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Fandom Pokémon: Alola (Roleplay Thread)



August 12th, Malie City
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

"...Geez, I have a name you know." Altair looked at the Houndour girl glumly, it was hard to tell whether his half-dead seeming state is due to the heat or something else. The girl mentioned her future plans of trying to capture an Alolan Sandshrew, she was certainly in the right place at least. However, the mention of having a well-rounded team made him blink a few times at her blankly. A well-rounded team isn't only reliant on typings, but perhaps beginners didn't understand that fact too well.

"Not exactly a professional." He looked over at G and muttered. "Or, well, I'm not sure what I want just yet." He added while looking away, the Houndour girl seemed to have made up her mind though, so Altair didn't want to rain on her parade too much.

"You said ice or steel type, right? Just because you want either of those typings doesn't mean the best option is a Pokemon with both." Altair scratched his head while casually suggesting to the girl, coming from learning how to battle in the Paldea Region, a place where the significance of typings in battles has been diminished (or just emphasized in a different way) due to the proliferation of terastalization, he wasn't too sure if the other would be receptive to his suggestions. "Typing isn't everything that makes a rounded team, most gym leaders have pretty rounded teams despite only using one type after all." He made a pondering expression before looking up again. "But if that is what you want, I heard the icy mountain in Alola is pretty dangerous, they built the Pokemon League up there after all. I'll suggest making some preparations before heading up there."

Esther R. Sophys

August 12th, 8:35 A.M.

“I’m pretty well prepared: I’ve got winter gear and climbing gear in my backpack; but, before I took on Mt. Lanakila, I figured I’d sightsee for a bit first.”
Esther gestured to the line pouring into the Malie Gardens, a line that had advanced rapidly during their brief exchange. Esther moved to keep up before turning to Klepto.

A name? Wow, that’s something we share in common!
The Oblivian bit back her natural response. He’d called her ‘Houndour Girl’ and wanted to get prissy when she sniped back? Esther would’ve called Altiar out on that, but she was asking for his help, so she could swallow the loss this time.

Unfortunately, Altair’s advice was all at once helpful and a fat nothing-burger. Obviously, Esther wouldn’t swallow her retort for such vague words,
“Well, what makes a balanced team? Okay, a more specific question—”
Fingers flying over her Pokétch, a holographic display of all Esther’s Pokémon was soon projected: Jangmo-o, Houndour, Bounsweet, G-Zigzagoon, Munna, Surskit, Feebas, Shellos, and Drifloon.
“Would you consider my team balanced?”

Personally, Esther felt her team was pretty solid. She had a wide variety of Pokémon capable of doing many different things. Sure, there was a couple big weaknesses to Fairy and Ice types that overlapped among her Pokémon but wasn’t that why she was going after a steel type? They were known for their defensive profiles after all.

Malie City, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: Hecotoro Hecotoro Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

G wrinkled her nose. The idea of getting away from the Alolan heat was amazingly tempting. But, they were going to need climbing hear? That didn't sound fun. "Sorry, how difficult is this mountain and how deep can we find the Pokemon you're looking for? I don't like to go back on my word but, I'm also not looking to get chased by some wild pack of angry ice Pokemon down a mountain that requires climbing gear. The last time we were around a mountain like that, I almost got ran over a rampaging Metagross."

G gave Altair a side eye and then looked back at Esther. She gave out a big sigh and lowered her head. "You know what, it's all part of being a trainer, whatever. I'll go check out a nearby store for some clothes more sutible for the situation. I won't let some mountain catch me off guard again." She let the Vulpix in her arms jump down as they started to walk away. "Call me if you're going somewhere else!"

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products




August 12th, Malie City
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

"...You can't just start with a question like that, it's like asking 'what's the meaning of life?'." Altair muttered as Esther asked about her Pokemon team and what made a balanced team, he glanced at the Pokemon profiles that the girl pulled up, tilting his head a bit thinking about the Pokemon in front of him. He didn't really know all of those Pokemon that well, but they all seemed relatively fresh. "Did you catch all these?" Altair asked half-heartedly, it was pretty rare for newer trainers to just...catch so many Pokemon without some of them seeming much more trained than others. Or she might have one of those fancy exp.share things...it wasn't his place to worry about it.

"Anyways, whether you really want a balanced team is a question in of itself. Different trainers prefer different ways of battling, those who prefer to play fast and loose may opt for more offensive profiles, while slow and meticulous types may work on defense more." Altair leaned back against a nearby building, trying to nestle himself more into the shade of the roof's overhang. "There's no one size fit all solution, for trainers or for Pokemon, we're all living beings after all, not just a bundle of pre-determined qualities."

Altair leaned back for a moment and wanted to wait for Esther's reaction, but the girl seemed rather...overeager, or even impatient about getting information, she probably won't be happy about getting answers that she couldn't apply immediately. "...There's only one universal way to find out whether your team suits you." He sighed, hoping it wouldn't discourage the new trainer too much. "Time. And experience." With a small burst of red light, Klefki popped out of his Pokeball, as if he could predict what Altair was going to say next.

"You can fiddle with theory all you want, the typings, the moves, and everything, but in the end, the only way to truly know what your team needs is to actually go through countless battles. Only then will you know your real weaknesses, strengths, how you and your Pokemon perform...And who...might not be a good fit for you." Altair's voice slowed for a moment, it was always a touchy topic, the need to leave one's Pokemon behind for various reasons. He glanced at Togedemaru, whom was gifted to him after his previous trainer couldn't work around the round-rodent's personality.

