Percy Jackson -Sign Up-

Name: Ian Jacob Drake

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hephaestus

Cabin: Nine

Team: Blue

Power: Has a knowlage of machines and knows what they do/how to operate them even of i haven't seen it before, can control fire (control, not create, i need a source to do it)

Special Skill: Skilled Mechanic, very agile/athletic

Weapon: A spring loaded knife (blade is about 3" tall) that can become a full sized sword by the pressing on a concealed button in the hilt/handle, a small bronze metal ring with an engraving on the top that has a lighter concealed in it

Personality: Generally cheerful and friendly, can be quite competitive and has can get bad tempered when pushed too far

History: Lived on camp most of his life, Has never seen his human mother since he got there, he lives full time on camp and like to help out where he can

Appearance: HEIGHT: 6ft 1"

WEIGHT: 155 lbs

Hair: long-ish and black

EYES: blue

SKIN: not quite pale but he isn't tanned

(i can give a link to a pic if you want me to)
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Name: Michael Valestes

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hades

Cabin: 13

( --This will help you understand the Cabins)

Team: Blue

Power: Ya know, controlling skeletal minions, shadow-walking, the usual death stuff.

Special Skill: He's amazing with a sword, and surprisingly, a bow


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.ef6baabb148306b8638d4caeaad2eb49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.ef6baabb148306b8638d4caeaad2eb49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b2aa17f4e6c3105c94f01a450a00dcfa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b2aa17f4e6c3105c94f01a450a00dcfa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's dark, very morbid, and enjoys scaring people by giving them hints to how they'll die, even though he doesn't actually know. Well, he doesn't think he actually knows how they'll die. Sometimes while he sleeps he dreams of people dying. It's sad really, how many people die each day. Michael sometimes wishes he wasn't Hades' son, but he knows he can't change what is, so he uses it to his advantage as best he can. If he wants to though he can be friendly, and is to most of the people in Camp Half-Blood. Except for any of the kids of Poseidon or Zeus. Ongoing rivalry there.

History: Michael grew up wandering the streets of New York, living with him and his three mortal brothers and his single mom. Because he was the oldest, Mike often had to watch the kids for several hours while his mother worked. But slowly, things became dangerous, and Mike had to leave, as the monster attacks were endangering his brothers. He spent another year on the run from monsters, until a satyr found him and immediately started leading him to Half-Blood Hill. On the way, they figured out he was the kid of one of the big three, the way monsters could track him anywhere. It wasn't until they got close did they figure out who he was.

It was a cold night, and they had taken shelter in some woods. Mike was woken from a sound sleep by an unnatural screech, and looked around, when out of no where, some crazy SOB thing with six arms comes flying out of the trees straight at him. Suddenly, everything got dark, and the monster stopped, as out of the ground, skeletons wielding swords and axes burst forth, charging the beast and hacking it to dust. He was the son of Hades.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b012eed0ac1c8c0543a66063f70e7f9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b012eed0ac1c8c0543a66063f70e7f9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Team: Blue

Power: Ya know, controlling skeletal minions, shadow-walking, the usual death stuff.

Special Skill: He's amazing with a sword, and surprisingly, a bow


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Personality: He's dark, very morbid, and enjoys scaring people by giving them hints to how they'll die, even though he doesn't actually know. Well, he doesn't think he actually knows how they'll die. Sometimes while he sleeps he dreams of people dying. It's sad really, how many people die each day. Michael sometimes wishes he wasn't Hades' son, but he knows he can't change what is, so he uses it to his advantage as best he can.

History: Michael grew up wandering the streets of New York, living with him and his three mortal brothers and his single mom. Because he was the oldest, Mike often had to watch the kids for several hours while his mother worked. But slowly, things became dangerous, and Mike had to leave, as the monster attacks were endangering his brothers. He spent another year on the run from monsters, until a satyr found him and immediately started leading him to Half-Blood Hill. On the way, they figured out he was the kid of one of the big three, the way monsters could track him anywhere. It wasn't until they got close did they figure out who he was.

It was a cold night, and they had taken shelter in some woods. Mike was woken from a sound sleep by an unnatural screech, and looked around, when out of no where, some crazy SOB thing with six arms comes flying out of the trees straight at him. Suddenly, everything got dark, and the monster stopped, as out of the ground, skeletons wielding swords and axes burst forth, charging the beast and hacking it to dust. He was the son of Hades.


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Cabin 13
Name: Eponine ValJean

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Nyx

Cabin: It isn't said at the ending of the book that Nyx's cabin had been built yet so....?

