Overrated (A "Zombie" Apocalypse [Actual] RP)


Brace the Fall
Journal Entry #1: Hi there! My name is Jean, and thank you for at least viewing this. I know that you already know what's really going on. It all began three months ago, when these "violent" people with strange golden eyes began attacking everyone. It was really scary, and very destructive. At first we all thought that maybe they're just some psychos that escaped from a nearby mental facility; I mean, even the president said so in the news. But boy are we all wrong. When I was still at home with my family, I remember watching series and movies about the world ending with massive zombie attacks. I even wanted one, you know, like everyone else since I'm practically bored with mundane life. I remember watching the "Walking Dead," "World War Z," and other old time movies with my little sister and pretending we're in one. Well, pretending is over. All I can say is, this isn't what I really wanted after all.

Journal Entry #2: Hey... I don't have much time... They're after me. They sent the-- No! They made them! They have plans! Don't trus--

A messagefrom the government: Welcome to year 2015. One rule: Stay Alive.
Ellie drove down the road, her moms old bowling trophy strapped to her back. It was blood stained and a bit dented, but Ellie neither noticed nor cared. She luckily hadn't passed many zombies, so she was mainly cruising the roads. Ellie pushed the old Harley a bit faster, the relative quiet (aside from the roar of the engine, of course) was setting her a bit on edge. She didn't like quiet. At all. It made her nervous.
The last thing he remembers is socking his brother in the jaw, just after calling him "Clarisse."

"Tch." Well yeah, he called Gabriel a "psycho freak," but he deserved it. After all, that brother of his scared off the game. Truth be told, he didn't exactly scare it, he guided it away. Can you believe that? It's like someone giving you a boatload of free beer, and you politely refuse.


The crunching of dead of leaves under leather soles alerted the figure that he’s not alone. His dark, beady eyes roamed the area, taking in his surroundings. Rows of pine trees stood tall before him, blocking most his view, their spindly branches adorned with brightly colored leaves obscuring the path that lies up ahead. The figure went still, and began to sniff the air. The scent of pine and rosemary invaded his senses, as well as the unmistakable whiff of salmon that he grew accustomed to, while living near the stream for five long years. And there it was, a scent that stood out from the usual forest smell. A scent that he hadn't sensed for almost a year; only on a few, rare days when those two-legged creatures didn't steal food from him.


A young man with black hair and bright, blue eyes sent a low growl of frustration tumbling out of his mouth as he steadied his rifle. The hairy fuzzball had detected him, now dragging its overweight body out of the stream where it once been, eating any salmon that popped out of the clear water. The bear had probably seen him, but he was sure he was undetected. He even covered up his tracks and used less lead on his rifle to avoid being sensed. What could’ve possibly-

“Here you go. Look. You want this right? C’mere. I’ll give it to you. Don’t be afraid.” A shock of white emerged from a nearby bush, carrying a wicker basket filled with fresh meat. He inched closer to the brown-furred creature that stood on its hind legs, towering to a height of about eight feet before him. “Look. I don’t want to harm you. I just want you to go now. Please?” Gabe tore out a huge chunk of flesh from the pile, and laid it out on the ground, away from Claire’s hiding spot. “Easy now.” The bear steadied itself, and sensing no harm, slowly went down on all fours, following after the trail of meat laid before him. “There you go. Now, just-“

“What in the hell’s name do you think you’re doing!?” Claire, after witnessing the whole scheme of betrayal, finally lost his temper and confronted his brother. Unfortunately for the both of them, the bear wasn’t exactly out of ear-shot, and after taking a bloody swipe at Gabe, ran deeper into the woods.

“Dammit Gabe! I swear one day we’re going to go bankrupt because of your “yay-for-animals-no-to-killing” attitude.” Claire retorted, keeping a blind eye to his brother’s current predicament.

“Look who’s talking! I’m the one who’s bleeding to death right now!” Gabe took out his kerchief to stop the blood flow, but not before glaring at the other.

“Yeah. Which, may I remind you, is completely your fault!”

