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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Pirates of Remnance cs

The Unamed Character

Queen of the Damned



Character skeleton:

Full name:






Appearance: (Picture or description)







Weapon(s) of choice:

Theme song: (Optional)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Zoe.jpg.a5796d1112fb7701b9502eeba01d8f6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Zoe.jpg.a5796d1112fb7701b9502eeba01d8f6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Full name:

    "My name is Michi Okanza"

    Nickname: "I am the black fox"

    Race: Human Fox

    Personality: Hardheaded, Follows her captains orders, does not think twice about it unless it affects her directly


    : "I could go for any gender really"

    Age: 19



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Camille Morganstern

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/-fem-prussia-34247168-500-500.jpg.0d02a69d816a4e89ad41c2ebb1bec4b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100864" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/-fem-prussia-34247168-500-500.jpg.0d02a69d816a4e89ad41c2ebb1bec4b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prussia.(Female).full.521726.jpg.ef98e550c7ee9c6acdb2d04e7f295876.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prussia.(Female).full.521726.jpg.ef98e550c7ee9c6acdb2d04e7f295876.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nickname: Mila, The Fallen Star

Position: Captain

Ship: The Mourning Star

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Camille is generally a humorous and sassy woman, her crew can tell you that. But she's cynical and rather selfish at the same time, and is far from being kind hearted. She is viewed as ruthless and sadistic; she's also known to be a cunning strategist. To wrap it up, she seems okay enough until you wake up feeling like you've been hit by a truck and covered in blood and tied to a chair. Yup, she probably drugged you.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/51706bc47cd1c68ec40a881542ff6b9f-d7kkl67.png.c426b21f9a40bbec7914b2c7ef9e1cfe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/51706bc47cd1c68ec40a881542ff6b9f-d7kkl67.png.c426b21f9a40bbec7914b2c7ef9e1cfe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Camille has silky white hair that flows down to her waist, with equally pale skin. Her eyes seem to shift between red, blue and purple, and can hold anyone captivated. There is a small scar under her right eye, which never faded away. She won't tell anyone how she got that scar. However, as you know, her personality is not as beautiful as her appearance.

Age: Looks like she's 16 - 20, but is actually over five thousand years old

Hobbies: Playing her violin, singing, daydreaming, stargazing, winter

Likes: Music, magic, mystery, starry night skies, the cold, the dark

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6b0644327c1f2b7f8696fd8f5a9790ea.jpg.db587d3ec5665b0fdc599e5c661eff2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6b0644327c1f2b7f8696fd8f5a9790ea.jpg.db587d3ec5665b0fdc599e5c661eff2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dislikes: Idiots, the idea of 'love', anyone who gets in her way, the heat, people other than her crew

Bio: Camille Morganstern was a well known name in Heaven. She was such a good and righteous angel, so kind, so lovely. No one expected her of all angels to be thrown out of Heaven.

And then, she met a man during one of her rendezvous in the human realm. His raven hair and blue eyes gave Michael (the Archangel) a run for his money, his sweet words and promises captured her heart. The problem? He was destined for a very early death, and angels were not allowed to fall in love with mortals.

On the day that he was supposed from a heart attack due to poor health, Camille was ready to face the angel who was supposed to take his soul. He was at home, a modest little house.

As it turned out, the angel who was supposed to take his life was a good friend of Camille's.

Camille pleaded with the angel, begging her to spare the man she loved. The other angel realised that Camille had given in to the Sin of Lust. The argument soon turned into a battle of heavenly power, the scar under Camille's right eye a reminder of that night. She ended up killing the angel, her friend, all for that man.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prussia.(Female).full.642553.jpg.28e02e7b9e829e84b203f2fbf1969868.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prussia.(Female).full.642553.jpg.28e02e7b9e829e84b203f2fbf1969868.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rushing into his house to see if he was okay, she was beyond shocked when she saw him in bed with another woman. That night, she went insane. She first killed the other woman, and then she killed the man - who was destined to die anyway.