( --This will help you understand the Cabins)

Team: Red

Power: Eponine has the ability to manipulate shadows and also walk through them as well as use them as whips. She also has perfect night vision and can spy through people's shadows.

Special Skill: She is skilled with twin blades and she sings.


Personality: Eponine is a hopeless romantic who loves the night. She is in love with things of unusual and morbid nature along with true love. She comes off as calculating at first-which is just instinct to her-but once she decides whether you are foe or friend, Eponine is quick to use her wit and charm to become casual friends. It is her belief that you can never have too many connections, but she longs for something more; true friendship or-even better- true love. Ever since her father started taking her to operas, Eponine has loved to sing and continues her lessons to fulfill her dream of playing the part she was named after in Les Miserable on stage. And even though she is from Paris and yearns for romance, Eponine quickly learned the difference between a true caller and a player.

History: She moved from Paris with her father when she was ten years old because of a fire and murder in the apartment next to theirs. Her father left that unexplained until they moved to the U.S, unwittingly close to camp. When she was eleven, her father explained everything to her, gave her the dagger from her mother, and told her to find the camp for halfbloods. She made the trek wearily, but quickly-even though abet forcefully-learned how to travel through shadows. She made it safely and now stays there every summer.

Anyone know the male to female ratio?
Name: Riley Madison


Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Athena

Cabin: Athena

Team: Blue

Power: Extreme smarts and battle skills.

Special Skills: Poetry, art, fighting and strategy, and wisdom

Weapon: secondary weapon:

main weapon:

Personality: Riley is very strong willed and never takes no for an answer. She knows she is the best fighter and the most book smart person at the camp, but doesn't brag about it because she knows it's all in her heritage. Riley keeps to herself mostly, only conversing with people when necessary or when she figures they aren't too annoying. When first getting to know Riley, most people think she is an arrogant brat, but she is actually very kind and would risk her life to save anyone she knows in battle. Riley spends every spare second she has studying or practicing, and will sometimes be seen late at night outside the cabin, sparring with a dummy.

History: Riley grew up in an orphanage, her dad having been shred to pieces by an "animal" and her mom having disappeared right after she was born. No one would adopt her because of the strange yet smart things she said at such a young age. When she was six years old, a nice young man with a leg condition adopted her and told her she would be going to a special camp. When she got to Camp Half-Blood, everything about what she was was told to her and being a small child, she had no problem excepting it. The young man who was actually a satyr, raised her himself in the camp and it was realized later she was the only child of Athena at the camp at the time. Now, Riley is her cabin's counselor (even though no one else is in there), and she teaches important training classes.

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For some reason the people I was interacting with in the Rp arent responding so I am going to wait for a moment to jump in. I will just be monitoring.
cool. K thnx 
Since we are on the topic in the Rp. I would like to point out that I have a little office inside the medical tent with folders of data on campers and a bunch of other stuff. Its sorta my lab too where I make medicine and such.
Quick question, is this after the series of The Gods of Olympus because that means they accept all Demigods- no matter what god they came from. Because I would like to be a child of a god who isn't on this list.
Name: Lily Phlako

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Child of Which God/Goddess: Janus, god of paths, and doorways, future and past.

Cabin: Bunks with anyone who will giver her a bed. (usually thrown out form being 'annoying' )

Team: Red

Power: Able to see the right path to the desired area.

Special Skill: to see shortly into the future (about 1-5 minutes) but can not control when to use it


Personality: Very bubbly, yet is sometimes to much, she takes her role as a guide very seriously. She was here ever since she was a child and has been on countless quest just because she is viable when a quest involves a maze, or dungeon. Yet nobody takes her because she is good with weapons, or anything else of that matter, they only use her for her talent.

History: She has been raised at the camp and has been called by some gods, as the lamp, to others, guiding the way, but that she is something more. That she could easily turn on you, and make you go into a room filled with hydras. She often doesn't have a cabin to stay into, because she always voices her opinion, telling people they shouldn't be eating a donut because it will make them fatter, or something among the lines, but she can't help it, the urge to say it is unbearable. and this usually gets her thrown out and she usually wonders in the strawberry fields, she can't fall asleep anyway, because she is a insomniac.

(sorry that it turned out weird, I just can't describe who she is that well, she is two sided really, hehe get it, because Janus has two heads xD ) 
(I just want to glomp these men ._. )
((Your character is awesome. I'm thinking of so many awkward plot twist that could cause both your character and Bree's character to hate Mike...))

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