“My fault? You’re the one who barged in before I can safely lead it away!”

“And why, in God’s name did you have to lead our one way ticket to getting a better truck and a bountiful lunch away, you psycho freak?”

“That wasn't even a feral creature. It wasn't hurting anyone Clarisse.”


Claire bolted upright, managing to wake himself out of a bad dream. He’s breathing heavily, with the back of his head throbbing at a quick rate. He remembered hearing a voice. It told him that he should stop it, before…before… Propping himself up with his strong arm, Claire cast a quick glance to his surroundings. He is strapped on his bed, with his brother laying down on the wooden floor. It didn't take long before his senses kicked in. “What the-“He pulled on the ropes binding his wrist and bent down to pinch Gabe’s nose, blocking out the air and successfully rousing him. “What was that for?!” Gabe stood up and after looking at his numerous wounds, sent Claire a startled gaze.

“The bear. And don’t look at me like that. I have absolutely no idea what happened.”
Sky sat in the passenger seat of the truck as Darren drove, her face pressed against the window. She stared out, seeing a rabid zombie every now and then, even a tame one once or twice, but that was it. There were trees, and cars, and zombies, the Earth's new species.

Darren focused on the road, not paying attention to his sister. He had put in a Black Sabbath and had it down low. He was tapping his fingers in the steering wheel to the music.

Jaycee was sleeping in a pile of hay. She kept the doors closed and none of the zombies bothered her. She was as safe as she could get here.
Ellie cursed as the motorcycle started to rabidly slow down. "No, no...dammit, not now!" The Harely paid her no mind as it sluggishly tugged along. Finally, it lost all of its juice and took one last roll until it stopped completely. Ellie stood, still straddling the now silent bike, looking around. A few infected could be seen, but they hadn't noticed her yet. She smacked the handle bars, swinging her leg over the seat. She stood, staring at it.

Oliver lay down on the field of grass, his trusty machete in the hands. It was a sunny day, very beautiful in fact. If it weren't for the moans of death coming from the forest nearby it would've been perfect. Oliver sat up, his blood red eyes watching for any signs of hostile zombies.

Running his pale hand through his messy green hair, Oliver's mouth formed a sadistic smile as he saw a zombie running towards him. It seemed like it used to be a girl, some of her long brown hair was falling out, and her skin was a sickly yellow and had a few gaps in it, showing off the rotting flesh underneath. If you stared into the zombie's eyes hard enough you could see their previous eye colour underneath the creepy gold eyes, who's pupils would slowly dilate after getting infected. Oliver had learnt this after capturing a zombie, who had already permanently become hostile, and studying it's behaviours.
“S-so are you telling me, that we’re… We’re in another dimension or something?” Gabriel’s light, blue eyes roamed the area, taking in the huge pine trees along with the tall grass that he had been accustomed to, and the humans, no, creatures, that trampled among it, once they reached outside. “Dimension? More like another planet. Look at that!” Claire pointed to a figure crossing the river, turning his brother’s attention to a plump woman with curly, battered hair. She was wearing a ripped blue blouse, paired with an ankle-length skirt with huge tassels that was soaked with blood. It may seem normal, just another one of the regular people going out to camp, or perhaps got lost through the forest, if weren't for the golden eyes ,or her scarred, rotting flesh.

“I’m sorry Gabe. Your first time seeing a woman, and it had to be that. Life sucks sometimes.”

“Shut up.” Gabriel got off of the ground and dusted his pants, his hand automatically moving to his left shoulder. The wound was still there, fresh and oozing with blood. Gabe looked at his brother's eyes and noticed the same golden color outlining his blue irises. He also saw that golden colour when Claire had gone "rabid." What was exactly happening? Being in the forest, they were cut off from civilization, and there were no signals anywhere. The only thing that puzzled him is why do those "people" look like corpses, and why is his brother turning into one of "them?"

“Pinch me.”


“I said pinch me.” Claire stared at his brother for a long time before punching his bad shoulder. Gabriel stumbled backwards and grunted as he hit the ground, a few drops of blood splattering on the muddy earth.

