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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

He smiled sadly he knew she was hiding something but not sure what. Then he removed his hand thinking she was getting annoyed with it on her head. " Anytime you need my help I'll offer it, like I said before it's the knights job to protect the princess" he said jokingly.
Raika laughed a little "that the 3rd I heard someone call me a princess today." She said with a smile to lighten the mood a bit.

Cyrus turned around and hugged Adara, "You keep bringing yourself down like someone won't care but your wrong, I care. I also accept you It doesn't matter to me what you did before what matters is what your going to do now. I'm not going to hate you for what you've done because from what I've seen and what I've been hearing, you are the only person in your house who knew what they were doing." He smiled and let go of Adara, "And i will personally make sure no one ever makes you suffer again."
"Well I gotta say you are cute" he said smiling. He thought of what he might be able to do to make her feel better. Maybe kotori could cheer her up he thought instantly.

"Hey Raika after school wanna come over to my house again I'm sure Kotori would love it". It'd be nice for the house to feel less lonely Yukaze thought.
(Quick message from my brother Aka: Digimaster He a little busy right now, Were going to get personas two people at a time and the two who get them will be people with the most social link connection example: Shiro and Evergreen)
(He said he might put 3 people at the same time, I'm not sure how hes coming up with this stuff also)

(Igor: Persona Persona Persona Persona, Social Link, Social Link, Social Link, Social Link,)
Adara was blushed up and frozen stiff when he hugged her. She was always awkward with physical contact from men. She couldn't really help it...in fact she cursed herself when she would freeze up like this.

But at the same time his words and touch were comforting but it was still something she wasn't used to and it only created a mess of emotions inside of her. He said he would accept her ...no matter what it was she done. But..he probably doesn't expect it. It seems so out of character from the way I act... she could feel her chest tighten. I'm done with it after all, I can forget about it. Pretend the past never happened...and I won't have to tell him. She closed her eyes and before she knew it he had already pull away, much to both her pleasure and displeasure.

Adara took a deep breath, had to control her breathing and close her eyes again. Her cheeks were warm but her stomach felt a bit queasy. "Thank you..." she finally said softly.
Cyrus smiled, "Your welcome. Come on let's get some food." Cyrus turned around and started walking again, Cyrus stop trying to date her. I can't help It, It's Natural for to complement her and i understand i can't date her, I wish I could, so the next best thing is to be by her side like a Knight loyal to the end. He shook his head trying to think happy thoughts, "Adara you coming or not?" he said with a chuckle. (Digi wen't to bed i'll be off soon as well, Final Exams are soon,)
Raika blushed a little when he said that she was cute ' a cute girl huh....'she then said with a smile "sure I'll come over again. "

Adara looked up from her muddled thoughts and smiled. "sorry~! Yeah, I'm coming!" she said, running close by his side. I'm lying to him...just a little bit. I'm such a horrible person..such a fake...that's why everyone else left me. But...as long as he doesn't know that, We can still be friends. And perhaps...I can start over.

(urghles...getting so excited for the shadow scene QAQ I'm sure by tomorrow I'll get to post it ;u;)
Rey walked back. Suddenly he froze as his spine shivered. "Love is in the air..." He took out his hankerchief and covered his mouth and nose. "Better make sure I don't get infected." He chuckled pathetically. "God I'm so lonely..."
Kuro followed Rey and heard his comment about being lonely. "You still have me as a friend..." Kuro looked away a bit. "I guess..."
Cyrus and Adara soon enough made it to the school, "Finally I'm starving." He moved his backpack to readjust it, but heard something jingle, "Huh?" he opened his backpack and found a box.......Boxed Lunch, He slamed his face against the wall, "You have got to be kidding me." He opened the box and found Shrim Lo mein and some Orange Chicken, "This is way to much food for me. Why on earth would i cook this much?" He looked over at Adara, "You wan't some?"
Adara peered over the box to see the food and boy did it smell good. "I love this kind of stuff~" she smiled, eyes glinting. "yes please!"
Cyrus took out half the food and put it on a separate plate same with his half, he handed Adara one of the plates, " Here you go." He said with a smile. Cyrus took out some Chopsticks and began to eat the food on his plate.
"Great" he said happily. He knew Kotori was going to be happy when we went to get her when school was out. Yukaze then leaned down,"seriously lock the door this time if you guys are gonna take a bath". Yukaze added that remembering last time showing a mocked hurt expression. The memory embarrassed him too but he wanted her to think about something else other then today. "It's was just as bad for me to walk in on that to you know" he laughed
Adara thanked him and began to eat it. Ah~ it was wonderful and so much needed after all that stuff from earlier. The food just warmed her mouth and was the perfect distraction from thought. "mm~" she was a quick eater and finished up pretty quickly.
Grace, relieved that the fight had gone fairly well, decided to go to the cafeteria by herself to get something to eat before lunch time was up. Returning to her classroom, she opened her lunchbox and silently started eating. While the meal she had made by herself was decent, her mind was on other things. The past few days had held so many new events that it was almost hard to believe it actually happened, but she knew for a fact it had.
Raika laughed a little "fine I'll make sure to lock the door next time" she smiled at him.


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