Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]


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Battles & Dungeon Crawling

The two most important things to know about this RP's battle system is that each player character will have HP/SP (improved through story events) and an attack's success of hitting is calculated with this (make sure to have it on-hand for battles). An attack will successfully connect if the die lands on the numbers 5-20 and will miss if it lands on the numbers 1-4. This means you have a 1-in-5 chance of missing an attack (the same rules apply to the enemy and if you battle an NPC(s) you control, you must roll for both your character and the enemy NPC(s)). Ailment skills must roll a number 15-20 to successfully hit. Hama and Mudo skills must roll a number 19-20 unless the enemy is weak to Hama and Mudo skills which will kill them instantly without a roll (Higher level Hama and Mudo skills decreases the roll number requirement by 2 with each level). Of course hit rate can be changed with certain skills (Sukukaja, Sukunda, etc.). I ask that you use this hit rate system honestly.

The amount of damage dealt by an attack is a fixed number decided along with the weapon/skill. For example: a Persona that has Agi that hits for 30 HP damage when it successfully connects. If an enemy is weak to a specific type of attack, the damage number of the attack is doubled and the enemy is knocked down (this also grants the player a "1 More" action). Downed enemies hit with the type of attack they are weak to will be subjected to a damage number multiplied by 2.5 (these rules apply for enemies as well). As you know, knocking down all enemies will give the opportunity for an "All-Out Attack" if you have at least 2 players participating in the battle (the player who knocks down the last enemy can decide not to do an All-Out Attack). The damage number of an "All-Out Attack" is the combined damage numbers of all participating players' weapons. When you attack an enemy (or vice versa) who resists a certain type of attack regardless of whether they are defending or not, the damage dealt is only 20% of the original damage. Like hit rate, damage number can be changed with Prayer/Mind Skills. If you or an enemy defends during the turn, damage taken is halved. While defending, if you are hit by an attack you're weak to, you will take the full damage but will not be put in a downed state and the enemy does not get another turn (the same applies for an enemy). To land a Critical Hit, you must roll numbers 19-20. Increased Critical Rate will require 15-20 for a successful Critical Hit. Critical Hits do 2.5x the normal damage and will also knock down the target. An attack that an enemy is weak to that also lands a critical does 2.5x damage. If you or an enemy rolls a 1, it is considered a Critical Miss and will put you/the enemy in a Down state.

When a player character runs out of HP in battle, they "lose" the battle and will then have two choices. First choice is to escape which takes the player character out of the battle and is "revived" with 1 HP. In a battle with multiple players, the losing player can either sit out of a battle until it's over (another player can revive them if they have the appropriate item or Persona skill) or they can randomly sacrifice one of their Personae (if they have more than one Personae) to continue the battle. Whoever is leading the dungeon party and/or moderating the dungeon will get to randomly decide which Persona to sacrifice with whatever method they like. Winning battles earn players money and items but players who escape a battle or sit a battle out will earn nothing. Escaping a battle while your character still has HP will require a roll of 12 or higher. In the event of a group battle where a player(s) takes too long to post an action, their character(s) will be assumed to have defended until the player posts again. If that same player(s) doesn't post even after the battle is over, they will be dropped from future battles and dungeon crawling until they can post again.

There's not much to say about dungeon crawling. Story dungeons will be moderated by me, the GM, or if another player creates a story dungeon, they will get the chance to moderated it. Later on, mini-dungeons will be introduced to be explored on a player's own time alone or with other players. If you ever have an idea for a dungeon, story or otherwise, let me know and we'll hash out the details. A door to the Velvet Room can be found before entering a dungeon and it does not cost time to use the Velvet Room within a dungeon. A door to Trish's Spring can also be found before entering a dungeon. It costs 40% (initially) of each party member's money to receive healing. If your character explores too many floors and/or fights too many enemies in a dungeon during your free time, your character may become sick the next day. When your character is sick and you explore a dungeon, your character's SP and any damage they do is halved. If you don't explore any dungeons for the next three in-IC days after your character becomes sick, they will recover.

