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Fandom Piyo town's Character sheets (A Rune Factory rp)

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.” – Henry David Thoreau
basic information
Louis Spiegel
gender prounons
Winter 06
5 ft 9 in

A lithely built man with steel-blue hair that is reminiscent of a teenage phase long past. His sharp emerald eyes these days glimmer with naught but the highs of life. When on the job, he carries the day's mail in a satchel that he slings over his back and underneath his cloak.

Louis runs cold typically, so he likes wearing hardy traveler's clothes when he is out on mail delivery jobs. Off the job, Louis has a tidy selection of formal-style casual wear. When it isn't summer, Louis loves sweaters.
Louis is a quiet and hardworking man, with a glass half-full attitude that propels him forward. He is haunted by his past, which he chooses not to acknowledge in favor of his much simpler and more enjoyable day to day work of his job. A casanova of sorts, he uses his past life's charms to shower compliments and flirtations on the cute men of Piyo town, although in his heart he feels none of the heart fluttering feelings that come with courting someone. With gals and the nonbinary pals, Louis loves to spill some gossip with.

odd quirks

- Louis's life as an assassin still shows in some of his everyday activities, such as seating himself so that he always has a view of an escape route. This is an unconscious reflex
- Louis supplements his flirtations with a heavy dose of subtle skinship such as a ruffle of the hair, a bop of the nose, a pat on the back
- He's got a cat's tongue-- he's rather sensitive to hot liquids
- He always has a sunny disposition when delivering mail


- Cats (Louis is always awkward around them and feels like he's intruding on their territory. That and he's allergic to them)
- The Kingdom of Norad's royalty
- Delivering bulky packages


Louis knits and crochets in his spare time. Hanging out and flirting with men is also a pasttime in his eyes.

favorite food

"Chocolate chip cookies. A freshly baked dozen is sure to bring some cheer into any day." (Sweet baked treats)

least favorite food

"Coffee needs extra cream and extra sugar to be tolerable, and a dash of mocha syrup for good measure." (Bitter foods)


- Men
- Cute things, like stuffed animals
- Milk teas
- Cold days


- Tough problems-- Louis enjoys easy solutions and isn't the type who likes to rack his brain
- Physical might exertion
- Sweltering summers
- Kingdom of Norad
Louis was an assassin in the service of the Kingdom of Norad, indiscriminately killing whoever the royal family wished. It was how he was raised, snagged from the orphanage to quietly and secretly rid the ranks of Norad society of political dissenters and those who opposed the war. If it wasn't through poisoning someone's food or water supplies, it was with violence, and when he got older, with his wily charms. As this was how he was raised, this all seemed normal, although Louis went about life in a thoroughly lifeless fashion.

One of those days, one of the missions that Louis was assigned was to take down the headmistress of the orphanage that Louis grew up in, as her behaviors had deemed her death necesssary. This command pierced through Louis's apathetic soul, as the headmistress was a kind old lady who was the only maternal figure that Louis had known in his life. Torn between his Pavlovian loyalty to his country and his love for the headmistress, Louis eventually abandoned the assassin's life, fleeing to Piyo Town.

There, he learned truly how to be happy. Not wanting to acknowledge his previous life as an assassin, he distanced himself from that profession and instead took on the simple yet fulfilling duty of being the town's mailman, getting to know the locals. Finally, he could use his seduction skills not as a means to an end, but to truly compliment someone.
luke fischer

Former comrade-in-arms in the Kingdom of Norad, they hung around together in the barracks. Their relationship was tenable at best back then, but now that Louis has moved to Piyo Town, he desires a stronger friendship with Luke. In a way, he sympathizes with Luke; his current situation is not that much different from Louis' own several years back. He is a bit envious at how seemingly carefreely Luke can flirt with the gals, and strives to model himself after him.

