Pirates [Sign up and OOC]

[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] I believe its around the 16th century, later which became the days of privateering, which is getting paid for fighting for an opposing territories. And I love the PoTC series. Also, what's important about piracy is the governors of each territory. The English, Spanish, Dutch and French territories all have governors, which sometimes have alliances, and others don't. So you can get in trouble for fighting one territory from one governor, and sometimes not. Different navies will chase you. Others won't because of you fighting them for them. I guess we wouldn't have to go that far in the RP though. ^^
[MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION] : Right the most I was going to do was Pirates and like England or which ever was the on from PoTC. 1st trilogy that is.
Name: Morgan Chansey Nova

Age: older teen- 18

Posistion/Job Title: First mate aboard the 'Dubh Lupa'

Gender: Female

Weapons: There are only two weapons that she keeps on her at all times. The first being a priceless and finely crafted broadsword with it's scabbard made of a rare metal that is stronger than steel. The second weapon is a small dagger about 5-6'' long and it's main use is for personal reasons (opening boxes/cans, whittling on wood when absolutely bored, etc)

special items: She has a thick steel anklet with a odd symbol on it but refuses to tell what the symbol means.

Appearence: View attachment 13046

Ship: Dubh Lupa- Juliette's Ship

History/Bio: Born into a rather poor family, Morgan was forced to steal and take in order just to survive on the streets. Her mother had been ill when giving birth and shortly after Morgan's 10th birthday she passed away leaving Morgan to scourer the streets alone. When Morgan had turned 15 she left the desolate town, that for so many years she had called home, in search of something better for her life. It wasn't long before she had ended up joining the rugged group of pirates aboard the Dubh Lupa. Upon coming onto the large vessel Morgan was terrified and nowhere near good at swords play. Her young age and scared nature left her to do the task of helping to swab the decks and care for the pirates's every whim. However, her attitude soon changed as Morgan spent more and more time practicing being a true pirate on board the ship, and in no time at all the scared 15 year old turned into a bold and brash pirate. It didn't take long before Morgan had even climbed her way up to being Juliette's first mate by fighting through the many battles that were fought and won.
@SilverNova: A few things. The character itself is fine. However, the position of first mate is actually determined by the owner of the Ship's Captain. Now if CharChar45 (Juilet's Handler) has all ready agreed to let you be her first mate then she only needs to confirm it on here. However, if she hasn't then I'll inform her (via mention) that you are requesting to be her first mate. If she declines I'll have to ask you to adjust your character (mainly just which first mate your applying for and the ship's name in the bio). Yes, you may apply for a different ship's first mate if you want. FYI being apart of the crew does not need to be approved by the Captain's handler. Only the first mate position. Also I have 3 Ships. 2 pirate and 1 Naval. Just so you know, if you want to try to get to be one of their First mate's I'll need to discuss more character details with you.

@CharChar45 : @SilverNova is requesting to be your ships First mate. If you have allready told her that it's ok then you still need to let me know (preferred on this thread). Otherwise, check out h profile and let me know if you approve of it being your ships first mate. You can decline her offer. If so I'll ask her to adjust her character. If you accept her offer let me know (Preferred on this thread), and I'll add her to your ships first mate section.
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION]: I Request consideration for 1st Mate of the Dubh Lupa or 1st Mate of the Dream Conquerer.
Would like to apply for position as a Captain in the British Navy

Name: Corban "Greenhorn" Mc'Connack


Posistion/Job Title: British Navy Captain (If you don't mind).

Gender: male


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special items: N/A


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History/Bio: Corban has been Cabin Boy, Crew Member and First Mate to many a captain since he came of age, his father's status gave him his first chance within the Royal Navy. At first the crews he joined often resented him because of his noble blood, however his first captain had been equally harsh on everyone and he received no special treatment from him, his crew mates however payed him especial attention and constantly hampered his duties. His appetite to learn and an unusual penchant for hard work swayed their opinions of him, his dedication saw him gain more and more responsibility, but his father would panic every time he was brought news of Corban's time at sea and he would constantly have him reassigned over and over to ships that had token patrols.

His father had eventually had him reassigned to attend the admiral on shore and out of harms way, things began as usual except this time it was the fleet admiral who taken a disliking to Corban, the admiral would often scold Corban for a lack of backbone or for being a fop. This continued for some time until one day one of Corban's former Captains had reported to the admiral and vouched for his character, taken aback the admiral began to test Corban's abilities and teach him the responsibilities of command and entrench in his mind lessons of strategy and language. Eventually the admiral assigned Corban as Captain of a small galley by the name of Angel's Grace who's crew had recently lost their captain and first mate as a test of his abilities. Each of his current weapons is a gift from his three previous captains.
Name: Ex-Captain John Mayes

Age: 28

Position/Job Title: Pirate; Ex-Captain

Gender: Male

Weapons: A flintlock and a Cutlass

Special items: A ring that will lead to his ship

Appearance: View attachment 13067

Ship: Grand Inferno

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History/Bio: Captain John Mayes was the captain of the famous ship called " Grand Inferno " . Legends were told and most of it are true. One time on his journey on a forbidden treasure, Mutiny was held by his own first mate. Don Livstan. He was marooned on an island and given a pistol with a single bullet. For days and nights, he was able to build a raft and escape from the island.

Years later, John Mayes, Former captain of the Grand Inferno, Now travels the horizons of the sea with his Dingy he calls " Little Inferno " . He steals on villages and he is mostly wanted on some areas by the British marines.

And John Mayes is on his trip looking for his ship, The Grand Inferno.

