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Fandom Piyo town [ A Rune Factory rp] (open)

» Nomi
『 TAGGED 』 BriiAngelic BriiAngelic as Sunday The Beebz The Beebz as Esvedra

Nomi stared blankly at the ship as it moved towards the hill, the smoke barrelling out and causing the sky to slightly darken. The once fluffy white clouds she sat admiring were now all covered by a dark, grimy smoke. A small chime went off in Nomi’s head, like a weird alarm bell that was specifically made for these occasions, warning her of danger. It felt like a bolt of electricity or energy moved throughout her body, as if jolting her to react appropriately to whatever was approaching.

“Nomi, Esvedra! We need to get as many wind rune books going as possible!"

Nomi felt her feet move before she could give it more thought, scrambling towards the judging stand to collect the rune books. She could feel her knees quake, wishing to give in, and they almost did, causing her to stumble over herself not once, but twice as she made her way over. Finally, though, with what felt like minutes(but only took a few seconds) Nomi stood at the judging stand, rummaging through every book to find the right tomes. As she did just that, Nomi felt a small twinge of pride at such a simple task, I’m helping. I’m helping! She thought to herself before running back with every single book she could carry.

“C-come to us to grab a tomb!” Nomi practically shrieked, now standing with a tower of books next to Sunday and Esvedra. She couldn’t see over them, but made it a point to attempt to balance the tomes. Something she was, well, not very good at. She looked like a pendulum moving back and forth as the capable citizens came forth to grab a book, barely able to keep herself up.

While Nomi was still helping, and there was fulfillment in doing so, she couldn’t help feeling slightly disheartened. Others were valiantly going forth to protect Piyo Town, and here she was, barely able to keep herself together. It was like a part of her was missing, something that wasn’t yet clicking. Why couldn’t she be more like Sunday, who knew exactly what to do!? Or even Esvedra, who may be part fish, but at least had some brains in her. Not Nomi, who waved back and forth like a fool, not even able to hold out the books properly. She was glad her face was hidden behind them, or people would see the deep flush that filled her cheeks. They’d see the embarrassment that ate her up inside.

I am still helping. I’m helping! Right?

code by Nano Nano
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» Lottie

Lottie could hear various voices floating her way, along with the fast pitter-patter of feet passing by her as she stumbled after the boys. She groaned at the issue that was her heels first, before begrudgingly kicking them off of her feet. I swear, if I lose those… She thought to herself as she watched Johan and Yongye speed in front of her towards Cliff and Julian.

"I will assist you with your magic.”

Perking up at the voice of Cana, Lottie felt a small smirk presenting itself on her face. She nodded just ever so slightly, feeling slightly at ease knowing she was here with them. Then her eyes cut to Johan who was also speaking, her left eyebrow cocking upwards.

"I trust we can also count on your assistance as well Lottie… And uh...I'm not sure what you can do to assist, but I'm sure we'll find some use for you”

Lottie felt herself try not to laugh, her small smirk turning into a smug grin as Johan spoke. She rolled her eyes ever so slightly at this, knowing that Cana too would likely laugh at the remark if it were a less dire situation. “My assistance? Me!? Well I thought I’d just watch!” She let out a small chortle, each word laced with sarcasm. Before she could continue, however, her eyes flicked upwards, seeing something that cued her to stop with the childish retort. Real people were in danger, after all.

Eyeing the figures falling, she counted out the ones without a parachute. She felt her brain numb from the numbers before shaking herself and focusing solely on the ones without. Four Lottie noted, her pace slowing, then dropping to a halt.

“I can lessen their fall, but…” Lottie’s eyes darted towards the four people in the sky, as if to point them out. “Look, just follow their bodies, there will be damage.”

Closing her eyes for just a moment, Lottie centered herself. She let the slight breeze in the air blow past her, taking in the feeling on her skin. Then, as if with no cue, she raised her hands above her head, then opened her eyes again. Giving the slightest of nods to Cana, she finally let out a release of wind energy that at first had enough force to topple a building. It swirled around her like a tornado before shooting up into the sky. She focused harder as she divided the winds, causing each to move towards a different person at great speed. She felt the strain on her body as her runesource started to deplete with each moment that passed. She knew one person alone couldn’t hold out, not unless they had help. This was where Cana came in, and hopefully, with that, they could save the lives of the ones falling.
code by Nano Nano

  • IMG_1814.jpeg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Calliope ( A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight )

    ~ Airship // Medical Bay ~

    Hina's CS || Icarus & Apollo

    Parachutes would be a lovely idea. Unfortunately no one expected to need to jump from the damn medical bay. If they lived through this the first thing he was doing was filing a formal complaint with the damn empire about safety protocols and doing at least the bare minimum of making an announcement to abandon ship. But that didn’t do jack shit for him now.

    “Yeah, there’s no parachutes. No protocols. No expectations that you’d ever be in a medical bay when-”

    The ship did another jerk and he instinctively reached out trying to grab the woman before they both went flying. Hunkering down as much as he could he brought her down with him before shouting to the other person in the room.

    “We’re about to hit!”

    Just as he got the words out the ship did its most violent slam of them all as it was clear they had landed on the water. They had time now to get above deck and aim for the lifeboats but they needed to act fast. A glance to the man showed he’d hit something on impact and been knocked out cold.

    “Shit-that was violent. Are you okay miss?”

    He let go now that they were fairly stabilized and looked around the room frantically trying to find what was worth taking with them on their way out. He’d need to carry the soldier out as well. The man being unconscious might be in their favor as carrying him with his injuries outright would be easier than hobbling around supporting his side.

    “If you’re okay then grab anything that looks useful and I’ll carry him up. There are some life rafts on the top deck.”



the blank slate





Plain, used, dirty clothing.


The forest on the edge of Piyo.


Crimson Rose Crimson Rose as Mirage, . D O V E . D O V E as Elke



Miko's feet were starting to hurt from all the walking. He left his home only a few days ago and while he was used to physical challenges, this trek proved far more difficult than he would've imagined. The soles of his already worn shoes were barely holding together, as his foot hit the ground, taking another step forward. He had travelled from his family's small cottage on the edge of the Norad Kingdom, in search of a new adventure. Plus, he wanted to get away from all the commotion and chaos the war had brung to their doorstep. Growing up, he had heard of a small town, just past Norad, and hoped to maybe find something... anything there.

As he continued down the gravel trail, sun blaring on the back of his neck, he noticed a forest in the distance with an opening. Hey, maybe that leads to something... Miko began to pick up his pace, despite his feet screaming at him to slow down. It had been the first sign of anything in days and he was too excited that the numbing pain now was an echo.

He approached the thick tall forest, peering in to see if he could tell what was at the end of it. Disappointed he couldn't see anything yet, Miko moved forward. His boots thumped on the ground, crunching both sticks and dried leaves underneath them. The air felt cooler in here, thanks to all the shade the trees provided-- a nice change from all the hot air. He let out a loud sigh, scanning the trees for movement.

Minutes past as he shuffling forward. He was beginning to wonder if this was a dead-end until he heard some muttering in the distance. He squinted forward, hoping to see who, or what, was the source. He noticed a short figure, turned away from him, and he became to move closer.

"...it's like trying to solve a puzzle without any clues..."
He stopped in his tracks, worried if there was a trap nearby that the figure was struggling to solve. He bent down, going unnoticed, and began to observe them. He moved his head around, trying to get a better view. He noticed they had long dark hair and a backpack embellished with pockets.

"Ooo cheese!", the figure squealed, which made Miko even more confused. Then the figure treading off into the distance, distracted by something else. Miko rose from his squatted position and noticed there was a sign with writing on it. "P...Pee-yo...? Peeyo town?" He said to himself, unsure if he got the pronunciation correct. Maybe this is the town I've been looking for... he thought to himself, his eyes widening. MAYBE THIS IS THE TOWN I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! He grinned ear to ear. Finally, his days of travel were paying off.

