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Fandom Piyo town's Character sheets (A Rune Factory rp)


Crimson Rose

Elder Member


Gender pronouns:


Are they open for a relationship?






Extra Features:

Clothing style?:

If they are one of the few species that has an alternate form what does it look like?


Odd quirks:

Mini Bio:


What Weapon class do they specialize in?:

What is one item from the games they have on them at all times:

What Skills they proficient in?(name 3):

What Skills are their downfall?(name 4):

(If they are from Piyo Crossroads) Do they keep monsters?

(If they're from elsewhere) will they obtain Monsters?

What kind of monsters?:

(If from Piyo town) How do they feel about so many new comers all at once entering their town?

Any hobbies?

What is their favorite food?

Least favorite food?

What do they like?

What things do they hate?

Any health,mental or allergies based issues?

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  • f09ef03d1e015a28fbd1075ac327c6bb.jpgNAME
    Summer 23rd

    Part time Unemployed/Wanderer​
    Part time Farmer​
    Full time Amnesia​

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  • Edelgard.von.Hr%C3%A6svelgr.600.2768256.jpg
    False Royalty​
    Looks to be in her 20's​
    Princess (?)​

Artists: Florian Dreyer (BG), Senano Yu (FC)​
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    Name: Eilene Shaniah Beylier

    Nicknames: Lene, Eilshan (when pretending to be a man)

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female (pretending to be Male)

    Sexuality: Lesbian

    Are they open for a relationship?: Maybe...

    Age: 22

    Job: Unemployed... Kind of.

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    Natalia Albryte​
    The Enlightened, The Foolish Priest, The Honored One (self nicknamed), The Clown, Priestess Albryte, Natalie, Great Value Priest, Shoddy Priest, Humble Priest, Snake Oil Priest, Honest Priest, The Good Priest, The Bad Priest.​
    Dragon Priest​
    Is what it is​
    Go for it​
    Dragon Priest​

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FC: Ophelia Phamrsolone [Fate]

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    Role: Mayor
    Name: Sunday Clement
    Nickname: Sun, Sunshine
    Species: Witch
    Age: 32
    Birthday: March 6th (Spring 6th)
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Romancable: Heck yeah

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FC: Ebenholz [Arknights]

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    Role: Nurse from the Sechs Empire // Future Assistant to the Town Medic
    Name: Hinata Miyake
    Nickname: Hina, Mi
    Species: Wereanimal (Goat)
    Age: 27
    Birthday: November 18th Fall 25th
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Romancable: Heck yeah

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  • Name: Cana

    Actual Name: Fulminaris

    Species: Native Dragon

    Gender/Pronouns: Female | She/Her

    Sexuality: "It is nothing I bother with."

    Are they open for a relationship?: "Unfortunate that we don't have that privilege."

    Age: Appears to be in her mid-30s for far too long now

    Job: Town Handyman
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Click Tabs
    Nomi Mary
    26 (???)
    Maid to 'Royalty'
    5'3" | 160.02 cm
    133 lbs | 60.3 kg

    Nomi has silver hair, with the ends turning into slivers of purple and pink. Her eyes change from red to pink, depending on her mood. She looks rather docile in the face, and is known to be quite expressionable when displeased. She has a curvaceous figure and butterflies that surround her constantly. Her clothing style mostly consists of her maid garb, however, if off the job she is seen in frilly dresses, styled in a coquette fashion. Although this is unknown even to her, Nomi has an alternate form, however the only thing that changes is mechanical but butterfly-like wings that can extend from her back.


    Some would consider Nomi an airhead, completely clueless, especially when it comes to taking orders. Clumsy in all ways, she has a hard time doing her duties correctly and is often making a mess. Luckily, her butterflies that surround her are constantly helping her, cleaning up after her spillages and assisting her in her work chores. Nomi loves to laugh, her giggle light and infectious. She often seems in her own little world, unable to tell the change of mood in folks around her. Nomi is best with her butterflies and other insects, often seen chattering among them as her confidants.

    - gets along better with insects than people.
    - can't clean, can't cook, can't seemingly fight. Nomi is lucky that the good people of Piyo took pity on her, giving her a job out of the kindness of their hearts.
    - is often seen hiding candy around places, so others can find a little treasure.

    -to be a nuisance(TOO LATE)
    -losing her friends and loved ones.

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((Thank you for the mobile friendly code format!))


  • Name: Esvedra

    Species: Mermaid

    Gender/Pronouns: BiGender, She/They

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Are they open for a relationship?: Definitely Romanceable

    Age: 26

    Job: Bathhouse Owner

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    Julian Margaux​
    The Doctor, The Medic, Good Doctor, The guy you go to when you or your animals get sick or hurt.​
    Doctor/Medic. really anything medical​
    It could be fun, sure​

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    Kikuchi Miyuki | 菊地 美雪​
    Half-Monster (Death Stalker)​
    Only by one person (^◡^ )​
    Innkeeper | Former Hunter​

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  • Basics

    Name }}
    • “You can call me anything you want — within reason, of course. I don’t know how I’d feel if I heard someone asking ‘Bob’ to make them a martini.”

    Nicknames }}
    Vin, Nettle, Bartender, Vine Lady(?), Wine Lady

    Job }}

    Species }}
    • “I didn’t really learn the craft proper, but I can forge bar spoons and shakers just fine. For anything else, you’d have to go to a professional.”

    Age }}

    Birthday }}
    Spring 24

    Gender }}

    Sexuality }}
    “Now, why would you want to know that?”

    Open to a Relationship }}
    If they check every single one of her boxes on her long list of partner requirements that she won’t admit she has, then yes.
    • “Hmm, me? I’m flattered, but there's more fish in the sea — I’m sure you can find someone better.”
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**Might try to play around with coding later!

Name: Galen

Species: Human

Gender pronouns: Male

Sexuality: Pan

Are they open for a relationship?

Yes, but it's not as important as his goals.

Age: 23


Job: Parts Merchant / Smuggler (secret)

Height: 5"7

Weight: 130 lbs

Extra Features: N/A

Clothing style: Functional yet modern with muted colors, customary of a Sechs Citizen of his rank.

