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Fantasy Paragon (Mystery RP)

Fus ro dah

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


(Temporarily accepting new members, we had some drop out.)

After years of secrecy, the veil has been lifted and the show has finally begun! The grand entertainment centre, Paragon, is open for all to visit! Paragon is the ultimate family getaway, with a giant amusement park integrated into the mega-mall.

Hundreds of monorails have been built from towns and cities in the area to connect them to Paragon. A select few have been lucky enough to be given the VIP treatment. To enjoy the centre to it's fullest, undisturbed by the masses who eagerly await to experience the experience themselves.

You are one of those lucky few. All you can eat from the food courts, free rides at the amusement park and a shopping spree at a store of your choice.

Although something is strange. People are vanishing, and nobody seems to notice.

  • Our monorails are made from Lightspeed technology that's ahead of the curve, nowhere else in the world has this kind of technology even available to them. The monorails are silent, smooth and luxurious. For those who have extended travel from far off towns, those monorails are equipped with a food bar; the price of the meals are included in your ticket price.

    The rear of the Lightspeed Monorail is home to a child-care centre, complete with faux grass for the children to play on. We have professional, fully trained child-care staff to take care and help keep your children entertained whilst on their journey. They also have beds for younger children to nap on during longer journeys.

    Each of the seats are plush, seated 3 either side of the aisle. Each is fitted with a reclining function, as well as inputs for headphones. For a small fee, you can purchase a set of headphones for music or for an added fee; a screen to watch a movie on. Each seat is also fitting with a call button on the underside of the left armrest, which when pressed will call one of our helpful staff members to fetch you anything you need.

    Paragon has been a large project run by the Wolf Lake group of companies for the last ten years! The centre is only available via our exclusive monorails. Boasting eleven floors, Paragon is bound to be your new favourite place in the world!

    We have over two thousand retail stores, three hundred restaurants and cafes, a four-hundred room luxury hotel, 40 cinema screens and the worlds largest amusement park, complete with an underwater zoo, and a petting zoo! Paragon is also home to Byte, the largest gaming theme park in the world, with over 250 arcade games for you to choose from!

Notes on Body Modfication

Body modification is a big status symbol across the country, to get this done legally, and safely, one needs to make an appointment with a registered Body Modification Boutique. There are smaller Boutiques in the capital cities and along the Ascended Terrace in Paragon. There are also illegal Backyard Boutiques, also known as 'chop shops'. They offer the same services at a cheaper rate, promising high quality work. If you walk away without heavy scarring or shoddy work, you're the 1%.

Body modification takes our mundane human bodies and gives them a twist. The only limit is your bank account, and your imagination! The cheapest modifications are as simple as a new, permanent hair colour, tattoos, eye colour, or skin colour. Although modifications can also go up to things such as full body reshaping/sculpting, physical additions like wings (for looks only, you can't fly with them), horns, tails and even replacement ears. If you can imagine it, you can be it!

Towns Of Note

Silverley – Medium city

Whitecrest – Large coastal town.

Wolf Lake – Where Paragon is located. Centre of the country. There are no towns here, just the large lake.

Falconvale – Big city.

Rosecliff – Capital. Large, industrious.

Lorwick – Medium town.

Westacre – Large farming town.

Belmead – Small town.

Valmont – Large coastal town.

Blackmeadow – Ex-medium town, recovering after a fire burned down over 50% of it. People still do live here and are rebuilding.

Aranval – Large city.


As always,have fun, be creative!