Contact me please I hunger for character relationships.

weapon type
obtain monsters
health issues
Allergic to cats

skill proficencies

- Walking: Louis's gait is full of energy and boundless.
- Resist Poison: Due to Louis's predilection of relying on poisons to augment his lacking combat abilities. Also due to a certain something.
- Camping: Louis is used to living in the outdoors, foraging off of berries to survive. He knows which bushes supply the sweetest treats.

skill downfalls

- Cooking: Do not eat what Louis cooks, even if he eats it. His terrible cooking is how he got his iron stomach.
- Defense: Louis flounders in direct combat and he either prefers ending a fight quickly or fleeing if that is not an option
- Leadership: Louis is a follower, not a leader. Without someone's direction, Louis is oftentimes lost.
- Mining: Louis finds mining to be incredibly strenuous.
code by Nano Nano

Name: Quintessa Wynn Nightfall, AKA Quinn

Species: Vampire (AKA Lilith the Crimson Queen)

Gender pronouns: she/they

Sexuality: Bisexual

Are they open for a relationship? If you don’t mind dating a creature of the night who may or may not snack on you, I guess?

Age: 236, looks like late 20s (Winter 19)

Appearance: Vibrant pinkish red eyes, dark blue hair with two long strands that fade into a pale pink shade, lean figure, pointy ears. Her walk is so graceful and fluid that it looks like she’s floating. She always wears a simple necklace ornated with an intricately carved blue topaz.


Job: Owner of the Open Book Café, the town’s (almost) 24/7 library and coffee shop

Height: 5’8"

Weight: 152 lbs

Extra Features: Prominent canines, always wears something around her neck to hide what she says is her (re)birth mark.

Clothing style?: Victorian, cottagecore

If they are one of the few species that has an alternate form what does it look like? When Quinn chooses to do so, she can transform into her vampire form, signaled by long(er) and sharp(er) canines, blood red eyes, elevated cheekbones and very pronounced wrinkles around her forehead and brows.



+ Bubbly: quite cheerful most of the time
+ Dedicated: committed to doing her part to help the town survive and basically works nearly for free to break even with the goods for her café
+ Polite: customer service voice down to a T, always courteous, proper etiquette
+ Versatile: Quinn is rather artsy, and seems to be good at a surprisingly vast number of artistic disciplines

? Epochal: forever remembered in History as the Crimson Queen

- Intimidating: there’s just this feeling that something is off… one stern look is all it takes. Let’s just say there are very, very few late returns at the library.
- Guilt-ridden (unsurprisingly)
- Timid: only visible once you get to know her personally outside the workplace
- Withdrawn: despite being approachable, she often deflects questions about her life before coming to Piyo Town.

Mini bio:

"Social conflict theory in sociology claims that society is in a state of perpetual grace conflict due to competition for limited resources. It holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless."


Quinn begged and begged for the man to spare her; despite being inches away from his, she could barely make out the man’s face contorted in psychopathic delight. All her senses, enhanced by adrenaline aromatized with unadulterated fear. Her tears overflowing in panic. Her heart, pounding in her chest, ready to explode. The will to live she didn’t know she had.

And when this man plunged his razor-sharp teeth into her neck, she realized her date’s thirst wasn’t for her body itself… but her blood. Her life force was slowly leaving her warm body after the man dropped her on the cold, hard ground with a heavy thump, his thirst now quenched. He licked the remaining blood off his lips and was about to walk away when Quinn spoke.

"W-wait… p-please... Help me…" she whispered while putting up her hand, drawing one of the last few breaths she would ever take.
"Haha… I can help you… if you’ll let me," replied the man, taking her hand into his.
"Yes, I allow it…! Anything…" she wheezed, attempting to lift her head above the ground.

She felt another sharp pain on her neck, a lukewarm liquid dripping on her lips, and then… nothing. It felt like an eternity before the bright, white light grew dim, and yet, it all happened so fast. The last thing she remembers is seeing his smile: that wicked, twisted smile.

Thus, on the night Quintessa Wynn Nightfall died, Lilith the Crimson Queen was born by the good grace of her newfound master and lover, William the Bloody. It wasn’t long, however, before she decided it was time for her… emancipation.


A shy, quiet girl who kept to herself, always some distance away from the other kids, with her nose in some book or scribbling away in her journal. She was simply a wallflower, always the last pick, unseen, unwanted. That’s all anyone would ever say about Quintessa when they cared to pay attention to her, which seldom happened. She basically represented everything that the poor and powerless were destined to be.

Then came one day, when no one in the village spoke of her in that way ever again… because she had killed them all.

