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Fandom Petal Breeze (Fairy Tail Universe RP)

Shrugging, Zian decided that he shouldn't waste too much of his time on two mages. They would figure it out once he - and his followers - did some amazing deed that Ignis Reed would become even more famous for. "Every man to his opinion, right?" Zian readjusted his hood over his face and glanced back at the crowd of people who were beginning to catch up to him.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." As Zian was about to leave for the next town, he heard one of the mages say something about bandits. This immediately caught Zian's attention. "Bandits, you say?" Zian muttered lowly, a glint appearing in his eyes that seemed to shine even with the hood casting a shadow over his face. Perhaps this would be the deed that Zian would use to tell the world that Ignis Reed was not dead.

Taking a step forward, Zian's rather idiotic hero complex got a better of him as he beamed cheerfully. "Well, let's get going then." Attaching himself temporarily to the group, Zian decided that he was going to take the old man path to defeating these so called bandits. He was going to talk to them first and then, if they don't cooperate, he'll simply have to use a little bit of the thousand sun fire magic.
Hana straightened up, turning on her heel to face Ignis Reed.

"What exactly do you think you're doing? This is a Petal Breeze job. A wizard guild job. For our guild. That we're taking. And you aren't," she said coldly, blinking at him in indignant confusion. Luka had gone back to subtly growling at the red-cloaked man. So maybe this guy was famous, but that didn't give him the right to barge in on a guild mission as if he were one of their comrades. She looked at Tybalt desperately for help, her eyes pleading for him to scare him off, or just tell him to go away. Hana had to complete this mission in order to join Petal Breeze and have a place to live, and she wasn't about to sacrifice that for a stranger.

Not to mention Ignis Reed would just be one more person who ran the risk of falling victim to her haphazard fighting style. Hana's ideal working conditions were crumbling beneath her faster than she could build them back up, and having one person to get in her way might just drive her over the edge.
"Petal Breeze? I've never heard of that guild." Zian innocently said while the amused grin continued to spread across his face. Quite aware that he was mocking them, Zian wondered if he had stayed around that old man for a little too long. He expected that he would be jumping at the chance to kill steal and take the reward money for himself. However, that would probably leave a sour taste in the mouths of those who said Ignis Reed's name. "I won't take your reward," Well, not all of it. "I'm just an innocent fire mage that would like to tag along." Holding his hands up like he was trying to defend himself when he was really verbally attacking the two mages.

Deciding to throw the final blow, Zian leaned back and nonchalantly said, "Perhaps this would be a good example to show off your guild's strength to a bystander?" Beaming and giving the two mages two big thumbs up, Zian was mentally dying from laughter as he played around with the two mages. Sometimes the name of Ignis Reed really did have its benefits. Then again, all of this was probably going to come raging back at him one day but Zian didn't care. By then he would be a powerful mage and no one would dare attack the legendary Sun Mage. Hopefully.

As a petal fell from the rainbow of a bouquet, the small twelve year old girl known by Mai, knelt down to retrieve the small treasure. Idling it in between her fingers, she let it go with the wind, as she sighed at the lack of sales from her flower basket. "Maybe I should find a new location," The girl thought to herself as she tapped her foot on the cobblestone street. Contemplating her own safety, she shrugged off her worries and moved closer in to town. Surely it was safe enough, and she knew how to protect herself if needed. She skipped in to the area, completely in awe at amounts of people, and of course the different stands and stores. Holding her basket close, she explored more, following scents of different things, until one in particular got her attention. Flowers. She had a keen nose for such things, and there were so many scents coming from one location.

Following her nose, the girl caught sight of an eerie building looming over head. Mai wanted so badly to enter, but she wasn't sure if it would be okay to do so. "Well, I already took one risk today, so why not another?" The girl said with a grin. Cautiously approaching the building, Mai knocked on the big double doors, and pushed down the knob, creaking one of the doors open. Popping her head in, she spoke, "Hello? Anybody here?" pushing the door open more, she exposed the left side of her body, her left hand touching the inside of the door with the basket of flowers draped on her forearm, and her right hand still on the knob.