Once she realised what had happened, she broke down crying. What had she done?

Judgement was passed down on her from God. She had fallen in love with a mortal, killed an angel, and two mortals - one who would have lived a long life otherwise. Her wings were ripped away from her and she was cast out of Heaven.

At first it was a miserable existence, especially since she was immortal. But then the anger took over. Humans were worthless creatures, and love was a treacherous force that would leave you broken. She became a pirate, captained a fine ship called The Mourning Star. Her crew mostly consisted of people who had suffered at the hands of humans like her, people who had Sinned greatly. She has a soft spot for people with broken hearts.

Soon, she was Camille Morganstern: one of the most famous female pirates. An angel no more.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Weapon(s) of Choice: Two shotguns, a sword, a dagger

Theme Song: Angel with a Shotgun by the Cab



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/profile_picture_by_prussian_female_mix-d61lvx9.jpg.ba4d91d9b6a1996d5a231fcd8541799e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/profile_picture_by_prussian_female_mix-d61lvx9.jpg.ba4d91d9b6a1996d5a231fcd8541799e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/profile_picture_by_nyo_prussia-d83u86h.jpg.e857e68340cf1d47ee9b8b538127e6f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/profile_picture_by_nyo_prussia-d83u86h.jpg.e857e68340cf1d47ee9b8b538127e6f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/large-2.jpg.d2b328341362a082a9bcc382386df2cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/large-2.jpg.d2b328341362a082a9bcc382386df2cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/804087687_1929292.gif.60351aa87e99c526110c9dc21c6fd03c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/804087687_1929292.gif.60351aa87e99c526110c9dc21c6fd03c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name: Dr. James Gold

Nickname: Doc (mostly by his crew) and The Demon Doctor

Position: Captain

Ship: The Sea Devil

Race: Demi-Demon

Personality: James is a gentlemen mostly. He has the manners of a gentlemen but not the complete morals or speech of one. He choices to be more sarcastic then most other gentlemen and he doesn't care for a fair fight most of the time.



Age: 26

Hobbies: Inventing and collecting books

Likes: new books, discovering new things, and winning.

Dislikes: losing, being tricked or lied to, and holy symbols.

Bio: James story began with a daughter of a wealthy merchant crying next to her dieing father. As what should of been the man's last breath were happening a demon appeared behind the daughter. He offered her a deal, give him a child and he would save her fathers life. She made the deal and her father started getting healthier very quickly. Then eight month later she died during childbirth, giving James life. Her father knew the father was a demon but he didn't care, it was all he had left of his little girl. James was given the best educators his grandfather could get and his knowledge quickly show results. Life was great Intel his grandfather died when James was 20. Then things got worse when he attend the funeral and he got burnt just entering the church. He was then chased out of town because of it. With no options James began a life of piracy and as they say the rest is history.

Sexuality: straight

Weapon(s) of choice: A modified pistol, a rapier and viles full of knock out gas.

Theme song: (Optional)
Full name: Yukki

Nickname: N\A

Position: 2nd mate

Ship: sea devil

Race:half angel/demon

Personality: she's cold to people she don't trust she hate being told to do besides her captain she is kind to people she trust





Hobbies:(Optional) she loves books pulling pranks and being with her captain

Likes: reading pranks fighting the sea

Dislikes: mwking her captain unhappy and being nice to new crew members

Bio: she was born diffrent from other angels she had a demon side she was sentenced to stay down to earth she can't control if she nice or mean she always felt different until she met her captain when she signed up to be a piarte now she don't feel diffrent she never forgave the people that banish her

