Plane Crash

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I'll start:

Deliah fiddled with the strap of her bag, waiting for the plane to take off. She couldn't wait to get to Hawaii, yet they hadn't even gone anywhere yet. Luckily, there were no connecting flights and there shouldn't be any delays. Still, Deliah hated sitting still for a short period of time, let alone five hours! Maybe she would try to get to know some of the other passengers as time passed on. Deliah's mind kept going back to her planned vacation in Hawaii, where she would be able to take as many scenic photos as she wanted to. How she was even able to go still amazed her. A while ago, Deliah had entered a photography contest and hadn't recieved word about it in a while. A few days ago, however, she got a call saying that she had won second place, which meant she could choose between a Nikon camera or a photography trip to Hawaii.
Oh my gosh, when is this stupid plane going to take off? Deliah thought to herself.

Chase And McKenna:..

McKenna walked quicky through the plane's isle. She hadn't realized they had awoken late at the hotel ten minutes ago. So in a dismay, her brother and McKenna had to rush to pack up all their stuff. McKenna sat down in the window seat of the isle. She handed her suit case to Chase, who shoved it all in the compartment above. McKenna usially hated to fly, but she had a few times, so her nerve's had pretty much relaxed. Chase, on the other hand, was pretty calm. He had never mind flying. He couldn't wait to get to Hawii and see his grandparents for what could be the last time.

Chase sat down in the isle seat next to his sister. Glancing at her nervous expression he smiled. "They'll be there when we get there Kennie." He smiled, Kennie was Chase's nickname. Although McKenna did't perferably like it, it did have a powerful effect to calm her. She glared at him. "McKenna." She mumbled. "No, No. I'm Pretty Sure my Names not McKenna." He smirked McKenna sighed as she turned to the window. "When will this thing take off?" Chase said to himself.
Jackie makes her way on the plane slowly, wearing her sunglasses and carrying her bags in one hand and he coffee in the other. Since she's been up all night drinking away her feelings. As Jackie makes her way down the isle of she sees the people on board and notice that her seat was next to a old lady, which Jackie doesn't like sitting next to people because then she would have to talk to them. Jackie grabs her bags and makes her way to her seat, passing by to siblings who maybe twins arguing about something. She puts her bags away and takes her seat by the window, putting in her headphones and already waiting for the flight to be over with.
Reagan made it down the isle of the plane, she picked up her two duffle bags, and shoved them into the compartment above her seat. She took her seat next to the window, and leaned back in her seat. She had made sure that she had gotten a lot of sleep the night before, and that she had a few packs of gum. She loved flying out of states, or flying for that matter. Something about being in the clouds made her happy and all of her worries go away.

Drew yawned as he hauled his suitcase through the plane, he slid into a seat by the isle after throwing his suitcase into the compartment above. He slumped down in his seat, and popped a piece of his gum into his mouth. He then plugged his earphones into his ears, and rubbed his shoulders. He wasn't used to being up this early, but oh well. hHe wondered where his parents were, but he figured they were up a few seats so he wasn't worried about it.
Deliah decided to pass the time by popping in some music. People around her were doing the same anyway. It looked like some people didn't like flying, while others did. Deliah could tell this by seeing people's body language. She was bored out of her mind, despite the music playing in her ears. Luckily, a flight attendant was passing by, so Deliah stopped her.

"Hey, when is the plane going to take off?" she asked, in a polite tone. The flight attendant narrowed her eyes at her.

"We'll be in the air soon enough. The caption will let you know when." With that, she walked off. Immaturely, Deliah stuck her tongue out at the lady's back. She looked around, hoping that no one else saw the little episode.

Chase glanced over just in time to see a girl stop the flight attendent. After she walked away quite rudly, The girl acted immature. Chase chuckled to himself. "I Would do the same." He said to the girl with a shallow smile. "I'm Chase." He grinned holding a hand out, across the isle for the girl to shake.


McKenna popped in a pair of golden ear buds. She watched out the window gently. McKenna's head was killing her in a slow and steady throb. Most likly from either the pressure in the plane. Or her fear from flying. Of Course she had don it before, just she never really liked it. The main reason from all the movies her brother watched about planes the night before.
Jackie lays her head back on her seat, closing her eyes and getting lost in her music. It's only a few hours of a flight, then I'll be in paradise.. She thinks.

She's been planning on leaving home ever since she was 14. Not wanting to deal with the pressure from her parents, teachers, and so-called 'friends'.

So dropping out of college and running away to a peaceful place was the first thing that came to mind and she doesn't regret it at all.