And the killings would go on and on, for what was to become a seemingly endless 80 years of violence, death and despair, until one day, some hundred years later…


Quinn resurfaced, decades after her last bloodbath in [City X], and walked across the Earth a few times over. She had been on the run all this time, before the royal family’s army managed to pick up her trail. In times of war, she could make a fine weapon, with the strength of a dozen soldiers contained in a single body and needing nothing to survive but the blood that was to be spilled anyway. Only, the King was far too late: Quinn had already begun her journey towards redemption, seeking no harm to other humans, and hopefully find her beacon of peace: hope for a new beginning, a new life, a new purpose. Hope… in quaint, little Piyo Town.

Maybe, just maybe, she would finally be able to put it all behind her and get the fresh start she never thought she would ever deserve.


Odd quirks: Insensitive to temperature changes, but matches clothing to seasons out of habit and necessity to keep her vampire identity private. There are suspicions of her true nature, but the last vampire to be seen disappeared well over 100 years ago, right? Surely it couldn’t be…?!

Fears: Thunderstorms, drinking human blood again and seeing Lilith resurface, being used, bats (contrary to popular belief)

What Weapon class do they specialize in?: Dual blades (Sun and Moon) and hand to hand combat, the latter being strongest when in vampire form, but still quite strong in human form.

What is one item from the games they have on them at all times: [Dark magic rune acquired 100+ years ago?]

What Skills they proficient in?(name 3): Dark magic, farming, cooking, resist poison/death (you can’t kill something that’s already dead, can ya?)

What Skills are their downfall?(name 4): Sleeping, light and healing magic, pharmacy

(If they are from Piyo Crossroads) Do they keep monsters? TBD, unsure

What kind of monsters?: TBD

(If from Piyo town) How do they feel about so many new comers all at once entering their town? Both excited and worried… could there be any spies sneaking in to look for her?

Any hobbies? Art of many forms and growing herbs: veggies and fruits using hydroponics in her home above the café. Whatever works to save a few bucks!

What is their favorite food? Anything with coffee or tea involved, sweets, meat, notably steak (blue), and, well, blood.

Least favorite food? Low quality dishes, wine (flashbacks of her past), cheese, animal/beast blood

What do they like?

- Full moon nights/moonlight
- Red roses and the colour red in general
- Forests & mountains
- Fancy vintage outfits
- The smell of books
- Arts: sculpture, drawing, literature, poetry, songwriting, sewing, etc.

What things do they hate?

- Any other flower
- Poor quality cooking supplies
- Water/being wet
- Being close to a big flame/fire source

Any health, mental or allergies based issues? Quinn suffers from insomnia most days (or nights I guess), and when she does manage to sleep, she often has nightmares of her past.

Extra: Quinn still enjoys regular food and drinks meant for living beings, but naturally doesn’t need them to survive.

Theme song:

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  • d011728bf4abd9222135640b5cf03118.jpgNAME
    "Cosi" Cosette Vivianna​
    Closet, (This is a nickname I often call her), Cosi​
    Winter 4th.

    Tailor & Boutique owner​
    Also runs a secret gambling club in her basement.

    FC is Eleanor Maurice
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Click Tabs
    Bounty Hunter
    30 - 14 Autumn
    Wereanimal (Minotaur) // Male - He/They

    Panromantic Demisexual
    Gloves (Caestus) - in-game item
    Yes, and good luck.
    6'9" - 205.7 cm // 341 lbs - 154.6 kg

    ehMEER - ehMAWRIA
    Ymir has an insatiable sweet tooth, one could easily enlist his services with a few apple pies (his all time favorite dish). He adores books and literature, eating (literally anything), and cleaning hides. He rather enjoys prepping excess monster materials for sale, such as tanning hides, drying furs, spinning thread from fleece, and salting/smoking his own meats for ease of access.
    Low-hanging chandeliers, bad/rotten smells, and water-dwelling monsters (hes a bit of a clumsy swimmer, so they're challenging).

    Like his father, Ymir's most prominent features and physical tells are his wideset horns, bovine ears, a tail, and a thick, discolored, low-bearing nose. The only places where he possesses fur beyond the usual head of hair are his ears and his tail. He does not share his father's entirely black eyes, as Ymir's are instead brown and human in nature. He is every bit as sturdy as he is large, though is far leaner than his father's heavyset build- his mother was a very lithe woman and so proportionally Ymir is similar. He dresses modestly, even during special occasions. As he mends his own clothes, they are generally on the plain side, as they must also be... rather large in size, to match the wearer. His hair tends to be a bit of a mess, as while he is cleanly, he hasn't a care in the world for additional preening or appearances beyond maintaining regular hygiene. Shoes are another point of contention- he'll wear them into town, but never when at home or roaming the woodland outskirts. While not one to wear scents intentionally, he does carry the scents of fresh pine, sandalwood, and woodsmoke from his cabin.


