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Fandom Petal Breeze (Fairy Tail Universe RP)


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
Set in the land of Fiore, Magnolia Town had always been a merchant town, prosperous in Magic since even ancient times. For some reason, they lacked a local wizard's guild. That was, until recently. A new guild called Petal Breeze was started, by a woman named Violet Winters. Nobody in the town knows much about her, or the guild, but a few people skilled with magic are talking. Apparently her name is whispered in the same breath as the 10 Heavenly Wizard Saints.

The guildhouse stands tall, an old abandoned building that overlooked the town square. With it's newly decorated and flower themed name shining in the light, things are certainly looking up for Magnolia Town.


Petal Breeze

The conduct of the RP will be mission based, with some inter-locking story arcs, just like in the story of Fairy Tail. There will be no canon characters from the story in this RP, but obviously canon magic will be allowed.

Any player is free to send me mission ideas, and work together to create new and exciting plot-lines. I'll moderate and put up the mission taskings, but other than that, I plan on moderating as little as possible and playing like someone who'd joined.

Other rules and regulations of RPN apply as well, such as:

1) No godmodding (being overpowered/always having an answer to any problem)

2) No bunnying (controlling someone else's character without their permission)

3) No explicit sexual content

4) Have fun!

Update to rules: No Slayer-Type magic, or S-Class mages. The guild is brand-new and everyone signing up is just joining the guild.

If you read these rules, then in the sign-up, put how your character found out about Petal Breeze in their backstory.


Character Template






Personal Effects:

Violet sighed, sitting behind the bar in the guildhouse. Pushing the long black hair from her face, she glanced over the floor of the guildhouse. She really liked the layout, it was open and inviting, and her lovely flower decorations were quite extravagant and eye-catching. With a content grin, she poured herself a small glass of wine, standing up and leaning on the counter as the big double doors swung open loudly.

Hey Violet, I'm back from putting up posters!" Tybalt Hale, the sole member of her guild shouted, the young man of 20 years declared as he waltzed into the guildhouse, sniffing the air as his nose scrunched up slightly. "How many bloody flowers are you gonna put up before you're satisfied?" He asked, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black leather bomber jacket.

Violet's eyes narrowed dangerously as she smiled sweetly.

As many as I please, Ty. If you'd please refrain from questioning the guildmaster's decorating decisions, that would be fantastic." She noted with a bit of venom as she poured Tybalt a mug of ale. Sidling up to the bar, Ty drank deeply, taking a deep breath as he put the mug down.

... People are talking. Things look good." He noted, smiling gently at Violet, who nodded her appreciation, taking another sip of wine herself.

Now all they could do was wait.


Name: Tybalt Hale

Age: 20



Biography: Someone who's known Violet for many years, Tybalt was the first and only person Violet approached about the guild of Petal Breeze, and he hasn't looked back since. He shares an almost sibling-like relationship with the guild head, which comes from years of her looking out for him after his parents were killed in a bandit raid. Their families were very close, and Tybalt essentially grew up as a part of the Winters family from that point on. Now in Magnolia Town, he looks to cure his boredom, and to help Violet however he can.


Magia Gravitas - A Caster-Type magic that allows the user to manipulate gravity in various ways.

Personal Effects: Tybalt always carries around his goggles, handy as they are for flying, bad weather and other situations.

Name: Violet Winters

Age: Late Twenties (?)



Biography: ???

Magic: ???

Personal Effects: ???​
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Hana happened to be taking a stroll through Magnolia when she saw one of the posters about a brand-new local guild. Being both in desperate need of money and in a state of extreme boredom, she had decided to stop by.

Petal Breeze had a beautiful guild house, with flowers and eye-catching decor. It certainly had seemed like a pleasant place, and Hana still had an empty feeling left from her old guild. She made up her mind to join right away.

Now, standing just outside the doors with a still-sleepy Luka in tow, Hana walked inside. The day was still early, and the light that streamed in through the windows around the flowers was still weak.