Suddenly, the girl gasped at the array of flowers placed every where in the building. She began naming each flower under her breath as she looked around the giant building, noting each scent and the appearance. It was absolutely beautiful. Entirely exposing herself in to the building, she walked in with her hands clenched on to each other in her chest, and noticed a woman at the bar. Mai stood in her spot, thinking it better to have the woman either dismiss her, or for herself to make the first move and run.​
Tybalt shook his head.

"I'm done arguing with this deluded wacko. He can come if he wants, but if he gets in our way, he's not our problem." He explained, giving Hana a shrug and continuing on their merry way. Having gotten out of the city gate, the road out of Magnolia Town was a pleasant forested path, breaking from the shade of the trees they came across an open field, where you could see for miles.

Tybalt rubbed his chin, seeing smoke in the distance. Most likely a campfire.

Alright, a decent place to start. He continued on his way towards the smoke, veering off the trail and into the field.
Violet sat at the bar as a little girl came through the doors. She seemed awed by the flowers and decorations. This put a smile on Violet's face.

"Hello sweetie, welcome to the wizard's guild, Petal Breeze. What can I do for you?" She asked amiably, tossing her hair over her shoulder and out of her face, revealing the tattoos on her right shoulder.

Mai stood in place, smiling at the woman. Her eyes brightened up when she said the words "Wizard's guild".

"A wizard's guild! I've read about these," Mai thought about the name Petal Breeze, and she liked the way that sounded. "I'm Mai, nice to meet 'ya! I was selling some flowers in the area, but I've never seen a guild before, never mind a one as pretty as this! I'm actually wizard myself, and I specialize in plant magic. I'm not the best, but then again I am only twelve... oh well. But this place is beautiful! The flowers really entice you huh? And the arrangement; wow. All over the place, I like that. I should do that with my house, but dad would probably say no..." Mai continued babbling, words and sentences spewing out of her mouth left and right. She started walking toward the woman, casting her arms out and speaking about the flow of colors-- whatever that means. Before she knew it she was right by the bar, next to the woman.

Mai abruptly came to a stop, realizing that she had just completely overwhelmed the woman in such words.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," She said awkwardly, her cheeks pinching red.

"What name do you go by Miss?" the girl asked in hopes of taking some attention off her.​
Hana huffed, again blowing frosty air into the warm, sunlit day. She walked along beside Tybalt, keeping her distance about two paces behind him, Luka in tow. She occasionally shot glances at this sign is fellow, and then at Tybalt, uneasy about having to work with two people now.

When Tybalt veered off the path toward what appeared to be a campfire, Hana paused to let Luka sniff out any sign of danger. When the white dog moved on ahead with hardly a stop, she followed him into the grass without speaking. Hana usually put more trust in her dog's sense of danger than that of other wizards, having previously been surrounded by battle-hungry and reckless ones in her first guild. While she had made a point about avoiding them, she always seemed to be cleaning up one mess or another or pulling them out of a fight that was too much for any one of them to handle. Hana hoped Tybalt, and maybe this Ignis Reed guy, would be more sensible and leave Hana to do her work without being disturbed by their struggles.
Violet's smile only grew wider. This little girl, she reminded her of herself at that age. Verbal diarrhea, a love for flowers, and an inquisitive, magic-loving nature? Shaking her head a little, Violet spoke up.

"I'm Violet Winters, but you can just call me Vi if you'd like, sweetie, it's what my friends call me." She explained for Mai, unable to do anything but smile for the cute little girl.


Closing in on the campfire, Tybalt turned, and motioned for the other two behind him to stay quiet. His serious looking eyes were betrayed by a sly grin as he crept forward, onto a little ledge in the field that led down into a bowl, where the grass was gone and only dirt remained. Looking down into the bowl, Tybalt saw exactly what he expected. A couple tents set up, and a campfire, around which sat a group of rough looking men, and one woman. The men were obviously bandits, carrying cutlasses and looking like they'd just crawled out prison. the woman however, looked quite sophisticated, wearing an elegant black gown that billowed out, with a starry design on it. She couldn't be the leader, could she?

