Plane Crash

((Don't worry, I applied))

Dan sat in his seat, remaining calm. If you are going to die, die with dignity not be a wuss and scream. He learned in the CIA program that when under pressure, keep a cool head, it wasn't going to get any better, so don't make it worse. In fact, Dan was still in the CIA, he had just been pulled from Syria to do a business trip to Hawaii. The agent never liked the state. Everyone was just so happy... nobody was serious. They were too nice. Remaining calm, Dan stood up from his seat. Nothing could really go wrong, except for the fact that everyone was freaking out. He knew those stupid flight attendants would say, 'Leave all of your baggage behind.', but no. Dan was bringing everything. Including his 50. cal Sam and Wesson handgun. Plus his bowie knife, ear-piece, and a couple of other agent things. However little did Dan know that the ear-piece would not work, so he would be stuck there.

Then Dan realized they were over water and heading towards an island. It wasn't Hawaii, that's for sure. He ran up to the flight attendant at the front and punched her in the face.

"Gosh, what does it take for basic plane protocol to be followed?" Dan muttered to himself. He grabbed the loudspeaker and spoke into it.

"CALM DOWN AND BRACE FOR IMPACT!" he yelled. Then Dan closed his eyes.
Deliah was calm, until she smelled something burning. What the hell is happening?! She had to take deep breaths in order for her to not hyperventilate. Deliah was too young to die! How did this even happen? She was supposed to be going on an innocent trip to Hawaii, but now her life was going to end. Flinching at the announcement, Deliah grabbed her camera bag from under her seat and hugged it to her chest. There was nothing she valued more than that camera, and she was going to protect it, no matter the cost. Looking at everyone else, she hoped that they were OK.
There was a small silence, then a really loud rumble as the plane smashed into the sand. Trees were cut down like an 18th century soldier getting sliced across the stomach. Fire went everywhere, and some shrapnel flew through the windows, killing the pilots. Dan fell over but instantly popped back up again. Finally, the 664,000 pound flight machine ground to a halt. The agent sighed a heavy sigh, and rubbed his head. While everyone was still dazed, Dan took action.

"Alright everyone. File out of the emergency exits. Take in your surroundings. If you get hungry, don't eat yourself. Find food. Now go, go, GO!" Dan yelled. He noticed the pilots were dead.
Anthony hurried out the emergency exits. It smelled of smoke and ocean water, not a very pleasing smell the thought to himself. He looked around, everyone was scarred or shocked. He was scarred, and he was worried of them dying. The pilots were dead, who was going to help them? He got off the plane, being one of the lucky people who sat near the emergency exits. He looked over at the plane, it seemed as if the pilots cabin had exploded, or burst into flames. This was supposed to be a good trip, he was finally going o see his sister, but now, its a battle to survive and get off the island in the middle of who knows were they are.
Danniell took her bag and went out the emergency exit while wiping away the tears on her face. She looked at the plane, and the pilot cabin seemed to explode. So, of course the pilots are dead. She was a bit dizzy. She went down to the ocean not to far from the others, and sat down. She was in shock. Everything happened so fast. Now she's stuck here on an random island with people she don't know. She's gonna be all by her self. She's to shy to go and say hi. She shooked her head. How are we gonna get off this island? We're stuck here. She just looked out of the ocean and wishing she never ran away from home. She wiped away more tears. She still felt dizzy and in chock.
Daniel nodded at the rest of the passengers to follow his order and exited the plane. The island was lush, and teeming with fruits and berries. Animals were surely roaming around somewhere. If there was only enough food for the passengers, he would not eat. Hopefully food would be plentiful. Dan put a finger on his ear-piece.

"Hawaii Command? Hawaii Command? D*** it doesn't work." he said. Survival experience was something he had, but truly Dan was an intelligence officer, supposed to be gathering information from the Middle-East and give it to the military/government for important decisions, not surviving.

"Does anyone have survival experience?" he asked.
(thanks for the link, I put it in :) )

Crystal raced for the emergency exit after the plane crashed, not thinking, just doing. She could hear the screams of the people who were trapped and slowly burning away... she immediately tried to think of something else. She had to help the people who had a chance of surviving. She ran around the burning plane, searching for people who needed help. She knew CPR, and now was her chance to use it.

She couldn't find anyone except for a girl sitting by the ocean, crying. The girl looked like she was having trouble breathing from the smoke, but was too exhausted to move. If she didn't, she would die.

Crystal sprinted toward the girl and said, "You have to get out of here, there's smoke!"

The girl looked up at Crystal as if seeing her for the first time and said, "What?"

