Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes [Inactive]

Icefox11 updated Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes with a new update entry:

New Rule!

I have added a new rule. Also, posting a ton while majority of the people are away makes it hard for the rest of us! Other than that, have fun! Starting line will be up shortly!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Miki wandered around the entrance to camp, nervous for her first day. She had no idea which power she had, yet, but she was excited to find out. Maybe it would be Athena, goddess of wisdom, but she wasn't super smart so probably not. She finally crossed the barrier to reveal Camp Half-blood.
Michael was far behind Miki, but she was still in his sight. He walked up to the invisible border between the Camp and the rest of Earth and took a deep breath. "It's really too bad that I have to leave my father, but I have to control my powers", he muttered to himself before he entered the camp. "....whoa. S-so many p-p-people", Michael could barely speak whole words. In front of him were thousands of people in armor and they were fighting each other. Suddenly, Michael's nature over took him and he took out a steel, strong sword from his tool belt. "LET'S PARTAYY!!!", he screamed in the air as he went over to a crowd of boys who were fighting.
Miki face palmed as Michael started yelling the instant he got into camp. He was such a kid sometimes. Then again, it did kind of seem fun. "I swear Michael, if you get yourself killed on the first day, I won't mourn you." She yelled at him.
Noctis was aimlessly walking near the entrance of the camp Half-blood as he cannot find the entrance well that lasted for about five minutes as he saw a man (Michael) enter he was dumbfounded that he was able to miss the entrance for so long. Seeing the man disappear he decided to follow him. He walked up to the invisible barrier and entered the Camp only to see a fight has started withing the first five seconds of him entering.
Raptor sighed, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. In his ears were red ear-buds, allowing him to drown out most of the sound around him with heavy metal music. He wasn't necessarily eager or happy to be going to the camp, however like many others, he had to learn what was happening with him. Recently his anger had been becoming even more explosive, and he just couldn't control himself.

Raptor entered through the strange portal as he saw many others do, and he was greeted with the same sights as everyone else. People were talking here and there, and clashing everywhere else. So naturally it took him a moment to find a nice and calm area by a tree. As he looked over the people he couldn't help but notice how imperfect they all were. This in turn made him realize his own imperfections, and he fiddled with his black hair some.

Never perfect... NEVER perfect.... Nevvvverrrr Perfect.... He repeated over and over in his head, before stopping as he finished fixing his hair. Resisting the temptation was futile, and he knows that the imperfections will just spark anew at any second... Lovely OCD.
As David was training some of the students in combat, he noticed some new faces entering through the barrier to the camp. He noticed a young lady come through first, and three young gentleman following after, so he decided to go and greet them. As he walked up towards them he noticed Michael pulling out a sword and he raised a brow, being the serious character that he was and walked faster towards Michael. He than began to speak with a deep and controlled voice towards him "Woah.....woah hey kid, I know you're excited and all but, I think combat can wait till later. Do you even know how to wield a sword?" but before he could wait for his reply, he noticed some students fighting. This was not a good first impression of the camp towards the newcomers but this was almost the normal life. David than walked towards the teenagers fighting and in a loud voice yelled "Enough!". Instantly the fight was stopped, and everyone was doing their normal thing again. He than walked up towards the newcomers and greeted them with a smile "Sorry about all the bull....I mean trouble.....but welcome, I am Mr Exodus" he said with a slight laugh, "but you can call me David.....and you are?" he asked looking at the newcomers with a smile.
"Miki." Miki said, looking at the man. "The bonehead with a sword is Michael and I have no idea about this guy."
Michael continuously fought with the weak younger boys, "COME ON......if this would've been a real fight, all of you guys would've been dead". He then began to chuckle as he knocked the group of boys to their feet for the 32nd time in a row. Michael sighed at the apparently inexperienced males. "....whatever, dudes. You guys SUCK.......I;m just kidding!! You just need more practice. But seriously, I'm getting bored", he then helped them all up from the ground, then left the crowd and rested at a tree by another person. He had black hair and was listening to music from his headphones. Michael waved at the person, who was listening to music. Then, he noticed the man. "...oh! Hi there!! My name is Michael".
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Instantly Raptor pulled out his headphones as he realized people were now around him.

Oh great... The welcoming party has arrived... He thought sarcastically as he looked them over, secretly judging their imperfections. Again this made him adjust his hair some.

Never perfect. NEVER perfect..... NEVVVVVEEERRRR perfect.... He repeated in his head again.

"Eh... I'm Raptor..." He replied calmly, as if none of the inner turmoil had occurred. His edgy look only matched that of his cool and calm voice, however he could never see himself as a desirable or cool person for that matter...
"Nice to meet you Miki and Michael" he said with a smile, he noticed she was confident as she introduced herself and Michael. He than looked at Michael and noticed that he was quite courageous but impatient. Than he looked at Raptor and spoke "Nice to meet you Raptor" according to his observation, Raptor seemed to be a pretty boy by the way he was adjusting his hair. "So for now I'm gonna have to show you to your cabins, so would you please kindly follow me" he said with a smile as he began to walk towards their allocated cabins.
"Alright..." Raptor simply said as his right eye twitched a little bit. He felt that something was off balance, and that just wouldn't do at all. When he was to his cabin he would have to go directly to the mirror or behind a closed door and check everything. Just thinking that something was out of place, sent shivers down Raptor's spine. It was like little bugs were crawling all over his body, making him itch. Only this itch was coming from the inside-out...

