
One Thousand Club
We are using Risus to quantify skills and ensure fairness during combat and other conflicts. This is what the skill points are for.

Here is the rulebooks.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding character creation, please let me know in the OOC.

Character Skeleton

Name: (What does your mother call you?)

Age: (In years)

Gender: (What are you?)

Personality: (Likes and like-nots, general mood and demeanor.)

Bio: (Tell us a little bit about where you've been)

Appearance: (Typed or image, it doesn't matter.)

Race: (Pick anything your heart desires. Except angels/demons.)

Skills and Abilities: (Students have 12 skill points; Staff have 20. Spread these amongst skills of your own choosing; things like 'fencing' or 'geomancy'. All skills cap at 5 points. Add a short description of the skills and what they entail.)

Other: (Anything you wanna add that doesn't fit in with the rest.)

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Age: 47

Gender: Male

Position: English/Art Teacher

Personality: Achim is a rough and gruff individual. He lacks any sense of tact and grace, when it comes to social situations. However, beneath that rough collar, he hides a sensitive heart, as shown through his various poetry and writings. While he may seem aloof and cruel to his students, he does care for them and wants them to achieve great things. As such he does not feel that there is any student that is unreachable, but only a matter of increased difficulty in reaching them. Achim is a fervent believer in keeping your oaths, and if you promised something you better do it. There are few things he hates more than people who break trust and squeal. He is also incredibly enthusiastic about the progress of technology, and keeps up to date on things.

Bio: Achim was born in the city of Detroit, a notorious Hell-scape, to a family of Blue Collar Workers. He’s the youngest of six brothers, and as such was the recipient and the dealer of many pranks and rough-housing. Achim was a unremarkable youth, who didn’t draw too much attention. As a student, he was sub-par in most classes, except English and Shop, which he consistently scored high marks in. The majority of his teachers, except his English teacher, thought he was not worth the effort to try to teach. At age fifteen he got his first job helping out a local mechanic at his shop. It was there he learned of the Gargoyle Crew, a local Biker Gang, which was taking over the neighborhood. It was that day also that he met Malcom Jets, a Half Orc who was fairly respected in the gang, and would become his Mentor. As Achim was helping work on Malcom’s bike, Malcom thought that boy had potential, and allowed him to shadow the gang. Achim took the chance, so he could finally get some recognition and a bit of respect. After a few years of practicing and learning the life-style, he earned his colors and became a full member of the Gang. But things were not all good as they felt to him. One day when he hanging out in a local dive bar, a rival Biker Gang came in, and spilled some cheap whiskey on his jacket, so Achim started a fight, which led to a riot within the bar, attracting police attention. He was later arrested by the cops for Aggravated Assault. At least initially, as later charges for previous crimes added onto his sentence.

After the sentencing, he first experienced Prison Life, where he had an epiphany about what he was doing in life. This was inspired due in part to the time when the fellow prisoners were having a sanctioned Poetry Slam (mostly instated, so that they wouldn't have as much time to plot nefarious things), where Achim read one of his poems. He impressed the audience of prisoners and prison guards alike. Achim soon afterwards became a model prisoner, following all the rules, and generally being a likable fellow, trying to help rehabilitate his fellow prisoners. Also while he was there he went on to use the Prison Services to earn his degree in English. After his release from prison, it was hard to find work as he was a former convict, but he stumbled upon Michael Orange’s Dorm School for Community Education, which to his surprise hired him as the English Teacher, alongside teaching Art. Teaching here, Achim seeks to help rehabilitate and education the youth, and help them avoid the mistakes he made.



Race: Human


Badass Biker 5d: In his times in the Gargoyle Crew, Achim has become a Biker Badass. He knows the in and outs of motorized bikes, rides them like a pro at all speeds, and can use them in combat. And as a Badass Biker, he also knows about various other Biker Gangs, from their tactics, hangouts, codes of conduct and structure.

Sensitive Writer 4d: The written word is where Achim can allow for unbridled expression, and as such he is quite effective in Poetry, Composing Lyrics (though he is a poor singer), Script Writing, and an effective use of writing throughout the various genres of literature.

Dirty Brawler 4d: As a member of a Biker Gang (and a Ex-Prisoner), you learn how to fight effectively, and in an incredibly dirty fashion. Achim can and will use anything at his disposal when fighting, and always goes straight for the weak spots of a target.

Mechanically Minded 3d: Achim is a natural when it comes to operating mechanical items, and has little trouble fixing the errs of the mechanical variety, (granted most of his experience with repairing, is with vehicles with the various tools of a standard mechanic.)

Tattoo Artist 2d: Due to his less than savory background, and artistic bent, Achim is skilled when it comes to applying ink to flesh. Whether it is his preferred method of the black and white tattoo with whatever illegal parts he can get to rig a working tattoo studio, or whether he has the legitimate supplies. Achim can give you a tattoo to mark whatever gang you belong to, or if you are just a man who wants some ink.

Responsible Pet Owner 2d: Achim is quite good at keeping pets and teaching them various tricks, and commands. He is also able to handle animals (only ones which are able to be domesticated), due to his knowledge on how to properly train a pet. And as a responsible pet owner, he can tell what food/water/medicine a pet may need.

Other: Achim has an adopted Mutt named Junkyard. He still has his memorabilia from the Gargoyle Crew, such as his Biker Jacket. He self publishes some, select pieces of work, and submits the rest anonymously. Achim also volunteers at a local Soup Kitchen.

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Name: The Most Powerful and Mysterious Sebastian Starweaver!

Age: 104 (looks ~70)

Gender: Male

Personality: Sebastian is a completely unrepentant dirty old man and an egotistical, megalomaniacal, self-important braggart

Bio: Sebastian Starweaver - born Sebastian Hunt - was but a man, once. On his 30th birthday, though, everything changed. On that fateful day, Sebastian unlocked INCREDIBLE MYSTICAL POWER, and swore to use this gift to right all that he found wrong with the world, namely that he never got any poon.