He went to trail after the figure, when he heard a loud BOOM from the sky. Snapping his neck toward the sound, he noticed a large ship, surrounded by smoke. "Oh... shit-" He whispered; his mouth hung open in awe. It was diving down, and rapidly. He noticed parts of the ship falling off, some landing in the water below and some heading straight towards the forest, where he stood. He jumped near a tree, seeking protection. "Hey! Get down!" He yelled towards the figure. Miko heard screaming in the distance, confirming there was a town but also that they were in danger. Terrified to move due to the flying shrapnel, he noticed an object land nearby. Light reflected off of it, grabbing his attention. What's this? Carefully, he inched towards it. Maybe whatever it was would tell him who the ship belonged to.

♡coded by uxie♡
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The Traveler

Mira hadn’t even fully made it to the festival grounds by the time panic arose, from the incoming ship just dangling on the edge of its life. That just had to ruin the cheese themed party, she just wanted something to eat. Now almost everyone was in a panic!

No wonder why Mirage’s parents always told her never to step foot into a town, back when she was with them. Nothing like this ever really happened in the woods, other than the occasional angry monster that would try to start a fight over something Mira clearly found first.

If the dark-haired girl had known this is what would happen when cheese wheels were involved, she would have never entered the town and would have just devoured the traitorous mushroom.

Maybe no one would notice a bit of the food missing, while various things were falling from the sky and the earthmate could sneak some of the fine festival food? She could snatch some cheese and be out of the town before anyone would have noticed and then Mira could have it with some delicious withered grass!

Hey! Get down” Huh what was that? Were they talking to her? Mira looked around aimlessly for the sound of the voice. Maybe it was a ghost? Or someone was trying to get her attention to sell her something! This always happened in towns, and she never really had anything to give them in return!

Oh wait, was that something falling?

Whoa what is that thing!!!!” She pointed at a strange figure falling out of the sky, it wasn’t rubble from the ship but something much worse. Her eyes were locked onto the figure plummeting toward her, descending with alarming speed.

Struggling to comprehend what exactly was hurtling directly towards her. It wasn’t a box that was for sure. Maybe it was the Chipsqueek coming back for revenge! How did they find her!? She covered her trail so carefully!

Her mind racing to make sense of the bizarre situation unfolding before her. Mira was definitely not ready to deal with some of those squirrel punks. She narrowed her eyes at the figure. It looked like a person, coming from the sky?

Is that really a person?” she murmured; her voice tinged with disbelief as confusion clouded her thoughts. As she watched the blonde girl spiral through the air coming closer. They weren’t moving naturally or really doing anything except for falling for what felt like an eternity. Whoever they were they definitely weren’t coming down very gracefully.

Maybe she’s dead?” Mira pandered, for a second before her eyes widened. Realizing now just how close the possible corpse was.

A sudden thought flickered in her mind: “Should I move???” The uncertainty gripped her, torn between the instinct to catch the falling stranger or to flee. Was she going to perish too? Just as the impulse to escape surged within her.

Their heads bonked together as the blonde landed on top of her. The force sending the small girl sprawling to the stone ground with a jolt that reverberated through her skull, leaving her in a disorienting haze as the world around her faded into darkness. Joining the other earthmate that now remained on top of her in the land of unconsciousness.

Beside the two earthmates, was Mirage's backpack which now laid open from the impact now surrounded by various colored rocks, pencils, a few sticks, and miscellaneous junk that was scattered amongst the ground.
@Lelluxis[/USER] . D O V E . D O V E Lelluxis Lelluxis

Code Resource - ~Pyo's Coding Corner (∩✧v✧)⊃━☆゚.*
» Cliff Burrow
One by one, more and more townsfolk accompanied him as he rushed toward the lake, each of them offering to lend their aid. Some jumped to an early start, using their magical talents to safely guide the many airship passengers who made their escape from the burning vessel by taking to the air. Such a sight caused another mix of conflicting emotions to stir within him.

On one hand, he felt a great deal of relief and pride. In the face of sudden disaster, many from Piyo Town came together in order to defend their home and the lives of strangers. It spoke to the character of the community, and reinforced his already firm belief that he and his father had made no mistake in dedicating their lives to its protection. However, it was for that very same reason that worry crept its way into his heart and mind.

The airship bore Sechs colors, and the reason for its violent descent was still unknown. Coupled with the knowledge that a bloody war still raged beyond Piyo Town's neutral borders, it was difficult not to assume the worst. If a battle between counties found its way to their front steps, everyone was at risk. And with so many at his side running straight toward a possible warship, tragedy could potentially strike at any moment.

He was plagued by a series of discomforting questions that had no comforting answers. Were soldiers aboard the ship? If so, how many? If they chose to lay siege to Piyo Town, was he capable of defending everyone within reach? If not, then how many could be saved?

Despite maintaining a calm demeanor, questions of that nature kept flooding his mind. It was his job to always consider the worst possible outcome and how best to avoid it. Telling everyone to stay back and keep a safe distance was one method, but it would make for a terrible solution. Setting aside his doubt that everyone would accept such a thing, he knew their many skills would be necessary to help any potential civilians at the crash site. That left him with one option.

As the airship picked up speed, so did Cliff. He put more power into his legs and lengthened his strides, moving faster and faster as he attempted to dash ahead of the quickly growing pack. The best he could do at the moment was to simply arrive before anyone else, giving him time to deal with any potential threats. Hopefully, there would be enough. Or better, no need for it at all.

Soon enough, the ship came crumbling down, violently tearing through the lake. Alongside several pieces of destroyed metal, the hull fully submerged into the waters below as it scraped across bits of land that brought it to a slow, forceful halt. As torrents of sudden, isolated rain still fell in the wake of the rough splashing, Cliff quickly scanned for any signs of hostile forces.

With his search revealing nothing and the distance to the water's edge quickly closing, he prepared himself. He clipped his axe onto his toolbelt once again and took to the air, leaping from the last bit of earth and diving into the lake. He stayed under for only a moment, soon rising with a deep exhale and then cutting a path toward the ruined ship with swift, strong strokes.

Before long, he reached the felled behemoth and began to scale its body. His now drenched clothing pressed tightly against his skin as he pulled himself from the water, grabbing at the bits of wood and metal that served as makeshift supports. While it weighed him down slightly, he'd soon discover that being dry would have made things exceedingly more difficult.

As soon as he reached the top deck, he could feel the growing intensity of the flames feeding on what remained of the airship. With the damage it sustained, it left room for many doubts that any survivors would still be aboard, soldier or otherwise. However, Clif couldn't say with certainty that nobody remained, and that was enough of a reason for him to press on.

Retrieving his weapon once again, he made his way through the collapsing craft as quickly as he could while still remaining vigilant. Cutting down debris that blocked the way to the lower decks, he shuffled through fire and sharp hazards, preparing himself for a second round of the explosion that likely brought the place down to its knees. He also had to ensure he kept a watchful eye out for warm bodies, be they friend or foe.

With each second he spent filling his lungs with smoke and scorching his scarred skin, he remained single-minded and committed to his purpose. He would press on until he could no longer guarantee the safety of his own life, but he prayed things wouldn't have to come to such a self-imposed compromise. Thankfully, a muffled exchange of words in the distance reached his ears long before that would be necessary.

When he reached the closed door, he tightened his grip on his axe, holding it close to his body. With no telling what was beyond, and without the luxury of time to make certain, he prepared himself, ready to fight if need be. Carefully and quietly, he pushed against the entrance.

As he feared, there were indeed Sechs soldiers aboard, the uniform unmistakable. However, the person wearing it didn't seem to be capable of posing a threat, unconscious and showing no signs of rousing. That left the other two occupants, no uniform in sight. Given the layout of the room and the supplies that lay scattered about, he could only assume he found his way to a sick bay of some sort. Were they doctors?