Personality: Well-meaning and curious, Galen might come across as a bit neurotic due to his habit of asking his customers exactly what kind of items they're asking him to procure. For example, if one asks him for Iron, do they want that from the Winterlands, from Volcanic soil, or would any be fine? What kind of sashimi would they prefer- knife or machine-cut? And indeed, how much mirin or soy sauce would they want smuggled in- and from which merchant, pray tell? Despite this, outside of work, Galen is actually rather scatter-brained, and leaves many of his personal belongings all over his room, the inn, and even all of Piyo Town! It's fairly easy to track him down when he leaves such a convenient trail. Not to worry though, as he only appears to misplace his own belongings! Customers always get exactly what they ask for, even if the prices can get a little steep.

Odd quirks: Galen has a terrible habit of running off when something interests him, even if it's mid-conversation or if he's in the middle of fishing, eating, or even taking a break with a bath or a snack! When he does so, he also places or forgets to put away whatever he's holding, leaving small parts and contraptions behind. As if this wasn't bad enough, many of the parts and components he leaves around tend to be... dangerous, one way or another, since he's constantly trying to make a new mechanical creature.

Mini Bio: How does a modest-born Sechs Citizen drop out of mechanist's school and become a smuggler? Well, the academies didn't quite have what Galen wanted. Sure, the Sechs Empire could construct creatures that fought, defended, and even helped with farming, but he wanted to create something deeper, truer. The secrets he sought were not hidden away in laboratories or old tomes, so he struck out in the world, learning about different life forms and trading wherever he went. While not everyone in the world appreciated a mechanical component or a well-shaped silver brooch or handcrafted bronze bracelet, almost everyone wanted things that were currently banned, especially in times of war. The solution was simple- become a smuggler, as long as nothing he brought was dangerous as-is.

Fears: Swimming, Heights

What Weapon class do they specialize in?: Spear

What is one item from the games they have on them at all times: Fluffy Scarf

What Skills they proficient in?(name 3): Crafting, Searching, Bartering

What Skills are their downfall?(name 4): Cooking, Crafting, Hammers, Logging

(If they're from elsewhere) will they obtain Monsters? Not conventionally, but dreams of creating a perfect mech.

What kind of monsters?: Mechanical Monsters from Sechs Engineering.

Any hobbies?

Reading, crafting, and exploring.

What is their favorite food?

Squid Sashimi

Least favorite food?

Chocolate Cake

What do they like?

Sashimi, Pickles, Mechanical Parts

What things do they hate?

Bread, Cake, Candy, Animal-like Monster parts.

Any health,mental or allergies based issues? Allergic to monster fur and feathers.

Extra: N?A


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    Shows the ring on her finger with a proud grin

    Innkeeper | Cook

  • Basic Info
    Cliff Burrow
    With eyes and hair reminiscent of rich soil, along with a strong body like that of stone, Cliff gives the appearance of a man who is definitely close to the earth. Standing at a full height of 6' 3", he posseses a tall, muscular build that reflects a lifetime of hard labor. His state of dress also does much of the same, as he drifts towards a style one might expect of someone who knows he'll always be getting his hands dirty. Most of Cliff's wardrobe is full of clothing suited for his line of work, being simple and easy to move around with. Aside from an occasional dress shirt and the leather armor he wears during his peacekeeping duties, he sticks to a combination of dark-colored pants and a plain shirt. He tends to avoid outfits with long sleeves or lots of fabric in general for the sake of the job, which exposes much of his scarred skin He has dozens of scars littering his body, some noticeably fresher than others. A great deal of the ones on his back and chest remain covered most of the time, but it's very easy to pick out the mess of old injuries claiming space on his arms and neck. A small few mark his face as well, but they have mostly faded with time. Much like how some people like to guess how many marbles are in a jar, a similar game can be played trying to guess the grand total of scars he possesses.
    hair color
    eye color
    Cliff takes a lot after his father, his expression often giving the impression of a strong, stoic man who doesn't have much to say. There's a decent amount of truth mixed in there, as he's not the most excitable person around, and he does take his responsibilities quite seriously. However, just like the man he follows in the footsteps of, he's not a bad guy by any means. He cares a great deal for the town and its people, always willing to help out with whatever they need if he has the time. He wants people to know that they can depend on him for anything, and he's willing to push himself quite a bit to make sure everyone is taken care of. At times, he can even be a bit too conscious of others, switching from a usual air of detachment to being quite stubborn when he knows someone isn't seeking help or failing to take care of themselves. He's a caretaker at heart, which is greatly owed to how he was raised. His mother was a nurse and he tends to a farm, so being attentive to the needs of others is basically in his blood. Most importantly, he's a big brother. That comes before everything else. Filling the role of both parents, he tries to balance all the duties one would expect from family members who aren't in the picture anymore. It's where many of his mother hen tendencies stem from, always making sure that his younger siblings are having all their needs met and growing well. When it comes to them, he's a softie who's perfectly comfortable putting himself through embarrassment or discomfort as long as it makes them happy. Because of that, he struggles with spoiling too much and too little. He has to be firm so they grow up properly, but he also can't be too strict. He's all they have, so he can't afford to screw up. Because of that, he has a slight complex, wondering if he's doing a decent job as a guardian. With all the responsibilities he has to juggle, he doesn't have a large amount of free time. He isn't the most socially active resident in town, so unless he's seeking someone out with purpose or there's an unexpected meeting, most conversations tend to start with him as the one approached. It's one of the reasons he isn't often seen as a very expressive or vocal individual, but that usually fade over time as people are exposed to his more subtle changes in tone and expression. Usually, the only time his first impression holds true is during his duty as a peacekeeper. He takes his job very seriously and fully embodies the ideal of a strong, silent soldier when confronting threats. He casts an imposing figure, tackling these duties with deadly efficiency and an intimidating air. Nothing is more important to him than keeping others safe. It's his greatest strength and his greatest flaw. Those who spend enough time around him might notice the almost tired-looking expression in his eyes, or that his way of speaking is like that of a man carrying years of exhaustion. While he can bear the weight on his shoulders effectively and without the appearance of struggling, it's still weight all the same. But he's the only one who can carry it, so he has no right or need to complain. He will never give his own thoughts and feelings the same consideration he shows to others, casting them aside as "lesser". Never even granting himself time to grieve over the loss of his parents, he only focuses on what needs to be done and what is needed of him. He acknowledges that it's probably not the healthiest practice, but it's the only thing he knows. If he slows down to give himself time to think or breathe, he'll collapse and never stand back up. That is the role he was entrusted with, and it's the only one he needs.
Code by Nano
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Lottie Little

