[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

Laughing at the accountant, Azreal says "I am a fool, did you hit your head or something. Because if I remember right the jester never dies truly. But a simpleton like you would have remember that now." His whole body remained perfectly still as if frozen as a red glow came from under his cloak again. "Actually we have gained some interesting knowledge." He said while pointing to the armor of the Overlord. "Where ever the overlord is he will not be looking as we know him."
The Dullahan sat in quiet contemplation, though he couldn't add his own opinion. He had been wallowing in his seat with his power slowly regaining. His area had began to frost over along with his chair and armor, this made him feel a bit more at ease. The behemoth sat thinking on how to start speakimg again, this was a problem indeed. He roared in frustration again.
Thraxis, who has remained quiet, is fiddling with a Leave from the Lizards plant.. "The Overlord is not dead.. i assure you of this, if he did, he would be Mine." he says, sitting the leaf he just corrupted down next to the Lizard, and sets off to find his Jester... the leaf warps and twists.. it swells into a small pod, and pops open, a new, red and green stemmed plant, with a large petaled, Violet flower... lined with teeth, the core of the Flower being a throat.

The young Sprout sits there, it's roots wiggling looking for Soil, as thorn covered vine like protrusions wiggle coming out of the Stem.

He Returns shortly, After making sure the Jester's alright. and now having a new Pot(Carved from a stray Rock) for his first corruption since his return... mumbling about how he can only seem to do small Plants at his extremely restricted present state...

he pick's up the freaky, poisonous little thing from right behind it's blossom, and sets it on the pot of Dirt.. it plants itself, and grows Still." Here, i "Fixed" your dead plant. this one should be more Quiet."he says with a Smirk, handing it to the Lizard-man(BRB, going to go make a Argonian in Skyrim..)
"But his meat will spoil long before we may feed it to the new minions."

Day sighed with patience.

"And who is to say that this armor here is not an illusion Azreal, or a copy? How many of you truly took the time to take a close look at his armor, to inspect every detail." He shook his head.

"We have no real idea, and i may be quite wrong, but we need to take time to put real thought into this."
The thread has been locked so I can catch up and post two new quests coming up.

Thank you for your patience!
-Main DM Post-

(Character template has been updated and most characters have been reapproved, if you have not updated your character with the changes please go do so now, if your characters have not been re approved please do not post.)

DM Post:

As Azreal tried to stab the jester through the shadows his weapon shattered upon hitting the floor where the shadow was and began to vanish.(This character has been removed from the game.)

@Lord Dra'Mogar'Thraxis of The Oven

You watched as Azreal began to fade and as you bore witness to the event your tiny little heart began to ache in massive pain as somewhere in the netherworld your true self began to take on the role that Azreal provided for reality. After a few minutes the pain passed and you returned to normal.

@Everyone Else

Gnarl stepped back and pretended to wipe an imaginary tear from his beady little eye. “I’m touched that you would all think me worthy of carrying on in the master’s place until he returns to us or we confirm his death.” he said as he took a little bow raising up the life crystal in his hand which was suddenly grabbed from a vine that had been coming out of the main hall’s roof and extended all the way down during all the chaos causing it to be overlooked by all of you. “Oh you pesky weed back for round two!?!” yelled out Gnarl as he held on to the crystal and was lifted off the ground as the vine retracted back the way it came. Gnarl lost his grip and fell back to the ground on his back as the vine quickly vanished into the roof with the last remaining piece of the core and by extension all your life forces.

“Acursed weed” Gnarl began to yell and curse “The Courtyard does not seem to be the source of this problem as intuition tells me that there is something on the rooftops and it’s where the crystal is now. We need to retrieve it before somet-” was explaining Gnarl as the entire tower shook knocking most of you down to your feet including Gnarl. You all had felt the tower shake and for some reason it had hurt you with enough force to give you a splitting headache. The tower shakes again as you hear another explosion causing you even more pain which seemed to have stopped after a few minutes. Gnarl rushed over to the window and saw that there were some humans outside with a catapult in the process of being reloaded “I suggest we all split up. One group heads on over to the rooftop and recovers the crystal before it’s destroyed or worse and we all cease to exist because of it and the other team will go greet our new guests at the gate and see what they want. I hope it’s pixie cookies, I love me some good ol’ fashioned pixie cookies.

