• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Reboot! Always accepting!)


The Lone Wolf
(Please read the rules in the overview first!!)



Nick or Alias:






Crush: (please update this if your character gets one)

Choice of weapon(s): (This is the 1650s so please keep in mind of the weapons they possess!)

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Bio: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Likes: (Optional)

Fighting style: (Offense, defense, both, other)

Signature Move: (If any)

Signature saying:

Magic: (it will exist!)

Race: (pm me if you make one up)

Crew, antagonist, neutral:


Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

Link to my other rp to get your char sheet!
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Pirate Form: (Cinder, The moonlight Maiden)


Maiden Form: (Kimberly River)


Name: Captain Kimberly River

Nick or Alias: Cinder, Kalina, The Moonlight Maiden

Personality: fiery, fierce, stubborn, feisty, rash, blunt, rather rude, a complete tsundere, caring, sweet when she wants to be, can be cute, adventurous, daring, brave, thrill seeking

Age: 17

Height: 4'11

Gender: Female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush: (none yet)

Choice of weapon(s): Cutlass, broadsword, flint-lock pistols (carries about 3 with her sometimes 4), daggers, and a rapier

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: One of the two Captains of the Forbidden Soul

Bio: Kimberly is the daughter of a wealthy duke but her love for piracy pulled her away from her normal boring life. Her father does not approve of it though he will not arrest her since she is the only person left that he loves. Kimberly fought the captain of the Forbidden Soul and won, gaining the ship and a title. She is a very well known and notorious pirate. She is known to occasionally give mercy though that is quite rare. She has gained many titles and used many different aliases to prevent from anyone knowing that she is the Moonlight Maiden. She is considered a pirate though she steals from pirates to give to her kingdom. She has never once killed any innocent and she has only mercilessly killed pirates. She is technically a pirate Hunter with a very large bounty on her head. Over thw years people just called her a pirate making up rumours and such and stirring up stories. Now she lives as both The Moonlight Maiden and the weathy maiden Kimbery River.


-Other captains

-when she is underestimated

-people in general

-when someone is meaner than her


-other kingdoms

-pirates (its a long story revealed irp)


+Not many things

+her ship


+sometimes her crew

+her sister and father

+her kingdom

+her clients

Fighting style: A little of both though she tends to lean towards defense and throws in many cunning and clever tricks.

Signature Move: Plunging her opponents blade into their heart with a twisted smirk.

Signature saying:
"I am the captain and this is my ship." And "One, it is not wise to oppose me. Two, I will give no mercy. Three, look into my eyes as I stab the life out of you."

Magic: Skilled in healing and gains supernatural senses in the moonlight. Darkness magic, twin telepathy (With nova)

Race: Human

Crew, antagonist, neutral: neutral/crew

Other: Kimberly holds her liquor
very well.
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Name: Frost Alma

Nick: Frozen Blade, White Blade, Frost or Captian Frost Eye (don't call him Frosty bad idea)

Personality: Smart, Careless, Calm and interesting guy not much known about him.


Crush: No one

Sexual Orientation: Hertrosexual

Choice of weapons: Saber and Epee also 4 flint lock pistol and a dagger

Role: Bounty Hunter

Bio: Born in Russia Frost Showen many skill in the art of magic. As a child Frost father was a pirate himself and teaching Frost the basics of fencing. Soon he became famous for all the duels he won as a child and was famous in the carribian to Russia. Frost being a romantic never found anyone worth a duel and set forth to become a pirate like his dad. After 3 years of working under the infamous pirate magician "Magicbeard" Frost left the crew and with his new found Welth bought the S.S.Ice Burg and the Frozen Pirates crew began. When Frost was 15 he met the king of England after Frost's Capture and in a marvelous escape vanished from England and escaped death. After a while Frost Got back his ship and crew and began pirating again. Later on he became an bounty hunter and is solo.

Dislikes: Englishmen and Heat also unnecessary fighting

Likes:Talking with friends, romantically flirting and pirating also party's.

Fighting style: Will shot multipul targets and if nesseary will fence due handed and really skilled will use magic when in need.

Signature move: Frozen Cross and The Frozen Eye

Signature quote: It's nice to see sir or m'lady now prepare to die.

Magic: Frost and any cold type magic. Has a genetic eye that radiates emens cold.

Race: "Human why would I need to be anything else?"