  • No Godmodding/God-Moding/Whatever you know it as. Please, don't control/kill other characters without permission!
  • Humans only please.
  • Beware: If you cause trouble or break rules in Paragon. Your character -will- be punished.
  • Yes! You can play more than one character if you think you can manage it.
  • I will, at random - choose who will, and when, see the truth behind Paragon by sending them a private message with details. No one else can see this until I say so.
  • Whoever receives my PM may share the flash they think they saw.
  • Please, don't go over the top with any Body Modifications. The more elaborate they are, the more they cost. Not everyone will be rich.
  • Wolf Lake isn't officially a town. It was a long time ago, was abandoned for unknown reasons and knocked down to make room for Paragon.
  • Please be literate and use punctuation, it makes it easier to understand you.
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6:30pm, on a Friday evening was when it happened. Every single television channel, every radio station,and every website began the announcement at the exact same time across the country. There was a blast of loud fanfare, which took only a few moments to have the intended effect. Almost every eye or ear was paying attention to the sudden announcement that had temporarily taken over the airwaves.

“The show has begun!” Announced a jovial, young adult male voice. “Ten years in the making, and the Wolf Lake Project is finally complete! Tomorrow morning at 9am, our Lightspeed monorails will be opening to escort -you- in luxury to the official opening of your new favourite place in the country; Paragon! Wolf Lake Incorporated will be running a competition at the opening to allow a group of individuals to experience Paragon without the crowds! For those lucky few, you'll be able to eat from the food courts for free, you'll get free rides at the amusement park and a shopping spree at a store of your choice! Every ticket to ride the monorail is a ticket to win!”

The fanfare plays once again before everything returns back to normal, leaving the country abuzz with this exciting news.


(The next morning just before 9am)

"Let. Me. Through!" A high pitched whine exploded across the crowd at the large station at Rosecliff. The capital city was bustling even more than normal thanks to the announcement last night. The light blond haired teenage girl pushed through the crowd, her heels clip clapping on the pavement.

She was Christy Queen, and she was the daughter of Peter Queen; the second richest man in Rosecliff. Behind her back, Christy was called the living doll (and sometimes to her face as well) due to her extreme amount of body modifications. Her skin was taut, pale and flawless, her eyes were slightly larger than normal and tinted violet. Her figure had been sculpted to give her a figure not unlike a Barbie doll, her tiny waist made tinier by the expensive corsets she wore.

How she could still breathe and function, was anybody's guess.

"Finally!" She exclaimed as she reached the front of the line, batting her long eyelashes at the monorail attendant who gave her a flat glare. Digging into her stupidly expensive handbag, she withdrew her ticket and passed it to the man with a sweet smile. It was pretty obvious a lot of people didn't like her.

One of the men beside her sighed and adjusted the glasses that were perched on his nose. He had a large leather satchel at his side and a pen tucked behind his right ear. He was Allen Markus, a 45 year old freelance journalist. He made his way through life selling the stories of people from all around the country to the newspapers and trashy magazines. Allen didn't make a lot of money, but this was his life and he enjoyed every moment of it. He adjusted the satchel on his arm and glanced at the time on his watch, it wasn't long now.

The Silverly station was almost as busy, the medium sized city had a sudden influx of visitors from the surrounding area. Almost every hotel and motel was booked out with the excitement of the news. A brown-haired youth waited in line with his family, looking probably the least excited to be here out of the entire crowd. Old iPod in hand, earphones over his ears; he blasted loud music into his ears to block out the clamour of the crowd... and his family.

"Mathias!" His mother, Stephanie had tried to get his attention at least half a dozen times now.

Her son's brown gaze met her own hazel gaze as she waved her hand to get his attention. "What?" He asked, sliding his headphones off.

"It's time to go honey." The blonde woman smiled. "Come on."

Mathias groaned and nodded, sliding his headphones back over his ears as he followed his mother and little sister forwards in the line.

Angel, as she liked to call herself, stood in line with all the patience of a saint. A few fights had broken out at the Westacre station, but had quickly been broken up by security. A delicate hand reached up and twirled the bottom of her ebony ponytail, her white feathered wings fluttering in the breeze.

She had saved up most of her pay-checks to pay for those wings, it was just a shame she couldn't fly with them. Perhaps in the future they would be able to adjust her wings for just that.

"Shaeya?" A female voice called across the crowd.

