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Fantasy Paragons

Finally finished writing about all the races of Tirn and made a cs to boot. Won't be approving any characters just yet, so save it somewhere, post it, do whatever just so long as you've got some idea of what you want before going in.

NOW, if anyone would like to ask any questions, go ahead and shoot. I will try to answer any and all, although I'd encourage doing it on Discord with the link @EMP has provided. Putting it here to save the trouble of scrolling up 

Feel free to ask here though if you like.
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I feel like I'm a little late to the party, but I'm definitely interested! Kinda want to be a sort of blacksmith or item-maker for whatever crazy things paragons might need to fight off those monsters.
Since I don't have a Discord, yet, I will post my question here. One is directly related to the cs while the other is just a curiosity of mine. First, can you give some examples of Ki abilities and Elemental abilities? It has been mentioned before, but usually as offhand coments or not as detailed. Second, is there any form of an officially recognized religion in Tirn? I know that there's bound to be some cooky cults out there, but are there any official religion as well?
Name: Seeks-From-Feathers
Nickname: Feathers 
Race: Human
Age: 256
Affiliation: Paragons
Rank: Veteran
Land of Origin: Nors



Feathers wears clothing made from a mix of linen and leather, made by the finest clothiers and leatherworkers of his tribe. He dons a hooded cloak that covers most of his forehead and reaching his eyes. It is made from a mesh of wool and cotton, making it light while also being stronger than your average fabric. Around his neck is a necklace of animal teeth, from wolves to bears, these are a symbol of his skills as a fighter and hunter. The more animal teeth a tribesman has, the more respect he garners as a member of the tribe. A soft linen shirt lies under Feathers' leather regalia, made purely from cotton. The latter is composed of wolf and bear hide, melded together to form a flexible leather armour while still retaining a respectable amount of protection. Around his wrists are cloth bindings, followed up with thin leather gloves made from deer skin. His feet are wrapped with a leather barding that act as shoes, but offer increased agility and control. On his belt, even though he is a pyromancer, he carries a small bottle of water for his basic water spells, 2 small knives, and a pouch of linen bandages.

Height: 186 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black

Ki Sign: Sunguard
Element: Fire


Feathers is an ambivert, a mix between an introvert and extrovert. He prefers working alone and keeping to himself and a few others, while also being energetic and bold. Being raised in a hunter gatherer society, Feathers knows all to well the meaning of survival of the fittest. Even now, as a Paragon, he still retains some of that mindset when he was with his tribe. He would do almost anything to succeed, and everything to ensure the survival of his people. Feathers finds it hard to interact with other races that grew up in kingdoms and villages, of course this is to be expected as he had been brought up in an entirely different environment. Some of the other Paragons find it impossible to empathise with Feathers, most of them being elves. However, despite that, Feathers tries to respect his fellow comrades and socialise with them.


Many would never come to understand the life of Seeks-From-Feathers, more commonly known as Feathers. He grew up in a tribal hunter gatherer like society. You had to hunt for food, hunt for the tribe, it was a simple way of life, "living off the land" one might call it. Their people were truly free, not bound by anything like nobility.

His tribe was known as the "Plainswalkers". Although not as advanced or as large as the other great Human empires, they had a very sophisticated culture. They housed some of the most skilled leatherworkers of all of Nors, rumors spread about them, but no one would believe that such 'primitive' people could ever match their own works, which couldn't be further from the truth. The amount of effort and skill that the Plainswalkers put into their leatherworking were unmatched, and have most certainly helped Feathers through more situations than he could remember. Their warriors were also not to be laughed at, one might think that such a 'primitive' looking group of savages were nothing more than barbarians with no knowledge of tactics or strategy. However, they have successfully coordinated well-planned defenses against invading parties and launched many raids on their enemies.