Altair raised his hand and Klefki floated over almost immediately. "Well, lets hope you remember it this time, Miss Esther, was it? My name's Altair, and this is Psion," The Klefki waved his metallic tendrils at Esther while the white-haired trainer smiled at the small fae-like Pokemon slightly. "My partner for the past 15 years."

Although right after trying to act cool for a second, Altair slumped back against the wall again and stretched his arms out with a yawn. "Anyways, I'm not really the data analysis type anyways. But even the data crunching types told me that it's true nothing beats real battle experiences. To be honest, I barely even know you, maybe I'll have some actual ideas once I see the team in action."

Esther R. Sophys

August 12th, 8:35 A.M.

You can…choose not to have a balanced team?

Now there was a grain of wisdom that went contrary to everything Esther had learned thus far. How had she missed that? Perhaps ‘balance’ simply made too much sense. It was a given that a ‘balanced’ team was one that could handle all manner of obstacles, a mixture of offense, defense, and support; it was logical and sensible. Balance was so sensible that Esther hadn’t even thought to question if it was the ideal for herself. And truly, it didn’t take much consideration.

How did she prepare for battle? By strategizing and scheming! She only ever spent time devising new ways to attack and entrap her opponents. A balanced team could do that, but perhaps…
“I’ll have to look into that…offensive profile.”
Perchance the time was nigh for a deep dive into team styles and competitive tactics. In fact…

Sandslash, the Mouse Poké—


Kantonian Sandslash—


Alolan Sandslash—


Ah, whoops!


Alolan Sandslash fits excellently on a variety of teams thanks to its solid role compression in addition to its coveted resistances to types such as Ice, Grass, Psychic, and Flying courtesy of its Ice / Steel typing. Access to moves like Stealth Rocks and Spikes enable A-Sandslash to prime the battlefield with dangerous hazards while Rapid Spin allows it to remove hazards that can hinder its own teammates.

A-Sandslash possesses solid physical bulk, and its sharp claws enable a solid offense; however, its speed is sub-par speed, and its special defensives are weak. This is not helped by its 4x weaknesses to fire & fighting type attacks.

A-Sandslash’s two ability can assist in remedying either issue. Slush Rush allows it to double its speed under Snow or Hail conditions, while Snow Cloak allows it to boost its evasion under the same. Notable trainers to use A-Sandslash include—

Esther flipped her pokétch shut.

While Alolan Sandslash seemed to fit her coverage needs, the Pokémon in question wasn’t exactly renowned for its offensive capabilities. In fact, without the aid of snow, it’s relatively lower speed left it vulnerable while performing tricky maneuvers and it appeared to lack priority moves while might make up for that short-coming. Sure, speed wasn’t everything, and Esther had partners who were slow like Pari and Bambi, but Uhhh—she hadn’t ever used Pari in battle and Bambi made up for her poor speed with her startling flexibility and repertoire of ranged moves.

Hmm, this was definitely a matter that would require deeper consideration…

In the meantime,
“Oh, Altair. Looks like the line’s gone, why don’t you go find G and meet me at…the Bell Tower replica? I might have more questions for you later, but I need to chew on them a bit more.”

With that Esther entered the Malie Garden. It was a lot bigger than she’d anticipated, more of a local park than a ‘garden’ really. But the Oblivian didn’t have time to admire the rolling hills and winding lakes. Her eyes began to flicker to and fro. Searching, seeking—there! There was the dark-haired photographer she’d spotted earlier.

Thank Arceus they hadn’t left yet. Esther broke into a light jog,
“Hey! Hey, You! Are you a pro? Do you take commissions? Got any rates?”

Malie City, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes oldantiques oldantiques
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro
Saiun Ravenswood
Trainer 206!
August 12th, Mount Lanakila

Strike forth, reel back, wield fire, repeat.

Those rotations had been happening through the small time Saiun's Pokémon had started. It was only a small warm up, stretching the muscles of all three of the creatures. The movements were just a paw, claw, wing, or whatever driven as if to attack an imaginary target. Reeling back is exactly how it sounds-going back to the original position. And the last was just adding a few sparks towards the air with Flamethrower. Blitz, Yuu, and Kenshin were lined up but not particularly close enough that they'd burn one another's flesh off.

The heat that was coming out from them, though, was at least helping with the cold. Despite the snow, it felt like sitting besides a lonesome campfire to her. Occasionally, the fire would cast a downwards glow on her pale skin, but Saiun didn't bother to flinch or move a bit back. She had went back into a sitting position, sometimes jumping in to add additional things to do for her team.

Nobu, however, was twitching impatiently besides her. She honestly should've put him back in his Poke-ball, but then he'd come right out since he'd want to join in on the 'fun'. Some would take it as fun, others wouldn't. It depended on how optimistic one could be. Her panda wasn't having any of it though, so it became soon that he had jumped off from her lap. The connection of his limb to the floor gave a quiet startle to her. As helpless as it would be, Saiun reached forward for Pancham.

Instead, he had left her fingers with only a graze of fur. The outcome of his 'outburst', though, was hurtling giant crystals that were directed to her training Pokémon. Stone Edge, as much as a pain that Nobu could be so rash, also let her figure out that the fire types that were still focused on repeating the three steps, were also well focused on their surroundings. Yuu's first thought had already synced with his fist, as it enflamed in a fiery source. It was directed towards Nobu's attack, and soon everything had shattered with a slight combustion. She had winced a bit, being so close to the encounter.


Incineroar and Talonflame were about to do something about it too, but were late and defeated from the chance. At least Nobu had gotten a good scolding just by how his actions taken place. She drew a breath in, snatching the smallest Pokémon there back into her grasp. "What's with you intervening all the time?!" The question had went right through Nobu's ear, and out the other, and soon they were in a chattering, or otherwise chittering, argument in whatever language a panda spoke in.