Sexuality: bi

Weapon(s) of choice: Katana
Full name: unknown

Nickname: Cy

Ship: The Mourning Star

Race: Half Elf

Personality: Cy has little interest in the vices and misconstrued values that many pirates hold near and dear to their being; this most likely being because he is not a pirate at all. Killing, stealing, and the hoarding of loot are things that he finds uninteresting, and partakes in only when necessary. He prefers to stick to himself, often lost in his thoughts and preferring solitude over the company of others. While being slow to trust others, Cy bears a strong sense of loyalty and respect that must be earned. He possesses a strong thirst for knowledge and ancient power, believing that there are things much important to be had than gold or a grand old time. He is more at home on land, being a skilled tracker, hunter, and survivalist, but has also adapted to working as a top notch sailor throughout his travels. He prefers a stealthy approach to situations, as opposed to the traditional head on charge associated with pirates, and is familiar with the inside of a lock. He is wary to expose his true being, and lives under the guise of being full human.

Appearance: Cy stands at 5'11", with the broad shouldered, muscular build of a human, but also possesses the sleek agility of an elf. Without knowing any better or examining his features closely, one might mistake him for a human, but there are slight physical differences that make it apparent to a keen eye. Slightly higher, pointed cheekbones rest under his sharp, crystal blue eyes, his thin smile curving at the corners and exposing what look like slightly pointed teeth. If one were to pull back his dark black hood, and sweep away the medium length, loose blond curls, they would find his ears to be slightly pointed at the tips. As for his body, a leaner, stronger, and more agile muscular composition that consists of the best of both races tends to give him an edge over the competition. A strict calisthenic training regiment keeps his body in top condition, ready to be pushed to the limit whenever necessary. He wears dark leather armor, bolstered in key places with plates of the deepest black metal, across his entire body. He wears a leather harness of sorts, with straps crossing his chest and back and supporting a pouched belt containing supplies. All of this is covered by a black cloak, covering his body from head to feet. A sheathed shortsword is attached on both hips, along with a dagger across his chest and his shortbow and quiver across his back.

Age: unknown

Likes: see personality^

Dislikes: see personality^

Bio: About a century ago, in a far off forested land, a scarcely known elf city thrived on the land and lived in peace and solitude. The forest itself was their main defense, being mystical in that it would shift and confuse those unfamiliar with its magic, causing them to completely avoid the elven territory and come out somewhere else. The people were goverened by a fair and just royal family, lead by a king who was not only the strongest and most skilled fighter, but also the most educated and otherwise skilled scholar. He was more powerful than anyone in his land, even those who solely focused on physicality and militaristic training. He would often leave for great lengths, traveling on various journeys to search for artifacts or knowledge arcane. He had collected a vast library with texts concerning anything they had ever come in contact with or could conceive.

When he returned from one of these journeys, he brought with him a woman. A human woman. Nine months later, she gave birth to a son, the heir to the throne, yet a half breed. The people accepted this, albeit apprehensively. The king raised his son strictly, training him extensively and passing on as much knowledge as he possibly could every single day. The young prince would spend hours in his father's library, reading texts of all subjects, learning the language of both the elves and the humans.

When he finally couldn't stand it, he would take a break from his scholarly pursuit and instead train with the most elite hunters, trackers, and fighters in the land. Life was good for the family, until the son started to grow up and the mother started to feel isolated among the elves. She loved her family, and her son, but even he wasn't quite human. So she left one day, knowing how to navigate the mystical forest, and traveled to the human land she came from. She would come and go, sneaking out when the king was gone, leaving her son in the hands of those whom she regularly entrusted him with.

One day, she was followed. A man followed her all the way back to the city, learning the ways of the woods in the process, and then returned back home. About a fortnight later the man returned to the forest, with the intention of finding the city once again. This time he was followed; followed by an entire army of humans. They came upon the city during the middle of the night, and while a human army is much too loud to get the jump on elves, they were not fully prepared. The humans had brought vastly superior numbers, along with firearms and explosives. The elven fighters held their ground, leaving human bodies strewn across the woods that they grew up on, but in the end it was for naught. They were backed up all the way to the royal palace, a modest and easily defensible building on the outside that was lavish on the inside.