Persona Part 1

Each player character represents one Arcana which will be their Main Arcana (you have access to all Personae available within your Main Arcana). Each player character will also have two Compatible Arcana (you have access to the majority of Personae within the two Arcana). Two (three maxed) player characters can have the same Compatible Arcana but this means they must share the same Compatible Arcana Compendium. The disadvantage of this is that Personae of the shared Compatible Compendium will be first-come-first-served (if one player adds a specific Persona first, the other player(s) cannot buy that Persona until the first player removes it from their party). The advantage, however, is that the players sharing the Compatible Compendium can unlock Personae faster for the compendium. If a player's Main Arcana is another player(s) Compatible Arcana, the Main Arcana player has priority over all Personae within that Arcana.

I will take on the role of the Protagonist who possesses the Wild Card ability which grants access to Personae of all Arcana as Compatible Arcana. The Protagonist is still subjected to the shared Compatible Arcana Compendium and Main Arcana priority still applies. Every player character (except for the Protagonist), at the start of the RP, will be able to carry up to 3 Personae in their party.

Demon Negotiations

When it's your turn in battle, you have a variety of options to combat the enemy. But instead of going that route, you can also participate in Demon Negotiations which may result in earning money, items, or acquiring that Demon as a Persona in your party. This is a chance for you to write negotiation banter between your character and an enemy Demon. You will roll for the reward of your choice.

• Money: Requires you to roll a number 8-20.

• Item(s): Requires you to roll a number 12-20.

• Acquiring the Demon as a Persona: Requires you to roll 12-20.

If you roll below any of the thresholds, the Demon will flee the battle instead. It is also important to note that you can only acquire Demons that are either part of your Main or Compatible Arcana. If you successfully negotiated for money or items, the Demon will also flee from battle.

Persona Part 2

All Persona have a ranking attached to them to indicate their rarity. The Ranks go from 1-10. For example, all starting Personae are Rank 1. Demons that can be negotiated into becoming a Persona in your party will also have a Rank to denote their rarity. To unlock new Personae for your Main Arcana or Compatible Arcana Compendiums, you must fuse Personas of certain rankings. Here are the standard requirements below:

• Fusing a Rank 1 Persona: Any Rank Persona + Any Rank Persona
• Fusing a Rank 2 Persona: Any Rank Persona + Any Rank Persona
• Fusing a Rank 3 Persona: 2 Rank 2 (or higher) Personae OR 3 Rank 1 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 4 Persona: 2 Rank 2 (or higher) Personae OR 4 Rank 1 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 5 Persona: 2 Rank 3 (or higher) Personae OR 3 Rank 2 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 6 Persona: 2 Rank 4 (or higher) Personae OR 3 Rank 3 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 7 Persona: 2 Rank 5 (or higher) Personae OR 3 Rank 4 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 8 Persona: 3 Rank 6 (or higher) Personae
• Fusing a Rank 9 Persona: 2 Rank 8 (or Higher) Personae OR 3 Rank 7 Personae
• Fusing a Rank 10 Persona: 3 Rank 9 Personae
Certain Personae may require specific fusion formulas. I will have to approve your Persona fusion before it can accepted into the Velvet Room. It is important that you select Personae which you think is most appropriate for a certain Rank. Use the Megami Tensei wiki as your guideline when choosing which demons to fuse. Remember: the Persona must be part of your Main or Compatible Arcana. you can also choose Demons not found in the Persona series and convert them to your Arcana (this second option is first-come-first-served meaning that once a Demon has been converted to a specific Arcana, they cannot be converted into a different one by any player).
You will choose which skills your newly fused Persona will have but it must be based on skills they would initially have. Your Persona can also inherit the skills of the former Personae you used in the fusion. How many skills in can inherit depends on the fused Persona's Rank. Rank 1-4 Personae can inherit 2 skills, Rank 5-7 Personae can inherit 3 skills, and Rank 8-10 Rank Personae can inherit 5 skills. To add more skills to a Persona, you must sacrifice another Persona of the same Arcana or use Skill Cards. Rank 1-3 Personae will grant 1 skills, Rank 4-7 Personae will grant 2 skills, Rank 8-10 Personae will grant 3 skills. You can also change or improve (Agi --> Agilao --> etc.) a Persona's skills by sacrificing another Persona of the same Arcana but you can only do so after a Persona has obtained the maximum number of 8 skills. Rank 1-3 Personae will grant up to 2 skill changes, Rank 4-5 Personae will grant up to 3 skill changes, Rank 6-7 Personae will grant a skill improvement of 1 level (Agi --> Agilao), Rank 8-9 Personae will grant a skill improvement of 2 levels (Agi --> Agidyne), Rank 10 Personae will grant the max skill improvement/max skill change (Agi --> Ragnarok or Agi --> Maralagidyne).
Compatible Arcana Personae that is fused by a specific player will be prioritized to that player to add to their party for two in-IC days (the day you rank up is counted as one day) before it is made available to any other player that shares the same Compatible Arcana. This rule does not affect the player who has that specific Arcana as their Main Arcana because they will always have priority. Re-purchasing a Persona will cost money (a price will be set by me). You can also register improved versions of a Persona(e) you may have in your party which will erase the old Persona(e) data (this will increase the re-purchasing price. Registering a worse version of that same Persona will decrease the price. Another player can re-register a different version of the same Persona(e) later once it's in their party but, remember, this will erase the old data and change the price so, as a common courtesy, discuss this decision with the player who registered the previous data.

