Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Vampirelovee submitted a new role play:

Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides - An RP based on the movie, but not limited to Pirates Of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides

The search for the fountain of youth is a deadly path, consisting of bloody battles, mermaid, death, but one hell of an adventure. Pick a side or character, will you team up with the Spanish? The English? Blackbeard and his crew? Or will you choose to be among the most mysterious of them all? Mermaids. (Females only for mermaid roles)View attachment 47853
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The mermaids of White Cap Bay were peacefully strumming at handheld harps most likely stolen from shipwrecks, some of them being lulled to sleep and resting on white sand of the ocean floor. All but Syrena who was perched comfortably on a rock watching a ship on the horizon with large pale green eyes filled with curiosity and fear. Her wet hair was stuck to her shoulders and back as she scanned the death bound vessel for any sort of weapon that could cause harm to her and her sisters. Of course they'd have to have flawless aim to hit one of the slippery fish like creatures.
Soon the others surface around Syrena's rock, tracing her eyes to find she is staring at a ship in the distance. The one with the wavy blonde hair and braids around her head looks up with knitted brows at her sister. "Who is that?" Her voice is smooth and beautiful. It was all required to be able to seduce sailors with a voice like that. Syrena didn't look down at her sister, she simply watched the boat slowly near the bay. "The Queen Anne's revenge." She replied with a similar voice, yet hers sounded distracted as the wind blew her dark hair around her face. When Syrena felt unsure gazes upon her, she parted her lips and looked upon all of them with concern. "Blackbeard." She confirmed. Some hissed and narrowed their eyes, others simply frowned in disgust as they too turned to watch the soon to be sunken vessel.
Aeren sat in the rigging of the Queen Anne's revenge, taking in the view. Night had just fallen, and the stars were barely visible in the sky.

"White cap bay. The fear of all, sailor's and pirates alike." She said to herself as she looked over the supposed mermaid infested waters, her bare feet tingling in the crisp air. A crew member below saw her, and waved to get her attention. "Hey Aeren! Get down here and help with the anchor!" He yelled, motioning with his arms. Nodding, Aeren descended the rigging, half climbing, half falling to the deck below.

After dropping anchor, the captain emerged from his cabin, ordering the lifeboats be lowered. Aeren leaned over to a fellow crewman. "We aren't going out there, are we?" The sailor just nodded slowly.

And so, into the lifeboats they went.
Robby sat silently inside his locked room, the boy had been kept there for a long time. He was all curled on his small mat below the dark wooden floor boards, soot covering his honey frame. He waited patiently for someone to bring him up.

The only reason he was left locked in this room was for his own safety. The last time he was set free to run about the decks, he had fell over board and nearly drowned. He squeezed his teddy tightly and played with his arm and button nose. "Mm...he let us out soon...cause...He knows mmmhungry." He told William, the small fabric bear in his hands. He looked up to the door quietly, the ache hurting his small heart.
A rush of fear coursed through Syrena as she watched her sisters swim with remarkable speed towards to ship, every so often one of them jumping into the air only to dive back in again. The young blonde of course was the first to lead, headed straight towards the lifeboats being dropped down over the side of the ship. One of her sister grabbed Syrena's arm and pulled her along in the same direction, following the 'leader'. Soon enough there were mermaids all around one particular boat, though unseen as they were below the surface. The blonde slowly emerged from the green waters, illuminated by the sailors' torches and lanterns. She neared the ship, large hypnotic eyes filled with a sort of 'innocence' or at least it looked so as her hair floated around her shoulders.
Aeren almost didn't see the mermaid at first, but when she did, she was immediately mesmerized. Hitting the man beside her, she pointed to the blond mermaid, and soon all eyes were on the water.

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Immediately sensing a female presence somewhere on the boat, though she couldn't quite detect where, so the mermaid ignored it and turned to the first available male who seemed foolish enough to stare lovingly at her. "Can you talk?" He asked. "Yes." A sweet smile was now on her lips as she swam closer, propping her elbows up on the side of the boat, tail swishing about beneath the waves. "Are you the one who sings?" The blonde watched him as if she even cared in the slightest. "Are you my jolly sailor bold?"