Other: Looks at the moon to remember her..... and also loves to go to fence for fun has a calm voice and always calls a lady m'lady only if they don't want to be called that he calls them by there real name. Has a british accent because of his inprissonment.
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TheSourPunchLime said:

Name: Frost Alma

Nick: Frozen Blade, White Blade, Frost or Captian Frost Eye (don't call him Frosty bad idea)

Personality: Smart, Careless, Calm and interesting guy not much known about him.


Crush: Kimberly

Sexual Orientation: Hertrosexual

Choice of weapons: Saber and Epee also 4 flint lock pistol and a dagger

Role: Bounty Hunter/Pirate Captian

Bio: Born in Russia Frost Showen many skill in the art of magic. As a child Frost father was a pirate himself and teaching Frost the basics of fencing. Soon he became famous for all the duels he won as a child and was famous in the carribian to Russia. Frost being a romantic never found anyone worth a duel and set forth to become a pirate like his dad. After 3 years of working under the infamous pirate magician "Magicbeard" Frost left the crew and with his new found Welth bought the S.S.Ice Burg and the Frozen Pirates crew began. When Frost was 15 he met the king of England after Frost's Capture and in a marvelous escape vanished from England and escaped death. After a while Frost Got back his ship and crew and began pirating again.

Dislikes: Englishmen and Heat also unnecessary fighting

Likes:Talking with friends, romantically flirting and pirating also party's.

Fighting style: Will shot multipul targets and if nesseary will fence due handed and really skilled will use magic when in need.

Signature move: Frozen Cross and The Frozen Eye

Signature quote: It's nice to see sir or m'lady now prepare to die.

Magic: Frost and any cold type magic. Has a genetic eye that radiates emens cold.

Race: "Human why would I need to be anything else?"

Other: Looks at the moon to remember her..... and also loves to go to fence for fun has a calm voice and always calls a lady m'lady only if they don't want to be called that he calls them by there real name. Has a british accent because of his inprissonment.
Accepted! Join whenever you want!
Name: Jake Flint

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 4.9”

Age: 22

Signature Saying: Screw It

Description: Like this but with different weapons and with some goggles on his head


Personality: Jake is the type of guy that tries to lay back and relax which is rather odd for a pirate but he is a happy guy which is another weird quality for a pirate, he is kind to most people he has little respect for the snobby rich people that keep everything for them self. He is as stubborn as a bull when it comes to his own opinion. He is an awful liar, and he is rather strange, and he always has an idea he was pretty smart well most of the time.

(Why he choose to be a pirate with all the traits No clue?)

Bio: He came from a wealthy family of merchants that hire people to do their job for them. They were rather stingy with their money and only spent it on themselves they would not even give his son a measly penny. Jake was out in the world himself his parents did not care about him, They only gave him a tiny room with a bed ,dresser a bed and a tiny window but he never stayed indoors he was always outside with his friends being adventurer’s one day they might be exploring a temple or they are fighting spooky scary skeletons for him it could be anything it was when he was about 12 his parents really started getting on to him they mouthed him off they sometimes beat him but he did not care he did not consider him his parents he always thought in a weird way that adventure was. Jake was a good lad he he went to school went home and got his homework done then went out for his daily adventure. His parents for a birthday present they would give him paper for jake he was fine with that he had a lot of ideas to put on a piece of paper he always had idea to for something that could help them on their adventures but he was never able to build anything because he was broke and they did not sell anything usefull close to them. at the age 16 he got a job, a lot of his friends joined the royal navy but jake never got a good vibe from that place he got a job as a stable man which was literally the worst job in the world, after a year he got a little boat, not like a little dingy or anything but more like a 8 by 5 boat with 1 sail and a whelm. He started sailing everywhere picking up supplies for his blueprints so he could build his invention. At the age 20 his parents kicked him out of the house which Everyone was happy about his mom his dad and himself were very happy about him leaving but before he left his dad gave him something a treasure map he said if you follow this map there will be treasure but after jake turned away and walked away he could hear them laughing which he assumed it was a joke so he put it in his bag and head off. and now for the last 2 years he has been looking for adventure anywhere he goes he has stolen a little bit from pirates but not much.

Likes: he likes to sail and sing a sea chanty but he can’t sing the best, one of the things he collects is different tools or random inventions from other people. The thing he likes to do the most is relax

Dislikes: He does not like the rich that keep to themselves nor does he like people getting on his back or telling him off about something he did not mean to do he might not act like these things bother him but They do

Hobbies: A lot of time if he is bored he will make blueprints for new inventions and or just relax.