Deciding to take the risk of being wrong, Cliff opened the door further, remaining in the entranceway as he made his presence known. "Are you all okay?" His voice came out slightly rough due to the nearby toxic fumes and heat, but it lacked animosity, concern evident in the even tone.

Realizing how he may have appeared in that moment, he stowed his weapon as a sign of non-aggression. With his position as a stranger aboard one of the Empire's vessels, he didn't want to give them any further reason to distrust him. He needed to get them out of there as quickly as possible.

"There are still boats above that you can use to get to shore. I can carry your friend for you. Can you two walk on your own?"

These people had no reason to trust him, and the opposite was equally true. He had no knowledge of their positions or their purpose, only truly certain that one among them was a direct participant in the neverending war. Even so, that was something that could wait until everyone made it to safety. Empire or not, he swore to protect Piyo Town and everyone within it. So long as these people were here, that vow extended to them as well.
code by Nano Nano



the blank slate





Plain, used, dirty clothing.


The forest on the edge of Piyo.


Crimson Rose Crimson Rose as Mirage, . D O V E . D O V E as Elke



As Miko slowly approached the item, he noticed how bright it was. An opaque white, visibly standing out against the dirt ground. Picking it up, he brought it close to his face, admiring how it twinkled in the light. He had no clue what it was-- only that it was some shard. Miko also hadn't the slightest idea as to what the material was made out of, and it only made him all the more curious. Maybe it would be of use in the future. He stowed it away in one of his pant pockets, buttoning it closed to ensure its security. Just as he was about to turn towards the town, he saw another figure, falling from the sky. Before he could react in any sort of way,..


and everything went black.

• • • • • • •

Fuck.. my head... were the first thoughts that came to Miko's mind. His eyes blinked opened, and above, he saw the blue sky poking through all the foliage. He was laying on his back, on the dirt ground. Where am I? Why am I laying on the floor? Miko slowly rotated his head to one side, looking at his surroundings. He saw rows of trees and bushes. Forest... He rotated his head to the other side, groaning from the pain. His eyes stopped on a metal chain that lay next to him. It was caked in blood. Is... is that mine? He reached up to his head, gently running his hand through his hair, and bringing it back down.


There was dried blood on his hand. How the fuck... Miko cleared his throat and pushed his back against the ground, sitting up. "Argh!" He winced, placing his hand on the back of his head. He needed to go slow. Who knew how long he'd been laying there. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Cautiously, he started to stand. As soon as he did, his vision went spotty, and he began to stumble. Miko reached out to the tree near him for support, squeezing his eyes shut to calm down. He felt sick. Did someone attack me? Once the nausea began to settle, he opened his eyes and looked around. He noticed a shape on the ground in the distance. Miko furrowed his eyebrows together and started to move towards it.

As he approached, he noticed it was two girls, laying on top of each other. One was small with dark wavy hair and the other was blonde, dawned in a black uniform and bright cape. She looked important... like a princess. He wondered if they too had been victims to the attack, but he couldn't recognize either at all. Miko winced again, as all this thinking was hurting his head. They both lay there motionless--almost peaceful. He crouched down and gently tried to push the blonde-haired girl off of the other. "Hello?" He croaked, seeing if maybe speaking could wake either up. "Can you hear me?" He checked their pulses. They were low but both were still alive.

Then he heard a loud SPLASH. He looked up, standing from his crouched position, and started to walk towards the end of the forest. What was that? He felt bad leaving the two girls on the ground, but he was so confused, hoping maybe the sound would provide answers, or worse, a threat. As he approached the open field at the end of the forest, he saw a large ship in the water, engulfed in smoke. There were people everywhere. What is going on??

♡coded by uxie♡
Julian Margaux
Overworked Doctor of Piyo Town

Running with the rapidly forming initial rescue group felt oddly inspiring, though the feeling was quickly dashed on the rocks as Julian shook his head. Spellcasters had joined; their magic would be a great deal of help and for that he felt grateful. Though the question remained, what was an airship even doing in a place such as this? The Capital was one thing, he took them himself occasionally back in the day. But here?

"The help is appreciated, I evidently can not someone from such a fall. Cana...I suppose doors may need to come off their hinges, and I might need your arms to tie off a splint or two. Any bodies should come out of the wreck as soon as possible; smoke inhalation is a bother to cure and we've no idea how long the ship will go until potential detonation. Johan, let me perform Debridement first and I can move onto the next patient while you close. Lottie's magic can act as our delivery method. It will help. Cliff will do Cliff things, I'm certainly not a warrior.....nor am i catching up to the man." Julian watched as Cliff picked up speed, cursing the weight of his supplies. However, it was necessary to use them all; this town would go down in cooking related burns otherwise.

The ship had impacted as Lottie began to cast her spells to aid those falling, and so Julian took a knee to pull tools and tonics most immediate useful to the injured. Displaced water from impact fell around the doctor as Julian prepared, glancing over as Cliff entered the wreck. "I don't have an infinite amount of bandages!" Julian called out, his own way of calling to be careful nearly drowned out by the whine of faulty machines and warping metal. This would not be an easy day.

Now, all he could do was wait for the first patient, and then do his job as doctor. Pulling on a pair of surgical gloves, Julian would be ready.

@ Anyone on ship scene
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Eilshan Beylier

Eilene Shania Beylier

She accepted that there was not much she could do for the other woman, so Eilene decided to look after her safety. While not exactly adept at the use of magic, it was something that she had been trying to learn over the years to help complement her fighting. Just gotta do this spell so I can soften the impact! She thought as she felt magic build-up from the tip of her fingers to the center of her palm, strong winds enveloped her body. She used the wind to fuel her magic and was ready to use it when she felt a strong tug on her clothes. "LUKE!" Eilene called, surprised but relieved.


Her hair fluttered against the wind, whipping her face and Luke's as she watched his cheeks flap from the wind. Despite the incomprehensive sound that he made, she understood perfectly well what he meant. She decided to turn her head away slightly, ignoring his question which may or may not be true at this point in time.

Eilene was obedient in Luke’s arms. She wasn't stupid enough to push him off. Despite knowing that he doesn't exactly treat her like royalty, she enjoys his company and admires his skills as a knight. She's always thankful for how reliable he has been despite his demeanor, something that she likes to show in the guise of gold.

Don’t squirm.

I know.” Eilene's response to Luke’s words now that their descent had slowed down thanks to the parachute that he bought. “Just for your information, I would have used magic to soften my fall. I’m not that insane.” She justified it with a huff. Her head whipped from left to right, trying to catch sight of the woman they wanted to save earlier. Her eyes widened as she spotted a fluttering red cape in the distance.

Eilene watched the ship crash from behind Luke. A sense of guilt and shame washed over her as reality caught up to her. She hoped that everyone on the ship was alright, as ludicrous as the thought was. “Luke, when we get down let’s go find the woman from earlier. We should also look for Father’s missive and see what we can do to help with the crash.” She commanded despite the lack of it in her tone, to others it might have sounded more like a request or a plea.

This way.” She tugged on Luke’s sleeves and proceeded to run in the direction where she saw the woman fall. Eilene was the kind of person who held a one-track mind. Save the woman, help with the crash site, and find the missive. If Luke called for her from right behind her heels, she wouldn’t hear, not on purpose at the very least. The thought of saving people coursed through her mind over and over again, she wanted to help. She needed to help others.

Her legs burned as she ran and ran to find a person she had never met in her life, but the fact that the woman was taken hostage because of her weighed in her mind. Her dandelion-colored eyes found a scatter of colors on the ground, colored rocks, pencils, and odd junk, along with two women. “I found her! Or rather… them?” She took out the knife that she kept hidden by her boots and cut the rope that held the blonde woman’s hand together.