[ Well i can be an Ex-Captain if that's possible, [MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] , If not ill just change my character then ]
@JCKane I accept the first mate request from @SilverNova. This had been discussed beforehand, and I apologize for taking a while to accept the request.
[MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION]: Accepted. Glad to be aboard, so to speak.
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION]: I have previously discussed it with CharChar45 as we are friends in real-life. She'll come on and reply soon. :)

Edit- nevermind :P
[MENTION=4629]SilverNova[/MENTION]: Little late on the draw, there. Char already responded.
Name: Grace de Belleville

Age: 17

Posistion/Job Title: Crew man if anyone would accept me to join there crew.

Gender: female.

Weapons: a Snaphance, and two daggers

special items: Gold necklace, two diamond rings


Ship: Unknown (if anyone accept me to join their crew)

History/Bio: Grace de Belleville was born and raise on the Southern side of France where all her dreams was to go on adventure and discovered new things but one night at the age of (10) Grace dreams was taking away from her when strange pirates came to her village and destroyed everthing they killed her mother and father in front of her they stole everything in the village and killed everything in sight except for her. The Captain (Jake Jolly) that destroyed her peaceful village and her parents took her to live on the ship (TheBloodOfSaints) to live among them for hard labor , Grace couldn't refuse if she did they would kill her also. Taken from home (4 years later) she learned the way Life of a pirate at a young age and eventual became the most Know evil Teen Pirate that sailed the Blue seas she gained the nickname (YoungDevil) by the way she shot her victims straight in the heart even if they showed mercy the crew on TheBloodOfSaints respected her for her evil piracy and would give her anything she asked,even though they did not know that grace still hated them for what they had done to her village she acted like they were her family. Later on Grace left (TheBloodOfSaints) because she stole 3000 pieces of eight from the ship that stole her life at home and her dreams, but she also thought that a pirate life was fun and adventures but also evil indeed she wants to stay a pirate and become rich one day also show vengeance to anyone that was apart of murdering everything she had once hold near.
I request to to be posted on the Dream Conqueror as the commander of the boarding party.

Name: Janus Francisco Santangelo

Age: 42

Position: Master Boarder

Gender: Male

Weapons: Four twin chambered snub-nosed flintlock pistols,two strapped to either thigh. A two and a half foot falchion,which has a scabbard on his right hip,and a foot long cinquedea,which has a scabbard on both his right boot and on the small of his back. Furthermore,he has a five centimeter bore hand cannon,kept in a pouch across his back. He gets one shot.

Special Items: See above.

View attachment 13298

Stands six foot one and weighs 210 pounds.

Ship: Crewmate,not captain.

History: Janus used to be a member of the Spanish Navy,however he quickly defected and went AWOL after finding the leadership,which was blind to the needs of the men and ineffective overall,not to his taste. He was quickly picked up by pirate bands,and changed crews frequently,often after instigating mutinies after finding the captains to be just as bad,or worse than the officers in the Spanish Navy. During this time,he managed to pick up his current weapons,and more than his fair share of combat experience aboard a ship,by several orders of magnitude. He quickly built up a reputation of being both a master of boarding action and a very critical inquisitor of leadership,demanding only the best to lead. He can't lead himself,as he knows he'd run everyone too hard,but he's critical of the leadership of others,nonetheless.
Ok i'm going to handle each thing indiviudually.

1) [MENTION=4629]SilverNova[/MENTION] [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] : Allright I'll adjust the First mate position.

2) [MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION] : Accepted. Though I'm curious was the name of the ship based on an actual angel or my Character Angel who's a noble's daughter.

3) [MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION] [MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] : Acknowledged I'll adjust the First mate position.

4) [MENTION=4196]Makira Kaiser[/MENTION] : Yes you can be an ex-captain. However, the fact that he travels around on a dingy or a mini ship I'm not allowing for the RP. If you want he can begin on the Dingy but after that I'd prefer if he somehow became a crewman of a ship. As for finding his ship. For now he's not allowed to find the ship through the course of the RP nor are you able to RP as that ship (Even under that other guy's command.) He is allowed to talk about the ship. You just can't have him find it/ have it appear. Unless he finds it destroyed, sunk, or in a position where it's not possible to sail again. If you agree to these your accepted. Otherwise I'll have to ask you to adjust your character.

5) @Yui♡Kiss I don't know how to do that heart thing, had to copy and paste. Anyways, your character is accepted. Now I have 2 Pirate ships. The Jester, and another one I haven't put the name of it yet. I'd happilly let you join either of them if you wish. However, to let you know Bronze (The captian of the on I haven't named yet) did something similer to what happened to Grace's villiage to another place. However, you can join any ship as a part of the crew. You don't need permission to join the crew only to be the first mate. But, because your character is a women Ships with non women captains can choose to deny you because of it. (Because apart of the Pirate Code is no women or children on the ship... but this be changed if a Captain wishes.) My two ships your more than welcome to join as you are.

6) @[Rp Mod]Riddle78 or [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] Your character is accepted but @Squall Leonhart must accept you posistion for his ship. otherwise you can just be a normal part of the crew.
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] No the ship is simply named after an angel, I could change the name if need be otherwise thanks can't wait to start
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] All right i understand, Atleast i got the role ! I'll just randomly Join a crew and just secretly "use" them for looking for my ship.
Makira Kaiser]@[URL="http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=3139 said:
JCKane[/URL] All right i understand, Atleast i got the role ! I'll just randomly Join a crew and just secretly "use" them for looking for my ship.
Adorable. =w=

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