Their numbers were few, but the king moved with such speed and grace that he moved throughout the battle without taking a single major hit from the humans; deflecting blows and ducking bullets as they came at him. He also had power like they had not seen before, throwing men out of his way and killing men with a single slash of each of his double long swords. He fought with his fellows until he was down to his last, best men, for whom he was ready to give his life. They did not want that to happen, however, knowing they would die as well. They urged him to go to his family. He did, finding his wife and son in a safe room with an escape out the back of the city wall.

He thought about the words of his men, his life, and his people, and he quickly started to undress out of his armor, taking everything off and packing it into his son's bag, including his swords. He gave his son as much advice as he could, as quickly as he could, the whole family knowing what was coming. They said their goodbyes as the sounds of fighting got closer and closer. The king looked down at his hand and the ring he was wearing. Silver leaves wrapped around his finger, with a circular sapphire embedded in the top. He had found it many, many years ago. He took it off his finger and gave it to his son, telling him to run as fast as he could, and not to stop until he was a half a day away. Last, he took his journal and placed it in his son's bag. He told him that inside were his most important findings, and that if the rest of the kingdom was destroyed, this was what he was to focus on.

The king forced his family to leave, fleeing from the exit out of the back of the city. No one had seen them, yet. The sounds of fighting were in the hall outside his door, and he quickly grabbed a nearby weapon. It wasn't his favorite, but it would have to do. He opened the door and saw his two best men covered in both their own and human blood, and quickly joined them. He killed a few, and then a few more, but the was not nearly as powerful. He found himself getting tired, and soon he was getting much slower. It was getting harder to dodge. Suddenly, he had felt something he had never felt before, and then he felt nothing.

The prince ran faster and longer than he had ever in his life, and his stuffed pack seemed to be weightless on his back. When he and his mother were still close to the wall, he had heard a gunshot, followed by his mother screaming. He turned back for her, but she yelled at him to keep running. He seemed to instinctively duck a few bullets as they sailed past him, and never looked back.

Sexuality: straight

Weapon(s) of choice: two short swords, a short bow and quiver of arrows, a daggers
Frostbite said:
Full name: unknown
Nickname: Cy

Ship: The Mourning Star

Race: Half Elf

Personality: Cy has little interest in the vices and misconstrued values that many pirates hold near and dear to their being; this most likely being because he is not a pirate at all. Killing, stealing, and the hoarding of loot are things that he finds uninteresting, and partakes in only when necessary. He prefers to stick to himself, often lost in his thoughts and preferring solitude over the company of others. While being slow to trust others, Cy bears a strong sense of loyalty and respect that must be earned. He possesses a strong thirst for knowledge and ancient power, believing that there are things much important to be had than gold or a grand old time. He is more at home on land, being a skilled tracker, hunter, and survivalist, but has also adapted to working as a top notch sailor throughout his travels. He prefers a stealthy approach to situations, as opposed to the traditional head on charge associated with pirates, and is familiar with the inside of a lock. He is wary to expose his true being, and lives under the guise of being full human.

Appearance: Cy stands at 5'11", with the broad shouldered, muscular build of a human, but also possesses the sleek agility of an elf. Without knowing any better or examining his features closely, one might mistake him for a human, but there are slight physical differences that make it apparent to a keen eye. Slightly higher, pointed cheekbones rest under his sharp, crystal blue eyes, his thin smile curving at the corners and exposing what look like slightly pointed teeth. If one were to pull back his dark black hood, and sweep away the medium length, loose blond curls, they would find his ears to be slightly pointed at the tips. As for his body, a leaner, stronger, and more agile muscular composition that consists of the best of both races tends to give him an edge over the competition. A strict calisthenic training regiment keeps his body in top condition, ready to be pushed to the limit whenever necessary. He wears dark leather armor, bolstered in key places with plates of the deepest black metal, across his entire body. He wears a leather harness of sorts, with straps crossing his chest and back and supporting a pouched belt containing supplies. All of this is covered by a black cloak, covering his body from head to feet. A sheathed shortsword is attached on both hips, along with a dagger across his chest and his shortbow and quiver across his back.