Syrena resurfaced in the protective darkness, watching in horror as her sister successfully captured the sailors heart in less that a minute. It was cruel, but at this point there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop it. Instead, she watched the scene unfold, lips ajar.
Robby heard a noise and jumped, hurrying to the door. One of the boat workers came over and unlocked it for captians orders, securing Robby's wrist in his hand and walking him to the life boats. He slowly climbed onto one and curled up. The ships hand climbed on and began rowwing. Robby wasnt just special mentally, but he was important. He was friends with the captian, and neared the position of becoming family. He was only working for him, his fathers orders, but he was kind and curious,and Blackbeard enjoyed that in a young boy. He also felt slightly...sorry for him.

Anyhow, robby patted at the water below the boat, watching the waves. He wondered what was down there.
Aeren frowned, suddenly distrusting the mermaid, only to realize there were mermaids everywhere, slowly coming closer to the boat.

A few propped themselves up on the sides of the boat, just as the blonde had done, and looked hypnotizingly at the men. Gentle, careful not to let the mermaids notice, Aeren drew her sword slightly, prepared for anything.

"Are you my jolly sailor bold?" The mermaid had said, the man she asked completely captivated by her. Aeren would have rolled her eyes, had she not been so tense.
"Aye, that'll be." The sailor nodded, leaning over the side of the boat in spite of another 'man's' disapproving stare. The mermaid began to sing, a eerie captivating voice that almost made even the most water frightened being want to jump in. As she sang she softly cupped small hands around the sun damaged face of the man, dragging him painfully slowly towards the water. Soon enough his head was submerged, with his lips puckered expectantly. The mermaid bore her fangs, eyes going pale as she jumped from the water, another crew member throwing a spear at her tail and receiving in return an awfully unpleasant screech. In the blink of an eye the others were rapidly circling the helpless boat, some jumping over and pulling unlucky men by the neck of their shirts with them.
Robby watched, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and fear. "Look!" He cried, before hearing a curplunk behind him and watched as a murmaid dragged the helpless and willing captive down into the murky depths. He was silent, fear flooding his huge green eyes. He began screaming for help as loud as his longues would let, fear in his usually soft voice. He screamed and cried almost until his throat gave way, coughs racking him.
Aeren fully unsheathed her sword, holding it threateningly in front of her. Hearing a sudden scream, and noticing the older boy coughing, Aeren sheathed her sword, grabbed him by his shirt, and jumped into the water, swimming as hard as she could for land.