Quirks: He tends to bite his lip a lot when he is in a tough situation he also tends to stare off into space when he thinks or he is just relaxing. He can have a hard time with sarcasm and puns

Pirate or navy: Pirate

Open for romance: He is open to romance

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapon: Being the inventor that he he carries 1 pistol swords and 4 pistols (He likes his pistols)



Magic: None

Powers/abilities: His ability is being able to hear and see really well and he is really creative being able to create blueprints from the top of his head.

Fighting style: he does not have one he just fight as he see’s it

Finisher: He only uses this Finisher on the most challenging enemy he thrust his sword into his chest and then he fires the sword.
Appearance:View attachment 237751

Name:Cole Phusion

Nick or Alias:The Human Blade

Personality:Cole is a fighter body and mind he's always looking for a good brawl and someone to test his skills against. He has a might makes right kind of attitude which leads him to follow and listen only to people he deems strong. On the flip side he's no bully he actually has a soft spot for the weak and goes a bit easy on opponents he can tell are weaker. While he idolizes the strong he has a deep hatred for anyone who holds their strength above others like their somekind of god.





Crush:None yet (But is very likely to fall in love with a strong female)

Choice of weapon(s):His hands and feet

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:The pirate life for me!!

Bio:If you asked Cole where he came from he'd tell you an island no one has every heard of that heroes were said to be born. In reality he grew up on the streets stealing and fighting for his life. That is until pirates stopped by he hid away on their ship but was found by their captain. Who supriseingly to him was a woman she saw a fire in Cole's eyes and decided to make him her cabin boy. She taught him how to fight he quickly picked up on her strange fighting style and was happy until the Navy showed up. A ruthless battle took place and in order to protect him his captain surrendered herself Cole escape behind him he could hear his captain's last scream in pain as a cutlass was drovs through her chest. He now searches for a new crew and to become the strongest.

Dislikes:Sour things, Sitting still, Being bored, Slience, People who abuse their power

Likes: Strong people, Strong girls, Fighting, Sweets, Winning, Being a pirate

Fighting style: True to his nickname Cole is a human blade he swings his hands and kicks at certain angles and speeds to cut like a real blade. While orginally the style was meant for offense and defense Cole has made some minor changes to the style to suit his needs. Adding more speed and power lowering his defenses to do more damage.

Signature Move: Cole spins on one foot to build up speed then delivers a kick just under the armpit to slice his target in half diagonally.

Signature saying: "Navy, Pirate it doesn't matter I'll kick anyone's ass!" Or "Blahblahblah I'm a pirate blahblahblah Navy duties blahblahblah let's fight!"

Magic: Can boost speed and add fire to his attacks.


Other:Sometimes calls a strong girl Mary accidentally calling them his old captain's name.
[QUOTE="Mr jake]Name: Jake Flint
Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 4.9”

Age: 22

Signature Saying: Screw It

Description: Like this but with different weapons and with some goggles on his head


Personality: Jake is the type of guy that tries to lay back and relax which is rather odd for a pirate but he is a happy guy which is another weird quality for a pirate, he is kind to most people he has little respect for the snobby rich people that keep everything for them self. He is as stubborn as a bull when it comes to his own opinion. He is an awful liar, and he is rather strange, and he always has an idea he was pretty smart well most of the time.

(Why he choose to be a pirate with all the traits No clue?)

Bio: He came from a wealthy family of merchants that hire people to do their job for them. They were rather stingy with their money and only spent it on themselves they would not even give his son a measly penny. Jake was out in the world himself his parents did not care about him, They only gave him a tiny room with a bed ,dresser a bed and a tiny window but he never stayed indoors he was always outside with his friends being adventurer’s one day they might be exploring a temple or they are fighting spooky scary skeletons for him it could be anything it was when he was about 12 his parents really started getting on to him they mouthed him off they sometimes beat him but he did not care he did not consider him his parents he always thought in a weird way that adventure was. Jake was a good lad he he went to school went home and got his homework done then went out for his daily adventure. His parents for a birthday present they would give him paper for jake he was fine with that he had a lot of ideas to put on a piece of paper he always had idea to for something that could help them on their adventures but he was never able to build anything because he was broke and they did not sell anything usefull close to them. at the age 16 he got a job, a lot of his friends joined the royal navy but jake never got a good vibe from that place he got a job as a stable man which was literally the worst job in the world, after a year he got a little boat, not like a little dingy or anything but more like a 8 by 5 boat with 1 sail and a whelm. He started sailing everywhere picking up supplies for his blueprints so he could build his invention. At the age 20 his parents kicked him out of the house which Everyone was happy about his mom his dad and himself were very happy about him leaving but before he left his dad gave him something a treasure map he said if you follow this map there will be treasure but after jake turned away and walked away he could hear them laughing which he assumed it was a joke so he put it in his bag and head off. and now for the last 2 years he has been looking for adventure anywhere he goes he has stolen a little bit from pirates but not much.