Free Roam

Free roam in this RP follows a day system. A day consists of 7 hours of free time (14 hours when there is no school). You can spend your available hours during free time working part-time jobs to earn money, vising the Velvet Room, or exploring dungeons for money and items. Each one of the aforementioned endeavors will "cost" a certain number of hours and once you've ran out of hours, you can no longer make any posts until the next day in-IC. Each one will also require you to post at least one short post to describe your character doing the activity or you can stack activities into one larger post if you choose to.
There are three ways to advance to the next day. The first method is when I decide to advance the day. The second method is when every player uses up all their available hours. The third method is based on the majority of players' decision to advance the day (meaning if most of you guys decide you want to advance the day). This third method is important especially when I'm not available to advance the day and if some players have not been posting anything for a long time. After you guys agree to advance the day, the next person who posts can go ahead and include the next day's date in their post. If you haven't been able to keep up with the advancing days and if you're afraid that your character will fall far behind in terms of your Compatible Arcana Rank, when you can post again, activities you do will earn more points than usual until you can catch up to other players.


Certain NPC characters who you can spend time with help unlock special bonuses. Each NPC will have Rank-Ups up to Level 10. These special bonuses may include the ability to possess more Persona in your party, earn more money as a result of a Part-Time Job or Battle, decreased damage when an enemy exploits your character's weaknesses, etc. Each player character will also be a Cooperation character, possessing their own special set of bonus unlocks as you spend time together. More information about Cooperation will come as the RP progresses.


Money will be used to purchase equipment, consumables, and, most importantly, Personae. The primary way to earn money in this RP is to work part-time jobs during your free time. You can also earn money by defeating enemies in dungeons but the amount you would receive is considerably less than what you would earn by working. Everyone will start out with ¥4000.

Status Effects

Ailment skills must roll numbers 15-20 to successfully hit. When Ailment susceptibility is up, roll requirement is 10-20.

Poison: Characters lose 10% of their max HP at the start of every turn. Stops when the affected character/enemy has only about 10% of their total HP left. All damage dealt by the poisoned character/enemy is halved.

Silence: Characters cannot use Persona abilities and cannot change Persona. Silenced enemies cannot use skills.

Confusion: Affected targets can forfeit their turns (roll 1-10), attack one of their own allied party members (roll 11-15), or forfeit 20% of their money to the other party (roll 16-20). If attacking an ally hits a weakness, it will not grant an extra turn like usual.

Charm: Affected targets can forfeit their turns (roll 1-10), attack one of their own allied party members (roll 11-15), or using curative skills/items on the enemy if available (roll 16-20). If attacking an ally hits a weakness, it will not grant an extra turn like usual.

Rage: Characters attack enemy automatically with 20% increased damage but must roll numbers 11-20 and damage taken by an enraged character is doubled.

Fear: Characters are paralyzed with fear—either forfeits turn (roll 1-15) or sits out/escapes from the battle (roll 16-20).

