Name: Isaac

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: caring, quiet, shy, calm under pressure.

Bio: In middle school Isaac never really had many friends he was always left out which lead to him being very quiet and shy. but he always felt like helping people in every way possible. When he hit high school whenever people approached him he always seemed to scare them with his appearance granted he didn't see anything wrong with it but the way he looked at them with his piercing eyes usually scared them, eventually word traveled to the popular crowd and they went to teach them a lesson for scaring people and let's just say nobody messed with him after he broke someones hand,another ones leg, and cracked someone's rib. He also learned how to use a knife/daggers after being jumped by a group of 7 people. He got in so much trouble he was kicked out of his old school so he transferred to Michael Orange.

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/imgres.jpg.fe2ad83fd5e8c5324b500fa6a5e31ba0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/imgres.jpg.fe2ad83fd5e8c5324b500fa6a5e31ba0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Skills and Abilities:Fear 5: Due to his looks, always being alone, and piercing eyes he appears scary and cold hearted, and this scares people.

Hand to hand combat 4: Due to being in many fights and participating in his old schools greco/roman wrestling program he is very strong and knows many of the body's weak points and is quite a brawler

Dagger/knife use 3: After being jumped Isaac began using small weapons such as knives and daggers, but is not very skilled with them yet.


Other: He always carries a dagger and knife.



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Name: Natalya Berezinova

Nickname: The Horny Guardian Angel of Bioterrorism

Age: 38

Height: 1.60 m

Weight: 45 kg

Gender: female

Race: nymph, although she is a human. She has been augmented with magitech.

Personality: although Natalya has no problem talking to other people, she will hardly ever reveal any details about herself or her personal life unless she considers said person a very trustworthy friend. She doesn't really like lying, but her obsession with privacy will often make her do it to avoid giving away any personal information. There are also rumors circulating around that say she is a very friendly woman and loves to meat new people, but almost nobody in this school can confirm it yet.

Likes: being friendly, sweets, developing new drugs, technology and magitech, fashion.

Dislikes: big corporations, double agents, cameras and microphones.

Fears: radiation poisoning, being spied on.


Born in the poorest streets of Russia, Natalya had always dreamed of becoming an important scientist who developed new medicines to cure people, but she knew that would never happen if she stayed in country. So when her older brother asked her if she wanted to come with him to the USA, she didn't doubt for a second.

But things didn't quite go as expected. The USA wasn't the Land of Free Jobs like they had been promised, and Natalya had to do some very questionable things to survive in the concrete jungle. However, years of eating cheap instant ramen by candlelight finally yielded results, and Natalya managed to get her PhD in Pharmacology. Still, not even that managed to get her out from a life of shadowrunning, shady job after shady job.

Not everything about her lifestyle was bad, though. During all those years, she managed to acquire experience in fields like medicine and surgery (don't ask), and also met some very interesting personalities. During one of her adventures, she met an elf that claimed to be an expert in the field of magitech, the art of combining technology and magic in a single science. After a

very friendly conversation

, she (or Natalya, it is not very clear who had to be convinced) agreed to use her as a test subject for the elf's newest experimental implants. A few days of surgery later, Natalya got a fully functional magitech arm (that, to the naked eye, just looks like a natural arm), magitech eyes, enhanced rejuvenation nanomagimachines and a few neural implants that enhanced her (already quite good) cognitive abilities. Said elf is still today one of Natalya's best friends, going as far as being roommates for years before the chemist had to leave for the Michael Orange school. She has promised to go back for Christmas and summer holidays.

Now, Natalya has decided to start a new life, far away from the crimes she commited in her old one. She heard about a school being built far away from civilization, meant to unite humans with demihumans in harmony. Natalya was no strange to a wide array of demihuman cultures, and in fact she had dealt with a lot of them during her shadowrunning years, so she decided to send her curriculum to work as a chemistry teacher in the Michael Orange Academy.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Crazy Drugmaster (5): Natalya is an expert chemist, capable of developing powerful new formulas to cure illnesses or cause a wide range of effects in any lifeform. Note: it's not only a skill, it's also her hobby.
  • Nice Lady (5): anyone that has ever met Natalya can affirm that she is a very nice lady, well versed in the art of being friendly to other people, maybe way too friendly. With a lot of experience under her belt, nobody has ever resisted her charms.
  • Augmented with MagiTech (3): Natalya's body is augmented with several MagiTech implants that grant her superhuman abilities. This skill can be applied whenever any of her implants come into play.