Green eyes swung towards the voice, her red-painted lips curling into a broad smile as she saw a friend, waving. Although she was distracted as an announcement sounded over the speaker system.

"Those with tickets, please move forwards and present them! The Lightspeed shall be leaving shortly!"

Helena Bern from Valmont didn't get out very often, she worked from home which kept her very busy. It was worth it though, she made a decent wage and was able to finally become the cat-girl she'd always dreamed of being. Two copper coloured fluffy cat ears perked forwards as a man announced for passengers to board the monorail, and her tail, which was the same colour as her ears and hair, swished slightly.

"E-excuse me.." She asked meekly, trying to make her way forwards.

That was the other reason she worked at home. Even at 30, she'd never grown out of being painfully shy. Not making eye contact with anyone she didn't need to, Helena had her ticket checked and she quickly found a window seat.
Miku wandered though the crowed trying to get to the front. Naturally, she went in disguise. Teal hair drawn up and in a beanie and large glasses placed on her face. She shoved her way though the crowd trying to get to the station as fast as possible. She heard that the Paragon had an entire floor of videogames. She was so excited to play, she wanted to get there fast. She got in line for a ticket and chose her favorite seat, the window seat.
Earphone on, music blasting, and not giving a damn, Annaliese was walking— scratch that, pushing her way into the crowd, ticket in one hand, music player in another. It was like any normal day for her, making her way into the front of the crowd. Children were screaming for their mommies around her, women were pushing their ways into the front with their body modifications and men were just staring, oggling at every passing female.

After what seemed like hours, she made her way to the front of the crowd, giving her ticket to the man that seemed like he had no idea what to do. He checked her ticket and made her way into the Lightspeed, not bothering to choose any specific seat.


With a slight grin on her face, Elise walked towards the station. One of the advantages of keeping a calm demeanor, despite being one of the most famous beings all around the world and the internet, was that most were respectful enough to help her by at the least, making way. Some would be a little too insensitive and ignorant and go on their ways, modifications keeping Elise from walking, but she managed to dodge a few.

"Thanks!," she winked at the crowd behind her before making way towards some kind of line she knew she'd have to stand by at. That was basically the first statement she had stated ever since a photo shoot from earlier, but it was more than enough to get the population nearly roaring with "ooh"s and "aah"s and whispering and squealing...

"Your ticket, please?"

A rather polite-toned voice shook her from her thoughts. By the look on the man's face, Elise was probably staring intently into space for quite a while now. "Oh, right," the blonde-haired girl handed her ticket over, along with an apologetic grin. As she had her ticket checked, she couldn't help but hear a mutter from behind her before she stationed herself on one of the window seats.

"Big fan."

Making his way through the large crowd, Trevor held his tablet close to his body as to avoid dropping it. Of course, with the modifications he made, it was unlikely it would break if it hit the ground. He was more afraid of loosing it than it getting damaged. However, even that seemed trivial if you account for the fact that it has a tracker inside of it. Still, it was always better to be safe.

Emerging from the horde, he pulled his tablet away from his chest and tapped it. "We're finally through the crowd, guys." As he said this, two human-like figures poked out from the corner of the screen and made their way to the center, one a guy one a girl.

"Sure took long enough. I mean, really, how big can a crowd be?" The female flicked the hair from her eyes as she spoke, slightly tapping her foot in annoyance. Ivy, the name of the AI, was playful and definitely impatient. there were times where he would be waiting in a line for ten minutes, then she would inexplicably turn the volume on max and play the loudest music possible. Of course, he limited her access from the sound settings after that.

