Overrated (A "Zombie" Apocalypse [Actual] RP)

Alaina sat on a tree stump in the woods. She picked up a rock and started to sharpen the blade of her dulled knife. She looked in all directions calmly but cautiously in case the 'freaks' (what she calls the zombies) attack her. She sighed wishing she could have taken her brother camping in this beautiful forest.
Magnolia spotted a figure sitting down on a tree stump and rushed over behind a tree, watching the person. Clutching her umbrella tightly, Magnolia got ready to jump out and attack the figure. After all it could be one of those people.

Magnolia's brother, Oliver, had called them zombies but sometimes they acted like normal people. Magnolia had only seen those kinds of people once, the rest of the time Oliver had covered her eyes and moved her away from the scene.
Alaina's head snapped up, hearing something. Another freak? She grips the knife and rock in her hand as she stands cautiously looking around and listening closely. Her heart beats face but she inhales and exhales slowly to calm herself down. Quietly she walks around checking behind bushes, rocks, and trees.
As Magnolia heard the figure come closer, she held her breath, careful not to make any sort of noise. Waiting for the person to come nearer, Magnolia jumped out from behind the tree and hit the approaching figure on the head with her umbrella.
The blow knocks Alaina down and a bit of blood runs down her head. For a second her vision went blank, then slowly it started to return, but it was a bit blurry. She holds her hand to her head and winces with pain "Ow..." She stands up wobbly and dizzy, swinging her knife to defend herself in case it was a freak attacking her.
Magnolia gasped when she saw the girl collapse to the floor, a little bit of blood running down where the umbrella had striked. Dodging the knife, Magnolia apologized to the girl, proving that she was sorry for what she had done and that she wasn't one of those weird "zombies".

"I am so sorry! Are you alright?" Magnolia loosened her grip on her umbrella, concern in her golden eyes.
Alaina's vision cleared up as she heard a girl's voice apologizing to her. She was relieved to see it was only a girl and not a freak. She held her wound with one hand and gripped the knife holding it up to her just in case she decided to attack her again. She eyed the girl cautiously and saw what she had hit her with. "An umbrella??" Not letting her knife down even a bit and with a cold stare she asked "Who are you...?"
Magnolia chuckled lightly, a little shy at first in front of the new girl. "I'm Magnolia," Magnolia stuck her hand out for the girl to shake. "I'm sorry about hitting you on the head, I thought you were one of those people." Magnolia blushed from embarrassment, and scratched the back of her green head.
She looked at Magnolia's hand for a good long moment. Then she finally took her hand off her head and put her knife in her bleeding hand, as she hesitantly reached out to shake Magnolia's hand with her clean hand. Green hair. How strange... Alaina still didn't trust the girl and didn't let her guard down once.
Magnolia placed her hands on his hips and asked the girl, "What's your name?" Feeling a lot like her brother, Oliver, Magnolia remembered why she was outside of the car in the first place. Starting to feel very jumpy, Magnolia wanted this conversation to be over so that she could go and find her brother already. But, she couldn't just leave this girl here by herself!
"Alaina... What's a defenseless, well at least seemingly defenseless," Points to her bleeding head to show just how not defenseless the girl is. "girl like you doing out here?" Alaina notices the sudden change in the girls' posture. She looked more jumpy and full of anxiety.
Magnolia pondered if she should tell Alaina the truth or not. Not seeing any harm in doing so, Magnolia told Alaina about her brother, Oliver, and how he hasn't come back in a long time. "My brother, his name is Oliver, hasn't come back from the woods yet, I'm worried about his safety." Although Oliver tended to always get out of things alive, being the only relative Magnolia knew was still alive, the younger sister was very protective of her brother and only wished for the best for him.
Brother... Memories of her brother and her family flooded through her mind. Her parents... a gun... a pool of blood... and her little brothers cold, pale, lifeless face staring back at her with empty eyes. Alaina's eyes filled with horror and she felt the wound on her head ring with pain. She held it tightly and dropped to her knees, staring at the ground with a chilled and sick expression on her face.
Magnolia stared at Alaina with concerned eyes. Had she said something to upset the girl? Magnolia didn't know what pain Alaina had gone through.

"Are you okay, Alaina?" Magnolia crouched down and asked Alaina, feeling very worried for the girl
Hearing Magnolia's voice snaps Alaina back into reality. She gasped for breath as if she wasn't breathing this whole time. She looked up at the girl who looked worried and she realized now wasn't the time or place to be having such thoughts. "I-I'm fine" she quickly stands up and her breathing slowly turns back to a normal pace. She looks at Magnolia. I can't let her suffer like me... "Ok. Let's go find your bro-" stops herself from saying the word and replaces it with "Oliver... Shall we?"
Noting that Alaina had abpained expression on her face when she said brother, Magnolia thought it would be best if she dropped the topic for now and focused on looking for her brother.

"Okay." Magnolia nodded and walked deeper into the forest, in search for Oliver.
Alaina followed, not to far behind, but not exactly close either. "So what does Oliver look like?" she said as she looked around for any freaks. She started to fix her messy hair by un-braiding it then re-braiding.
Magnolia flashed Alaina a big grin. "He's really tall," Magnolia stretched her arms up, going on her tip toes to show how tall her brother was. "Short green hair and," Magnolia hesitated to say the last description of her brother. "He has red eyes." Magnolia's non-zombie gold eyes bore into Alaina's own orbs and she awaited her reaction.
"Red eyes..." she repeated. "How unique..." Alaina's eyes didn't even hint her emotions or reaction, she had quiet the poker face. She finished braiding her hair and continued walking.
(Sorry. Was gone for a day.)

Sky shook her head. "Nothing," she said. "They retain human thoughts t times though."
The girls walked through the forest, with no avail in finding Oliver. The lucky thing was, they encountered no weird people on the way.

Magnolia sighed, slumping against a large rock. "Where's Oliver...?" Magnolia held her head in her hands as she tried to wipe away the tears from her golden eyes. Her long green hair was pulled back into a ponytail, but Magnolia's hair must have been very messy after hours of searching.
Magnolia's tears surprises Alaina. She walks over to her and is a bit hesitant at first, but reaches out and undoes her hair. She combs through Magnolia's pretty green hair with her fingers and tied it back up into a neat ponytail. Then she patted her head and smiled, trying her best to comfort the poor girl. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find him. Just don't give up ok?"
Magnolia looked up at Alaina, all teary eyed and gave her a weak smile. "Okay.." Getting up, Magnolia continued to walk off with Alaina. "He's too tough to die from a zombie, anyway.." Oliver was a tough man, he wouldn't just die from some random freak.
Alaina smiled. It felt good to have someone to talk to after a long time of being alone. She just wished she was able to trust people more. For a split second, she wished that she had been the one looking for her brother, and Magnolia was the one with the tragic past. Realizing what a dark thought she had, Alaina quickly banished it from her head, regretting she ever thought such a horrible thing to what seemed like a nice girl to her.
Oliver stared at the woman, smirking mischievously. "You're welcome." Walking up to the zombie, Oliver easily pulled out the bloody knife out of its head, splattering blood all over the ground. Ember Spark

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