As soon as Feathers was able to walk, his father, Walks-With-Light, taught him the ways of his people. Basic survival skills like skinning, starting a fire, and tree climbing. Overtime, Feathers grew to be one of the tribe's most respected warriors. A skilled hunter, and fearsome warrior, adept with the Tomahawk. The teeth of his animal prey decorated his necklace, a show of his strength and courage. The tribe's shaman, the spiritual leader of the Plainswalkers, saw great potential in young Feathers, and so he watched him grow. 

At the age of 20, Feathers went through his tribe's most sacred ceremony, 'The Attunement'. Something every Plainswalker goes through in their lifetime. They are brought to the center of the tribe, and showered with a concoction known to them as the Soul Cleanser. It is believed to bless the soul of the one being bathed and rid him of his sins. After this process the Plainswalker is considered a true warrior, one who has braved struggle after struggle and proved to possess the power to survive. The shaman observed the ritual from his hut, pleased at the progress of Seeks-From-Feathers. Everyone congratulated him on his way back to his hut. However, this happiness would be short-lived.

Later that day a creature, the likes of which could only be found in the tales meant to scare young Plainswalkers, appeared out of nowhere. It stood roughly 11 meters in height, and had the horns of a ram. It's fur reeked of blood and gore, and it stood on it's hind hoofed legs. A group of the tribe's most skilled fighters, including Feathers, was deployed to dispatch the demon-like creature. Unfortunately, they all succumbed to the creature's strength and ferocity, while Feathers was knocked out and covered in blood. Before he could wake up though, the creature had rampaged through the tribe, destroying and killing everything. Except for the shaman's hut. Determined to do something, Feathers stood up but not without his head ringing, and walked towards it as quickly as possible.

Seeing the creature distracted, Feathers ran up from behind and attempted to cut off a limb or two, but to no avail. It began turning around, trying to figure out the source of the attack. Feathers steeled himself for the attack as he knew he wasn't capable enough of dodging, let alone blocking. However, as he thought he was going to be attacked, he felt nothing. It was at that moment, he realised the shaman had drawn the creature's attention. "Run you fool!" The shaman shouted. "Not a chance!" Feathers replied. This time, he brought down a flurry of tomahawk swings on the creature, and again to no avail. The shaman couldn't save him now and Feathers found himself on the ground once more. "Damn it!" he screamed in his head, "Why am I so weak..." He held out his hand, pointing towards the creature, as if he wanted to grab it's leg. The shaman stayed composed and held a battle stance. Feathers felt his anger rising, he wanted to at least save the shaman that helped his people. The shaman was about to lunge at the hulking beast, but out of no where, a ball of fire flew at it. Effectively burning it's skin and causing great pain. The shaman grinned and  went ahead to finish the creature off with such power, the likes of which Feathers had never seen. 

The shaman walked towards Feathers and held out a hand, "Come, we must go, Seeks-From-Feathers." Feathers got up with the help of the shaman. "Great shaman, who are you...." he asked. The shaman said but only one thing, "Flys-With-Scales."  Feathers' eyes widened, "Flys-With-Scales... the one from all those tales?". "Yes, I know it must be hard to believe but that is besides the point. You have to come with me." Flys-With-Scales said.  Feathers asked another question, "Where to....."

"The wall"

The shaman pulled out a strange talisman and began chanting. In a split second, both figures arrived at a strange place with a strange portal in the middle.

Feathers was filled with questions, all would be answered in due time, like why couldn't the shaman save the tribe, where did that ball of fire come from.... But here lies the start of his journey as a Paragon.

Ki Abilities:

[Thought being a mage, Feathers also uses Ki. Allowing for extra utility and deadlier proficiency with his tomahawk.]

-Eagle Form, Feathers transforms into an eagle, allowing flight.

-Basic Ki Empowerment, empowers his hands and legs, increasing agility and strength.

-Farsight, improves eyesight, allowing Feathers to see up to 5km (3.1 miles) away.

Mana Abilities:

[Fire, Feathers' main element, he has been training with his mentor for 2 centuries. His control over fire is impressive for a human, but he also dives into utilising the other elements, exploring different combinations of spells. Besides fire, he also likes to use earth.]

Fire Abilities:
-Fireblast, shoots a ball of fire.

