Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit


Sass Queen

Zeus- Supreme lord of gods, god of the sky.

Poseidon- God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes.

Hades- The god of the dead.

Apollo- Beautiful god of the sun, light, medicine, and music. Twin brother of Artemis.

Ares- God of war.

Hephaestus- God of fire and the forge.

Hermes- Messenger of the gods, god of business.


Aphrodite- The goddess of love.

Artemis- The goddess of the hunt.

Athena- The goddess of wisdom.

Demeter- Goddess of earth and agriculture.

Hecate- Goddess of magic, witch craft, and crossroads.

Hestia- The goddess of the hearth and architecture.

Iris- Goddess of the rainbow.

Muses - the goddesses of music, song and dance, who inspired the artistic creation.

Selene- Goddess of the moon.


1. Limit cursing.

2. Please use fades to black.

3. Respect me and co-owners(first and second person to join.)




Age: (19 and under.)


Son/Daughter of:





My Characters

Name: Rachelle Marin Liesel ** Sylus Nixon Rin ** Selene Marissa Moon

Nickname: Rach ** Sy ** Marissa

Age: 18 ** 18 ** 17

Gender: F ** M ** F

Son/Daughter of: Athena ** Zeus ** Selene

Bf/Gf: Sylus ** Rachelle ** Nope

History: ...



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Other: Nope
Oh my gods I love your for making this RP!!!!

Charater One

Name:Lyra Harper


Age: (19 and under.) 16


Son/Daughter: Daughter of Apollo

Bf/Gf: None yet

History: Lyra grew up in a hippie sort of place her mom was care free and her best friend, One day they went into the city and the monsters attacked her mom was killed her dying words were for Lyra to find a camp, so she ran wildly running from monsters, she ran into a sayter and when she woke up next she was in camp half blood.

Appearance:She has light coca skin, and dark shinning silky hair flowing down to her waist, she has Hazel warm brown eyes that brust with her emotins. She is normal hight and normal wieght for her age.

Other: She has a pendant of the of the rising sun, the normal sun, and the setting sun on a string tight around her neck, she has very good aim and cam play her hormanica very well. She hates the darkness but loves the moon and stars because they bring light within the darkness.

Chararter Two

Name:Avery Jenkins

Nickname:Av I guess

Age: (19 and under.) 14 almost 15

Gender: Male

Son/Daughter of: Son of Athena

Bf/Gf: None yet

History: Avery had a hard life living without knowning his mother and Living with his never around distant father. He grew up picked on for his ADHD and dyslexia, he was beaten up and called very rude things, he was known as a nerd a geek. The only freind he had turned out to so creature from a story bok who led him to CampHalfBlood and made his life more crazy then it already was.

Appearance:He has shaggy chesnut colored hair, and deep gray eyes that are framed by square glasses he is thin and short for his age.

Other: He is very clumsy and easly frightened he loves to collect data about everyone and everything, he is good at mental activity not phycial types. He is trageted by the Ares cabin bullies.He does not like being a demi-god.
Name: Blake Shifter

Nickname: Xenon

Age: 13 almost 14


Son/Daughter of: Ares

Bf/Gf: not one yet

History: Blake isn't you average Ares cabin kid, he's very shy, not ultra tall and buff like the other kids, He still sleeps with his old teddy bear. Blake still an Ares camper after all so he loves fighting, he loves wrestling watching and doing. He's gotten in trouble for starting fights with other campers. He's been going to Camp Half-Blood since he was 8 and was not proven to be Ares son till he was 10.

Appearance: View attachment 1103

Other: : Xenon Isn't the nice neighbor boy next store, he'll kick your ass if you cross him.
Name: Rosalind Faire

Nickname: Rosa

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Daughter of: Poseidon (but her great grandmother is Aphrodite it only affects her beauty)

Boyfriend: Not yet

History: Rosa's great grandmother was Aphrodite who had an affair with her great grandfather, a simple farmer. Her grandmother, Rosa's namesake, attended camp half-blood when her father realized how endangered his daughter really was. Living in the country separated them from most medical help so it was for the best. Rosa's grandmother lived a fairly normal life after she left and never told anyone of her real mother but she always told her daughter (Rosa's mom) of the Greek Gods. Rosa's mother studied marine life focusing mainly on the affects of pollution. On one of her trips she met Poseidon and had an affair, producing Rosa.

For 12 years Rosa lived with her mother attending horseback riding lessons everyday and eventually acquiring a horse for her 10 birthday. After her 10 birthday is when the monsters found her. Rosa's mother told her about her father, she was skeptical but when the attacks became more prominent she realized the her mother told the truth. One day the monsters went to far jumping in front of the car causing a horrendous car wreck. Rosa's mother was killed but Rosa managed to survive but she still has the scars.

One night when she was recovering in the hospital she heard a tapping at the window. Looking out she saw her beautiful mare Rella but she was a pegasus. Rella carried her to Camp Half-Blood. She has just arrived at the camp her arm is still bandaged, wearing only jeans and a medical gown, and she has a small canvas backpack with some of her personal belongings.