After many years of sexually harassing the general populace, though, he decided to settle down, teach a new generation about wizardry, spy on the locker rooms in his free time, that sort of thing. Plus, the school gives some pretty good research grants.



Skills and Abilities:

Phenomenal Cosmic Power 4d - Sebastian is a wellspring of arcane energies through intense training, allowing him to shape and modify spells on the fly

Archmage of the Sixth Tower 5d - Sebastian is an Archmage of the Sixth Tower, master of Divination, and possesses great skill in other forms of magic as well.

Dirty Old Man 3d - He's old and gross, what more do you want?

Champion Coward Sprinter 3d - Sure can move those bony legs of his when he needs to

Magnificent Beard 2d - Every self-respecting archmage needs one

Shrewd Strategist 3d - Just surviving in the Towers requires a keen survival instinct an a keener intellect. Graduating? Graduating is even worse.

Other: Teaches General Wizardry, has an ongoing friendly rivalry with the magitech professor, whoever he may be.

LORE STUFF: There's eight towers, each corresponding to a school of magic, which are considered the highest institution of wizardry in all the land.They're also crazy lethal because wizards are pretty much universally grossly negligent assholes.


Name: Margaret Gorski

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: A profoundly curious and headstrong young lady who is always willing to stick her neck out for others!

Bio: The daughter of an innkeeper and a sinful monk, Margaret inherited her mother's curse, causing her to be born a rokurokubi. Much of her early life was spent helping her mother out at the inn. During this time she entertained herself by talking to the inn's patrons- a good thing, as being both born out of wedlock and a weird magic mutant meant the other children mostly kept her at arm's length. Margaret's mother, fearing that her daughter's somewhat sheltered existence might have a negative impact on her later in life, decided to enroll her at Micheal Orange, so Margaret could broaden her horizons under the watchful, semi-competent eyes of the faculty.


Race: Rokurokubi

Skills and Abilities:

Rokurokubi 4d - Margaret is a Rokurokubi, and thus has an extendable neck. Her neck muscles are extremely strong and the skin of her neck and lower jaw is tough like steel. Less noticeably, she has a very long tongue.

Innkeeper's Daughter 3d - Her years working at an inn have given her remarkable skill with finances, cooking, multitasking, really anything that applies to hospitality.

Jill of All Trades 2d - Years of talking to strangers has given her basic competence in a good deal of semi-useful skills from drawing, to whittling, to self-defense, to gardening, to debate tactics. These same conversations with strangers has also given her a great variety of mostly useless information.

Plucky 3d - Nothing ever seems to shake her optimism. No matter how awful or tragic, she just has a way of not letting things get to her.

Other: Not much really.
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You probably want to add a Position slot someplace so we can easily keep track of who's what.

Name: Martin McLaughlin

Also known as: Martin "The Titan" Magnus, The Great Titan

Age: 40

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Position: Unarmed combat teacher


Martin is not quite tall but definitely stocky, standing at 5 feet 8 inches and built like a hairy brick, his hirsute body thick with muscle and his olive skin rough, scarred and darkened from heavy labor, exposure to the elements and constant battles. The Titan's hazel eyes are seemingly perpetually swollen and marked by dark blue circles as a result of the numerous punches he's received throughout his life, while his greying curly black hair is kept short and his beard and moustache sizeable, but neat and properly trimmed and styled. A strong square jaw, a bulbous nose that's bears the flattened, deviated look of one that's been broken repeatedly and cauliflower ears also define his face as that of a veteran fighter and one only a mother could love.

Clothing-wise, Martin likes quality goods and only ever dresses in expensive tailor-made white shirts and three piece black suits. Rather than wear dress shoes he wears black boots which manage to look good with his suit and still allow him plenty of comfort in a fight. An expensive silver watch and occasionally worn designer shades complete his casual outfit. Underneath this, however, are his "business clothes". Martin always wears a black wrestling singlet with white bands running down the sides and a circular design made up of an eagle grasping a coliseum in its talons on the middle of his torso. The whole thing is done in white over the singlet's black.

Martin is usually calm and soft spoken, a well mannered man whose attitude does not fit his battle-hardened appearence. However, he can also be stern and stubborn and holds certain (some would say quite outdated) ideals of manliness in extremely high esteem, which can cause friction with some people. Whenever he enters a battle he tends to get a wee bit overexcited about it, which means his gentle attitude goes to hell and he becomes all about putting the hurt on people. Having grown up in poverty, he's both a lover of expensive things and yet quite stingy as well. Though it's a well known fact he's invested in several profitable enterprises, owns a few properties and has collections of expensive cars and clothes as well as a sizeable bank account, he never pays a dime more than he feels he should, never lets anything go to waste ever and takes obsessive care of his belongings.


Martin was born in the slums of Scotland's Glasgow, the son of an impoverished butcher. With an oft ill mother and a father who spent only portions of his meager incomne to support his family and who was often violent and unstable, Martin's life was a battle from the very start. This had the benefit of giving him an iron will, which was soon matched by an iron body trained not only with traditional means but also from lugging frozen hunks of meat around for his father, construction work and other ardorous tasks. Though he worked wherever he could, his passion was the local superhuman wrestling circuit. Unlike the glitz and flashiness that remained the norm in American wrestling even in the year 2150 and with supernatural performers, the local wrestling circuit valued legitimately skilled grapplers and tough men who could work realistic-looking matches and engage in real fights if necessary.

The focus of Martin's life became being accepted into this world of badass men beating the crap out of eachother, sometimes because it was scripted, sometimes legitimately. The circuit itself was fairly closed out to outsiders, rookies were often mercilessly brutalized and told they'd never make it into the league if they fought back and Martin was just shorter than the average 6'3'' competitor, nevermind the increasingly large men that made up the upper echelons of the circuit. Still, he persevered with the same iron will that saw him work every menial job in town in order to provide for his mother. His explosive power, tremendous durability and natural grasp of fighting combined with some understanding of showmanship meant that Martin soon became a popular fixture in the circuit at age 20.