-Engulf, coats the target in fire, can be used on his tomahawk as a sort of pseudo-enchantment. 

-Fire Breath, breathes out a wave of fire from Feathers' mouth, searing the ground and burning anything in it's path.

-Cone of Fire, identical to 'Fire Breath' only using his it with hands.

-Candlelight, Feathers holds a small ball of fire in his hand, providing illumination even in the darkest pits of Tirn. 

-Blowtorch, a concentrated, stable, flame that extends from Feathers' palm. It burns at  1,700 K (1,430 °C; 2,600 °F) and is blue in colour. The flame is no bigger than a small knife and makes a very high-pitched noise.

-Conflagrate, Feathers channels for a relatively long period of time to cast a highly destructive spell, capable of blowing up large buildings. Consumes very high amounts of mana.

-Dragon Dance, Feathers' flames take the form of a serpentine dragon and rushes to its target under his control. Size and destructive capabilities of the dragon depend on the amount of mana spent on the spell.

-Blind, Feathers conjures up a bright ball of fire to blind his foes. Allowing for tactical escapes. Brightness depends on mana spent, identical to 'Candlelight'.

Earth Abilities:
-Earth Shock, raises chunks of earth from the ground and flings it at the target.

-Stone Wall, raises a small wall only slightly taller than Feathers (2 meters). The wall is movable.

-Shape Earth, uses the earth around Feathers' to make simple shapes. Can be used to make simple weapons like swords. More intricate shapes require more mana and skill to construct.

-Earth Bind, binds the target with chains of earth.

Air Abilities:
-Wind Burst, shoots a gust of wind that increases in strength depending on mana spent.

-Air Control, controls the air around Feathers, allowing him to have slightly better control in the air.

Water Abilities:
-Basic Water Control, controls the water around Feathers, giving him some extra utility and interesting ability combinations. Drains mana at a moderate rate due to being a pyromancer.

Hybrid Abilities:
-Lavabolt, a mix between 'Fireblast' and 'Earth Shock'. Feathers burns a chunk of earth with his 'Fireblast' till it becomes molten magma and launches it at the target.

-High Velocity Earth Shock, a mix between 'Earth Shock' and 'Windburst'. Feathers empowers his 'Earth Shock' and 'Wind Burst', increasing the speed at which the projectile reaches it's target. Only works with small chunks of earth.

-Lava Shape, a mix between 'Shape Earth' and 'Blowtorch'. Feathers melts his creation with his 'Blowtorch' ability, allowing creations like lava blades.

-Steam Wave, a mix between 'Air Control', 'Basic Water Control' and 'Blowtorch'. Feathers holds a ball of water in the air and begins to boil it with 'Blowtorch' creating steam that is blown to the target by 'Air Control', scalding it. Very high mana cost to maintain.


-Mana pool, due to being a human, Feathers has a smaller than average mana pool compared to mages of other races.

-Primary Element, Spells which elements are not fire, cost more mana to cast.

-Ki Sign, At night, all his spells are weaker and take a slightly higher amount of mana to cast, as he is a Sunguard.

-Age, A 256 year old human is old. Really old. 


Feathers' Tomahawk:


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@Yiyel What @EMP said.

@CrimsonEclipse Sure, I can list some right now. Some examples of ki abilities might be fast regeneration, hardened skin, super strength, shapeshifting, quickened reflexes, generating shockwaves, lethal shouting, etc. Ki can also be used to control or enhance certain involuntary functions at will such as pain intolerance, immunity, slowing down the effects of aging, the beating of one's own heart, adrenaline, sense of hearing, smell, taste, touch and sight, etc. Ki users would also be able to infuse ki into their weapons to enhance their durability and make it possible to cut through steel and stone. Even arrows can be infused with ki, though the amount of energy they are imbued with rapidly declines the longer they remain in flight. A ki user could also do all of these things at once given enough skill, power and training, but whether one ability is stronger than the other all depends on the allocation of ki energy. Certain skills might also be more advanced than others, eg. invisibility can be achieved by changing the colour of one's skin to match the surrounding environment, but since this uses ki to affect the entire body at a real-time rate, such a technique would require the user to have massive reserves of ki energy and also be naked to boot. Ki can also be used to detect the energy of others, but one could also conceal their energy by compressing it into a single point to minimize detection, but just like holding your breath, it can't be done for as long as being able to detect ki, which requires far less effort.