Other: This is her great grand mothers bracelet,r:9,s:165
both accepted. we can start rping now

Rahcelle's blonde hair flew as she ducked Sylus's arrow. She stood and shot one, it hit him square in the chest of his padded armor. She smiled and walked over to him and pulled the arrow out before kissing him lightly.

Sylus chuckled and kissed her back before pulling out his dagger and stabbing the back of her armor. He pulled back and ruffled her hair.

Selene sat on the beach playing with a moonbeam in her palm. She pressed it to her lips and her face lit up with moonlight.

She sat quietly on a hill looking over the strawberry fleilds, she had to be hallucinating, to believe her mother is dead killed by some beast, and that she ran into a talking satyr who took her to a camp full of demi-gods. She refused to believe her mother was dead, but the silent ters on her face spoke overwise. She pulled out her hurmonica and put it to her lips and began to play a sweet and sorrrowful tune.


He did not want to be here, he did not want to be a demi-god and he did not want the goddess of Athena to be his so called mother! The only good thing about the camp was his cabin, he sat there now in the huge library part a huge book on his lap as he scammed the words taking in all the amazing information. Avery flipped the page, and striaghtened his glasses he was done reading on Satyr's he still could hardly belive he had been friends with one for two years now he wondered were Lenues or Lenny was?
Rachelle smiled as Sylus walked her back to Athena cabin. She went in and grabbed the book out of Avery's hands she sat down on her bed which was next to his and put the book in her drawer. She smirked "Do you have to borrow my books all the time?" (: :) Sylus walked into his cabin and laid on his bed before falling asleep. (: :) Selene glanced at the girl on the hill and ran over to Lyra. "Hi, I'm Selene. Daughter of Selene, goddess of the moon.
Rosa twisted her fingers into Rella's mane forcing herself not to look down. The bay pegasus was beginning a sow dissent into what looked like a camp. Sweat was forming on the mare's shoulders where the wings met her body. Rosa tried to wipe it away with leg since one arm was in a sling and the other was gripping a fistful of ebony mane.

"We are almost here," the mare said in a voice that sounded like sweet molasses. Rosa was still getting used to the concept of horses flying and talking but right now she had bigger things to deal with. For instance, where the heck was she? Rella had not been very chatty when it came to their destination. With a soft jerk they landed in the courtyard of a large log cabin adorned with Greek lettering and artwork.
Blake woke up in the Ares cabin in his top bunk. He felt something wet in his crotch area. He had wet the bed but he knew that he hadn't done it on his own it was Clarisse, she had pulled the old warm water trick on him for the third time this weak. He got out of his bunk. Woke her up and punched her across the face. "I hate you," he yelled at her. after the first punch they ended up starting a fight in which Blake ended up winning.
Sylus awoke to the sound of pegasus hooves on wood. He walked to the Poseidon cabin and raised an eyebrow at Rosa. "Finally decided to come back, eh, Rosa?" he said.
(Rosa just got to the camp...she's new to the whole being a demi-god thing and she just got out of the hospital so she is still a little beat up :o )

I pouted at her "Hey I was reading that!" I whinned "You lost my page, and I got it from the library its in our cabin it belongs to everyone right?" he asked ucertiantly still pouting.


I stopped playing and looked over at her, "Hi I am Lyra and I am in the Hermes cabin for now, I have not been claimed yet." the last part came out bitter. I set my harmonica in my lap.
(LOL sorry i meant the peagus) Rachelle smiled "Yes, Avery, you have to learn I'm always going to mess with you." she said and ruffled his hair.
Rella snorted thrusting her wings out so she could glide to the ground. Rosa gripped tightly with her legs swaying only a bit at take off. Somebody was talking to the mare but at this point she couldn't locate the person in the blur of people. Looking behind her she realized that the cabin must be Poseidon's, her father's cabin. Rella turned and nudged the girl's leg, "Its time to get off," she whispered folding her wings into her sides then looking back at Sylus, "Yeah, I'm back but I brought a little surprise." Rosa stood beside the mare right hand still intertwined in the mane. The canvas backpack rested precariously on her bad shoulder while her left hand was pulled close to her side in a sling. She felt so small, like a child grasping their mother's hand in a dangerous room.
Sylus smiled "Well, daughter of Posiedon, you should be comfortable here." he said and narrowed his eyes at Rella "You, have to stop running off, Rella." he said and stroked her nose.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Selene smiled and nodded at the harmonica "I have a feeling your a daughter of Apollo." she said.

I frowned as she ruffled my hair but a tiny smile touched my lips, "Yeah okay I guess sisters are suppose to be annoying." It still felt strange being surrounded by so many brothers and sisters, "So what have you been up to?" I asked curiously.


