Pirates [Sign up and OOC]

Hai! Please let me know if I need to make any changes and I will gladly do so!

Name: The Pariah (Pariah, The Outcast, Outsider, etc).

Age: 27 years of age.

Posistion/Job Title: Just as his nickname suggests, he is an Outsider of rather unknown origins. However, he has shown on many accounts advanced training in what seems to be form of mixed martial arts. Like many pirates, he's in it for the coin and adventure of sailing. His main job on a ship however, is not a first mate, or a captain. He is a Striker. A Striker is a born huntsman, hunting wild game when the ship docked, and fishing large fish like sharks and marlin. As most have lived log whiles in the West Indies, they have knowledge of plant life, an the abilities to make crude medicine. They are kept aboard for their seamanship and to clear the decks of spanish ships, or any ship for that matter.

Gender: Male

Weapons: Pariah here has a variety of weapons at his disposal. Two swords that are his signature weapons. Never are they not seen in battle. He also comes with four flintlock pistols. Two in hoisters on his chest, the other two on his hips, just above his swords. (Not OP because that's a total of four shots before having to reload each one again).Finally, he has two daggers under each gauntlet. They are retractable and hard to spot when not in use. When asked about it, he says they are his own personal invention.

Special items: A retractable blade under each gauntlet.


Pariah here stands at the average 6'1, and weighs about 190 pounds. The rest of his appearance can be seen from the picture.

Ship: None.

History/Bio: He doesn't talk to much about his past, and sees it as a touchy subject. However, some bits of information have been put together based off of just seeing him in action. He has been marooned on an island for reasons he refuses to share. He has revealed his nickname to be Pariah, which is French for Outcast. This is an even bigger mystery, as he isn't of French heritage, nor has he been around a single Frenchman long enough to speak their language. He has shown fighting skills far beyond that of a regular pirate with a sword. Some who have seen him fight say that he "Fights like the devil, dressed as a man." When in combat. However, this is usually dismissed as over exaggerating. Being a Striker means he's there for the adventure, rather than the money, as Strikers don't get paid that much. He stays with a ship until they kick him off because he wants to. He makes all his money when the ship is on an island visiting.
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION]: I'll deciede that when we get ready to RP. Hopefully we'll get some more Naval Captains.
Name: Nasab al Rashid

Age: 26

Posistion/Job Title: Crew man

Gender: Male

Weapons: He carries a two scimitars in his hands, while can't defend at all, you'll be lucky if you can shoot a gun at him before he's stabbed you twice.

special items: He carries a book called the Oghma Infinium, which let's him consult the recorded wisdom of Xerxes II, most of this book though, he cannot understand at all (He shall learn more of Persian during the course of the plot, I would so hope)


History/Bio: Nasab Al Rashid was born off the coast of present day Yemen with an odd case of blonde hair, when his father figured out that his wife had been committing adultery she was put in a prison where Nasab found little sympathy for her, as the only times he met her she was yelling at him about how it was all his fault and something about his hair, remember he heard this at a very young age, so genetics where dumbfounded to him. His father raised him well, but he never talked to normal people, for he was not a Muslim, but an Athiest, one day when Nasab was about 14 years old, his father was found, and for this crime he was banished, as they suspected Nasab of not following Islam, they gave him some supplies, as he was much younger than his father, and for pity, and told him to travel somewhere to Europe, for he was not welcome in the province of Yemen. So with a horse and food, with a lot of luck, looting, pick pocketing and stealing, he made it to France, on his way of course, he traveled through Iran, in this way he stole from a historian, he took what is now known as the Oghma Infinium, and he learned some Persian from books, but only enough on how two wield two scimitars, at least for that time. Once he reached France he studied a book on Persian for a few years, until he was about 22, at which he ran out of funds and with no jub (His streak of luck had ended) he had to resort to much stronger work, which is where pirating came in. He waited for a pirate to attack an island in French territory and when Captain Riley's did, he snuck up board, killing the looters on his way with his two scimitars he had gotten, carrying only his book, his clothes, and his book, he walked up with an order of parlay, and when he did, he pick pocketed Captain Riley while he was in front of her. This proved he was useful, and noting he had slain a couple of random marauders and looters with not a single cut on him, which was actually very lucky, he was accepted and so his journey began, on his looting he stopped practically everyone from even touching a library, in which he studied more Persian, and in turn learned more of the Oghma, he could only get on how to read it better, so he could understand harder parts, but it was something.
@Komeko: Accepted. But just so you know she's got limits on when she can RP. Mouse I mean.

[MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION]: Nasab al Rashid is joining your crew. Please read his bio because it's got some information on it. If you don't like the parts in it that involve your crew/ship/character then let me know and I'll have him change it.

@Yui♡Kiss @Mouse @Squall Leonhart @[Rp Mod]Riddle78 @CharChar45 @SilverNova @ninbinz @Makira Kaiser

I have a small storyline or something for my characters Blitz and Thend and their map. However, unless one of the ships go to that port they are at, we can't start it.
@Komeko Adding on to what JCKane said, I'm normally able to be most active on weekends.

@JCKane Alright, it's all good with me.

Mouse is at the port (Probably should have been more specific) so Riley and Nasab would be nearby it, unless Nasab is at the port also in which case it would just be Riley nearby it.

EDIT: Never mind on the above. The Wrath is a different port since the Navy were at that port.
@ JCKane did you want that I should come around and pick your chars up or were you looking for a pirate captain instead
Name: Kanin

Age: 17

Posistion/Job Title: First mate , pirate ( for captain bronze)

Gender: Female

Weapons: Gun, Dagger, AnTwo dual swords

special items: A special healing potion

Appearence: View attachment 13649

History/Bio: When she was little , she heard tales of pirates and the navy. The pirates sounded more intresting than the navy so she studied the pirates. Reaking haoc through the towns, she would thief and take what she watned. When she wasn't reaking havoc she would be in the library reading about the best of the best. One that had caught her intrest was Bronze. She smiled as she vowed to become part of his crew and live a more intresting life as a pirate.

History/Bio: Put a little bit about your character. If you're trying to be a first mate please include how you became one.
([MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] Please if it's not yet reserved please reserve me Captain Bronze's first mate, although you need to accept it please don't fill it until I post and you've read him. Thank you~~)

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