Those are just some examples off the top of my head. In any case, don't worry too much about it. For everyone's characters, I'll be helping as much as I can. Just think of what you'd like your character to be able to do and I'll say yay or nay, and offer suggestions on what we can both agree would work if it's a nay. Also note that theoretically, it'd be possible to be able to 'do it all', but only for a mage who never suffers from mana deprivation and is also one of the oldest and most powerful ki users to boot. Such individuals are infinitesimally rare, so most ki users will tend to master only a few abilities within their lifetime. Some will also have abilities unique to themselves and focus only on that.

As for religion, for the world of this rp it's not so much a religion as it is commonly held creation myth. I'll be writing a whole thing about that later, but basically it's about this figure known as 'The Allmother' who created the world of Ith and traveled all around it before going to sleep underneath the earth when she got tired. And that's where all the different religions come in, arguing on things like the exact race of the Allmother, when she slept, when she'll wake up again, whether she's sleeping at all, whether she's actually a 'she' and not a 'he' instead, where she came from, whether she's the only one, why she created the world and all its living things, etc. But whether there is an official dominant religion in all of Tirn, no, no there isn't. Just as there is no single dominant race, there is no single dominant religion, though that could be the case in certain regions and societies. Eg. there is a single dominant religion among the humans of Nors that is simply called 'The Faith' and they know their deity as the 'Highfather', but for the rest of Tirn, that's just not the case. Anyways, again, will write more later when I have everything set up.

@EMP Now THAT is an approveable character. Just note that the lore is still subject to change at this point, so be prepared to change certain details. Now, others might be seeing this now and thinking 'wait, I thought we could only use single elements' which brings me to this lil retcon as discussed on discord: I've decided to lift the single element limitation on mana users and make it possible to use other elements as well, but on certain conditions. Like before, all mana users will be born with a greater affinity towards a single element over all others, but they'd be able to make use of those other elements too albeit at a bit of a penalty. For example, a pyomancer would have a 100% elemental affinity towards fire, but only 75% towards earth, 50% toward water and 25% towards water. This means that for a pyromancer, it would be about 4 times more difficult to learn and master hydromancy, as well as costing that much more mana to use, and vis a vis for other types of mages. For a visual representation, @EMP, care to post that graph you made?
@Yiyel What @EMP said.

@CrimsonEclipse Sure, I can list some right now. Some examples of ki abilities might be fast regeneration, hardened skin, super strength, shapeshifting, quickened reflexes, generating shockwaves, lethal shouting, etc. Ki can also be used to control or enhance certain involuntary functions at will such as pain intolerance, immunity, slowing down the effects of aging, the beating of one's own heart, adrenaline, sense of hearing, smell, taste, touch and sight, etc. Ki users would also be able to infuse ki into their weapons to enhance their durability and make it possible to cut through steel and stone. Even arrows can be infused with ki, though the amount of energy they are imbued with rapidly declines the longer they remain in flight. A ki user could also do all of these things at once given enough skill, power and training, but whether one ability is stronger than the other all depends on the allocation of ki energy. Certain skills might also be more advanced than others, eg. invisibility can be achieved by changing the colour of one's skin to match the surrounding environment, but since this uses ki to affect the entire body at a real-time rate, such a technique would require the user to have massive reserves of ki energy and also be naked to boot. Ki can also be used to detect the energy of others, but one could also conceal their energy by compressing it into a single point to minimize detection, but just like holding your breath, it can't be done for as long as being able to detect ki, which requires far less effort.