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:45 A.M.

    In the zone. Was that thing with photographers? Whatever it was, picture-guy was LOCKED in. It was impressive, in an ‘admiring a master working their craft’ kind of way.

    “Okay then, I won’t disturb you while you’re working but…here’s my number, so call me maybe? I’m looking to hire someone with good photography chops. I can pay.”
    That was a itsy bit of a lie. She was currently a broke bitch, BUT she definitely wouldn’t be a brokie for long. At least, she hoped not… She had a lot of Pokémon to feed. Maybe she’d shoot Naka a message…

    In the meantime, she wanted to give more thought to what Altair had said. Maybe she’d been too caught up in the idea of a balanced team. She definitely wanted a team that was capable of handling a wide variety of opponents, but that wasn’t exactly the same thing as a balanced team. Altair had mentioned other team types like offense and stall…she’d start her research there.

    The Forums were always a wealth of information and experienced passed down from more experienced trainers and after a few minutes of searching, Esther swiftly discovered a long form post that detailed the types of teams. It read:

    Strategy and synergy are two of the most important aspects of competitive Pokémon teambuilding. The foundation of both of these things is your chosen playstyle; the most stripped down, basic way your team is meant to function. It is important to stick to your chosen playstyle when teambuilding, otherwise you will end up with a team that lacks synergy and cannot function on its own, making good strategy difficult. There are three predominate styles of play in competitive Pokémon: hyper offensive, stall and balanced. Each playstyle has many variants, but the general concept at the core of each variation is always the same.

    Hyper Offense
    Hyper offence teams do exactly what they sound like. They largely disregard more defensive play, focusing on hitting the opponent fast and hard with powerful sweepers and wall-breakers, then cleaning up what’s left. The idea is simple enough in concept; overwhelm and decimate your opponent before they have the chance to gain momentum.

    There are four primary roles in your typical hyper offence team: the lead, sweepers, wall-breakers and cleaners. That being said, sometimes there is crossover between the roles and, on occasion, a role is sometimes omitted (although this is never your sweeper or wall-breaker). The job of the lead is to set the stage for the rest of the battle, usually this means setting up Entry Hazards to weaken your opponent’s Pokémon and make them easier to kill, but it can also involve using screens (Reflect, Light Screen or Aurora Veil) to prolong your own team’s longevity or activating weather for abusers. A less common variant, the suicide lead, has the added caveat of being designed to do this and then take a large chunk out of the opposition through Explosion or some other powerful attack.

    Sweepers? Wall-breakers? Cleaners? Hah?
    That was a lot of jargon to parse and not a helpful definition in sight. Whatever, this was an easy solution—another tab and down the rabbit-hole she went! Thankfully even here, the forums had her covered. Under a post titled: Swwpers vs. Wallbreakers vs Revenge Killers, Esther found the answers she was looking for.

    First I want to start off by saying that one team does not need "1 revenge killer, 1 sweeper, 1 wallbreaker" to be a good offensive team. These roles are fluid and you will often do better to look at specific type and gameplay synergy.

    Sweeper is a generic term for an attacker that can clean up a weakened team. Most attackers can act as a sweeper in the right scenario. Many of these use setup moves that boost their offensive stats. Quiver Dance Volcarona is an example of a "sweeper"

    Revenge killer is an offensive team's answer to a sweeper. By using a priority move or higher speed, it stops the opponent from beating your whole team with their currently active Pokemon. An example of a "revenge killer" is Mach Punch Breloom. We see that why "revenge killer" isn't really a hard role, because Breloom would be a terrible revenge killer vs QD Volcarona we listed above. But it would be a great revenge killer vs Tyranitar.

    Wallbreakers are Pokemon that can break opposing defenses. Usually, you cannot just waltz in and click 1 setup move and clean out a defensive team, so you need some help in matchup vs. defensive teams. Wallbreakers are often easily outsped and cannot sweep through an offensive team, but they are great at beating down defensive cores. Example of a "wallbreaker" is Belly Drum Azumarill, which has issues outspeeding offense without Aqua Jet, but is nearly impossible to switch into and handle unless you have specific counters such as Unaware Quagsire.

    Naruhodo… Of course, Esther could only parse about half of that. She thought she’d seen Quiver Dance under the list of move Susu could learn upon evolution, but it wasn’t like she’d taken the time to read through every single move her Pokémon could feasibly learn. That was another tab:

    Quiver Dance, Bug Type Move

    The user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. This boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats.

    Belly Drum, Normal Type Move

    The user plays their body like a drum, and maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.

    The rest was almost self-explanatory. After a belly drum or a few quiver dances, almost any Pokémon would be transformed into a veritable threat.

    Okay, back to the first tab.

    Sweepers are your win condition, your primary way of winning battles. They rely on high Speed and offensive stats and/or boosting moves to overpower your opponent, keep momentum in your favour and take out as many enemy Pokémon as possible before eventually fainting. Meanwhile, your wallbreakers are slightly different. While they can also be fast, they are often also a little slower and bulkier than the rest of the team. Their role is to plough through defensive threats that would otherwise counter or cripple your sweepers with murderously powerful attacks. Wallbreakers are there to clear the way for your sweepers but, if given the chance, can potentially serve as a secondary wincon depending how the game swings.