And then his mother passed away. With little reason to stay in Scotland anymore, Martin spent a year gathering as large a sum of money as he could and ran away to sea, intent on seeing the world and making it big. What followed were 15 long years of constant travels, trials, tribulations and plenty of fighting as he became a coveted free agent for legitimate combat sports and scripted wrestling events all over the world. The boy from Glasgow became known internationally as Martin "The Titan" Magnus, holder of more belts than he knew what to do with, fighter of whatever was put in his way. The strange and hectic mix of both works and shoots (that is, scripted and unscripted fights and events) made him a controversial figure, at times it was hard to tell when something was or wasn't planned, but his undeniable skills and this very unpredictability contributed to making him extremely popular.

Comes a time, however, when even the greatest consider retirement. At age 36, Martin Magnus decided to call it quits. He'd fought all his life, he was tired, pretty banged up, it was time to stop and enjoy all that sweet MONEY that he'd made. A large mansion in the outskirts of his native Glasgow, expensive cars, quality clothes, food so great it would make people cry, plenty of donations to help the city and the slums he grew up with, helping to popularize the Glasgow Wrestling Circuit and keep it as a training ground for real men, Martin McLaughlin had everything he wanted and enjoyed four years of peace. And then he was bored. Restless. Antsy. He needed something to do. He considered training people in the Glasgow Wrestling Circuit but quickly discarded that idea, the place was already in the good hands of Bryan "The Executioner" Steele and Angus "The Claw" McLean.

No, he needed someplace different, someplace where he might craft a new generation of men out of the pitiful youth. And then, he had it. A school. Best place to whip young troublemakers into shape. A quick search left him with two options. A coin toss settled it. He was headed towards Michael Orange's school.

Skills and Abilities:

-Shootfighter (5): Martin practices a hybrid fighting system developed from implementing techniques and principles from a variety of styles such as folk and greco-roman wrestling, karate, muay thai, judo and boxing with a professional wrestling background, making him a varied mixed martial artist. He has trained these skills throughout his life, against a wide variety of opponents including assorted monsters.

-Explosive power (5): Martin's muscles are not just for show, he is monstrously, supernaturally strong, especially for one his size. Though he's not particularly agile, he can use his leg strength to rapidly shorten distances, seemingly exploding towards targets.

-Freakish resilience (5): Martin's body has been described as "akin to some types of modern body armor, an extremely resilient fiber core surrounded by impact-lessening softer but still tough tissues. Even if the outside cover is breached, it takes a lucky hit or extreme force to deal any significant damage". Martin's also been described as tireless, requires large doses of drugs to affect his system and posesses an incredibly strong will.

-The Man (5): Martin has been all over, fought in many countries and been both loved and hated, all part of the show business. He's fairly well known, even after four years out of the limelight, can be showy and attention-grabbing when he wants to and can potentially parlay this popularity/infamy into benefits for himself. Or maybe just draw the ire of people. Both are a possibility. He's also at least familiar with a wide number of languages, not too fluent but good enough to communicate on a rudimentary level, like asking where the toilet is.

Other: Martin's office in the Sports Department is a bit cramped, filled to the brim with memorabilia concerning his career. Old belts, medals, trophies, pictures of himself at key moments of his career or with other famous or important people, copies of books written about himself, some without authorization even and a few pieces of select merchandise like particularly good action figures or a few favorite shirts of his. 
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Name: Brian Detro

Age: ?

Gender: male

Personality: Brian hates people, especially , young stupid people. People wonder why he became a teacher, he doesn't exactly know himself.

Bio: No one is really sure about Brian's past, he looks about eighty, but he seems to recall events from long long ago. Although no one really talks to him, due to his bad attitude.

He teaches history.



Race: human?


Cranky old man 5d: Brian hates everyone, and he is old. He claims he's always been this age.

Walking stick proficiency 3d: Brian has used his cane for ages. He's a master of teaching young whippersnappers a lesion they'll never forget.

History teacher 4d: He teaches history.

Immortal? 4d: Brian has a wooden leg and a glass eye. He's been shot three times in the past three years. Somehow he's lived through all that.

Long memory 4d: Brian seems to remember a large expanse of history.

Other: Brian likes to be referred to as Mr. Detro
Name: Richter

Age: 650~

Gender: Male

Personality: Richter's a cynical and spiteful person, with a tendency to pick on his students if they can't keep up. Despite being an amoral dick, he takes his teaching job very seriously, out of a sense of professionalism. He's also a very jaded person, holding an open dislike of most races, even towards humans and most vampires.

Bio: While vampires living in the US aren't common, they're not impossible, either. Richter is currently living under a fairly nice deal, in which he agrees to a form of community service (teaching) in exchange for a steady supply of donated blood to feed upon.

This is certainly different from his past, which primarily consisted of killing and eating humans.

Appearance: Richter is a tall, lean man with a very pale, angular face. His hair is neatly groomed, and brushed back. Generally, he wears a black suit and tie.

Race: Vampire

Skills and Abilities: Vampire - 5 - Richter is a very old vampire, and is very aware of the ins and outs of vampiric society, as well as how to utilize his own abilities.

Hemomancy - 5 - This vampire has unlocked the secret of hemomancy, the ability to manipulate his blood into various weapons and shapes.

History - 4 - He's been around for hundreds of years; he has a firsthand account of events from Renaissance Europe up through now.

Literature -4 - For four hundred years, books were the only form of entertainment, besides eating people. Richter's had plenty of time to read numerous pieces of literature.

Men's Fashion - 2 - Because he wears them so often, Richter has a decent understanding how to size and wear a suit.

