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Realistic or Modern Patient Zero (A Zombie Survival RP)


6b9ef6cd5139e7524ff250eaab851f0a.pngAndy had never been so thankful that her upper body strength had gone through years of training with archery practice. It wasn’t that the lady was large or anything, but laying on your belly on the ground and helping drag a person through a window wasn’t something that just anyone could do. It was relatively easy, all things considering. Time was not on their side.

The woman of course asked for her leg back. That much was to be expected, Andy handed the well crafted piece of plastic and metal back to her companion wordlessly. She turned her eyes from her to give her privacy to put it on. The woman wasn’t some sort of weird carnival show to be gawked at, despite the fact that the injury intrigued Andy.

It was obvious that the woman knew her way around a firearm. The fact that she seemed to carry a small arsenal was enough to assure her of that. But, more so the way she spoke to her about it. Of course Andy didn’t know how to fire one. She was an art student. If it had been a bow, any manner of bow, she would have been fine. But Andy knew better than to fire something that dangerous around lives that she didn’t intend to harm. She had no idea what the piece of metal was capable of.

“I’m Andy,” She introduced herself in response to the compliment the woman gave her. If they were going to be running for their lives together, they might as well be on first name basis. She heard the commotion as Luca did his best to bound up through the window. Something caught him, but he had it handled before Andy could even get down on her stomach to help him. He got through the window independently, but not without some sacrifice. The girl could see the blood soaking through his clothes as he tended to his wounds.

The rest of him was as tattooed as the parts that showed normally. What was shocking to her was the vast amount of scarring that littered his skin. Some were hidden by the ink that decorated his flesh, some vibrant in color against the color of his skin. Maybe this is what Owen had meant by his warning of Luca being dangerous. It was apparent to Andy that this wasn’t Luca’s first fight, or maybe even his most violent one.

“Are you…” She didn’t get to finish her question. The sound she had made of the window had alerted some of the gunman that were patrolling the outside. They rounded the corner and Luca reacted with lightning speed. He grabbed his rifle and led the men away from them. For someone so dangerous, he had a knack of putting her life above his, at least within the span of this day.

As the shooting started, the girl felt herself be tugged behind a trash can for shelter from the bullets. What the thin metal can was going to do against the military grade guns was beyond Andy, but this woman knew better than she. The raven haired woman had to be ex-military or something. She was just as at ease in the gun fight as Luca. The only one who looked like the odd man out was Andy. The woman told her to watch her back, but what was she supposed to do? Andy assumed she would be a decent shot with the pistol that had been handed to her, she was national champion when it came to target shooting, but she knew that the piece of metal was something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and she had way less control over it than she did her own weapon of choice.

She was useless here. She knew it, watching both Luca and Colt take fire, she knew that if she was going to be of any use to either of them, she would have to act. Be brave and maybe a little bit rash. The noise of the gunfire seemed to fade to a dull roar as her mind raced, begging for an answer. What was the right call? What could she do. People’s lives were at stake. Would she act, or fall behind and let these two take care of her?

Her body acted before her mind had fully thought through the plan. But there wasn’t time to digest all the fine details. Andy knew that she would need to be quick and lucky, she just wasn’t sure which of the two was going to be more important.

Keeping low, the woman ran toward the parking lot. The gunman didn’t seem to be paying her much mind, likely because she wasn’t shooting at any of them. This worked in her favor, if they could draw their fire long enough for Andy to get to her car. She could get in it, get both of them to it and drive away into the sunset. Maybe leave Aurora, get away from all this madness. It barely felt real. She had been drinking coffee on campus just this morning, and now the world was going to shit. People were dying and her peaceful little town had somehow become a fucking war-zone.

She didn’t dare look back, there was no time to regret her decision. There was no time to check on Luca and her dark haired savior. There was only time for action, and at the moment that included Andy running full force into the parking lot. She darted around parked cars, arms pumping, heart pounding, breath caught up in her throat and nose. It felt ablaze coursing through her lungs. Like a small fire within her chest, she wasn’t sure if it was trying fuel her or burn her, but she knew that either way it wasn’t going to stop her.

The mint green car stood out in the crowd of other vehicles and despair hit. Just as the parking lot had been when she had gotten to the school, it was boxed in with cars. Like tons of tiny metal sardines slammed into the same can. Her car was never going to be able to get out of there without moving the other cars. All the cars that could be accessed were locked and without keys. Hot-wiring vehicles was not something that was in Andy’s list of skills.

What could she do?

What in the world could she possibly do?

Those two people fighting for their lives had both saved her life and she couldn’t do anything to help them, and now she had abandoned them to the firefight. She couldn’t shoot a gun, she couldn’t fight. But that was only partly true. Andy couldn’t shoot a gun, that much was true. But she could shoot, she could fight.

The beeping sound of the wireless key fob opening her trunk sounded. As quickly as humanly possible Andy grabbed her hunting bow. The heavier test would be necessary here. Competition bows were made for targets that stayed upright, hunting bows took their target’s down.

Her hands worked with practiced and expert speed. Her knee found its home in the center of the stained oak shaft. She notched the string into it’s home, making it ready for use. It was a beautiful recurve, maybe her favorite of the various ones she owned. Her hip quiver lay in the bottom of the trunk, she grabbed it and quickly fastened it around her waist. It was still full of broadhead points.

It had only been a weekend ago when her and her uncle had gone out hunting elk. These particular arrows were made for big game. Man she assumed, would also be considered big game. Slamming the trunk down, the woman’s pistol securely in the pocket of her hoodie, she turned. Luca was behind a van, keeping one of the military shooters busy.

He didn’t see the one sneaking up from the side. Did she call to him? What if she distracted him at the wrong moment and got him killed, the gun fight he was a part of know was deadly enough. Colt was too far away to get a clear shot. She watched as the man raised his rifle, waiting for the perfect shot to land in Luca’s exposed flesh.

What the arrow wasn’t enough though? She had never shot at a human before, nor had she ever thought she would need to. What if the arrow was only enough to piss him off? But her body was already reacting again, like some sort of hidden pilot was guiding her on what to do and how to act. Instinct, adrenaline, or maybe just some sort of inner voice, but Andy barely felt in control of her own limbs.

The world became calm as the bow rose and the arrow was take between two trained fingers. Her breath slowed naturally as the notch found its way to the string, causing everything to feel almost in slow motion. Andy could feel the breeze, the direction of the wind. Her mind made automatic calculations on how to aim to accommodate for the terrain and weather. She felt her stance widen, her lungs fill with the cold fall air. Her muscles in her arms stretched and pulled as the string did. The fletching of the arrow tickled her cheekbone as she anchored the shot. As she exhaled everything seemed to freeze. There was no gun fire, no more screams or flames. There was just this shot. This perfectly lined up shot.

When Andy loosed her arrow, she felt herself go with the flying carbon shaft. As it spun through the air, she watched as the blue and yellow feathers turned to a green spiraling blur on it's path to it's intended target. Her eyes widened as it found its mark, deep in the tender flesh of the of man’s neck. The sound of his gurgling cry broke the dream-like silence. She watched as his body slumped to the ground. Everything came back into focus so fast the girl felt almost disoriented. The gunfire continued, the screams came back. Everything was the same as before the shot, except there was one less gunman.

If it had been a deer or elk, she would have run up to make sure that it was dead, that it didn’t suffer. Game that suffered ruined the meat. The more painless the death the healthier the harvest. Andy didn’t need to check for a pulse.

Prey didn’t fall that still unless there was no fight left in them.

Interactions: Brax Brax (Luca) Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt)
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[class=BackgroundPicture] Background:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359734207024463882/524331123145179137/Tileableerodedscratchmetaltexturebackground00.jpg); background-size: 25% 25%; Padding:30px; Padding-bottom:10px; background-attachment: fixed; [/class] [class=BackgroundColor] padding:20px; background-color:#f0ebe0; Color:Black; font-family:Fira Sans ; [/class] [class=Name] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #0b440a; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #0b440a; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; padding-left:20px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:27px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#0b440a; float:left; width:97%; [/class] [class=Img] background-color:#f0ebe0; text-align: center; border:1px SOLID #0b440a; line-height:0px; margin-top:10px; [/class] [class=Icon] color:#f0ebe0; background-color:#0b440a; padding:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size: 25px; margin:-10px -10px 10px -10px ; font-family: Fjalla One; [/class] [class=statbar] border-radius:5px; border-top: 1px Solid #0b440a; border-bottom: 1px Solid #0b440a; padding:2px; width:50%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=Line] border: 3px SOLID #0b440a; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px; [/class] [class=Status] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #0b440a; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #0b440a; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#000000; width:97%; [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture"] [div class="BackgroundColor"] [div class="Name"] Marcus Howard[/div]
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[div class="Status"] Status

Interacting: King Vioogra King Vioogra AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Maj Maj FireMaiden FireMaiden

Mentioned: None

Located: Outside School Window
[div class="Line"] [div class="Icon"] Actions[/div] Marcus gave Owen a nod after his comment about knowing how to use the gun, as long as he kept it on single fire and didn’t shoot the wrong people. Marcus mostly relied on accuracy more than anything which explains why he got so good with rifles and snipers, to begin with. The gun had a foregrip and a red dot, something that fit him well for accuracy, guess whoever used this before felt the same way he did, not wanting to, miss any shots. He looked around and noticed the rest of the people that were once dead before tumbling up and being shot at more by the remaining Hazmats. Before he could say anything else though Lilly suggested a retreat to the classroom in which everyone seemed to agree, he quickly followed with the undead hunting their new found prey, the prey being them of course. When they got into the classroom everyone acted swiftly, grabbing the table and pushing it in front of the door to block whoever and whatever wanted to get in, Owen busted the window open and took point, everyone had an understanding of how to handle this situation. Once Owen got out Marcus helped Lilly out and waited for Leliana as the crazy Molotov man guarded the door. “Don’t do anything crazy Molotov man.” He gave him a smile before exiting the window after Leliana. Once they got out Marcus scanned the area for any enemies. “Ya Leliana I agree with what you said earlier, maybe finding a place of refuge is a good choice.” He then looked back to see if Ivan was following behind hoping the Hazmats circling around wouldn’t notice them.

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]

Luca slightly bent his neck to the side, re-appropriating his aim to the man nearby the first enemy killed in action. His finger prepared to pull back on the trigger as he watched the man’s body shake. The Italian watched as the man seized up; the immediate result of being riddled with bullets. Luca had properly pulled his attention enough for Colt to take aim and fire off, resulting in two of the men in hazmat suits dead. That only left one more. He looked briefly through the scope of his gun. Nothing. Luca then dropped the scope from his eyesight, straightening his posture in the process. That was when he heard the sound of an arrow whip through the air. It made contact with its target, resulting in the disgusting sounds of the hazmat soldier gurgling on his own blood before dropping to the ground.
This was when the former-capo turned around. The man had been only a few paces away from the minivan that he was hiding behind. Luca was not diligent enough, something that instantaneously bothered him over everything else. He turned his head slowly to the left to see Andy holding a bow down at her side. Her face looked as though it was almost blank in expression, but Luca knew vaguely what was going through her mind at that point. It was the first time Andy used a bow to kill a person. Despite not being in touch with her for multiple years, this much was clear.
The man turned to look over at Colt, who had displayed superior marksmanship with a rifle that wasn’t hers. Immediately, Luca became curious as to whom this woman was. Was she was a walking cache of weapon knowledge? Within the past fifteen minutes, she had given Andy a pistol - meaning she knew how to use a handgun. Colt had bucked off shots with a shotgun as well, so it was evident she knew how to control recoil quite well. Finally, there was her shots fired using the assault rifle. Though, it seemed hers had a switch to automatic while his only went to semi-automatic. Usually, it was only military personnel that had clearance with such weapons. Unfortunately, they hadn’t kept one of the three men alive to find out who had made the call to wipe out a majority of Aurora’s populous.
There were more of them around the perimeter of the middle school. It was only a matter of time before the three EKA around them in the parking lot reanimated. They would have to move with a bit of haste if they wanted to avoid the zombies. Luca walked back to the grassy area next to the window the three had used to escape. He bent over slightly to grab his jacket off of the floor, his free arm wrapping around the lower-left side of his stomach where the stab wound was. It was extremely sore, but holding the area as he bent over made it a bit more tolerable. He slowly slid his arms through the sleeves, before putting the zipper together and dragging it up. Sure, Luca might not have had a shirt on underneath, but it was far too cold to walk around without something to cover his torso.