Likes: he likes to sail and sing a sea chanty but he can’t sing the best, one of the things he collects is different tools or random inventions from other people. The thing he likes to do the most is relax

Dislikes: He does not like the rich that keep to themselves nor does he like people getting on his back or telling him off about something he did not mean to do he might not act like these things bother him but They do

Hobbies: A lot of time if he is bored he will make blueprints for new inventions and or just relax.

Quirks: He tends to bite his lip a lot when he is in a tough situation he also tends to stare off into space when he thinks or he is just relaxing. He can have a hard time with sarcasm and puns

Pirate or navy: Pirate

Open for romance: He is open to romance

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapon: Being the inventor that he he carries 1 pistol swords and 4 pistols (He likes his pistols)



Magic: None

Powers/abilities: His ability is being able to hear and see really well and he is really creative being able to create blueprints from the top of his head.

Fighting style: he does not have one he just fight as he see’s it

Finisher: He only uses this Finisher on the most challenging enemy he thrust his sword into his chest and then he fires the sword.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Appearance:View attachment 237751
Name:Cole Phusion

Nick or Alias:The Human Blade

Personality:Cole is a fighter body and mind he's always looking for a good brawl and someone to test his skills against. He has a might makes right kind of attitude which leads him to follow and listen only to people he deems strong. On the flip side he's no bully he actually has a soft spot for the weak and goes a bit easy on opponents he can tell are weaker. While he idolizes the strong he has a deep hatred for anyone who holds their strength above others like their somekind of god.





Crush:None yet (But is very likely to fall in love with a strong female)

Choice of weapon(s):His hands and feet

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:The pirate life for me!!

Bio:If you asked Cole where he came from he'd tell you an island no one has every heard of that heroes were said to be born. In reality he grew up on the streets stealing and fighting for his life. That is until pirates stopped by he hid away on their ship but was found by their captain. Who supriseingly to him was a woman she saw a fire in Cole's eyes and decided to make him her cabin boy. She taught him how to fight he quickly picked up on her strange fighting style and was happy until the Navy showed up. A ruthless battle took place and in order to protect him his captain surrendered herself Cole escape behind him he could hear his captain's last scream in pain as a cutlass was drovs through her chest. He now searches for a new crew and to become the strongest.

Dislikes:Sour things, Sitting still, Being bored, Slience, People who abuse their power

Likes: Strong people, Strong girls, Fighting, Sweets, Winning, Being a pirate

Fighting style: True to his nickname Cole is a human blade he swings his hands and kicks at certain angles and speeds to cut like a real blade. While orginally the style was meant for offense and defense Cole has made some minor changes to the style to suit his needs. Adding more speed and power lowering his defenses to do more damage.

Signature Move: Cole spins on one foot to build up speed then delivers a kick just under the armpit to slice his target in half diagonally.

Signature saying: "Navy, Pirate it doesn't matter I'll kick anyone's ass!" Or "Blahblahblah I'm a pirate blahblahblah Navy duties blahblahblah let's fight!"

Magic: Can boost speed and add fire to his attacks.


Other:Sometimes calls a strong girl Mary accidentally calling them his old captain's name.

accepted! Post when u want

Name: Iris Dale Iona

Nick: Iris

Personality: She is a fun, silly and carefree who you would think be the last person to be the Quartermaster of any crew. She has a lust for adventure and is know to get into trouble but can normally get away Scott free.


Height: 5’1’’

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Crush: None

Choice of Weapon: Dual Dagger and a flintlock on her side

Role: Pirate Quartermaster

Bio: Growing up down in Brazil she was always one for parties and adventures. Her parents were always drunk or arguing with each other so she was left to pretty much fend for herself only coming back to eat occasionally. She came to love maps and keeping everything neat was important for her survival and so she became very good at it. One day while walking along the beach she was kidnapped aboard a pirate ship and was told that she was being held for a ransom. When it was revealed that no one would pay for her ransom she was told to walk the plank. As she was walking she grabbed her dagger in her shirt stabbed the captain start a mutiny and ended becoming the quartermaster for the crew.