NAME: Lottie Little
SPECIES: Elven Witch
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ROMANCEABLE?: Catch me if you can!
AGE: 28
JOB: Town Witch
HEIGHT: 5’9 | 175.26 cm
WEIGHT: 139lbs | 63kg
EYE COLOUR: Emerald green
HAIR COLOUR: Golden blonde
CLOTHING STYLE: Dressed to the nines, and as Lottie always says, she is “corseted for the gods!” Lottie pays attention to her looks, often dressing in elaborate gowns, and is almost always adorned in green. Flowers pinned to her witch hat are must, for going without makes her feel naked and unlike herself.
EXTRA: Has vine-like tattoos that cover her body and face.
PERSONALITY: Mischievous, devious, and a bit delirious, Lottie is known to be quite a troublesome gal. Blunt and to the point, and enjoying humour more than anything else, she is often seen pulling pranks on unsuspecting townsfolk in the name of ‘experimentation’. Speaking of experimentation, the girl is often pulling in volunteers for her to work her magic and potions on. Many people avoid Lottie for this, and her other oddities. However, if you get to know her, you’ll find the most loyal of allies and friends.
QUIRKS: Collects odd knickknacks, and has a small obsession with clowns. Also loves all things cutesy, and is known to pinch the cheeks of those whom she fawns over.
MINI BIO: Left on the steps of a Sech’s monastery as a baby, Lottie was handed off continuously throughout her life. First, she was taken in by nuns, however they were terrified of her propensity for magic, so they gave her away. Then, she was given to a blacksmith, however she was too unruly for him to keep up with, so again, Lottie was given away. She was also given to a couple who had promised to never give her up, however, they ended up having their own child, so they too, gave Lottie away. She was even given to some morgue owners, yet they too were terrified when they learned that Lottie enjoyed the company of the ghosts around her. She floated from household to household to the point she herself stopped counting, as she truly thought that it didn’t matter where she was, as no one would claim her. That was all until her 14th birthday.

Gertrude was an old fearsome Witch who had heard of Lottie in her travels.The woman, who had been living on the outskirts of Piyo Town her whole life, needed an apprentice to help her out with the townsfolk's needs. She found Lottie fascinating, claiming her a prodigy that NEEDED to be in her care. So, Gertrude took her in, away from the city in which so many people discarded the girl. She housed her and taught her the ways of Witch kind. She raised her as if Lottie was her own, and in the end, started loving Lottie as a daughter.

Now, at 28, Lottie is the town’s go-to Witch, having taken over for Gertrude, who is now ailing. She finds herself working long hours, while also holding secret experiments to try and find a cure for Gertrude.
FEARS: Losing Gertrude. Doctors. Mice.
WEAPON CLASS: Magic & Staffs
IN-GAME ITEM: Sorcerer’s Wand
PROFICIENT SKILLS: Magic, Chemistry, Crafting
INSUFFICIENT SKILLS: Sleeping, Mining, Leadership, Defence
MONSTERS: She owns a mammoth named Paula and a Flower Lily named Petals
FEELINGS ON NEWCOMERS: Ecstatic for more test subjects! Hurrah!
HOBBIES: Cross-stitching, tailoring, is a decent seamstress.
YUMMY FOODS: Fried Udon, Hot Chocolate, Stew, Meat Dumpling
YUCKY FOODS: MAYONNAISE!!! Boiled spinach, yogurt.
LIKES: Fashion, comedy, flowers, the colour green, ALCOHOL.
DISLIKES: Winter, sleep, mining, fake flowers/plants.

coded by incandescent

Remove background project(2)(2).png

NAME: Lottie Little
SPECIES: Elven Witch
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ROMANCEABLE?: If someone can catch her eye, sure.
AGE: 28
JOB: Town Witch

HEIGHT: 5’9 | 175.26 cm
WEIGHT: 139lbs | 63kg
EYE COLOR: Emerald green
HAIR COLOR: Golden blonde
CLOTHING STYLE: Dressed to the nines, and as Lottie always says, she is “corseted for the gods!” Lottie pays attention to her looks, often dressing in elaborate gowns, and is almost always adorned in green. Flowers pinned to her witch hat are must, for going without makes her feel naked and unlike herself.
EXTRA: Has vine-like tattoos that cover her body and face.

PERSONALITY: Mischievous, devious, and a bit delirious, Lottie is known to be quite a troublesome gal. Blunt and to the point, and enjoying humor more than anything else, she is often seen pulling pranks on unsuspecting townsfolk in the name of ‘experimentation’. Speaking of experimentation, the girl is often pulling in volunteers for her to work her magic and potions on. Many people avoid Lottie for this, and her other oddities. However, if you get to know her, you’ll find the most loyal of allies and friends.
QUIRKS: Collects odd knickknacks, and has a small obsession with clowns. Also loves all things cutesy, and is known to pinch the cheeks of those whom she fawns over.
MINI BIO: Left on the steps of a Sech’s monastery as a baby, Lottie was handed off continuously throughout her life. First, she was taken in by nuns, however they were terrified of her propensity for magic, so they gave her away. Then, she was given to a blacksmith, however she was too unruly for him to keep up with, so again, Lottie was given away. She was also given to a couple who had promised to never give her up, however, they ended up having their own child, so they too, gave Lottie away. She was even given to some morgue owners, yet they too were terrified when they learned that Lottie enjoyed the company of the ghosts around her. She floated from household to household to the point she herself stopped counting, as she truly thought that it didn’t matter where she was, as no one would claim her. That was all until her 14th birthday.

Gertrude was an old fearsome Witch who had heard of Lottie in her travels.The woman, who had been living on the outskirts of Piyo Town her whole life, needed an apprentice to help her out with the townsfolk's needs. She found Lottie fascinating, claiming her a prodigy that NEEDED to be in her care. So, Gertrude took her in, away from the city in which so many people discarded the girl. She housed her and taught her the ways of Witch kind. She raised her as if Lottie was her own, and in the end, started loving Lottie as a daughter.