Those are just some examples off the top of my head. In any case, don't worry too much about it. For everyone's characters, I'll be helping as much as I can. Just think of what you'd like your character to be able to do and I'll say yay or nay, and offer suggestions on what we can both agree would work if it's a nay. Also note that theoretically, it'd be possible to be able to 'do it all', but only for a mage who never suffers from mana deprivation and is also one of the oldest and most powerful ki users to boot. Such individuals are infinitesimally rare, so most ki users will tend to master only a few abilities within their lifetime. Some will also have abilities unique to themselves and focus only on that.

As for religion, for the world of this rp it's not so much a religion as it is commonly held creation myth. I'll be writing a whole thing about that later, but basically it's about this figure known as 'The Allmother' who created the world of Ith and traveled all around it before going to sleep underneath the earth when she got tired. And that's where all the different religions come in, arguing on things like the exact race of the Allmother, when she slept, when she'll wake up again, whether she's sleeping at all, whether she's actually a 'she' and not a 'he' instead, where she came from, whether she's the only one, why she created the world and all its living things, etc. But whether there is an official dominant religion in all of Tirn, no, no there isn't. Just as there is no single dominant race, there is no single dominant religion, though that could be the case in certain regions and societies. Eg. there is a single dominant religion among the humans of Nors that is simply called 'The Faith' and they know their deity as the 'Highfather', but for the rest of Tirn, that's just not the case. Anyways, again, will write more later when I have everything set up.

@EMP Now THAT is an approveable character. Just note that the lore is still subject to change at this point, so be prepared to change certain details. Now, others might be seeing this now and thinking 'wait, I thought we could only use single elements' which brings me to this lil retcon as discussed on discord: I've decided to lift the single element limitation on mana users and make it possible to use other elements as well, but on certain conditions. Like before, all mana users will be born with a greater affinity towards a single element over all others, but they'd be able to make use of those other elements too albeit at a bit of a penalty. For example, a pyomancer would have a 100% elemental affinity towards fire, but only 75% towards earth, 50% toward water and 25% towards water. This means that for a pyromancer, it would be about 4 times more difficult to learn and master hydromancy, as well as costing that much more mana to use, and vis a vis for other types of mages. For a visual representation, @EMP, care to post that graph you made?


Very useful graph for magical affinities.

Wait, need to change something
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Well dudes, I made a thing for the Knights thing

Time to work on the hosted project? I think it's time to work on the hosted project. I'm gonna work on the hosted project now. Oh, but do ask questions if you have any.
Sign me up please! :3

I'll join the discord group via my Title since that's the name I use on Discord already. Once I'm done with my char I'll use the same for my nickname on discord to avoid confusion. 
Name: Ambrosia Nixxer

Appearance: c25a5b9d4712a0ffad833f263d4d9023.jpg

Basically like in the image, but with several light scars around her arms. Generally wears loose shirts and shorts due to the heat from her workshop.

Nickname(s): Amber
Affiliation: Paragon
Occupation: Blacksmith and Item maker

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Land of Origin: South of Nors
Height: 6"1
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye colour: Amber
Ki Sign: Twilit
Element: Wind

Personality: Curiosity may have killed the cat, but this woman might as well have hundreds of lives. If anything had a mechanism or system to work it, you'd better bet she'll be all over it to take it apart and figure it out. In social situations, unless the conversation is about equipment, alchemy, enchantments or any other similar topic, she won't be too interested. But with adventurers and Paragons as her main customer base, that generally doesn't become a problem. 

Amber generally has a good relation with other blacksmiths and producers of materials and reagents for the sake of her work. Due to her odd parentage, she grew up learning and mixing mannerisms of both elven and dwarven culture, so she can be as elegant and polite at times as she can be rude and agressive. This will usually depend on how respectful you are to her and her stuff.

History: Amber was an orphan raised by parents of races different from her own: a dwarven father and elven mother. They unfortunately had failed to conceive any children of their own, so they adopted her when they found her as the sole survivor of a bandit raid in a southern Norsian town. Her mother helped develop her aeromancy from a young age while her father taught her mechanics, carpenting, blacksmithing and Ki-usage as she got old and strong enough to handle the tools of the trade. 