Name: Anya Hawthorne

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Personality: Anya is a sweet, albeit naive young girl. She generally tries to be friends with everyone she meets, but has dependency issues and a somewhat poor impulse control. She feels uncomfortable without the support of at least one friend, and has a deep-seated thirst for attention and affection. Anya generally acts playfully, and tries to help wherever she can, doubly so if it seems fun.

Bio: Anya grew up in a relatively sheltering household. There's not much to her life yet, but she was raised to be exceedingly sweet, and has a

deep-seated love for her parents, albeit with mild emotional issues.


Race: Catgirl

Skills and Abilities: Cute Catgirl - 5 - Anya is a master of being ridiculously cute.

Longswordsman - 1 - Anya has attempted to learn how to use a sword in order to mimic her father, whom she's convinced was a knight of some kind. She's not very good yet.

Terrible Cook! - 3 - Although she likes to cook, Anya is so bad it's terrible. Her signature dish is Special Tuna Chili Sauce.

Dress Up! - 3 - The cat is an expert at dressing up, not only in being cute and playing. She's also capable of playing whatever role she takes relatively well. Maids are her favorite outfit.
Name: Helada Pina

Age: Unknown years as a frozen suit of armor. 10 years since being thawed though.

Gender: Female

Personality: A staunch follower of the rules, Pina only wants to help better others, whether they want it or not. She is still a child, despite her appearance, and is easily fooled, manipulated, and amazed.

Bio: Killed while pretending to be her older brother in a duel, she possessed the suit of armor and spent her days to look for either the killer or her brother. She somehow found herself in the arctic and froze for who knows how long. thanks to global warming however, she finally thawed out and instead spent the next tens years wandering until she found herself at Michael Orange Dorm School for Community Education.


When not possessing said armor:

Race: Ghost/Possessed Armor

Skills and Abilities:

Sword Fighting 3d - The armor itself has given her the ability to wield a sword, and somehow keeps it if not in the armor.

Lesser Possession 4d - Can possess and control inanimate objects, capable of slow moving levitation

Poker Face 5d - Not having a face greatly helps her in the face of intense games of Go Fish and poker. A great liar if she ever lied.

Other: Unknown years of not communicating with others has left her speaking skills very open to improvement, speaking in very short sentences and has little variation in her tone of voice.
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Name: Lilium “Lily” Darlingtonia

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Lily, being an Alraune, is a rather rare species. This leads to a somewhat snobbish attitude, wherein she believes that she is simply worth more than people of other races. She is generally quite manipulative, and has the capacity to be very cruel should she so choose. However, what she really desires deep down is for someone to truly love and care for her. If she manages to make a friend, even if she still acts a bit arrogant, she will treat them very kindly. She seems to dislike boys very much for some reason, and has an obsession with adulthood and innocence.

Bio: Lily doesn’t seem to talk much about her past, instead focusing on the future. If pressured, she will sometimes give a vague account of something that may or may not have happened. Were someone to get close enough to her, however, she may speak on it in more detail. That said, she is currently enrolled in Michael Orange because she enjoys the praise and admiration she seems to get in high school just for being very pretty.

Appearance: Much like the Disgaea Alraune in that she is a green-skinned girl with pointy ears who appears to be a red flower from the waist down, with the exception of the thick green vines that make their home under said flower. She has red eyes and blonde hair, fashioned into curled pigtails. She has two flower buds, also red, growing out of her head where hair buns would normally be. She is physically rather petite.

Race: Alraune

Skills and Abilities:

Alraune – 5 – An Alraune’s racial abilities and traits and the use thereof, including the powerful vines she utilizes as limbs, increased healing depending on stored/available sunlight, water, and nutrients, magical healing nectar that she produces in her body, and pollen that can make those who smell it enter a sleep-like state. She also possesses a scent that is unnaturally enthralling, but it only truly works on NPCs. PCs can resist this scent as much as they please because PCs are by definition exceptional.

Alchemist – 3 – The subject that Lily has taken best to is alchemy. She is not only an adequate alchemist, but she always has the most incredibly rare and effective ingredients on hand because those ingredients are her.

Queen Bee – 3 – Lily is definitely a leader and a trendsetter. Guys and girls alike want to be around her for various reasons. She can gather and spread gossip faster than anyone, and is an incredible liar and faker when she needs to be. Essentially, the queen of high school girls.

Quick Study – 1 – Lily has a superior plant brain, and as such memorization is quite easy for her. She can learn to do a variety of mundane things somewhat adequately without too much trouble.

Other: Lily can pull herself out of her flower to reveal that she does indeed have legs (nice ones), but she needs to return to it to rest and only has limited regeneration without it. She can’t use certain racial abilities that involve her flower while outside of it, and needs to be in contact with it to move it around.
And for my student.

Name: Suzette (‘Susie’ or 'Suzie') Bellerose

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Susie is a kind-hearted girl, who is rather shy. Due to this damnable shyness, she prefers to stay out of many social situations, unless she has an undead creation she created, or one of her ventriloquist dolls, which she would use to guide the social situation.

Bio: Susie was born to a pair of French Sky Pirates, and grew up onboard the Pirate Airship for a few years. However, constantly being shot at by local authorities, other pirates, and such is generally not a good environment to raise a kid, so Susie’s parents retired from Sky Pirating, and settled down in Paris, where they still run an Antique Shop, which is where Susie found her first ventriloquist doll. This is also where Susie learned that she had talent in Necromancy, as she raised up a dead kitten, which died outside in the alley. This attracted the attention of a Parisian Coven, who invited her to join their ranks. She quickly ascended in the coven, due to talent, and her dedication to training.

Her parents however, were concerned that she was not getting enough socialization, and Susie had learned of an opportunity in the Americas, where she could become a Prominent Necromancer. So to finish her education, get her involved with others who were not just from the Coven, and prepare her for a future career in Necromancy (and quite possibly teaching Necromancy) she was sent to Michael Oranges.