“What the hell? Can you please stop being so violent for at least five minutes? Please?” The raven haired man just offered a shrug and picked up a blade that /apparently/ fell off of his brother’s coat. “You asked for it. And what’s this doing here?” After an agonizing try of successfully getting off the ground for the second time, Gabe snatched the blade from Claire’s hand. “I don’t know. And I said “pinch”, not “punch” Learn the difference between I and U. I just wanted to know if we’re dreaming, that’s all.”

“Bookworm. Dreaming? C’mon. Be more… I dunno, realistic. If I had a dream, it would be me stranded in an island with a hot babe by my side, not you.”

“Yeah. That sounds like you alright.” Gabe sighed, returning the small knife back in his coat pocket.

“You know what? Let’s just walk around, and try to find anyone helpful enough to tell us what's happening without thinking we’re insane.”

“Okay. But I’m going alone.”

“What? You can’t just- Claire! We’re the only one’s we've got. Can’t we just put aside our differences for even just a minute? Or, you know, until we get out of here?”

“I’m sorry. No can do Gabe. I don't want to turn against you.”

"You take left, I'll go on the right. Both leads to the road."

After his brother's orders, Gabe walked on, reaching a path that led to a road.

"Hello? Uhh.. I'm kinda lost?" Gabe called out.


"Finally, freedom at last!" Claire leaped towards hard ground and landed on the highway. A dozen of cars honked and beeped at him in a frenzy. "Sheesh, calm down." He muttered, while crossing to the other side without a care.
Ellie kicked her Motorcycle before gripping her foot, cursing loudly. "Ow!" she howled, hopping for a couple seconds. She gingerly putting it back on the ground. It was perfectly fine and she started stomping down the road, grumbling about untrustable Harley's. She saw a path that led into the forest and shrugged her shoulders, heading that way. Ellie grabbed her trophy, gripping it with both hands as she kept an eye out for the diseased.

"This sucks," she mumbled, kicking up dust with the toes of her black high tops.
Taking a breath she could see it in front of her. One of them. One of the infected. One of the ugly bastards that killed her husband. It had to be 50 feet away. She lowered her crossbow and strapped the light weight weapon across her back. Her hand went to the hilt of her knife as she slowly wielded it.

"Stupid ass mother fu-" She was cut off by her own body. "!!!" Her vision shutdown, her voice shutdown, her whole body shutdown when she was hit by a flashback.



Loud music played in the background as she stood outside of the pickup truck. Her husband Drake was sitting on the ground changing the tire. He made a huff sound when he finally got the tire off of the big truck. Bandit looked down at him as she played with the two rings on her left ring finger. A smile came to her face. They had just got married and were on their honeymoon. She wanted to get away. Go to the middle of nowhere so they could not be bothered.

Bandit looked up and spotted a man walking over. She smiled knowing the people in this small town were nice. Hell, a couple stopped and gave them a spare tire. The man looked normal nothing out of the ordinary. The closer he got the more Bandit got to study him. He had on some black jeans and a red tie dyed shirt. His eyes, oh, his eyes were a pretty gold.

The man didn't say a word when he shuffled up and stopped, standing over Drake. He just stood there staring. When Drake made a movement that's when it all happened. The man lunged and bit and ripped. Bandit grabbed the lug wrench and hit the man on the back. The man turned to Bandit, leaving her husband there bleeding to death. When the man came at her she brought the lug wrench up in the air and swung it down. It lodged in the mans eye socket and he fell to his knees, hitting the ground.

Bandit took off fer her husband. He was on the ground dying. He looked up at his beautiful wife with a smile. He loved her with all his heart. "I love you so much Band. You know that right?" He asked her. Bandit knew right then he was not gonna make it. Before she could speak he made a gurgling sound and stopped breathing. Bandit didnt freak out she didnt scream. He looked at his dead light blue eyes and said. "Its okay honey. We will be home soon. THEN we can start our family."