As a result, Amber became passionate about creating all sorts of items, hoping to be able to combine the two energies in complimentary ways, as well as inventing all sorts of items. Experimenting is one of her favorite hobbies that goes well with her work.

She never learned too much about her original family, and nor did she want to: the wonderful duo that raised her were all she could have ever wanted. Neither did she learn much of their past, though she deduced after a while that they both gave up their previous lives to be together. They were saddened when Amber decided to leave and join the Paragons one day, though they knew that it'd be difficult to live together with people discriminating against them all the time. 

Relationships: Generally good relation with paragons and any other customers. (Will update in future as needed)

Ki abilities: 
    -Sharpening of senses and hand-eye coordination for precision work.
    -Detecting and sensing the workings of mechanical objects.

Mana abilities: Mostly focused on enchantment magic, not necessarily wind-exclusive.
Limitations: Not exactly an outstanding fighter, she can use her works pretty well (having handled and tested them herself). She can handle herself well against most apprentices, though it's usually just to show off her products.
Name: Avar Pendergast


bef.png  Priman Youth.Nickname(s): Avarice, Greed.  

Affiliation: Adopted son of the 

Rank: N/A.

Occupation: Wanderer. Weaver of tales. Staff wielder. 

Age: 23Gender: Male

Race: Priman

Land of Origin: Tarzland, Priman native land

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 181 lbs

Eye colour: Golden.

Ki Sign: SunguardElement: N/APersonality

Avar is a playful spirit inhabiting flesh and bone. Like the wind he will whisper into your ears or if the mood takes him blow you off your feet. A simple person in temperament who prefers to resolve everything using either words or sticks. No need for stone. Running into him would mean an eventful day was ahead whether you wanted one or not. 
As likely to take something he likes and not give it back. This has caused him to attract the ire of many folk from multiple organisations and groups. Not that he lets that stop him. If he went after something that no one else wanted or was mad to lose then surely it had no value right?History
Avar is the son of a mountain tribe of outcasts and rejects. The mountain tribe of Anomyn has existed in tales of legends old as far back as the people of the lands can remember. Some say they can only be reached by those who were cast aside. That only the lost could find the hidden land.

Ranging from Beast folk from Vaim who refused tradition or chose to love outside their tribe to exiled humans. None were denied entry into the tribe so long as once they were there they proved to be family. Once they did that however they were given freedom,love,care and protection by every other individual. They were a family made,once broken, and all the stronger for it.

In actuality their tribe was situated in the mountain range of the Shambalaya. A bizarre mesh of features that made travelling it difficult for any either unfamiliar with it or those who went unprepared. 

They found him abandoned at one of their home just prior to a horrific thunderstorm. It lasted many days and nights and throughout that entire phase the baby boy would cry and cry. It was only once an elder sage took a red wood sapling, whittling into it with holy chants and ki, and presented it to the boy that his crying stopped. Not long after the thunder ceased too but it was impossible to find any trace of who left him there by that juncture. 
The circumstances of the child resonated with the tribe's people who adopted him as a joint son. They wished to teach him all they knew and ensure he had the tools to live a long and fruitful life. Sadly the boy did not take to studying. Nor did he take to magic. In fact he only seemed interested in causing mischief, hearing and telling stories and playing with his staff.
In fact the boy was very much in love with his staff. So much so that each time he outgrew it he would go to the sage and ask him for a new one. The sage doted on the boy as if he were a close son so he would always agree. He would take the staff and ask the boy to wait a day for him to return it. The sage would head in and the boy would stay out. Truly he could only wait when it was the sage that asked it of him and the staff was the subject concerned.
[More to be added]
 Relationships [To be added]Ki abilities

  • Enhance senses/
  • Increase stamina through breath regulation/
  • Optimize digestion and conversion of eaten resources into energy/
  • Harden skin and thicken muscles/
  • Increase strength/
  • Muscle memory for repeated stances/
  • Extendable Staff with circulation of Ki/