"There's too much smoke, come on!" Crystal yelled.

Without waiting for a response, Crystal grabbed the girl's hand and ran away, to the other side of the plane. The wind was blowing so that the smoke was moving over the ocean.

"Thanks," the girl said.

"No problem. I'm Crystal," Crystal said, sitting on the sand.

"Danniell," she responded, joining Crystal on the sand.
((Thanks! Um, did you get permission to control Danniell? :/ ))

Deliah was thrown forward from the impact of the plane. Getting back up shakily, she went to the emergency exits and tried to get out of the plane as soon as possible. She was still hugging the camera bag to her chest, hoping that nothing in it had been damaged. "Where are we?" Deliah asked. Looking around, she saw that there was no civilization whatsoever. She sat down on the sand, trying to absorb what was going on.
Crawling out of the wreckage, black acrid smoke stinging both his eyes and throat, he tumbled out of the plane, blinded by the sunlight. Now blinded by sunlight and in terrible agony Dave continued crawling on the ground. Something wet was running in his eye. He couldn't see what. He started yelling unintelligibly as he went, the world all a loud and bright blur.
The smell of acrid smoke still burned Heidi's nose and throat. She was glad to be alive, but didn't know how she managed to live through the plane crash.

The plane crashed... she thought again, trying to wrap her mind around the thought. Sitting down on the spotless sand beach for a moment, she took the in the idea and her surroundings. Dazed passengers milled about, everyone equally shocked but somehow relatively unhurt. The island itself was definitely not Hawaii, but it was just as gorgeous -- lush and teeming with life. She still had her bag with her hiking gear -- something she had grabbed in her last moments of clarity, and that fact gave her a boost of confidence. You can get through've been hiking all over the world. It's not your first rodeo.

"Does anyone have survival experience?" she heard someone call.

She cleared her throat. "I do."
Blinking and on his hands and knees, rucksack fallen off his back and beside his arm. He could see now. What he saw was sand soaked with his blood and droplets still falling from his scalp. His hands were also covered in blood. He went up onto his knees, to look around.
Heidi noticed the man whose clothes were stained crimson.

"Hey!" she called, getting up and trotting over towards him. "You alright?"
Dave's ears were still ringing. He could barely hear. He shakily got to his feet, while the world around him spun like a carousel. He dragged his rucksack clear of the wreckage.
Dan looked at the women who said yes. She was pretty, and confident. It was now or never, so Dan had to make his announcement.

"Alright. If we are to get along, I have to say a few things and we have to set rules. I'm going to tell you this, and if you tell anyone else I have people who will hunt you down. I'm... in the CIA, and I'm an Elite Field Agent. That's all I can tell you. Now for rules. Judging by the sun, Hawaii is most likely 200 miles off of the Northeast coast. This women, I think her name is Heidi, will be helping us. My ear-piece doesn't work, so I cannot call any of my fellow agents to help us. We need to get a base of laws and policies. Heidi has survival experience, some of you may also but it looks to me she has the most. I think one rule should be, 'this is a collaborative effort, don't do anything without someone else.' Any other ideas?" Dan asked the group.

If they were going to survive, they would have to set up a colony, and elect some leaders. The agent hoped everyone could get along.
(( she didn't have permission to control Danniell, but it's okay just don't do it again without my permission :) ))

As she sat down next to Crystal she noticed she wasn't so much dizzy anymore. As Crystal said it must have been the smoke. But Danniell was still in chock, so she couldn't talk that much. She just kept staring out at the ocean. She just had a lot going through in her head right now. A lots of what ifs.. Danniell looked at Crystal, she looked very kind. Danniell noticed her sleeves were a bit tucked. She fast pulled them down, to hide the scars on her arms. She just hoped that Crystal didn't see them, but Danniell thinks she did.. Danniell didn't say a word, she just sat there, quiet. Still in chock a bit. But she just kept staring out of the ocean, wishing she never ran away from home.
Deliah started rocking back and forth, scared for her life. She had survived the crash, but now they were stuck in the middle of nowhere. Looking around, she heard a guy making an announcement, so she decided to listen in. "I like that idea," Deliah said loud enough to be heard. Now that some rules were being laid out, she calmed down a little. But worry still gnawed at her. Where was Cody and McKenna? And that guy who they had met earlier? Deliah hoped that they were all ok.
(Hanaa thanks! I'm so sorry, I never thought of that! :( I promise it won't happen again! This is my first RP xD )

Crystal looked beside her at Danniel, and saw her quickly pull down her sleeves. Crystal hadn't had time to see any scars, but she knew that no one pulled their sleeves down that quickly if they didn't have a reason to. So Danniel was like her... or at least, probably. She didn't want to ask though, because she didn't want to offend her first allies.