When Bandit came to there was two of those bastards trying to take a bite out of her. She slammed her knife in the top of ones skull and spun in a circle sinking the blade of her knife in the temple of the other zombie bastard.

Oliver watched as the zombie fell to the ground, dead. His clothes were now stained with blood and he could pass for another zombie if he rolled around in some dirt.

Wiping the blood off his machete on the grass, Oliver walked off into the sunset, dragging the dead body of the girl along with him, looking for an adventure. It would have looked romantic, if one of them was still alive and there wasn't a trail of red behind them.
Claire was halfway through the seemingly endless flock of disoriented"weirdos" before he realized where he really is. He was just pushing along without a thought in his mind, and at the last moment, wished he never stopped. He was there, right smack in the middle of a freak show. Not the kind of dude-that's-amazing kind of freak show, but the I-told-you-this-wasn't-a-good-idea kind of freak show. And the worst part is, he's the freak in the center. The "creatures" were eyeing him with different expressions. Some with a particular distaste, one was even close to puking that Claire was ready to sock him, whereas others were giving him the "look."

It would've been okay, but man, they're hideous. Some were fine, but still. You never know what they do in their past time. "Man these creatures are a pain in the ass." They do have the same golden color in his eyes, but they seem to be acting normal... For now. Claire continued pushing through, having the weird feeling of hands bumping , or touching him, in some areas. After what seemed like a millennia, he finally made it out, only to bump into someone.

Claire's blue eyes met grey (?) ones, staring right back at him. For a girl, she actually looked pretty normal enough. "Watch where you're going crazy hair." He grunted, stepping aside to continue on the road. (CinnamonToastCrunch )


So far, Gabe hadn't encountered anything out off the ordinary other than more people with golden eyes, but they don't seem to "act out" yet. When he was out of the open, he noticed a car going straight at him, but managed to come to a stop. "Uh.. A little help here? DO you know what's going on?" He asked the young man before him. "And uh, I'm not a hobo!" he added, remembering the order of his brother to shout that aloud when he meets someone, although he doesn't know for what reason. (AlleyKat666)
Walking up to the street, Oliver dropped the girl's dead body on the ground and walked away, humming a light and happy tune to himself. The infected around him saw the dead body and seemed to back away from Oliver, just in case they go rabid and get killed by the green haired man.


((Someone interact with me...please? QAQ))
Sky looked out the window. "Where have you been the past few months?" she asked. "There's been an outbreak. The world has ended."

"Zombies," Darren simply said.
(Yes) Ellie stared at the guy. She strapped her trophy onto her back, before putting her hands on her waist and jutting her hips to one side. "Crazy hair? What a way to talk to a lady," she snorted, running up to next to him. She moved her hands to clasp behind her back, and she bounced with every step. Her ADHD was kicking in right about now. Well, it was always kicked in, but it appeared more prominent at the moment.

"Where're you going?" asked Ellie, still following him. She had been alone for a while and liked the company, even if he seemed a bit rude.


Oliver strolled through the woods looking like a zombie with his bloody clothes and covered in dirt. "If only I had golden eyes..." Oliver chuckled at his little joke and saw someone being attacked by a hostile infected. "Should I help them?" Oliver debated with himself, and by the time he had finally decided to the the person, the zombie was already dead at their feet.
Bandit looked down at the dead bastard at her feet. There was a dark red goop seeping from the stab wound on the side of its head. She stood there looking at its rotted face staring back at her for a few moments before she fell to her knees on the ground in front of the dead zombies. Tears streamed down her face as she looked down at the ground, her tears falling on her bloody denim legs. Her shaky hands fumble for the chain around her neck. It held hers and Drake's rings. Her jaw clenched as she shut her eyes.