Just as Tybalt was considering his courses of action, another man appeared in the bowl in a flash of light, beside the woman in the starry gown. He wore black armor, with a similar starry design on his gauntlets and greaves as the woman's gown. He had a pale face and brilliant red hair, in direct contrast to the woman's dark brown locks.

Swallowing, Tybalt blinked a few times. Teleportation magic was rooted in spacial manipulation. Whoever this guy in armor was, he was probably a pretty high class mage.

Do we have the artifacts yet?" The man asked the woman, ignoring the presence of the bandit crew that seemed to uncomfortable with him around.

We have all we need for now, Vermillion." The woman answered, sighing as she sauntered towards the man, who turned his gaze away from her. "We have all need and more, the money from the locals will keep us happy for a little while." She explained, obviously pleased with herself. It seemed however, the man named Vermillion was not.

I thought you above petty thievery, Astrid." He quipped, heading towards one of the tents and pulling a sack of goods out. He began rooting through the sack, removing numerous artifacts, seemingly of a magical nature.

Tybalt swore under his breath. They were tasked with only getting one artifact.... How would they know which one it was?
Little Mai returned Violet's smile with one of her own. "It's nice to meet you Miss Vi. Like I said, I've been selling flowers all day, but I guess this place is all set on those. Do you mind if I hangout here for a while? My dad's gone, so I don't really need to be anywhere. Plus, no one was buying anyways..." Mai looked at the flower basket with a forlorn expression. She picked up a violet and smiled, handing it to Vi. "Very cliche, but here's a violet for you, Miss Vi. Not that you really need it with all these other beautiful ones, but still. I think its a nice color." Handing it to the woman, Mai offered another smile and sat on a stool next to Vi.

"Um, excuse do you perhaps have anything on illusion magic?"

"Magic you say, eh? Well if you want information on that you are in the wrong place," the old, raspy librarian replied. "Perhaps you might want to try asking some of your own kind, wizards. I hear there is a new guild supposedly in thia town. Go check there," the old woman advised. Rayla pushed her glasses with two fingers, a sign of interest. "A wizard guild? I've heard of those," Rayla commented but the librarian showed no interest. Rayla sighed and walked out of the library.

She stood outside with no idea of where to go. Her eyes looked around at all the different paths available to her. "Where should I go?" she whispered to herself. Ray took a few steps forward, hesitated, and returned to her original spot. She moved a piece of her brownish-red tinted hair back behind her ear to allow a clearer vision.

People passed her without a second glance, this didn't bother Rayla at all. She decided to take a desolate path, so as to avoid people. She didn't mind the masses of people but that she felt the need to console her 'friend'.

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Standing a few feet behind one of the mages, Zian stared at the scene before him, eyes wide with amazement. That sack..it held so many magical artifacts. Some of which Zian had never seen or heard of before. Taking a few steps forward, Zian slowly crouched down and said, "Why not grab all of them?" With the hood covering his face, one wasn't able to tell if the suggestion was done out of greed or stupidity. There was a very big possibility that it was both. However, underneath the cover of the hood, Zian was drooling with lust. People would pay big money for artifacts like those. If it weren't for the fact that Ignis Reed was such a charitable guy, Zian would have stormed into the campgrounds, thrown a few flashy flames here and there, and taken the bag.

After all, Zian was prepared. He had a few followers to back him up if he ever needed help. You see, this young man has still yet to move on from his days on the street. Living life one step ahead of everyone else, having to steal to eat and live, permanently borrowing things to sell for profit. No, Zian has yet to move on even after the year he spent taking care of that old man Ignis. You'd think that the Sun Mage would have passed down some elderly fire mage wisdom to Zian but he didn't. In fact, Ignis himself was a rather rambunctious person when he was younger. However, Zian was just simply a foolish idiot.

He didn't care one bit if that red haired man just used teleportation magic. He didn't bother thinking it through before he started chuckling silently to himself. A dangerous glint appeared in Zian's eyes, one that indicated that he was indeed a shallow young man who still had dreams of getting lucky and becoming rich. He could buy a mansion with the money he would get from those artifacts and then all the beautiful women would come flocking to his side in hopes of catching his attention. Zian's stomach felt as if there were a thousand butterflies each with the power of a thousand suns fluttering about and causing him to get all giddy.