“As for me I will go and see why the last of the generals are taking so long to awaken and will send them your way as reinforcements” He said as he all watched you split up and go in different directions to handle with the two threats. After everyone moved out he left to go visit the dungeons and see if any one w

as still there.

To The Rooftops - For those of you who are going after the crystal go here.

To The Gate - For those of you who are going to go stop the people knocking down the tower.
Venore, the Earthern Commander

A rippling shockwave passed through Venore, knocking him off balance. He flailed his arms slightly, but extended his leg behind him preventing him from falling. He recollected himself, noticing copious amounts of dust fall from the broken ceiling. It sounded like some kind of detonation... but from what? That thought was quickly answered as Gnarl spotted the humans outside with catapults.

Laughing, Venore shook his head with disbelief. ”The humans think they can simply destroy this tower? How... laughable." He strode towards the courtyard, swinging his left hand behind him, beckoning others to follow. ”And it just so happens they decided to do this today of all days..."

He considered attempting to create a golem of iron, but decided against it, he couldn't relish the thought of finding out how weakened he had become... and besides, there wasn't enough suitable material around. Although outside was a different story... a wasted battlefield - an ammassment of metal and discarded equipment... weakened? No, Venore simply hadn't the chance to create one! Yes, that was it. Of course he could create an iron golem...

He walked through the doors, and past the lush courtyard jungle, leaving a trail of magma dotted behind him, enveloping the grass rather than burning it. He walked up to the broken gate...

---Entering The Gate---
Zarkoff stood up in anger "worthless humans all of them" he said pulling out his sword and giving it a good one unfolded swing, "I kill them all if it's the last thing I do" he said standing up but being put back down from the pain the shot through his body "dammit all" he barked "I'm not going to be doing much of anything in this state" it was right there when it hit him "the window, maybe if I can-" he was saying as he turned the chair around while gave one push and sent the chair dragging with him on it from the table to the window where he turned it around pulled out his gun and aimed with his good eye at the human retracting the catapult to reload it saying "I guess I'll wait till something exciting happens to take the first shot"
David Levithan, The Phoenix Commander

"I'll go with Venore, my flames will quickly deal with these idiots who dare to attack our home." David says, grabbing his staff and heading out behind the Earth Commander "Its time for the Phoenix to rise again." He quietly mutters as he uses flames out of his boots to rocket towards the gate.

Enter the Gate
The Dullahan, Champion of winter

The Dullahan let off a great roar that echoed through the tower and courtyard area, he set off to the gate now with a new trail of frost behind his steps. His great shield and sword in his hands again now showed the monstrosity's strength as he walk further with ease. As he exited the the room, it was apparent the champion of winter was looking for a blood soaked brawl.

Delrodas was more worried about the men attacking them. As far he was concern, the tower was more important then the crystal,

and if it was destroyed..He didn't want to die again. Of course he was also curious as to who the men attacking them were and

he wasn't going to count on his "allies" on leaving any survivors. He immediately headed for the gate.
Lord Dra'Mogar'Thraxis of The Oven

Thraxis groaned as no one besides his Scaled Cohort... whom he followed, his wings spreading as he flew out the window his other friend was Sniping from, and flew upwards to Save there Link to this world.

-Exit to Rooftop-
Vitae Pretium

"I think I shall go see what is going on, i'm all for repairing the tower, but, even I have somewhat of a want for action, I have been so bored." He calmy walks out of the hall and out to the Gate
Alisha, The Shadow Sorceress

Alisha had quietly entered the Main Hall and made sat down at the table where she quietly put on Day's Coat which she dropped before for battle and ignored her tools while she dazed off.