"Hello?" she called into the building, not immediately seeing anybody. "Is this where I can join Petal Breeze?" Hana ventured in a little further and noticed two people, probably wizards, sitting at the bar. "Oh. Sorry, didn't see you guys," she said, walking closer. "I'm Hana Surley. I saw your posters," she explained.
Hearing the girl who had come in mention the posters, Tybalt grinned. "Told you they were a good idea." He let out under his breath, finishing off the rest of his ale. Getting up from the bar, he walked over to the girl and eyed her up and down as he walked in a circle around her. ".... Shouldn't you be in school, or baking cookies for your boyfriend or something right now, missy?" He chirped, his eyes straying to the dog at her side. Could be a familiar? Shrugging, Tybalt turned back to Violet and shook his head.

Her eyebrow raising, Violet looked less than impressed with Tybalt. "
Are you making a wisecrack about her gender or age, Ty? Should I remind you that you're probably not much older than her, and I suggest you think twice before insulting a woman again." She snapped, the air becoming rather tense. Ty swallowed, nodding, and making his way up the stairs beside the bar up to a lounge area, where there were couches.

Violet sighed.

Please don't mind Tybalt. He's a bit obnoxious, but he really does mean well. At least, most of the time." She explained, pulling her black hair out of her face again, grinning ear to ear. "If you'd like to join Petal Breeze sweetie, I just have a few questions. Like, your name for example. I'm Violet Winters, the guildmaster." She introduced herself, offering her hand across the bar for a shake. "Would you like a drink?" She added in question.
Hana glared at the boy called Tybalt before facing who was probably the guild master. "Hana Surley. And I'm nineteen," she stated, casting a cold glance at Tybalt. "This is Luka," she added, rubbing the dog behind the ears. "A familiar and a companion. Gotta have somebody who likes the cold as much as I do." Hana straightened and looked at Violet, prepared for more questions. The inside of the guild was charming and cozy, and Hana could imagine spending time there. She was really just anxious to get back to work and get a solid income so she could find someplace to live. "What else would you like to know?" she asked, side-eyeing Tybalt in case he decided to crack another remark directed at her.
Violet could sense the anxiousness about Hana, and she had been right, she was about the same age as Tybalt. Violet hoped Tybalt heard that from up in the lounge. Rolling her eyes as she glanced up the stairs, she returned her focus to Hana.

"You like the cold, eh? So, I guess that relates somehow to the kind of magic you use? This is a wizard's guild, after all." She noted, smiling. "So that's my next question. What kind of magic do you perform? And after that, one final question. Where are you living right now?" Violet wrapped up her questioning, leaning back from the bar and taking another sip of her wine.
"Make magic," Hana replied warmly. "Ice Make and a bit of healing magic. But I really only use the ice, I learned the healing magic from my master in case of emergencies." Hana chewed her lip a bit before answering the next question, as she did not currently hold a place of residence anywhere. That was part of the reason why she wanted to join the guild. "I'm actually staying in an inn near the edge of Magnolia right now. I came to town three days ago to look for someplace to live, but I've got to do a couple jobs before I'll have enough to afford rent closer to the center of town. I prefer to work for everything I have," she explained, hoping her being 'homeless' wouldn't have too much of an effect on whether she'd be allowed into Petal Breeze. It was a long shot, but hopefully Violet Winters was a reasonable woman and would see the value in having Hana as part of her guild.
Violet looked Hana up and down, her eyebrow raising slightly.

"Here's my offer, Hana. You complete the guild's first mission, and not only will you become a part of Petal Breeze, but you'll also be offered a room here. We have four as part of the guildhouse, and between Tybalt and I, we're only using two of them. Sound like a good offer?" Violet asked, crossing her arms and smiling, a little slyly.

Tybalt, leaning over the railing of the upper lounge, blinked a few times. "
... We had a job already? Why didn't you send me to do it?" He asked, how eyes narrowing questioningly.