    His eyesight passes muster, but Ymir's sense of taste and smell are truly extraordinary. He also has an enormous bed, soft and well-built, that he almost NEVER sleeps in. He instead prefers to sleep outside. Boasting high body heat, rain and snow make very little difference when sleeping outdoors. Ymir is also a hugger- but generally shuts himself down from doing so for fear of burdening others. There is truly nothing more lovely to Ymir than a nice big hug, so earning his trust and friendship means you'll be getting plenty of hugs on SIGHT.
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  • Basic Info
    Elvira Hollard
    Vira (only by close friends)
    Female (She/Her)
    ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
    12 Winter
    General Store Owner / Gopher for the Elderly
    Place of Employment
    The elusive owner of the Odds&Ends General Store is a vain woman who considers herself to be a bit of a beauty. White tresses with a silvery sheen roll down her back gently, and each gossamer strand has been carefully tended to for the sake of maintaining their natural luster. Her figure is similarly shapely, possessing a balanced body with legs that appear long without the need for a painfully short torso. Her only complex is her eyes, whose honeyed color shines like a gem yet is sharp in a way that causes many to interpret her gaze as one of domineering hauteur. From her time on the road, she’s found this naturally arrogant look to be advantageous in certain situations, but it’s nonetheless the sole aspect of herself that she views as unsightly. Not even the scar cutting diagonally from her clavicle down to her hip bears the same amount of disdain, serving as a physical reminder of a promise rather than a blemish. A large, snowflake-shaped tattoo is etched into her skin over the scar in purple ink. Save for the coldest of winter days, this tattoo is typically on proud display as her choice in clothing tends to be loose, low cut, or both, and most importantly loud. As much as she admires the frills, ribbons, and long dresses that the noble women of the capital sport, she despises the mere thought of wearing them upon her own body. Her tastes are difficult to predict, as not all avant-garde pieces catch her eye, and the woman herself can’t quite put her finger on what looks “right” in her eyes. As a result, her wardrobe is packed full of a wide variety of clothes whose only shared trait is the varying degrees of rebellious vibes. Incidentally, she also happens to really love the color purple.
    White Hair
    Gold Eyes
    The phrase “I can’t see my toes because my nose is too high in the air” most aptly describes the woman named Elvira Hollard. Her astronomically large sense of pride is her most defining factor by far, and no amount of humiliation is capable of quelling the rebellious fire burning in her eyes. Arrogance permeates throughout her entire being, though a more proper analysis of her mannerisms details the fine line she treads between dignity and narcissism. She holds her head up high, but seldom is it that she ever lords the qualities she’s so confident in over others. In fact, she detests those who constantly compare themselves to others and hates nothing more than the bigots who tag people as superior and inferior. She’s simply someone who loves herself more than the average person. A bit odd, perhaps, but ultimately harmless. If only her pride didn’t have a tendency to land her in hot water. Taking after her late mother’s intrepid spirit, Elvira seemingly lacks a single nervous bone in her body. Anxiety? Fear? What’s that? Can you eat it? Diving head-first into treacherous waters, she holds too much faith in her ability to weather any storm, to the point where those who care about her are constantly begging her not to act so recklessly. Unfortunately, the moment someone accidentally insinuates that they think something is too much for her to handle, it only seems to stoke her competitiveness into a blazing wildfire. When she ultimately fails and becomes a stuttering mess attempting to grasp at the most desperate excuses for why she didn’t succeed, she can only blame herself for the round of well-placed jabs and light-hearted mockery tossed her way. Incidentally, this stubborn quality of hers to prove her capabilities makes her fairly easy to manipulate. It won’t do you any good in haggling down prices at the general store, but some of the elderly in Piyo Town have managed to take advantage of this idiosyncrasy to rope her into joining in on their gatherings after her morning supply runs. She always complains that they have far too much time on their hands and how they keep bothering her, but she’s never missed a single meeting.
Code by Nano

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