"Why did you have to go? Why did I have to leave you?" She cried to the rings balled up in her fist. "I miss you so much. Im so sorry" She sobbed and leaned over some, dropping the knife in her other hand to brace herself against the black top street, the heat burning her hand. She sat there not knowing a zombie was shuffling up behind her.
James is driving his normal average everyday car through the roads with undead eyeballing him and walking towards his speeding car. Driving through there having no defense for himself did not scare him one bit. Going faster than the speed limit says because nobody can arrest him. They are either undead or hiding out somewhere. He had his friends Jennifer and Delilah in the back. And his best friend Danny in the front.
Spotting a zombie behind the crying woman, Oliver watched it sneak up over the woman, sharpening his knife slowly. A creepy smirk formed from Oliver's mouth as his red eyes concentrated on the zombie's head, aiming one of the extra knives he found on a dead human at it.

The second before the zombie grabbed the woman, Oliver flicked his wrist, causing the knife to go straight through the zombie's skull.
James parks the car and him and his three friends get out it. James locks all the doors with the key. They have drove to some houses that have been deserted.

"Alright, lets check this place." James says as he walks into the house with them.James picks up 3 knives from the kitchen and puts them in his pocket. Dan finds a pistol in the closet of the home. He takes it and puts it in his pocket also. Knowing that they got those weapons the four leave the house and go back to the car to adventure even further.
Claire stared in disgust at the woman bouncing beside him. "Lady my ass. I thought ladies don't snort," he retorted, picking up the pace to escape the weird woman. "I'm going out of this forest, and quit bouncing, it's freaking annoying," he grumbled. Can't he just have his peace even for five whole minutes? It wasn't too long ago before he left his brother when those weirdos showed up, and now this. Claire began to wonder how long the woman will keep up with him. What if he "turns" while she's around? Well, at least there's gonna be one less "obnoxious interference" in the world. "Hey, I'm one of those... Weirdos, so stay away," he stopped and faced her, making her look into his eyes so she could see the golden rims around his irises. He hoped that will do the trick, at least, for now.


"Uh, I was... locked up in a cabin in the forest, it's a long story but, did you just say zombies? The world ending?" Gabe remembered the walking "corpses" and his brother's "rage." "Uhm, do you... happen to know a cure? Or something that could stop one?" He didn't expect a positive reply, but it's worth a shot. He shouldn't had left Claire on his own. Who knows where his seventeen year old brain will take him. He glanced around his surroundings and watched the cars speed along the highway in a frenzy. What on Earth is happening?
In the middle of her breakdown there was a thud. With lightening speed she grabbed the hilt of her knife and spun around on the ground. She looks down at the dead zombie and becomes shocked. She stands to her feet, weakly, and looks around for the one who killed the zombie. "Who's out there!" she called out the the unknown. Pulling off her crossbow she holds it up pointing around.
Oliver watched, amused, as the woman tried to find him. But, with his green hair and camouflaged clothing, Oliver was pretty much impossible to spot in the woods.

Deciding that he didn't have enough patience to wait for the woman to finally get tired, Oliver jumped out of the trees and landed softly on the ground. Standing up properly, Oliver's red eyes glinted with mischief. 
Magnolia sat in the car, waiting for her brother to return. "He's been gone for some time...." Magnolia began to worry, her golden eyes searching the distance for Oliver. "What if he was bitten?!" Magnolia began to panic, biting her lip softly, concerned for her brother's safety. Scolding herself lightly, Magnolia blew a strand of her own long green hair out of her face. "No, I must trust my brother. He'll be back soon enough." Magnolia leaned back in the car seat, trying to relax until Oliver came back.

Hours went by with no sign of the green haired brother.

Finally, Magnolia grabbed her umbrella and got out of the car, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulders. Heading into the woods, Magnolia searched for Oliver, clutching her weapon tightly in her hands.


((Anyone want to meet up with Maggie? :3 I'm still waiting for Ember Spark to reply for Oliver))
Ellie wasn't deterred nor offended by him. "Sorry, it's my ADHD. Haven't had meds in a while," she told him, still following him. She wasn't one to give up easily, so this man was no different. She continued to bounce with every step. "And obviously you're a tame one, or else you wouldn't be talking. Duh," said Ellie, rolling her eyes and putting emphasize on the 'Duh'. She flipped a piece of blonde-black hair behind her back.

"You're not very nice," she noted, peering at him.

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