    Magitech Arm: Natalya's right arm is actually a magitech prosthetic, covered in fake skin to protect it from prying eyes. It never gets tired, and the tip of the fingers of its hand can retract to show a variety of tools that can help Natalya to perform a surgery. It also has concealed nanosyringes in the tip of the fingernails that can inject drugs while being completely painless. The forearm can be opened to reveal a compartment that can be used to store drug vials, which can be injected directly onto Natalya's bloodstream.
  • Magitech Eyes: both of Natalya's eyes are actually magitech eyes. They look pretty much like a human eye, although the iris looks like it was made of small mobile colored metal plates under closer inspection. They offer higher image quality than a human eye, microscopic vision and a thermograph mode to sense heat patterns.
  • Enhanced Rejuvenation Nanomagimachines: these microscopic magical machines regenerate the user's cells and tissues to make them look always young and increase their lifespan by quite a bit. It also makes most wounds regenerate twice as fast.
  • Neuralware Coprocessors: located in Natalya's nape, this metal plate carries a series of processors -connected to her brain through nanotechnology- that enhance her cognitive capabilties by offloading some work from her central nervous system and providing easy-to-access storage. It also includes a series of ports that can be used to connect mass storage devices and other interfaces to it.

[*]Ripperdoc (3): although Natalya never got a medical license, her years of experience in shady business have somehow taught her medicine and surgery. The safety of her procedures is questionable.

[*]Paranoid (2): what was that noise? Do you have any microphones on you? Hey, I swear I have seen that LED blinking! Why isn't the school website using SSL? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE COMPUTERS ARE RUNNING WINDOWS!?

[*]MagiTechie (2): boy, does Natalya LOVE MagiTech! Her best friend has taught her a thing or two about this bleeding edge science, mostly basic procedures and applications, but who knows what could she do with this knowledge?

Other: Natalya didn't always work in a lab, you know? Her parents were too poor to pay for her studies, so she had to get the money from somewhere else if she ever wanted to follow her dreams. But she will never tell you about that.



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Name: Ravis Mic Jones

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Jazz is a complicated person due to his many forms and other past events.

In human form: Jazz seems calm and collected in the most part, only speaking when necessary. He will bond with one or two people depending and he will do anything to please and protect these people, but he holds a lot of internal stress and pain which he usually puts to rest by cutting himself, if he didn't he may go crazy and hurt the people around him.

In Furry form: In this form he is kinda a derp always making stupid faces and dumb choices, but he is nothing but a big ball of friendship love and hugs in this form. Unless he is defending one of the people he has bonded with.

In anthro form: this is probably his more violent form but at the same time can so more compassion and understanding then any other. He uses this form to fight or defend those he cares for and this form reflects his true emotions like a mirror it dosent hold much back.

Bio: Well Jazz was always different due to a special blood mix. He didn't end up a nico like most half furries half humans would instead he could switch between forms. This came with the fact he was unliked by booth furries and humans whenever they found out his secret which lead to bullying and beatings. His father was also always drunk his father beat him and his mother until one fateful day Jazz killed him and ran away. He dosent have much history after that point.








Human furry/Anthro morph

Skills: transformation 8 (alows him to change forms but with lots of pain)

Speed 3 (much faster then any human )

Self healing 1 (alows quick regeneration to wounds)

Other: Ravis may develop a animal master kinda bond with a girl, but he would never fall in love with one or date one due to the fact he is gay.
Name: Xavier Lee

Age: looks 18 but no one really knows

Gender: M

Personality: Xavier is generally quiet but is a great friend. When he bonds with someone he becomes protective and is always open to help. He is someone you can rely on even though he doesn't like relying on people himself. He hates feeling like a burden.

Bio: Not many people know much about his past. He has been all over the world, adventuring and meeting new people but decided to settle back in America after a few years of that.


Race: Shadow bender

Skills and Abilities: Illusionist- 5 -Xavier can morph shadows to create extremely realistic illusions

Darkness- 3 - The ability to plunge any space into darkness

Mind control- 4 - Xavier's illusions can be so realistic that he is able to control his target

Other: N/A
Name: Seigi Skeltal/Justice Skeleton Gashadokuro

Age: 250

Gender: Male, for what it's worth.

Personality: Seigi is all about helping people discover their potential. Even if he has to grind them into the dirt to do it. He will not let anyone, especially himself, give less than 110%. He rushes challenges head-on, but understands that there are just some things he can't handle... yet. Then, it's a strict training regimen dedicated to handling those things. He's also big on the idea of "Might for Right," believing that power exists to protect the powerless. This comes back to one of his central ideals: JUSTICE. He dons the vigilante persona "Justice Skeleton Gashadokuro" in order to fight crime and not get fired for beating people up off the job.

Bio: Seigi was born a serf in Japan during the age of kabuki and its noble heroes. Then things went to shit due to geopolitics, which lead him to die at the age of 35. Cut to 1970, and the noble heroes of kabuki were, in a sense, reborn in the form of the heroes of Japanese children's shows. Flashy, strong, and operating with a sense of justice. Seigi REALLY liked that. But, as a kid, he was a serf, and by 1970 he'd been dead for a century. However, this would not stop him- he would leave the graveyard, and become a hero of justice to rival those on the stage and screen! ...though he soon realized this wouldn't pay his electricity bills or rent (the only real expenses a skeleton has), or feed his addiction to Japanese spandex-clad heroes. So he has taken a job as a gym teacher after going through the proper channels to become accredited in hopes of paying for electricity and rent, so that he might fully devote himself to the pursuit of JUSTICE.