9aeb486844a10292b5b4225a2f7d31ad5e4b7812r1-720-939v2_hq.pngLuca removed a cigarette from out of his pack. Ten left. He was going to have to make a stop for a bunch more, but for now these would have to last him. The italian bit down on the filter of his cigarette as he lit the other end, before he looked back over to Colt and spoke through semi-closed teeth. Like a fucking cowboy.
“We don’t have a lot of time. If these guys don’t reanimate, then the others will come.”
Deciding it was best to keep the safety to his gun off, Luca slung the weaponry around his chest with the use of its strap. It was at this time that Luca realized that he had left his backpack inside of the school. A wave of regret washed over him, for not being diligent enough. He now didn’t have a change of clothes, nor any of his valuables. Walking back inside wasn’t an option - it was only a matter of time before every zombie in the middle school began to make its way out. Timing was critical. He turned from Colt, walking back a few paces across the parking lot.
Luca’s hands were covered in blood; well, the outside of his hands were. This resulted in stains of blood across certain parts of his jacket, even the inside. Honestly, he couldn’t get to a shower fast enough. It wasn’t the first time that Luca had gotten his hands dirty, though. It certainly wouldn’t be the last. Stopping a few feet in front of the man in the hazmat suit she had hit with the arrow, the former capo would bend over slightly. His hand grasped the shaft of the arrow, right underneath its feathers. Then, Luca lifted his foot and placed it on the dead man’s helmet. He would pull the arrow upward as his foot maintained pressure on the man’s helmet, causing his neck to slightly bend off of the concrete as Luca removed the arrow without damaging it.
Lifting one of his arms, Luca placed the blood-adorned arrow across his armpit. Then, he closed his arm and wiped off a large majority whatever blood hadn’t already dried off onto it. He continued staring down at the body of the man momentarily, before opting to spit on the deceased out of disrespect. Then, he turned to Andy, who had been standing in the same spot. He walked up to her with a quick pace, stopping inches before her. He spun the arrow a hundred and eighty degrees around his palm, offering it back to the woman by pointing the feathery bit at her. Luca wasn’t so sure where she could find additional arrows without making them, but he was sure that she would need as many as she could hold. Either that, or learn how to use a gun.

“Nice shot.”
Maj Maj Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
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[class=BackgroundPicture] Background:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359734207024463882/524331123145179137/Tileableerodedscratchmetaltexturebackground00.jpg); background-size: 25% 25%; Padding:30px; Padding-bottom:10px; background-attachment: fixed; [/class] [class=BackgroundColor] padding:20px; background-color:#f0ebe0; Color:Black; font-family:Fira Sans ; [/class] [class=Name] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #4f1818; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #4f1818; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; padding-left:20px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:27px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#4f1818; float:left; width:97%; [/class] [class=Img] background-color:#f0ebe0; text-align: center; border:1px SOLID #4f1818; line-height:0px; margin-top:10px; [/class] [class=Icon] color:#f0ebe0; background-color:#4f1818; padding:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size: 25px; margin:-10px -10px 10px -10px ; font-family: Fjalla One; [/class] [class=statbar] border-radius:5px; border-top: 1px Solid #4f1818; border-bottom: 1px Solid #4f1818; padding:2px; width:50%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=Line] border: 3px SOLID #4f1818; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px; [/class] [class=Status] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #4f1818; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #4f1818; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#000000; width:97%; [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture"] [div class="BackgroundColor"] [div class="Name"]
Lilly Verde
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[div class="Status"] Status

Interacting: Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Maj Maj FireMaiden FireMaiden King Vioogra King Vioogra

Mentioned: N/A

Located: Outside; speaking quietly
[div class="Line"] [div class="Icon"] Actions[/div]
We need to get out of here asap. Can one of you guys guard that door, I have a feeling we will have company sooner than later.” He looked out the window, there were more hazmats outside, but they looked preoccupied. Someone was going to need to go out and make a distraction so the others could climb through without being massacred. He’d go first. Owen turned back to Leliana and gave her a warm smile. “Do you mind if I borrow that bat for a second?” He asked. Owen took the bat when it was offered and thanked her. “I’ll give it right back.” He gestured for everyone to stand back and smashed out the window with one solid swing. It was a rather large window thankfully, and he should be able to climb through easily. The noise hadn’t alerted the Hazmat team yet, but he knew that it wouldn’t take them long to see a group of people climbing out of the window. He handed the metal tire checker back to the blonde. “There are more outside, I’ll go first. Follow as closely behind me as you can, we are going to have to fight our way out of here. Be smart and stick together.” He began his climb out of the window, rifle in his hands this time instead of over his shoulder. Behind him he could hear the classroom door being slammed against. Human or zombie on the other side, Owen couldn’t be sure. All he knew is they were stuck between a rock and a hard place and fighting their way out was the only way to survive. Owen kept one eye on the hazmat guys circling the outside of the school and reached his hand down to help the next person up and through the window.
“I stay here for now. I’ll provide cover.” He said before popping his head back into the window and conducted a quick inspection of the rifle: standard American ACOG scope, and a suppressor. The scope he didn’t mind much, but the suppressor was a thing of beauty in their current situation. He quickly pulled the bolt back and caught the bullet that popped out with a certain professionalism that seemed necessary for the situation. He removed the magazine as he pulled the bolt back, causing the release to lock in place. He inspected the magazine to see how many bullets were in it. Completely full? That must mean this one had some morality before you died. After assuring he actually had any ammunition in it, he put the extra bullet back into the magazine before inserting it into the rifle and slapping the bolt release, a short click coming from the rifle. He aimed it downwards before looking at all the other people in the room with a serious gesture before dragging one of the students desks over and setting the rifle up on a small part of the window so he wouldn’t get in the way of them getting out of it.​
"I think we should head to the parking lot. Or at least, up that way. If we get lucky we can steal a car, or at least sneak off into one of the houses nearby. Maybe even run into other survivors," she said, walking towards the window and looking out. At that current moment, she didn't see any Hazmats or zombies, which let her breathe a sigh of relief. She turned away from the window when someone, or something, began to bang on the door. It scared her, it was evident in her eyes, but the desk should keep the door shut for a few minutes at least. But they would have to hurry. Owen was the first one out, and Leliana was going to follow second, but turned again. Quickly moving to one of the desks, she picked up a thicker jacket, before moving it back to the window and draping it across the bottom to protect from any glass that hasn't been cleared away. She then turned to Lilly and Marcus. "Lilly, you go next, and stick close to Owen. I'll go behind you. Then Marcus." Lilly was unarmed, she had a pistol, and Marcus had one of the rifles. Lilly would be the most protected if things went badly, and they could all provide backup for each other. She would then look to Ivan. "Two minutes. You stay in here for two minutes, and nothing longer. That door won't keep those things out for very long, even with the desk and I know you're probably smart enough to realize that. And that time frame is an optimistic estimate, okay?" They didn't need anyone else dying, not at a time like this. She turned back to the window, nerves balling into a tight knot as she prepared for what she was going to have to do. Once Lilly was out, Leliana gave Marcus and Ivan one last look, before she went out the window.
Don’t do anything crazy Molotov man.” He gave him a smile before exiting the window after Leliana. Once they got out Marcus scanned the area for any enemies. “Ya Leliana I agree with what you said earlier, maybe finding a place of refuge is a good choice.” He then looked back to see if Ivan was following behind hoping the Hazmats circling around wouldn’t notice them.
Lilly nodded and went after Owen after Leliana put down the jacket. She thanked her and took Owen's hand, climbing out the window carefully. Attempting to be as silent as possible. Looking back as the others would climb out she looked up at the rest of the building, wondering, about everyone else who was caught in this, this disaster. The, what did Marcus say? Molotov man? Him. Hopefully that cover would help, seemed like the... zombies...were pounding at the door, rattling the frame as the sound echoed downed the hall. It was still, crazy to think this was happening but she had to stay on her toes. Not going to let herself shut down agian from all this.

" The buildings directly by the school those people will be searching first most likely if not searching them now. A car is better, we can get away quickly and still be safe inside the vehicle. Though..." Seeing them drive off could give way to those in charge of all this chasing them down the road. Maybe they could just travel far enough to a place that would be less likely searched by those men. She shook her head, realizing she trailed off. " One way pr another as long as it's safe I'll follow, but I do know how to hot wire a car.."Youtube, was always helpful in adding to her odd assortment of random skills, though it was an odd recommendation after watching a simple tutorial for her garden. There was that one time it did come in handy and luckily she remember most the video.

She never told Marcus but it was an emergency at the time she did so. She was taking a look into...something very important...and luckily a car was unlocked for her to hide in. Not so luckily, the security guard out side noticed the door closing. That was the first time for a quicker get away. Of course she returned the car to the owner in the dead of night a day later., The second was to show off to him she could do so because he didn't believe her when she told him. Though, that was a while back, she may need a little more time to remember all the steps which they didn't seem to have now. [/div]
[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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[class=BackgroundPicture1] Background:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359734207024463882/524331123145179137/Tileableerodedscratchmetaltexturebackground00.jpg); background-size: 25% 25%; Padding:30px; Padding-bottom:10px; background-attachment: fixed; [/class] [class=BackgroundColor1] padding:20px; background-color:#f0ebe0; Color:Black; font-family:Fira Sans ; [/class] [class=Name1] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; padding-left:20px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:27px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#7d3c05; float:left; width:97%; [/class] [class=Img1] background-color:#f0ebe0; text-align: center; border:1px SOLID #7d3c05; line-height:0px; margin-top:10px; [/class] [class=Icon1] color:#f0ebe0; background-color:#7d3c05; padding:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size: 25px; margin:-10px -10px 10px -10px ; font-family: Fjalla One; [/class] [class=statbar1] border-radius:5px; border-top: 1px Solid #7d3c05; border-bottom: 1px Solid #7d3c05; padding:2px; width:50%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=Line1] border: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px; [/class] [class=Status1] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#000000; width:97%; [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture1"] [div class="BackgroundColor1"] [div class="Name1"] Luka Cole[/div]
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[div class="Status1"] Status

Interacting: Liezarria Liezarria The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Mentioned: N/A

Located: In the car
[div class="Line1"] [div class="Icon1"] Actions[/div]
Tightening her grip on the cane, Jenna yelled and kicked the puppet as hard as she could. The blow knocked it back against the desk and Jenna raised the cane above her head. She hit it on the head again and again and again until the skull was caved in and the body had stopped moving. Taking a few deep breaths, Jenna placed her room key on the counter and walked out. She said nothing as she led the dog back towards the car and climbed in. She just stared at her travelling companions, an empty look in her eyes as she started the engine and waited for them to get in.
“Um… it probably bests that we don't if we don’t go back to the middle school…..if you decide to stay in town it’s, it's probably better to hunker down in a small gated area.” Rouge sighed, though she didn't explain her reasons she hoped at least that the two didn’t go to the middle school. Maybe it was her paranoia but she didn’t think that the whole town of Aurora being shoved into a small school would end well. Maybe in a regular disaster it be fine but undead corpses? No, the town wasn’t prepared for that. There wouldn’t be enough rations and that many humans in an enclosed space would just be a ticking time bomb…….. Rouge glanced out the window as a thought occurred to her. “........i remembered that there were cops at the hospital…...but…...where are the police now? Or….anyone for that matter?”
Luka sat in silence as they waited. He kept an eye out for suspicious activity. Nothing so far, just a... a rabbit? yeah a harmless rabbit, god knows how it got here, hoping along into some bushes. When Jenna returned he raised a brow at her. She looked, solemn, and lifeless. What did she see? What happened? He didn't know, it may not be the best to push and find out either.

Instead he looked at, Rouge was it? and answered her. "The cops are probably in on this or trying to do something about it or in a worse case scenario, dead. Wasn't there a emergency thing at the middle school? Like you mentioned. Everyone's probably there, and it's probably not the best since we did hear gunshots coming from that direction. At least I think I did. You're most likely right, gated area, defensible, some place we can hole up until things are figured out. " He spoke simply.

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]

Collette “Colt” Stanhope

Collette had grunted out the word “Colt.” When the girl, Andy introduced herself to her. She did not have time to stop and have a proper introduction. Right now she was too engaged with shooting the Hazmats. She could feel the gun emptying with every shot. And her shotgun would be useless from this distance.

Kid, go into my ruck-” She stopped as she glanced out of the corner of her eye… she was gone. Whirling around, she looked around for the girl with a frustrated growl. Where the hell did she go?! She gave that kid one job. One! Job! If she had been in her platoon she would have given her a kick up the backside so hard she'd find teeth on the toe of her boot! She continued to aim at the Hazmats through the scope, taking shots whenever possible. The whole time Colt mumbled as she bit her lip, making her sound as though she had some kind of stroke. "Look over ya dummy, wave goodbye to your head..." This mantra of self-reassurance and a possible symptom of insanity continued until the place went silent. This could mean several things. The Hazmats were dead. The other two were dead. Or both groups were dead. Thankfully it appeared to be the former that was the case as she caught a glimpse of the tattooed man further away.

Once the coast was clear, Colt made her way to him. The closer she got, the more she saw the damage that had been done to him from the fighting and the struggle through the window. He was bloody and cut, but still alive. Colt could not help but feel a wave of relief. The man was an idiot for putting himself in that situation. However, she had to admit, if he didn’t, all three of them would be overwhelmed. Seems his reckless ideas had worked this time. But that did not mean she was going to be accepting of it a second time.

She looked back into the window of the locker room with a remorseful sigh. She came here to escape a warzone. But that was what this was becoming, wasn’t it? But she could not focus on her own grievances. She watched the man attempt to patch himself up. She let out a hiss of annoyance through her teeth. Taking her flask out, she took a sip from it. Her nerves were frazzled, she pulled a face and shook her head a little from the burning sensation in her nose as she swallowed it. Once it had passed, she put the flask back in her pockets as she faced the tattoed man. He had done a great service helping her like that. While not a sociable soul, she felt the need to make the first move in terms of introductions. It was the least she could do. Until she got him something better to show gratitude.

Don’t think we’ve met. People call me Colt.” She introduced herself to the man, giving him a respectful tip of her army cap “’Fraid it’s just gun shit in here.” She referenced to her rucksack. She wished she had bandages, she had a first-aid kit in a cupboard in her kitchen. They would be very useful right about now but her drunk ass had forgotten to lift them. Granted when she left her apartment this morning, she did not expect any of this to happen. Her eyes rolled up for a moment as she thought about something Lt. Lorrie had said to her on one of her first days at boot camp. "Use your foresight to use your hindsight. If you have a plan, think of all the ways it can go wrong and outsmart it." Seems Colt was very poor at remembering her late Luitenent's words. Despite her demanding and harsh teaching methods, at this moment she desperately wished Lorrie was here right now. If anyone knew what to do in this situation, it would be her. Shaking her head, Colt took up her gun again and continued on, rubbing a cloth from her pocket over the gun's barrel to polish it; it was... therapeutic. As she did, she spotted the girl, Andy who had disobeyed her and left her. Annoyed, Colt shook her head and took several limp-y steps toward the girl.