Note: Ears are the typical Elven pointed ears.

Note: With a very large chest, which is still fairly large even when she binds it. (Usually has attire of turtleneck/sweatpants)

Race: Elf

Skills and Abilities:

Coven Necromancer 5d: Through many secret rituals, and with much practicing. She has become a rather powerful witch, mastering Necromancy and other horrific Dark Magics.

Ventriloquist 3d: Susie, while she is shy, does like making her opinions known somewhat. As such she has practiced ventriloquism (and the ability to create some puppets) so that she can throw her voice off to dummies so they can communicate on her behalf to the more scary individuals. (Also because it is a neat little parlor trick)

Elf 2d: Susie is an Elf, and as such has natural grace, and better than average hearing.

Swashbuckling Pirate 2d: Due to having parents who were pirates, she knows how to use a cutlass, and knows proper pirate procedures.

Other: She has two primary ventriloquist dummies, one that looks like a miniature ghoul named Ferdie, and one that is a goblin, named Arianne. She has other toys, (it is a mystery whether or not some of them are brought to a form of sentience through Susie's Dark Magic, or if she is just using ventriloquism)
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Name: Sergio Giordano

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Most look at Sergio and think very little of him. Sergio tends not to think of others in a judgmental manner.Sergio tends not to think of others. Sergio tends not to think. Dimwitted and often single minded, Sergio tends to focus on a single goal and pursue it to its completion without regard for anything else. Until that end is met, Sergio can think of absolutely nothing else, regardless of how fruitless his goals may be. Flirty, Sergio often makes the pursuit of women his goal. Though he is human, Sergio prefers girls outside his own species apparently for the thrill. He has a strange obsession with cookie dough.

Bio: Sergio was born to a starving artist, and a mother who was quite wealthy. Sergio was concieved on the night of his father's recital, where his mother had met the man. Months later, Sergio was born and Sergio's father was identified. Though his father fought hard, Sergio was put into his mother's custody, his father having to pay child support. Between this and his main income being from music, Sergio's father became a struggling, starving artist. When Sergio's mother ordered for Sergio to get a sex change operation, it was the last straw. Sergio's father snuck in and stole Sergio back. Sergio, being young and impressionable as he was, had no idea what was going on. The years following, Sergio was taught the ancient ways of the bard.

Appearance: A tall, 6'2" slightly tanned skin gentleman. Sergio is dressed primarily in business casual, normally leaning more towards business in casual. Normally, his outfit for the day happens to be whatever he happened to pull from his closet. This leads to some interesting combinations. Sergio has dirty blonde hair and light green eyes.

Race: Human

Skills and Abilities:

Bard 4d - Sergio is fantastically skilled in the use of multiple instruments and the use of his voice.

Hedge Magic 3d - Among the perks of being a bard, Sergio can cast a variety of magic spells with song as the medium.

Improvised Weapons 2d - Sergio is more than capable of using anything at his disposal as a weapon.

Italian Art Song 2d - Sergio can skillfully perform an aria.

Womanizer 1d - Sergio is a "master" of the romantic arts.

Name: Elric Richards

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Elric has a general air of arrogance around him. Most people would describe him as full of himself and not exactly friendly. Despite this Elric will seek out conversations, and part of him seems to be trying to make friends, while the other part seems to want to make fun of people.

Bio: Elric was born in the upper united states where he was raised in a small backwater town in Wisconsin. Because of the towns size everyone knew everyone. Unfortunately the town that he grew up in was heavily religious and still stuck in the old mindsets. Though few of the children in the town shared their parents mindset they soon began to learn that there was something wrong with playing with Elric. This lead to a childhood with very few friends. By the time he had reached the age of ten, the town was starting to finally lighten up and more demihuman residents began to move in, but the damage had already been done to Elric. He saw himself as different in a very unique way, and had somehow developed a superiority complex. This lead his parents to move to Pennsylvanian in order to enroll him in Phantasma out of fear that he would develop a permanent hatred for humans. They managed to remove most of his hate, but he still seems to have an air of superiority to him.


Race: Undead (he claims to be a "reaper")

Skills and Abilities:

5d: short blade combat: Elric developed an obsession with knives and daggers early in his life and has developed a great level of skill with them. He prefers daggers but can also be found using knives if he needs to.

3d: Regeneration: Being undead means getting back up from most mortal wounds. Erlic heals much faster than an average person, though large wounds can still take a full day to heal to a scab.

3d: Aura reading: Elric claims to be able to see "souls" but most people would classify it as seeing aura. He is able to view a person aura through walls and can determine their personality and if he focuses long enough if they will die in the next few days. Doing this will lead to his utter exhaustion for a full hour. This is one of the reasons he demands people call him a reaper.

1d: well dressed: Elric always manages to dress formal, but he might want to start wearing more colors.

Other: Elric is an intense smoker, and carries a pack of hand rolled black cigarettes at all times.
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Name: Samuel Anderson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Personality type: ENTP (Myers-Briggs)

Bio: Leo doesn't remember anything about his past life, but was risen and began wandering. He went from town to town wearing a hood and eventually found the school. He managed to persuade those there to offer him an education and is attempting to find out who he was.



Race: Undead

Skills and Abilities:

Speech: 5

Fistfighting: 2

Dark Magic: 5

Other: Almost always seen in a hood.
Name: Damien Fernand

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: He is nice, quirky, livable caring, protective and very, very handsome

Bio: He was abused at a young age but then he fought backs. He was disowned and homeless for years.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/download.jpg.426f76b8455c1b14271ba7710d818a92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/download.jpg.426f76b8455c1b14271ba7710d818a92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Fallen Angel

Skills and Abilities: Hydromancy(control water) Pyromancer(control fire)

Sword fighting

High Dexterity

Ice magic

Other: Just figured out he was an angel



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Age: Its impolite to ask a lady her age. (She’s 29 human years)

Gender: female

Position: Dance teacher

Personality: Very practical and consistent with her judgment and own self-discipline. She is law-abiding and structured. Though she doesn’t consider herself strict, she likes being in control and enjoys complexity, decency, and intellect. Despite all of this, she is very warm and welcoming, she will listen to the needs of others and has a sympathetic demeanor; albeit, she can be cold when dealing out castigation. Her modest cravings for guts and flesh are deterred by her morality and self-control.

