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Fandom Pixie Hollow Adventures RP (Tinkerbell/Disney Fairies)

Rose grinned sadistacally. She focused her energy on Pyro. She made sure to make him writhe pain. "This, and a lot more." She smirked.
Pyro's pendant glowed the same way that Lakuna's pendant had before. He didn't seem to be very affected by the magic.

"Fool" Lakuna said. "Did you think our master would send us here unprepared?"
Rose was shocked, she recovered soon enough. "Who knows, he may be an idiot for all I care." She shrugged nonchalantly. She was a bit surprised that they weren't affected, but it was reasonable. "Well, if you can't affected, your surroundings can." She pointed out. Looking at the citizens who looked terrified, she felt pity.
Eclipse appears again behind them "You know, why not tell us who the hell you are before I decide to turn you into dust?" she asks crossing her arms.
"We don't have old friends" Eclipse says with a glare "And that didn't answer my question" she says.
"Okay, let's not call him a friend" Zephyr replied. "Let's call him an old master of yours. A master against whom you've rebelled"
"Let me thinks..." Eclipse says and she adds "Nope, no one comes to mind", she wasn't sure who they were talking about, but she had a hunch it was the wizard sealed in the book.
"Oh you mean he" Eclipse says and she smiles "If you're talking about the wizard, he can't come for us since he can't do anything at the moment"
"Nah" Eclipse says and she adds "I have no intentions of going with anyone at the moment", she then disappears again and sighs, why would she need to go with them.
Their pendants glowed again the moment Eclipse used her magic.

"Yes, give us more of your power" Lakuna commented, grinning. "She has no idea how much our master will appreciate her generosity"
Eclipse starts looking in her spell books "Let's see" she mumbles and sighs before grabbing the one she never even opened "Where did I find this again?" she mumbles and moves the dust away from it, it seemed interesting and didn't have a title, she puts it in her bag and flies of, she knew their pendants were absorbing magic, so she wouldn't use it, she had to know the limits first, she takes out the book with the wizard in it and sighs, wishing there was a way to destroy it along with the wizard inside, she puts it back again and keeps flying.
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"Now, where was I before being so rudely interrupted?" Lakuna asked rhetorically. "Oh, right" she raised her staff again, preparing her spell. "Let's put our new friend's gift to good use"
Eclipse smirks slightly and she lands on a branch before taking some pixie dust from her bag and she mumbles "How will you react if I do this?", she puts pixie dust on her wings and makes her own magic useless, even if it was absorbed it was still her own magic, so they would be surprised to find out their spell won't work, our course she had something to counter it later on.
Two comet-like projectiles, one glowing with a blue aura and one with a yellow aura, came from the entrance to the cafe and headed towards Lakuna and her group at blinding speed.
Rose kept silent once again. They seemed to be absorbing their powers. "S***. Eclipse doesn't know." She cursed under her breath was she disappeared. Sighing, Rose smiled bitterly at the group. She laughed. "Well, since you can absorb, I suppose this should help you." Rose grinned and did and focused more of her energy on Pyro. "Here, have a bit more." She stopped. "Now, let's see those spells of yours." At the corner of her eye, rose saw two people flying at the speed of light. "Perfect."
The four sorcerers were knocked straight into the wall by the impact.

Lakuna was the first to stand up. "Ugh! What was that?"
The projectiles stopped and their auras faded. The blue aura revealed Aaron, while the yellow one revealed Stark. Mag ran through the entrance, creating a psychic barrier to protect the bystanders.

Aaron: "Just some high-speed beating from the fastest thing alive. What, didn't you know? It happens to all bad guys"
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Rose grinned. "Perfect timing, Aaron. By the way, your stalker is right over there." She pointed her chin up. "I didn't know you were in a relationship you didn't know you had." grinned. "Now, where was I, yes, of course." Rose pointed her magic. Against the wall. And instead of getting destroyed, it grew some sort of jail bars around them. "I doubt that would do anything but it's worth a try." shrugged.
Their pendants glowed again, turning the bars into four energy orbs. Each of the pendants absorbed one of them.

"Just what I needed" Lakuna said before firing a magic blast from her staff at Aaron

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