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Fandom Percy Jackson: Gods Divided

It might be that their muse is just being fickle? Mine does that sometimes so... try a gentle poke and asking?

I'm pulling out Wesley, Vasyl, Damia, and probs Jack.
Hey um i am new and trying to figure this out ^^; could i possibly bother this rp to do so? i am so lost im sorry ^^;
Nico's steps to joining an RP

-Go to the Signup Tab

-Copypaste the sheet on the first post to the textbox on the bottom

-Create your character

-Post it

-Wait for Chara's approval

this what we are in right now is OOC, this is where we all act like fangirls and boys out of character
Okay so I have all my CS's made but the BB code HATES me so that might take some time to sort out. Ugh.
Ugh IDK why coding hates me today - my computer just keeps screwing with it. Imma try and go fix those -.-'
@Chara Angel of Death It won't even let me put tabs in which is driving me insane. If you want to edit them in as a moderator given how long the post is I'd be much obliged. I also keep trying to add a relationships area (as an accordion using the

[accordion]{slide=Character name}blah blah blah text text text{/slide}{slide=Character name}blah blah blah text text text{/slide}[/accordion]

format for the siblings, etc., but it keeps eating that too -.-').
I read that in Flo-Rida's voice.

Come on in, welcome to my house, baby take control now~ We don't even need to gooo out.

Okay maybe I'm too hyped up on medication right now o_o
@Chara Angel of Death

Posted! Kept it a little short and sweet for time's sake (as the RP is starting), but let me know if you have any questions at all! :D
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it has been so long since I've done a group and I was just so excited I didn't see the rules tab and... and... I...


@Chara Angel of Death Fixed!
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also @Chara Angel of Death - Is it okay if I make Elijah's brother?
Huh?? Sorry. Just woke up from a six hour nap with the last three of those hour with a large dog laying on me.... I'm kinda out of Waco right now, so what going on here?

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