    It’s easy to see the appeal of hyper offence as a playstyle. It’s fast paced, fun and you get to throw powerful attacks around like confetti. A lot of players are drawn to hyper offence for this reason, and for an unprepared opponent this can be devastating to face. These teams blow a hole in the defences of the enemy and then systematically dismantle what’s left. This doesn’t mean that hyper offence is without weaknesses though. Hyper offensive teams are typically comprised largely of frailer Pokémon, this means they are easily crippled by Status Afflictions and are vulnerable to being revenge killed. This is why it is essential to keep the momentum in your favour so other players cannot exploit these gaping weaknesses. There is also a more psychological issue at work, especially with newer players, where the instinct is to preserve your teammates. However, hyper offence Pokémon are not built for longevity and players need to know when it’s time to sacrifice them.

    Overall, hyper offence is a lot of fun to use and it’s not complicated in execution. Mastery of this playstyle, however, requires a lot more finesse than it would appear on the surface.

    Naruhodo, Naruhodo… There were long blurbs for Balanced and Stall teams below Hyper Offense, but Esther figured she could read those later. She wanted to see the comments to get a feel for how accurate this post had been.

    The top comment with over a thousand likes was…apparently a Quote from a Kanto Elite Four!

    Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best.

    That…spoke to Esther. She wanted to be ‘truly skilled’ didn’t she? And certainly a member of the Kanto Elite Four had sound advice. But that begged the question, what were the Pokémon she loved best? Many of the Pokémon Esther had chosen for her team were due to happenstance or circumstance. She’d run in Halay by accident; Pari had been added to her team in order to facilitate better communication; Kasriel had chosen her, not the other way around; Çiera had…probably just taken the first option she could off the farm, Esther wasn’t particularly close to the Bounsweet; etc. etc.

    While Esther didn’t necessarily think any of those were bad reasons for catching Pokémon, the fact that she hadn’t explicitly chosen them had perhaps led to some neglect and hindered the formation of their relationships. The only Pokémon she’d chosen was Pyrrha and she’d chosen the Jangmo-o line based on their strength and predisposing to music and rhythms. Maybe that was what she found beautiful about Pokémon, those who could wield power through music and dance, those who shared the hobby she herself enjoyed…

    Perhaps, rather than type coverage what she should be pursuing were Pokémon she could share a passion with. Esther believed she was skilled and strategic. Even if the Pokémon wasn’t naturally suited for a task, passion and creativity could go a long way. That said, the Oblivian still choose to continue her research, moving to the second most liked comment which, as it turned out, was a reply to the first.

    You’re an idiot and that quote is overrated! In a numbers game like Pokémon, there are limits to what "skill" can do, especially if the opponent is packing equivalent skill but better stats. Innovation only means something if it contributes to victory, because they don't hand out style points in competitive play.

    You're trying to impose an idealistic world view in an arena where it just doesn't fit.

    From there on things quickly devolved into a heated argument over whether a trainer truly could ‘win with their favorites’ or whether it was idiocy to choose anything other than the best available Pokémon. One more nuanced take that caught Esther’s eye was a commentary on a Pokémon World Championship winner who’d brought Pachirisu to the tournament and ended up winning the whole thing. Some argued it was proof that any Pokémon was viable in skilled hands while others mocked them for missing the real reasons Pachirisu had been chosen: as a deliberate counter-pick to common Pokémon within the tournament and who could defend its partner Gyarados from electric attacks through a combination of Follow Me & it’s ability Volt Absorb. It didn’t hurt that Pachirusu could also spread paralysis with Nuzzle and deal substantial damage to opponents through Super Fang.

    Those pundits argued it wasn’t about ‘your favorite Pokémon’, but rather choosing the right Pokémon for the right situation after careful analysis.

    There was a marked difference, however, in a tournament where information on opponents and the Pokémon they might bring was readily available versus standard battles where it was impossible to predict what Pokémon your opponent could have and then what combination of moves and strategies they might bring. Research and meta-analysis was great and all, but even that was highly situational.

    This was…a lot to digest. Esther bookmarked the page; she’d be back at a later date. For now, it was perhaps time she made her way to the Bell Tower replica. Maybe Altair and G were already there and maybe she’d pick the older guy’s brains for his thoughts on the matter.

    She definitely liked the offensive style and she also fancied Pokémon she preferred rather than just going after whatever the masses deemed ‘best’; however, there was some merit to addressing the realities of life. Just like humans, some Pokémon were better than others at certain tasks not just on a species basis but also on an individual level as they’d have different moves and training. Hammers were great and versatile tools, but if you wanted to cut down a tree you’d be hard-pressed to find a hammer for the job.

    Esther arrived at the Bell Tower replica with time to spare. G and Altiar were nowhere to be found, though she hoped they wouldn’t make her wait for long. A brush of fingers against the pokéballs at her waist released her entire team who she waved off to enjoy the park. Except for Ciera, who she beckoned over.

    “We…haven’t really talked much, huh? I’m sorry. Would you like to…play with me?”
    Esther waved about the PokéFlute she’d won back in Kalos. She wasn’t a flutist by training, but she had taken music as an accompaniment to dance and had little trouble reading sheet music. She’d also learned the flute’s notes over the weeks she’d had it and was confident in her ability to sight read simpler songs.

    The offer was a bit sly, Esther recalled mention that Bounsweet’s parent had been a Roselia who often played music to her and had passed down the move Grass Whistle. Esther hoped the familiar offer could be an easier angle to start some Pokémon-Trainer bonding. Perhaps…it was something she should endeavor to do with all her Pokémon.

    After a moment’s indecision, Bounsweet bobbed in assent and Esther beamed. Her Pokétch projected a sheet of music and Esther brought her flute to bear.