Eilene kneeled between the two unconscious women, panic had started setting in because she wasn’t sure what to do. “Hey, both of you wake up!” She called as she nudged the two gently while looking at Luke with desperation, not noticing the tracks of someone else arriving at the scene before she did.

Mention: . D O V E . D O V E Lucem Lucem Crimson Rose Crimson Rose Lelluxis Lelluxis

Color: #ffbf00
Town Handyman
Piyo Hill

Had Cana been any younger, perhaps she would have taken offense.

Still, she had to hold back some laughter. They were in a situation that it would not be appropriate. Lottie seemed to share the same sentiments— finding the statement to be ludicrous at best, and blasphemous at worst. "Oh, young folks nowadays don't have respect for their elders." Had it been a rare excellent day, Cana had no doubt that even the airship would not suffer damages from a sudden crash. It was smaller than her dragon form and, without a doubt, would be an easy lift.

She turned her eyes to the sky. There were those jumping without parachutes, and more with, but their proximity to the ground before opening their respective parachutes was not ideal. Well then, they simply had to fix that themselves. As soon as Lottie began her ritual, Cana planted her cane into the ground— magic had always been primordial in a way. Something that had been ingrained into her and her siblings since they were born.

The wind was one of the easiest to tap into for her— having lived under its protection and among it for so long. Giving aid to the witch was simple, following the path of her magic to strengthen the winds and to make it last long enough for the people's safe descent. Thankfully, their combined assistance allowed a relatively safer descent for the people— at least, it was enough to make sure they didn't die on impact. Once that was done, she gave Lottie an encouraging pat on her back. "Excellent job. Gertrude would be proud." Cana knew her voice was strained. The action of helping had taken more of her own runesource than she had expected.

Ignoring the growing sense that her body would soon collapse over itself once this was over, Cana made her way down to follow Cliff towards the ship. The man was a trooper that was for sure. For a moment, she let herself wonder had Cliff been born earlier that she would have actively raced against him like she did with the guards of the town all those centuries ago. Alas, those were all daydreams as she reached the lake. She winced, knowing that such a big chunk of metal would not be relocated any time soon and the leaks from the oil and other materials would poison the lake soon.

The idea made her stomach churn.

Confident that no one was really looking once Julian paid more attention to arranging his tools, Cana had effortlessly glided over the water and towards the airship. Effortlessly was pushing it but semantics. Cliff had already disappeared into the airship and Cana immediately went to work on getting life boats loose so that they were prepared for the survivors to be able to cross the lake. The fire had already taken a couple but there should be enough for any remaining survivors onboard. Hopefully, most had the sense and the ability to jump off with parachutes. Once everything was secured and prepared, she eyed the fire and the rumble of the airship. It was slowly breaking apart.

She peered through the entrance, smoke billowing out mercilessly and Cana let out a series of coughs before backing away. Cliff charged straight into that?

The airship groaned and shifted under them and Cana cursed under her breath. She could barely smell any presence in the smoke but she had to make sure that Cliff, at the very least, would have an easy way out. It would be a smear on her honor for one of her own to get injured because she abandoned them in a time of need. These were extreme circumstances and maybe the universe will forgive her for being a little more reckless than usual.

She prepared another spell, kneeling down and focusing on the winds once again. It would not be able to put out the fire— that was already out of control like Fiersome had always intended— but perhaps she could give those inside a clearer passage from the smoke that filled up its interior. With the wind now at her behest, she had it enter into the ship to dispel the smoke and keep it at bay for a safe retreat back to the surface.

morbidity morbidity The Prophet The Prophet Lucem Lucem BriiAngelic BriiAngelic A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight Flintstone Flintstone

End of Post
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The Dragon Boy
Joe Hisaishi
Hearing Sunday’s shout was a wake-up call — the bartender was already walking away from Nathalia, but her strides increased into a jog, and then a sprint. How long could the few members of the town buffer the weight of an entire airship and its passengers? How could she have prioritized keeping up a facade and worrying about what-ifs before acting, no matter how sleep-drunk she was?

Out of the corner of her eye, she spied a familiar pink fox — an unmistakable presence, for there was only one wereanimal of that colour so far — dashing off for the landing site with what appeared to be a tablecloth in their hands. Taking a cue from her housemate, she ground to a stop beside her cart and grabbed the cylindrical supports beside the cotton canvas overhang. With one violent wrench, she tore the entire tarpaulin canopy off, metal poles and all. Once the incident was dealt with, she would undoubtedly regret the amateur dismantling job and the craters in the bartop, but for now, she was in too much of a hurry to register the poor decision-making. Holding the length-wise beam of the roof in one hand, she awkwardly scooted around the counter and crouched behind the cart to pluck the cloth cart cover from the shelves. With her DIY gurney supplies accounted for, she sped up and raced into the streaming crowd of residents sweeping towards the lake.

Her years of running through the forest didn’t fail her as she awkwardly leap-tripped over roots — the unbalanced weight of the cart roof on her right side was throwing her off — and crushed wilted plant matter underfoot at a pace that might be considered fast among school-age children. Nearing the shore and the air cushion being cast by Lottie and company, she skidded to a breathless stop beside the doctor she had meant to ask about ice and dropped the metal frame of her canopy with a thud.

Taking a deep breath, she barreled through her message on the exhale.
“Julian. Sunday told us to bring makeshift gurneys. Where do you need them?”

Before the soon-to-be-harried man could speak, she turned her head to look at the winds swirling around the carcass of the metal behemoth sinking into the water. Smoke drifted away from the entrance in an unnatural way, and she thought she saw a figure — Cana? It was clear to Vin that the unaging handyman kept an invisible barrier between her and the rest of the Piyo townspeople. There was something in the way she opined about the former owner of Night Owl that spoke of seeing generations pass, and while her own species was long-lived, Cana felt ancient. It was almost as if she was a —

Interactions }}
The Prophet The Prophet 🝯 Julian
Mentions }}
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic 🝯 Sunday, LazyDaze LazyDaze 🝯 Nathalia, Nano Nano 🝯 Yongye, morbidity morbidity 🝯 Lottie, AI10100 AI10100 🝯 Cana

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Monster Vet
Matthias Hertz
Went to the forest to get fresh supplies and fresh air. Came back with fresh bodies instead. (also “specific supplies”...some of them maybe be bug related supplies sorry nomi matt is doing his best)
When Matt woke up this morning, his plans had been fairly simple. It was supposed to be a relaxing and uncomplicated day. To check on his patients at dawn, venture into the forest to get some specific supplies to restock, put said supplies away before rushing back to the festivities to at least catch the last half of the annual cheese race. Heck, he would have even managed to let Wendy get some of her prey driven out of her system.

Unfortunately, bringing the silver wolf along for the ride through the forest was what literally dragged him towards his current situation. Instead of heading back towards Piyo Town when the airship seemed to fall towards his hometown, the silver wolf seemed to have picked up on something else entirely and bolted off in a completely different direction. All while Matt was still hanging on for dear life onto her back of course.

When he finally felt Wendy stop galloping over and through the bushes and felt her skid to a stop with a spray of dirt and leaf litter, Matt decided to cautiously peel his eyes open and peered over the ruff of the wolf who was sniffing at the ground. His eyes widened when he got a good look at the sorry state the four strangers in front of him were in. Everyone looked at least a touch bedraggled. Though, the two unconscious women looked significantly more…well, they were in rough shape.

"Oh, good gods. Sorry about startling you. She must have heard you guys from where we were before. Do you need help? I’m the monster vet for Piyo Town but I can still assist,"
In both tone and expression Matt was clearly apologetic as he slid off the silver wolf’s back and nudged her face before she got any funky ideas. While she did snort in offense, she did back up from the group a bit before neatly laying down on her stomach to watch them.