Mana abilities



Young and impetuous. His naivety leads him into trouble along with his rash attitude. Not knowing his limitations and failing to heed the ones he has is a huge drawback fir the young man. Active throughout the day and lazy throughout sundown to sunrise. His aptitude with the staff is at the level of a savant. The staff is a weapon that has grown with him and he knows it like one would know an appendage or limb. Using it to it's optimal capability means that his battle strength with it is truly many folds higher than him with any other weapon. Sadly his dedication to his staff means he'd never consider taking another weapon. 
He is like a thunder storm in a fight. Unbridled energy. Both sight and sound are affected as they see him dance about while ushering loud shrieks onto his enemies. The shrieks seem to echo and rather than give away his position they make it seem like he's everywhere at the same time leading to mass confusion.Confusion he has no qualms taking advantage of.

[Will be adding more info over time]
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Name: Avar Pendergast


View attachment 218241 I was thinking of having a Monkey-hybrid. Primans? If not I can edit out the tail.Nickname(s): Avarice, Greed.  

Affiliation: N/A.

Rank: N/A.

Occupation: Wanderer. Weaver of tales. Staff wielder. 

Age: 23Gender: Male

Race: Human/Priman(?)

Land of Origin: Unknown heritage.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 181 lbs

Eye colour: Golden.

Ki Sign: SunguardElement: N/APersonality:

Avar is a playful spirit inhabiting flesh and bone. Like the wind he will whisper into your ears or if the mood takes him blow you off your feet. A simple person in temperament who prefers to resolve everything using either words or sticks. No need for stone. Running into him would mean an eventful day was ahead whether you wanted one or not. 
As likely to take something he likes and not give it back. This has caused him to attract the ire of many folk from multiple organisations and groups. Not that he lets that stop him. If he went after something that no one else wanted or was mad to lose then surely it had no value right?History:
Avar is the son of a mountain tribe of outcasts and rejects. Ranging from Beast folk from Vaim who refused tradition or chose to love outside their tribe to exiled humans. None were denied entry into the tribe so long as once they were there they proved to be family. Once they did that however they were given freedom,love,care and protection by every other individual. They were a family made,once broken, and all the stronger for it.
They found him abandoned at one of their home just prior to a horrific thunderstorm. It lasted many days and nights and throughout that entire phase the baby boy would cry and cry. It was only once an elder sage took a red wood sapling, whittling into it with holy chants and ki, and presented it to the boy that his crying stopped. Not long after the thunder ceased too but it was impossible to find any trace of who left him there by that juncture. 
The circumstances of the child resonated with the tribe's people who adopted him as a joint son. They wished to teach him all they knew and ensure he had the tools to live a long and fruitful life. Sadly the boy did not take to studying. Nor did he take to magic. In fact he only seemed interested in causing mischief, hearing and telling stories and playing with his staff.
In fact the boy was very much in love with his staff. So much so that each time he outgrew it he would go to the sage and ask him for a new one. The sage doted on the boy as if he were a close son so he would always agree. He would take the staff and ask the boy to wait a day for him to return it. The sage would head in and the boy would stay out. Truly he could only wait when it was the sage that asked it of him and the staff was the subject concerned.
[More to be added]
 Relationships: [To be added]Ki abilities:

  • Enhance senses/
  • Increase stamina through breath regulation/
  • Optimize digestion and conversion of eaten resources into energy/
  • Harden skin and thicken muscles/
  • Increase strength/
  • Muscle memory for repeated stances/
  • Extendable Staff with circulation of Ki/

Mana abilities: N/A.