Kid! I told ya t-!” she started snarling angrily but stopped as she spotted the fallen Hazmat, with the man pulling an arrow from the body. It was from the neck. The killing blow. She looked back to the girl, as the man complimented her shot. Colt looked back and forth between the Hazmat and the girl with the bow. “Eh…Hm…Good.” She nodded slightly at the sight. Maybe this girl was not as hopeless as she had initially thought. She clearly knew how to deal with a bow. Those skills would come in handy. If she knew how to shoot. A gun was more reliable than a bow. Then again to Colt, a gun was always more reliable than any weapon. In the proper hands of course.

Kneeling on the ground, Colt took the whiskey bottle and used it to refill her flask. She licked the residue on her fingers as she put it back. She stood back up, still holding the open flask. She frowned a little as she remembered that the pair had seen her without her prosthetic, something that Colt never showed anybody and it made her extremely unsettled that she had shown that. Scratching the scarred side of her face, she growled a little in her throat and darted her eyes.

…I’d be mighty grateful if y’all don’t mention my… leg to anybody.” She said in a low tone before taking another swig. This day was just becoming more and more stressful by the second. Once she had calmed down from that, she looked between the two. “If we can. My apartment is close. I got a lotta guns. Good ones. And food. Bandages.” She said the last part to the man, still concerned over his wounds. “Not now. Just… whenever.” She finished before walking away from the pair by a few paces. She really wished she did not have this limp. At least with these jeans, all people would assume was that she had some kind of old muscle injury, rather than there being no leg at all. She still watched the pair, waiting for any answers from them. They needed more weapons. The undead were not their only concern, there were the Hazmats and the potential for more threats. She remembered when she and her platoon would go into villages, ravaged and lost to war. No laws. No structure. Only chaos. It does not take much for a civilized society to crumble into discord and madness. War... Zombies... Zombie wars- whatever! All Colt knew was that this was just the start of it all. The war continues. Beyond the beaches of Aghanistan. And she was fight every second it it.
Brax Brax Maj Maj
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1547005293138.pngHe was being constantly surprised by his slender blonde companion. She kept a brave face in the throws of all this chaos and seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders when it came to making plans giving orders. In any other situation Owen was sure that he would be wouldn’t be able to resist throwing her a few of his sly smiles. The girl was cute, but he was more concerned with making sure she made it out of this place alive than he was about trying to secure a date with her.

He grabbed Lily’s hand as she stepped up and climbed through the window, making sure to stand between her and anybody who would be passing them by. If he had his way, Owen was going to make sure everyone got out of here in one piece. Did the girl just say that she knew how to hot-wire a car? That was interesting, she seemed pretty sweet and innocent. He barely knew how to wire a car and he was a downright delinquent. He cocked an eyebrow at her as he reached down to take Leliana’s hand.

“Yeah getting the fuck out of dodge is priority one.” His gruff voice was a low whisper as he helped hoist the blonde up and into the yard too. Her boyfriend came next, the white haired male. He pulled himself through the window, talking more than Owen thought necessary. Agreeing with each other was all well and good, except there was no telling who might be listening.

“I know a place we can go to lay low for a while. My family has a place out in the woods just outside of town,” Owen said under his breath. The gunshots in the distance seemed to be growing louder and closer. The parking lot wasn’t far away, but close enough that he could tell that the shots seemed to be coming from that direction. It seemed that to get closer to an escape that they would have to run from the frying pan and into the fire.

The sound of the crashing at the door also seemed be growing more intense. Owen knelt down to peak back in on their Russian friend. To be honest, despite his display with the fire earlier, Owen was glad to have him, it was nice to have someone who looked that comfortable with a fight watching his back.

“Come on man,” Owen hissed. “No reason to dawdle.” He could see the door hinges becoming to buckle from the force of whatever was on the other side of that door. The male had intended to reach his hand down to help pull the man up but that’s when he heard the muffled voice of a stranger coming from the other side of the building.

“Hey! Stop right there!” Owen cursed, the patrol of hazmats had found them. It looked like he had a buddy right behind him. They outnumbered them, but could they overpower them? The three armed companions he had were better suited for this fight. Owen barely knew the sight from the butt of this military gun.

“Marcus, keep them off us!” Owen demanded, he looked at Leliana to signal for her to back him up. He hoped that Ivan would be close behind, climbing out of the window. “Me and Lily will go find a car!” He didn’t have time to argue with them about his plan or consider if the girl really did know how to hotwire a car or not. The red head grabbed his green haired associate and made a break for the parking lot.

Part of him felt guilty for leaving the three to fight the hazmats on their own. But there was no telling how many were going to fall into line behind them. Staying to fight them all was asking for death, the better alternative was to secure a way to get them all away from this place.

“I hope you know what you are doing,” Owen spoke to Lily as he pulled her along toward the parking lot. “I haven’t had to jump a car since my rebellious years!” He cracked a smile to put her at ease, but really their ability to get out of here depended on her ability to perform. Owen couldn’t afford to let her get performance anxiety.

As he rounded the corner his eyes set on the back of a familiar head. Her crimson hair flew behind her in a tangled mess in the wind, her favorite green hoodie stained and torn, but he couldn’t be more overjoyed to see every inch of her. Andy was alive.

“Find us one here in the back row!” Owen commanded Lily, it was important that they be able to actually access any vehicle that they were able to obtain. Then he went to approach his sister. Protecting these people was one thing, but Andy was another. She would always come first, above anything else. He had vowed to keep her safe since the first time she had come home crying, and as far was concerned, he had never failed since.

“Andy!” Owen called, quiet enough to not allow any eavesdroppers to hear him, but loud enough to get her attention. Her head whipped around as she caught his eyes. She was holding an arrow in her hand that she quickly put in her quiver, a look he didn’t quite recognize swept her face. Relief? Or was she guilty, ashamed? Andy ran over to him, the corners of her mouth tugging a normal flat expression into the curve of a sweet smile.

“You’re okay!” she exclaimed and threw her arms around him in a quick hug. It was nice to see that even stoic Andy could still be relieved to see him alive. He wrapped his arms around her in return, but the moment wasn’t meant to last. They had to escape. Owen quickly looked over her companions, a dark haired woman was conversing with a face he recognized as Luca Brasi. He didn’t love the idea of him and his sister going through another life and death situation together, but his relief to have her back near him trumped any uncomfortable feelings.

The sound of gunfire sounded from around the corner where his other companions were left to hold their ground. Owen turned and scanned the parking lot for Lily’s mop of green hair. He hadn’t heard the sound of an engine starting yet.

“We need to get out of here. There are more Hazmats just around the bend. Who knows how many. I left some friends over there and I need to get back to them….” he was investigating the sea of cars the entire time he spoke, distracted. Finally he spotted her.

“Lily! Any luck?” Owen asked hopefully, running over to her.

Interactions: AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lily) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Leliana) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Marcus) King Vioogra King Vioogra (Ivan)
Mentions: Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt) Brax Brax (Luca)


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1547009121401.pngThey were...impressed with her. Relief washed over her at the realization. As Luca handed the arrow back to her, her long calloused fingers took it from him by the shaft. He had wiped most of the blood off, but the steel tip still had a rusty red color to it from the man’s blood. Andy got the message Luca was trying to receive though, she might need this arrow again, this might not be the last time she had to do what she just did.

“Thanks.” was all she could muster.

The woman asked her not to mention her leg to anyone. Andy thought the ideas was ludacris. Who was she going to tell? Was she to walk up to the next hazmat she saw and exclaim:
“Hey mister! That girl over there is missing part of her leg!”

Andy controlled the urge to roll her eyes. It wasn’t the kind of thing that came up in normal conversation. Even to someone who wasn’t trying to kill her. The women's business was her own, Andy didn’t plan on telling anyone anything. It has exactly zero to do with her. She listened to the woman’s suggestion of going to her place to get supplies. It sounded pretty good, Luca was going to need bandaging and they could use more gun power if they were to continue living in this war zone.

It would be a temporary stop though, at least for Andy. She knew where she wanted to go. There was a lodge on the outskirts of town that belonged to her uncle. Andy had spent a lot of time there, she knew exactly what sort of supplies were there. It was the perfect place to remain out of sight and out of mind for a few days. Even longer if she needed to.

“After that I know where we should go….” Andy was in the middle of telling them about the lodge when she heard her name being hissed from behind. The girl would know that voice literally anywhere, her head spun around and her eyes locked with a matching set of emerald ones.


She realized that she was still holding her bloody arrow and the girl quickly stuck it back in her quiver before running to greet him. Andy had hoped he had been smart enough to get out before it had gotten bad, but was relieved to see him in one piece. Losing her mother and then him in the same day was not something she could bear to think about.

The girl listened to her brother. It had appeared that he had made his own rag tag group of friends to make it out of the school. She followed his gaze over to the green haired girl. It was true that getting out of here needed to be top priority but…

“I mean… How many do we have? Are we all going to be able to squeeze into the same car?” She asked logically. Sure, seat belts weren’t a primary concern right now but even squeezing five of them into anything smaller than a four door car was pushing the limits. If they were all going to fit in one vehicle together they were going to need something large, and ideally with cover.

Something like a Minivan.

Interactions: Brax Brax (Luca) Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt)
Mentions: AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lily) TheTreForce TheTreForce (Chef Bae?)
cfa19cf327cd36474847f1737609c4bd.pngIvan gave a nod to Leliana, giving a bright smile as she looked at him before going through the window. His smile faded quickly as soon as she looked away from him and he looked at the Marcus and Lilly as they went over to the window to leave. When the door began buckling behind him and Owen was at the window with a helping hand, Ivan didn’t hesitate to move. He was nearly at the window when he suddenly backed away and ran off, a shout coming from his right as gunfire suddenly erupted from both directions. A sense of worry and fear set over him as he wasn’t sure who was doing better.Thinking quickly as he looked around the room, he practically sprinted from spot to spot grabbing ingredients he believed he’d need: an empty can, a mechanical pencil, a pair of pliers, and some string. Still acting in fear of the deaths of any of the people outside, the ones who were on his side anyways, he practically flung the rifle from his back, pulling the bolt back and watching for the bullet that would come springing from the rifle. When it did, it caught him by surprise even though he’d been watching intently, causing him to fumble the catch before finally keeping a grip on it. He let out a silent sigh as he set the rifle down and grabbed the pliers, pulling the bullet from the loaded casing carefully before pouring it into the can. Tossing the empty casing behind him, he grabbed the pencil from the desk he’d set it on, taking off the eraser and dumping all available granite into his palm. It wasn’t as much as he was hoping for, but a 4 inch stick and a 3 inch stick would have to be enough. Moving with the same intensity as all the other actions, Ivan placed his palm over the granite before he began pressing his palms together, breaking it down into smaller, sharper pieces before dumping it into the can. The top of the can was a mess of gunpowder and granite, but it would have to do. Ivan’s head whipped around to the window to make sure he hadn’t been found yet before swiftly returning to his work. He gripped the string in his now shiny black hands, taking a reasonable amount before turning the tab on the can backwards and leading the string through it. When his work was finally complete, he picked it up quickly before having a moment of hesitation. The last time he’d acted rashly against these gunmen, innocent people had died in the fire. A layer of sweat formed on his forehead as he chose his next actions very carefully. He pulled his lighter from his back pocket and clicked it quickly on his way to the window. As the lighter made contact with the string, the timer started. Ivan peaked his head out the window for a moment to see the general position of the hazmats before pulling his head back in just as quickly. He took a deep breath before turning the opposite way and shouting from inside the window.


As he shouted this, he turned back and threw the grenade out the window towards the hazmats general area, hoping they’d be too caught up to move out of the way of the blast. Knowing it’d be too far away to hurt the people he was with beyond a cut or two, he waited for the pop of the gunpowder and hopefully the screams of incapacitated hazmats. After a few seconds, a louder than expected bang erupted from the side, followed by pained shouts and metal against concrete. Taking this unmistakable opportunity provided to him, he grabbed his rifle from the desk where he’d assembled the bomb and sprinting to the window, sending the rifle out with more force than intended before quickly climbing out. He looked over to see the hazmats laying on the ground, injured and alive, and not down for long. He picked up his rifle and quickly sprinted towards the two that had stayed behind to make sure he got out, stopping only for a moment to virtually shove both of them to a standing position.

“We run! Now!”

He said in a commanding tone before sprinting past them with the rifle in one hand, Colt’s glock in his pocket, and stress sweat matting his shirt to his back.

Ivan sprinted forwards, looking behind him to make sure Leliana and Marcus were close behind and the hazmats were still on the ground.

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Ray Childress: The Streets



Ray was nearing the middle school now, still dazed from the wreck but making sure to keep an eye on his surroundings. No more of those creatures in sight, just plenty of deserted cars and an eerie stillness in the air. The only sign of life was himself and the occasional flock of birds, which were actually a calming sight at the moment.

I've had enough excitement for today. . What time is it anyways?