Now, at 28, Lottie is the town’s go-to Witch, having taken over for Gertrude, who is now ailing. She finds herself working long hours, while also holding secret experiments to try and find a cure for Gertrude.

FEARS: Losing Gertrude. Doctors. Mice.
WEAPON CLASS: Magic & Staffs
INGAME ITEM: Sorcerer’s Wand
PROFICIENT SKILLS: Magic, Chemistry, Crafting
INSUFFICIENT SKILLS: Sleeping, Mining, Leadership, Defense
MONSTERS: She owns a mammoth named Paula and a Flower Lily named Petals
FEELINGS ON NEWCOMERS: Ecstatic for more test subjects! Hurrah!
HOBBIES: Cross-stitching, tailoring, is a decent seamstress.
YUMMY FOODS: Fried Udon, Hot Chocolate, Stew, Meat Dumpling
YUCKY FOODS: MAYONNAISE!!! Boiled spinach, yogurt.
LIKES: Fashion, comedy, flowers, the color green, ALCOHOL.
DISLIKES: Winter, sleep, mining, fake flowers/plants.
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“We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. We do not think of the outcome which generally comes to pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed in changing things in accordance with our desires, but gradually our desires change. The situation that we hoped to change because it was intolerable becomes unimportant to us. We have failed to surmount the obstacle, as we were absolutely determined to do, but life has taken us round it, led us beyond it, and then if we turn round to gaze into the distance of the past, we can barely see it, so imperceptible has it become.” – Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
basic information
calliope “calli” blumenthal
half-monster (nine-tailed fox)
gender pronouns
thirty (30)
weapon class
romance route
5’ 7” / 145 lbs
light pink

Having long mastered the art of transformation, Calliope is able to keep her ears and tails disguised and hidden away. When she needs to hide her extra tails away, she is able to do so even in her sleep (and now amnesia as well), as the habit of pretending to be a werefox has become second nature to her. However, she still wears dresses or light jackets with long elegant trains during the warmer months and a long cloak during the colder months out of habit from her childhood. She prefers to make or alter her own clothing to suit her need for functional and pretty clothing. When she is working outside or with flowers, she makes sure her clothes don’t get dirty by wearing aprons.

Though most of the time her human guise can be described as elegant, at night some people may be startled by the luminescent quality of her eyes. Her eyes are a remnant quality of her monster form as a nine-tailed fox.

Though she is capable of turning into a regular sized, single-tailed fox, her natural monster form is that of a giant nine-tailed fox with a thick light pink coat. Her nine-tailed fox form has a cream white underbelly and her tails have a gradient that ends with cream white at the tips.
odd quirks. sometimes gets a violent craving for cluckadoodles and ducks; usually the cravings are satisfied with chicken or duck meat based dishes; sometimes finds herself stalking the neighborhood cluckadoodles/ducks; can eat onions raw without flinching;

fears. sheers aiming for her hair/fur; children with grabby hands; (pre-amnesia) her tails being grabbed; being captured;

Calliope is someone you would describe as calm yet cautious. She prefers to carefully consider her options before making a choice and dislikes making rash decisions. For this reason, while her anger does run hot, she hates letting anger take over and make irrational and hasty decisions. It’s also why she gets extremely embarrassed whenever she realizes that she has been daydreaming again and let her instincts take over.

While Calli is a little slow to warm up to others, she does enjoy good company and is noticeably more open and cheerful with those she is fond of. She is also more likely to warm up faster to those who are familiar to her or takes good care of animals.
Calli was born from a union between a female human traveler originally from the Sechs Empire and a male nine-tailed fox from a forest in the Kingdom of Norad. She was told by her parents that their love story was like that of the beauty and the beast, except there was no sick father (her mother was just traveling) and no angry villagers with fire and pitchforks. Or a castle. Or a prince in disguise. Just a grumpy monster who had hermitted himself away from civilization to enjoy his gardening hobby but got discovered and pestered by a traveler. Apparently the human woman was persistent and charming enough to seduce a nine-tailed fox out of his comfort zone and settle with her in a mostly human village as a Florist. While Calli is sure that there is more to the story, she was never told more than the “kid-friendly” version of the story.

Calli was raised by both parents in a small town in Norad near the forest that her father originated from with villagers assuming that they were a family of a human, werefox and their half-werefox child. Half her days as a child were spent with her parents either in their garden or their shop. The other half of her childhood days were spent in the forest with her parents or just her father to learn how to survive as a nine-tailed fox and how to disguise the features that would give her away as a monster.

When Calli thinks back on those simple days of her childhood, she wonders if her parents had known their days together were numbered as all kits leave the den eventually. While her parents weren’t overbearingly strict, when it came to her days training as a nine-tailed fox or the use of a spear they became strict as generals. Though on days where she had grown frustrated, Calli does fondly remember that her parents did their best to at least try to make it out to be a game.

As she grew older, Calli took more and more trips outside the small town she grew up in. First starting out with deliveries before branching out to traveling for leisure. Though she started out with wandering before returning home within a week or two, eventually Calli started actively taking longer trips that sometimes span months to explore new places and maybe hoping to stumble upon other nine-tailed foxes or half-monsters.

During one of these longer trips, Calli just happened to be one of the unlucky folks who happened to be on airship in the middle of a conspiracy(?) Unfortunately for the half-monster, when the airship crash landed into the farside of Piyo Town, she happened to get hit by a loose crate hard enough to scramble her memories around. As far as she is concerned, she is a werefox who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got a bad case of amnesia.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac sapien feugiat, dignissim nunc vel, egestas lacus. Sed in posuere tortor. Phasellus at ipsum enim. Aliquam euismod nisi nibh, nec rhoncus nunc vehicula nec. Aenean vel metus faucibus, venenatis justo quis, hendrerit nisi. Sed ultricies laoreet maximus. Sed ac orci et augue maximus consectetur. Pellentesque imperdiet justo non diam convallis malesuada. Suspendisse vitae mi eros. Etiam dignissim, tortor vitae hendrerit sollicitudin, risus sapien consectetur dolor, in suscipit velit ligula eget risus. Proin vulputate lacus non turpis luctus, et suscipit sem malesuada. Nunc auctor libero in consectetur cursus.