Jackie smiles at the thought, No pressure, no one telling me what to do or how to act, paradise..
Stephanno walks down the isle with 2 very loud and clunky bag, he notices some people staring at him but doesn't care enough to shoot them a look back. He squishes his 2 surprisingly heavy bags into the compartment above his seat. He notices that he is going to be sitting alone, no one is going to be sitting beside him. For him that means no annoying children, or old people telling their stories, or snotty teens sitting beside him. This looks like it's going to be a fine trip.He sits down in his seat and puts his feet on the empty seat beside him. The flight attendant walks over to him " Sir please put your feet down." This sort of made Stephanno angry but he decided to handle the situation with ease. " There isn't anyone sitting here though. " Stephanno snarled. " Just...please put your feet down." The flight attendant sounded like she was also holding in anger. "Okay...okay, I guess so." Stephanno said as he shuffled his feet of the empty seat beside him. The flight attendant walked away quickly, like she was trying to chase someone. " Well...I hope they serve bourbon on this plane, because I need a drink. "
"I'm Deliah," she replied, shaking Chase's hand. She almost blushed, knowing that he had seen her little act of childishness. "Haha, that flight attendant was just so mean! What's her problem, anyway?" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flight attendant tell another guy to put his feet down even if the seats were empty. Deliah thought the flight attendants were being really pushy and acting as if people were getting under their skin. But wasn't it their job to be extremely nice? Deliah had read that the international flights were much better than the national flights. Without warning, she smelled a slight burning scent in the air. Deliah shook that aside, knowing that it was nothing.
Reagan looked over at the man who had taken a seat across the isle from hers. He seemed awfully angry at the flight attendant when he was told to put his feet down. Sh shrugged and plugged her headphones back into her ears and leaned back in her seat. She brought her knees up to her chest and yawned a little bit. She looked up at the flight attendant who was walking back through the isles and chuckle softly to herself. She had rose in an airplane so se knew what to expect from the staff. Always so tense and never let anything slide. She flagged the attendant down and asked for a water. The woman looked at her and then walked back into the abyss of the attendant head quarters.
Chase smiled approvingly. "Hey Delilah, that's my sister McKenna, she's sorta in a sour move." He announced, leaning forward to reveal McKenna. "Hi...." She mumbled, with a kind smile. McKenna glanced out the window, "Just please take off already." McKenna gripped the seat tightly. Chase rolled his eye's. "I'm the older one." He whispered. "By Two Minutes!" McKenna shot back, she elowed him into the side. "Anyways." He grumbled.
Heidi had just seated herself behind the girl who had asked for some water.

Good idea, she thought to herself, rooting in the over-sized backpack she had occupying the seat next to her. Once she had found the bottle she drank greedily. Despite the coolness of the airplane, the unforgiving San Diego heat had done its damage. She peered out the window at the sweltering tarmac, already anxious to see it grow smaller and smaller as they ascended up into the clouds.

"What's taking so long?" she wondered aloud.
" Pfffft, this is the only part I hate about flying, stupid flight attendants being pushy as hell. " Stephanno whispered to himself. Well maybe I should get to know some of these people, going to be a boring ride anyway.. He looks to his right to see two people shaking hands, those people seem nice. Stephanno slowly rises from his seat expecting a flight attendant to sit him down...nothing. Stephanno approaches the two people shaking hands, he didn't really like confronting people. " Man these flight attendants suck, you two have any trouble with em? "
McKenna and Chase glanced up at the guy who had approached him. "Yeah, there all, on the edge of there seats, if you ask me!" Chase prevailed, as he glanced at his sister. McKenna nodded, as she blushed. "I'm McKenna and that's My Older Brother, Chase." She smiled warmly. "Hey" Chase replied, he glanced at the girl in the next seat again, bfore looking back up.
((btw you guys can ghost the flight attendants :)))

"Hi," Deliah said to McKenna. It seemed like she didn't like flying. Sometimes, Deliah would feel the same. Especially when there were mean flight attendants like the one that had "served" her. Deliah giggled to herself when the twins had their little exchange. "Haha, I wish I had a brother or sister." she said. Deliah had always been an only child, so she never had anyone to hang out with. That was before she ran away from home, though.

Deliah saw someone coming towards them. She recognized him as the one who the flight attendant had given crap to. "Yeah! Why are they so mean? One got all snippy with me when I asked her when the plane was taking off. I'm Deliah," she replied.

"Hey," Deliah said to Chase.
Is this flight ever going to take off..! Jackie thinks to herself. She listen to the guy seated behind her who was getting into it with the flight attendant. Jackie giggles from the guy comment to her and rolls her eyes. I hope he doesn't kick my seat during the flight.. She thinks. Jackie blast up her music loudly and the older woman sitting next to Jackie gives her dirty looks for 10 minutes before getting up and leaving, taking her bags with her. A flight attendant comes up and tells Jackie that she needs to turn down her music and that the old woman sitting next to her is moving seats.
Heidi, realizing she doesn't have a seatmate, offers to switch seats with the scowling woman.

