upbeat. Unlike her, who was drawn to herself and doesn't like to be around many people. Luna tried to pull her hand from Lu's grip but it was too tight for her. She sighed and gave up, and let Lu drag her

Turning to the man, eddie laughed. "Don't worry! I just had a big lunch, is all! Now that my belly is all empty, I should be perfectly-HRK!" Eddie stopped and held his stomach, hunched over. After awhile, he chuckled and stood back up. "OK, now I'm perfectly-HRK!" The feeling came back even stronger, causing eddie to go green faced. "Gotta..." Quickly running to the rails again, he unloaded his contents into the ocean once more, causing his team to wince in sympathy. "C-Can someone g-get the medi-BLAARG!"

"Oh, hello. I didn't mean to stare, but I really admire that Porygon you have there. It's quite a rarity to see a young trainer running around wi-" Arnold couldn't finish his sentence before another man came to offer assistance. And then Arnold became disgusted by the continual hurling that followed afterward. "Hey, I'm gonna run down and get that medication for you." He turned to the other man, "Hey, which way to the Pokemon Center?"

@SpicyLickiTounge @Disruptis

"It's.... Ah, let me just show you. Follow me," Voyan replied to the new trainer. It was hard to give directions to it, since it was kind of out of the way. Having a Pokecenter below decks probably wasn't the best idea, but they must have run out of space. He ran down the stairs leading to below deck with Mao close behind. The Pokecenter was right next to the battling arena, so it wasn't hard to find. Voyan hurried inside to an empty Pokecenter.
Arnold released a pokemon from his pokeball. "Pidgeot, you come along, as well." They followed Voyan and Mao below deck and through winding corridors. They passed up the battle arena and arrived at the center. It appeared empty. "Nurse! We need some medication. Is there anyone here?" Arnold called out, hoping there was somebody inside somewhere.


"I don't believe anyone's here. The nurse must not be here yet. Guess we're gonna have to try to find it ourselves," Voyan announced as he began to rummage through some cupboards labelled 'ASK FIRST PLEASE'. "It should look like a blue bottle with the label 'SeaCure'."

The nurse isn't anywhere on the ship, Mao confirmed to everyone around. She explored the facility, noting a locked door labelled 'BACKUP SUPPLIES'. Mao immediately got to work on psychically unlocking the door. I think there may be some in here.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name. Who are you?" Voyan asked the trainer.
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Arnold followed suit, and began to open up several cabinets, looking for that blue bottle. And then he received Mao's message. He didn't recognize the voice and turned his head quickly around the room, but could not identify the source of the voice. "By the way, I didn't catch your name. Who are you?" Voyan asked. Arnold could barely process his question; his mind was still confused about that voice he heard. "Oh... umm... I'm Arnold Vogel, leader of the Winston City Gym. But... did you hear that voice just now? It said that the nurse wasn't anywhere around here."

A sneaky smile crept Mao's face. I'm a spooky ghost come here from the future to warn you about your decisions in life. The only way you can pay for your actions is to give the Meowstic all your money!

"You're hilarious Mao," Voyan amused, closing his current cabinet and moving to a new one, "Don't worry, that's just Mao, my Meowstic. She can communicate to us using Psychic, it's quite an interesting process. You can call me Voyan, by the way."


The door Mao was working slid open, revealing a darkened room stuffed with boxes and crates.

No way am I going into that. You guys have fun, Mao sent, backing away to the entrance.

Oni was sleeping in her Pokeball.

Sylph pranced around the ship excitedly. "How exciting! I've never been on a boat! Or have I? I have no idea!" he chuckled.

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