"Well it makes sense, sis. This IS a revolutionary construct, what did you expect?" Colt, the male AI, poked Ivy's forehead playfully. He was the more serious of the two AI he made, often keeping Ivy in check. As the two started bickering, Trevor couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. Suddenly, he was brought to attention by a man with his hand extended. Pausing for a few seconds, Trevor reached into his pocket and showed him his ticket. Noticing he had a quizzical look on his face, Trevor turned his tablet towards the man, showing the two AI arguing. "See, it's nothing crazy, so don't worry." He walked on past and grabbed a seat without really checking where it was, noticing the man had an even more confused look now.
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She had won the ticket in a competition she’d never even meant to enter… an office pool she’s thrown a few bucks into, fully expecting a new coffee maker in the break room. It had taken a room full of nursing students to convince her to go, but Dani Sage was more than a little skeptical that a trip to a massive corporate theme park was just the thing she needed.

She wasn’t an activist, not in the traditional sense, but growing up with Crete Williams, or as she referred to her in mind, Plastimom, had made Dani something of a cynic to all the big city wiles. Still, somehow she found herself standing in line for the monorail, ticket in hand, heart in her throat.

The crowd reminded her, at large, what she found so abhorrent about the city population, as with gross effort she avoided staring at the cat-like mutation in line ahead of her. This was what humanity embraced, now… and she’d need to adjust to it eventually, but it didn’t make her any less uncomfortable, knowing what the poor woman… at least she thought it was a woman… had poured into changing her appearance. What she had sacrificed monetarily was absurd enough, but what she had undergone physically… And her modifications looked about as up to par as one could get. It was the ones who came into the Hospital, the back alley cases, that more often than not threatened Dani’s sense of calm and rationality. People so desperate to change who they were that they went to such extreme lengths, to alter their appearance. Severed ears and noses, puncture wounds, lacerations and scarring that nearly penetrated to the depths of the subcutaneous layer of skin, burns from lasers and lancing, internal injuries… On more than once occasion, nothing could be done for the desperate souls but a few hours on life support and a prayer or two.

A Mod-Doc had once suggested to Dani that for only a few grand he could correct her overbite and the bump on the bridge of her nose… and for an added hundred, he’d pump the fat from her cheeks. Until that point, Dani had thought of those things as marked flaws. Now, she viewed them as entirely what made her beautiful. Those things society tried to convince her weren’t exceptional enough were exactly what made her unique.

Approaching the attendant, fiddling absently with the end of one of her pigtailed braids, Dani pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and handed over her ticket, barely registering the man’s half-hearted expression of congratulations.

Stepping on board, she cast her gaze to the least occupied space in the monorail, before settling on a seat near the back, beside a window.
Fauna had secretly been saving money over the years working at the pet store; she wasn't ever sure why seeing that her paycheck completely paid for her posh apartment in Rosecliff and then some.

She realized the reason why she had been saving in secret for so long when the announcement was made that Paragon was open to the public, the place she had so longed to visit and become a part of. A shudder of excitement traveled down her spine at the thought of being in that buzzing metropolis of entertainment yet at the same time she thought of the crowds and wanted to run and hide.

These conflicting thought and emotions had started surfacing about 6 months after her body modifications, but she'd always been a quieter person and chalked it up to just being a careful person. It did have its benefits; for example she had slipped her way to the front of the line without being noticed, even with her antlers sprouting from her head like little jagged bone antenna.

She now stood behind Christy Queen, her shrill voice ringing out over the large crowd; making Fauna's delicate ears quiver and swivel around in their sockets.

How is it that a person can naturally have a voice like that? she scoffed to herself, but she did applaud the young woman for her body modifications. Always a fan of them herself, obviously, she thought the doll like permanent perfection was a little cliche. but Christy had an endless supply of money and had at least gone all the way with it. No doubt she'd be one of the few chosen for the exclusive view of Paragon.

She finally drifted to the very front and offered her ticket to the man taking them before allowing admittance to the light rail.

His eyes lingered on Fauna's gray hair and eyes, her big ears and feminine antlers before accepting the ticket and waving her on. She flashed the man a charming little smile accompanied with a "Thank you," before continuing on.

