Percy Jackson -Sign Up-

[QUOTE="Angel Evans]so when do we start?

Probably tomorrow :)  

Xenomorphic said:
Is there still room for two?
Yes :)  
&& I will put a list on who's all accepted once I get home :)
Character Skelly!

Name: Blair Dawson

Age: 17

Gender: female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Zeus

Cabin: #1

Team: Blue

Power: she can summon lightening to herslef when she prays to Zeus, her father.

Special Skill: she is an excellent fighter and the lightening gives her a benefit.

Weapons: her gold-tinted sword, Hifonilr

Personality: Blair is very out-going and is a perfectionist and an over-acheiver. She has always done well in school, having the best grades ever recorded. She may not be a child of Athena, but she's at least close to being as smart as one of them.

History: Blair's mother died when she was young, thus forcing Blair to live on the streets. She had no relatives or friends that would be willing to take care of her. Claiming an alley for her own at age six, she met an old beggar who helped her learn to protect and fend for herself. Eventually she went to live with foster parents who forbid her from seeing her old friend. She would sneak off into the night to see him, nonetheless against her foster parent's will. He turned out to be a satyr and he led her to Camp Half-Blood.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c1b7ad724e1fa4da7be598ab4d8511b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c1b7ad724e1fa4da7be598ab4d8511b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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XOkay I've made them older. So I will Make Chasity.

Name: Chasity Alexis Nighthowler

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hades

Cabin: Number Four?

Team: Blue

Power: Power to Control Shadows and to Control the dead (LIKE CORPSE)

Special Skills: Chasity is skilled in Sword fighting, and trains the younger Campers.

Weapon: A Silver, Celestial Bronz Four Foot Sword that can change into a charm braclet

Personality: Chasity is an Hard-Working, tight lipped girl. She doesn't vent her feelings out often. Chasity had learned by growing up near her older Twin sisters that she shouldn't talk back to them nor should she express her feelings. This was because they would harm her any way possible. Chasity is a wild spirit who loves to swim and is generally outgoing until she is near her siblings. She then prefers to be quiet.

History: Chasity was born four years after her older twin siblings, but to a different father. Her sisters were upraised with their grandma, causing them to be snotty and undeniably horrible. But Chasity was raised with her hard working mother, who taught her to work for what she wanted and never to relie on others. She is a very independent girl because of this. Chasity didn't have much of a childhood, her sisters and their horrible friends would always tease her and bully her wherever she went. She knew she was different, but always thought negative of it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/_sexiiii.png.14cf7180db1e46252026722b53443bde.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/_sexiiii.png.14cf7180db1e46252026722b53443bde.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/AnimeGirl23.jpg.41da20d3a1e67c06d8a8a97f859b80d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/AnimeGirl23.jpg.41da20d3a1e67c06d8a8a97f859b80d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
@Sock I Guess we're Siblings!



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.-. I don't want to sound like a complete ass, but my intention of having Raven be son of Poseidon was for him to have no siblings. xD
Name: Jessie Flower

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Iris

Cabin: 14

Team: Red

Power: Photokinesis (power to bend light) and slight Virtuakinesis (make small illusions)

Special Skill: Has a photographic memory and is a master as blending/coordinating colors together

Weapon: Dual Blades

Personality: Jessie is a good person. He likes helping others and is always one to share his knowledge. He feels good when he has done something good for someone else. At times he can be neglectful to his own needs and can get stepped on, but he is a positive person none-the-less. Jessie is a bit of an airhead and sometimes drifts off into his own thoughts but he is fairly intelligent. He is a hard worker as well and tries to get everyone to work together. Friendly but a bit naive as well.

History: Jessie grew up in foster care. He was told that his father did not have the means to support him as he was young and poor and that his father never mentioned a mother. So Jessie was bounced a little between different homes for the first ten years of his life. He never minded too much and was only upset when he had to leave a lovely elderly woman named Kelly Flowers who got too sick to care for them. Jessie decided to change his last name to that in her honor. Eventually at eleven Jessie was adopted into the current foster home along with several others. But he was soon out of there when he was told by a satyr that he was a half-blood. Jessie wasn't too surprised to find out his mother was Iris soon after he discovered his powers and he has adjusted to the half-blood life okay.


Name: Charlie Lannigon

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Apollo

Cabin: 7

Team: Blue

Power: Charlie has perfect aim

Special Skill: Her endurance and flexibility are on an advance level and has incredible balance

Weapon: A short bow and throwing knives

Personality: Although Charlie comes across as an innocent and delicate girl upon first glance she is anything but. Charlie is blunt, somewhat rude, obnoxious and tough. She is a little aggressive at times and can get riled up pretty easily. Charlie has an ego as well and is very proud of herself and what she can do. She tends to be loud as well, wanting to be heard and she isn't considerate of others. She has no patience, especially for weaker or shier people. Despite her shortcomings she isn't mean or nasty if she can help if and she has a deep sense of loyalty as well. If angered she has a tendency to use her fists her and then her mouth.

History: Charlie grew up with her mother and a step-father who she didn't mind. She had no desire to seek out her "real" father. She has two half-siblings and she often got stuck watching over them. For a while her life was pretty average. She showed talent in archery from a young age and wanted to do it professionally if she got the chance. Charlie eventually got attacked by a monster and fled her home fearing that she might endanger her family. She was found shortly after and lead to Camp Half-Blood. She has been attending for only two years and has yet to return home fearing her family hates her for leaving.

Just a heads up, I did some editing to my character. The only thing changed is my power and skill.
Name: Ashlynn Nonan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hecate

Cabin: 20

Team: Red Or Blue? Blue

Power: can use magic but it drains her energy

Special Skill: teleporting

Weapon: a magic knife that she throws and it comes back to her.

Personality: smart, funny, can be sarcastic

History: nothing too interesting. Hecate's magic protected her from monsters so she never really fought one yet.

Appearance: My profile picture

Name: Leo Green

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hades

Cabin: #13 (I think xP)

Team: Red

Power: Can raise (and control) the dead but is extremely weak afterwards.

Special Skill: Can sneak pas most security systems

Weapon: twin daggers

Personality: Leo is just plain mean. He deliberately gets into fights with people and is a bit of a bully. Even if there is a nice side to Leo, it is doubtful that it will ever be revealed.

History: Leo lived with his mom in a small house although he really wasn't considered under privileged. He has been a school bully all his life and does nothing but cause trouble. One day he was messing around and raised someone from the dead. His mom knew that he wasn't going to be able to go to school with normal kids any more and sent him to camp halfblood.


@Cleo Hey, I was just wondering 1. When the roleplay will start and 2. If Raven can be the only poseidon?

When will The RP Start?

It will start later to night! Around 9Candaian time. I'm busy and I'm just on my phone! >_< sorry...

Can Raven be the only Son of the king of the sea?

Yes, it's all up to you. If you don't want any siblings than I'm totally fine with it. :)

Is everyone Accepted?

YES! :)
Well then, when works good for everyone? I can create an thread right now, and then I'll just hop in later or something :)
I'll be here most of the day, on and off. And alright, Raven'll be a only child.
Well, Hecate's a goddess, not a god, but that's fine! (Sorry if that sounded rude, I wasn't trying to be rude, it just kinda drives me nuts when people get stuff wrong, ya know?)

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