    Lugia's Song
    Traditional Shamouti Melody

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: oldantiques oldantiques
Mentions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes Hecotoro Hecotoro

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

"Hey, Esther!" G waved her hand as she approached the Oblivian girl playing the flute. "So, is like music your thing? Seems everytime I'm around you, you somehow involve music into the situation. I don't mind by the way, love what you're playing, sounds familiar."

The icy girl let her Vulpix drop down. "Oh, what's your Pokemon's name? She's adorable!" G placed her hand on her chest and watched the grass type. "Tropical Pokemon are pretty, but I doubt they would like to live on top of some snow mountain with me. So, what's the plan? Did Altair leave?"

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products




August 12th, Malie City
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

Altair watched as Esther ran off, he leaned back into the shade and looked up at the blazing Alolan sun, he sighed as he watched the girl rush off to do...something.

"Geez, not even a thank you..." And she was the one who asked for advice too. But Altair didn't really expect much from someone who barely bothered to remember his name. He wonder where that girl was raised, to have basically no manners like that. "Huh, what was I doing again...oh right."

Although he wanted to take a breather, seeing the silhouette of G heading into the gardens, at least he didn't need to call her now. Altair would hate to check his phone again after G publicly outed him as her mentor, and knowing her fan base, it made him a bit..."famous by proxy", but not exactly in a great way. He shrugged and flicked his wrist to indicate his two Pokemon to follow.

G seemed to be asking Esther about her Pokemon, it seemed to be a Bounsweet, a small grass type that often roamed the forests of Paldea. Togedemaru jumped beside the round grass type and began to roll around, seemingly trying to ask if the other spherical Pokemon also enjoyed the activity.

"Heyo. I was gonna call you, but you know-" Altair showed his phone screen that had a blatant "no signal" notification on it. "Don't feel like using my phone because one of your fans doxxed me. Been getting spammed since yesterday." Altair added. Though he then shrugged it off, trying to seem more casual about it. "Dunno how you deal with them, a bunch of pricks."

"But yes, what is the plan?"
He asked after G, as a trip to an icy (or just cooler) mountain actually sounded quite appealing.

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:50 A.M.

    Lugia’s song was a surprisingly simple score, a clever arrangement of a dozen or so notes that repeated its core rhythm. So the answer to G’s question was,
    “Yea, sorta; I’m pretty new to the flute. More a dancer than musician.”

    Esther lowered her flute and tucked it into the side pocket of her bag.
    “This is Çiera.”
    The grass-type in question pulled a face, less than pleased with G’s choice of descriptors.
    “That’s short for Maçiera.”

    Truthfully, Esther was already on the look-out for Altair because she wanted to continue their prior conversation. So G’s arrival with a notable lack of the personage in question had her furrowing her brow.

    “Altair, is he not with you?”
    Evidently he wasn’t but Esther needn’t pursue the reasons for that since he arrived hardly a moment later with an explanation.

    “Uhh…are you okay?”
    While Esther was vaguely aware of G’s pursuits as an internet personality, it was one thing to take pictures with fans, it was another to have them dox people around her.
    “You can’t just…no, forget it.”

    Altair was the type to drop the most out-of-pocket revelations and then move on with nary a blink. Honestly, she wasn’t really sure how to follow-up on that and Altair didn’t seem keen on expounding. It would also be incredibly awkward and crass to continue their earlier conversation, so the best course of action was probably to…just follow the topic switch. Expression screwed into one of distaste, Esther glanced over at G.

    “You should do something about those fans; they shouldn’t be able to get away with something like that. Anyway, I don’t think I need to catch an Alolan Sandshrew anymore; I’m not sure it fits into how I want to build my team. But, since I’m already here I might still go take a look. Afterward…I dunno. Think I’ll do an Island trial or maybe leave the region. I have some friends waiting for me in Kalos. What about you guys?”

    Down at their feet an entirely different conversation was going on. Çiera appeared at first confused, then disgruntled. The sugar-sweet Pokémon grew increasingly sour; first, the gushing girl and now this rotund one.

    ”You…what in heavens name are you doing? Cease that at once! Comport yourself!”

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Esther Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Altair ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )
Ciera Interactions: Togedemaru ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

"I have my ways to deal with them don't worry. There's always a few bad weeds amongst your garden." G didn't seem too concerned about Altair's situation, not because she didn't care, but because she was used to hiding her true emotions for the sake of public view. "I'll fix that up by the end of the day." She held out her Rotomphone, "My discord admins already on it."

"So, Kalos, huh?" G moved on to the other subject. "I heard it's not as safe anymore, but they're just internet rumors. It is also the most romantic region in the world, maybe we can find you a special lady, or guy, Altair." She playfully tugged at her mentor's arm. "So how many friends do you have, Esther?" G shifted her attention to the tropical girl, curious to know what's the normal amount of friends one should have, since Altair wasn't a great mentor in that area.

While she heard the others talked, G took out her Snom with the Experience Share on her head and placed the small icy bug into her backpack. "Keep my Blueberry Mountain Blast Drew cold, okay?"

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products




August 12th, Malie City
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

"They're probably still gonna shit talk me in some corner." Altair yawned while pocketing his phone. While he doesn't doubt G's...community manager or whatever job title it is can make it better, he still considered just changing phone numbers. Oh well, as long as they don't show up in his face, it was ultimately whatever.

"Kalos?" He raised an eyebrow when G mentioned some rumors about Kalos, while Altair haven't been there in half a decade, it didn't sound too unusual. Crime has been a thing since the dawn of time after all, which region can you really call safe? "Eh, they're probably just on strike for something. As long as they didn't crater another town with some ancient super device again I won't worry too much." Altair flicked a look at G, who just kept on with her strange teasing as usual.