Race: Skeleton

Skills and Abilities:

Toku Protag (5d): Seigi's first career choice wasn't being a gym teacher. He always wanted to be a superhero, but that doesn't pay the bills. He has to settle for being a vigilante. While in costume, he can fight with flashy martial arts, pose with the best of them, and always fights for justice.

Spooky Skeleton (4d): Seigi is, of course, a skeleton. He's already dead, doesn't have organs, doesn't need to eat, breathe, or rest, and he's pretty spooky- even when wearing his costume!

Gym Teacher (4d): Seigi's powers as Justice Skeleton Gashadokuro are from hard work and guts. Thus, he's an excellent gym teacher. Athletics, training others, pep talks, chastising bullies, that sort of thing.

Quick Change Artist (3d): Being a toku protag without a transformation device, Seigi has to don the disguise quickly. He also happens to take a drama class on the weekends, which has expanded his repetoire of disguises.

Driver (2d): Seigi doesn't trust motorcycles. They just don't seem safe. As such, he drives a Honda Accord.

Accreditation (2d): Surprisingly, Seigi is actually qualified to be a teacher- he took exams and everything.
Name: King Nums

Age: 3 Human Years

Gender: Male

Personality: King Nums is a very proud being with a bit of a mean streak. He often demands things that he wants, rather than asking. He likes many things, such as soft linen, kibble, and walkies, and hates asparagus and electricity.

Bio: King Nums, nee Nums, was once a very normal dog. He had normal dog desires and normal dog thoughts. That all changed, though, when he dug up some funny bones to chew on. These bones, unbeknownst to Nums, were very special, the bones of long forgotten royalty. And so it was that he came to be possessed by a g-g-g-g-ghost. From that day forth, he was living, breathing proof that there is no god, only ghosts that possess dogs and make them think they are kings.


Race: Welsh Corgi

Skills and Abilities: 5 points in playing dead, 3 in walking on only his hind legs, 3 in opening jars with his mouth, 1 in basket weaving.

Other: The ghost that possessed him was not actually a king, but really wanted to live out his fantasy in his second life.


Name: Blake Murdock

"Don't overuse it."

Age: 16

"I can still beat you in a fight anyday..."

Gender: Female

"Kind of self explanatory, huh?"

Personality: Blake tends to be rather sharp in her tone and pretends not to care about much even if she does. She hardly ever out right tells anyone how she is truly feeling. She speaks her mind though if it comes to everyday conversation. Even if she puts on a tough facade everyday, inside she is very lonely. She is also very protective over people she cares about. You can say she is rude at times but she is always loyal, brave, and won't step down from a fight.

"If you get into some trouble, call me. Otherwise, leave me alone. I'm not good for anything else anyway."


When she was little, kids would exclude her from everything. They called her a monster, told her she was scary, and openly disliked her. Even her parents were afraid of her. She'd always have a snarky retort but at the time she was too little to defend herself. So now she defends everyone else.

Appearance: Standing at 4'9" you'd think she'd be as harmless as a toddler. Once you spend enough time with her though, you'll soon find out she is among the most frightening. She has blonde hair that falls to her mid back. Her eyes are the color of freshly spilled blood.

Race: Mare (A creature who feeds off fear, usually causing nightmares to get it.)

Skills and abilities:

Forethought (3) -

(An ability to get a glimpse of the possible feature. Can be used casually or in a battle to get the upper hand. The predictions are not always accurate and can sometimes mean something entirely different than what expected.)


(The ability to perform hand to hand combat skillfully)


(The ability to conjure up something from someones worst fears. Blake feeds off the fear and becomes stronger)

Nightmarish grasp(3)-

(The ability to conjure up large shadowy hands and use them like her own)


Name: Remi Nazmin

"I prefer my students call me Miss Remi."

Age: 24

"It is rude to ask a women their age, you know."

Gender: Female

"Do I honestly look like a man?"

Personality: Remi is strict in her ways and doesn't let up easy. Of course, she cares about everyone very much and would do her best to help if someone came to get for something. She is very mature for being as young an adult as she is.

"Don't be afraid to ask me for things. Even if I'm a little scary in class, I care very much about my students."

Bio: Remi grew up in a family full of murder and crime. Her family was apart of a large and active gang. She hated to see everyone hurt all the time so she studied healing magic and worked to be so much more beneficial to society in every way she could.

Appearance: Remi has long light brown wavy hair and cold violet eyes. She also has a large Fox tail nine times the size of a normal foxes. Small fox ears can be seen protruding from her head. She usually has a look on her face that is a mix between annoyance and indifference
making her hard to read

Race: Kitsune

Skills and abilities:


(Proficient in the use of a sword.)

Healing touch(5)-

(The ability to heal someone or herself. If the healing is her own or a great amount of another, it consumes her life force)

Master Pharmacist(5)-

(Can create almost any type of potion or medicine out of herbs and elements)


(Has intense focus, the ability to make quick decisions, and is able to save people beyond the point where there wouldn't be saving. Not dead but almost hopeless)

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