There was no telling what time it was as clouds rolled in and blanketed the sky. Ray's phone had died at some point and he unfortunately had no watch. He also had no idea how long he had been out of it after the crash. He adjusted his glasses and trudged along the sidewalk, quickening his pace. The sound of gunfire sent Ray into a crouched sprint towards the back of a pickup truck. Peering over the top provided no information on the situation but the shots had come from straight ahead, where the middle school was located. He scanned the scene, but still no signs of movement. His breath slowed to listen carefully.

The loud clang of a metal trash can falling from somewhere behind him made him jump. He put his back to the bed of the truck and froze. Not even a block away, the trash can lid rolled out of an alley and a pair of legs followed it around the corner. It was one of those creatures. Ray hopped into the bed of the truck and hunkered down. His eyes peered over the top and saw four more of the creatures come hobbling out. Five of them in total, heading right for the truck. Two options flashed through his mind and his heart raced. His body lay flat and his breath shook.

I can hop out and make a run for it because they might have seen me, or I can try to stay hidden as they hopefully pass by me. I can't know for sure they won't see or even smell me though if I stay here..

Ray almost got up to jump out when more shots filled the air. He closed his eyes and prayed. Flashes of his son and wife passed through his mind behind his eyelids like a projector. Then there was the deathly silence as the herd of feet shuffled past the vehicle and towards the gunfire. One of the creature's hands brushed against the paint and it's nails gave a slight scraping noise all the way down the length of the truck. It felt like the nails were running up Ray's spine and he felt the tingles throughout his body.

The pattering sounds of their feet were at least a couple car lengths away now so he sat up slowly and made sure there was nothing lurking. His focus fell on the vehicle behind the truck. A large recreational van was parked and a figure was slumped over the steering wheel. It could be another creature but something told Ray to get a closer look. If the keys were still in that beast, it would be extremely valuable right now. His feet fell to the street and he took a few steps to the driver side of the van to try and get a good look inside. His prayers were answered when, yes, the keys were in the vehicle, but they rested in a cupholder and the doors were locked. The figure sat up and looked at Ray, but not with eyes of white. A woman that looked to be in her thirties was seated there. Long and straight hair, dark brown in color along with her eyes which were also bloodshot and filled with tears.

"Please just go away!!" She screamed and let her head fall back onto the steering wheel. Her body shook as she struggled to catch her breath.

Ray noticed her hands covered in blood, "What happened?" He tried to speak a little closer but not too loud as to alert anything that might be near.

"They took my baby..." Her voice faltered, "Those monsters took my baby from me."

"Ma'am, I am so sorry... Please come with me, I heard that the middle school right up the road is supposed to be safe."

The woman gave a defeated chuckle, "You don't understand, that's where I came from. Those monsters in the yellow suits took him and that's the last I saw of him... My baby..." She put her head into her hands as she sobbed uncontrollably and pulled at her bangs. "They will go to hell for this... They opened fire on all those innocent people... Don't go to the school."

"If that's true... There has to be some survivors.. I need to check. I cannot seek out my own safety knowing there might be people who need my assistance."

"You're a good man.." She looked up to Ray with the best smile she could manage through a broken soul. She gripped the handle of the door and pulled it. Ray took a step back and she opened the door fully. Her legs swung ninety degrees to the opening and she slid out. Ray noticed a bad bite on her calf and an infected area around it that ran up her thigh. "I want you to take my van. I've already seen what happens to the ones who get bit... It would be selfish of me to not give you the chance at life you deserve." She handed Ray the key. "My life is spent. I'm just a ticking bomb now, waiting for my end so I can see my son again."

Ray hugged the lady for a good ten seconds or more as she cried on his shoulder. She released him and stepped aside so he could get in the van. Ray turned to her before getting in, "There's an unlocked blue Mustang a block back. You should be able to hunker down in there until you're ready... Thank you. I'm Ray by the way."

"Susan." She smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and walked off the way that he had come.

The van turned over with a healthy start and Ray pulled it out and towards the school. Towards the disaster.

By the time he arrived at the school, he saw a group standing outside and a couple of men on the ground in yellow suits. The group consisted of a girl with a bow, another woman, and a man. Ray pulled the van up behind them and unrolled the passenger side window, "Need a lift?"
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ee6f7cbea685f7d985f82f8ccbbe004e.jpgLeliana James
Location: Middle School - Classroom/Outside - Parking Lot
Interaction: Maj Maj (Owen/Andy) AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lilly) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Marcus) King Vioogra King Vioogra (Ivan) Brax Brax (Luca) TheTreForce TheTreForce ( Roy the Bakeman) Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt)

Mentioned: N/A

The adrenaline that had been keeping her moving was starting to wear off, being replaced by the panic raising in her throat. Maybe it's because the shock had finally warn off, that she was finally able to begin processing in the very short amount of down time they had. Or maybe it was the realization that she may have to use her weapons against actually people. The man she had shot back in the gym wasn't...he wasn't right. And wether or not it was true that he was a zombie straight out of a horror movie or not, he was dangerous.

Once Leliana was back her feet, she nodded to Owen, giving him a quiet thanks. She was glad to have run into him, as she might not have survived othetwise. Or worse. Anyway, she would take hold of he back of Lilly's shirt, giving her a small smile. They were menat to keep close to Owen, and so she olanned on doing so even if Lilly was going to be infront of her. Marcus came out soon after, and Owen leant down to talk to Ivan again. She began to feel antsy, shifting her weight as she waited for Owen to finish. They needed to move, or they would be caught. She didn't want to fight anymore, she couldn't. Leliana just wanted to go and hide, preferably away from town and away from all the chaos. She just wanted to sleep, but a ever so slightly muffled demanding voice made her quickly let go of Lilly's shirt, and turn.

A man in a hazmat suit, followed by others had found them. She knew this would happen, and silently cursed Owen, but said nothing. She looked to Owen and Marcus, nodding at he red headed man, before watching him an Lilly bolt, running off past the corner. A few of the Hazmats would turn to try and turn their attention to the two fleeing, but with a gunshot echoing through the air would make them once again focus on the short blonde. She gluped, a false brave expression plastered on her face. Her, Marcus, and Ivan could maybe hold them off ling enough, but it didn't stop a chilling phrase from leaving Leilana's lips.

"We're gonna die."

Glancing around, as they all seemed to be a brief standstill, there was nothing to use as cover other than to retreat back into the class room. But the banging in the door was loud enough for her to now hear outside. They didn't have a choice but to fight. The Hazmats took aim, Leliana managed to drop and scramble out of the line of fire before anything hit her. It was a feat she knew she shouldn't be capable, her reaction time not wuick enough to dodge bullets, but she just managed. She expected a second wave, but as she looked up, she realized something. Many if them were pulling the trigger to try and get their guns to fire, and others were feeling for another magazine. "They're reloading!" She sounded happy, relived almost as she called out to Marcus, pulling out her own pistol. Unfortunally, she got two shots off, breaking the mask of one suit, and maybe getting the hand, arm, or just completely missing before she was tackled.

When she hit the ground, Leliana couldn't breathe. She struggled, writhing and kicking under the weight of one of the Hazmat's bodies as he held down one of her arms. Leilana's pistol wasn't useful like this, and her bat was knocked out of her hand. Once again, she was at the mercy of the merciless. But she wasn't helpless. As he went to draw his knife, probably still sheathed so he didn't accidentally stab himself with it during the tackle, she mages to wiggled out from underneath him. She scrambled backwards, not getting far before he graves her foot, trying to pull her back. "Get off of me you creep!" Leliana yelled, her voice struggling to be heard as she was still lacking the correct amount of oxygen. While trying to pull her her leg free, she twisted her own body, freeing it long enough for her kick the hazmat mask.

There was the crack of glass, the squelching of flesh, and then a harrowing pained scream. Apperantly, she had managed to break the glass if his mask, and it was plunged directly into his eye. How bad, she was sure, and Leliana didn't care as she scrambled backwards, taking aim and firing. The man dropped immdeiatly, as being shot point blank in the throat was a devestiang thing. As well as what happened next.

She didn't hear Ivan's warning, and while she managed to cover her face shortly after she realised what was happening, her arms felt the impact of some shrapnel. It hurt, a lot, and when she looked, there were five spots she would have to take care of, but that didn't matter right now. She hurriedly grabbed her bat, holstered her pistol, and allowed herself to be pulled up by Ivan. Before she could even think, she was running behind him, booking it to the parking lot, fighting back tears. Leliana wasn't use to seeing the light fade from someone's eyes.

Owen and Lilly came into veiw, as well as Luca, and two other woman, one who had red hair just like Owen. She don't know if they were related or not, but she didn't care. Once her, Marcus, and Ivan reached them, she looked behind her. "Owen, we don't have a lot of time. They're all, well most of them are down but not for long, we can't stay here," She looked back to him and in turn the whole group, "We have to leave now!" The panic was comming back to her voice, but panic was understandable. She was in pain, she was scared, and she was tired. And she almost began crying once she had finally stopped running, but was managing to keep it together. For now at least.

The sound of a car grabbed her attention, chasing the young woman to look past the group to a minivan, and an old man calling out to them from the drivers side. He was offering them a ride? Which meant they didn't have to hotwire a car, or multiple, and they didn't have to wait around for more of those men to show up. But she was hesitant, looking to someone else to answer as she held her bat close to her body.
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Jenna: The Suburbs/Aurora Outskirts


Jenna said nothing, simply looking at the road ahead with an empty look in her eyes. She may have avoided getting any blood on herself, but the cane was caked in it. She glanced at it for a moment, then shook her head and focused on the road.
Reminding herself again that was she killed wasn't Doris, she placed her foot on the pedal. If they didn't leave town soon enough, they would all meet the same fate.

The dog placed her head on her paws, resting in the backseat. Without a name on her collar, Jenna wasn't sure what to call her. She hoped that the owners wee still out there, alive and that someone had got the word to them.
She'd warned people, and that had to count for something. Now she had to focus on her own safety, and that of her passengers. That started with leaving town.

After a few minutes of driving, still keeping within the speed limit they made it to the highway only to be greeted by a barricade. Two trucks, as well as armed guards in hazmat suits.
"Shit." She whispered

Turning to face her passengers, Jenna sighed "Alright guys, play it cool."
Two soldiers walked from the barricade towards the car, both armed with rifles.
"Play it cool." Jenna repeated

AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Liezarria Liezarria

Doctor Ralph Fisher: En-route to the school

He couldn't stick to the main roads, with the troopers now looking for him the infected were the least of his concerns right now. Fisher ducked inside of another alleyway, watching from behind a dumpster as the two hazmat troopers walked past. He held his breath, not making any sudden movements or sounds. He'd watched them execute one of their own, so shooting Ralph would be easy for them.

After less than a minute, he overheard something from one of their radios.
"We started containment procedures at the school but few of the civilians are fighting back, some with firearms. Requesting assistance from all nearby squads."

With that the two troopers moved on. It was worse than he realised. With the school, a place advertised as a safe haven during the outbreak turning into a warzone, it only provided another advantage to the parasite. Every dead body was a carrier now, a soldier in it's war against humanity.
Fisher ran a hand through his hair. It was too late to warn people at the school, but he could try and rescue people. He wasn't sure what the next step was after that. Who could he go to? His own government had turned on him. The press? Not only would that cause a mass panic, but there was the chance of a media blackout anyway.

He was a trained medic with some training in firearms. He didn't like guns, but it was policy for a government agency that he be trained to defend himself.
"No point in dwelling on it, Ralph." He whispered to himself "You're on your own now."

He made one final check of the surrounding area before taking off towards the school, using back-streets to lessen his chances of running into the hazmat troopers.

