Plane Crash

((Haha, plot twists are fine, but you should try to give everyone a chance to reply. =) ))

Deliah must have fallen asleep at some point, because she woke up disoriented and out of it. Out of the corner of her eye, Deliah saw a few people by a fire. Since she didn't want to be by herself, she headed over there.

"Hi..." she said. Deliah knew that she should try to get to know everyone there, because otherwise she wouldn't be able to survive alone.
(Should we slow the plot down?)

Heidi saw the tear glisten on the man's face in the light of the fire, but she chose not to comment on it. I know guys always want to seem tough...I don't want to hurt his feelings. Instead she averted his attention, catching the sight of a disoriented girl heading their way.

"Hi..." the girl greeted.

"Hey, c'mon and join us." Heidi offered, patting the sand next to her. "I'm Heidi, and this is Dan and Crystal. Are you doing okay? Were you by yourself, or do you know of anyone else we should be looking out for?"
Dan wiped his face discreetly and stood up. He hoped things would get better now that they had plans.

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. The agent sat back down, thinking.
((Maybe. Let's have everyone get a chance to reply before the next major event happens))

"I'm Deliah. I'm a little shaken up, but I'm ok." Deliah sat down next to Heidi on the sand. The fire warmed her up, making her feel better. "There were a couple more people that I was talking to before the plane took off, but I don't know where they went." Pulling her knees up to her chest, she sighed. Deliah was supposed to be in Hawaii, not in the middle of the friggin' North Pacific ocean.
"Hey," Crystal raised her hand to the new girl.

For the time being though, she was more concerned about Dan. Crystal sat down next to Dan softly and said, "Hey, you're not. You're the reason Heidi and I are still alive, everyone's together and we have a fire going. If that's harsh, then I'll take harsh any day," she grinned.

(yeah, if that's okay with everyone else, let's try to go slower. I think musicqueen's right - when everyone else joins back in, they're going to be overwhelmed :o :) )
I sat down by the fire, warming my freezing hands. Shock kills, I remembered. When something bad happens, warm up. Because with shock you get freeze and shut down. Stay warm, I did that, my ears were still ringing quite powerfully, I was at the front of the plane, right?
Crystal looked over and saw the man who had come to the plane warming his hands by the fire. She went and sat down next to him - he looked worried about something and he was quite pale.

"You okay?" She asked.
I could see someone in the corner of my eye. I looked over at them, it was a girl. She said something, I didn't catch it.

"What?" I asked.
((Sorry I haven't replied, but I've been to Germany, but now I'm back and ready to RP!))

While the other people had problem with Crystal and stuff Danniell worried about how they're gonna sleep tonight. While they sat by the fire Danniell had build some sort of a house. It wasn't best but better than nothing. It got room for everybody. It's been ready for a while now, but Danniell just fixed some small things. But actually she's really shy, so she didn't have the courage before to say something to them. And she didn't want to bother them. The house will protect them from the wind. And it will blend in by the trees and bushes, so if there's any animal here they wouldn't see them that easy. The house is done. She walk to the others slowly. Thinking what she's gonna say. She's really nervous, and her arms starts itching. Witch is not a good sign. "Uhm, hey guys? I don't know if you've noticed but I've build some sort of a house that will protect us from the wind and even any animals. And there's room for everybody. So.. Yeah" You could hear in her voice that she was sad and really nervous. She's not used to talk to people. She's used to be alone. When she said that her arms started itch more and she started itch her arms a bit, but not too much so they will suspect something.
Daniel stumbles through the thicket of branches and into the "camp" made by some of the other survivors of the plane crash, followed closely behind by his younger sister Skylar, who looks around seeing what they've done and is overcome with relief at having found more people. So it's not just us after all, she thinks to herself. There are more people here. She smiles, looking around and notices a large, warm campfire. Skylar sits next to the fire to warm up her tired hands as her brother Daniel walks around the camp, trying to find someone around to speak to.

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