In purus ipsum, lacinia eu elementum volutpat, mollis non mauris. Morbi pretium consectetur sagittis. Pellentesque blandit congue lobortis. Donec a mi nunc. Proin magna justo, porttitor ac sollicitudin tincidunt, scelerisque et libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eu lorem interdum, aliquet eros dapibus, rutrum mi. Aenean cursus eleifend dictum. Sed mi est, imperdiet vitae dolor eu, consequat tincidunt eros. Maecenas dictum hendrerit posuere.
the “Beast”

obtain monsters? Nope because there’s a high chance she might sleepwalk and eat her own hens

what kind of monsters. not applicable

in-game item. Sneaking Boots – A pair of boots that were given to her by her mother. Her mother crafted them out of Calli’s and her father’s old nine-tailed fox bells.

proficient skills. cultivating flowers; spearmanship; hunting

worst skills. taming; forging; rod fishing; mining

hobbies. reading; exploring forests/woods; (secretly) digging; walks

favorite food. poultry; eggs; udon; fried foods

least favorite food. kale; burnt food; rough leafy greens (give her a stomach ache);

likes. flowers; cluckadoodles; good quality dirt; pretty pastries

dislikes. greedy people; sticky children; weeds; horses (only when they eat her flowers)

health issues? amnesia
Birthday is 21st day of Spring


code by Nano Nano
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  • Basic Info
    Yǒngyè / 永烨
    Were-animal (Fox)
    Male (He/Him)
    7 Summer
    Place of Employment
    Early Bird / Night Owl
    Blessed with height and a posture that refuses to slouch regardless of fatigue, Yongye only ever finds himself lost in the busiest of crowds. He doesn’t quite tower over people, but the pair of large, furry ears sitting atop his head allow most people to nonetheless discern him with ease. To his dismay, no matter how soft and plush his ears and the long, ash pink locks framing his face are, they seemingly do little to form a friendlier image. The more vulpine features he possesses as well as the natural curvature of his eyes and manner of smiling gives off the impression of a charlatan with bad intentions, supposedly. Though his appearance remains far from ostentatious, Yongye tends to stick out like a sore thumb in Piyo Town due to his foreign manner of dress. As a traveler from the east, much of his fashion choices are influenced by his childhood, whether it be the dab of red on the corners of his eyes or the hand-crafted hair pins stuck into a half braid. He favors ensembles colored in warmer tones and does his best to dress in a manner that is simple but elegant as to better embody someone capable of taking care of not only themselves but also their business. He does, however, find it a bit of a pain to have to re-tailor any newly purchased articles of clothing to fit his tail.
    Pink Hair
    Gold Eyes
    Born with the face of a troublemaker but a gentle soul, Yongye is a were-animal whose vulpine appearance belies the well-mannered individual underneath. His ideologies and belief systems are painfully moderate, yet he’s never dismissive of the opinions of more strongly-worded individuals. Even when his pacifistic stance rubs people the wrong way and garners accusations of being noncommittal or a spineless sheep, he remains composed and does his best to nudge the conversation back towards calmer waters. That isn’t to say he isn’t listening. Those big ears of his aren’t just for show, after all. Yongye wouldn’t describe himself as a bleeding heart, but he has enough prudence and consideration to lend help where he can. On some days, he acts as the voice of reason, gently prying apart tense parties with that pleasantly soothing cadence of his before things erupt into a far larger mess. On others, he offers himself up as a wall to vent to. He’s rather plain or perhaps even boring, but his level of patience comes with the benefits of taking to the service industry like a duck to water or pissing off instigators, with the latter being a favored pastime of his. Level-headed as he is, he’s no saint. He merely refuses to stoop down to their level and instead finds pleasure in watching the other party make a fool of themselves all on their own. It’s a pity that his temperament seems to change the moment his culinary exploits are involved. Think twice before skipping out on the bill, for he recalls the scents of dine-and-dashers with a high degree of clarity. It takes talent to ruffle his fur, but those who manage to do so will eventually find out that he does in fact know how to be extremely petty in the craftiest ways possible. That isn’t to say that certain unexpected behaviors of his are always justified. Whenever he finds a new ingredient or combination of them to experiment with, all reason seems to be tossed out the window. Accidentally set the kitchen on fire due to the materials being surprisingly volatile or sent a customer to the local clinic? He’ll apologize for his mistakes, but it isn’t difficult to notice that he never promised to never do it again. Some might even say he does it all on purpose and his kind-hearted mannerisms are a well-constructed mask. Did he knowingly add enough Heavy Spice into the curry that the consumer got terrible indigestion? Of course not…
Code by Nano
  • Basic Info
    Luke Fischer
    Standing at an even 6' 0", Luke can easily be picked out from a crowd. With hair like lilacs, and blood-red eyes, he stands out quite a bit, which is exactly what he prefers. A lover of the spotlight, he always dresses his best, seeking fashionable clothes and accessories for his own satisfaction and in hopes of attracting the right person's eye. He loves to look good, and he loves other people looking at him looking good. He can occasionally be found wearing the standard uniform seen on most Norad knights when on duty, but he hates the thing, and will avoid donning the armor whenever possible. The only times he prefers it to his casual wear is when he's in front of a blade or someone who loves a man in uniform.
    hair color
    eye color
    Living proof that chivalry is dead, Luke is far from a perfect knight. Even farther from a perfect person. Upholding all the morals and exemplifying virtues of mankind? Better left in fairy tales where the people expected to do such things don't have to deal with the consequences. In his opinion, at least. Disillusioned with things like honor and patriotism after seeing men and women being used like disposable pawns in a never-ending game of war, he doesn't hold much pride in being a knight or a citizen of Norad. In his mind, the war is pointless, and he'd prefer if someone sped things up and won, regardless of who comes out on top. It'd be better than the ocean of blood getting bigger than it already is. Even being in such close proximity to the rulers of the home kingdom he has sworn to protect, his opinion of leadership is lower than low. They're a bunch of wealthy sods who sit on their fancy thrones in their big castles while letting others fight their battles. At this point, they should just surrender if they know they'll never win. For the most part, all his grumbling is only that. He never wanted to be a knight, and he sees the royalty in an unfavorable light, but he's not so far gone that he'd become a traitor or anything of the sort. He's merely a poor worker complaining about the big bosses on top. He's more comfortable sitting back and doing nothing than trying to actually fight against something that will never change. Unless he decides it benefits him to wear the mask of a good little soldier, he usually doesn't make it any secret that he dislikes his job and would rather spend his time doing as he pleases. He loves to laze around doing nothing or play around in town when something interesting catches his eye. He wants to hit the taverns and drink, not fight monsters and catch criminals. The only good thing about being a knight is the pay. The jingle of gold coins in a hefty pouch is the sweetest sound, and those beautiful notes are good at getting the slacker motivated. While normally lazy, irritating, and haughty, enough money can turn Luke into the ideal employee. His teasing remarks will turn to kind words filled with praise, and the cheeky, smug grin of his turns into a slightly more polite business smile as he kneels in fealty before his contractor. Sure, pride is important and all, but it's also important that he has the freedom to throw it away when he pleases. Aside from money and danger to his own life, the only thing that can get Luke properly motivated is the attention of a beautiful maiden. It's perhaps the only part of his personality that even comes to the idea of chivalry. When a woman is in trouble, he comes running in like the very picture of a knight on a white horse. He wants to look good in front of the opposite sex, doing his best to turn up the charm and gain their favor without a hint of humility or shame. Not counting the pay, what else is the job good for? While he's noticeably more eager to please and less bitingly sarcastic when around women, he shows no such consideration to men. He doesn't have to worry about looking good in front of them, nor does he want to. Not to say that he wouldn't help them when they need help, but he does so without a large amount of enthusiasm. It's purely business instead of pleasure at that point. Sardonic, apathetic, and a natural complainer, most who encounter him at his worst often wonder how someone like him could be a knight. The simple answer is that he is frustratingly good at his job despite how negatively he views it. He possesses genuine talent, but his lack of passion and jaded disposition hold him back a great deal. He won't slack off so much that other people die. He won't forsake anyone because of his rotten worldview. He genuinely wants his countrymen and others to be safe. He just doesn't want himself or others to have to sacrifice for it. His life should matter too. He's a person, not a pawn.
Code by Nano
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  • Name: Johan Holmberg

