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Fandom Pokemon Art Online


I'm a real Chimchar
Yes, this is a Pokemon/Sword Art Online crossover. However, minimal SAO knowledge is needed. So please, do not be discouraged just because you haven't seen or don't know anything about SAO.

Quick run down, if you aren't aware of what is going on or like I said, you are not familiar with SAO. Just so you know, it's only going to start out being similar to SAO.

With new gaming technology, the Nerve Gear has finally been released on the market. People have flown into Japan from around the world to receive one of the first 50,000 consoles being sold along with Nintendo's newest game, Pokemon Art Online.

Of course, everybody who purchased a console logged in and began playing as soon as possible. It was a blast! Everybody began to train on the first floor, in hopes of defeating the boss.

Everything was great, until players began attempting to log out, only to find that the "Log Out" button on the menu was missing. Tsunekazu Ishihara, president of Pokemon broke the news that everybody would be trapped until floor 100 was cleared. He also broke the news, if you die in the game you die in real life.

Panic ensued. Many didn't believe it at first, until the number of players began to drop and never rise.
This isn't everything obviously, but it gives you the idea. Game of survival. You'll be able to train and the goal is to defeat the floor leaders and make it to 100.

Now, your character doesn't have to be one of the people who attempts to clear floors and progress. You can be in this for basically any reason you can think of in an RP.

Because of the nature of running an RP in a video game world, I feel that there should be levels. The Pokemon and the people having them. The Pokemon levels won't mean a ton, simply there as a guideline.

People level skills?

Ideas: Catching, Fishing, Running, Forging (items), Swimming, Flying (ability to control Pokemon in the air), Fighting, then a separate "Mastery" system for each individual type.

Again, none of the levels will be super serious, just used as a general guideline.

I love RPs where people can die, because it's easy to handle.

Not to mention, guilds and teams could be fun. :D

Let me know if anybody is interested! Thoughts, questions, ideas, etc. are appreciated!

P.S. I'd like to have everybody in this on Skype. It's much more convenient for chatting and such. (it also tends to keep people more interested in the RP)
A crossover between two video games... Why haven't I thought of this before?

I'm quite interested in joining.

What I'm thinking for suggestions is that this should be a Nuzlocke-like type of RP. Excluding the rule of capturing only one Pokemon for each area, when the Pokemon "faints" they are considered as dead and cannot be brought back to life. And if your team is wiped out by other Players, wild Pokemons or the Floor Leaders, you are to be killed off by the game system. Oh, right, and what about this- If all Pokemon from one region is captured, a legendary Pokemon has a chance to spawn and be captured or otherwise cause havoc among the players (example: Caught all Kanto Pokemon = Articuno may appear).
A crossover between two video games... Why haven't I thought of this before?
I'm quite interested in joining.

What I'm thinking for suggestions is that this should be a Nuzlocke-like type of RP. Excluding the rule of capturing only one Pokemon for each area, when the Pokemon "faints" they are considered as dead and cannot be brought back to life. And if your team is wiped out by other Players, wild Pokemons or the Floor Leaders, you are to be killed off by the game system. Oh, right, and what about this- If all Pokemon from one region is captured, a legendary Pokemon has a chance to spawn and be captured or otherwise cause havoc among the players (example: Caught all Kanto Pokemon = Articuno may appear).
Ah, yes. I forgot to mention that part and you actually had a really similar idea to mine, as far as Pokemon dying.

I totally agree with once a Pokemon is dead, it's dead. However, I think it could be interesting if each person had their own personal "Fighting" skill in which they could compete in a battle with Pokemon. I think it could be a cool "Second Life" once your Pokemon are wiped out. Then, they'd have the opportunity to go catch more, most likely weaker Pokemon.

That's a really cool idea with the legendaries. My ideas for floor leaders were to have Gym Leaders/Elite 4 Members/Champions be there and possibly some legendaries on others. On the non-legendary floors, you'd be battling a team of Pokemon rather than just one. Once you reach the higher-level floors, there may be a legendary with some back up or even a trio.

Perhaps if one person catches all Pokemon from a region, only they can access special dungeons/maps with certain legendaries? But, these places would be so dangerous that you'd most likely need a party of at least 3 to survive and hope that 1 of you captures the legend.
Chimchar said:
Perhaps if one person catches all Pokemon from a region, only they can access special dungeons/maps with certain legendaries? But, these places would be so dangerous that you'd most likely need a party of at least 3 to survive and hope that 1 of you captures the legend.
I can agree with this. In those places, you should have a large stock of healing items before entering. Also, there should only be at least one legendary that exists, so if a person were to complete a dungeon and gain that Pokemon, the second person who enters will be unable to find any legendaries.

Speaking of, I'm thinking about cities/towns having Pokemon Centers with Healing Stations. Each Pokemon takes 10 seconds to heal, Legendary Pokemon will take half a day to heal in order to avoid abuse of their strength. Only the owners of the Pokeballs are allowed to take their own ones, making it impossible for others to steal your Pokemon when you're gone.
I can agree with this. In those places, you should have a large stock of healing items before entering. Also, there should only be at least one legendary that exists, so if a person were to complete a dungeon and gain that Pokemon, the second person who enters will be unable to find any legendaries.
Speaking of, I'm thinking about cities/towns having Pokemon Centers with Healing Stations. Each Pokemon takes 10 seconds to heal, Legendary Pokemon will take half a day to heal in order to avoid abuse of their strength. Only the owners of the Pokeballs are allowed to take their own ones, making it impossible for others to steal your Pokemon when you're gone.
I agree with both of those ideas. If the legendary is killed in battle, it respawns back at its location? Oh, and previous owners are not allowed to recapture them! (assuming they aren't dead which they probably are)

I'd like to have Pokemon Centers. Maybe that could be another skill in "Healing". Whenever you apply a potion or status-restoring item in combat, it's raised a little bit. It also decreases the time it takes to heal your Pokemon and allows you to apply healing items quicker in battle. Maybe even making the effects of potions stronger. (or having it be a requirement to use better items like full restores)

Speaking of that, perhaps there could be a 10 second period where a revive can be applied to a dead Pokemon, but you must have a high healing level in order to use one. (and they're insanely expensive/hard to find)
Seems like 4 people, which I think could be a solid number to begin with.

I will get to work on the thread and improving ideas and such.
DemonKitten said:
so how does this work? Are you having dice or is it just random draw?
I'm not sure if you're asking about PvP or as to who gets the final kill on each floor. Either way, I'm about to give all of that information out soon. (I'm literally making the first floor post right now) Hopefully I answer most questions people have about the mechanics of it there.

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