He looked at my modifications, she thought to herself and he looked like he approved of them! her heart fluttered at the idea of all her dreams coming true at the magic of Paragon
So... Many people.... He felt his heart sink deeper in his chest as he looked around in the crowd, the unfamiliar faces all around him, the bodies buffing against each other and the voices that turned into screams to be heard, only further adding to the chaos. He felt so small here, so very insignificant and... So misplaced. Someone like him shouldn't be here, he was just a normal boy from a completely normal family... He knew he should think of the ticket as an honor, something to be proud off and something that would make the journey seem endless as he wished to arrive. Alder didn't feel any of that. He was scared of all the people and held hard onto the straps of his backpack, wanting nothing more than to go home and stay there. STILL. He knew he couldn't do such a thing, this was a once in a lifetime chance, he really couldn't back down from this or he'd regret it for the rest of his life.

The male took a deep breath and waved to his parents, making a bold move and threw himself into the crowd. He was pushed around a lot but in the end, he did end up in the line, thank Goddess... The boy slid his hand into the pocket of his coat and stroked a finger over his pet animal's back. She was a little mouse that his dad had caught in a trap but instead of killing her, she had been given to Alder to look after. Perhaps it had been cruel to the mouse in the first place but the boy was happy for her company and with time, she had become his best friend. That might be a little sad but the male was still happy for her and by stroking a finger over her fur, he already felt calmer. A small, somewhat wet nose poked at his hand, he could almost imagine the sniffling sound she made as she searched for food in his hand. When she found none, the mouse laid down again and most likely snoozed as he stroke over her back.

After what seemed like ages, he got to the front of the line and handed over his ticket with shaking hands, the man who took it told him to relax and even gave him a friendly pat on the back, making Alder feel just a little less nervous. The train was filled with people, wait... It wasn't called train, it was a monorail. Detail worthy of noting. After some wandering around, he found a free seat in which he sat down on, feeling even more small where he sat. His fingers once again returned to his beloved pet, stroking over her fur before he placed the backpack down in front of himself, between his feet. Alder moved to pull up a book from said bag and soon, he was reading it, forgetting about the world around him and began to relax once more.
At exactly 7:00pm the doors to the monorails closed and a pre-recorded announcement began to play over the intercom.

Lightspeed welcomes you aboard this evening. Please remain seated until further notice.

The rear of the Lightspeed Monorail is home to a child-care centre, complete with faux grass for the children to play on. We have professional, fully trained child-care staff to take care and help keep your children entertained whilst on their journey. They also have beds for younger children to nap on during longer journeys. The cost of this is covered with the purchase of family tickets.

Each of the seats are plush, seated 3 either side of the aisle. Each is fitted with a reclining function, as well as inputs for headphones. For a small fee, you can purchase a set of headphones for music or for an added fee; a screen to watch a movie on. Each seat is also fitting with a call button on the underside of the left armrest, which when pressed will call one of our helpful staff members to fetch you anything you need.

Meals and snacks will be available shortly, the cost is covered by your ticket.

Thank you and enjoy your journey.”

The monorail whirred to life, the noise quickly dulled to a mere whisper and across the country, the vehicles began their journey towards Paragon.
They were off. There would simply be no changing her mind now. But maybe that wasn't a bad thing. Not everything about this Paragon place was bad, really... Sure, it was new and probably a bit pretentious, but what harm was there in making a place for people to enjoy themselves? Lord knew the world was as bad as it could get these days... maybe it wasn't so terrible, having somewhere to forget all that?

Sitting back, Dani rifled through her short-strapped messenger bag. The bag itself was a dingy dish-water grey with a bright yellow label that rear Falconvale Med in a violent shade of purple. She had had the bag since her first year of internships and it stayed by her side, always. She hardly believed in luck, but some days, it did feel like something of a charm.