Bio: Raised by nomads, she lived day to day and saw many lands with her small family, often moving on from a place ranging 24 hours to 3 months after the initial setup of camp. Stories passed down from her parents still live and thrive inside of her; she doubts even half of the far-fetched myths are proof of her actual roots. Nothing bad has ever happened to her and, though she fights constantly her nature of capriciousness, she has lived a relatively sheltered and religious life.

Appearance: #

Race: Clearly a Gandharva (possibly Yaksha, her roots are mixed and varied as a gypsy child, but her other lineage is not overt)

Skills and Abilities:

Therianthropy (4d): As a Gandharva, she has the ability to shapeshift. Limited to horse and bird

Song of the Keres(4d): Also known as a “siren’s song”, her voice acts as a weapon to pierce the soul. It’s beautiful melody and erotic sound sometimes causes weird feelings in others. Though that is rare… it can be very awkward

Raqs Baladi(4d): Dancing! Belly dancing to be specific, ain't she a charmer (dem hips)

Urban Dictionary(3d): What a chatterbox, she could potentially talk your ear off about the places she’s been, the people she’s seen, and especially loves to bubble about the weird foods everyone should try at least once

Merciless Smack(2d): In times of trouble, sometimes you just have to give things a good, hard, smack (better if you have 4 arms)

The High Priestess(2d): Fortune telling, very vague, very cryptic, often creepy. This does not enable her to contact the dead, but she may have angered a god once or twice due to her lack of competence on the subject(oops).

Benevolence(1d): Seriously can’t control nature even if her life depended on it, but she finds comfort in the warm thought of creation (everything she plants probably dies)

Other: Mirma is the dance teacher, but often times helps file, organize, type, and other various office staff duties. The fax is down? The post suddenly stopped due to mysterious circumstances? She acts as a messenger bird. Need copies, but everything is malfunctioning? Coming close to your paper-grading deadline and don’t think you’ll make it? Her handwriting is beautiful, legible, and she’s amquadextrious. The only thing she asks for in return is a small favor; she also accepts trinkets, candy, and gossip.

No, she will not do your homework for you.


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Waddi is creative, hates routine, and can be impatient. Though he is outgoing and likes to motivate others, he forgets to take their feelings into account and can be apathetic in certain situations. He becomes agitated easily, but trusts his instincts and bias opinions before he jumps into action. Sluggish during the day, because of his impairment, he would rather not do physical activities, but his sharp tongue has a tendency to get him into trouble. He has difficulty sleeping at night, as he is nocturnal, so often falls asleep at random intervals. It's hard to tell since his eyes are closed most of the time.

Bio: As the middle child of 7 children, he’s never aspired to much until this point, always too old to be spoiled or too young to lead. His parents, a young, beautiful couple, raised him and his siblings in a bright orange summer home off the coast of Australia. After his birth, his mother began declining in health, eventually having to be hospitalized shortly after her last child. This required them to move so that his grandmother could take care of the children while Baz’s father worked. Beyond that, his childhood was fun and lively with his many siblings.

Appearance: He is 5’9 and is blind when out of water. x

Race: A meRMAID, he’s a merewif. Specifically, he is a Blind Shark. On the bright side, his family reunions are very, very cheerful; on the downside, he's better with a spear than a guitar.

Skills and Abilities:

A True Atlantean(4d): He’s skilled in the water, or moves faster. His coordination skyrockets, making him a good swimmer and gives him an advantage when in liquid, but fire is detracting to him in the same amount.

Javelin Throw(4d): Let’s just say he can really sling a spear, er, most anything that’s long, tube shaped, and has a head. (heheh)

Detect(2d): An… above average? Sense of smell. At his best, he can smell poison in someone's bloodstream, but just being able to smell the location of someone within the vicinity (aprox. 10 m.) is fine with him. It’s how he sees without sight. If he paid more attention to his father, though, he might've been able to do some cool stuff by now, like pinpoint someone hiding or recognize the smell of fear. With this, Baz can be a bit of a literal mouth breather, since his nostrils are used solely for smelling.

Water Bearer(2d): Can manipulate water, but he’s still relatively terrible at it. It’s also pretty much the only magical thing he can do. His abilities are limited to stupid pool party tricks, basically, like squirting someone with water out, or making a copious amount of bubbles for absolutely no good reason. (There must be water around for him to do this, however.)

Other Fun facts about the Blind Shark!: He has a thick Australian accent, and cusses a lot. His vision in water is about 200% better than when he’s out of it. He has as good of vision as anyone else, but his species sucks their eyeballs into their skull when they touch oxygen isn’t that sooo coooool. They can also live 18 hours outside of water so don’t worry about his health, he’s almost an amphibian.
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Name: Ryu Kenshin

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Nice, funny, charming, musical