Giddy with greed. Now, one would have thought that Zian would have learned to be sneaky and sly from living on the streets and he did, he really did. But being able to do anything he wanted to do with Ignis Reed's name caused Zian's head and ego to grow to a very dangerous size. It wasn't long until he stood up and ran down the hill, yelling, "Ya-ha!" Ah, how stupid could this eighteen year old get? Quite stupid indeed. With that battle cry being yelled out loud, it was impossible for people not to notice a red cloak sprinting towards them, his hands held back as he slowly, and dramatically, charged up the flames that were in between his hands.

The fire ball in Zian's hands was about the size of his physical head, since we all know that, mentally, this guy's brain must have been pulled out through his nose. His head was then pumped with air, allowing Zian to gain the title of "complete and utter airhead" or "that idiotic dunderhead". I guess that wouldn't be much of an exaggeration either. As the narrator for this character, I can truly say that he's absolutely foolish and not to mention stupid. What kind of supposedly smart and wise Sun Mage would go sprinting towards the enemy, shouting his battle cry? Not Ignis Reed, that's for sure.

Even the bandits all shared the exact same thought when they saw a figure running towards them, screaming and shouting. "Ah. There's an idiot." Everyone seemed to stare at the red cloak for a moment before they carelessly picked up their blades and shrugged nonchalantly. They thought this was going to be an easy fight, didn't they? Well, they were probably right. The only thing that threw them off was the gigantic flame thrower that was once the small and condensed fire ball in the figure's hand. Surprisingly, the fire didn't hurt. It wasn't that hot. However, one sixth of the bandits didn't have enough time to think before they found themselves taking hits from all over and then falling, face first, onto the ground.

By the time the fire had cleared, the Sun Mage stood before the bandits. His feet were spread apart and his protected hands were on his waist. Grinning confidently, Zian was ready for this battle...and so were the people who had run into the fire to start hitting the bandits that were distracted by it. They were the followers of the Sun Mage. Well, the fake Sun Mage. You didn't actually think Zian was a strong fire mage, did you? He's just some bastard who uses dirty tricks to fool others. And it works pretty well.
Hana gasped in awe of the sheer stupidity of the red-cloaked man. She shot a look at Tybalt.

"Is he insane?" she asked, looking back at the fire-ridden battle going on below. At this rate, they'd lose to the bandits and destroy the artifacts in the process. Hana wasn't sure whether to jump in and try to save the mission, or let Ignis make a complete fool of himself in Oder to teach him a lesson.

She remained herself of her determination to complete her mission, and, with a last glance at Tybalt, she crept up around the camp and murmured,
"Ice Make: Lance!" under her breath, hurling them at the wizard bandit guarding the artifacts. She pointed to the bag and ordered Luka to grab it and run. He darted in, took the bag in his mouth, and ran off into the trees. Hana made a mental note to call him back when it was safe to do so.

Unfortunately, her attack had attracted the attention of the rest of the band of thieves, and probably Ignis Reed himself. She braced for an onslaught, slapping her fist in her open palm and generating an icy blue magic circle.
His eyes opening wide in a moment of stunned pause, Tybalt sighed, watching as the idiotic fire mage and then the apparently fearless Hana leapt into the fray. Muttering something about idiots under his breath, he began to slide down the hill after them.


The armoured mage felt the magic before the words had been uttered. The fire hadn't bothered him, but this ice magic, it was indeed directed at him.

Boundless Reflection: Capture." He muttered, without turning away from the sack, a mirror erupting from the ground in front of him, capturing the spear of ice. From there, the mirror lowered into the ground once more. He grinned, pulling out the artifact he had been looking for. Just as he did, a dog ran past, grabbing the sack. Little matter. He didn't care about Astrid's work with these bandits. All he needed was the Amulet of Samard. A brilliant blue amulet dangling from a glittering platinum chain.