    Nicknames: Doc, Doc H.

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Romanceable?: Be my guest

    Johan Holmberg.png

    Age: 30

    Job: Dentist

Mikolai "Miko" Orella

NAME: Mikolai Orella
SPECIES: Half-Human,Half-Monster (Shadow Panther)
SEXUALITY: Questioning
AGE: 26 years old
JOB: Bodyguard / Manual Laborer
HEIGHT: 6'1'' | 185.42cm
WEIGHT: 205lbs | 92kg
EYE COLOUR: Dusty yellow, however, in his true form, they glow.
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown, it’s slightly longer and tends to fall into his eyes.
CLOTHING STYLE: Miko dawns himself in thicker, dark clothing, typically a faux leather. He uses his clothing to help exaggerate his appearance, making him look even bigger than he already is. The more intimidating he can be, the less people will bother him or take advantage. He wears thick boots that echo and bounce against the walls and protect his feet when he works long days outside.
EXTRA FEATURES: He has multiple scars and scratches throughout his body from getting into fights in his youth--evidence of his short temper is shown throughout his skin. He does have a large scar across his cheek, which stands out like a sore thumb. His voice is low and thundering, especially when he gets annoyed.
TRUE FORM: A Shadow Panther, with a purple hue and glowing yellow eyes.
PERSONALITY: Miko tries to best to be a good person. He grew up humble and his attitude reflects that. While a bit naive at times, he tries to listen to all sides of the coin and follow what he believes is right. He has a high moral code and prides himself in sticking to it. At times, this means he can be quite stubborn, even when he doesn't know what's best for him. He is large in stature and sometimes doesn't realize his own strength, leading to awkward moments. He is very close to his family and when he cares about someone, he will go above and beyond for them. He can have a skeptical viewpoint at times, not always trusting everyone right off the bat but he is quick to warm up to you. He can also be competitive and a sore loser, especially when it comes to his favorite sports.
QUIRKS: He always stares off into the distance. He's described as often having his head in the clouds. He longs for a better world, one without war and without worry. He imagines living amongst the clouds might be like that. He also tends to shake his leg or bite the inside of his check when he gets nervous. His ears also burn red when he lies or is embarrassed.
MINI BIO: Miko originates from a large family. He is smack dab in the middle of 9 siblings, along with his parents. Only his dad, Miko, and one of his older brothers are shadow panthers. His mother is a native to the Kingdom of Norad, and a human, along with most of his siblings. Due to the rarity of being a shadow panther and just the sheer size of the family, Miko and his brother rarely got to transform into the monster. Their parents were too occupied with keeping the family fed and safe. He grew up with a lot of responsibility and chores, learning to earn his place in the world. He tried to not make trouble and keep his head down but maybe it was extra easy for him as the middle child. He would often times play games with his siblings outside, rolling around in the mud.

When Miko was 7 years old, and his brother, Jikob, was 11, their curiosity got the best of them. They snuck off into the woods, behind their small cottage home, and decided they would explore their powers. Both were eager and impatient, making this evening the perfect storm. They began to tackle one another, trying to rile the other up in order to turn into the shadow panther. Neither of them really knew what they were doing, knowing only the stories their father told them about his times as a shadow panther. Before Miko could react, Jikob transformed into his monster and lashed out at him, leaving a deep, large cut across his cheek. Jikob was unable to control his alternate state and became more and more aggressive. Terrified, Miko tried transforming until his father burst through their backdoor, running to his boys. He launched into his monster form and tackled Jikob and subdued him. The boys were both reprimanded, realizing that the day could've ended badly.

As he got older, he was able to get more structured training from family and friends. He has grown in his skills since his young age however, he still carries the fear of possibly losing control, as his brother did that day. He has never experienced the same amount of stress since then, nothing big enough to trigger such a reaction. Miko worried that he might lash out or freeze up again. Now that he is much older and his siblings can help out around the house more, he's decided to go his own path and figure out himself. Hopefully become stronger and more capable. He heard of the town called "Piyo" and decided maybe there would be his new beginning. However, on his journey, something peculiar happened... and he doesn't quiet remember what.