-Entering from The Gate-
Eratio, the Traitor

Eratio had arrived a bit before from the Gate, and was still quieted at all that had transpired there. Currently, he was sitting at a windowsill, looking out at all that was transpiring. He pulled back out the black queen, staring at its ebony coat as Venore returned the Paladin, Vitae's stunning return, and David's discovery of deep damage. All the time, his icy eyes burned with hatred- hatred at being alive after his betrayal, hatred at not having spilt blood, hatred at the survival of the enemy army, hatred at that Paladin for surviving...

He continued to stare out at the grassy plain, a wind sweeping over the ancient battlefield.
Venore, the Earthern Commander

---Entering from The Gate---

Venore walked past, oblivious to everyone inside the room, holding the halberd he always held, as well as what appeared to be some kind of ornate golden cross which Venore simply stared at. He walked briskly towards a corridor which led to the underground caverns of the Tower, a thin trail of magma following behind.

---Entering Venore's Chambers---
Thraxis's Freaky Mutant Plant Minion

Sudden started moving again, and began to move on its Vines, to follow its Master to the roof...

Thraxis' habit of corrupting organisms into minions is likely well-known among his allies...

-Exit to The Rooftop-
Eratio, the Traitor

Eratio broke his thoughts of hate, which right now were a beautiful image of Venore being grounded by a dragon, with the movement of the plant. Looking at it kinda unsettled the General, to that strange point where it was almost funny. "Eh heh heh... is that thing supposed to do that?" While he said this, he looked over at Alisha who, at this time, looked like she could be hit with a skillet and not be disturbed. He got up from his perch at the windowsill, all anger now dissipated, and walked over to Alisha. "Heeeeey, Alisha, you alive? Hello?" Somewhat obnoxiously, and for reasons he could not fathom, Eratio found himself twisting upside down to look Alisha in the eyes.
Alisha, The Shadow Sorceress

Alisha seemed lost in thought only to finally snap back to reality with Eratio's question of being alive. Grinning back at him she flashed between a burnt skeleton whose bones were black and back to a beautiful woman. "No I am not and I am not dead either, How king of you to take interest in me. What is it you want Eratio?"
Eratio, the Traitor

When she shifted into a skeleton, Eratio did something that only he has been known to really do- smile as if he enjoyed that sight. "Well, it's good to know that you're still not in the afterlife, Alisha. Anyway, we have some... problems that I've been thinking about, and that we need to address." As he explained the problems that were troubling himself, Eratio made sure to get comfortable across from her, as he had a feeling that this would be a long talk.

David Leviathan, the Phoenix Commander

"I take it that everything is alright now?" David asks from the shadows before emerging into the room, his Phoenix on his shoulder and his Armored Lava Elemental behind him.


"The good news is that I have the Forges pumping out weapons as we speak, and that I can still make Lava Elementals even in my weakened state." He says, somewhat proud of what he has done "The bad news is that only one of the Three Magma Vats are operational, the working one needs repairs, and I can't make these things as fast as I used to." He says, pointing to the Elemental behind him.
Serene Harenadiphes

Serene cautiously entered from the Courtyard, hearing voices as she got closer. She breathed a sigh of relief as she-- after many years of emptiness-- saw faces she was familiar with. Thank goodness.

"Greetings," she announced her arrival to everyone in the Main Hall. "Please forgive my absence. It appears that I did not awaken as soon as I had hoped." The first person she saw was the Phoenix Commander. At least, she thought it was him... wasn't it? He had the phoenix and there was the lava elemental behind him. It had to be him, but he looked... different. "I... hope everyone is well?" She kind of knew that maybe the Phoenix Commander wasn't but... at least he was walking. And if he had his phoenix and elementals, he must be in a well-enough condition.

It felt strange seeing people again. She had been alone for such a long time. Just seeing their faces made her feel a lot better.

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