Sleep: Characters lose their turns until they can roll 15-20 to wake up. Each turn that passes, decrease the roll requirement by 3. The character wakes up immediately if they are attacked.

Distress: Characters cannot dodge attacks, the odds of being hit by a Critical Hit increases (attacker rolls 15-20), and damage taken by distressed character is increased by 20%. Odds of being hit by Hama/Mudo skills increases (attacker roll requirement decreases by 2).

Exhaustion: Characters lose 10% of their max SP at the start of every turn. Stops when the affected character/enemy has only about 10% of their total SP left. All damage taken by the exhausted character/enemy is doubled.

Enervation: For 3 turns, enervated characters' HP, SP, damage dealt, and roll is halved.

Down: Downed characters take 2.5x more damage if hit by an attack type they are weak to, cannot dodge attacks, and becomes Dizzy when hit by an attack type they are weak to. The character recovers next turn.

Dizzy: Characters lose a turn.

Arcana List

0. Fool Arcana (Blu / Compatible Open)

I. Magician Arcana (Veradana / Wandering Hollow)

II. Priestess Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

III. Empress Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

IV. Emperor Arcana (Main Open / Tarquin)

V. Hierophant Arcana (Main Open / Tarquin)

VI. Lovers Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

VII. Chariot Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

VIII. Justice Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

IX. Hermit Arcana (TheForgottenDoll / Ammy)

X. Fortune Arcana (Main Open / jonamonszx)

XI. Strength Arcana (Main Open / TheForgottenDoll)

XII. Hanged Man Arcana (Wandering Hollow / TheForgottenDoll)

XIII. Death Arcana (jonamonszx / Ammy, Wandering Hollow)

XIV. Temperance Arcana (Main Open / Compatible Open)

XV. Devil Arcana (Main Restricted / Compatible Open)

XVI. Tower Arcana (Tarquin / Compatible Open)

XVII. Star Arcana (Katakon / Veradana)

XVIII. Moon Arcana (Ammy / Katakon, jonamonszx)

XIX. Sun Arcana (Main Open / Katakon, Veradana)

XX. Judgement Arcana (Main Restricted / Compatible Open)

XXI. The World Arcana (Restricted)
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Alright, so the protagonist's character sheet is up. A note about the school uniform: the male winter uniform is what the Protag's wearing (except for the suspenders and lanyard which is his own additions and the jacket is supposed to be closed). The female winter uniform is practically the same except they wear a ribbon instead of a tie and a black skirt. But of course, we are the Main Characters so screw the dress code! Add/change whatever you like about the uniform.
Alright some notes for character creation:

1. All basic elemental skills should cost 4 SP.

2. All basic physical skills should cost 5% of HP.

3. Dia costs 3 SP.

4. All basic Prayer skills (-kaja, -unda, etc.) costs 12 SP, lasts 3 turns, and either increase/decrease something by 25% or adjust rolls by 2.

Look to the Protag sheet and other character sheets for reference.
@Blu Got mine up. I'm dead certain her Persona skills will need some tweaking. Status effects can be tricky to strike a good balance for risk/reward.
Just wanted to take a moment to say that everyone else's characters are looking great right now. I'm quite excited to see how we all bounce off of each other story-wise and character-wise considering what an interesting mix of personalities and backstories all of our characters have. 

Should be fun (:
Hi this might sound like a dumb question but are we aloud to use already existing Personas? Or do we need to make our own?Sorry if this seems like a stupid question I just want to make sure before I end up creating the entire Persona skill set.
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@jonamonszx I would prefer you find a unique character to use for the Persona that's never been in the series before but you can also use a pre-existing Persona as long as it follows the guidelines I stated. In that it must be a character from fairy tales, stories, legends, poems, romanticized historical figures, etc. Absolutely no deities or recognizable figures from religion. While it's not a requirement, it would be a plus that the character can be tied to the escapism theme or madness sub-theme.
@jonamonszx I would prefer you find a unique character to use for the Persona that's never been in the series before but you can also use a pre-existing Persona as long as it follows the guidelines I stated. In that it must be a character from fairy tales, stories, legends, poems, romanticized historical figures, etc. Absolutely no deities or recognizable figures from religion. While it's not a requirement, it would be a plus that the character can be tied to the escapism theme or madness sub-theme.

