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Fandom Pixie Hollow Adventures RP (Tinkerbell/Disney Fairies)

Bolt: "She still doesn't get it that we need an actual solution for the problem with Eclipse, not just small workarounds and hoping for the best. That's going on"
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"Oh well, I'm siding with Winter on this one" Autumn says watching her sister "Because waiting until she can come back could result in even more problems" she says and sweatdrops "Anyway Queen Clarion, sorry about my sister, she's... stubborn when she wants to, but she has a point, we need to give Eclipse a second chance and you won't get very far, you could even watch over her for a period of time to make sure she won't cause trouble, besides, it's impossible to get Winter to listen to you at this point"
"You have seen how dangerous her lack of control can be" Clarion replied. "I have already explained to you that we cannot take the risk"
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"You don't even know her that well and uh... let's be honest here, you don't want the Pixie dust tree to be covered with snowmen do you?" Autumn asks as Winter continues making them "Besides, she's the one who made sure Winter's wings don't break during the time she spends here, so please give Eclipse a chance, even just a small one"
Bolt was starting to lose his patience. "And then what? Okay, suppose the Queen gives her another chance and she messes up again, but this time we won't be able to save Pixie Hollow. What will we do then? Oh, wait, we won't do anything because we'll be dead"
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"She won't kill us, if she accidentally destroys Pixie Hollow, she'd rather use up all her magic and sacrifice her life to save us, this is what we mean by you don't know her" Winter says trowing a snowball in his face "She loves this place, she thinks this place is more important then her own life, does that say enough?" Autumn asks trying not to laugh at the fact her sister just threw a snowball in his face.
Bolt dodged the snowball. "So it's better to go through all that trouble than to keep her away and be safe? Plus, if that happens, she'll die. This way she can be safe on the Mainland. You don't want her to die, do you?"
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"Yeah pretty much" Winter says looking at him "She never would destroy this place from her own free will, the queen gave her a home a job, she owes the queen her life. Do you think that doesn't mean anything to her?" she asks. Autumn sighs taking some snow and she drops it on her sister's head "Queen Clarion, please give Eclipse one last chance, you could make her your personal bodyguard if that mean you can keep an eye on her, and she wouldn't let anything and anyone harm you, she's loyal to you as much as she is to her best friends.
"I understand that Eclipse would not hurt anybody willingly and that Pixie Hollow means much to her, but I cannot change my decision. We must keep her away for her safety and for our own" Queen Clarion replied.
"Then what about the feelings or Winter or me? She's our best friend" Autumn says looking down "And why for her safety?" she asks, Winter had stopped making snowmen and she sighs "Then I suppose I'll be here for a while" she mumbles as tears form in her eyes.
"You have said it yourselves" Queen Clarion said. "If another accident were to happen, she would have to give her life to stop it. None of us wants that to happen"
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Rose watched all of it happen again, trying to come up with a solution. A snap suddenly came in her head. She came out of the shadows. "If you want, you can bring her back, but if she so much as makes a tree fall, I could kill her.." Rose shrugged casually.
Bolt: "No! No killing anyone. For at least one thousand years, my soldiers haven't let anyone die and things will stay that way"
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Rose turned to Bolt. "Fine, then I could just, uh...... Decapacitate? Her...." She said...
Rose looked Bolt in the eye. "In short... I will mentally torture her until she faints.." She smiled bitterly.
Bolt: "I'd rather have her not break anything. Trust me, if there was any better way, we would've thought of it by now"
Bolt: "That might not work either. From what I understand, she starts losing her control when she has little power left"
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Rose shook her head. "I meant limit. Now, That girl's power can reach the ends of pixie hollow to the other, but I could lessen that radius into something small..."
Bolt: "It might still not be the best plan to mess with her power. Who knows what could go wrong?"

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