Don't worry Tybalt, you'll be going with Hana on this one." Violet noted, without glancing up at him, her gaze still on Hana while Tybalt groaned.
Hana felt a smile spread across her face. "Oh, of course! I'd do anything," she said eagerly. "Thank you!" Her smile began to slip, however, when she heard that Tybalt would be accompanying her. Not only did she prefer to work alone on principal, but now she'd be stuck with some jerk of a boy she didn't know anything about as well. Despite this, Hana was determined to get into Petal Breeze, and if it meant making nice with another wizard, then she'd do it happily. Plus, she thought deviously, if things go south I'll have somebody to share the blame with. Maybe it wouldn't be so terrible after all.
Sighing, Tybalt hopped down from the lounge, landing gently after a slow floating fall down. As he floated, his hands glowed with a deep purple light, the use of his Magia Gravitas. Violet couldn't help but smile with a bit of pride as he used such a strange and difficult magic with ease. Of course, this was mitigated by the fact he could barely perform other magic, even the most basic of spells. It had seemed Tybalt was meant to have found that scroll in the Winters family treasury all those years ago....

Cutting her reminiscing short, Violet pulled out a piece of paper, the mission request. Reading it over, she nodded.

This should be short, simple, and easy. The mission is to retrieve a family heirloom from a group of bandits, who made their way through the outskirts of town last night. They proceeded east, out the main gate. Any questions? And no, Tybalt, don't even think about it." Violet shut the boy down as he opened his mouth, seemingly to ask a question he already knew the answer to. Relegating himself to crossing his arms, he rolled his eyes and turned on his heels, walking towards the door.

You coming there, missy?" He asked, a certain level of excitement in his voice as he pushed open the big double doors, a mischievous grin gracing his features.
Hana huffed, an action that often unintentionally blew out a frosty breath of winter air, and tugged at Luka to follow her.

"My name is Hana," she remarked a bit unpleasantly, catching one of the doors and pulling her sleepy dog through before walking out herself. She gave Violet a little wave as the door slammed closed, and had to jog a few steps to catch up with Tybalt.

"So what's your magic, Hot Shot?"

she asked once she had caught up with him. All this teasing better be because he had a right to be arrogant.
Tybalt scoffed. Hot Shot? Seemed like he'd found an easy target, she was more fun to bug than Violet was.... As long as she didn't get violent like Violet did. Shuddering slightly at a few terrifying memories, Tybalt's mischievous smirk grew wider as he kept walking, but began to walk off the ground, and up into the air, his hands feet glowing with a faint purple light.

I could tell you there, missy, but that'd ruin half the fun." He explained, shrugging and floating gently to the ground, the glow emanating from his hands for a moment before disappearing. "Let's get moving. We've got some ground to cover." He noted, his face getting a little more serious for a moment before jumping up into the air, hovering for a moment before darting off towards the east end of town, flying through the streets, in and around the merchants and citizens.

Better keep up or I'll have all the fun!" He called back, before pulling up and over a building, out of sight.
Hana grumbled something about guys being jerks to Luka and threw a blast of ice at the ground, propelling herself through the streets to try and catch up with Tybalt. Luka sprinted beside her, clearly unhappy about having to run so hard this early in the morning.

"That's not my name!" Hana yelled after him, skating along on her self-generated ice. She darted around the building, catching sight of him once again. Hana dared not go to high, for fear of leaving Luka behind. Though, as her familiar, the young dog could also use some very basic magic in battle and outside in the streets.

Hana was already beginning to grow tired of Tybalt's antics, and they hadn't even left Magnolia yet. This was going to be one long trip if the male wizard kept his antics up.
Having crossed the city, Tybalt landed in front of the city gate, crossing his arms, waiting patiently for Hana to show up. She wasn't that far behind, but being able to nullify one's own gravity and fly lent a pretty big hand to travel.

Thinking to hinself, Tybalt sighed. There was no way this job was going to be that simple. Violet always had a knack for making things get out of hand really fast. If this was their first real job, they could expect a tough time, she'd want to make a name for themselves as fast as possible. Of course, Tybalt added at the end, this was all just speculation. Maybe Violet wouldn't do that. She was hard to read even at the best of times...

