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sub urban
HHumanity has never been alone in this world, though you would have a hard time convincing most of them otherwise in this day and age. Most of them can be said to live in blissful ignorance towards the sorts of beings that linger late at night in abandoned alleyways or watch them from the rooftops of the buildings they wander by. Many would have even met such beings face to face in their every day lives, with only a second glance towards the slightly-too-pointed-ear of their doctor or the unnervingly piercing gaze of their local fishmonger before it is brushed aside and promptly forgotten about. Other may have had more personal interactions, remembering the strange, wizened old woman who would speak in prophetic riddles at the corner of their street or the sharply-dressed busker that could always, without fail, draw a crowd to listen for hours on end regardless of what other plans they had for the day.
For the few in the know (or for the myriad of conspiracy theorists that congregate in online chatrooms) these beings are referred to collectively as The Hidden. The Hidden can range from the well-known horror tales of vampires and werewolves, to the enigmatic actions of the fae, to the elusive sightings of more modern cryptids across the world. Some are of an otherworldly nature, conjuring up myths and legends surrounding guardian angels and corrupted demons, while others are scarcely distinguishable from the abilities of humans beyond an usual trait or heightened senses. In short, they are anything that humanity has deemed as a supernatural entity.
Once upon a time the existence of The Hidden was far more known, though their numbers were generally far more scarce than humans. At times they lived in peace alongside humanity and at other times they clashed. But t was the discovery of the magical properties of ingredients harvested from supernatural beings, and the powerful effects they could have on humans specifically, that eventually drove most of The Hidden underground and gave them their namesake. Over time, humans started to believe The Hidden were dying. After more time passed still, they started to forget about The Hidden entirely, and relegated legends of their existence to such things as ancient mythology and children's fairy tales.
The Hidden had to adapt to survive. Some had the luxury of appearing human at will or with small adjustments, while others had to rely on clever disguises or magical assistance. Others still had to remain isolated from humanity, as they deemed it impossible for them to otherwise keep up the façade. Many varieties of The Hidden have dwindled in numbers or since disappeared as a result, but many others still linger on to this day. Though certain factions of The Hidden frequently clash with one-another a near-universal, singular rule runs true between them all. Do not let humanity know of your existence, or allow any other Hidden to be discovered. Careless or deliberate violators of this rule are typically dealt with severely by the reigning factions in any given area, and the damage control applied as swiftly as possible. This can range from anywhere between stolen cameras and fabricated lies, to erased memories, to far more gruesome fates for anyone considered to be at unavoidable risk of exposing the Hidden to the world once more.
In Greyport City, the place in which you currently reside, this is no exception. Sure, the City Watch has been overworked since the invention of the phone camera and social media, but for the most part the city still maintains the façade of humans being the only sapient life around. Even rivalling factions, such as the Ravenwood Seethe and Grimclaw Pack, can agree to come together temporarily in order to prevent knowledge of their existences escaping out into the world and deal with the internal politics of The Hidden. The city is hardly a utopia, and marred by the constant grey, drizzling weather that gives it it's name, but nonetheless there are many Hidden that now call the place home. It was, supposedly, founded originally by sea-faring witches after all, and has always boasted a higher-than-average number of Hidden beings amongst its population. For the most part they live in an uneasy alliance within the walls of the city, keeping their various activities to either the outskirts or secret haunts hidden away behind fake bookshelves and in unsuspecting alleyways. Though hardly peaceful, for the most part, the Hidden of Greyport City have found safety within its walls.
Last month however was when the disappearances started to happen.
Greyport is a large city, and its reputation for crime has always been a little blemished at best. A few missing or presumed-deceased people, while tragic, have never been considered particularly noteworthy by the population as a whole. Lately though, there has been reports of people disappearing by the dozens overnight. Little in the way of pattern has begun to emerge, beyond a few claims of last-sightings being near Stormwatch Beach. At first many of the targets appeared to be human, but now Hidden too have started to vanish unexpectedly in the middle of the night.
Perhaps you work for the City Watch and are investigating the recent disappearances, or are helping them with their cases. Perhaps you heard a rumour floating around about who the next target would be, or saw something you shouldn't have. You could be just trying to keep your head down and avoid trouble, or you couldn't care less as long as none of this or the drama between factions happening to you. You likely have bills to pay after all, and your manager certainly isn't giving you that bonus if you sit around gossiping with customers all day about where your fellow employee went.
Regardless, you are a Hidden trying to make a living in Greyport City. And whether you like it or not, that means that the future of your kind is soon going to be relying on you.
Ravenwood Seethe
An ancient vampire Seethe with a manor located in the heart of the Everdusk Forest. Run by Lord and Lady Ravenwood, the seethe has been known to house several vampires and similarly long-lived creatures of the night. Rumours abound that the Seethe has become involved in more demonic practices as of late, but nothing concrete has yet to be proven.