Age: unknown

Likes: see personality^

Dislikes: see personality^

Bio: About a century ago, in a far off forested land, a scarcely known elf city thrived on the land and lived in peace and solitude. The forest itself was their main defense, being mystical in that it would shift and confuse those unfamiliar with its magic, causing them to completely avoid the elven territory and come out somewhere else. The people were goverened by a fair and just royal family, lead by a king who was not only the strongest and most skilled fighter, but also the most educated and otherwise skilled scholar. He was more powerful than anyone in his land, even those who solely focused on physicality and militaristic training. He would often leave for great lengths, traveling on various journeys to search for artifacts or knowledge arcane. He had collected a vast library with texts concerning anything they had ever come in contact with or could conceive.

When he returned from one of these journeys, he brought with him a woman. A human woman. Nine months later, she gave birth to a son, the heir to the throne, yet a half breed. The people accepted this, albeit apprehensively. The king raised his son strictly, training him extensively and passing on as much knowledge as he possibly could every single day. The young prince would spend hours in his father's library, reading texts of all subjects, learning the language of both the elves and the humans.

When he finally couldn't stand it, he would take a break from his scholarly pursuit and instead train with the most elite hunters, trackers, and fighters in the land. Life was good for the family, until the son started to grow up and the mother started to feel isolated among the elves. She loved her family, and her son, but even he wasn't quite human. So she left one day, knowing how to navigate the mystical forest, and traveled to the human land she came from. She would come and go, sneaking out when the king was gone, leaving her son in the hands of those whom she regularly entrusted him with.

One day, she was followed. A man followed her all the way back to the city, learning the ways of the woods in the process, and then returned back home. About a fortnight later the man returned to the forest, with the intention of finding the city once again. This time he was followed; followed by an entire army of humans. They came upon the city during the middle of the night, and while a human army is much too loud to get the jump on elves, they were not fully prepared. The humans had brought vastly superior numbers, along with firearms and explosives. The elven fighters held their ground, leaving human bodies strewn across the woods that they grew up on, but in the end it was for naught. They were backed up all the way to the royal palace, a modest and easily defensible building on the outside that was lavish on the inside.

Their numbers were few, but the king moved with such speed and grace that he moved throughout the battle without taking a single major hit from the humans; deflecting blows and ducking bullets as they came at him. He also had power like they had not seen before, throwing men out of his way and killing men with a single slash of each of his double long swords. He fought with his fellows until he was down to his last, best men, for whom he was ready to give his life. They did not want that to happen, however, knowing they would die as well. They urged him to go to his family. He did, finding his wife and son in a safe room with an escape out the back of the city wall.

He thought about the words of his men, his life, and his people, and he quickly started to undress out of his armor, taking everything off and packing it into his son's bag, including his swords. He gave his son as much advice as he could, as quickly as he could, the whole family knowing what was coming. They said their goodbyes as the sounds of fighting got closer and closer. The king looked down at his hand and the ring he was wearing. Silver leaves wrapped around his finger, with a circular sapphire embedded in the top. He had found it many, many years ago. He took it off his finger and gave it to his son, telling him to run as fast as he could, and not to stop until he was a half a day away. Last, he took his journal and placed it in his son's bag. He told him that inside were his most important findings, and that if the rest of the kingdom was destroyed, this was what he was to focus on.

The king forced his family to leave, fleeing from the exit out of the back of the city. No one had seen them, yet. The sounds of fighting were in the hall outside his door, and he quickly grabbed a nearby weapon. It wasn't his favorite, but it would have to do. He opened the door and saw his two best men covered in both their own and human blood, and quickly joined them. He killed a few, and then a few more, but the was not nearly as powerful. He found himself getting tired, and soon he was getting much slower. It was getting harder to dodge. Suddenly, he had felt something he had never felt before, and then he felt nothing.