"I don't need to find anyone, I'm popular enough. They'll find me." He responded dully, with none of the confidence one would assume to come with a statement like that, so it was hard to tell if he was serious or not.

Looking up, Altair noticed his Togedemaru around Esther's Bounsweet, the smaller spherical Pokemon seemed rather distressed. Although Togedemarus were not particularly large creatures, it still towered over the even smaller grass type. Altair gestured to the electric type to return to his side. While the rounded Pokemon did obey, it stuck it's tongue out and made a small "hmph" sound at the Bounsweet before trying to hop back onto its trainer's shoulder. "Now now, what did we say about bullying babies..." Altair quietly tried to tell the rotund rodent off.

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:50 A.M.

    “Are we really not gonna…”
    Esther glanced over at Altair and evidently they weren’t. Therefore, she let it go and turned to G.
    “What…? I don’t know…Elsie, Bea, Theo, Monty, Naka, Dessy, Joyce, Heizou, Azumi… Uhhh, like…20 in the last month or two? Oh, excuse me.”

    Esther stepped back to receive a text message, quickly thumbing in a response. Naka had found a few job listings at her request; apparently there was a bit of a tizzy in Johto and the farms there desperately wanted extra hands to handle the ecological changes. Esther could smell premium wages. She’d have to look into that.

    “Alright, we don’t have all day so let’s…get going?”
    It hadn’t been explicitly said, but Esther faintly perceived that G & Altair would be tagging along with her. She wasn’t certain, so she’d kept her tone questioning. Either way, she wanted to get a move on. A quick trip to Mt. Lanakila and then maybe she’d see what Monty & Azumi were up to. From there, she could decide whether to head to Kalos or Johto.

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ) Altair Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

"20? Wow that's really cool." G replied with a genuine smile. "I have like three if we count the trainers we met on Iron Island. They still send me messages, that counts." She picked up her artic fox Pokemon and started to walk. "Come on Altair, you're our bodyguard, you should be leading this group."

After a long walk, the group finally reached the base of Mt. Lanakila. G sighed loudly and stretched out her arms wide. "Now this, this is good weather. No mosquitos, no sun burning your skin and no sweat!"

The streamer walked along the rocky snowy path, stopping by to check boulders and frowning after doing so. "How am I supposed to find an Ice Stone here?" She asked herself while her Vulpix ran around, checking different spots in the snow. "They should invent like a stone detector or something."

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products


Saiun Ravenswood
Trainer 206!
August 12th, Mount Lanakila

Amidst the trainer and Pancham's arguing, Kenshin had perked up. The Pokémon was related to an Avian, had the features of one too, so it was no question when the bird had heard the slight SKIRK! SKIRK! of another being coming from the slope that led down. Talonflame had only needed to break through to Saiun once to have her question what was going on. She could also hear it, and this entity was approaching rather quickly. The sight of hers had became a bit of a blur when snow had flew up onto her and a person with white hair on a ski slid by.

One could at least watch where he's spraying all this snow...

The man dressed with albinism by the looks of it was tanned to his feet, but not because of a sun and a lovely day. There was also a Leafeon propped against his shoulders, looking at Saiun and her crew once the other trainer had swerved to a stop. She didn't bother to brush off the wet cold that had nearly drenched her completely now. The skier had given a look of apology, but she figured it was only for show. When he was just about to take off again without another word, she had uttered a movement for him to wait. Well, not exactly so nicely.

"You know, I'm pretty sure skiing permits give off the warning of not hurting other trainers, or risking safety?" She cocked her head to him, which he had made a face that held no amusement.

"One shouldn't think they are safe if they are on a mountain like this. Everyone knows this is a place where people take joy in hobbies that align with the atmosphere. I'm just spending my last day here with a little dare, hopefully that doesn't bother anyone's training," The sharp, almost evident glare, the Leafeon owner was enough to scare off a child, but not Saiun. She knew he was right, and didn't argue, but...last day?

"Are you not ever going to come back to Alola, or are you exaggerating facts right now and just saying you're going to a different region?"

"I think you're only interpreting things wrongly. I'm going to Sinnoh, as I have spent a quite a bit of time here. So far, Starfall Hill has been enjoyable and simple." He was talking as if that was the most basic thing anyone say-like common sense (which it obviously wasn't!). Saiun had already started to see him get ready to continue on.

"Hey man, you can't just leave a conversation like you're cool or something. At least bring out a name? I'm Saiun," It wasn't normal for her to beg for someone's name like that, but still, she figured it would save some pride for herself and get back at this...mysterious person for actually having some braincells. He let out a tsk, and she guessed that she must be holding him on from something.

"C-Y-N-O," Then he was finally gone. She frowned, hunching herself over in her own thoughts. Cyno, if that was how it was supposed to be pronounced, wasn't so stuck up that she wanted him to be. Saiun had no reason to bug him. Their interaction was weird enough. She turned to her Pokemon, who had let out a synced growl.

"That means a break for us, doesn't it?"

| Coloring Cyno's Text: C5E3BF |
| Coloring Saiun's Text: E32636 |
The green scenery got Chintana an extremely productive mood. He didn't even notice anyone walking up to him as his eyes always on his camera. Sitting next to his two items he dragged around in the field, Chintana once again let lost in photography before-

"RAI- Raichu!"