Grimclaw Pack
A pack of werewolves almost as old as the Ravenwood Seethe, who generally like to keep to themselves. They have a good relationship with some of the fae folk of the forest that they share, and the two groups have been known to assist and protect the other when needed. The pack has been known to butt heads frequently with the Ravenwood Seethe and their leaders have a well-publicised hatred of each other.
Nightshade Coven
A coven of witches whose ancestors helped to establish the city of Greyport. The Nightshade Coven could be said to be the most powerful and respected of known factions within the city, and are generally regarded as leaders and advisors to turn when things go wrong for The Hidden that live there.
While these are some of the more notable factions, there are many more to be discovered both within the city walls and lingering outside of them. Feel free to expand on these or suggest new ones!
rule one.
While I intend for this to be a fairly laid-back roleplay and not delve too deeply into heavy themes, there will be mentions of death and loss from time to time. There will also likely be some characters and creatures revolving heavily around some common phobias such as snakes, insects, spiders, masked figures, etc. Please only join the roleplay if you are comfortable with mentions and possibly imagery of such things.
rule two.
I'm pretty open to just about any supernatural creature as a character, but please be respectful and mindful that there are a few choices out there that may be considered to be off-limits due to cultural beliefs. Such beings/creatures will not be allowed nor mentioned in the roleplay if I am aware of it. Likewise, while I am allowing some entities such as demons and angels within the roleplay, I would like to keep the religious side of them ambiguous at best and will be implying that there are multiple belief systems that are valid out there. Please only join the roleplay if you are comfortable with this.
rule three.
Please note that I am now in my 30s, and as such would prefer to write alongside of older roleplayers and potentially touch on some more mature themes (within the limits of the site rules, of course). Please only join the roleplay if you are 18 or older.
rule four.
Please note that this is a LGBTQ+ friendly roleplay, and many of the characters involved are likely to belong to that identity in some way.
rule five.
I'm not too fussy on post length, though please try to avoid one-liners or generally unhelpful responses. As long as you give your fellow roleplayers something they can bounce a reply off of though, I'm not too worried about it.
rule six.
Likewise, I'm flexible with posting times, but I am currently aiming for a response at least once every 1-2 weeks at most. Please only join if you think that's a realistic frequency that you can keep up with most of the time. You won't be kicked out for longer waiting times, but if you don't communicate about this beforehand I will be letting people skip ahead after a week of waiting so we can keep the ball rolling. If you go mysteriously absent for a while, your character will likely be shuffled quietly offscreen as an NPC after a while, and you can pick them up later should you return.
The Mystery of Greyport
what was will be
mystery, fantasy,
mild horror
mild horror
open, accepting
spots open
no limit
♡coded by uxie♡
More Info
Hey everyone! I've had an unfortunate string of similarly-themed roleplays die on me before they've begun as of late, and it's finally spurred me into trying to get this semi-finished concept of mine off the ground that I've had floating around for a long time.
Long story short, I'd like to make a roleplay about a bunch of supernatural creatures living in the modern world, hidden from society. I have the barebones of a plot in mind already for this thing as a starting hook, but I would love to brainstorm other ideas with anyone interested and craft some interesting side stories or, heck, maybe even steer this thing into an entirely different direction if people want it. I'm happy with this thing being a lighter, slower, slice of life style of roleplay in as much as I'm happy for it to dive deeply into eldritch horror mode. I'd love for this thing to evolve into a collaborative piece, heavy on the worldbuilding, with as many player characters and NPCs to cram into the world as people can think they can handle at a time.
At this stage, I'm mostly doing an interest check. I have a lot more lore in draft stages and would love to flesh it out with others, but I want to see if I can get a few people on board with this before I invest too much time and energy into things. I really, really want to stress that I've had a lot of problems with people not replying for a long period of time or just outright ghosting, and causing the roleplay to die a slow and agonising death over a few months as a result. There's no problem if things change and you can no longer post, but please be upfront with the group and communicate this earlier rather than later. That being said, I'm an old fart that works full-time, so I also don't expect people to be able to post multiple times per day. My current loose aim for post frequency is at least once every 1-2 weeks, though I'm happy to debate with others and tweak this.
I gravitate towards Discord and would prefer to host any OOC discussion on there, but I'm open to other suggestions if I get some interest from people who stay on-site. I'm also happy to make an OOC board instead, or do both, depending on what the majority want.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to post them here or send me a DM. I also have a Discord link on standby, so feel free to ask here or DM me for that too :3 No need to join the roleplay for said link, I'm happy to have lurkers that want to vibe things out first or just like to chatter about world building and such.
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