Plane Crash

Heidi flinched when the agent pulled the gun on Crystal, for seemingly no reason. Despite all that, it impressed her greatly that she was able to keep it together and save the older woman's life.

Not bad for an intern. Heidi thought. You can never judge a book by it's cover.

As Dan tried to calm the petite girl, she brought up a valid question that Heidi had to echo.

"Yeah, if you have files on all of us, what's the extent of what you know?" She paused, remembering that Dan had a hasty reaction towards anything that made him remotely suspicious and quickly added, "Not that I personally have anything to hide..."
"Well... for you Crystal, you were headed to Hawaii for 'Road to Healing group home for adolescents', and on the personality tab it says, 'Crystal is very skeptical of other people and their motives because she has been emotionally hurt so many times by people she thought were her friends. She struggles with depression and anxiety, but is extremely caring and empathetic towards other people. She's usually very shy'. And finally, you are 15.

"Now... Heidi Jinx. You were flying to Hawaii to go backpacking. And for you it says, 'Super spunky, addicted adventure and being fit. Can be very blunt and sarcastic, but doesn't mean to hurt feelings by "telling it how it is''. Also you are 20 years old.

"Yeah... I had to memorize it. Sorry if it's creepy, I just had to know of your backgrounds and such. I know mostly everything about you... except a few things. Anyway should we get a fire going?" Dan asked. Everyone stared at him. They were probably crept out from him knowing everything.
Crystal lifted her head from her hands slowly as she said, "Did you really have to tell everyone? Couldn't you have just said 'yes'?

Great, Crystal thought. Now everyone knew she was a loon and was headed to a group home. Now how was anyone going to trust her? She tried to act like it was nothing.

"Um... is everyone here?" She looked around their little circle for stragglers.

"If not, maybe we should check the plane for baggage and stuff. I think it's safe now, it's stopped burning."
"Well if I said yes, you would ask really, which would lead to how much do you know, and then I would have said it anyway. I'm sorry, I... I'm just stressed out like hell! Why didn't the agency allow me to take a flippin' private jet? Anyway, we should search the plane. I checked the machine out before we crashed, and saw that it was international too. So there must be... wait... that said national INTEREST. Never mind. I'm goiing to get some firewood, you check the plane." Dan replied.
Dan walked into the woods, happy to get some peaceful time. It was times like these he cherished most, peace. The agent picked up a strong stick and tied a sharp rock to it with some small vines.

"This should work as a good Axe." he muttered to himself as he began cutting down his first tree, which went down easily. He continued cutting down trees for about ten minutes and he thought he had enough. Though how we Dan get back. The smoke from the plane guided him, and he made it back to the camp.

"This should be enough!" Dan announced.
"Cool," Crystal said, relieved that not everyone was freaked out that she was going to a group home.

As they walked into the plane, Crystal found herself in the same dilemma as Danniel - her sleeves had been pushed up, and scars (she only had 3) were exposed. She pulled her sleeves down quickly, but she knew it was too late.

Then she saw the bodies. Trapped under the pieces of metal from the plane, there were burned, dead bodies. She heard herself yelp, not really scream, but cry out.

"It's too much..." she whispered, "Way, way too much..."
Why go back into the plane? Dave thought to himself, they weren't rescue people so, they shouldn't go back. He could hear now, first his hearing was similar to ringing, then faint crys and calls he could hear. He went over to the plane, he needed to get those people out before they expired from cyanide produced from burning seats.

"Hey." He said in the doorway to the plane. But since he could barely hear his own voice, it was more of a dumb shout.
Dan was making the fire when he had a revelation. When the burning on the plane had started, the agent smelled chemicals. It was something that started with a P, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He realized he had to start the fire, and that's when the chemical hit Dan.

"Don't go in there! Phosphorus crashed the plane and it is spread in the plane's atmosphere!. Get out before you die of chemical poisoning!" he yelled.
"Hey," Crystal responded. She could hear Dan yelling about something or other, so she stuck her head outside to hear him. He was screaming something about chemical poisoning in the plane. Crystal didn't need an excuse to get out of that plane, but it didn't hurt to have one. It was almost certainly a legitimate excuse too. So she said to Heidi and the guy in the doorway who had talked rather loudly, "Come on, we've got to move."
Heidi entered the charred, still smoking plane with Crystal. She seemed overwhelmed by the carnage, and Heidi couldn't blame her -- she was beginning to feel a bit sick herself from the sight.

"It's not that bad." Heidi said aloud, trying to reassure them both. "Let's just get this over with."

Crystal cried out in reply, a sound between a scream and a yelp as they went down the aisle and further into the plane.

"C'mon." Heidi urged gently. "We have to start looking for things we can use."

Crystal still seemed reluctant, so Heidi began picking through the wreckage herself. The odor coming from the seats mingled with seared flesh smelled toxic, and she began to feel an unusual queasiness.

"Hey!" she heard a male voice call from the door.

Heidi glanced back, and faintly heard Dan outside shouting outside about something that she couldn't make out. Crystal stuck her head outside to get the message clearer.

"Come on, we've got to move." Her tone was an alarmed one, but she could detect a hidden hint of relief.