FEARS: Hurting someone on accident. Never achieving anything. Water.
WEAPON CLASS: Improvised weapons, usually his claws and teeth.
PROFICIENT SKILLS: Night-vision: While this increases in true form, he is still able to see well at night, more than the average person. Strength: What can he say? He's definitely destroyed a watermelon between his legs before. Hunting: He can track anything down if he puts his mind to it.
INSUFFICIENT SKILLS: Intelligence: Admittingly, he is kind of a meathead, focusing more on sports and athletics in school. Don't ask him to solve a math problem or read. Persuasion: He doesn't have the quickest of tongues. Swimming: He hates the water and tries to avoid it as much as possible.
MONSTERS: "Like as in a mate??" Probably not though, unless it's a friend.
HOBBIES: He enjoys playing any games, even table games but he often doesn't win. He tries to stay positive and hope maybe one day he might be skilled enough to win against anyone. However, he does tend to win in any physical game.
YUMMY FOODS: Any meat, especially if it's a little bloody still...mm...
YUCKY FOODS: Vegetables and nuts. They taste so bland and never fill him up.
LIKES: He enjoys exploring forests and mountains. He also enjoys listening to music.
DISLIKES: He dislikes negativity and pessimism, often trying to be the opposite himself. He also hates thunder and lightning.
ISSUES: He suffers from a recent case of amnesia.
EXTRA: He is left-handed but throws and kicks with his right, making him slightly unbalanced.

coded by incandescent

Art by Lawcere on DeviantArt

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Name: Alexander Rainier

Species: Dwarf

Gender pronouns: he/they

Sexuality: Bisexual (closeted for now, straight passing)

Are they open for a relationship? Yeah, but good luck getting through to him lol

Age: 27 (Fall 29)

Appearance: Blue hair that can go as far as an aquamarine hue when lightened by sunlight, blue eyes, moderately muscular, great posture, the way he walks and carries himself is very proper and sophisticated, which suggests an aristocratic upbringing. He takes great care to look his best at all times (skincare routine, clean shave, manicure, etc.). Exceptionally tall for a dwarf.

Job: Blacksmith, and a fine one at that

Height: 5’11"

Weight: 170 lbs

Extra Features: Needs glasses to read. Has three piercings, one on his right ear and two on his left.

Clothing style?: At work, the typical blacksmithing garb: apron, thick gloves, steel toe boots. Elsewhere: Fancy and/or delicate designs, tailored suits… loves scarves! Usually goes for earthy hues like browns and greens, but also enjoys most pastel colours.

If they are one of the few species that has an alternate form what does it look like? N/A


+ Well-spoken
+ Adept/fast learner
+ Analytical, detail-oriented
+ Disciplined, well-mannered

- Somewhat asocial because of his high standards
- Cranky
- Distrustful
- Too pragmatic at times, puts emotions aside

Odd quirks: Hates it when people touch his things without asking, especially when it comes to food, and needs to have everything cleanly separated on his plate so that the different ingredients don’t touch. Very sensitive to noise outside his shop (you would be too if all you did was pound on metal all day).


Mini Bio: Alexander hails from a long line of blacksmiths on his father's side. They moved from the neighbouring country when Alexandre was a small boy. His mother Elizabeth, a kind and brilliant noble, was a passionate scholar with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, finding beauty in all of the things nature has to offer. His mother’s values and principles respected his gentle nature, but his father, Egon, and his strict blacksmithing lessons turned Alex into an overachieving perfectionist, giving his all whenever he commits to something. The father-son relationship was quite strained… Alexander was soft-spoken, shy, sensitive, gentle: everything his father deemed unacceptable in a man. The men in his family have bullied him relentlessly for his delicate demeanor. It’s no wonder Alex has kept his business to himself while emotional distance between the two men grew, but especially concerning his sexual orientation.

When he steps outside his ideal of excellence, Alexander becomes painfully aware of the loneliness in his heart. He finds solace in taking walks in the woods or by the beach, basking in nature's calm and harmony, even though it can’t compensate for the happiness he dreams of finding in companionship. This has been running through his mind for a long time, but he refuses to speak of it with anyone for fear of being perceived as weak.

Fears: Failure of any kind, rejection, clowns, lizards


What Weapon class do they specialize in?: Long sword, hammer

What is one item from the games they have on them at all times: TBD

What Skills they proficient in?(name 3): Fire magic, mining, forging

What Skills are their downfall?(name 4): Chemistry, throwing, bartering, leadership

(If they are from Piyo Crossroads) Do they keep monsters? Yes

What kind of monsters?: TBD but a couple that help him around the shop or go digging for ores and stones

(If from Piyo town) How do they feel about so many new comers all at once entering their town? Kind of put off by all these strangers… Alex hates change.

Any hobbies? Butterfly and botany enthusiast, collecting crystals and jewels

What is their favorite food?
- Yams
- Earl grey cookies
- Corn cooked on campfire specifically

Least favorite food? Alex is a vegetarian and hates meat and seafood, and he detests anything remotely close to licorice so much that he becomes physically sick when eating or even just smelling it.

What do they like?

- Classical music, opera
- Nature
- Sword/weapon enthusiast
- Butterflies
- Flowers: forget-me-nots are his favourite, and their blue tint matches his hair in the summer.
- Precious stones
- Favourite colour: blue

What things do they hate?

- Weak craftsmanship in any craft (cheap makes and such)
- Country music
- Ignorant people
- Strangers

Any health, mental or allergies based issues? Alexander is autistic and struggles with OCD, with very little support from his family, save for his mother.

Extra: Alex has two pets: a black and white cat named Calypso, and Duke, an unbound all-white falcon who comes and goes as he pleases in Alex’s house. Also knows first aid (Alex, not the bird).

