PbP Site?

Sounds like a pbp game is a brewing  :lol:

So as far as tools....again I will have to refer to the greatness that is flagg for that.

What tools would you like to see?
Taurren said:
Dracogryff said:
Solars, Solars Solars...why is it always Solars? Meh. They aren't the only ones who exalt you know...and I think it's just as significant if you turn other colors than gold... *coughs*
So does that mean that if there were a Lunar pbp you'd be interested?
Actually, I much prefer a mixed game to having a 'Solar' game or a 'Lunar' game, myself. I like the different philosophies and motivations and interactions that it can bring into the game. Having everyone the same 'type' of being actually rather bores me. Sure they're not exactly the same (the Dawn is not likely to be that similar to a Night, after all), but they do have the exact same options in powers, even if they don't take them immediately. *shrugs* I like diversity in a game I play in...but if I had to play in a game of all one type, I'd take DBs or Lunars over a Solar game, yes. Possibly Abyssal too, but I'm not as good at playing a good Abyssal (I have a hard time making a character dedicated to killing people or the end of the world or the like). Either way, with the limited number of Solars (half as many as there used to be) and total lack of organization between them, having whole circles conveniently managing to hook up with each other and go gallivanting about the countryside always rubbed me the wrong way. Just how I think, admittedly, but I find having a mixed group more interesting.
I agree to the diversity.  I think the best Exalt type to run a complete group out of is Dragon Blooded.  But generally speaking, I prefer a mis-matched group of "heroes"  Especially when I'm allowed to play an Abyssal.
Actually I think mixed groups of exalts often waters down the theme to a degree I do not like.

The big exception is solar/abyssal and a tad of lunar added. That is a really nice mixed circle thematically. About the rest... meh. Sidereals benefit so much from an all sidereal group and the sidereal vs. corruption vs. unsurmountable odds theme that it always makes my poor little soul twitch when I see a mixed circle with them.
Well ... if there is enough interest and a place we can all agree to play, I've been itching to try some pbp GM'ing.  I'd hope to find a place with a dice roller and a spot to store character sheets ... but aside from that I'm easy.

Since this is my first post (long time lurker from the orginal Ex Comp. site) I'd just like to say that I've GMed Exalted 1E and DB games in the past, but this would be my first 2E game.

A mixed game would be my first choice but I'm relatively flexible.

Any interest?
Good point Safim.  The only way I could ever play a Siddie, would be in an all Siddie game.  Personally, given a choice in a mixed theme, I'm sold on Abyssal unless the GM would rather I not play one...  And even then, I suggest I could always play one from a Deathlord who's against the primary Deathlord Antagonist they're going to use.

Oh, and I'm down for a PbP game.  Any kind.
I would like to play, but I got two weekly pen and paper games and university and I am the storyteller in both... which is kinda a lot of work. But I shall be cheering from the sidelines ^^
I'd certainly be willing to consider it, I've played on an Aberrant Fiction (nprime.net <---- shameless plug!) site before, and PbP certainly isn't too far removed from that concept.

Consider me on the list of "Sure" once we decide how this'll work.
I'm interested too. Even if i'm more active reader of this forum than contributor (i'm french and i mostly come here to steal your iddeas :oops: ), i would enjoy to try internet game.

I would prefer Lunar or DB character, but i'm fine with other type of exalted, or heroïc mortal.
RE: Requests for PbP site features, etc

I don't really have the time at the moment to put a lot of work into the PbP site. Please direct any requests or inquiries to DeepFlowingRiver.

If there are any mods or plugins that he needs me to install, I can certainly do that upon request.

Khairn said:
Well ... if there is enough interest and a place we can all agree to play, I've been itching to try some pbp GM'ing.  I'd hope to find a place with a dice roller and a spot to store character sheets ... but aside from that I'm easy.
Since this is my first post (long time lurker from the orginal Ex Comp. site) I'd just like to say that I've GMed Exalted 1E and DB games in the past, but this would be my first 2E game.

A mixed game would be my first choice but I'm relatively flexible.

Any interest?
Eh, I'd be interested, particularly in a mixed game. I'm mostl likely to play a Lunar, but if it seems to be too Lunar-heavy, I'm likely to look at other options. I do have a fun renegade Abyssal idea in the woodworks I could pull out...though that would require their 2E book, probably.

And yeah, Sids don't generally play as nice with the other Exalts, I agree. I did have a great deal of fun as a Ronin Greensid in a mixed game once...she didn't much care for the way other Sids were trying to handle things and was working on seeing how to fix it so that there didn't need to be wyld hunts after any of the Exalts...why all the Solars went batshit before the Usurpation is her current project of study, and with a couple new Solars around her city (nevermind that it was a Lunar who was the de-facto 'High-Priestess/Cheiftaness' to most people...it was her city, in her mind ;) ) to watch and see if they're batshit crazy always helps. *chuckles* Ninja librarian FTW.

But on the whole, they don't work as well outside their own group, no, I agree. And playing a bureaucratic fate ninja isn't something I'm as interested in playing...ninja librarian was fun...but once bureaucracy gets involved, it becomes less fun for me. I've never been a fan of politics or bartering, or so forth.
Soo...how's this project coming? Is it dead? Will it be up soon? *curious* I'd like to see it happen...
Status: As far as the structure of the pbp site goes, it is ready. I have tried to limit the amount of sections we have on the site to enough to do the job, without replacing any functionality of the current forum.

It is ready to go if you have a game to get started, however, you should be aware of a couple things.

1. There is no current dice roller installed. I have looked around for a few but have come up short a bit. IF you know of a good dice roller that we could impliment for free, let myself or Flagg know.

2. There is no long term storage of charcter sheets. This is another funciton that many of you asked for, and that I want to give you. So again, please help a guy out and let me know if you are aware of any programs we could use. Free being the best price.

So, if there are any other questions let me know.

Flagg, we ready to go live?
Makes sense. Have a friend who's on a few chat based games that have sites and forums where they store character sheets. I'll try talking with her to see if they're open content or if I can get permission to use their code or such. One of them's even WoD, so might not be too hard to modify for Exalted...

Don't hold me to any promises, but I'll try to see what I can find.
Whoa' date=' new person![/quote']
<dances a jig>

Not quite new as I posted earlier on this thread, but I totally forgot my passoword, lost my computer and decided to start all over again.

I'm a looong time lurker from the very first days of the compendium.  Man I loved that site.   :P

Anyways, since I've been getting into 2E recently, dropped in, saw the post about a pbp and thought that maybe I would give it a go.  What do I have to lose but some self respect, and that is very much an over-rated commodity.

So as soon as I can get the "OK" to start posting I'll begin throwing out some idea's.

Initially I'm looking at running a mixed Solars and Lunars game, but I'm really flexible and if we get no Lunars, then a Solars game would be fine.

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