Bio: when Ryu was little his father left the family which made Ryu sad but he grew up with his mother until when he was about 10 his mother was ill and he had to look after her. Ryu was worried about his mother and did all in his power to care for her, but one day when he was at school his mother died in her bed. Ryu had to live with his aunt and uncle, which wasn't bad actually. When Ryu was about 13 he was walking home from school and decided to go through and ally way for a shortcut and a man saw him and then grabbed him biting down on his neck, it didnt hurt Ryu because his neck became numb. Ryu woke up later that night then running home in shock that he was attacked, but while running home Ryu realized that he was running faster then all the cars driving by and he freaked out falling over and hurting his knee, he then got up and finished running home. When Ryu got there he tried showing his aunt and uncle the scar on his knee from falling, but it was already completely healed. Ryu awoke the next day thinking it was all a strange dream, he went to school as normal (Ryu is a day walker, a rare species of vampire, so the vampire that had bit him was also a day walker and that was just luck.) but when he got there he could here a whole bunch of voices in his head, he thought that was going insane, but he dealt with it for a week or two until he realized that they were the voices of the students around him. Ryu freaked out and was so hungry for blood that he didn't realize he was hungry for, he attacked one of the students and killed him by accident. when his aunt and uncle got there they were mind controlled to think that this was normal by Ryu, which he didn't even do on purpose. Ryu was home schooled until he was 16 when his aunt and uncle sent him to this school, this is where we hop in. O.,,,.O


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e13f16_AnimeCharacter.jpg.55a7e57b219ec2f7cab29401a34ef14c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e13f16_AnimeCharacter.jpg.55a7e57b219ec2f7cab29401a34ef14c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Vampire

Skills and Abilities:

- Super Speed 5

- Super Strength 5

- Mind Reading 2

Other: Sweg O.,,,.O



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Name: Saruwatri Tohisa

Age: Unkown.

Gender: Male

Personality: He doesn't really care about your emotion's, he is very serious about what he is meant to do. He is very plane and blunt about what he thinks and isn't very friendly about it.

Bio: Saruwatri had woken up in the void. He was told that he was a soul reaper then sent to this school to find out anything he could about his new job. From what he found out about his previous life he and his family were slaves and were killed while running from his family. The void's voice being the only thing left for him he doesn't really care about anything but the due date. He carries a book around with him that has the name and date of a person's death when it is their time he will appear next to them and take their soul feeding on it to keep himself alive.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e1803b_Schoolunifeformrp.jpg.3a979d7933336d2648d5a17a09c605dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e1803b_Schoolunifeformrp.jpg.3a979d7933336d2648d5a17a09c605dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Soul Reaper.

Skills and Abilities:

4~Mele combat.

5~Risastance to magic





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Dont read this<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e1f5aa_AnimeCharacter.jpg.4a0ce9daa384bad14e931f2f15e5b2a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11e1f5aa_AnimeCharacter.jpg.4a0ce9daa384bad14e931f2f15e5b2a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[Name] Lief Heathstone (Lee-af Her-th-sto-neh)

[Age] Unknown

[Gender] Male

[Personality] Leif is an extremely smart, quiet and blocked off person at first glance. He loves to lurk around secluded places, and treats his own space as a sacred ground, nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out except Leif. If Leif takes you to a place of his own or shows you one of his belongings, to him, you are like royalty. When in combat Leif is focused, determined and will often play 'trickster' with his enemies to confuse them, as this is his favorite strategy. Leif loves reading books to the point where he gave up someones life for it, best beware of that. Leif's favorite food is any kind of sweet, lolly or piece of candy. He says they give a nice sensation in his mouth, and that sweets are a good time waster when waiting for something. Out of the three classes Leif can transform into, his favorite class is the Rune Slayer because it fits well with his preference for the 'trickster' strategy.


Leif was born in an age of conflict, war was waging across nations, planets and heck, even galaxy's. As his mother and father were perishing due to dangerous cyber viruses on a distant planet, they sent him to one of the peace planets, Earth. It took hundreds of lightyears to reach earth, over those years, data was implanted into his mind, his brain was programmable matter. By the time he reached earth, he had already had defense protocols and incomplete form information implanted in him. Lief's emotions were mixed up, he kept glitching out, until he came across a school for people like him. The school fixed him and bound by his programming, we was forever in debt to them.




Lord Knight(Attack):


Infinity Sword(Speed):


Rune Slayer(Magic):


[Race] A Programmable Humanoid

[skills & Abilities] (Students have 12 skill points; Staff have 20. Spread these amongst skills of your own choosing; things like 'fencing' or 'geomancy'. All skills cap at 5 points. Add a short description of the skills and what they entail.)

Form Change: 1sp, Allows Lief to change form at will.

Base Lessons: 1sp This ability immediatly teaches him all of the basic and some intermediate sword skills.

he Rune's Legend: 4sp, Allows Lief to Unlock the protections on his rune slayer form only during combat. This means that he can use runes to do or make pretty much anything he wants. (Not too OP stuff though.)

The Lord Knights Pledge: 4sp, Forces Lief into a constant state of focus where he is completely powered up in attack.

The Infinity Sword's Surge: 2sp, Lets Lief Run on walls and defy gravity for a ten minute period.
Name: (What does your mother call you?) Work B20

Age: (In years) 3 years and one month

Gender: (What are you?) N/A

Personality: (Likes and like-nots, general mood and demeanor.) Work B20 is incredibly naive, being practically a newborn. Work B20 has a bottomless sense of curiosity, and is always willing to learn. Work B20 is generally social, though it is often intimidated by beings that are significantly larger than it. Due to Work B20's size, this includes most adults. Work B20 is a hardcore optimist, owing to its naivete. Work B20 is not creative, but enjoys tinkering with mechanical devices.

Bio: Originally a senior student's final art project, Work B20 was carved from a standard studio manikin, and decorated with

simple crafting supplies to give it the feeling that it is a destitute wanderer. Once it was finished, Work B20 was turned in,

graded, and stuffed away in a cabinet in Achim Geier's art room for three years.

When a student opened Work B20's metal prison in search of art supplies they could use, Work B20 sprang to life and fled into the hallway. Ever since, it has spent its "life" crawling around in the school's ventilation shafts, occasionally sneaking into classrooms at night time to sate its curiosity.

Recently, however, it has become bolder, and has taken to wandering the hallways during class.

Appearance: (Typed or image, it doesn't matter.)