Dislikes: Drunkenness, gluttony, unnecessary fighting, and disorganized things

Likes: Maps, adventure, parties, and the wide ocean

Fighting style: Strategic which is a combination of both offensive and defensive but does not attack unprovoked

Signature move: None

Signature Quote: Death to the Tyrant

Magic: Complex Map reading and capable of storing insane knowledge

Race: Human

Other: She has a Brazilian accent and is always tan


Name: isabella lavenza

Nick or Alias: white rider

Personality: to most shes a cold sinister ruthless hunter who will always get her kill. But to people she knows, shes a sweet, childish, flirty caring girl who loves mischief

Age: 21

Height: 5"9

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Crush: none atm

Choice of weapon(s):




Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Pirate hunter

Bio: tbr


Sour food

Stale bread

Being bored




Having fun

Her crew

Fighting style: offensive

Signature Move:

Black blade- her sword his enguled in darkness and she moves with great speed slashing till theres nothing but bits and peices

Signature saying: "would you like to see into my mind? Its quite dark." "Sail with me or die in my wake"

Magic: ability to control shadows aka darkness manipulation

Ability to reach into the minds of others and pull there worst fears into the phisical world or put the victim into a halucinedenic state in which they see there worst fears

Race: nightmare


Her flag just remove the circle and words


Ship name- black day

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.2f3fce9733709309019c3002d191a945.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.2f3fce9733709309019c3002d191a945.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Hoka Loseisl

Nick or Alias: Ki, Darkness.

Personality: she is a cold and distant person. Determined and stern as a stone. She is hot headed and stubborn.

Age: 16

Height: 6'2


Sexuality: Herero

Crush: (please update this if your character gets one)

Choice of weapon(s): daggers and throwing knives.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: pirate and assassin

Bio: (Optional) TBR

Dislikes: (Optional) failing

Likes: (Optional)killing, finishing a task

Fighting style: (Offense, defense, both, other) offensive and defensive

Signature Move: (If any) A throwing knife into the heart. Or a slash to the throat.

Signature saying: "it's not the unknown you should fear, it's the darkness."

Magic: (it will exist!) genetic shift she can change her appearance. (Look at her image)

Race: (pm me if you make one up) human

Crew, antagonist, neutral: crew/neutral.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2016-03-29-01-00-39-845243259.jpg.3dbba56a980f042fbac9a82b0b5db802.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2016-03-29-01-00-39-845243259.jpg.3dbba56a980f042fbac9a82b0b5db802.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: The Red Savage

Nick or Alias: Red, Savage

Personality: Quiet and easily irked. Doesn't like to speak; prefers actions to words. When he does, it's with a tone of experience and intimidation. That changes when he starts fighting; he begins to yell and holler, laughing his head off. He goes, as most say, Savage.

Age: Unknown, but thought to be in late twenties.

Height: 6'0

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None.

Choice of weapon(s):

Silver Cutlass

Two Red Flintlocks

Red Musket

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Other-sellsword to the highest bidder.

Bio: The son of Ares, God of War, and a mortal woman, he was seen as an abomination to his father at birth. Because his mother died during childbirth, he was forced to take the boy in. However, he only taught his son how to wage war and survive; he showed no love whatsoever to him. Ares took to calling him 'Savage' because of the way he'd fight him, but that didn't bother the boy much; he wasn't given a proper name anyway. When he reached ten years of age, Ares released him onto the world, expecting him to die quickly. Unfortunately for Ares, that wasn't the case. Savage quickly adapted to the world and learned how to survive in it. He's grown to be an intense fighter and began taking lots of work as a sellsword. His way of combat has given him an infamous reputation as 'The Red Savage'.










Fighting style: Insanely aggressive. His style is based around swinging hard and fast, and not give the enemy any time to fight back.

Signature Move: The Savage Shout: Savage let's out an ear piercing war shout that can daze most enemies.

Signature saying: "I'm just a Savage."


Only has one ability: Deadeye. Passed down from his father, he can increase his reflexes to three times their normal speed for a short time.

Race: Demigod.

Crew, antagonist, neutral: Neutral, but will work for anyone as long as they've got the coin.

Other: He ALWAYS hides his face. No one has ever seen it and he's not letting that change.



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I sadly don't have the picture anymore SOOO...


Name: Arlias Shwee

Nick or Alias: Arlias, Skull-Boy, Reaper of the Seven Seas

Personality: Often rarely speaking, Arlias tends to be michevious and malevolent towards the crew and prisoners.

Age: 13 years, 2 months, 7 weeks and 2 days.