In the end, Tybalt shrugged to himself and waited at the gate for Hana.
Hana arrived just moments after Tybalt, half-carrying her exhausted dog.

"You at least could've taken it easy for the innocent animal's sake," she growled, brushing her wind blown hair out of her face. She thought about saying something else, but she figured keeping her mouth shut and staying an appropriate distance away would be the best course of action. The smoother and quicker this job went the better, and then she'd never have to work with Tybalt again.

How could one guy be this obnoxious? Granted, Hana had zero experience with men or other people in general. She much preferred to be alone or with Luka, as her personal style of magic doesn't exactly lend itself to others. It serves her well enough, as well as Luka, but Hana had always had trouble managing working with somebody else and managing her own magic at the same time.

Hana took a deep breath, remembering the last time she had taken a job with a friend. Images of her ice shield breaking apart just as her teammate was hit with a blast of fire magic bombarded her. That would be the last time she lent her focus to fighting over the protection of a comrade.
"Maybe you could have left him at the guildhouse. I'm sure Violet would have looooved the company." Tybalt remarked, unfolding his arms and grinning, his pearly white teeth glinting in the morning sun. He took great pride in his personal appearance.

He began strolling out the gate, now on foot in part because of Hana's complaint, but in part because he didn't exactly want to fly into unknown enemy territory. Staying on the ground would probably be safer. "
How good are you in a fight? I'm sure you can take care of yourself, you seem somewhat capable, but if you're not ready for this, you can go back. No questions asked." He stated, for the record and for Hana's benefit. She didn't need to do this if she didn't want to. It wasn't the kind of job you could go into haphazardly. These bandits would be criminals. Rubbing his chin as he walked, Tybalt began to think of a plan, on how to complete the mission as efficiently as possible.
Hana rolled her eyes. "You ought to reserve judgment until you see something for yourself," she replied smartly despite his sounding genuine, tying her hair back. "Just don't get in my way, understood?" She bore her gaze into Tybalt as if to will him to agree to give her some space in a fight. She didn't want any of her comrades- be them current or future- caught in her attacks. It had happened too many times before. Hana rubbed Luka in a friendly manner as if to encourage him to carry on and returned to glaring at Tybalt. "Well?" she prompted, holding Luka's leash firmly in one hand and placing the other squarely on her hip.
Muttering and whispers arose as a hooded man walked confidently through the town, his stride was similar to that of a male peacock's during mating season. Flamboyant, flashy, and overconfident. His red coat stood out in the crowd of people that began to surround him. The murmurs and mumbling began to crescendo as more and more people gather to realize exactly who was in their presence. Behind the man trailed another crowd, a group of his followers, if one could call them that. However, if one knew of this man's name, they would agree that this man deserved to be flamboyant, flashy, and overconfident. After all, he was the one and only, legendary Sun Mage, Ignis Reed.

"Mama! Look! It's Ignis Reed!" A child cried out from the large crowd of people. He was sitting on top of his father's shoulders to get a look at whatever was causing all this ruckus. He looked to be around the age of six and was pointing straight at the hooded man whose steps made a click on the ground due to his metal boots. The child's lips were stretched in a gigantic grin as he looked around at the crowd that began to scream and shout.

"Oh my god! It really is the Sun Mage!" A woman shouted and swooned at the sight of the legendary Sun Mage. This caused all of the people in the crowd to surge forward, trapping the Sun Mage in with a human barrier. Everyone wanted to meet the legendary Sun Mage that they heard about from their parents and grandparents. Some had even been around when Ignis Reed first became famous. After all, the mage had been alive for more than a hundred years.

"Sun Mage! Sun Mage! Do you remember me?" An old man came, pushing through the crowd. "You saved me and my family when I was just a little boy from the rouge mages!" The crowd praised and yelled at the man, causing so much noise that they caught the attention of everyone nearby and sooner enough, almost the whole town was rushing towards the hooded man.