As Crystal looked around the island, she noticed that most movement had stopped. People were sitting down on the sand, looking shocked. Crystal hadn't really even begun to accept that she was here, stranded. She was distracting herself by trying to help other people. She had seen the man, and heard him laying out rules. They sounded like pretty okay laws, but it seemed kind of early to be making them. "It's now or never, I guess," she thought.

"Hey!" she said to the man who was making an announcement. "Does anyone need help? I know CPR and I'm an intern at a hospital."
Heidi's ears perked up at the sound of her name. She wasn't too sure on how much she believed this man's "CIA field agent" story, but after watching the way he asserted himself and easily took a leadership role, she found the idea more plausible. If what he says is true, that means we have at least one chance of being found... From what she could reason, because he wasn't just an ordinary civilian, there would be more of a vested interest in the plane going missing.

"I think one rule should be, 'this is a collaborative effort, don't do anything without someone else.' Any other ideas?"

"I like that idea." she heard a female voice agreed. Heidi looked at the source, feeling bad that the girl looked scared out of her wits.

"Ditto." Heidi responded. "And keeping with the idea of collaboration, we should all get to know each other...figure out who has what in terms of supplies, and who knows how to do what in terms of skills. We don't know what's out there on this island, and our best chances of surviving is as a group."

"Hey!" someone announced. "Does anyone need help? I know CPR and I'm an intern at a hospital."
The agent acknowledged what Heidi said. It was a good sign.

"Uh, if your wondering how I know your names, I have files on all of you. The CIA gave them to me."

Dan looked back at Crystal, and read her facial expression. She seemed too excited. This half-alarmed Dan, and he reached into his suit, trying to find his handgun. Finally he found the pocket and yanked it out, then pointed it at Crystal.

"For all we know you're lying. And we should probably- actually never mind. For all you know I could be lying about being in the CIA. Ah whatever I have gun in my suit so you can probably get the idea that I'm in America's intelligence agency. Anyway... CPR? Well I'm not sure we need it right now but-" Dan was cut off by the soft crackly voice of an old woman.

"Help me." the woman's voice choked out."I feel traumatized-" before the old woman could finish she fell over, having a heart attack.

Dan put the gun away and started to sweat a bit. "Yes please, I think we need that CPR."
Crystal was shocked by what had just happened. A man that she had half trusted (which is saying a lot, for her) just pointed a freaking gun at her. A gun! Crystal decided one thing, right then and there: she was not going to trust anyone unless she was absolutely positive they could be trusted.

But there were other things that she had to do. There was an old woman who looked like she'd been shocked - literally - by the plane when the wiring went out. Crystal could feel her palms sweating, and suddenly she wasn't too sure she could do this anymore. The woman looked like she was just a breath away from death.

Crystal raced over to the woman and tried to remember what they had taught her at the hospital. First, kneel down beside the victim. She knelt. Then she placed her right hand over her left, closed her right fingers in between her left fingers, and found the spot right below the woman's breast bone.

1, 2, 3, 4... Crystal counted until she got to thirty. Once she had done 30 compressions, she put her ear to the woman's mouth to check to see if she had started breathing. Nothing. She did 30 more compressions. Still nothing.

"Does anyone have a watch?" she shouted.

Someone called back yes, and she asked them to tell her when a minute was up. She started doing 100 compressions, just like she had been told. She prayed, for the first time in years, that this woman would live.

"It's -" the person with the watch started to respond, but then the woman sat up and sputtered.

Crystal recognized the woman as the one who had sat next to her and gone to sleep on the plane. The woman did too, saying, "I know you from... somewhere..."

Crystal put her head in her hands, completely overwhelmed. Too much... there was just too much emotion. Too many emotions, and she couldn't handle it, she just couldn't. A man had just pointed a gun at her. She had just saved someone's life. Too much.

"Too much..." she moaned.
"Maybe that was a bad idea...? God I'd should have rethought that. Forgive me Crystal, about a year in Syria has kind of gotten me to the 'don't trust anyone level'. Alright you know what, I will not use this gun the entire time I'm on this island unless extremely necessary. That way I don't have to freak anyone out. Now... for the rest of you, if you don't trust my CIA deal because of what just happened, I understand. But you must trust me if we have anyway of getting out." Dan said.
A thought hit Crystal immediately as Dan tried to calm her.

"Wait. If you have a file on me, do you where... I was headed?" She asked tentatively. 
( *Do you know where, sorry.)

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