Grasping it tightly in his left hand, the mage turned his gaze towards the three advancing foes. Who exactly were these annoyances?


Landing beside Hana as the bandits advanced, Tybalt grinned, his hands glowing purple for a moment as his leather jacket billowed in a gust of wind. The bandits all seemed to suddenly look confused, their gazes turning to their swords. They seemed to struggle for a moment, before dropping the weapons, and then crumpling to the ground themselves in a groaning heap, crying out for help.

What are you doing?!?! GET UP YOU USELESS FILTH!" The woman screamed, her hair becoming untidy as a look of rage passed over her visage.

Not likely..." Tybalt began, stepping forward of the red cloaked retard and Hana. "At least, not in ten times normal gravity. They won't be moving anytime soon. And if you don't back off, neither will you." He threatened, pointing a waggling finger at the woman, who seemed beyond infuriated with the obnoxious grinning young man before her.


The red-haired mage sighed, seeing Astrid cornered. Advancing to her side, he turned to face the three mages over the pile of noisy bandit meat.

Exactly who are you three, and what do you want?" He asked, confused as to why Astrid's operation could be compromised like this. Magnolia didn't have a wizard's guild.  
Violet couldn't help but feel the mood brighten in the guildhouse as the little girl called Mai brought another smile to her face. She was a pleasant little child.

"I'd be happy to let you be here whenever you want, Mai. But I can do better than that. You say you're a wizard too, right? Why don't you show me your magic." Violet suggested, leaning forward, and resting her head on her hand, propped up on her elbow. She was interested in what such a pure-hearted little girl could be capable of.
Rayla stepped into the alleyway and looked around to make sure no one was around. She closed her eyes and imagined an image in her head. The image of her 'friend'.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/uploadfromtaptalk1408504857399.jpg.739bb6284a756c407ac0a642e7738bfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/uploadfromtaptalk1408504857399.jpg.739bb6284a756c407ac0a642e7738bfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She imagined his red rousled hair. His unique colored eyes, one red and one gold. The body structure of him and his voice and personality. His height of 5'5" and exact weight of 124 lbs. To the exact structure of his genes.

"Hey RayRay! Long time, no see," a voice sounded. Rayla opened her eyes and saw her friend, Donny. She gave him a bear hug. "Woah kiddo it's only been a week," Donny chuckled. "Yes but I always feel complete when you are here," Rayla mumbled as she placed her head against his chest. It always amazed her how she can hear a heartbeat from him. He wrapped his arms around her. "So what'cha need, kiddo? You don't normally call me now unless it's an abnormal task," Don asked. "Can you sense magic?" Rayla asked back. "Yeah, why?" Don questioned. "I need you to locate where some wizards are," Rayla requested.

Don nodded, "Sure I can do that." He took a step back from her and closed his eyes. After a moment of silence he answered, "Towards north of here are two wizards. About several blocks away." Rayla smiled and hugged him again whispering, "Thank you."

"No problem, kiddo," he mumbled. She looked up at him with somber eyes, "Sadly I am going to have to go alone." He nodded and said, "I understand." Ray stood there feeling once again lonely as he disappeared. She stayed there for a minute until she composed herself.

Ray held trust issues with others so she decided before going to meet the other wizards she will change her appearance. Since Donny's image was still fresh in her mind she altered her features to look like him. Once she was complete she headed off towards the location he said.

"Hm, not a bad place," Ray whispered as she examined the building in front of her. She saw the entrance a tiny bit open as if inviting her. She hesitated at first but curiosity of her power took over. Slowly at first she pushed the door slightly open. She heard voices inside. Her focus lacking, her image began to falter. Realizing this at last minute she decided to keep some parts disguised. She kept his red hair, different colored eyes, and body structure. Rayla lost his height, weight, voice, and personality.

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Mai widened her eyes at the request, and happiness bubbled up inside her.