"Sheesh, what's her problem?" she asks, happy to have some company her own age.
Deliah was about to lose her mind from boredom. Without warning, the overhead speakers crackled to life. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position...."

"Finally!" Deliah exclaimed. A flight attendant shot her a mean glare. The announcer continued to drone on about putting away all phones, not smoking, and all that. A flight attendant came to the front of the plane and started to gesture out all of the safety crap as the announcer said it in English, then Spanish. Deliah began to zone out a little, until the plane began to move forward. Deliah gripped the seat handles as the plane kept picking up speed, until it finally got off the ground. She tried to close her eyes, but she was too excited.

Chase smiled as he buckled his seat belt. "Fi-Na-Lly!" He exclaimed, smiling over at Delilah. "I Thought this plane never take off. Chase glanced around the isle, he guessed many hated flying. Chase watched out the window, as the plane rumbled off the ground. He looked over at McKenna. She couldn't have turned any greener, he thought to himself. Dylan watched as many of the flight attendent's were either sitting down, or rushing up and down the isle. Trying to help people he guesses. "Maybe they'll be nicer now that we have taken off."


McKenna gripped her seat as the plane began to move. Think happy thoughts, Think Happy thoughts. Was what she kept telling herself. McKenna laid her head back on the seat. She had ignored all the commands, beside the fact to buckle up. Which she did quite happily. McKenna held her eye's shut until they were off the ground. As soon as the wieghtless feeling kicked in, she opened her eyes. Everything was fine, evrything was okay. She told herself. McKenna smiled up at Chase.
"I know, right?" Deliah replied. She noticed how McKenna was looking really sick. "Are you ok?" she asked. Deliah had never became plane sick before, so she didn't know what to do. In fact, she liked flying a lot, because she loved being able to be up in the clouds. It was the long wait that she hated having to deal with. It seemed like that wasn't the case for a lot of the people on the plane. She saw that the flight attendants were now helping the passengers. "Oh, so now they decide to be helpful."
Danniell woke up and noticed that we were moving. Wow, time goes fast when you're sleeping, she thought to her self. This is going to be awesome, i finally got away from that hell hole. She looked around and noticed that the plane almost was full of people. She was the first one on board on the plane. She's still tired after being awake the hole night. She and her parents fought three nights before. She just had enough and packed her bags, bought a ticket to Hawaii. Ever since she has lived on the street. But now she's here. Starting a new life. I hope that there's hot girls there. She smiled a bit. She yawned and skipped the song on her ipod. She looked around to see if there's any good looking girls on the plane. Am I sitting on a plain to Hawaii and there's no good looking girls? Wait, she was pretty cute. She looked at McKenna. She closed her eyes to sleep again because she were still tired.
"Finally," Anthony thought to himself. After 30 minutes of waiting around the plane was finally taking off. He looked to the left side of him, there was a girl about his age, she had her eyes closed though. He sighed and thought it wasn't a bad idea to take a little nap. It would make the flight seem shorter, plus he just wanted to get off the plane to see his sister. Anthony hadn't seen his sister in over two years. She went off to collage a year before he did, and it's been quiet hectic. School is hard for him, getting a major in Psychology was harder than it seemed. His sister was getting a major in Dance. She studied in New York Arts Academy, in New York City. She was an amazing sister and he missed her. He closed his eyes, and while the plane was moving he fell asleep.
Crystal shifted positions carefully so that she wouldn't wake old lady next to her. The woman had plopped down next to Crystal, grumbled something about "teenyboppers" and their loud music, and then proceeded to take a nap. At least she didn't snore, right?

They had been in the air for about an hour now, and she was glad that they had finally taken off. It had taken forever... but she wasn't too eager to get to Hawaii quite yet.

Crystal was headed for Road To Healing group home for adolescents. She was having suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety. She had even cut herself once. She asked her parents to be sent there because she couldn't stand the thought of killing herself and leaving her friends and family to mourn. She'd never wanted to hurt anyone, but now all she really wanted to do was die.

It's going to get better, Crystal, I promise, she thought. She had this weird habit of talking to herself in her head - it helped her to calm herself down.

Then she heard a noise, a clunking sound, and her anxiety level went from about a 5 to a 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10) in the span of about 1 second. Something told her that this was more than the typical anxiety that she experienced a lot, because she could smell something burning. Then people started screaming, and all hell broke loose.

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