Height: 5' 9"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush: The skeleton he keeps in his closet, Normandy

Choice of weapon(s): Cutlass and rapier.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate (No real certain assignment)

Bio: Found stranded on an island of witch doctors, he joined the crew to seek out a better way of medicine, but is still slowly losing his sanity.

Dislikes: Women and certain flower scents.

Likes: Men, Skeletons, and the smell of roses.

Fighting style: Mostly offense.

Signature Move: Using some random chloroform rags, he would knock an enemy unconscious and torture them, using any and all means necessary.

Signature saying: "A little chloroform can fix anything!"

Magic: He dabbles in mainly necromancy and hypnosis.

Race: Human/Skeleton, depending on the situation.

Other: He tends to steal soap from the mop buckets, the pillows from the captain's bed, and other things to make Normandy feel special.
Her clothes are different though, she wears a white blouse, a red skirt, and laced leather boots instead. She also has a red bandana worn backwards around her neck.

Name: Eliza Sterling

Nick or Alias: Puss in Boots.

Personality: Eliza still has a fairly optimistic outlook on life despite losing her family four years before. She views life as full of opportunities, and enjoys every moment. Despite being a thief, she comes off as friendly and talkative regardless of any situation. A part of her is more reserved and quiet at times, though not often. Eliza is very driven in her work, and has a knack for striking deals to get what she wants when necessary. As a side effect of her work, Eliza became skilled at picking locks with her knife. Though she seems like she would steal anything from anyone, she has strict exceptions regarding who she will steal from.

Age: 14

Height: Four feet six inches

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Choice of weapon(s): A sharp knife she keeps tied to her belt that she also uses it to pick locks

Pirate, Navy Official, or other: A thief.

Bio: Eliza was an average girl on Tortuga until disease took her entire family. It was then that she took up her occupation as a thief, knowing that the other options were either begging or starving. She managed to get a decent living out of it after she lost everything, eventually becoming rather skilled at stealing, and picked up a few skills as well, like learning to trade and strike deals with merchants, and lock picking to name a few. Eliza is known to be fond of cats, so her nicknames are often cat related. Puss in Boots is her personal favourite.


-Most types of bugs that she finds creepy.

-Irritating or stubborn people

-Weird food, like shellfish or shrimp.



-Her favourite foods, bread, fish and cake(only bought on rare occasions)


-Hanging out at the market or the docks.

-Collecting or selling objects she finds appealing or valuable.

-Reading, if she can get her hands on a book.

Fighting style: Eliza usually avoids fighting at all costs, seeing as she only has a knife on her person and she is somewhat weak in combat. If she ever ends up in one, she would try dodge most attacks and run at the earliest opportunity.

Signature Move: none.

Signature saying: none.

Magic: None.

Race: Human

Crew, antagonist, neutral: neutral

Other: none.
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Barnaby Meyers

Nick or Alias

One-Eyed Hellhound, Doctor Reaper, Hummingbird


Barnaby is a serious, passionate and determined male. He refuses to give up in a difficult situation and he is also shown to be quite head strong. He is well known for his undying and furious fighting spirit. To him, there's no need for formalities nor complexes, given the simple and frank individual that he is. He is surprisingly a warm guy once you get close to him though, thoughtful and fiercely protective of those he cares for. Although showing a certain awkwardness to him at first, he is a a steady and relaxed man that believes that honesty is the best policy. Responsible and reliable, he can turn out to be quite the exceptional peer and despite his lack of charisma at times, he easily adapts into a tutoring posture for an instance. Clueless, he tends to lash out at others whenever he feels threatned, showing no hesitation when bludgeoning his opponents, as well as vulgar and irritable. Despite his childish and immature attitude however, Barnaby actually displays visible hesitation when dealing with those of the female gender, often blushing, avoiding eye contact and stuttering around them uncontrollably. Impatient yet down-to-earth, he does not accept any half-assed results and buntly points out whatever needs to be said, showing as well a strict and perfectionist side to his passionate side. He is a no-nonsense and judgmental kind of guy as well, tending to be the "straight man" in a relationship.










N / A

Choice of Weapons

A pair of flint-lock pistols.

A blunderbuss.

A multi-barrel pistol.

A musketoon.

Pirate, Navy Officer or Other



He changes it whenever he tells someone new, which goes without saying that he prefers it to remain what it is: a mystery. One day, who knows, he might tell you the real story...



Noisy and Chaotic Atmosphere


People who can't take a Joke

Messy Desk

A Rude Awakening




The Night


Old Tales

New Discoveries

Fighting Style

His fighting style relies on a quick, straightforward offense, wasting no time in incapacitating his opponents in order to not further delay a pointless confrontation he does not remotely wishes to engage in.