"What?" Heidi asked, following her hastily. "Why?"
David stepped back from the doorway of the plane to let the two women through. He couldn't hear Dan, well he couldn't make out what he said from the rest of the. background noise. He still felt dizzy, his ears must be hurt.
"There's... chemicals in the... plane..." Crystal panted as they ran back to Dan.

She saw that Dan had started a fire - she was grateful for that, as she had not the slightest idea how start one. She looked around for the man that had caught her attention earlier, but she couldn't find him.

"Do you feel okay?" Crystal asked Heidi - she knew what chemicals could do people.

She wasn't feeling so great herself, but she decided to ignore it for the time being.
Dan sat down by the fire. He didn't know what to do. Keeping the country safe was his job, but now what?

"I think we should all sit down for a moment, and get out senses together. We crashed on a remote island and have no way of contacting Hawaii. Any of you have ideas?"
"Do you feel okay?" Crystal asked Heidi.

"Yeah, thanks." Heidi replied, feeling anything but. Dan suggested they sit around the fire and start making decisions, but she excused herself first to be quietly sick in the bushes.

When she returned, she seated herself and said, "I don't know about you guys, but the sun's beginning to set and it's getting nippy. We're probably going to want to work on some shelter for the night while we still have some light."
"Good idea," Crystal said to Heidi. A shelter sounded good to her. It would have to be big to fit everyone, though. She had noticed that Heidi had been sick, but blamed it on seeing those dead bodies as they went in. She hated herself for breaking down in there. She didn't want anyone thinking she was weak. The fact that everyone knew about her past didn't help.

She was distracted by the weak feeling she kept getting in muscles. It was like lifting a hundred pound weight just to sit up. She kept coughing this dry, wheezing cough, and noticed some concerned looks from the others. She hoped that just getting a good night's sleep would be enough for her to feel better - she didn't want to be dragging anyone else down... but then, the coughing got worse and she could barely breathe. She felt so weak and could see the edges of her vision going black. After about a second, everything went black.

(hey guys, I just want to make sure I'm not stealing the spotlight or anything! If it feels like the story line is too focused on Crystal, please let me know, and I can redirect it to someone else! :( )
Dan sprung to his feet a knelt down by Crystal. He yanked out his Med-Scanner and hovered above Crystal's body. Some shocking news came back.

"She has Malaria, the worst parasitic infection on the planet. How did she get this on an island near Hawaii? It's not like this is a third world country-" Dan stopped. He recognized the area. It was the exact same place he had gone to in his mission east of China. Then he something hit his mind.

"Why... the hell... are we... in the middle of the NORTHERN PACIFIC OCEAN?!"

((Yeah... after this it should be a collab, a story about everyone))
Crystal woke to the sound of Dan saying something about the Pacific Ocean. Well, screaming it, actually.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm fine!" She told him as she sat up. "I think I have some antibiotics in my pocket, I had a cold. Would that help?"

((sure thing, sorry about that. this is my first role play, so im a little new :smile 2: ))
(we should probably keep to original story idea as much as possible too, don't want to go and change too many details and leave the other players confused when they decide to pop back in. And it's not too focused on one person - I think everything is fine :) )
((Good idea, I just wanted one and only ONE plot twist))

"No you idiot! Malaria is a parasite, not a rhino virus! It needs special medication. Maybe we could make it. Is anyone here a Doctor? Anybody?" Dan asked, worriedly. He had never been in such a bad situation like this.

God, if we are in the pacific ocean, where the hell were they taking us?, thought Dan.
Heidi's brow furrowed at Dan's conclusion, but she was more concerned about Crystal's sudden blackout.

Hopefully she'll sleep it off in the next few days. Having traveled so often, Heidi herself was exposed to the disease herself once, but she was able to go home and get the proper care. I don't know how much help some cold meds will be, but it's better than nothing.

"I don't know about making it..." Heidi started slowly. "I think she will be okay -- we'll just have to keep an eye on her."

The island breeze picked up, causing them all to shiver a bit. The glowing orange sun sank lower into the water, and in any other place, it would be a calming sight. But not here... Night would bring out the predators as well as the bugs, and Heidi wasn't looking forward to either.

"We should probably call it a night soon." Heidi suggested. "I have a tarp and a sleeping bag, as well as a decent sized towel. We can use that for tonight until we build something sturdier."
"Cool," Crystal said, a little shaken by Dan's "idiot" insult.

She wasn't too hurt - she knew that Dan always got testy when he was concerned about something, so probably, he was just worried about her. Crystal felt a little touched by this, but she was afraid she was jumping to conclusions about Dan.

"How a does a lean-to kind of shelter sound to you guys? Oh, and also... if I get sick, like really sick, I don't want anyone going out of there way, trying to make medicine or whatever for me, okay? I'll be fine anyway, but I'm not going to drag anyone down."
"You're not dragging us down." Heidi replied. "We're all a team here, remember? Matter of fact, since you're not feeling well, you can have my sleeping bag." She offered the rolled up item to the girl. "Don't be modest - take it!"

"I like the lean-to shelter idea...we'll want to build it near the fire, and we each take turns during the night to keep it going so we'll all stay warm and keep the animals away. Does everyone agree?"
"I do. And you count on me staying up all night. My job in the CIA starts at night and ends at 6:00 a.m.. So I'll stay awake and keep the fire going. I hope I'm not to harsh." Dan said. He sat down by the fire again, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

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