The sound of Mekong (Alolan Raichu) cut off his focus. Looking down at Mekong, who'd exited her pokeball without Chintana noticing spun around him looking mischievous. Patting the top of the bright colored surfer mouse's head, Chintana made sure Mekong was comfortable before noticing someone's number written. "Huh, I wonder who this is?" he muttered to himself before he reluctantly copied the number in his device, "Do you think it's someone who wants to book?" Raichu with no answers for him, could only watch in curiosity.

After one last round of working with his camera, Chintana put Mekong back into her pokeball to rest as he carried the egg back into his arms. However, he had not forgotten the number that he'd copied. Out of curiosity, Chintana decided to text the number.

Who is this?

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:50 A.M.

    Ice Stone? Makes sense.

    Esther bobbed, her confusion ebbing. She hadn’t understood why G or Altair had decided to tag along with her given their limited interaction; however, it was now apparent that the duo had their own independent goals, they’d merely tagged along for some extra company. Unfortunately for G, Esther knew little to nothing about Ice Stones or how they might be located.

    ”Maybe you can ask the locals, see any Pokémon around? If anyone knows where you’d find an Ice Stone, it’s probably one of them.”

    For her part, Esther was content to trail the duo in their stone hunt while she took in the crisp, mountain air and thought about her next steps. Perchance, her hyper focused on getting things done was to the detriment of pausing to question if they needed to be done in the first place. It was time to slow down, allow herself time to breath. Ironically, that had been the goal of her sabbatical back to Oblivia; however, she’d spent all her time training and exploring ruins instead.

    ”I think…I’m gonna hang around these parts for now, call or text if you need me—and good luck finding your Ice Stone!”

    And speak of the devil, no sooner than the word had slipped from her lips, Esther’s poketch buzzed with an incoming text. An unfamiliar number…? Oh! Photography guy!

    Who is this?
    Hiya! You’re the photo-guy, right?
    I’m Esther, a coordinator!
    I’m trying to hire a photographer for some projects.
    Interested? Send me your rates!

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ) Altair ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes ) | ??? ( oldantiques oldantiques )

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, 10:00 A.M.

    ”Actually, I might as well come with. We’ll make it an adventure.”
    After a mental heel-turn, Esther walked her fingers over the release buttons on her Pokéballs. Her partners arrayed around her, except Istha, who couldn’t do much hiking and Esther instead resolved to carry.

    After a moment’s thought, an ice stone scavenger hunt would meet her needs as well as any other activity. Ultimately, time spent with her Pokémon was the goal and instead of aimless wandering, she might as well help G out. Plus, an extra ice stone or two would sell well.
    “Doubt we’ll find any ice stones at this altitude, further up the mountain maybe. Dibs on the second Ice Stone—Arceus willing.”

    “By the way, what do you guys think about the Island trials? Any interest?”

    Mt. Lanakila (Base) | Alola Region

Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ) Altair ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

"Well I'm sure we can safely go up the mountain. Isn't the Alolan League up there?" G tried to look up at the looming mountain before them, as if she was expecting to see said place right off the bat. "The idea of going up this road and battling the toughest in the region is, so tempting." G sighed and looked down at the artic fox looking back up at her. "Don't worry, I haven't dominated contests yet, one thing at a time!"

The rocky snowy road wasn't as tough as G imagined. Probably because it was commonly walked on after the years after establishing such an important building at the top. Vanilla the Alolan Vulpix was set on her mission though, sniffing the ground constantly and digging into the snow from time to time. G was more focused though on playfully torturing her long time traveling partner. "Heads up, metal man!"

G threw a snowball at Altair. "That's what you get for not letting me do anything in our match back at the contest!" She said with a playful tone.

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products




August 12th, Mt Lanikila
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

Altair had a bit of a deja vu as he walked up to mountain, except this time the amount of overbearing young lasses around him have doubled. Esther seemed like the enthusiastic type, it made sense that the grind of Pokemon training haven't really gotten to her yet. "Island trials...huh..." Altair looked down at the "Alola Travel Guide" brochure he picked up at the Malie City Garden reception office (they had air conditioning). "Alola's flavour of gym battles, right? It might be nice to not have battles like that recorded for once...Hmm, I suppose the grand trials are still like that though." He muttered half-heartedly, before almost tripping over a rock on the rocky path.

Klefki used one of its tendrils to grab Altair's collar before he face-planted on the mountain path. He straightened himself up before putting the brochure away. "It doesn't seem to be conference season, so the management in these types of areas would be laxer, it is the wilderness after all." He responded to the mention of the Alola League, which Altair didn't know much about specifically, but he figured all Pokemon leagues probably functioned similarly since they got standardized. "And besides, I doubt you'll find any ice stones by only walking the tourist trails."

Togedemaru jumped off of Altair's shoulder, now much cooler on the surface due to the mountain's winds, and used its tail to slap away the snowball G tossed. It had a devious expression as if it was saying "lick me.".

"Hmmmm?" Altair glanced back and made a somewhat sarcastic sound. "Uh huh, Miss 'don't go easy on me'. Complain harder, and maybe I will next time." He replied in a similarly joking tone.

  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:50 A.M.

    “The Island Trials are beside the point, no? They don’t challenge you in the same way as a Gym Battle and you don’t even need ‘em to enter the Manalo Conference. Like, who even cares about them? Aren’t Z-Crystals the whole reason people bother?”
    Esther laid her thoughts bare. She had familiarized herself with Alola’s flavor of Trainer benchmarks and, frankly, she couldn’t see the purpose. Many of the trials seemed more like fetch-quests than anything else and, if you were clever, you could even avoid many of the tangentially related battles.

    Then again, maybe that was flawed logic. Maybe, by focusing too much on the destination, past trial-goers had missed the lessons of the journey.