Signature Saying

"Ignorance is a bliss, isn't it?"


"...Does alchemy count?"

The eye he hides under his eyepatch holds a certain hypnosis to it, a power he seemingly resents himself for having....



Crew, Antagonist, Neutral

Crew (Doctor)


He has a habit of humming or whistling whenever he is waiting for something or someone.

If one looks closely, the leather cord he keeps around his neck carries a wedding ring...

He has no qualms about cursing but he does have a paternal vibe to him when it comes to the younger crewmates...
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Nick or Alias: The Proud

Personality: The name says it all. He is a proud person. He is cocky, sassy but at the same time, caring, nice and a soft person in the inside.

Age: 20

Height: 1.85m

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: Kim

Choice of weapon(s): (This is the 1650s so please keep in mind of the weapons they possess!)

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio: When he was 7 years old, Aiden and his father were part of a crew that sold fishes around the world. One day the ship was destroyed by a kraken (if exists in this rp)/ by a pirate ship (if krakens dont exist). Aiden was the only one who had survived that day. He was rescued by a duke who raised him has his own child. The duke had two young daughters. Aiden only met them once in his childhood. When he was a grown man he was trained to be a pirate hunter. He was also the leader of the army of the duke. One day he tried to catch one of the daughters who he misundertsood has a pirate who was trying to steal something. Then, to show how sorry he was, he made himself part of the daughter's crew and they had some adventures together. However one day when he was away from his friends he was kidnapped by a group of people, members of a king who was a rival of the duke. They made him drink a black liquid that changed him. His hair became pure dark and his blue eyes turned to a bright red. He also forgot almost everything about his life. He then took the name Pride, the proud. He now was part of the same group called "The 7 sins". Together with his "brothers" and "sister", he would act has a right arm of the evil king. He would use his new looks a powers, to try destroy the daughters of the Duke and the Duke himself, who once saved him.

Dislikes: He dislikes everything that becomes messy. He also dislikes the ways the daughters of the Duke act, as he was not a threat for them.

Likes: Watching Kim do her normal life. He loves the sunset but prefers the moon.

Fighting style: Offense

Signature Move: He doesn't have one

Signature saying: "Im Pride the proud, im here to kill you" and "Everybody dies... some just need a little help".

Magic: He can change the colour of his eyes to blue and his hair to brown. He can also recreate his older self's voice.

Race: Human

Crew, antagonist, neutral: Crew, sometimes an antagonist.

Other: He can't read. He likes to sing.

Theme Song: [media]

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View attachment 235597 Name: Nerida Delphine

Nick or Alias: "The Mermaid"

Age: 21

Height: Six feet five inches long, including tail

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality:Being a hardworking, mischievous, and a bit of an airhead she gets along easily with most of the crew. She can be seductive and sadistic if she wanted to, but chooses to act that way only around sailors. She is usually very calm, but also is extremely determined and never gives up easily.

Crush: Not yet

Choice of weapon(s): Trident

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio:WIP (I just want to start rping, I'll go back tonight to Finish her backstory))


* Humans

* People throwing trash and peeing in the ocean

* Animals put in captivity


* Sarcasm

* Ocean puns

* Pirates

* Water

* Salt

* Anything related to the ocean


Fighting style: Defense

Signature Move: Slapping people, objects, and the water with her tail. (It's more powerful than you would think.) Also stabbing people with her trident.

Signature saying: (Changes extremely often)

Magic: She has a beautiful singing voice that can hypnotize others, and can speak to both the sea and the animals that live there along with hydrokinises.

Race: Mermaid princess

Crew, Antagonist, or Neutral: Crew-ish

Other: She likes to help out any nearby pirates and trick the navy. Cannot read the English and occasionally has trouble understanding non-mermish. Also may or may not have legs later on in the story.
Ballerina said:
View attachment 235597 Name: Nerida Delphine
Nick or Alias: "The Mermaid"

Age: 21

Height: Six feet five inches long, including tail

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality:Being a hardworking, mischievous, and a bit of an airhead she gets along easily with most of the crew. She can be seductive and sadistic if she wanted to, but chooses to act that way only around sailors. She is usually very calm, but also is extremely determined and never gives up easily.

