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Fantasy Pantheon Academy OOC

Another world I abandoned I wrote an incredibly detailed and obnoxiously in-depth elaboration on how the magic (it was fantasy) worked.
I just went back and it took up seven pages
That's crazy. You should keep on it, it sounds really cool and thought out
Lowkey wanna cut shakir's hair later on and update his cs, but idk if thats allowed
Everyone always forgets the Netherlands in these kinds of stories XD

My most dramatic 'rewrite' of history is how Pangea formed, and how that event caused the origin for literally every mythology on earth.

Originally the world was divided into one Land and a massive sea. The creatures on both lives in decent harmony, but eventually the water creatures wanted to own the land too by flooding it (flood myths origin)
The land beings weren't too keen on that and used magic to raise the island into the sky (sparked the Atlantis legend). It left a gaping hole where Paleo-Thetys' ocean is. A giant hole in the middle of an ocean results in water pooling in the cavern, revealing more land mass than there was before the water creatures tried to drown the land
This sparked the evolution in both the floating land's people and the water's people. Humans came forth from the water creatures (theory of evolution) though they lost their touch with magic.

The beings in the land in the sky evolved too and most beings there have wings as well as magic. The two places were separated for eons until the king of the Land got curious and sent down some of his people to investigate. They never returned. Over times few more ventured down, never returning.

It wasn't till a plane (oldfashioned one, one of the first airplane disappearances on earth) crashed on the land that they learned the history of what happened down there. (Magic had cloaked them from the world below) the handful of beings that had gone down to investigate had been received as gods that sparked some of the first mythologies (then borrowing from different cultures evolved things further of course) and each new being from the sky had in some way brought on new events in the mythologies.

The actual story takes place in modern times on that land on the sky. It started out as a roleplay, but I'm currently working on turning it into a comic.
Edit: and there is also an in-depth description of each different major species on the Land
Everyone always forgets the Netherlands in these kinds of stories XD

My most dramatic 'rewrite' of history is how Pangea formed, and how that event caused the origin for literally every mythology on earth.

Originally the world was divided into one Land and a massive sea. The creatures on both lives in decent harmony, but eventually the water creatures wanted to own the land too by flooding it (flood myths origin)
The land beings weren't too keen on that and used magic to raise the island into the sky (sparked the Atlantis legend). It left a gaping hole where Paleo-Thetys' ocean is. A giant hole in the middle of an ocean results in water pooling in the cavern, revealing more land mass than there was before the water creatures tried to drown the land
This sparked the evolution in both the floating land's people and the water's people. Humans came forth from the water creatures (theory of evolution) though they lost their touch with magic.

The beings in the land in the sky evolved too and most beings there have wings as well as magic. The two places were separated for eons until the king of the Land got curious and sent down some of his people to investigate. They never returned. Over times few more ventured down, never returning.

It wasn't till a plane (oldfashioned one, one of the first airplane disappearances on earth) crashed on the land that they learned the history of what happened down there. (Magic had cloaked them from the world below) the handful of beings that had gone down to investigate had been received as gods that sparked some of the first mythologies (then borrowing from different cultures evolved things further of course) and each new being from the sky had in some way brought on new events in the mythologies.

The actual story takes place in modern times on that land on the sky. It started out as a roleplay, but I'm currently working on turning it into a comic.
Edit: and there is also an in-depth description of each different major species on the Land
Niceeee I’m working on another fantasy story in which the plot is discovering the history of the world. Another Really good story like this is the game Horizon Zero Dawn
BELIAL. BELIAL. i want evidence dammit!
i tried to tell you, that's why the gov is after me. the border wall isn't for the mexicans.....

its for me
dropped a hot vince post, kinda short but since we're gonna probably head to class asap i didn't want to start a whole willy nilly of converations
hey guys, sorry if my replies are a bit short
i have dyslexia and dysgraphia so if you see spelling or grammar mistakes please forgive me
You know, I'm low key kinda scared that with all these teachers popping up now that someone will throw in Hades as a teacher(or whatever role might suit him) XD
(Though low key I also kinda wanna see that happen lol. I wanna see a lot happen that's not gonna happen I know XD)
You know, I'm low key kinda scared that with all these teachers popping up now that someone will throw in Hades as a teacher(or whatever role might suit him) XD
(Though low key I also kinda wanna see that happen lol. I wanna see a lot happen that's not gonna happen I know XD)
Hades is the dean of students
That... would be terrifying for Chloe XD Wait is that canon in this RP or is it just a blurb right now for the fun of it?

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