    Anyway, Altair had a point. The straight and narrow wasn’t going to work, but—
    “We can veer off once we hit snow. Doubt there’s any ice stones down here, probably isn’t cold enough for them to form. I hope you guys have climbing gear, I only have enough for one.”

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ) | Altair ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

"Climbing gear?" G sighed and slumped her shoulders. "I don't have stuff like that. Can't I like, go around riding my Metang or something? Or use Altair's super big Pokemon? Maybe I could transfer that one Steelix..." She shook her head and laughed nervously. "Maybe not. Altair, mind if I go with ya? Best buddies have to stick together you know?"

While the other two set things up and decided on the plan of action, G started looking through her bag. She might not have climbing gear, but she could at least prepare a bit better. She put on a pair of gloves and made sure her Snom was perfectly placed between her things. "Don't need you falling off." She said with a smile as the snow larva just looked blankly at her.

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



  • Esther R. Sophys

    August 12th, ~9:50 A.M.

    Esther cackled. It was the only way she could express this ineffable delight!

    Lacking a suitable ride Pokémon and, more often than not, being unwilling to spend on transportation when she could simply walk, Esther found she did a whole lot of trekking. In and of itself, that wasn’t an issue. As a dancer, she had been fit even before her journey started but it was one thing to trek several kilometers and another to do the same with nearly 30lbs. on her back. Many a day, beneath the midsummer’s sun, Esther almost regretted her impulse purchases’ however, days like today made it all worth it!

    Just look at her now! The only one who was prepared! She loved spending her brother’s money on niche equipment!

    Almost gloatingly, she began to riffle through her backpack: rope, all-terrain boots, steel crampons, and even her rarely worn aviator goggles. Esther was ready for this mountain and whatever challenges it had!

    The only thing that gave her pause was—
    “You have a Metang?”
    That didn’t sound like an Ice Type…wasn’t G an Ice Specialist? Huh, come to think of it, had G ever affirmed that assumption? Whatever! Esther would’ve been jealous, a ride Pokémon would’ve saved Esther’s calves and back so much pain, but it was only a matter of time until she would have a ride Pokémon of her own. Besides, after months of trekking her already toned legs were now to die for. Seriously! People would pay to be crushed between her legs. If she ever wanted to offer that service, the comments under her first music video assured an existing market.

    Also, she already had a ride Pokémon of her own! Jecroix would be a wonderful PokéBlimp! She just needed to secure a few pesky things, like a flying license and an air saddle. If G owned a Metang that could carry her up the mountain then that would be wonderful, but—
    “You’re gonna freeze your ass off. You and Altiar both.”

    Lips curled as Esther playfully jeered. Riding Steel Pokémon in Alola’s coldest region? That didn’t sound like a good plan.

    “If needed we can heat up a few rocks, wrap them in some clothes and they’ll make a good heat pack.”

    In any case, they wouldn’t need to worry about the cold until they were further up the mountain.

    “Let’s get moving!”

    Malie Garden, Ula'ula Island | Alola Region

Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ) Altair ( Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes )


August 12th, Mt Lanikila
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro ), Esther ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

"Hmmm?" Altair was spacing out in the distance as G and Esther discussed their plans for climbing the mountain, he looked around at the current 'tourist trail' they were on before hearing G mentioning ride Pokemon. "Yeah, sure. I don't see why not, Mobi doesn't like the cold, but I'm sure they can handle since-" He replied to G's inquiry, cutting himself off before he mentioned the possible crime of letting his Dhelmise possibly eat a local Wailord, as he glanced at the Snom she just secured. "-Just put it back in the ball if it gets dangerous." He sighed as he commanded: "Mobi?"

With a burst of red light, the Dhelmise appeared behind Altair, emerging from their Pokeball. "Easy there, won't want to cause an avalanche." Altair petted the seaweed tendrils that wrapped around the anchor gently. The Dhelmise seemed more energetic than usual despite the chilliness, they did just have some...snacks near Exeggutor Island after all. Togedemaru quickly bounced onto the top of the metal construct and perched onto his rightful place at the top, as Altair gently sat on the anchor's beam with the seaweed tendrils insulating the steel with its ghostly presence...not sure if it helped with the chilliness, but the trainer patted the green wavy limbs appreciatingly anyway.

He looked at Esther, who teased the two as usual. Altair never really felt like he related to G much, but maybe now is one of those moments. "...I guess I should be glad you didn't say Darumaka droppings or something like that..." The Unovan native said, responding to the comment, though it was true Esther had a fire type, and neither he nor G did, but the fact that the two did make it through the coldest part of Sinnoh not long ago made it so that Altair didn't worry too much. "You want on? Mobi isn't very fast but, they can carry a lot of stuff...if you trust us."

August 12th, Friday. Malie City, Alola.

altair n G.png

G was already familiar to the impressive size of the anchor Pokemon, but she couldn't help but awe at it every time it came out. She smiled at the steel type and politely tapped one of its side to let it know she was climbing on. After being around it's hunting session, she had a very very deep respect for the big Pokemon. "Unless you want to spend so much time climbing and preparing gear, this is probably an easier way." G patted a spot next to her. "Come on, it's weird at first but you get used to it quickly. It's really nice."

G shot a glare at Altair. The idea of the trip getting dangerous, again, just gave her Vietnam flashbacks. "What did you mean if it gets too dangerous? We're not going into uncharted areas again, are we? Doesn't the league like make sure this place is safe to travel around since it's their territory?" She checked the Snom in her backpack and zipped it up a bit more. "Besides, anything we run into, just paralyze and confuse it."

Money 120,000
x15 Poke Ball
x10 Great Ball
x5 Super Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



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