Producing a pair of headphones and an old fashioned music device, Dani leaned back in her chair, selecting the classics station and letting her mind wander as her gaze darted throughout the monorail car. There were Mods of every type, some weld done, others she could tell had been handled by less cautious hands and for a moment she felt her optimism over the journey drain, but when she spotted the man ... or at least she was sure it was a man... in the MLSA suit and felt a small smile curve at the corner of her mouth. It was old medicine... and it was good to see. So rare anymore did anyone opt for older methods, but Dania stood by the mentality that if something wasn't broken, it should not be fixed. They took care of countless patients sent in after botched Mods, and even a few after decent jobs, whose bodies simply couldn't handle the transformations and began rejecting the process, but rarely... very rarely did anyone come in after traditional surgery needing a patch job. Medical Life Support Apparatus Suits were nearly primitive these days, but they existed still for one sole reason... They worked, and they continued to work, when all other methods failed.

It was nothing short of exciting, in a world where old medicine was nearly extinct, to see something so unrefined, so old school. But not so exciting that Dani trailed to realize she was staring . Blushing scarlet, afraid if she looked away it might become even more awkward she lifted a hand and, like a complete idiot, waved to the man.
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Fauna still hadn't chosen a seat when the rail lurched forward and began its journey to Paragon; she looked back and forth between all the seats completely unsure of where it was that she should sit.

A window maybe? she thought as she watched the world glide by outside It might be nice to watch everything go by, but sometimes I get motion sickness in vehicles.

The prospect of a window seat did offer the safety of staring out the window intently so as to avoid potentially awkward or unnerving encounters with strangers.

Continuing to scan the box car her eyes settled on an individual in some sort of mod that she hadn't seen before; his entire body encapsulated in a suit.

She cocked her head to one side at the strange sight.

Her ears swiveled around in their sockets as she realized that some of the passengers were now eyeing her as she stood awkwardly in the aisle; she needed to pick a seat.

Attempting to cover her insecurity with the facade of new found courage the antlered girl strode towards the front of the car and chose a seat a row in front of the man in the body suit. Slumping down into the plush seat she let out a long breath bringing her nerves to an acceptable level of calm and turned her slender neck to gaze out the window.

In her frantic moment to find a seat she had sat in an aisle seat as opposed to the empty window seat next to her, but now she felt that moving over would just be awkward so she stayed put, her ears burning with embarrassment.

This whole trip wasn't off to the smoothest of starts; hopefully everything would come together when they reached Paragon.
Annaliese felt the sudden jolt when the rail lurched forward, pushing her back against her seat. "Urk..!" She let out, not anticipating the sudden movement of the light speed. She looked around and found herself seated beside an individual encased in an old fashioned mod. 'Huh.. They still make these..?' She thought to herself. She didn't realize she was staring until she heard someone cough her way. She looked to the man in front of her who coughed and realization dawned on her.

She looked away and out onto the passing scenery outside. "I'm seating beside the window huh.." She said, finally noticing where she was seated. The view outside was a calming sort of blur. The kind where you could look at and not feel the need to vomit out every last piece of meat you ate.

She looked at her music player and began shuffling through her music. There are times you want to listen to a specific kind of song and/or genre, and there are times that you really couldn't give a damn about what you listened to, as long as it was music. Today though, was one of those days where she wanted to listen to one song, her favorite song. After a few minutes of shuffling, since she was too lazy to search for it, the song had finally appeared, Liar Liar by Cris Cab.

She put the song on repeat and set the volume to its loudest. It was surprising to see that she wasn't deaf yet when she always had her earphones on. Specially since she never had the volume anywhere but at the highest setting. Setting her phone back into her pocket, she began dozing off, hoping to wake up once they reach Paragon.
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Emerald-green eyes observantly darted around -- It was Elise's way of getting used to places, and it was just exactly as she was doing ever since she got close to the monorail. When in a specifically new area, that's all she would do. Getting used to things in terms of physical observation was and still is, most of the time, her hobby and habit. The people weren't that important in her process of looking around, honestly. She'd get used to the physical modifications (and consequences) that she knew she would never bring herself to have. It still remained a mystery to her just how exactly they would get by with such modifications -- they were really heavy. And that was pretty much the end of her concerns.