@Blu Okay thank you so much. I already had a few ideas for a new Persona anyhow though ill try and see if I can fit it into the escapism theme. Thank you so much for the help. Sorry if this inconvenienced you.
So does anyone have any more suggestions for the Protag's name? I will set up the poll probably tomorrow.
Sounds like a pretty cool name to me actually. Thanks for the entry.
Hmm, so far most of the characters seem to be quiet types. Would like a bit more diversity in the personality in that regards.
Hmm, so far most of the characters seem to be quiet types. Would like a bit more diversity in the personality in that regards.

I may rephrase mine somewhat as I never intended him to be 'quiet' per se, so much as he doesn't open up much to people he doesn't know. Once he's closer to someone he actually has a hard time NOT speaking is mind haha.

EDIT: I've added more in/moved some things around to make him more of a cocky, self-assured type (with a more caring nature buried underneath) as I originally intended:

Seto isn't very trusting of new people and finds it hard to meet others with similar interests and mindest. This has led to him being quite a very solitary boy for his age, spending most of his time on his own, creating art and studying rather than spending time having fun. Having originally been a very open and caring child, an tragedy in his youth forced Seto to become very disenfranchised with society and the way the world works. 

This led to him becoming much more obsessed with his art and his work, trying to channel all of his emotions into his music and academia. Seto believes heavily in hard work, and often says that he has very little time to suffer those who do not work hard or help themselves (although he usually does anyway). Despite his solitary nature, Seto is a very confident person and doesn't allow his opinions or beliefs to be heavily influenced by others.  

Seto is often very opinionated and will not hesitate to speak his mind on matters which he thinks he is more knowledgeable upon, regardless of the social fallout of such conversations. While this can often make him seem arrogant or cocky, in his mind he's genuinely just trying to make a positive difference. Due to all of this, at first he can come of as quite cold and, due to his pride in his art and his work ethic, he is often viewed as pretentious or (as mentioned) even arrogant at times. Below this surface 'shell' however is a much more complex character who still carries an almost painful amount of hope that he can make a positive difference in the world and who strives every day to try and be his best.

I imagine him coming across very similar to Mitsuru did in P3 at first. Very confident, held together, class-president (probably of the arts/music club) and at often seen as being cold or pretentious. When he opens up however, he's a lot more friendly than it first seems (although still relatively opinionated and overly confident/cocky sometimes). Quite similar to a lot of anime anti-hero characters. He often thinks he is right and has a penchant for proving himself the best/most able. When the time comes however he would give it all for the team and/or the greater good.
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@Wandering Hollow Technically no Arcana is taken yet since I haven't officially accepted anyone. But you can take a look over in "Characters" to see what's been applied for.

Alright, another few notes for character creation:

1. There needs to be more distinguished personalities. I'm seeing a trend in shy and/or quiet types and now we have at least 3 blunt/opinionated types too. I know I said a brief description for personality but you have to use your brief description to distinguish your character.

2. Similar to personalities, where are the distinguished characters in general? Look at the cast of characters from any Persona game and you can see a lot of standouts. In P4, we have a detective, an idol, a misunderstood delinquent. We could have a character on the student council (not talking about being the president either), a foreign character, a star athlete, a student from another high school who's not a transfer student, maybe someone who's been investigating all the strange rumors going around, etc.

3. Finally, there's a lack of diversity in the skills. Not a lot of enemy debuffers, only one person who uses ailment skills, and Bufu and Garu seems to be used a lot. No one's touched any Earth skills, Nuclear skills, nor Light and Dark skills.
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Ah. I see. Well I have been planning to make a senpai character who focuses on support and healing. 

*Rolls up sleeves* NOW THEN! Off to make a character who says "ara ara" a lot. And has a scary side when her temper flares.  
@Wandering Hollow I think we have quite a few that does support/healing. I suggest taking a look at the left over element types such as Earth and Nuclear. Also, instead of support, look to debuffing the enemy instead. It terms of the personality and character in general, take a read at what everyone else has been doing and hopefully you can distinguish your character. Remember, one of Persona's biggest strengths are its characters. Hell, it's why there's a silent protag in the first place, so that everyone else can stand out.
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