This picture is of Work B20 in its original, finished state. Due to its life in the vents, Work B20 is significantly dirtier, its cheap cloth "dress" now has several large holes torn in it. Work B20 stands tall at 1'5". Notably, Work B20 cannot speak with its current head. Instead, it relies on charades.

Race: Manikin Golem

Skills and Abilities: (Students have 12 skill points; Staff have 20.)

Reconstructable (5d): Work B20 has no skin, bones, or organic parts. If it can attach something to its limbs, that object will gradually morph into a usable limb of the material and density it was made of.

Small (4d): Work B20 is tiny, and is thus able to fit in very tight spaces.

Tinkerer (3d): Work B20's boundless curiosity has given it a tendency to dissassemble any breakable devices it can get its hands on. Thanks to its small size (and a screwdriver tip stolen from Achim's art room), Work B20 can do this with reasonable efficiency.
Name: Noyeh

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet & Shy by Reckless.

Bio: Unknown


-Normal Mode:

-Exalted Mode:

-Speed Mode:

Race: Will Heim & Torch Curse. (Alpha Stigma)

Skills and Abilities:

-Conflagrant: 1SP Letting the User speed up to a amount of speed that is wanted.

-Equalizer: 2SP Allows the User to Equal the amount of damage taken upon the User and spreading it to the Opposer.

-Repulser: 1SP Spreads a sound like pulse that spreads on the Ground.

Other: Excellent with Lightning and Fire Magic, and Beast Magic.

Name: Thomas Kellen (T.K.)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Smooth, Insane, Smart

Bio: Bio:Thomas was a great student in high school straight A student he had a wonderful mom a great little sister, but one day his mom and sister were taking a walk then a man tried to rob them. Being defenseless she decided to just do what he wanted but his sister (Her name is secret for now) ran and kicked him in the shin. He grabbed her and shot her dead, his mom screamed and ran at him he smacked her she fell back on the road and she was struck by a truck and killed instantly. During final exams the principle pulled him out of the testing area and told him the news. He went home and tried to commit suicide, the pills caused him to fall unconscious and then he awoke in a lab of sorts he got up and noticed there was something black protruding from his hands "wha...what?!" he screamed as he fell the scrambled to his feet. "water" he was really thirsty the shadows along the walls swirled and shot into the sink. Thomas felt hydrated "Did I do that?!" he said to himself. Thomas look down at his blackness on his arms and willed them to go away so they retreated in his pockets. He felt around in them but nothing was in there. He walked out of the lab and noticed he was in a small clinic not far from his school. Thomas walked out and that is were his story begins.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Thomas.jpg.e1d35cfddaa6df8cd4e39f2352025442.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41388" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Thomas.jpg.e1d35cfddaa6df8cd4e39f2352025442.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Race:The Dark(He has became the dark and will learn how to us his power to control the darkness)

Skills and Abilities: Stealth:5 Knives:3 Darkness Control:4

Other:Kills anything that is happy



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Full Name: Josue Rapturia Vapoolis Scion of Tempoly of the Clan Teal Blade

Nickname: N/a


Appearance(Anime pictures only pls):



Powers & Abilities:

Cosmic dickery 5d

Fluffy 3d


Personality: Arrogant and cocky with a hint of playfulness. His haughtiness is from the fact of his high standing. Also he is rather flamboyant in nature too sometimes opting for the showy over the pragmatic.

Likes: Himself, luxurious things, the ocean, the moon

Dislikes: those who he deems unworthy, overly sweet foods,

Background Information:

His race was that of an ancient and powerful people who had their golden age long ago. Now they have retreated from most affairs residing in places far away both mystical and slightly mundane. However it occurred to them that as time passes by their heritage becomes even more lost on earth and as such have decided to re-establish new connections to revitalize their culture by the usage of emissaries. Josue is just one of these emissaries. Although his attitude leaves much to be desired he has the skills
Name: James

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a generally formal , vary and territorial person towards strangers and quick to assumptions. Though with his friends he generally is a loud vulgar and friendly with a short temper.

Bio: From the earliest points in his childhood James has always preferred his wolf form almost never transforming back leaving his human form malnourished and weak to his loved ones dismay. Throughout childhood he had always been more animal than human leading to harassment from most people his age; though having close friends kept him happy it also lead him to distrust strangers. As he grew up James developed proper social skills and etiquette leading him to become more understandable. His affinity for magic was discovered during a building fire in which he came out unscathed. As a side effect it lead him to working in the hospital mostly keeping patients alive in the ER and and healing major wounds and minor diseases. Because of his success he wishes to master the field and learn other magic.


Race: Lycanthrope

Skills and Abilities:

Enhanced Being 3: As a lycanthrope almost every aspect of his body is improved noteably from senses to balance.

White Magic 5: Learning this field has taught him restoring and defensive magics to aid others or protect himself.

Resonance 3: With a general affinity and interest James has also learned sound based magic to stun and overwhelm most enemies temporarily. While also being able to silence enemies when needed.

Entertainment 1: While mostly learning at this new school he has taught himself how to play the guitar and sing while amplifying his skills with his other magics.

Other: Generally he relies on other people's advice on how to act to avoid embarrassment.
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Name: John Abraus

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: He is generally calm, but can be annoying at times, stressing something called the "Greater Good"

Bio: Unknown

Appearance: Usually seen in his armor. If not, he wears simple clothes.

Race: Tau

Skills and Abilities:

Deadly Shot 4 skill points: He is great with ranged weapons, as his race prefers to fight from the distance. This however makes him weak in close combat.

Fantastic Engineer 3 skill points: He is great with engineering weapons, as his race is good with tech. He can build many, many things, like battle suits, or drones.

Smart ass 4 skill points: He is good at almost every subject, but his physical nature is very weak.

Okay driver 1 skill point: He has some experience from some vehicles, but not too much.

Other: He builds several of these things he calls "Peaceful"

Battle suits:


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