Andy took the arrow from his hands, but Luca had failed to hear what she had said in response. The pause in conversation was nice. Things weren’t exactly quiet, though, as it was evident that similar events had been going down at other parts around the middle school. It was harder to pay attention to the various sounds in the distance when they were being muddled by gunfire coming from their immediate location. However, now that it was a bit more quiet where they were, it seemed that others were still fighting to make it out alive. Luca had to admit, when the going got tough some people really knew how to persevere. Those were the types of people that Luca related to the most. Colt was the first one to speak up once more, introducing herself to him.
The Italian turned to face the woman. She looked to be around the same age as him. About an inch or so shorter, at most. Given her missing leg and her ability to use a gun, Luca surmised that this woman had seen a gunfight before. Her ability to drink, which she had not stopped doing since Luca had met her ten minutes ago, brought further validity to Luca’s hypothesis. Oh, and there was the fucking army cap she tipped toward him that certainly spelled it out easily enough in the case that he was somehow dense enough to not pick up on the rest. Colt mentioned she just had ‘gun shit’ in her bag, but Luca could care less. He wasn’t thinking this woman was going to have anything useful for him in particular, anyway.
“Pleasure.” Luca lied, not offering his name back in response. This was the second person today who tried to introduce themselves to him, thinking he cared to know their name.
The fingers belonging to Luca’s right hand moved up to his lips, his index wrapping around the filter of the cigarette between as he inhaled its burning contents. He removed it momentarily, turning his head up toward the sky so that he wasn’t exhaling smoke in the poor woman’s face. As he corrected his posture to look back at Colt, smoke was still slightly being exhaled through his nostrils. Then, Luca was forced to move aside as Colt redirected her attention toward Andy.
Luca didn’t pay them any mind. He was too busy looking at his surroundings. That was when Colt mentioned that she would be appreciative if no one mentioned the woman’s leg to anyone else. Much like Andy, Luca was confused by the statement. Of course, there was no way that at this point this woman wasn’t completely inebriated, so he also recognized to take the statement with a grain of salt. Luca highly doubted that both he and she shared any of the same acquaintances. It was a small world, but not that small.
It was then that Owen had made his way over, with a group of a few others. Andy ran off to greet her brother. Luca wasn’t surprised Owen had made it out alive, but he was surprised he ended up deciding to come to the Middle School. Standoffish as always, Luca placed both of his hands in his pockets and watched for a moment. He knew very well of Owen; about ten years ago, the two used to work closely together. Owen knew Luca back when he worked at the deli. Luca sold copious amounts of Marijuana to a few dealers in town, and Owen usually came to him in order to procure a few ounces for himself. The way that it worked was simple; Luca gave the marijuana to Owen. In turn, Owen would sell the marijuana for the price which Luca offered him, while keeping the rest of the profits for himself. The system was designed so that they both made money, and Owen’s own money was never on the line.
Well, eventually it went to shit.
Owen one night had been robbed. Luca didn’t penalize Owen, instead opting to find who it was that licked him and get their shit back. Luca made a call, grabbed a friend, and the two rode out in Owen’s car around the city. Ten PM quickly turned to midnight. The three smoked blunt after blunt, riding around town, finding people to question so that they could better understand who it could have possibly been that robbed Owen. By the time three AM rolled around, however, Luca had a name and a description of his car. Where he normally hung out, as well as where he possibly was.
Four AM. The only popular strip-club in Aurora was filled with some of the wealthiest people in Colorado, especially on the weekends. It had just closed, but their target was sitting in the parking lot counting up money and smoking with two of his own friends. Luca told Owen to turn off his lights and pull in. Owen listened to Luca. As soon as the car was in the parking lot, both Luca and his associate hopped out. They walked up to both sides of the car, drew their guns and fired off shots at all three men. His associate got the one in the back, while he dealt with the two in the front seat. After the three men were dead, the two scavenged the car for every single bit of cash and drugs they could find. The come-up from their revenge paid back three-fold.
Luca and his associate quickly ran back into the car, but upon looking at Owen’s pale face, he was well aware the two would probably not be seeing much of each other anymore. Sitting in the passenger seat, with a duffle bag filled with close to four thousand dollars, the ounces that they took from Owen and close to fifteen bottles filled with Opiods, Luca could honestly care less. He grabbed the few ounces of Marijuana from the bag, placing them in the glove compartment. He also took a thousand dollars off the top of the cash and placed it in there as well.
“This is yours. We’re square now, Owen.”
The coroner would find the driver slumped over his wheel, a bullet in his head. In the passenger seat was another man, with a bullet hole in his neck and shoulder. The third in the back was hit in the chest twice. It was quick, easy, and more importantly, both Luca and his associate had covered their faces. It was impossible to trace. Owen, Luca and his friend watched the sun rise just outside of Aurora at the same time the violent crime surfaced on morning news.
Luca surmised that Owen had never seen a man take another’s life before that day.
He overheard Owen mention the other hazmats coming. Luca knew it to be true. Then, he heard a small explosion take place - something that told him it was time to get the fuck out of dodge. That was when a few more eventually had made their way over. Luca immediately recognized Leliana, forcing the corner of his lips to tug upwards subconsciously. It was surprising to see the girl had made it out. Now, the total number of people who were gathered together was closer to ten; ten out of thousands of lives that had ended up surviving. Which meant, thousands of zombies were reanimating and getting ready to make their way out of the middle school.
There were men in hazmat suits still incapacitated. Luca struggled with what his next best move was from here. Should he just… Go home? It was at this time, a car rolled up to the main street next to the parking lot. He nodded to the man sitting in the driver’s seat. In the distance, he saw another man running desperately toward the middle school - no gear on, and with no one else. Luca angrily clenched his jaw, then turned his attention to the class.
“If you don't wanna die, I suggest getting in the truck.”
Luca walked forward, his left leg slightly giving way faster than his right to avoid putting too much pressure on his wound. He removed the gun from his back, aiming down at the hazmat gentleman helping the last guy up off the ground. Just as he was about to stand up, Luca pulled back on the trigger of his rifle and popped him right in the back of the head. The other two immediately dropped their deceased comrade, opting to run off instead of returning fire while injured.
Through his scope, he watched as the men ran away. Zombies were beginning to break out of the front door, destroying the glass first. Upon immediately viewing this, Luca moved his gun from his face and strapped it around his body before turning and hobbling quickly toward the van, getting inside and shoving himself in the furthest corner of the back seat.

Maj Maj Rumble Fish Rumble Fish TheTreForce TheTreForce King Vioogra King Vioogra AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lilly) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal The Mad Queen The Mad Queen (cdcbae)

Aurora Outskirts -- Highway 45

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

At dusk, death came to me in the form of a man.


Flashback to the escape from Freeman Medical Center…

They’d left the mangled mess of a man in the now barricaded front entrance of the hospital chapel, flailing like a rabid dog that had been run over by a quad bike. The back exit to the chapel lead to a side-door and subsequent narrow corridor that the nurses and faculty used to travel throughout the hospital quickly. The mysterious infection had almost the entirety of the faculty out on the various floors of the hospital… except for the one horndog who had seen his casual romance enter the chapel from a security camera feed. While the others who had taken their break at the outdoor plaza were being rounded up by military for unknown reasons, this male nurse had managed to make a quick getaway with his paramour just before things got really bad.

Who would have thought that his johnson would have accidentally saved their skins like that? Sarah wondered if he was thinking the same thing, but then snapped out of it when she turned back ahead in the passenger’s seat and listened to him mumbling to himself again as they drove to her place. Pat’s mind was clearly swollen with anxiety right now and, for once, not his ego. She’d never seen him like this before. It didn’t look good on him whatsoever. But it was reasonable, given the circumstances.

“D-Did they see us leave? What did you see?” He asked nervously, shifting his trembling eyes to her before focusing on the road ahead once more. They were headed to her place. His was far on the outskirts of town and she wanted to see Barb first anyway. After everything that had happened today so far… she just had a strange but persistent feeling it was her time to leave Aurora. Or at least take a break from everything. And she couldn’t really decide to do either without seeing her best friend first.

“A lot of trucks. Military. I think I saw some hazmat suits, too…” Sarah replied. She eyed his bouncing knee, wondering if he was developing a bruise every time he hit the bottom of the steering wheel with it. Did he even notice it? She didn’t notice this herself, but it was inadvertently making her curl her fingers inward and tug at the sleeves of her sweater as she bit her bottom lip. Her own nervous tick. “Do you think maybe it’s some sort of rabies disease or something? A terrorist attack? Both?”

“I d-don’t know, I just… I feel wrong for leaving. Do you think we should have-- I mean, we--”​

“We had to.” Sarah interjected, catching herself doing the thing with the sleeves and biting her lip. She took a deep breath and sighed, releasing her sleeves and reaching into her small knapsack for her phone as she tried to rationalize it all. For her sake and his. “I’m sure the military is handling… whatever is going in there. We would have just gotten in their way… gotten shot, or… worse.”

“That man we left, though--”

“That man was sick.”

“But I’m a health professional, Sarah,”

A nurse.

“It’s my job to help the sick.”

“Well, Pat, something tells me that was a bit over your paygrade.” Immediately after she’d said so, she realized she’d said it a little bit harsher than she had intended. He’d only proven he was more golden-hearted than she’d thought, after all. But a golden heart wasn’t going to do either of them any good in this situation. All it brought was more anxiety and useless what-if’s. She didn’t need any of that, and could only bear actively hearing his own reservations so much.

So, as he continued to go on about something or other (regarding his coworkers and his duty to them), she texted dad about having some bad news and wanting to talk to him. As usual, dad responded in a way that left her feeling like he was expecting the news hours before she had even received it. He told her to come home. It was unusual for him to do so. He trusted her enough to take care of herself and didn’t pressure her like mom did. Just as Sarah began to type a reply, however, a system alert populated her notification bar: a demand by the military to gather at the middle school for quarantine. Promptly afterwards, her cell service dropped completely and she was unable to text anyone.

“If I take the next right at Adler Street it should lead us right there.” Pat said after Sarah had informed him of the message, driving them down an eerily empty Main Street.

She started chewing her bottom lip again. Something didn’t feel right. She knew she had a shitty cell service provider… but to have it crap out on her right after the quarantine alert hit her phone? She’d have checked Pat’s phone just to be sure, he had a different provider... but he’d left it in his locker at work. As they came closer to the intersection where he planned to take a right, she ultimately decided she had only one thing to go off on then: her gut. Daddy would have been proud.

“No. Not without my gun. Or Barb. She has a tendency to sleep in.”


One moment, Sarah had her face buried in the same arm that had her hand raised up defensively. Her entire body was trembling with a debilitating mixture of pain and fear. Then, the next-- when she was fully expecting a gunshot and a quick fade to black-- she heard a commotion of noise followed by a loud thump against the end of the car. Had the soldier… fallen? Tentatively, the young woman lowered her arm and opened her tear-filled eyes to see no man at the top of the hill anymore: he’d been replaced by a young girl carefully scaling down the hill to help her.

Out of the periphery of her eye, however, she spotted Pat moving in the driver’s seat on the other side of the car. He was still facing away from her and she couldn’t see his face, but… he was alive! While she struggled to get herself up and Pat stumbled out of the driver’s seat window himself, however, she soon realized the soldier wasn’t as incapacitated as she thought. In fact, he was well enough to get up on his feet faster than Pat-- and aim his pistol right at her boyfriend’s chest. “Nooo! Ahgh!” She cried out, wincing with pain when her body inadvertently tumbled against the side of the car and made contact with her bloodied arm. When the gunshots rang out, she would have fallen-- had the girl who had saved her life not caught up to her in that moment.

Even in her arms, they still slowly lowered themselves down against the car as the gunshots echoed away, Sarah choked back sobs as the girl placed a hand across her mouth to try and quiet her. Although it felt like an eternity, mere moments passed before nothing but the sound of squelching could be heard from the other side of the Honda Accord. The bizarre sound was enough to begin to snap Sarah out of her hysteria with morbid curiosity. The physical symptoms were a lot harder to overcome, but in that moment she remembered something dad had once said to her:

‘I raised you smarter than most, baby girl. But trouble has a way of finding you anyway. When the day comes and the world tries to you flip you upside-down, remember: take a deep breath, focus on the problem… and go at it with purpose. Just like I taught ya.’

‘I love you.’

She inhaled, holding her breath for a moment and ignoring the blood and tears that streamed down the side of her cheek. Her body was shaking. So were her hands and legs as she freed herself from the girl’s grasp and began to stand up, ignoring any protests or whispers that might have been made. As she released that breath, however, her nerves steadied. Enough for her to slowly reach through the passenger door and open the glovebox with one hand: click. The sound appeared to have notified the man on the other side, as the squelching sound she couldn’t identify suddenly stopped.

That was when she saw him: his hand appeared first, grabbing the edge of the driver’s side window to pull himself up, which she now realized was cracked to hell and coated with blood. Some of his fingers sunk into the shards of glass protruding from the edge there, tearing flesh and skin off and filleting them like a fish. His mop of curly brown hair appeared next, muddy and thick with red. She could see the concussion he’d received from hitting his head against the windshield now. She wouldn’t realize until later that the crash had killed him first, not the gunshots to his torso.

When the rest of his face emerged and she saw his eyes-- blank white with deathly crimson veins-- Sarah’s heart sank and she choked on a sob. His teeth looked like yellow corn in a bowl of macabre chili. What looked like a liver was crammed halfway down his throat, past his snapping teeth and bloody drooling. The squelching and guttural growls intensified as he-- as it-- continued to try and crawl through the driver’s side window, reaching for Sarah just as fervently as the rabid man in the hospital chapel. She knew, almost immediately, that this wasn’t Patrick. The man who was once peppering her neck with kisses now wanted to sink his chipped teeth into her neck.

She screamed. Not so much in fear-- but pain, disgust, and disbelief. She was living in a nightmare. None of this was real, was it? She was crazier than she thought. She was losing her fucking mind. Even so, whatever was wearing Patrick’s face terrified her… and pissed her off. It had no right. It had no fucking right. Before the tears could flood her eyes and send the world spiraling back into blurriness, she reached for the 9MM Glock in the glovebox and backed out of the car, continuing to scream as she unloaded the entire clip-- fifteen bullets in total-- into the creature. The fifth bullet struck it right in its forehead. The rest blew holes into his chest and arms until nothing but the sound of her finger clicking the trigger prevailed.

Interactions: BunnyQueen BunnyQueen

Collette “Colt” Stanhope
The lack of response from both people caused Colt to feel cold sweat develop on her forehead. Why did she even say that? Of course, they didn’t care. She could see it, especially on that girl’s face. Snarky little… she could just tell what she was thinking. She was at least smart enough as to not say it. If she did, she’d be leaving with red ears. And the man simply did not answer her with his own name. Great. Now she made herself look stupid in front of two people. Not wanting to open herself up any further to their low-views (at least that’s what she felt) she moved away from the others, opting to sit alone on the hood of one of the trucks in the parking lot.

Stupid bitch, of course they don’t care. Why would they?” she grumbled lowly, to herself out of their earshot. Colt was becoming far too accustomed to speaking to herself. If anything, this was the first time in months she had properly spoken to people. If this wasn’t becoming a Zombie movie or something, Colt would have just gone home, hooked a wine bottle to her vein and hid under the covers for the rest of the month. She couldn’t talk to normal people. Especially now.

