Pathfinder: The City Twice Lost

shepsquared said:
DImensional X? LA and buyoff?
Pathfinder doesn't really use those, and none of the races you've mentioned (other than warforged, and thats because they don't officially exist) have it.

Ardent didn't get ported over, but psychic warrior did and there are a few new psionic classes you can see here

@Sherwood would this be appropriate?

The Minotaur, Monstrous Humanoid.

Large Size, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int.

30ft Speed, Darkvision 60ft

Automatic Language: Giant

Bonus Languages: Common, Undercommon, Goblin, Dwarven

Scent: Minotaurs have the scent ability

Gore: Primary Natural Attack, 1d8 P

Perception and Survival are always class skills for the Minotaur

Minotaurs gain a +1 to perception and survival.

Also this:

(Large creatures gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and a –2 size penalty to Dexterity. Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.)
That's pretty much what the write-up gives from the book. I do like the Int modifier of only a -2 instead of a -4; makes my character a little more intelligent.
I'd stick with the Minotaur write-up instead. I like the progression bonuses better.
I'll go with the eight levels of minotaur, then switch to fighter.
While enough people have posted to easily fill out the player slots, might I still be able to submit a character for consideration.

Seriously, If there's a way to delete this post, I'd like that. I hadn't realized the RAW MAGNITUDE OF MY NECROMANCY AND OBLIVIOUSNESS...4 months, I mean 'lee sheeyat...
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TacoMann said:
Seriously, If there's a way to delete this post, I'd like that. I hadn't realized the RAW MAGNITUDE OF MY NECROMANCY AND OBLIVIOUSNESS...4 months, I mean 'lee sheeyat...
You can still join a game, Shepsquared might still be having spots open. You can also post in the OOC thread for the forum game - - if you are still interested.

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