The Sun Mage chuckled lightly and greeted the people who were surrounding him. It seemed that he was used to this sort of treatment. "Ahaha! It's good to see that you are all very lively but I must attend some important matters." With that being said, Ignis Reed pushed the crowd of people that was surrounding him back with one smooth movement and raised his hands. Quickly, the Sun Mage brought his hands down and yelled out an incantation. "Draconis spiritus fugam!"

A large cloud of smoke appeared from where the Sun Mage once was and flames sparked from the ground. The crowd all jumped back, running into one another and knocking each other down as they covered their faces from the smoke that was rising up to the sky. By the time the people had regained their composure, the Sun Mage was gone. They all sighed with disappointment, many of the people who hadn't gotten to meet the Sun Mage himself walked away muttering.

The child from before got down from his father's shoulders and took a hold of his dad's hand. "Wasn't he cool, papa?" The little boy chirped cheerfully as they began to leave the town square. "I remember all of the books that you read to me about him." Glancing back to where the Sun Mage once was, the boy beamed happily and then turned back to look up at his father. "When I grow up, I want to be just like Ignis Reed!"

Little did that little boy and the people of the town know that Ignis Reed was dead and that hooded man was not Ignis Reed. He was an eighteen year old fire mage by the name of Zian Knight. Laughing obnoxiously, Zian leaned back against the wall of a narrow alleyway. Clutching his gut, Zian smirked sadistically and flicked his hair. "I can't believe that there are people who know me even in this town..." Shaking his head and walking nonchalantly down the alleyway, Zian readjusted the red coat and stared up at the blue sky.

Approaching the gate of the city, Zian came to the conclusion that there was nothing interesting in this boring little town. "Oh well. Onto the next city." The young man shrugged his shoulders and seemed to non-verbally boast about his accomplishments and how he was so famous and well known. Ignis Reed must've been extremely proud of what he had done. Zian wondered how he could be so humble at the same time.

Spotting two young people shooting insults at one another, Zian's pace stopped for a moment before he wondered if he could just slip past these two people without notice. They were young. There was a chance that they did not know about the legendary Sun Mage. Then again, there was a chance that they did not know about the legendary Sun Mage. Zian did say that he was going to make that old man's legacy known to the whole world.

Walking up to the two people, Zian's boots clicked as they hit the pavement of the road. He would have to take an indirect path to these two. He didn't want to seem to direct. After spending a year and a half with that old man, Zian guessed that he knew Ignis quite well. The old man seemed to enjoy Zian's company so Zian stayed with him until he died. Zian wondered if Ignis would be proud that he was doing something like this.

Almost bumping to the young woman, Zian's quick reflexes instinctively pushed him to his right as he sidestepped out of the way. However, he purposely skimmed past her. "Ah, my apologies." Zian bowed his head humbly like the way Ignis used to act and then was about to walk forward until he heard the topic of the conversation the two young people were having. Raising an eyebrow, even if they could not see his face, Zian decided it would be a good topic to have a conversation and spread the word of his existence.

"You two wouldn't happen to be mages, would you?" The corner of Zian's lips twitched up as a smile slowly pushed its way onto his face.

@Valhalla Valkyrie
".... What if we are?" Tybalt asked in an amused tone of voice, his conversation with Hana having been interrupted by the obnoxiously dressed guy in a red cloak. Just who the hell did he think he was?

Turning his attention back to Hana momentarily, Tybalt's grin faded slightly.

For the record, I wasn't judging. I was just giving you the option, missy." He stated rather matter of factly, before glancing back at the man in the red cloak and chuckling. Shaking his head and turning on his heels, continuing east, Tybalt snorted. ".... That cloak just slays me." He muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked away.
Hana spoke not a word to the wizard in the red garb, but instead gave him an icy stare. Luka barked sharply at him, spooked by the crazy colors and the inability to see his face. Hana gave a sharp tug on the lead and followed Tybalt quietly. As much as she disliked her fellow young wizard, she was more taken to him than a stranger in a clown's costume that doesn't show his face. She silently hoped he wasn't anybody important. The way the other people in town looked at him, he must've been famous. Hana pulled Luka a little more and trotted to catch up with Tybalt, trusting his people skills more than her own.
Unfortunately, Zian wasn't fazed by this mage's insults at all. One would think that the great Sun Mage wouldn't stand to get insulted but Zian was too used to being called scum of the streets and more. After growing up hearing insults over and over again, I guess you could say, Zian became numb to the emotional pain it caused. Of course, that didn't mean Zian wasn't hurt by each and every negative comment thrown at him. He just found a way to let the pain settle in and ignore it.