Why don’t you just jump back in there and get devoured… Nah, you can’t die young. Only the good die young… Christ, thinking I’m young…” she couldn’t stop mumbling to herself. This was so stupid. As she tried to regain her composure, she glanced over to see another young man, who the girl called Owen approach along with others. Colt kept silent and said nothing. If she opened her mouth, especially in this state, she just knew she would say something wrong. Whatever they were going to do, she wanted nothing to do with it. What was she going to say next? That she’d rather they didn’t tell other people she had crabs or something?

Wanting to take her mind off of her own brewing thoughts, Colt took out her cloth again and rubbed it along the M16. Her hands shook slightly, and her movements was uneven. She swayed in her seat. At this point, she just wanted to go to sleep. Forever. The thought of enduring what was basically another war was too much for her to think of. She just could not cope with the thought. Looking at her gun, she froze for a moment. Well… she could kill two birds with one stone. She won't have to go through all this, and she wouldn’t be a burden on them.

As she raised the gun to turn it towards her, she heard more talking. Talk of more Hazmats and the need for them to leave the area. She recognized the platinum-haired girl that she had seen at the gym. She had been thinking about her and was glad to see she was okay. But aside from that, Colt did not want to deal with any of it. She had enough.

But as she was about to pull the trigger on the gun, she noticed Luca raising his own gun and firing. There must have been more Hazmats. Why else would he be firing? With a growl she jumped off the hood and limped to the group, seeing that zombies were now breaking out of the school. She saw Luca jumping into the van, causing her to unholster her M16, the same one she was about to blow her brains out with and raised it to her eye to peer through the scope.

In the van!” she barked to everyone there, keeping the gun raised. The zombies had broken out of the windows and several had turned to see the group. They began to shuffle forward. Their bloody, burnt, cut, bullet-riddled bodies caused a chill to run down her spine. She had seen bodies like these before. As she stayed scope, she bit her lip in concentration but the more her anxiety rose, the harder she bit. She needed to shoot something. She needed it! Squeezing the trigger, she took shots at the heads of the shuffling, gurgling meat bags. This could get her devoured, but she didn’t care. Better to go out like this.
Brax Brax Maj Maj FireMaiden FireMaiden

1547059134185.png Alex Marcus McCarthy
Aurora Outskirts -- Highway 45
Date: Tuesday, October 16th 2018
Interaction: Oslonaut Oslonaut

On the Road again
All Alex could hear was the sound of crunching from the other side of the car as the girl she had saved was shaking in her arms and she had blood running down her face as she broke free from Alex's grip and started to ascend towards the inside of the car Alex tried to pull back the girl without making much noise but she failed as the girl reached inside of the car moving her hand towards the glove box. Click the noise that would seal the pairs fate echoed through the car alerting the zombie on the other side of the car, the sound of crunching slowly stopped as it started to climb back into the car. Alex stood up on her legs getting ready to run if need be she didn't know what the girl was going for the inside of the car but hoped she could get it quickly so they could run away. The zombie tried in vain to reach the girl through the driver's side window as Alex had to lean down a bit just to look into the car and view the horrible monstrosity it wasn't human, couldn't be human it was more akin to a rabid wolf then a person Alex heard a scream from the girl maybe she knew him Alex wondered when the girl screamed Alex jumped a little bit and started to get closer to the girl Alex grabbed the tail end of her shirt just in case she had to pull the girl out of the car quickly. Alex was about to say something to the girl when a hail of bullets was fired killing the zombie on the other side of the car Alex immediately jumped back covering her ears and shutting her eyes tightly as the loud sounds continued on until it was nothing but the gun clicking.

"We...We need to get out of here, you are injured I think."
Alex slowly approached the girl running her hand down the length of her arm Alex found the gun still clicking away Alex slowly grabbed the gun taking it away from the girl's hand and setting it down in the seat, Alex grabbed the girls hand leading her out of the car so they were standing next to it.

"You don't need to see this, let's go to my house maybe my dad can help figure this all out"
As she was saying this Alex turned around and started walking up onto the highway eventually she noticed the girl wasn't behind her and walked back down she needed to be snapped back to reality somehow. Alex moved her hand up to the girl's cheek it was soft but warm from the blood and tears Alex whispered she was sorry before rearing back and smacking the girl as hard as she could in an attempt to bring her back to reality.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Alex though."

Alex apologized to the girl quickly while introducing herself she felt sorry for the girl getting in a car crash than having to kill someone they knew all the way to have Alex smack the poor girl, All Alex could hope for was that the apology would make it right while waiting for the girl's response.

Rouge: at the barricade having a bad feeling.
AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Liezarria Liezarria

Rouge frowned. Play it cool? Her eyes quickly scanned the area around them. She saw dried patches of blood on the road. To the sides she saw parts of vehicles peeking out from where they were hidden.

She looked over herself.

“......” the blood was dry and flaky now, it’s color had darkened and her skin felt itchy. Rouge hunched into herself schooling her features into neutral. In a perfect world they’d get passed the barrier and live but…..

__“That's not how the world is Ruu…. To stop the spread of disease you kill it at the source...now hold it still…..” silver eyes glanced down at the rat held in between her tiny fingers.

“..... can we play a different game?......”

There was a squeak, then silence

“Yeah, ok…. That was the last one anyways.”__

Rouge shifted her hand to tap at Jenna's leg. In a low voice trying to move her lips as little as possible.

“Jenna…..keep the car on and be ready to speed…...we….might have a problem” Rouges eyes seemed to become a bit chilled as her adrenalin levels started to rise.
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Lilly Verde
[div class="Img"]
[div class="Status"] Status



[div class="Line"] [div class="Icon"] Actions[/div]
“Hey! Stop right there!” Owen cursed, the patrol of hazmats had found them. It looked like he had a buddy right behind him. They outnumbered them, but could they overpower them? The three armed companions he had were better suited for this fight. Owen barely knew the sight from the butt of this military gun. “Marcus, keep them off us!” Owen demanded, he looked at Leliana to signal for her to back him up. He hoped that Ivan would be close behind, climbing out of the window. “Me and Lily will go find a car!” He didn’t have time to argue with them about his plan or consider if the girl really did know how to hotwire a car or not. The red head grabbed his green haired associate and made a break for the parking lot. Part of him felt guilty for leaving the three to fight the hazmats on their own. But there was no telling how many were going to fall into line behind them. Staying to fight them all was asking for death, the better alternative was to secure a way to get them all away from this place. “I hope you know what you are doing,” Owen spoke to Lily as he pulled her along toward the parking lot. “I haven’t had to jump a car since my rebellious years!” He cracked a smile to put her at ease, but really their ability to get out of here depended on her ability to perform. Owen couldn’t afford to let her get performance anxiety. As he rounded the corner his eyes set on the back of a familiar head. Her crimson hair flew behind her in a tangled mess in the wind, her favorite green hoodie stained and torn, but he couldn’t be more overjoyed to see every inch of her. Andy was alive. “Find us one here in the back row!” Owen commanded Lily, it was important that they be able to actually access any vehicle that they were able to obtain. Then he went to approach his sister. Protecting these people was one thing, but Andy was another. She would always come first, above anything else. He had vowed to keep her safe since the first time she had come home crying, and as far was concerned, he had never failed since.
The sound of gunfire sounded from around the corner where his other companions were left to hold their ground. Owen turned and scanned the parking lot for Lily’s mop of green hair. He hadn’t heard the sound of an engine starting yet. “We need to get out of here. There are more Hazmats just around the bend. Who knows how many. I left some friends over there and I need to get back to them….” he was investigating the sea of cars the entire time he spoke, distracted. Finally he spotted her. “Lily! Any luck?” Owen asked hopefully, running over to her.
The girl listened to her brother. It had appeared that he had made his own rag tag group of friends to make it out of the school. She followed his gaze over to the green haired girl. It was true that getting out of here needed to be top priority but… “I mean… How many do we have? Are we all going to be able to squeeze into the same car?” She asked logically. Sure, seat belts weren’t a primary concern right now but even squeezing five of them into anything smaller than a four door car was pushing the limits. If they were all going to fit in one vehicle together they were going to need something large, and ideally with cover. Something like a Minivan.
She was having a bit of trouble, she chose a bigger car but, there wasn't anything in the car to aid her, a set of keys, but not ones for the car. Sadly it was not that easy. Usingthe keys to say at the wires wasn't easy either. Damn it. She knew how to do this. Why wasn't it...WORKING! Owen yelling snapped out of her concentration, her head hit the plastic above her, she was upside down, trying to get the right wires together. "I'm trying, I just, another minute then we should rev it, break the steering lock and be out of this nightmare." Lilly spoke plainly, being careful with the starter wire she connected it to the battery wire and the engine came to life.

With out wasting a moment her hand slammed the gas to rev the engine to keep it form stalling. "I hate automotives." She muttered and went to sit up properly, that's when she heard the explosion, and all hat came to follow.
“We run! Now!” He said in a commanding tone before sprinting past them with the rifle in one hand, Colt’s glock in his pocket, and stress sweat matting his shirt to his back. Ivan sprinted forwards, looking behind him to make sure Leliana and Marcus were close behind and the hazmats were still on the ground.
Owen and Lilly came into veiw, as well as Luca, and two other woman, one who had red hair just like Owen. She don't know if they were related or not, but she didn't care. Once her, Marcus, and Ivan reached them, she looked behind her. "Owen, we don't have a lot of time. They're all, well most of them are down but not for long, we can't stay here," She looked back to him and in turn the whole group, "We have to leave now!" The panic was comming back to her voice, but panic was understandable. She was in pain, she was scared, and she was tired. And she almost began crying once she had finally stopped running, but was managing to keep it together. For now at least. The sound of a car grabbed her attention, chasing the young woman to look past the group to a minivan, and an old man calling out to them from the drivers side. He was offering them a ride? Which meant they didn't have to hotwire a car, or multiple, and they didn't have to wait around for more of those men to show up. But she was hesitant, looking to someone else to answer as she held her bat close to her body.
He overheard Owen mention the other hazmats coming. Luca knew it to be true. Then, he heard a small explosion take place - something that told him it was time to get the fuck out of dodge. That was when a few more eventually had made their way over. Luca immediately recognized Leliana, forcing the corner of his lips to tug upwards subconsciously. It was surprising to see the girl had made it out. Now, the total number of people who were gathered together was closer to ten; ten out of thousands of lives that had ended up surviving. Which meant, thousands of zombies were reanimating and getting ready to make their way out of the middle school. There were men in hazmat suits still incapacitated. Luca struggled with what his next best move was from here. Should he just… Go home? It was at this time, a car rolled up to the main street next to the parking lot. He nodded to the man sitting in the driver’s seat. In the distance, he saw another man running desperately toward the middle school - no gear on, and with no one else. Luca angrily clenched his jaw, then turned his attention to the class. “If you don't wanna die, I suggest getting in the truck.” Luca walked forward, his left leg slightly giving way faster than his right to avoid putting too much pressure on his wound. He removed the gun from his back, aiming down at the hazmat gentleman helping the last guy up off the ground. Just as he was about to stand up, Luca pulled back on the trigger of his rifle and popped him right in the back of the head. The other two immediately dropped their deceased comrade, opting to run off instead of returning fire while injured. Through his scope, he watched as the men ran away. Zombies were beginning to break out of the front door, destroying the glass first. Upon immediately viewing this, Luca moved his gun from his face and strapped it around his body before turning and hobbling quickly toward the van, getting inside and shoving himself in the furthest corner of the back seat.
In the van!” she barked to everyone there, keeping the gun raised. The zombies had broken out of the windows and several had turned to see the group. They began to shuffle forward. Their bloody, burnt, cut, bullet-riddled bodies caused a chill to run down her spine. She had seen bodies like these before. As she stayed scope, she bit her lip in concentration but the more her anxiety rose, the harder she bit. She needed to shoot something. She needed it! Squeezing the trigger, she took shots at the heads of the shuffling, gurgling meat bags. This could get her devoured, but she didn’t care. Better to go out like this.
She heard the other car approach, hazmats seemed to close in along with zombies bursting out from the school. "WELP." She said a little too loudly. This was frustrating. "Well Let's get in the car that's running better than this one." Lilly stepped out the vehicle she was in, mis-stepping from the head rush of being right side up now. She put a hand on the car and shook her head, she was fine. Nothing to worry about.

She straightened her posture, looking around till her eyes found Marcus. It seemed like two groups were joining together. "We better go, now." Still not much help in this situation Lilly closed the car door and went to follow those to the oddly perfectly timed driver and his, van. Not creepy at all. As long as they were safe, it didn't much matter.