Once he saw that Wendy was at a more respectable distance, Matt also knelt down next to the unconscious women before tilting his head to see if their chests indicated that they were still breathing.
“They’re still breathing. Piyo Town is just beyond the clearing, if you’d like we can guide everyone back. …If you want the assistance, of course.”
Code By Nano
From the moment she woke up, the pink haired woman felt as though everything was moving much too fast for her comfort. In fact, even though her fur was bristling all over with confusion and discomfort, she did NOT give into her startle reflex and bite down on the man when he suddenly grabbed her as the ship came crashing down. She obediently followed the nurse down “calmly” even with the banging, shouting, crashing noises that seemed to claw into her ears to the point of ringing and numbness.

“--you okay miss?”

She was barely able to hear him through the ringing in her ears, but she nodded at both the question and the instructions. Because focusing on instructions was easier than focusing on the uncomfortable instinctive pressure that was building in her chest and jaw. But just as she was going to focus on following his instructions, the concentration seemed to snap when her eyes caught movement that didn’t match her ringing ears. But it was the glint of a raised weapon that wasn’t hers in the chaos that made the haunting and aggressive half-bark half-scream finally erupt from her throat.

“CALLIOPE BLUMENTHAL. Do NOT make those kinds of noises around humans. You’ll scare them. And scared humans can do terrible things to monsters like us. …It’s safe around your mother because she doesn’t have a scared thought in her head.”

“...I can’t tell if I should take offense to that.”
The half formed memory that rattled around in her head soon after made her stop short enough to get some more human rationale into her head.

And to realize that the new stranger meant to help.

Hand clamped over her mouth with wide eyes and a red face, Calliope could only nod sheepishly and trail behind everyone else. The fur of her tail was still bristling but instead of being aggressively raised, it was tightly curled around her thigh.


NAME. Calliope Blumenthal
OBJECTIVE. Get off the ship before she embarasses herself even more. Poor girl has been thru it today LOL
MOOD. Scared and now embarrassed too
TAGGED. BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lucem Lucem
Luke Fischer
Piyo Town Forest
Had he the opportunity, Luke would have scoffed at her majesty's assertation, expressing doubt about her plans to prevent herself from becoming royal roadkill with a sarcastic quip or two. Unfortunately, his mouth was already a bit preoccupied, as loose strands of the future queen's hair had wormed their way inside and coiled around his tongue after giving him a good slapping. All he could get out was a mix of "PLEH!" and "PLAH!" until the moment their feet finally touched the ground.

Once his shoes met dirt, he was quick to remove the oral intruders, picking them from his tongue and following with a palate-cleansing spit for good measure. As was to be expected of a knight, he was not afforded a moment to recover from his recent bout of tress-based trauma. Eilene was eager to set off, grabbing him by the sleeve and forcing him to follow. He could only hope she knew to be more delicate around others, especially potential suitors.

Following close on Eilene's heels, Luke traversed the forest with sword in hand, keeping an eye out for any possible threats. Monsters were certainly one thing to be wary of, but he was far more concerned with Empire soldiers. There was a high chance that their century-long enemies had landed nearby and resumed their prowl for lost prey.

He remained silent throughout the trek, only breaking out of his battle-ready focus when Eilene pointed out a pair of prone figures in the distance. Keeping pace with his lady, he came to a halt as she knelt down to free the misidentified princess from her bindings. Had she not followed up by simply shouting at the unconscious women, he might have considered her to be handling the situation fairly well.

His sharpened silver tongue was ready to flick out with another one of his usual sardonic comments, but it yielded when Eilene suddenly looked back at him, distress evident in her expression. Letting out a deep, brief sigh, the knight relented, kneeling next to the princess. He quietly began gathering the nearby litter into the opened pack, making sure everything was secure before slinging it over his shoulder.

"I helped the other passengers with an emergency exit. Assuming they all landed safely, they'll probably seek refuge in the nearby village. I suggest we do the same and get these two looked over by a doctor. They're only unconscious, but they'll wake up a lot sooner and feeling a lot better in a bed than here in the forest. Everything else can wait until we've found shelter and a way to contact your father."

The missive was certainly an object of importance, but the lives of others came first. Securing Eilene's safety was also top priority. As of right now, the best way to do that was following his original order of escorting her to the remote village. Their destination remained unchanged, but he would have liked a smoother landing.

"I'll carry our 'princess' here. I'll trust you with the other. I take it you don't mind getting your hands dirty, milord?"

Honestly, he would have preferred to have a lovely flower on each arm and carry both women, but he still needed to be able to reach for his sword in a pinch. In a very literal sense, they weren't out of the woods yet. And when it came down to it, they still didn't know much about the woman who carried the king's missive. All they knew was that she possessed combat skills, so keeping her a safe distance away from Eilene seemed like a wiser idea in the event that she suddenly woke up and began to strike out on instinct. Hopefully she'd keep the blade at bay and give them a chance to ask a few questions.

Before he could reach out for the slumbering beauty, he heard a rustle in the distance. In an instant, he was standing straight once again, hand already on the hilt of his sword beneath the cover of his cloak. He noticed signs of others in the area, but it seemed as though the stranger was heading straight for their location now.

When a large wolf emerged from the clearing, Luke's eyes narrowed, and he had every intention of striking the beast down. However, he chose to put a pause on the attack in favor of observing the rider who arrived in tandem with their mount. He listened closely, observing the man's body language and trying to detect any lingering trace of hostility or deception.

When the stranger finished speaking, Luke's eyes suddenly softened as his expression morphed into a humble smile. Placing his hands together, he nodded at the man's words as he responded with a tone forcefully injected with fatigue and gratitude. "Ah, we'd greatly appreciate that! We were passengers aboard the ship and barely managed to escape before it crashed. We'd be happy to follow you to town if you can show us the way. But if I may ask, does your town happen to have a regular doctor as well? Not that I'm doubting your skills, but I'd hesitate to call our lovely friends here monsters."

As he maintained the act of a desperate, clueless civilian, Luke kept himself positioned between Eilene and the unnamed man, prepared to cut him and his beast down if they posed a threat to his charge. The same protections applied to the two strangers at his feet. While they were also unknowns, one of them was an important asset in securing information. And a person carrying around crayons and rocks seemed harmless enough.

Kneeling down, he gently picked up the smaller of the two women and handed her to Eilene. As he did so, he whispered a few words to her, keeping up his mask all the while. "If I say the word, you run. No arguments."

Turning back around, he then lifted the remaining woman into a bridal carry, making sure to be delicate in order to avoid potentially worsening any injuries. "We can carry them until we reach town. They're our friends after all, and I'd feel terrible for imposing on you any more than we already have."

For now, he'd play along and follow the stranger, but his veiled suspicions still remained. He didn't wear Empire colors, but there was no such thing as being too careful in the middle of such a disastrous situation. "Please lead the way."
Code by Serobliss


ELKE | The False Royal
Lelluxis Lelluxis Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Lucem Lucem A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight

In the stillness of the darkness, there was solitude. She has no idea how long she's been walking through the twilight realm, nor where her legs wanted to take her. She simply knew that they kept going, taking steps after steps and moving her body forward without the binds of exhaustion. Like a machine subjected to its code. But why? Was there anything waiting for her beyond the darkness? A person, a place, or perhaps... a duty?

Her pace slowed as her mind failed to grip for an answer, fear clambering on her back until its heaviness anchored her to a stop. She couldn't remember anything. With the realization, the ground beneath her feet trembled and crumbled, and the next thing she knew, she was free falling through a never-ending pit of darkness. There was the sound of the wind, harsh and unforgiving against her ears, almost drowning the faint voice laced in its breeze.

"Elke... You... must... bring... dragon... death-

...Ello? Can... hear me...?"

