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Fantasy Playthings of the Gods

Mr Brontosaurus

Goblin of Used Books and Keeper of Pencils
The year is 400 B.C.

Mortals live in ancient Greece and Rome, surrounded by mythological beasts and heroes alike. Heroes in this place have never been born or made, they were given a choice to be great. One night you, who has lived in this frightening world, are paying homage to their patron god when they appear to give you this choice: become a demi-god in their honor and follow their virtues or their trespasses in their name. What stories are told about you are your choice alone.

I am open to ideas and willing to compromise with good reason and compelling argument.

Choose a patron god or goddess.

No doubling up*. First come, first served on patrons. Please keep characters and patrons original.

*Cretus is a god of power and strength. Please do not pick Cretus if somebody else is Ares. If somebody is Hades, try to stay away from Thanatos or Ker, both gods of death.

No god-moding. You're not a full god, you're only part.

Your patron will come to you in times of dire need and guide your way, and if you're really lucky, you may get a gift. I will be the patrons.

All Greco-Roman gods are accepted. Anyone from Pan to Zeus.
I love Wednesday Addams.

Great. Interested in a character sheet?


Patron "Name, God/dess of ..."


Physical Description (No pictures, but you can allude to a famous person)

Personality AND How they are inspired by patron god/dess

Daily Life/Backstory

Why they chose to become demi-god/dess

Skill or Weapons used

Skill or Weapon most desired from patron

2 sins/flaws

2 virtues/morals
Sounds interesting, will it be simple, casual or detailed? ^^

Quick question, have our characters been gifted by their patrons as of yet? Just want to know for the bio (^.^)
Yes y'all can join. No you're not gifted yet. Id like high casual to detailed
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Alrighty thank you~ ^^ I'll almost definitely be joining up ( :) )

Any idea when it'll be up and running? ^^ kind of excited heheh :3
@Mr Brontosaurus

Do the demi-gods get any sort of supernatural "god powers" or anything like that, or are they just really high-performance people?
Im thinking of running it on Wednesday. Your demigod status depends slightly on your character. You may be better at what you have with a magical weapon as a gift, or you may be cured of a disease, you nay learn a new skill, I wana keep it vague but its between high performance and minor god ability.

Please note I wont accept characters after next Wednesday.
^^ It's all good, I joined myself at the beginning of this year and it took me at least a month to post my own RP xD
Thanks. Ive only really rped with a couple of close buddies over text so forums are not my specialty.
Accepted upon interest. Please go to page 2 where a link was posted for characters and the rp page to get started

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