As long at some point she could go back to her house, and Marcus was alright. It didn't matter to her how they got out this mess. [/div]
[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
[class=BackgroundPicture1] Background:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359734207024463882/524331123145179137/Tileableerodedscratchmetaltexturebackground00.jpg); background-size: 25% 25%; Padding:30px; Padding-bottom:10px; background-attachment: fixed; [/class] [class=BackgroundColor1] padding:20px; background-color:#f0ebe0; Color:Black; font-family:Fira Sans ; [/class] [class=Name1] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; padding-left:20px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:27px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#7d3c05; float:left; width:97%; [/class] [class=Img1] background-color:#f0ebe0; text-align: center; border:1px SOLID #7d3c05; line-height:0px; margin-top:10px; [/class] [class=Icon1] color:#f0ebe0; background-color:#7d3c05; padding:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size: 25px; margin:-10px -10px 10px -10px ; font-family: Fjalla One; [/class] [class=statbar1] border-radius:5px; border-top: 1px Solid #7d3c05; border-bottom: 1px Solid #7d3c05; padding:2px; width:50%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=Line1] border: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px; [/class] [class=Status1] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #7d3c05; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#000000; width:97%; [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture1"] [div class="BackgroundColor1"] [div class="Name1"] Luka Cole[/div]
[div class="Img1"]
[div class="Status1"] Status

Interacting: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Liezarria Liezarria

Mentioned: N/A

Located: In the car
[div class="Line1"] [div class="Icon1"] Actions[/div]
After a few minutes of driving, still keeping within the speed limit they made it to the highway only to be greeted by a barricade. Two trucks, as well as armed guards in hazmat suits. "Shit." She whispered Turning to face her passengers, Jenna sighed "Alright guys, play it cool." Two soldiers walked from the barricade towards the car, both armed with rifles. "Play it cool." Jenna repeated
Rouge shifted her hand to tap at Jenna's leg. In a low voice trying to move her lips as little as possible. “Jenna…..keep the car on and be ready to speed…...we….might have a problem” Rouges eyes seemed to become a bit chilled as her adrenalin levels started to rise.
Luca looked ahead, his mouth staying shut for once as they pulled ahead. One hand gently pat the dog beside him in the back seat. He kept his face out of view of those at the barricade. After a moment of digging into the many sewn on pockets with inside his hooide he slipped something over to Jenna slyly, keeping his face out of view so no one would know he was talking. "If nothing works, Tell them you are a an assistant to bring back two witnesses that tried to jump town. That badge, is an FBI badge from my father and it's still good, he's not FBI but if they try to run the names it'll work. Don't use it unless they absolutely won't let us through."

It didn't seemed like these people were from any part of the government he reconized, and Luca and his father have impersonated many, many government officials. "Maybe saying the agent you work for was caught inside town before the barricade was up will add to the story. But if they do let us in, I doubt they'll let us out. If we speed out of here we can make it. Might be better to abando-"

The house, the shots, the yelling, fire, sirens. The noise the noise always got to him. He was told they left him behind, No he was taken That's what he said. Every day, every chance, they left, so he and dad had to keep going. They kept moving because of the blame. No it was his scams. Then again. That time Luca had put the pieces and again, was left, abandoned, for dead. Guess the PI didn't like his son becoming better than him. or that he solved that case

"Second thought, lets ram the barricade and get into the town. I have to find some one." He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at the review mirror, determined. "We have to get in." If he left now, he could risk loosing his sister and mother to the undying events of this town. Leaving them to somehow survive the events was no longer a rational idea.[/div]
[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
1547094842601.pngHer initial thought had been right. There was no way to fit all of these people in one car. She watched as Owen’s friends came around the corner. A few of them looked injured, or at least worse for wear.With Luca, Colt, and Owen’s group there was no way they would be able to fit all of them in a car, it would take at least two...maybe even three. Did they have time to steal that many cars? She pondered if it would be easier to move the cars blocking hers in. It was small, barely enough room for maybe...five people? But it would be able to go in between cars easier than the larger ones.

Her silent prayers would soon be answered. What was better than a minivan? A mother fucking camper. She watched as the old man rolled up to them in it, with enough space to house all of them. At least long enough to get them all to another, safer location.

They were still standing close enough to her car that Andy rushed back to the trunk. She grabbed the duffel bag that housed most of her archery equipment and slung it over her shoulder. If they were going to be on the run, she should at least take the necessities. She had a set of gym clothes, her competition bow and an assortment of arrows and maintenance equipment inside it. The girl knew that eventually she would need to go to her dorm, or at least to her mother’s house to grab some more clothes and necessities. But these would be the things she would need for survival. The rest would be at the lodge.

Despite the large size of the lodge it would be cramped with as many people as they had. However, Andy knew it would still house them. It wouldn’t be the first time that the lodge had housed a hoard of people.


One Christmas as children, her family had all gathered there. Christmas in Aurora was always sort of magical. The air was always blanketed by heavy sheets of snow, and it made the world quiet and still. The warmth of the fire in the lodge was like a beacon through the heavy windows on the dark night. It was the only light for miles, the noise of civilization was nowhere near by. The only markings in the snow were those of the small feet of children who had spent the day having snowball fights and making snowmen.

Those same children were inside now, in warm pajamas instead of wet clothes. They ran through the large house squealing and playing. Owen was chasing them, Andy and her cousin Sarah. The girls laughed as they dodged the parents standing around inside, eating food and drinking. Their conversation was light but more adult than could concern the younger ones.

The whole family had been together. It was one of the last times they ever were.


It had housed almost as many people, although granted many of those people had been couples who had shared beds. She knew that the five bedroom lodge could provide them at least some shelter and a decent place to lay low and lick their wounds. If the government was to follow them, it was likely they wouldn’t be able to keep running forever.

They may have their hands full just dealing with the corpses that were now starting to spill out of the windows and doors of the school. Andy watched as they spilled out into the school yard. It didn’t matter if they sent more gunman looking for them, staying here was absolute suicide.

Luca was already inside, so she followed his lead and jumped in the truck after him. He was tough, but she knew that he was hurt. The stains on the jacket he had pulled back on was proof enough of that. Andy knew next to nothing about patching him up. Her uncles response would be to just pour some superglue on it. “Poor man’s liquid stitches” he used to call it. But she had a feeling he was going to need more TLC than her uncle would have provided anyway.

“Thanks for the assist!” Andy gave the old man driving the truck, flashing him a rare open mouthed smile. He had really saved all their asses. The girl stood by the door of the truck, ready to help pull anyone in who needed a hand.

Interactions: TheTreForce TheTreForce (Bakebae)
Mentions: Brax Brax (Luca) Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Leliana) AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lilly) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Marcus) The Mad Queen The Mad Queen (CDCbae) King Vioogra King Vioogra (Ivan) Oslonaut Oslonaut (Sarah)
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[class=BackgroundPicture] Background:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359734207024463882/524331123145179137/Tileableerodedscratchmetaltexturebackground00.jpg); background-size: 25% 25%; Padding:30px; Padding-bottom:10px; background-attachment: fixed; [/class] [class=BackgroundColor] padding:20px; background-color:#f0ebe0; Color:Black; font-family:Fira Sans ; [/class] [class=Name] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #0b440a; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #0b440a; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; padding-left:20px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:27px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#0b440a; float:left; width:97%; [/class] [class=Img] background-color:#f0ebe0; text-align: center; border:1px SOLID #0b440a; line-height:0px; margin-top:10px; [/class] [class=Icon] color:#f0ebe0; background-color:#0b440a; padding:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size: 25px; margin:-10px -10px 10px -10px ; font-family: Fjalla One; [/class] [class=statbar] border-radius:5px; border-top: 1px Solid #0b440a; border-bottom: 1px Solid #0b440a; padding:2px; width:50%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=Line] border: 3px SOLID #0b440a; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px; [/class] [class=Status] margin-bottom:10px; Border-top: 3px SOLID #0b440a; Border-bottom: 3px SOLID #0b440a; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; font-family: Fjalla One; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:3px; color:#000000; width:97%; [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture"] [div class="BackgroundColor"] [div class="Name"] Marcus Howard[/div]
[div class="Img"]
[div class="Status"] Status

Interacting: AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

Mentioned: FireMaiden FireMaiden Maj Maj Brax Brax King Vioogra King Vioogra TheTreForce TheTreForce The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Oslonaut Oslonaut

Located: Leaving battle scene to the Van in the parking lot
[div class="Line"] [div class="Icon"] Actions[/div] As soon as Marcus exited the window he barely had time to take cover after talking to the others about a formulated plan on where to go. Everything moved quickly and before he could even worry about Lilly, Owen ran off with her which kinda pissed off Marcus because he didn’t have full trust with this man yet and he just ran off with the girl he spent YEARS trying to figure out how to tell his feelings to. Marcus sighed deciding not to let his anger take over him when the feeling of anger went by he heard Leliana and Ivan yelling, both saying to take cover as a makeshift grenade blew up. Goodness, this guy was fucking making shit out of like his armpit hair and earwax out here! Who knew school supplies could be so dangerous…well, at least that’s what he assumed since he never noticed any of the Hazmats carrying a grenade on them.

After the grenade had blown up he noticed Leliana in shock for a moment from the blast, it seemed some of the shards may have injured her. Marcus peeked over and took aim at one of the Hazmats Leliana and Ivan hadn’t taken out yet, his heart was racing, he was lucky he hadn’t been injured by anything yet, let’s try to keep it that way. He took a deep breath in and aimed for a headshot on one of the Hazmats, he remembered that in any zombie apocalypse movie or any war video game he played the headshot was the most critical wound to put somebody down for good. Let’s just hope that Call of Duty practice, Hunting, and shooting at the firing range over the years would be a really good benefit right now. Marcus fired the shot firing a clean headshot with the help of the foregrip on his gun. the gun recoiled but was easily controlled by the stock of the gun putting pressure on his shoulder and chest region. Now…time for the next one, Marcus snapped onto the next Hazmat missing the first shot aimed at the man’s chest but the second shot firing and hitting his neck, the blood splattered, not something Marcus wasn’t already used to.

Before Marcus could take a shot at the next Hazmat after forgetting there were too many to kill, zombies started to burst through the front entrance of the Middle School. Leliana had finally recovered from her shock and Ivan ran with her towards Lilly and Owens direction. Marcus quick followed after them realizing that the Hazzy’s would be too preoccupied now with the swarm of maybe a thousand undead in the building. When he reached the group he noticed it got bigger with a few more people, some faces he recognized and others he didn’t, the most, not surprising face was Colt. He smiled at seeing her and then smiled seeing that Lilly was okay but now was not the time to chill and have fun. They still needed to get out of here and it seemed an older gentleman was offering them a ride. Hmm well safe enough, he was sure he wouldn’t try anything since their group was so big and since there was a war of zombies and Hazzy’s nearby. Marcus agreed with whoever said to get in the van and did so taking a seat in between Lilly his love and the sexy zombie slayer Colt. As he sat down waiting for them to leave he commented on Colt’s survival thus far. “Hey, heh I knew you were a sexy zombie slayer...well in all seriousness I’m glad to see you are alive.” he gave her a sweet smile. “You don’t happen to have any sweet weapons in that leg of yours do ya though?” he said jokingly and quietly just enough for her to hear alone and hoping to create a softer and more joyful atmosphere from the fights that just took place. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to be rude if that is what you were thinking, don’t wanna be on your bad side…just didn’t want everyone to feel like we should take everything completely serious, being funny is being human.” he sighed and decided now was a good time to shut up. He held Lilly’s hand honestly glad she was just safe with him now.

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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cfa19cf327cd36474847f1737609c4bd.pngIvan arrived at the apparent meetup of all the other people, confused by all the events taking place. A mess of yelling, questions of where to go and how to get there, and the constant threat of the dead that were now figuratively pouring from the school behind them. Their voices started getting distant in his mind as he started inconveniently spacing out. It was something that had happened a lot as a child but had become less prominent as he matured. Ivan’s eyes went cold as he became very fixated on a particular jagged rock on the asphalt below his feet.

‘How many people have I killed today? Why did I even leave the dorm again?’

He asked himself, not entirely sure what the answer was. His breathing was amazingly calm given the silent situation around him as his eyes traveled from person to person.They were in hell, and any of them could die at any moment. Hell the hazmats behind them could get up and spray them all down as they stood here waiting for… something. He hadn’t seen the girl who was attempting to hotwire one of the cars until she came out of it, admitting defeat to the machine. That’s when it happened, a large camper came peeling into the parking lot, snapping Ivan back from the pessimistic dream he thought had become their concrete reality. Having been suddenly pulled from the dream-like state, Ivan felt a bit of whiplash as he looked at the camper, his eyes tracking Andy as she stepped inside the vehicle, giving a quick thanks to the driver he hadn’t gotten the chance to see yet. The weight of the duffel full of medical supplies on his back also grounded him in reality, continuing to prove that this was no dream. He decided he’d wait until everyone else was on board to get on so he could keep a lookout. As he started turning away and bringing his rife up to prepare to fire at the large group of infected stumbling out of the school, his eyes caught Colt’s face, causing him to freeze in place momentarily.

‘She made it. Good.’

He thought to himself as he walked over pretty calmly, pulling the glock from his pocket slowly and turning it to where the handle faced her. He then stuck it out for her to grab, giving her a genuine smile as he spoke his next words.

“Thank you. Without this I wouldn’t have gotten out alive. I owe you my life.”

He said quietly, waiting for her to take it before turning back to the infected and raising his rifle and firing at the infected horde. Of course, he wasn’t just firing indiscriminately, just at the ones who were closest. His eyes scanned the still growing crowd. The pained cries of the hazmats who had been hit with his homemade grenade had grown silent, either trampled or eaten no doubt. Ivan continued firing until a light click came from the weapon. Knowing it to now be useless unless he wanted batting practice, he quickly stripped it of the scope and suppressor, knowing they’d both be extremely valuable later on in their survival. Ivan knew he’d need to practice shooting again because of the 29 bullets in that magazine he’d only managed to put down 19 because of his rusty aim. After stripping it of its attachments, Ivan dropped the rifle to the ground with a metallic clank. Looking back at the van and walking over, adjusting the bag on his back and boarding the camper, slamming the door behind him and patting the older man on the shoulder as he passed him, giving a short nod of thanks before looking among the seats in the camper for a non-crowded on. He picked the one that had a small table next to it, sitting down before leaning over the bag he had, rifling through it and taking inventory on what he'd been able to mindlessly grab.