The voice twisted and shifted, a man's voice pulling her from the depths of her slumber as she felt her body roll off something soft. The subtlest crack of an eye revealed that she was no longer in limbo but in the middle of a verdant forest, lying on spring grass with the bright blue sky overhead. Just what in the world was she doing here? And more importantly, who was this man crouching in front of her and checking her pulse? Before she could think of her next course of action, the sound of a water impact domineered their senses, prompting the stranger to leave her side in favor of tracking the noise.

The white-haired girl opened her eyes once she could no longer hear his footsteps and tried to bring a hand up to her face. It was then when she realized that they were tightly tied together by a rope. What in the world? Did I get abducted? But why would she get kidnapped? Either she was simply unlucky or she was an important figure somewhere. The latter would be nice since she assumed that would come with the perk of being esteemed and wealthy. Whatever the case, she had to get out of here.

However, it wasn't long before another set of footsteps rustled through the woods. Without any better idea, she decided to return lying limply on the ground and feign unconsciousness as a pair of men drew closer to her. Neither of them sounded like the first one but none of them seemed familiar to her either. She steeled herself as one of them began nudging her body, exclaiming about how he found them and that they should wake up. Do I know this person? Is he a friend or an ally, at least? Despite her musings, she decided it'd be best to keep her eyes shut until she learned more.

As if on cue, the other man began sharing a plethora of information as he knelt by her side. According to what she could scrap together by eavesdropping, they were passengers of an airship which crashed into the forest. Now that would've answered all her questions if not for the fact that it wouldn't make sense for her to be tied up during an aircrash. Of course, that was until he called her 'princess'. Hmm, I see that makes a lot of sense. It must've been a case of royal kidnapping and these two are my faithful noble and his knight.

She almost thought that it was the time for her to wake up until another rustling pervaded the conversation. She didn't have to open her eyes to know that some sort of beast was with them. It would've been easy to jump into the conclusion that it was with her kidnappers if not for its handler introducing himself as the local vet, subsequently checking for her breathing which she tried with all her might to relax.

Eventually, she felt a pair of strong hands gently scooping her into a bridal carry. At this point, she had no idea what she should do. She has been referred to as a 'friend' and all evidences suggested that they weren't hostile to her but should she really open her eyes now? They wanted to take her to the hospital which probably made sense except for the fact that she weirdly wasn't feeling any pain. If her assumption was right that she did fall from the sky then shouldn't she at least have some broken bones? Did something cushion her fall? Or was it just an impressive stroke of luck?

Whatever the case, she was glad that she was finally unbound and hopefully being transported to the nearest settlement.

mentions: (slight interaction)@Ambiloquous, BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
anyone that can hear her rant xD

Hold on, I think I feel a song coming on

Helllllllooooooo cheese
Indomitable yellow cheese
moldy but mellow i'm talking cheese
rolling in pastures of green, cheese
follow me, melty gold poured all over these
assortment of foods, its cheese
not even a ominous war ship could ruin...waitwhatthehellisthat....

Nathalia's mental performance and audible humming was cut short by the very real threat blotting out a rather perfect sky. Her heart was in her stomach and her mind was already ten leagues away from her current position; however, her legs were not fast enough to keep up with her instinct. An air ship. An actual ******* airship. It was so absurdly terrifying that it was comical. In fact she was so frightened and stupefied that it actually began to piss her off. What were these odds? She was so lost in thought that she barely heard her favorite night time counselor, Vignette, of her favorite night time clinic, the night owl, voice her concern. All Nathalia could do is stand there with her mouth open, cigarerette teetering on her lips, wondering if this was how her story would end..but something was off. The ship was not looming in position of an attack, but rather crashing. Before any real panic could set in, good ol Sunday came to the rescue. Had it been anyone else, even Nathalia would have to admit the situation would be dire and spirling out of control. Not only was she able to wash away the fears of the citizens, but redirect their newfound connectedness to aid the foreign craft. It wasn't long after Sunday's decree that Vignette took off without her. In fact, many of the towns folk did the same. It shouldn't have been a surprise; however, something about this trait always made Nathalia uneasy. That all for one mentality was one day going to bite them in the ass. In fact, there only real responsibility was to make sure the metal beast didn't land on their town. Nathalia instinctively reached out to Vignette to stop her from running into a potential trap, but the damn barstress was a track star in a past life. She remained frozen in that position for several posts until she resigned herself to go back home. "Aint got shit to do with me," but before she could lower her hand she heard some of the bystanders whispering.

"Look, she's casting a prayer. Look at how her hand is assertively pushing back the ship."

"This might be the judgement Nathalia was talking about the other day. We have slacked in our beliefs."

"I think she's just frozen in fear."

"No you idiot. That is pure concentration and meditation. Look even her cigarette is perfectly balanced on her lips."

".........(Fuck they're watching). HEY, wait for me Vigny!"

After a sprint that made Nathalia consider kicking her bad habit, Nathalia finally reached the crash site. What could she do at this moment? She couldn't cast spells. She couldn't heal the sick. But she could....heh heh...


If there was one thing her father taught her. It was to never let a good tragedy go to waste. Okay, her father never taught her that, but it sounds better than saying she was born with a few degenerate tendencies. She walked to a place where she was sure she would be seen and held her hands out to the sky, a lackidasical look in her eyes with a now newly lit cig. "Fear not townsfolk, events like this were foretold by the ancient lizar-, erm dragon. Yes the old dragon who bearded fearsome. Umm, where was I, OH, yeah like...believe or some shit like that and everything is going to be peachy. In the book of Gecko, chapter 5 verse 9ish, it says not even the might of iron can flash against...flash against....flash against the people. I will now cast a prayer of protection so go in there without fear. Unfortunately I'll have to remain in this very safe and secure spot to maintain the prayer of protection less it fail."
Louis Spiegel
Festivities and Louis meshed rather strangely. As someone who made his work his life, Louis typically found holidays to be a double edged blade. On one hand, getting to see all the townsfolks gathered in one spot where he could socialize with them was a blessing. However, the day off made mail back up, meaning that Louis was going to have to carry more things the next day. But as was Louis's current mindset, he strove to focus on the present, not any far off future.

Louis typically celebrated the cheese race with a charcuterie board, if he could track down the winner of the cheese wheel and bribe them for a few slices (who needed 150lbs of cheese anyway?). He'd laze in the shade of trees and bantered with any cuties up for conversation, relishing in the opportunity to get to talk to people more than his daily work allowed. Unfortunately, it seemed that Louis wouldn't be able to indulge in such a simple pleasure this year. A Sech airship on an evident emergency landing spelled trouble.

The steel-haired mailman trailed behind the other members of the rescue team. Lounging underneath a canopy of foliage meant that Louis had been clueless to the disaster before he put two and two together and realized that the commotion in the crowds were that of shock and horror. By that point, a detour to grab a first aid kit took no time at all. As Louis reached the smouldering wreck of the ship, he realized that plenty of people were already gathered, and that his first aid kit was definitely not useful, especially with Julian's presence.

"Well, I've never been too good at this," Louis laughed nervously as he stared at the water of the lake. He had decided on the way there that he wasn't going to wait on the sidelines to see how the rescue went, he was going in for himself. "Wish me luck, guys. And fish me out please if this goes really bad."

With that, Louis took a step onto the water's surface, his brow furrowed as he concentrated on his water magic. He had never been that good at magic, so Louis was light on his feet as he darted across the lake just in case his concentration faltered. With every step, he left behind a small ripple of water, until he found himself at the bow of the sinking airship. At that point, his focus did falter, and he nearly sank into the water as he was barely able to hoist himself up on the deck. Once he was safely on the deck, he took a moment to compose himself before he realized that he wasn't alone.