It surprised Elise a little, the sudden movement of this monorail. It was enough to let her eyes widen a bit.
Woah, a word stuck at the side of her mind. Soon enough, however, Elise got used to everything. The rhythm that this piece of transportation was giving away, the snores of the few around her, even the mumbles and beeps from gadgets and sound effects of software and games from a distance. No matter how much she'd try, whether she liked it or not, Elise noticed so many things. And for the record, she pretty much liked this one. After all, this place was leading her towards Paragon -- one of the places she could visit and use her own money for. But hey, free was always her thing. And her winning this seemed more of a blessing than a coincidence.

It didn't take too much time for the girl to be able to make herself comfortable in her seat, legs stretched in front of her head leaning against the comfortable cushion of the recliner. With the headphones that once rested around her neck, she played around with her cell phone, be it code a few programs, play one among the thousands of games she knew she already had beaten a million times already, scroll through the internet and and updating her statuses in various social websites, respond to and delete calls and messages which all came one by one, not giving her at least a millisecond to breathe, or simply press random things and buttons until she'd create a good rhythm and beat to dance to. All in all, she was doing great now. Hopefully, it would remain forever. Well, one could dream. Especially one like Elise.

Just as the doors of the monorail were about to close, Nathan managed to put his arm through the door before it closed, making it open again.

"Excuse me," he said as he forced himself in the train. As he entered, he slowly put on his fedora hat, making a dramatic entrance.

Suddenly, the train started moving, which made him fall back, good thing he grabbed the nearest handle beside him.

Though it was almost full, he still found himself a seat beside the window, he stared at the beautiful view while it lasted.
Miku lurched as the monorail started moving. She looked out the window at the vast landscape that was passing by in a flash. She smiled a bit, happy that she could enjoy this view from the eye of the public and not a super star. She laid back in her seat as she stared out the window, enjoying what she saw before it was gone.
Hal had waved goodbye to her family and fiance from the platform. She had hugged her future husband and gave him a small peck. He smelt of new clothes and tasted of cigar ash. Her mother awed. She had fake tears in her eyes that she blinked away easily when she boarded the mono-rail.

She was going to spending some time away from them before the wedding. As soon as she saw the advert for Paragon the plan formed in her head instantly. Shopping, video games, roller coasters? Definitely not her fiance's thing, he would never take time of work to visit this place. So she knew, when she turned the charm on her father to get the VIP tickets, her fiance would turn it down, maybe even suggest she go alone.7

it was perfect. She would be alone. Free. Well, still needed daddy's cards but still...

As she sat in her luxurious seat she breathed easily. She felt a little devious, almost like she lied to her family, but she felt very relieved to be free from the overbearing presence. And all at once she was very bored. She stared around at the people sitting near her. Everyone was listening to music or staring out the window, or asleep. She wasn't sure what to do with herself, so she folded her hands in her lap and continued to study the people around her. Not minding if she was being rude or not to do so.
With a large huff and an exasperated sigh. As if over exaggerating his narrow entrance onto this lightspeed train.

Unable to logically decide what to have for breakfast. As two of his cereals had the exact same nutritional value and he didn't prefer one of the other. He was at at a standstill until he realized he could simply combine the two cereals equally and that would be the most logical thing to to. Sadly though, this set him back almost 20 minutes, which conflicted with his extremely well thought out schedule.

And as such, he was almost late to getting on the transportative monorail, and what a waste it would be to miss this opportunity. He had VIP access to one of the most luxurious places in the world, and he would throw away days of logical breakfast planning to get into it, as was logical of course. Considering the amount of free food they would be providing his logical breakfasts would most likely look like a pittance in comparison.

And as he almost narrowly missed his opportunity and was only saved by the pure strength of his legs. Which wasn't exactly a large amount, but he had made it, and was quite tired from the running,

he fumbled over into the nearest empty seating booth. And sat down with a rather large thud. Unable to think about anything more than the food and entertainment this trip would provide.

