Cresion Breezes
Beta Tester of Life

August 12th, Malie City
Interactions: G (

"...Geez, I have a name you know." Altair looked at the Houndour girl glumly, it was hard to tell whether his half-dead seeming state is due to the heat or something else. The girl mentioned her future plans of trying to capture an Alolan Sandshrew, she was certainly in the right place at least. However, the mention of having a well-rounded team made him blink a few times at her blankly. A well-rounded team isn't only reliant on typings, but perhaps beginners didn't understand that fact too well.
"Not exactly a professional." He looked over at G and muttered. "Or, well, I'm not sure what I want just yet." He added while looking away, the Houndour girl seemed to have made up her mind though, so Altair didn't want to rain on her parade too much.
"You said ice or steel type, right? Just because you want either of those typings doesn't mean the best option is a Pokemon with both." Altair scratched his head while casually suggesting to the girl, coming from learning how to battle in the Paldea Region, a place where the significance of typings in battles has been diminished (or just emphasized in a different way) due to the proliferation of terastalization, he wasn't too sure if the other would be receptive to his suggestions. "Typing isn't everything that makes a rounded team, most gym leaders have pretty rounded teams despite only using one type after all." He made a pondering expression before looking up again. "But if that is what you want, I heard the icy mountain in Alola is pretty dangerous, they built the Pokemon League up there after all. I'll suggest making some preparations before heading up there."