The prince ran faster and longer than he had ever in his life, and his stuffed pack seemed to be weightless on his back. When he and his mother were still close to the wall, he had heard a gunshot, followed by his mother screaming. He turned back for her, but she yelled at him to keep running. He seemed to instinctively duck a few bullets as they sailed past him, and never looked back.

Sexuality: straight

Weapon(s) of choice: two short swords, a short bow and quiver of arrows, a daggers
Two things.

One- please look in the overview for the rules

Two- @Ashaficent would it be ok for him to join us?
Sorry, I was gonna ask if i could join after i posted and I forgot to put that in there after I wrote all that. Yarrrr

Oh and I'm fine with not being on the ship I just figured it would be easier but I can work my way into the plot if that's the case
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Frostbite said:
Full name: unknown
Nickname: Cy

Ship: The Mourning Star

Race: Half Elf

Personality: Cy has little interest in the vices and misconstrued values that many pirates hold near and dear to their being; this most likely being because he is not a pirate at all. Killing, stealing, and the hoarding of loot are things that he finds uninteresting, and partakes in only when necessary. He prefers to stick to himself, often lost in his thoughts and preferring solitude over the company of others. While being slow to trust others, Cy bears a strong sense of loyalty and respect that must be earned. He possesses a strong thirst for knowledge and ancient power, believing that there are things much important to be had than gold or a grand old time. He is more at home on land, being a skilled tracker, hunter, and survivalist, but has also adapted to working as a top notch sailor throughout his travels. He prefers a stealthy approach to situations, as opposed to the traditional head on charge associated with pirates, and is familiar with the inside of a lock. He is wary to expose his true being, and lives under the guise of being full human.

Appearance: Cy stands at 5'11", with the broad shouldered, muscular build of a human, but also possesses the sleek agility of an elf. Without knowing any better or examining his features closely, one might mistake him for a human, but there are slight physical differences that make it apparent to a keen eye. Slightly higher, pointed cheekbones rest under his sharp, crystal blue eyes, his thin smile curving at the corners and exposing what look like slightly pointed teeth. If one were to pull back his dark black hood, and sweep away the medium length, loose blond curls, they would find his ears to be slightly pointed at the tips. As for his body, a leaner, stronger, and more agile muscular composition that consists of the best of both races tends to give him an edge over the competition. A strict calisthenic training regiment keeps his body in top condition, ready to be pushed to the limit whenever necessary. He wears dark leather armor, bolstered in key places with plates of the deepest black metal, across his entire body. He wears a leather harness of sorts, with straps crossing his chest and back and supporting a pouched belt containing supplies. All of this is covered by a black cloak, covering his body from head to feet. A sheathed shortsword is attached on both hips, along with a dagger across his chest and his shortbow and quiver across his back.

Age: unknown

Likes: see personality^

Dislikes: see personality^

Bio: About a century ago, in a far off forested land, a scarcely known elf city thrived on the land and lived in peace and solitude. The forest itself was their main defense, being mystical in that it would shift and confuse those unfamiliar with its magic, causing them to completely avoid the elven territory and come out somewhere else. The people were goverened by a fair and just royal family, lead by a king who was not only the strongest and most skilled fighter, but also the most educated and otherwise skilled scholar. He was more powerful than anyone in his land, even those who solely focused on physicality and militaristic training. He would often leave for great lengths, traveling on various journeys to search for artifacts or knowledge arcane. He had collected a vast library with texts concerning anything they had ever come in contact with or could conceive.

When he returned from one of these journeys, he brought with him a woman. A human woman. Nine months later, she gave birth to a son, the heir to the throne, yet a half breed. The people accepted this, albeit apprehensively. The king raised his son strictly, training him extensively and passing on as much knowledge as he possibly could every single day. The young prince would spend hours in his father's library, reading texts of all subjects, learning the language of both the elves and the humans.