Young and impetuous. His naivety leads him into trouble along with his rash attitude. Not knowing his limitations and failing to heed the ones he has is a huge drawback fir the young man. Active throughout the day and lazy throughout sundown to sunrise. His aptitude with the staff is at the level of a savant. The staff is a weapon that has grown with him and he knows it like one would know an appendage or limb. Using it to it's optimal capability means that his battle strength with it is truly many folds higher than him with any other weapon. Sadly his dedication to his staff means he'd never consider taking another weapon. 
He is like a thunder storm in a fight. Unbridled energy. Both sight and sound are affected as they see him dance about while ushering loud shrieks onto his enemies. The shrieks seem to echo and rather than give away his position they make it seem like he's everywhere at the same time leading to mass confusion.Confusion he has no qualms taking advantage of.

[Will be adding more info over time]

Name: Avar Pendergast


View attachment 218241 I was thinking of having a Monkey-hybrid. Primans? If not I can edit out the tail.Nickname(s): Avarice, Greed.  

Affiliation: N/A.

Rank: N/A.

Occupation: Wanderer. Weaver of tales. Staff wielder. 

Age: 23Gender: Male

Race: Human/Priman(?)

Land of Origin: Unknown heritage.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 181 lbs

Eye colour: Golden.

Ki Sign: SunguardElement: N/APersonality:

Avar is a playful spirit inhabiting flesh and bone. Like the wind he will whisper into your ears or if the mood takes him blow you off your feet. A simple person in temperament who prefers to resolve everything using either words or sticks. No need for stone. Running into him would mean an eventful day was ahead whether you wanted one or not. 
As likely to take something he likes and not give it back. This has caused him to attract the ire of many folk from multiple organisations and groups. Not that he lets that stop him. If he went after something that no one else wanted or was mad to lose then surely it had no value right?History:
Avar is the son of a mountain tribe of outcasts and rejects. Ranging from Beast folk from Vaim who refused tradition or chose to love outside their tribe to exiled humans. None were denied entry into the tribe so long as once they were there they proved to be family. Once they did that however they were given freedom,love,care and protection by every other individual. They were a family made,once broken, and all the stronger for it.
They found him abandoned at one of their home just prior to a horrific thunderstorm. It lasted many days and nights and throughout that entire phase the baby boy would cry and cry. It was only once an elder sage took a red wood sapling, whittling into it with holy chants and ki, and presented it to the boy that his crying stopped. Not long after the thunder ceased too but it was impossible to find any trace of who left him there by that juncture. 
The circumstances of the child resonated with the tribe's people who adopted him as a joint son. They wished to teach him all they knew and ensure he had the tools to live a long and fruitful life. Sadly the boy did not take to studying. Nor did he take to magic. In fact he only seemed interested in causing mischief, hearing and telling stories and playing with his staff.
In fact the boy was very much in love with his staff. So much so that each time he outgrew it he would go to the sage and ask him for a new one. The sage doted on the boy as if he were a close son so he would always agree. He would take the staff and ask the boy to wait a day for him to return it. The sage would head in and the boy would stay out. Truly he could only wait when it was the sage that asked it of him and the staff was the subject concerned.
[More to be added]
 Relationships: [To be added]Ki abilities:

  • Enhance senses/
  • Increase stamina through breath regulation/
  • Optimize digestion and conversion of eaten resources into energy/
  • Harden skin and thicken muscles/
  • Increase strength/
  • Muscle memory for repeated stances/
  • Extendable Staff with circulation of Ki/

Mana abilities: N/A.

Young and impetuous. His naivety leads him into trouble along with his rash attitude. Not knowing his limitations and failing to heed the ones he has is a huge drawback fir the young man. Active throughout the day and lazy throughout sundown to sunrise. His aptitude with the staff is at the level of a savant. The staff is a weapon that has grown with him and he knows it like one would know an appendage or limb. Using it to it's optimal capability means that his battle strength with it is truly many folds higher than him with any other weapon. Sadly his dedication to his staff means he'd never consider taking another weapon. 
He is like a thunder storm in a fight. Unbridled energy. Both sight and sound are affected as they see him dance about while ushering loud shrieks onto his enemies. The shrieks seem to echo and rather than give away his position they make it seem like he's everywhere at the same time leading to mass confusion.Confusion he has no qualms taking advantage of.

[Will be adding more info over time]

I like him

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