Fauna's ears perked up as they caught the smallest sound; like the rustling of a mouse, but it was muffled like the creature was nestled somewhere.

She took a few quick breaths for affirmation, the scent was undeniable, it was a mouse!

How exciting she thought to herself I am so used to being around exotic animals something so common would be fun to see! I wonder if its domesticated or wild. Did someone sneak it on here?

Her mind was racing with silly excitement, her ears swiveled around in their sockets as she scanned the car for the potential mouse owner. There sure was more people on this car then when she sat down, but she wasn't surprised that her introverted nature had kept her from noticing the monorail filling up with other passengers.

Finally her eyes settled on a boy who seemed to be absorbed in a book. but she noticed that he had one hand in his pocket, she could see his fingers moving under the fabric.

Was he the one?

She thought for a few moments how to make contact with the strange boy without making it socially awkward; coming up with no other way to initiate communication she finally let out a small pssst in the boy's direction hoping that was all he would need to pull him out of the pages of his book.
The train was moving at a blinding, almost reckless speed and for a moment... for only a moment, Dani felt slightly dizzy. Tearing her gaze away from the scenery whipping by, she looked bank to the train car, but what she saw threw her. Gone was the plush comfort, the shiny, sleekness and the clean, fresh air. It was a hollow tube of barely-held-together metal, greasy and dirty, the air rank with a stuffy, cloying scent that turned her stomach to led. Her mouth felt dry, her tongue scratchy and when she swallowed a wave of nausea hit her with force. Doubling over, holding her ankles for support, she squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the urge to lose her breakfast all over the compartment.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and was met with a shining, gleaming floor. Sitting up, a brow quirked, she looked around her at the immaculate, glittering marvel, still speeding towards Paragon at full hilt.

She'd fallen asleep... It was the only explanation. She had drifted off, lulled by the motion of the car and had a vividly real dream. The lingering taste of bile at the back of her throat made her queasy again and with a sigh, she leaned her head back, letting her eyes fall closed once more. It wasn't much longer till they would reach their destination... but she was anxious to be off the monorail and on solid ground again.
(@iLoriel2 @Icefox11 @ModelZXGiro )

Global Announcement

The music faded as the Lightspeed began to slow, Wolf Lake was in sight, the large vast lake reflecting the morning sunlight. The lake was vast and deep, the waters clear and cool. For a moment, the speakers crackled before an identical announcement sounded throughout each monorail.

Welcome to Paragon. Please remain in your seats until the Lightspeed has come to a full stop. Once the doors open, please file in an orderly manner from the monorail. The Opening Ceremony will begin in ten minutes. Thank you for riding with Lightspeed and enjoy Paragon! Remember to keep your tickets on you for the chance to be in the VIP tour!

The monorail came to a stop and the doors opened. A celebratory

was played by a live orchestra who were located to the left of the main doors into Paragon. The building itself stood tall and imposing, from down here it seemed to reach the clouds. Guards stood around the area, weapons holstered, each one dressed in a dark navy uniform. They watched quietly as people filed out of each of the monorails that had arrived and people made their way from the station to the front of the MegaMall. A large crimson ribbon was tied it a bow across the main doors and a group of well-dressed individuals milled nearby, talking among themselves.
As people gathered,

were set off around the outside of the lake closest to the station. The loud explosions as each one went off almost drowned out the fanfare that continued to play. The explosions got faster and faster, followed by a sudden bang! as black and coloured 'clouds' appeared in the air. They drifted with the wind as the next round of fireworks went off.
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Miki tugged her hat farther down her head, looking around. No one had noticed her yet, but there were so many people here. She tried not to bump into someone, but just as she though she was in the clear, she fell on the floor, her hair falling out of her hat and down her back. Her eyes widened and scrambled to find her hat.

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