My fist balled around my jeans, "Then why am I not claimed yet? Does he not want me? because that is perfectly fine! And if he is a god then why did he do nothing when those..." I stopped and shuttered taking a breath, "those monsters k-k-k- got my mother." the last part was a broken whispher, I could not say the word kill. I still did not believe it.
Rosa nodded numbly then forced herself to take control. She removed her hand from Rella's mane looking the boy straight in the eye, "Where am I?" she asked except it wasn't really a question it was an order telling him to answer. She wanted to know where she was and where she could reach her father. She needed to figure out why he hadn't prevent her mother from dying.

Rella sighed,"I am not going anywhere, I have a hero to watch over," she said swishing her tail lazily.
Name: Derik John Fischer

Nickname: Lover Boy

Age: 15

Gender: male

Son of: Aphrodite

Bf/Gf: Has a crush on Blake

History: Derik was taught at a young age by his father that being gay was a sin. Derik came to Camp Half Blood after he came out of the closet to his father and was kicked out of his house and forced to live on the streets until he was brought to camp half blood by a Satyr named John. When he got there his eyes and heart immediately wanted Blake when he saw him in the arena training.

Appearance: View attachment 1106
Blake took off his wet pajamas and hung them up to dry outside shirtless wearing a dry pair of Red boxers and black skinny jeans. Derik saw him out the window of the Aphrodite cabin that smelled like the perfect mix of perfume and hairspray. Derik sighed as he saw Blake's skinny body with his rock hard abs. One of Derik's brother's walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"If only he weren't strait," Derik sighed.

"Its a shame, he has a nice body," Derik's brother added.
Name: Maggie Stewart

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nickname: Doesn't matter, improvise

Godly Parent: Ares

BF/GF: Interesting question, let me get back to you on that.

History: Maggie's grew up with her mother in a nice area of San Fransisco until she was eight when her mother disappeared and Maggie was sent to her uncle's house in southern Chicago where he owned a kickboxing gym. While living in the rough neighborhood, Maggie was forced to fight for her self and found out she was considerably talented at it(in lament's terms). Her uncle got her inrolled in other various martial arts classes around the city, the story goes on, etc. Finally when she was around 11 years old she started getting attacked by monsters. Both her uncle and she had no idea what was going on (mist) and they fled around the country until Maggie was 13 and found by a satyr. The end, she's at Camp Half-Blood. Maggie is very brave and protective, fights for justice, and IS NOT afraid to get in a fight to protect someone even if the odds are bad. She is very observant and a logical strategist; however, she can be critical, wins the award for holding grudges, and once it flares up, she can have a nasty temper. Despite that she's pretty friendly, just don't push her too far on a bad day. Oh, and she's tall (about 5 10) and has a lean, muscular frame which enables her to be light on her feet and perform some combat acrobatics.

Appearance:View attachment 1107

>>I edited it in Photoshop, looks nice right? :D <<

>>>Im an oldie from the first "camp half blood is back!!" or whatever, great to see camp half blood will always have a place at rp nation!!! CX is it okay if i reuse a few of my old charries??<<<


Selene wrapped a comforting arm around the girl "It'll be ok," she said, "my dad was taken by monsters too." She wiped tears from her eyes.

Rachelle smiled "Just hanging with Sylus." she said.

Sylus knitted his eyebrows "You're at Camp Half-Blood." he said.
( I love these books, my little brother just started reading them and its one of the few things we can talk about without him getting mad at me :D )

"So is this some kind of safe haven, how long do I have to stay here?" Rosa asked. Rella had not been much of a talker on and she had eventually given up on getting any answers. The sun was just starting to warm up sending down rays of pleasant heat.
Maggie walked along the cobblestone path, one hand on the back of her neck--a gesture of deep thought--and the other resting casually on the hilt of her sword temporarily slung around her waist(its usually strapped across her back). She bounded over the booby-traps placed stategically around Ares cabin and then ran into Blake outside.

"Bit late, isn't it? What're you doing out--" She caught herself she saw the laundry, "Never mind--besides, that was redundant, I'm out her too, we have our own reasons. Anyway, Clarisse, right?" Maggie didn't wait for a reply she saw the look on Blake's face. She rolled her eyes. "Not again. She's stepping on my toes too. Something needs to be done about her..." She cocked an eyebrow and a smirk crossed her lips, hoping Blake caught on to what she was suggesting.

"But, but how?" My voice quivered sharply and not usually being the huggy type I clung to her and burried my face in her shoulder, "My mom, your dad the thing s I have read in those books, about where they go to when they die......... its awful a horrible place." I sobbed choking them back so I could talk, "My mom she was so carefree she was so young not readydie to a horrible fate! then some creature gets me and I am a demi-god and I have to live in the thieves cabin (Hermes) where they try to steal from me and my good ole dad is up there sitting on his a** and just watching and doing nothing like it is a funny tv show!" I holllered the last part rage echoing in my sorrow.


"Oh yeah that Ares guy." I snoted before I smiled teasingly "Your boyyyyyyyfriendddddd." I snickered, "I bet you were all like kiss my war boy and he was like you got it war girl your so wise and pretty." I batted my eyes for extra effect I fell off my chair hooting with laughter. The nice thing about this place I had siblings which meant no more lonelyness.

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