When he finally couldn't stand it, he would take a break from his scholarly pursuit and instead train with the most elite hunters, trackers, and fighters in the land. Life was good for the family, until the son started to grow up and the mother started to feel isolated among the elves. She loved her family, and her son, but even he wasn't quite human. So she left one day, knowing how to navigate the mystical forest, and traveled to the human land she came from. She would come and go, sneaking out when the king was gone, leaving her son in the hands of those whom she regularly entrusted him with.

One day, she was followed. A man followed her all the way back to the city, learning the ways of the woods in the process, and then returned back home. About a fortnight later the man returned to the forest, with the intention of finding the city once again. This time he was followed; followed by an entire army of humans. They came upon the city during the middle of the night, and while a human army is much too loud to get the jump on elves, they were not fully prepared. The humans had brought vastly superior numbers, along with firearms and explosives. The elven fighters held their ground, leaving human bodies strewn across the woods that they grew up on, but in the end it was for naught. They were backed up all the way to the royal palace, a modest and easily defensible building on the outside that was lavish on the inside.

Their numbers were few, but the king moved with such speed and grace that he moved throughout the battle without taking a single major hit from the humans; deflecting blows and ducking bullets as they came at him. He also had power like they had not seen before, throwing men out of his way and killing men with a single slash of each of his double long swords. He fought with his fellows until he was down to his last, best men, for whom he was ready to give his life. They did not want that to happen, however, knowing they would die as well. They urged him to go to his family. He did, finding his wife and son in a safe room with an escape out the back of the city wall.

He thought about the words of his men, his life, and his people, and he quickly started to undress out of his armor, taking everything off and packing it into his son's bag, including his swords. He gave his son as much advice as he could, as quickly as he could, the whole family knowing what was coming. They said their goodbyes as the sounds of fighting got closer and closer. The king looked down at his hand and the ring he was wearing. Silver leaves wrapped around his finger, with a circular sapphire embedded in the top. He had found it many, many years ago. He took it off his finger and gave it to his son, telling him to run as fast as he could, and not to stop until he was a half a day away. Last, he took his journal and placed it in his son's bag. He told him that inside were his most important findings, and that if the rest of the kingdom was destroyed, this was what he was to focus on.

The king forced his family to leave, fleeing from the exit out of the back of the city. No one had seen them, yet. The sounds of fighting were in the hall outside his door, and he quickly grabbed a nearby weapon. It wasn't his favorite, but it would have to do. He opened the door and saw his two best men covered in both their own and human blood, and quickly joined them. He killed a few, and then a few more, but the was not nearly as powerful. He found himself getting tired, and soon he was getting much slower. It was getting harder to dodge. Suddenly, he had felt something he had never felt before, and then he felt nothing.

The prince ran faster and longer than he had ever in his life, and his stuffed pack seemed to be weightless on his back. When he and his mother were still close to the wall, he had heard a gunshot, followed by his mother screaming. He turned back for her, but she yelled at him to keep running. He seemed to instinctively duck a few bullets as they sailed past him, and never looked back.

Sexuality: straight

Weapon(s) of choice: two short swords, a short bow and quiver of arrows, a daggers
Your good now
Full name: Rich White

Nickname: None

Position: Crew

Ship: The Mourning Star

Race: Demon





Likes: Money,alcohol, his lucky dagger and finishing off his enemy

Dislikes: Most people,being threatened,stared at

Bio: Rich was going through a rough time in his life after his parents were murdered. It brought vengeance in his eyes. The murders took his parent's life for their jewels they had on them. Rich didn't understand greed since he was a little child at the time being. As he grew up, he finally understood what greed was because it took over his body. Rich only want money and he'll do what he finds needed to achieve it. In a knife fight over a small amount of gold started to turn wrong for Rich. His opponent grabbed him and the stuck the knife into his chest. After all his years of robbing people, the afterlife wasn't on his side. The devil offered him a new life as a demon if he promised to do his bidding to resume to do what he does as a evil being but the devil's only command was to kill anyone who challenges to fight him.