Breath in.... Breath out... Breath in.... Breath out.... He replayed in his mind on a loop. He was even breathing slowly on the outside too, to prevent a panic attack of sorts.
David than reached their allocated cabins and opened the door for them to go in and unpack their things. "Here we are kids, go on inside and get settled in. Oh and by the way, I'm also your combat instructor and it's compulsory for all of you to attend combat training. Your next combat training is in 45 minutes, and don't be late." He said with a smirk. He wanted to test and see the potential the kids could live up to in terms of combat.
Michael followed the instructor eagerly. While they were walking to the cabins, Michael noticed Raptor, who seemed like he was.....frustrated. "Hey...dude! I know how angry you probably are. I feel the same way because I have to leave my dad", said Michael to the edgy guy. Michael then closed his eyes as he put his hands into his tool belt. After a few seconds, he pulled out a specially carved whistle. " My dad constructed this and he says it is used to calm yourself down. I think this should do you some good". He smiled widely
"Why do I have to be stuck in a cabin with the most hyper active boy in camp?" Miki silently cursed as she entered the cabin. It was small, and there were a few sleeping bags on the floor. She took one and set her stuff beside it. There were no mirrors, thank god, and it was just a simple cabin with windows and bunk beads, although the cabin was clearly overcrowded.
David noticed Raptors strange behavior, he couldn't understand what was going on, he than noticed Michael trying to calm him down which showed he was a helpful person. He than looked at Raptor and spoke with a soft voice towards him "Are you alright kid? Is something wrong?" He than faced Michael and spoke before looking at Raptor again, awaiting his answer "thanks Michael". He also heard Miki curse silently, unfortunately the camp was not doing so well in this present time and he sighed softly. He knew the kids deserved better than what they had now. "You kids should really brace yourselves for combat training, it will be fun, I promise" he said with a smile, hoping they would at least be willing to have some fun.
"It's not that I'm angry..." Raptor began...

"And I don't need a whistle... Umm..." He then scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit antsy.

"Ah, nothings wrong... I just umm... OCD..." Raptor said, saying those stupid three letters quietly. He wasn't too thrilled at the "accommodations" that the cabin had, however he just had to make do with them. Raptor just needed to let off some steam during that combat training class. Then he would probably fine.

(brb shower)
Michael nodded his head. "I get it.....", he then patted Raptor on the back and went inside of the cabin.

When he got into the cabin, he heard David say to brace for the combat training. Michael grinned. "No need to brace for me....". He dug his hand into his tool belt and pulled out a sledge hammer. Then, he pulled out several pieces of steel, a water bucket, a very hard board, a fire match, some coal, and a lot of bricks. With the bricks, he made a brick fireplace. With the coal, he placed them inside of the fireplace. With the fire matches, he lit the coals on fire. With the hard board, he placed the pieces of steel on it. Then, he put the board inside of the fireplace. After a few minutes, he took the board out and picked up his sledgehammer. With the sledgehammer, he pounded the steel into curved pieces: head armor, body armor, leg armor, arm armor. After he pounded the steel long enough, he sat the hot steel in the water bucket and let it cool off
David was listening to Raptor speak, but when he mentioned OCD David's eyes opened quite wide, he has never dealt with this before but he was willing to try. "OCD, I will try my best to help you, but remember it's all in the mind" he said with a smile. He than noticed Michael forging his own weaponry and armor. He couldn't help but smile when he realized the obvious. He than walked up to Michael and spoke while nodding his head. "You are the son of Hephaestus aren't you?"
Michael laughed aloud,"More like.....grandson of Hephaestus. Do you know my father, Leo Valdez?". He waited for an answer as he tried on his head armor.
David laughed as he mentioned Leo Valdez "Leo Valdez?, off course I know who he is. The real question is who doesn't. You're father was a legend. So that explains the tool belt, it looks like he taught you well. I remember trying to forge my own weapon, it didn't end up so well". He said with a smile. "Your'e father forged my sword and shield, because ordinary ones would break if I used them".
Hearing the commotion, Liara glanced down from her branch, and from the onlookers, it looked as if it was coming from the front of camp. Sliding her bow onto her back, she began to skip from branch to branch, nearly silent as she went. As she's been here since her 12th birthday, she knows her way around the camp pretty well, this was her 5th year here.

Making her way to the front, she noted how the one instantly started begging for a fight, that's foolish. Come up with a strategy first and you might get somewhere smart one. She knew she'd be able to escape nearly instantly, firing rogue shots from a number of angles.

Dropping down from the trees, she decided to follow the strange character. " grandson of Hephaestus.." She overheard, now arriving at the two talking.

"Leo Valdez was your father, eh?" She said stoically, she had heard things about him, but not a lot. "He was immune to fire as the stories say." She mentioned, her eyes narrowing at the eager guy.
Michael looked at the girl who came from no where. "Umm....yes. Leo Valdez is my father", Michael responded nervously. The girl looked like she was VERY skilled at moving silently without gaining any attention, almost like an assassin. He then looked at David. "That's good to know. My father is a good man", he said pridefully
She looked down, noticing how he was suddenly nervous, she hid a small grin. Now he realizes looking up at him she smiles softly and holds out a dainty hand. "I'm Liara by the way, I'm Athena's daughter. It's... Nice to meet you, and your name is?" She asked, still wary of him. Even though his father was a legend, she just hoped he wouldn't get over confidence.. that's how heroes died.

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