"Ahoy," Louis gave Cana a salute, his usual greeting slightly dampened by the severity of the issue... as well as his damp shoes. He squinted through the smoke and flames, the soot making his eyes burn. He was rather concerned at the lack of evacuated people on the deck when the ship was sinking so quickly. "Do we know if there are people trapped in there or anything?"
The Mailman

AI10100 AI10100
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the blank slate




Plain, used, dirty clothing.


On the edge of the crash site.


Songstress Songstress as Emma, Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum as Eilshan, Lucem Lucem as Luke, kinda everyone too



The next moments moved in a blur. Miko watched as an onlooker, overwhelmed from the stage in front of him. He stared at the ship in the water, watching as groups of people surrounded it--some scaling the burning debris. There was a large hill off to the side, where he saw even more people. This is an entire town, he realized, now unsure of how he even got here. Miko couldn't tell if the townsfolk were being attacked or they had shot the ship out of the sky, but he could feel the sense of urgency from everyone.

He snapped out of his trance when he saw two men running past him--both in too much of a hurry to even notice him standing nearby. One held a sword and the other had long copper hair that blew through the air. He glanced in the direction they were heading and saw the two girls, still unconscious on the ground. Rescue? Do they know each other? So many questions were going through Miko's head. He needed answers and fast.

Unable to focus on much else besides his confusion, Miko looked around to see if there was anyone that he could probe answers from. In the distance, he spotted a woman all by herself. She was staring at the wreck before them, much like he had just been. Maybe she's lost too? Or maybe she can help me? Miko started moving towards her, calling out, "Hey! Excuse me!" In just a few strides Miko reached her, noticing her bright pink eyes and small frame. "I'm sorry but do you know what's happening? Or where I am? Or what's going on?" He drew his eyebrows together, realizing how strange he sounded. He bit the inside of his mouth, hoping he wouldn't be dismissed as some homeless confused bum. He was sure that he looked the part. "I...I just can't remember anything. I think I hit my head...?" He reached for the back of his head again, feeling the mess of blood in his hair. He stared at the lady, hoping that any of what he just said made sense. She seemed kind and Miko hoped the cover matched its contents. Feeling a bit defeated, his voice was barely above a whisper, "Please..."

♡coded by uxie♡
Crash Site
Julian The Prophet The Prophet
Vignette Ambiloquous Ambiloquous | Nathalia LazyDaze LazyDaze
Yongye’s arrival at the crash site was soon followed by Vignette—a fortunate addition to the villagers by the lake given the pink fox’s distinct lack of the vital components in the bartender’s arms. In his haste, he’d forgotten to pick up some manner of sturdy rods to support the tablecloth if they were to fashion a gurney. He wasn’t sure if the bartender had spotted him run off with only the tablecloth and some rope, but he was thankful she was a quick thinker nonetheless.

The wereanimal wasn’t sure if they’d still be in need of the tablecloth given his coworker’s supplies, but he quietly placed them beside the town’s doctor and shuffled off to the side where he’d be out of the way.

“I’m not familiar with the construction of emergency apparatuses, but I can help with transporting any of the injured,”
he said. His expression was as placid as the lake before them on a more ordinary day, but from the way the fur on his tail seemed to bristle, his agitation was as clear as day.

Dilated pupils relaxed the moment they tore their gaze off of treacherous waters and onto the figure of a blonde woman dressed in a familiar habit. If the fox were being honest, he didn’t quite understand a lick of what the dragon priest meant by casting a prayer of protection, but the show of piety (if he could call it that) juxtaposed with a clearly fresh cigarette blowing smoke from her mouth was enough to distract him from his fears. Perhaps more so out of confusion, if anything.

The Book of Gecko?
he thought with a raised brow. Did dragon priests learn spells from books named after common lizards? Well, he supposed dragons could count as overgrown lizards with wings—oh, he better not say that out loud again. Certainly not after that one time during his childhood where he’d ended up with a sore bum as his grandfather hollered, “By Fulminaris! Say that again and you’ll be next on my list of offerings to the native dragon.”

Yongye shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to reminisce.

The airship groaned and creaked, and the fox’s left ear twitched in response. He just hoped that Cana and the mailman would be able to fish out the remaining survivors from the sinking ship safely and that the incident was truly nothing more than an accident. Subconsciously, his grip on the rope in his hands tightened.
code by Nano Nano
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  • ~ Piyo Town Hill -> Lakeside~

    Sunday's CS || 火種 [Hidane]

    As she expected Nomi and Esvedra were both quick to act with the clear instruction. Direction was the tool against fear and confusion. If there was one thing she learned in her time as a schoolteacher is how to keep the attention of others and get them going.

    “Perfect idea Esve! Once the ship lands we’ll organize a clean up. AIM SOUTH WITH THE WINDS.”

    She looked to the crowds of people starting to settle down from their initial panic. If this kept up then all would be well. The others had begun to grab rune books and organize the efforts in the direction of the lake. She came up to Nomi who shouted out to others gathering the eyes of the crowd. Yet she couldn’t help but worry for the younger who had begun to fluster. Had Nomi ever been one to lead?

    She knew the weight it carried.

    With a hand to reach out and pat the young girl's shoulder, she did her best to reassure Nomi.

    “You did wonderfully. Both of you did well to direct and control the crowds. Now, I ask that you try to keep the festival in order while I head to assess the damages. I believe in you both, keep your head up and put a brave face on and the others will follow. You’re both well-respected members of this community now show how Piyo town takes care of its own.”

    She was concerned for the well-being of the town as well as any unfortunate souls that were on that failing ship. She’d noticed Vignette running with what she could only assume was the woman’s attempt at a gurney. Nathalia was calling forth a prayer to the skies, she hoped the other would extend it to reach those who were about to plummet into the sea as well for they were past the point anything but prayer would reach them.

    “Perfect, Nathalia seems to be setting up some prayer circle of some kind… The ritual should help calm the townspeople. Perhaps the two of you can aid? For now though…I’m off.”

    She’d hardly got the words out before she was running up the hill and back to the town, though not before shouting out to their respected Dragon Priestess.
    “Nat! Esve and Nomi can help! I’m going to check on the damage!”

    With effort, she ran until she needed to catch her breath luckily seeing a familiar face. She stopped suddenly catching herself before she fell before looking to the other.

    “Woah- Emma! Are you okay? What happened when that ship passed the hill? Did anyone get hurt?”


    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Esvedra ( The Beebz The Beebz ), Nomi ( morbidity morbidity ), Nathalia ( LazyDaze LazyDaze ), Emma ( Songstress Songstress )
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  • IMG_1814.jpg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Calliope ( A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight ) Cliff ( Lucem Lucem )

    ~ Airship // Medical Bay ~

    Hina's CS || Memory of Mine

    The sight of a man charging in with an axe would be a concern at any other moment, yet for now it meant that people were nearby. If people were nearby they likely weren’t too far from a shore, which meant not dying. Not dying was by far more ideal then dying but he didn’t really know where they’d just touched down. Considering the Empire wasn’t exactly favorable to most people he’d learned to be cautious on his approach at all times. Which was still a better response than the woman he’d found had.

    A part of him sounded off in his head that if this man wanted them dead there were easier methods to do that than risking his life jumping onto a sinking ship. Yet the dismal voice reminded him that not everyone was rational and some people could just be awful for the fun of it. Either way as he heard the strange scream from the other he took another step to use his body to block the two from each other’s view.

    “We can walk just fine. He cannot though and if you can carry him out it will make this much simpler on all of us.”

    His eyes darted around the room wondering if the scream was one of familiarity and fear or borne from the fact that a stranger barged in with an axe. Considering he still didn’t know the woman’s name it was unlikely he’d be able to get her attention covertly. Instead he turned back to look at her expression only to find he had no idea how to read the woman either. Well, might as well get her further away from the other.

    “Miss, see if you can grab any medical supplies on your way up I’ll be right behind.”