Crush: Not yet

Choice of weapon(s): Trident

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio:WIP (I just want to start rping, I'll go back tonight to Finish her backstory))


* Humans

* People throwing trash and peeing in the ocean

* Animals put in captivity


* Sarcasm

* Ocean puns

* Pirates

* Water

* Salt

* Anything related to the ocean


Fighting style: Defense

Signature Move: Slapping people, objects, and the water with her tail. (It's more powerful than you would think.) Also stabbing people with her trident.

Signature saying: (Changes extremely often)

Magic: She has a beautiful singing voice that can hypnotize others, and can speak to both the sea and the animals that live there along with hydrokinises.

Race: Mermaid princess

Crew, Antagonist, or Neutral: Crew-ish

Other: She likes to help out any nearby pirates and trick the navy. Cannot read the English and occasionally has trouble understanding non-mermish. Also may or may not have legs later on in the story.
Accepted! Join when u want.


Name: Craken Jackson

Nick or Alias:Cracker Jack

Personality: Trusting, forgiving, calm, very loyal, and hard headed




Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush: (please update this if your character gets one):Unknown

Choice of weapon(s): (This is the 1650s so please keep in mind of the weapons they possess!)


(carries 6 guns and 6 swords)

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio: (Optional): He was once a powerful pirate captain till he tried to steal a treasure from a unknown cave. His men thought he was crazy so they locked him inside the cave with the treasure. When he woke up he didn't have any skin and he felt lighter realizing he was a skeleton as a curse for trying to steal the treasure. He travels the world now trying to look for a crew who will take him.

Dislikes: (Optional): Birds, storms, aggressive people

Likes: (Optional): People, anything that can get him drunk, treasure, and dogs

Fighting style: (Offense, defense, both, other): Offensive: Tries to get as many hits as possible with a sword, into the opponent before it can react , then give the killing blow with a gun.

Signature Move: (If any): Cracker Jack Snap : He kicks someone to the floor hard enough to break there spine, then kicks them up stabbing them in the air, breaking ribs.

Signature saying: "Why are you complaining, you are not the one who is dead," (If dead) "At least you have someone to sympisize with."

Magic: (it will exist!): Death touch : When angered he can paralyze anyone for 5 secs

Race: (pm me if you make one up):Skeleton

Crew, antagonist, neutral:Crew

Other: Crows like to follow him around for some reason, but at some points he can command them (That is why he hates birds)
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Appearance:

Name: Craken Jackson

Nick or Alias:Cracker Jack

Personality: Trusting, forgiving, calm, very loyal, and hard headed




Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush: (please update this if your character gets one):Unknown

Choice of weapon(s): (This is the 1650s so please keep in mind of the weapons they possess!)


(carries 6 guns and 6 swords)

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio: (Optional): He was once a powerful pirate captain till he tried to steal a treasure from a unknown cave. His men thought he was crazy so they locked him inside the cave with the treasure. When he woke up he didn't have any skin and he felt lighter realizing he was a skeleton as a curse for trying to steal the treasure. He travels the world now trying to look for a crew who will take him.

Dislikes: (Optional): Birds, storms, aggressive people

Likes: (Optional): People, anything that can get him drunk, treasure, and dogs

Fighting style: (Offense, defense, both, other): Offensive: Tries to get as many hits as possible with a sword, into the opponent before it can react , then give the killing blow with a gun.

Signature Move: (If any): Cracker Jack Snap : He kicks someone to the floor hard enough to break there spine, then kicks them up stabbing them in the air, breaking ribs.

Signature saying: "Why are you complaining, you are not the one who is dead," (If dead) "At least you have someone to sympisize with."

Magic: (it will exist!): Death touch : When angered he can paralyze anyone for 5 secs

Race: (pm me if you make one up):Skeleton

Crew, antagonist, neutral:Crew

Other: Crows like to follow him around for some reason (That is why he hates birds)

Accepted! And cool race. Join when u wnat.
Name: Ark Nevins

Nickname: Noah (Get it. Noah, Ark)

Personality: Tries to be cool, fails. Clumsy. Smart. No people skills.

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hasn't given much thought.

Crush: None

Weapons: Rapier and flintlock

Scientist aboard an explorational voyage.

Bio: Rather give out his past during the RP.

Dislikes: Uneducated people. Pirates. Fighting

Likes: Knowledge. Discovery.

Fighting style: Defensive.

Signature move: Too clumsy for one.

Saying: If knowledge is power, why can't I beat anyone at anything?

Magic: Low level necromancy.

Race: Sea elf.


Other: Enjoys studying all races. Highly trained in medicine. Always has books of necromancy on him.

Appearance: Normal 1600s sea attire. Has large, pointy ears.
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