Theme song:

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FC: X [Reverse 1999]

  • fc1.png
    Role: Researcher
    Name: <NAME>
    Nickname: <NICKNAMES>
    Species: Human
    Age: 25
    Birthday: Summer 10th
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Gay
    Romanceable: Yes



  • fc3.png
    87.6 KB · Views: 6
“We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. We do not think of the outcome which generally comes to pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed in changing things in accordance with our desires, but gradually our desires change. The situation that we hoped to change because it was intolerable becomes unimportant to us. We have failed to surmount the obstacle, as we were absolutely determined to do, but life has taken us round it, led us beyond it, and then if we turn round to gaze into the distance of the past, we can barely see it, so imperceptible has it become.” – Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
basic information
matthias “matt” hertz
dwarf human
gender pronouns
twenty-five (25)
place of employment
Hertz Monster Clinic
weapon class
romance route
5’ 8” / 160 lbs
light blue
grey to blue

Matthias Hertz is a young man of average height with a lean figure. Which is why visitors or newcomers often have to do a double take when they witness him easily wrangle an angry buffamoo or griffin back into their treatment pens. And surprisingly, for someone who messes with sick and/or irritated monsters on a daily basis, he usually still does his best to neaten up after for the sake of “professionalism”. People can usually tell if the monster clinic is open that day based on if Matt is wearing more formal “professional” clothing (with an apron hanging over his arm) or if he is in everyday casualwear.

For casualwear, he prefers sturdy comfortable clothing in darker ranges of colors during the colder seasons and light ranges of color during the warmer seasons. People will sometimes see him running around in casualwear when he needs to gather materials outside of town. As long as he is not scheduled to see patients that day, he is comfortable with dressing down for the day.

But no matter what the day is, Matt is usually always prepared with his trusty black bag slung over his back. He will keep his backpack on even on holidays to keep basic necessities just in case there is an emergency. He also always wears his silver rings. While they look plain they do have some basic enchantments that help a little with taking minimal damage from accidents while wrestling monsters into place for their treatments.
odd quirks. obsessed with rocks; claims that grumpy monster patients give him some extra excitement in his life; knows all his patients by name; can stomach eating basically anything but also has much to analyze and critique;

fears. (very current) cana is sick and he can’t figure out why or how to cure; his parents’ disappointment; piyo town being destroyed;

feelings about newcomers. curious but also doing his best to mind his own business to prevent making others uncomfortable

Matt is an outgoing individual with a caring disposition. He does have a stubborn streak once he puts his mind to something but is rarely closed off to new ideas. While he knows that he’s a skilled and knowledgeable monster vet he understands that there can’t be new discoveries without new ideas. As someone who is naturally curious and open to trying new things (as long as safety is taken into consideration), he is also considered to be an adventurous person. When he has to restock his supplies, he prefers to go out himself to gather them not because he distrusts people but because he likes getting some fresh air and adventure.

He’s also someone who is extremely meticulous when it comes to dealing with his patients. While he has a notoriously good memory, he still goes out of his way to write down all his thoughts and notes for each patient. And although his filing system was taught by his mother, even his mother considers the detail that puts into his notes a bit extensive.

And though Matt is someone who is easy to get along with as well as easygoing, he’s very strict when it comes to monster care. He firmly believes in the circle of life and that to sustain life sometimes you have to take a life. However, he also believes that people who keep monsters as livestock are responsible for giving their monsters the best life up until their death. Though their lives maybe finite, whether they are being harvested for meat or not, he feels like they should be respected enough for the food or help they may provide people.
Matthias Hertz was born and raised by both of his parents in Piyo Town. Although he grew up most of his time toddling after his mom at the Hertz Monster Clinic, he also spent days being dragged off to adventures with his dad outside of Piyo Town when things got a little too busy at the clinic for baby Matt to be underfoot. So while he learned how to be a monster vet from his mom, he learned about the world outside of Piyo Town from his dad. Much to his mom’s exasperation, his dad’s love for rocks seemed to have rubbed off onto Matt during their escapades.

At 15 years old, he decided he was going to inherit his mom’s practice and become a monster vet. Once he came to the conclusion he learned everything that he could with the resources that were available in Piyo Town and the neighboring towns, he decided to further his education in Palermo. During his time studying Palermo, he experienced that while he was a country bumpkin compared to most of the students. But he was also one of the students with the most practical experience getting run over by buffamoos. He spent five years in total in Palermo before returning back home. Matt could have come home earlier but extended his stay to study more outside of obtaining his licensure.

Once Matt returned to Piyo Town, he worked under his mom for two years before she decided that he was good enough to be independent. His parents decided to semi-retire and start traveling a lot more. For the most part, Matt has been the main monster vet of Piyo Town for the past 3 years. (But his parents do stop by every once in a while and help him out.)
wendy. A silver wolf who followed him home one day and never left. Since she decided that she was going to freeload off his house, Matt makes her “pay rent” by doing little odd jobs for him like retrieving deliveries and herding his patients into their pens to rest for the night.

cana. tbc

blank. In purus ipsum, lacinia eu elementum volutpat, mollis non mauris. Morbi pretium consectetur sagittis. Pellentesque blandit congue lobortis. Donec a mi nunc. Proin magna justo, porttitor ac sollicitudin tincidunt, scelerisque et libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eu lorem interdum, aliquet eros dapibus, rutrum mi.
monster vet

obtain monsters? yes, mainly one. But others will randomly follow him around the clinic for treats

what kind of monsters. one silver wolf that followed him home one day and never left???

in-game item. talisman

proficient skills. pharmacy; taming; cooking;

worst skills. carpentry; decoration; farming (too busy); crafting;

hobbies. collecting interesting rocks; reading; cooking for monsters; cleaning;

favorite food. curry; spicy food; bitter vegetables; bread; cheese;

least favorite food. none - isn’t really picky as long as it gives his enough energy to function for the day

likes. rocks; fossils; monsters; learning new things; reading; camping;

dislikes. messes; painted rocks (sorry mira ;v; ); breaking things; recklessness;

health issues? none currently but has been poisoned in the past (enough times to be immune to certain poisons–especially monster based ones)
Birthday is 8th day of Winter. No special meaning.

Matt does have three siblings and is the oldest. But he is the only one out of four children to take a shine to monster vet care. His oldest younger sibling is getting higher education in Palermo while his youngest twin siblings went to travel with their parents. They all exchange letters regularly and visit home a few times a year.

While his parents have never explicitly said out loud or written in their letters, Matt believes his parents might be traveling also to (discreetly) gain more knowledge on native dragons for Fulminaris’ sake.

Matt’s dad took on his mom’s last name because he liked her last name better.


code by Nano Nano

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