Interaction: Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

Mentioned: FireMaiden FireMaiden Maj Maj Brax Brax TheTreForce TheTreForce The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Oslonaut Oslonaut Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
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ee6f7cbea685f7d985f82f8ccbbe004e.jpgLeliana James
Location: Middle School - Parking Lot - The Bakeman Camper
Interaction: King Vioogra King Vioogra (Ivan) Brax Brax (Luca) TheTreForce TheTreForce ( Roy the Bakeman) Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt)

Mentioned: Maj Maj (Owen/Andy) AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lilly) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Marcus)

To her surprise, these people she thought would have more trouble hoping in a stranger's camper just...did it. Luca being the first, which was the most surprising. She watched him, half in disbelief, and half because honestly, she was glad he made it out too. Sure, he was a dangerous guy, but that's what the needed right now. Dangerous people who apperantly thought of the well being of others, they made perfect companions in situations like this. Well, them and crazy rednecks people regret calling crazy when the world is ending. She had to wonder what things were like back in NC, mostly about that one guy who would always came by drunk, talked about the end of the world, gays, and had a massive beer belly. For some reason he was also really good at baking which was a surprise, but you know, to each their own. Like, come on, there was no way he wasn't having the time of his life right now. Shooting things and being right were kinda what he was known for. Also that stereotypically southern accent, but we'll ignore that for now. Anyway, she noticed how he was limping, the slight wince when he moved even if he didn't realize he was doing it. Luca was injured, and this time it was much worse than just a cut on the head. Had he gotten shot? No...he's bleeding, but his clothes weren't stained like they would be for a gun shot wound. And secondly, he'd probably have a lot more trouble moving. She came to the very quick conclusion that he had been stabbed, and maybe did a quick patch job to stop the bleeding. Smart thinking, but she would have to pester him about it later.

Colt decided to try firing at the crowd of zombies, the sight of which made Leliana freeze in place. Burned, shot, stabbed, bloody...she couldn't exactly process what she was seeing. Never before had she been seen a real body like this, and, wow, movies actually got the whole thing down to a tee. Terrified, she looked at Colt. "Come one, we have to get in the camper," Leliana said, her voice almost drowned out by the sound of gunshots. Surprisingly the one thing she was use to out of this whole hell. She said it again, louder this time, barely listening as Lilly spoke, followed by Andy moving to the back of the camper. After a few moments, she followed suit. She went to the back of the camper, putting her back inside but taking the first-aid kit off her bag. She wasn't going to grab anything else, but when she remembered Luca, she quickly dug through her duffle bag to grab a little pack of Chips Ahoy. He had probably lost a lot of blood, and was probably still bleeding. It wouldn't be safe to patch him up in a moving vehicle, but if he needed it, the cookies would being his blood sugar back up, stopping shaking and nausea. It's reason they gave them out at blood drives.

Leliana stepped inside the camper after Ivan and Marcus, thanking the driver as well. She was worried maybe he was injured too, but she couldn't clearly see anything. Anyway, she turned around, walking through the small isle to get to the back when she paused. Ivan was sorting through medical supplies, and that made her heart skip a beat in excitement. He was smart enough to grab medical supplies, that's what he was doing back in the Gym! She smiled at him, looking down at the supplies. Bandages, pain killers, sterlilzing agents, even small tools among other things. She spotted a pair of tweezers, and grabbed them. "You're a genius!" she chuckled, giving him a smile, before she walked away from the table, and continued to the back.

Luca was in the corner, and upon seeing him, she gave him a small smile, and gently tossed the package of maybe four cookies to him. "They might be a little crushed," she said, pausing a moment, before she added something quietly. "I can tell you're injured, and you're trying to hide it. You'll have to let me take a ' at it later, okay?" Her voice was hushed because she figured he didnt want people knowing, but she gave him another smile, before taking a seat on the edge of the bed with her back to him. She opened the first aid-kit, it almost over flowing with all the stuff she had packed in there. Three different types of band-aids, gauze, paper tape, Neosporin and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol were a few of the items she could see immdeiatly. She hadn't packed this because of an impending sense of doom, no, this had been on her car since she got it. Everything was fresh though, and as an aspiring nurse, she felt good about having it. Anyway, after making sure everything was in there, she began to examine her wounds.

Most of the cuts were small, scratches actually, a result of small pieces of whatever Ivan had used as shrapnel. One was open, but there wasn't anything in it, and one had a shard of something sticking out. That's what she was gonna focus on first. Moving a few things around in the first aid kit, she pulled a small flash light. Turning it on, she put the end on her mouth so she could hold it and see at the same time. There was enough light, sure, but she wanted to make sure that she got everything out, and she flashlight would make that easier. She took a deep breath to steady her slightly shaking hand, and with the tweezers, took hold of whatever it was that was in her arm. She winced as she began to pull it out, making a noise of discomfort, her movement almost painstakingly slow because she didn't want there to be a chance of it breaking off. She thought she would be there for a good minute at least, but instead it only took her about 15 seconds to remove it. She looked around for something to put the blood piece of what was maybe a piece of can into, and opted for a small plate that was on the floor. She turned back to her arm, making sure that no blood would get on her or the bed by putting a discared shirt over her lap. She took the flash light out of her mouth, checking the wound. Leliana was happy to find that there was nothing else in it and turned the flashlight off. Using the shirt, which she hoped was at least mostly clean, she gently wiped the blood off of her arm, before dousing a small area in rubbing alcohol.

She hated using it because it would actually damage healthy tissue, but she had to clean it. So, she began to dab at the two open wounds, which she may need stiches for, but that would have to wait. No way was going to be sticking a needle herself in a moving camper. It was too risky. And the rubbing alcohol burned, the smell making her nose crinkle a bit, but she was quickly done with it, and tossed the shirt aside. Quickly applying some Neosporin, she bandaged her bigger cuts with small, half pads of gauze, wrapping it once with another layer of, well, gauze but rollable gauze, and taping it down. She would then stand after she was done, giving one last smile to Luca, before going and sitting down across from Ivan, putting her first-aid kit on the table with the other medical supplies. "I'll help you sort."
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Collette “Colt” Stanhope
Ra-tat-tat! Tat! Tat! Tat!
Colt continued biting her lip as she shot at the dead abominations. She had brought some down from their shuffling charge but there were still many. The silencer dumbed down the sound, hopefully refraining others from following the noise. She began to taste copper in her mouth, but she did not focus. More and more people were piling into the van, which was what she wanted. She had seen the Russian man approach them. She briefly glared at him from the corner of her eye. She was still angry about the Molotov. He had caused more destruction than necessary. She had to fight people that did that. The thought of having to keep him around annoyed her. She continued to focus down the undead. She would definitely appreciate impute from Andy or Lucas right about now but the pair had headed into the truck alongside that boy Owen. The fact that driver showed up just as one of them mentioned a van made her really question her reality.

She heard a voice speak to her, she barely turned to face her, seeing it was the girl with blonde hair. She looked battered, but she could not say anything. “Get! In! First!” She shouted over every shot. She was not getting in that thing until she was sure everyone else was safe first. Maybe they did not care, but she did. Even if this got her overrun and killed, she would not care. She had to keep stoic. Despite her mental turbulence, she kept a stoic face. A hangover from the wars. Don’t show any kind of weakness whatsoever.

As she shot, she heard another voice. The woman really had to strain her eyes to look at him. It was hard enough shooting while drunk without the distraction but there was something about his tone that almost made her stop. He repeated his compliment about being “a sexy zombie slayer” and expressing his relief to see her alive. “Flattered. Glad you’re okay.” She said bluntly, seriously needing to focus. She had seen that Lilly girl too which was a relief. They seemed important to each other. But his next question caught her off guard, “M-My leg? What kind- OI STAY DOWN!” She snarled at a stubborn dead bitch, “N-No you’re not on my bad side- I like y-Wait serious, we’re in deep shi- human, yes, yes very good- kid get in the van you can ravish-uh revere me later.” She stammered through his words, desperately trying to juggle both the seriousness of the situation and his light-heartedness. Colt was hard but she was not made of stone. But how the hell did he know about her leg?!

Just as Colt felt that she possibly had this under control, something happened that sparked a wave of stress in the woman. There was a loud BANG! And around the corner came a wave of bright yellow, screaming, gurgling hoard, dotted with adults, teenagers, kids… it was horrifying. Colt lowered her gun momentarily, her mouth hanging open. This was much worse. More than she could handle! As she breathed in and out, it began to feel tight. No, no she can’t be having an attack now! NOT NOW!

Snarling, she yanked the silencer off and threw it in one of her pockets, switching the gun to semi-automatic and opening fire on the hoard, the gun filling with RATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT! as she wildly swung the gun in all directions towards the hoard. Several went down but it was not enough. After about ten seconds, she heard the horrible and hollow click click click of an empty chamber. They were getting closer! The woman felt shaky and the top half of her body was becoming hot, she had to abandon this! Throwing the gun over her shoulder, she turned and ran back to the van. The vehicle seemed to be overflowing with people so she opted for the only thing she could think of. She forced her hand into the driver window and held the handle at the top with her right hand, keeping herself well secured to the side as she whipped out her pocket pistol.

"Go! Now!" She yelled, still firing shots at the zombies. They had to go now before they got totally overran and devoured! This old man needed to drive! NOW!
FireMaiden FireMaiden King Vioogra King Vioogra Maj Maj Brax Brax Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal AgWordSmith AgWordSmith TheTreForce TheTreForce
938aeba11b4fc33d40552b35c4d3e4da--anime-k-anime-sexy.jpgAs Leliana approached them, the first thing he noticed was that it appeared she had been hurt. He wanted to ask her what had happened. The boy felt truly awful about leaving her behind, but knew that she was smart and resourceful and capable of handling herself. There wasn’t much time now to look her over, they had to move.

Lilly wasn’t having much luck with the whole hot-wiring a car thing, and their prospects were looking grim. The undead were starting to come out through the woodwork, out the windows and there were still hazzies coming after them as well. When things were starting to look hopeless, a grey haired angel rolled up in a camper.

There wasn’t time to ask himself if this guy was trustworthy or not. He wasn’t trying to eat him or shoot him so at the current moment that made him the best alternative. Plus if he really wanted to hurt them, many of them had guns, or bows, knives. Whatever. The point was at this moment the group was heavily armed and he was an old man in a camper that was big enough to get them all out of there.

Luca was the first inside, always keen on saving his own skin before others. Andy followed behind him, she helped Lilly and Marcus both into the van. Ivan was soon to follow and then Leliana as well. He felt like a teacher at a field trip, taking roll call. It was just him and the woman with the automatic weapon, firing into the crowd. It was obvious to him she wasn’t going to climb in before he did.

The sound of her empty clip rang ominously over both of them and he gestured his head toward the camper for them to both get inside. There wasn’t much room, left inside that was to be sure. The man at the wheel didn’t look so well, dazed and maybe injured. He knew where they were going anyway and was comfortable being a getaway driver.

It wouldn’t be the first time.

“You have excellent timing!” Owen greeted the old man through the window. “Why don’t you move over to the passenger seat, I’ll take it from here.” He waited for the man to move and then quickly took his seat. The engine was still running. It appeared that Colt wasn’t going to shove in with the rest of them, and instead opted to secure herself to the driver side door. Owen didn’t have time to argue with her.

There was a small army of corpses coming toward them now. They came out of the school like an infestation, swarming their next meal. Unfortunately, in this situation their next meal was them. Owen yelled back for everyone to hold on, and threw the car into drive, slamming his foot in the gas.

The tires spun, but caught the ground and propelled the car forward. It wanted to hesitate, likely due to the troupe of bodies they had inside of it. But it moved faster than their pursuers. They limped forward after them, but soon Owen was on the road and the camper protested less than driving over the school yard. Soon the the corpses were far behind them, and they were driving away safely.

“How are you guys holding up back there?” Owen called back, not taking his eyes off the road.

“Could be worse!” He heard Andy call up to him. “We should go to the lodge.” That had been his plan already, and in fact he was already on route to it, but he wouldn’t take Andy’s thunder.

“Good call. It’s a good place to lay low for a while. Lots of room, out in the middle of nowhere.” He looked back into the back of the camper to the group that had managed to make it out alive. Owen contemplated why they had been lucky enough to survive, when the others had not been. So many lost lives, and for what?The undead now roamed around outside and the people who could have done a good job of helping contain it were now part of the problem.

Are you going to be okay out there for a few miles?” Owen asked out the window to the dark haired woman hanging on to his door. The woman who had been shooting people down moments ago was now hanging on to the side of the car like Tarzan. “I can pull over if you need me to.”

“No.” Was her response. Owen blinked slowly three times.

“I mean...No to which part?” He was smirking sarcastically at her.

“I’m fine!” She assured him stubbornly. Owen shrugged his shoulders and returned his focus to the road.

The lodge was on the outskirts of town, but still well within the limits. He and Andy (Andy more so) had spent many nights out here with their uncle. His sister was almost more at home out here than he was, she loved being in the woods. Owen wasn’t happy without good WiFi signal most of the time. For the needs that they had currently it would do fine.

The camper turned down a long, winding dirt road. The longer he drove the more dense the trees became. Before long the cabin was in view. For a moment it was easy to forget all the chaos, it was another weekend at the cabin, another sleepover. This time it was just with a bundle of strangers.

Owen pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine

Interactions: Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Colt) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Leliana) TheTreForce TheTreForce (Ray)
Mentions: King Vioogra King Vioogra (Ivan) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Marcus) AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (Lily) Brax Brax (Luca)
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