    He also intended to grab his own standard issue blade while he worked to grab supplies, for what little it would do. He would feel indefinitely safer once they were all not cornered into a room by some strange man who would clear win against Hinata in a fight. With the soldier out cold, and a woman who’s survivability was completely unknown to him the first priority was getting out.

    “Please excuse our caution sir but where exactly did we land here? Is a lifeboat feasible?”

    Left unsaid was the fish for if they were likely to be either arrested or shanked on sight. He didn’t think Norad would be violent given what he’d seen and heard but anything was possible on the wrong end of war. He was only lucky enough that there would be no reason for excessive force against a medic and an injured soldier.
Julian Margaux
Overworked Doctor of Piyo Town

"...they'll do well enough, thank you. Here." patting the ground next to him Julian looked toward Vignette out of the corner of his eye, inspecting the quality briefly before pulling a few slightly chilled potions out and setting them aside the inside red liquid swirled with the promise of aide by way of it's chemistry, and should go a long way in helping those worth the trouble. "You're a better help than most." the doctor simply mused, then turned his attention elsewhere.

"Hmmm." looking over to the ship, it seemed like there wasn't much development under the surface. Hopefully they would all come out soon; while the ship seemed to be holding stronger than before for some odd reason, it didn't change the fact that there was only so much time and he hardly wanted to spend it all waiting. Injuries could not be left untreated, neither could he tell what they would inhale or cut themselves on. if only he could use magic to see, it would be all so much easier. He could only trust in Cliff to not to tarry. There weren't many on scene who could do the legwork like the farmer.

Sanitizing his hands, Julian looked over as another few joined; Yongye and the odd priest notably. With the former's offer of help he pointed to Vignette's gurney, before motioning towards the general area of the ship- the doctor had gone back into his bag and as such was looking away. "I will take your hand then, since your offer. Don't disappoint me." Spirits only know he wouldn't be hauling multiple persons out of here back to town alone; extra hands were all he could ask for in current circumstance. The priest Nathalia had started to preach at this point, the contents of the impromptu sermon causing a rare freeze and momentary look of confusion on the doctor's face. Was this the nature of all priests? Or just their town's?

"Have you..no..Have you taken something from my office? You should only take what is prescribed to you."

@ Anyone on ship scene Nano Nano Ambiloquous Ambiloquous LazyDaze LazyDaze

Mermaid Bathhouse Keeper


Esvedra beamed at the praise Sunday heaped on her and Nomi. But her face fell and turned into a cringe when the ship finally hit the water. The rest of Sundays orders turned into a buzz with the rest of the background noise. Esvedra's rune book dropped from her hands Slowly, as if spellstruck, she started to walk barefoot toward the direction of the lake, leaving Nomi to fend for herselves. "I've gotta save them!" she yelled, trying her best to laser her focus, trying yo make it off the land as fast as she could manage.

Taking her route through the cobblestone path, as she ran and felt more and more winded, she pushed on, trying to let the anticipation of the relief of the water and urgency of the lives at stake ignore the heavy pounding in her chest begging her to collapse. As she reached the shore, she had to drop to her hands and knees, gasping as she shuffled toward the tide like a struggling beached shark.

Once her hands plunged into the water, Esvedra plopped face forward into the lake, somehow flipping gracefully underwater and into the depths. The bottom half of her dress slid off her hips, now the origin point of her large mermaid tail swishing slowly to get her acclimated, like a yoga instructors intial warmup stretches.

Quickly though, she felt her energy renewed now that she was in her natural element. She made her way to the crashed ship, hoping to be able to secure the safe rescue of everyone.

"Hold on!" she said, breeching her head above the water."I'm coming to help!"


(Leaving) Nomi morbidity morbidity
(Audible to) Louis Coyote Hart Coyote Hart | Cana AI10100 AI10100

» Cliff Burrow
Once given the approval of the horned man, Cliff quickly moved in to tend to the unconscious soldier. He took great care not to risk reopening any potential wounds, swiftly yet gingerly taking him into his arms as he answered the other passenger's questions.

"You've crashed into a lake near a small village named Piyo Town. Rest assured, it's neutral territory."

While the encroaching flames were one concern, he was aware that the room's other occupants had many more. Knowing they were from the Empire, he wanted to try alleviating concerns by giving them some peace of mind in at least one area, letting them know that they hadn't crossed Norad's borders. Understandably, they already seemed to be on edge, especially the woman.

He caught the somewhat feral, possibly fearful growl that was quickly stifled by her own hands. He wasn't sure if it was a sound induced by feelings of aggression or discomfort, but her bristling fur and flushed skin gave some indication. Either way, he didn't want to risk contributing to possible stress or mistrust.

Careful not to get too close for their comfort, he positioned himself near the door as they collected what remained of their belongings. "There are still lifeboats on deck. We can use one to get you to shore where a doctor is waiting to provide treatment. I've already cleared a path, but the smoke is still dense. I'll lead you back to safety, so please stick close and mind the flames."

Once the two of them had finished their preparations, Cliff pushed through the door, ready to brave the inferno once again. With each step he took, they continued to lick at his already singed flesh, but he did his best to prevent even a single ember from brushing against the man in his arms. He wrapped himself protectively around the unconscious form, careful not to wander too far and risk the others from losing sight of him.

Thankfully, the way back up was considerably easier than his initial descent. While the fire still raged, the choking smog had died down considerably. It was a wonder how such a convenient miracle came about, but once he caught sight of a familiar face waiting near the ship's edge, it all made sense.

When all had gathered above deck, Cliff rushed over to both Cana and Louis. In addition to the help they likely provided in clearing out the oppressive smoke, it seemed as though they'd also prepared the lifeboats. It was faint, but he also could have sworn he heard Esvedra's voice on the way over. Once again, he felt a combating mix of gratitude and concern due to their willingness to help in such a dangerous situation.

"Thank you for the help. We have one unconscious passenger, along with the two here who will also need tending to. There didn't seem to be any others on board, so let's hurry and get back to shore."

After gently placing the sleeping soldier into the small watercraft, he wiped the sweat from his brow, slightly agitating the recently acquired burn wounds that marred his blackened skin. He then turned to the two wereanimals, giving them space to accompany their friend.

"Please climb aboard. Once all of you are settled in, I'll row us to the shoreline.” His voice retained its usual calm, but there was a touch of urgency in its town the reflected the severity of the danger and the need to act fast. Everyone's safety was top priority.
code by Nano Nano

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Eilshan Beylier

Eilene Shania Beylier

Eilene shook the two women gently, this was all her fault. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for her presence. At the same time, it could also mean that there was a spy within their castle. She looked at Luke and gave him a soft thank you for helping the others on the ship. "I agree. We can look for the missive later, assuming it fell in the forest and not at the hands of the enemy."

"Of course, I'll leave the... princess to you. I'll be carrying the civilian then." She said, her voice an octave deeper than normal. The voice came normally to her, as if she was born a man her whole life. She knew why Luke called her the way he did, it was dangerous. Sechs spies could still be around and could strike at any time while her back is turned.

Just like Luke, the rustle of leaves had her gripping her axe tightly. She could feel the adrenaline flow through her veins until her eyes landed upon a stranger on top of a large wolf. Eileen had let out a slight of relief as her form relaxed ever so slightly. "Our friends weren't so lucky and got hurt during our escape, so a place for them to get checked up and rest would be good. Us too."

"If I say the words, you run. No arguments." Luke said as he handed one of the strangers to her. Eileen said no words but her eyes showed that his message was relayed clearly.

"Ready when you both are," Eileen claimed, despite her silhouette, she was capable of carrying the woman with ease even when she looked like a twink noble who's hardly had a day of training. "Thank you for helping us, by the way."

Mention: . D O V E . D O V E Lucem Lucem Crimson Rose Crimson Rose

Color: #ffbf00

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