Sexuality: Straight

Weapon(s) of choice: His dagger he uses to protect himself. He uses his speed and his dagger.
Full name: none

Nickname: Sail


Ship: who ever finds him first

Race: Leviathan

Personality: quiet, blunt, aggressive and untrusting. Saile has a resentment for any who even resemble human for what a human had done to him. His powers stripped and his body contained, he is a shell of his former self. But play your cards right and you very well may have one of the most dangerous beasts of the sea in your crew.


Minus the red stripe


Age: impossible to know

Hobbies: swimming, fishing, and gambling. He may lose the money,but he finds enjoyment

Likes: the ocean, the dark,and most notably fish,preferably raw

Dislikes: humanoids, seastone, and surprisingly,thunder

Bio: saile is the only leviathan in existence, and legend says he has been around since the birth of life. Technically this isn't true. Yes only one leviathan exists at a time, but only because at the end of its millennia lifespan,the current leviathan lays a single egg in a place far from humans reach,and then moves on to die in an unknown location. This egg hatches into the new leviathan, a physical copy of the previous. Thats why its always male. Their where originally two, but the gods feared such a creature would over run the world,so killed off the only female. This caused the creature to change biologically,where it may not live, but its genetic code will. Its only natural to figure out a way,and it did.

Thats how Saile got here. Why he's stuck,for the most part, in human form is another story all together.

He hatched,like any other would,and by instinct swam to the surface. This didn't bode well didnt with the crew who's ship rested nearby. Fearing the beast,though a newborn was the size of a whale, they proceeded to attack. they threw harpoons and fired cannons,yet nothing seemed to faze the creature. Only when the captain hoisted a relic, a spear with a moonstone head,and threw it with all his might. The spear struck, and the scream the creature let out was almost unholy. The beast thrashed and bucked,disturbing the sea for miles before the seastone took effect. Slowly the creature began to shrink and contort. In an hours time all that remained was a boy,the spear embedded in his spine. They pulled him out,and moved to remove the spear.

The captain only shook his head. The boy was alive, but in pain. They didnt want this prize to escape them.in the next port they Quickly had iron braces made for the boy,each embedded with pristine seastone,and clamped to upper arm. When they finally removed the spear,the boy remained just that,a boy. However when he woke it turned out different. His arms,from the brace and on,turned,becoming a pale blue,webbed,and clawed. On the back of each hand and fore arm a pore opened,a tendril slithering free they couldn't contain everything it seemed,and that was enough for him. the boy tore through the crew and dived off the ship. The crew never seen him again.

That was hundreds of years ago. the boy as now a young man,looking to be his early twenties. he blended in the humans when he hid his arms,but some people seemed to know of his rust braces. He couldnt take them off,he could hardly touch them himself,and having that captains face burned into his mind he could never bring himself to ask a human for help. So there he was,floating through the ocean from island to island,sleeping his way through. His inner aggression never died,and his need to get the shackles off only grew with time...to the point he would do anything,even work with humans to get them off. Sadly he had been at sea to long..he hadnt seen an island for months,and granted he swam from island.to island normally,this pirate boom only agitated these thoughts further

Sexuality: heterosexual

Weapon(s) of choice: his claws and his tendrils

Theme song: carnivore- starset


Lizbeth Hemingway


Captain? (if not, Second Mate)

Whichever is best


Sweet, Powerful, Commanding, Happy, Nice, Kind


Being a pirate, Sailing, Having fun, Drinking

Idiots, Bullies, Men



Her trusty cutlass, Flintlock Pistol
NightCasterZ said:


Lizbeth Hemingway


Captain? (if not, Second Mate)

Whichever is best


Sweet, Powerful, Commanding, Happy, Nice, Kind


Being a pirate, Sailing, Having fun, Drinking

Idiots, Bullies, Men



Her trusty cutlass, Flintlock Pistol
If you are going to be captain... your gonna need to have a ship. Just make up a name

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