Coyote Hart
Misguideful Moniker
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.” – Henry David Thoreau
basic information
Louis Spiegel
gender prounons
Winter 06
5 ft 9 in
A lithely built man with steel-blue hair that is reminiscent of a teenage phase long past. His sharp emerald eyes these days glimmer with naught but the highs of life. When on the job, he carries the day's mail in a satchel that he slings over his back and underneath his cloak.
Louis runs cold typically, so he likes wearing hardy traveler's clothes when he is out on mail delivery jobs. Off the job, Louis has a tidy selection of formal-style casual wear. When it isn't summer, Louis loves sweaters.
Louis is a quiet and hardworking man, with a glass half-full attitude that propels him forward. He is haunted by his past, which he chooses not to acknowledge in favor of his much simpler and more enjoyable day to day work of his job. A casanova of sorts, he uses his past life's charms to shower compliments and flirtations on the cute men of Piyo town, although in his heart he feels none of the heart fluttering feelings that come with courting someone. With gals and the nonbinary pals, Louis loves to spill some gossip with.
- Louis's life as an assassin still shows in some of his everyday activities, such as seating himself so that he always has a view of an escape route. This is an unconscious reflex
- Louis supplements his flirtations with a heavy dose of subtle skinship such as a ruffle of the hair, a bop of the nose, a pat on the back
- He's got a cat's tongue-- he's rather sensitive to hot liquids
- He always has a sunny disposition when delivering mail
- Cats (Louis is always awkward around them and feels like he's intruding on their territory. That and he's allergic to them)
- The Kingdom of Norad's royalty
- Delivering bulky packages
Louis knits and crochets in his spare time. Hanging out and flirting with men is also a pasttime in his eyes.
"Chocolate chip cookies. A freshly baked dozen is sure to bring some cheer into any day." (Sweet baked treats)
"Coffee needs extra cream and extra sugar to be tolerable, and a dash of mocha syrup for good measure." (Bitter foods)
- Men
- Cute things, like stuffed animals
- Milk teas
- Cold days
- Tough problems-- Louis enjoys easy solutions and isn't the type who likes to rack his brain
- Physical might exertion
- Sweltering summers
- Kingdom of Norad
odd quirks
- Louis's life as an assassin still shows in some of his everyday activities, such as seating himself so that he always has a view of an escape route. This is an unconscious reflex
- Louis supplements his flirtations with a heavy dose of subtle skinship such as a ruffle of the hair, a bop of the nose, a pat on the back
- He's got a cat's tongue-- he's rather sensitive to hot liquids
- He always has a sunny disposition when delivering mail
- Cats (Louis is always awkward around them and feels like he's intruding on their territory. That and he's allergic to them)
- The Kingdom of Norad's royalty
- Delivering bulky packages
Louis knits and crochets in his spare time. Hanging out and flirting with men is also a pasttime in his eyes.
favorite food
"Chocolate chip cookies. A freshly baked dozen is sure to bring some cheer into any day." (Sweet baked treats)
least favorite food
"Coffee needs extra cream and extra sugar to be tolerable, and a dash of mocha syrup for good measure." (Bitter foods)
- Men
- Cute things, like stuffed animals
- Milk teas
- Cold days
- Tough problems-- Louis enjoys easy solutions and isn't the type who likes to rack his brain
- Physical might exertion
- Sweltering summers
- Kingdom of Norad
Louis was an assassin in the service of the Kingdom of Norad, indiscriminately killing whoever the royal family wished. It was how he was raised, snagged from the orphanage to quietly and secretly rid the ranks of Norad society of political dissenters and those who opposed the war. If it wasn't through poisoning someone's food or water supplies, it was with violence, and when he got older, with his wily charms. As this was how he was raised, this all seemed normal, although Louis went about life in a thoroughly lifeless fashion.
One of those days, one of the missions that Louis was assigned was to take down the headmistress of the orphanage that Louis grew up in, as her behaviors had deemed her death necesssary. This command pierced through Louis's apathetic soul, as the headmistress was a kind old lady who was the only maternal figure that Louis had known in his life. Torn between his Pavlovian loyalty to his country and his love for the headmistress, Louis eventually abandoned the assassin's life, fleeing to Piyo Town.
There, he learned truly how to be happy. Not wanting to acknowledge his previous life as an assassin, he distanced himself from that profession and instead took on the simple yet fulfilling duty of being the town's mailman, getting to know the locals. Finally, he could use his seduction skills not as a means to an end, but to truly compliment someone.
One of those days, one of the missions that Louis was assigned was to take down the headmistress of the orphanage that Louis grew up in, as her behaviors had deemed her death necesssary. This command pierced through Louis's apathetic soul, as the headmistress was a kind old lady who was the only maternal figure that Louis had known in his life. Torn between his Pavlovian loyalty to his country and his love for the headmistress, Louis eventually abandoned the assassin's life, fleeing to Piyo Town.
There, he learned truly how to be happy. Not wanting to acknowledge his previous life as an assassin, he distanced himself from that profession and instead took on the simple yet fulfilling duty of being the town's mailman, getting to know the locals. Finally, he could use his seduction skills not as a means to an end, but to truly compliment someone.
luke fischer
Former comrade-in-arms in the Kingdom of Norad, they hung around together in the barracks. Their relationship was tenable at best back then, but now that Louis has moved to Piyo Town, he desires a stronger friendship with Luke. In a way, he sympathizes with Luke; his current situation is not that much different from Louis' own several years back. He is a bit envious at how seemingly carefreely Luke can flirt with the gals, and strives to model himself after him.
Contact me please I hunger for character relationships.
weapon type
obtain monsters
health issues
Allergic to cats
skill proficencies
- Walking: Louis's gait is full of energy and boundless.
- Resist Poison: Due to Louis's predilection of relying on poisons to augment his lacking combat abilities. Also due to a certain something.
- Camping: Louis is used to living in the outdoors, foraging off of berries to survive. He knows which bushes supply the sweetest treats.
skill downfalls
- Cooking: Do not eat what Louis cooks, even if he eats it. His terrible cooking is how he got his iron stomach.
- Defense: Louis flounders in direct combat and he either prefers ending a fight quickly or fleeing if that is not an option
- Leadership: Louis is a follower, not a leader. Without someone's direction, Louis is oftentimes lost.
- Mining: Louis finds mining to be incredibly strenuous.
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