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He clung to her as tight as his weak, skinny arms could, fear flooding his body. He tried helping even though, padding and kicking feet, eyeing the water behind him. He took a jaggid breath, slamming his foot into one of the murmaids heads, before scrambling onto the sandy shore. "HHHH...She ate him!!" He sobbed, trembling.
All around, the sound rather similar to that of a banshee's shriek rang out along the bay, sailors shouting from lifeboats and the ship, the men in the nearby lighthouse shining the light on where the mermaids had begun the attack. Little did the fish like creatures know that the main purpose of sending out the boats was to catch one of their kind, obtaining a tear. Syrena, all the while swished her tail back and forth below the waves to propel herself upright, the pupils in her emerald eyes shrinking. The others ignored her as they dove in with their prey of the night, attempting to hold them down long enough to kill. One particular redheaded one tugged at the arm of a rather feminine sailor, attempting to submerge him completely with hopes of a promising meal.
Aeren felt a strong jerk on her arm, turning to see the scrunched up face of a mermaid, its red hair plastered to whatever part of it was out of the water. The mermaid pulled again, this time completely submerging Aeren, who struggled. Pulling herself down towards the mermaid, she bit the arm currently pulling her down.
The slippery creature screeched, releasing the arm in her grasp almost immediately and diving once again into the murky green depths. That pirate was lucky, it was rare for a determined mermaid to let go. Even if Syrena was opposed to nearly every decision her sisters came to, she still had to save them, as she knew this battle would consist of death, and bloodshed. Mostly for the pirates, but the mermaids would as well, just in fewer numbers. The thought made her cringe, so hurriedly she sped off toward the shallow waters of the bay, looking for the injured or those who were seeking help.
Robby paced the beach, heart racing, hands trembling as he held his sopping wet teddy closer. This was not what he was hired for. He inched to the water and moved into it, his head nearly dipping into the water. He gasped, trying his best to swim. "W-WAIT!"he cried, reaching for the half drowning pirate. He felt a grip on his ankle and he shrieked, before dipping into the moon lit water. 
((Pretend that was before yours xD ))
Aeren swam to the surface, gasping for air, and managed to get to the shore. Hauling herself onto land, coughing from the water that had found its way into her lungs, Aeren looked out over the sea, watching the carnage that was White Cap Bay. Their numbers had lessened, but there were almost no dead to be seen. Probably dragged off into the deeps. She thought, shuddering slightly. She suddenly noticed the man she'd dragged off the boat was no longer on the beach but in the water. Unsheathing her sword, she grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him backwards, slashing her sword at the mermaid.
He hiccuped, coughing and trembling, gripping his tattered and now slightly ripped teddy closer to his heaving chest. He crawled close to her, his trembling head pressing against her arm, tears filling his fearful eyes. He curled there, watching the water wave back and forth, the ship creeking and rocking in the bay.

"...w-w...w-w-what a-a-are t-t-those?" He whispered, rocking softly
After a bloody battle, the few pirates that remained and made it to shore, including Blackbeard and his most trusted members, the mermaids began to retreat to where they typically resided. All but Syrena, who was now caught in a cave in extremely shallow water near the shore, one of the men with a sword in the end of her tail. When she realized there was no escape where she was, she turned round with a horrified wide eyed expression, gulping. She looked down at her struggling tail, and back into the eyes of the man with pleading hope. He pulled the sword out, but before she knew it a net was thrown over her body and she was squirming and hissing at the zombie pirate man who'd tossed it. Blackbeard stepped at the edge of the tide pool and smirked, showing off his gold and yellowed smile. "Good job, lad." He slapped the man who'd caught her on the back.
"Mermaids. Every man who sails the seas fears them. Be glad you didn't get eaten." Aeren said to the man, awkwardly patting him on the shoulder. Looking around, she noticed people were crowding around one area, cheering and slapping each other on the back. Slowly manouvering the man around, she pushed him towards the group. "Come on, lets join up with the rest."

((I have to make a pause here for myself, but i'll be back in around 20 minutes or so. Keep the story going though, i'll catch up when i get back))
Robby covered his head, before hearing the others gathering about the edge of the lake. He saw a girl being dragged onto the edge of the sandy shore, men agrilly pulling the netting away. Black Beard came over, growling. Robby ran over and shoved pass, looking down in shock. "NO DON HUR HER!" He yelled, quickly shoving a pirate away and protectively standing over her.
"Yuh bloody insane boy?!?!" The pirate bellowed at the autistic lad, shoving him right back. He obviously didn't know what he was on this ship for, the fountain of youth of course, which demanded one mermaid tear, and the silver chalaces. Syrena shivered beneath the clear shallow water, the orange scales on her tail flickering in the torch light as blood encircled the end of it. The boy was kind, yet clearly was unaware of Blackbeard's harsh ways when it came to others interrupting his plans.
He whined and fell into the sand, crawling up and shoving back again, heart racing. His huffed his heaving chest and tried to look the scarries he could. He felt an ache, hands twisting into fists. "YOU STAY AWAY!! SHE A-A-ALREADY HURR!!!" He bellowed back, ready to fight the man. He didnt want see her hurt again, hiccuping.

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