"That's amazing!" Zian blurted out without thinking. He had never met many mages in his lifetime but to see two of them in one area is just too good. After realizing what he had just done, Zian cleared his throat and folded his arms over his chest and grinned. Even if they couldn't see his mouth. "I haven't seen energetic mages such as yourselves in awhile." Thinking that was something that the old man would have said, Zian mentally patted himself on the back.
Hana paused. This stranger seemed a bit less cocky and a bit more genuine than Tybalt, and it made her stop.

"Who might you be?" she inquired a bit harshly, not wanting to waste any of her own time but fearing the man would not give up unless she gave him some form of attention. Luka remained wary of him, always having been uneasy around people with masks. Hana glanced quickly at Tybalt before looking back at the man in the red costume, awaiting an answer.
Tybalt snorted again. "Energetic? What're you on, pal? We haven't done anything quite so energetic yet. Are you alright up there?" He asked, turning to face the strange guy, tapping his head in reference to his question.

Tybalt looked the guy up and down again. Something seemed to strike a chord with Tybalt, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. Maybe it was the guy's outburst just now that tipped Tybalt off, but he'd hold judgement for now, wanting to see if this guy was gonna do something odd. The mission could wait a few minutes.
Stopping with his mental congratulations, Zian decided that he would have to slap himself in the face later for being idiotic enough not to introduce himself. He had gotten so caught up with seeing two mages in one spot that he had forgotten about his little mission for a moment. Luckily, this young lady had decided to ask about who he was, bring Zian back to reality to realize his mistake. Taking a step back to lean back, Zian cleared his throat once more and smirked.

"Ah, my apologies for not introducing myself earlier," Doing his best to imitate Ignis Reed, Zian didn't see much of a difficulty with it. The old man was a very kind soul. Perhaps it is true that people soften up as they grow older since the books that Zian had stolen from the library as a child had portrayed Ignis Reed as a charming and assertive young man who tried to talk things out before acting on it. "My name is Ignis Reed." Bowing the way that the old man used to, well, until his hip gave in. He was forced to walk with a cane after that.

Straightening his back, Zian always did enjoy the way the Sun Mage's real name rolled off the tongue. It just sounded so...cool. Glancing over at the mage who suggested that he was insane. Zian held back a snort since that's the exact thought that he had when he first met the old man Ignis. "Perhaps," Zian mused as he repeated the words that Ignis had said when Zian would poke fun at the old man. "But without the restraints of sanity, one is able to think out of the box that common sense holds us in."
Hana was just about fed up with this crazy stranger holding up their mission, but her inhibition told her not to act on it. Instead, she waited politely for Tybalt to scare him off as she stroked her dog. The young male wizard seemed like he shared Hana's opinion, but she couldn't be sure. Instead, Hana focused on trying to figure out where she had heard the name Ignis Reed before. Perhaps in a story, or in the voice of an older wizard sitting at the bar at her old guild. But the name rang a very distinct bell in her memory. She frowned in concentration, struggling to remember.
Tybalt shook his head, obviously somewhat bothered by the words this Ignis guy spoke.

Sanity isn't a hindrance. Take it from someone who knows all about insanity." He let out, his cocky demeanour and body language all but gone. Turning away once again, Tybalt sighed, trying to shake off the feelings of old times, of darker troubled times.

Come on, missy, we've got bandits to deal with." He muttered, stretching his arms as he walked away, before sliding his hands once more back into his pockets.

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