"Get ready! You're the first one to see, so standby." Mai took a deep breath a pulled out a Live-Coal Container, extracting a single seed. In a flash, Mai readied in her fighting stance, and the seed flew from her hand and hit the ground. In a split second, branches instantly began sprouting from the ground with sharp needles attached. Making a chair one of her targets, Mai Put out her hands and long vines extended from her palms, wrapping up the chair firmly and bringing it upwards. At the same time, she motioned for the needles to release, and hundreds went streaming in to the chair, causing it to splinter and crack. As a final blow, Mai tightened her grip on the chair with her vines, and snap! The chair split in two. Reeling back her vines, Mai motioned for the branches to dissipate, and they disappeared in a white flash of light. Mai beamed at her performance. "And that's it! Not very much, but slightly helpful. And I'm sorry about your chair, I can clean up if you need me to. I just needed a target. The sad thing is I still haven't gotten very many powerful seeds, but in time." Mai smiled happily, still thinking about what she had done and the progress she had made since she was small.​
Taking a step forward, Zian's body was pumped with adrenaline, a confident - almost cocky - grin was growing on his face. Almost like a parasite. "I am the Sun Mage, Ignis Reed, and with the power of a thousands suns," I wonder if this guy's high? Bringing his hands up above his head, Zian quickly brought them down and pointed at the enemy mage with a gloved hand. "I will punish you!" Fortunately, the hood was covering his face since no one would have wanted to see Zian wink at the redhead like he was a pretty sailor in a sailor suit. Of course, this whole thing looked extremely weird to the onlookers but that didn't matter. The more attention Zian got the more the name Ignis Reed would stick in their heads.

Then, pointing at the two mages that he tagged along with, Zian announced loudly, "And these two...these two..." Slowly turning to look at the two mages with a blank gaze, Zian frowned. He didn't know their names. Looks like he'll have to compromise. But, really. Aren't you supposed to exchange names like you exchange greetings? "Are S-Class mages from the famous guild, Petal Breeze!" Sometimes Zian's confidence and quick thinking came in handy. Nothing like a good bluff to hopefully intimidate the enemy.

The bandits seemed to stare at Zian like he was insane. Well, they were already staring at him like that since he ran down the hill, screaming and shouting. However, his words seemed to reinforce their gaze that seemed to hold pity. Sensing this, Zian whipped around and pointed at the bandits with a disgusted and shocked expression. "What?! You've never heard of the legendary guild, Petal Breeze, and it's powerful members?!" A few of the bandits shook their head no while the rest of them sighed. Some even rolled their eyes and tried to bring their attention away from the person underneath the red cloak.

"You fools!" Zian bellowed, a fire was lit within his soul as he bluffed his way into and out of trouble. "This is the fabled gravity mage," Gesturing towards the mage who was using gravity magic to hold all of the bandits down, Zian felt a little pissed on the inside since he was about to praise the guy who ticked him off a few minutes before they got themselves in this sticky situation. "He has enough power to drag the moon closer to the earth..." Speaking to the bandits as if he was telling a story, Zian wiggled his fingers and made the sound that stereotypical ghosts make. Not everyone was convinced but there were a few who were actually staring in fear at the other mage.

Brushing the dirt off of the red cloak, Zian took a step to the side and pointed at the girl. "Argh! Beware!" A few of the bandits who were actually convinced by Zian's little play flinched and stared wide eyed at both Zian and the girl who had been using ice magic. "Though she may look innocent," Zian said in a deep voice as if he was whispering a secret for the whole world to hear. I'm aware that's contradictory but he really was whispering so loud that one would think he was talking. "She's a demon in disguise." The audience gasped. "She can freeze the water in your body and instantly kill you but..." Zian trailed off and reached up to his face to look like he was wiping the tears from his eyes. The audience seemed to be rather captivated in Zian's performance. "She would rather have her victims suffer as long as possible."

A dark aura seemed to cast over the red cloaked fellow as he clenched his fist tightly and bent over slightly. "These mages...are blood thirsty monsters." Zian hoped that this would be enough to get the image of the group stuck into their minds. "But," the bandits' eyes grew even wider. "We are willing to let you go unscathed for a price..." Turning towards the red haired mage and the woman dressed in very sophisticated clothing, Zian smirked from under the cover of the hood. "The artifacts that you stole. Give them to us."

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